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Latest revision as of 23:20, 24 March 2020

When Harry met Spike
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Buffy, Spike and Harry meet in Mac's
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike, Harry Dresden

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's late evening, and Buffy's finally off work, which is good, because she's feeling a little tired. But hey, at least Spring break is here, even if it's only a few weeks long. That doesn't mean she is less exhausted between longer patrol sessions and having to pull in extra hours at work (crazy bosses!)

Ahem, so here she is, ready to chillax at Mac's, perhaps hoping to find some more information on where the other kids were taken from the Hidden Eye nightclub. Because clearly Lord Armastus has something really bad in store for them. And time's running out.

"Evening Mac!" she calls cheerfully to the bartender as she steps in, "Um, I'll have a steak well done, and a beer." Yeah, Buff likes the beer, she's really started to enjoy drinking a lot since it became legal for her.

Spike has posed:
Spike's here too, at the bar dressed in his usual garb. Hearing Buffy, Spike shrugs. "Well I know who'll walk you home" he says with a lot of snark. As in, more snark than the Slayer deserves.

See, Buffy better not get that drunk again, Spike's....well, he's Spike. That and he's the same as ever, there's a beer in front of him too and he nods to Mac with a shrug watching Mac, then spins to see Buffy.

Raising a hand to wave, he's still got his canary yellow hair. Canary. Freaking. Yellow...Spike, tweet tweet. Where's the cat?

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry sits in the corner of Mac's quietly eating a steak sandwich, washing it down with one of Mac's dark ales. He doesn't look up as Buffy arrives, focused instead on the paperback novel with a well bent spine he is reading, and he has no knowledge of Spike so the vampire's voice doesn't raise any bells. Buffy's voice pierces the room and causes Harry to look up from the pages, slinking back down into his chair to try and hide.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Spike, "Oh, I'm sure you'd be only too happy to walk me home, wouldn't you." she rolls her eyes as she grabs her steak and her beer, taking a long sip, "Been a long day, I'm exhausted from patrolling..Now that you're back in town, you could help me out too, y'know?" oh right, the dye. She grins, reaching up to muss his hair again playfully. "Hey, I couldn't find any dye in my apartnment, but maybe we can go shopping tomorrow? Don't worry, you're fine.."

Oh and there's that other thing too. "Oh that's right, I guess you've been gone a long time..A lot has happened, vamps have been growing exponentially in numbers and..Hey, there's Harry!"

She waves to him, grabbing her tray, crossing the floor to join him but lingers a moment, "Hey, mind if I..Err..We join you? How've you been?" her brows arch in concern, "I mean, the other day..." Buffy doesn't go into further detail, but she looks more concerned than mocking as she regards him thoughtfully.

Spike has posed:
Spike laughs. "You gonna fall asleep in my arms again? You snore, you know that?" Spike teases, not even stopping her mussing up his hair. "So that's all I gotta do to get you to take me shopping. Well then" Spike smirks. Looking over to Buffy, Spike smirks again. "Long day, patrolling. I need to help you with that. Got any novelty mugs?" he asks looking to Buffy thenn ovver to Harry.

Spike scoffs at the book reading wizard. Which isn't always the best idea really, shaking his head Spike laughs. "Somebody's cultured in here. Holy what it happened"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry sighs as he is spotted, shaking his head slightly as he lowers the book, "Hey Buffy." the giant wizard says, dog-earing the page of his book and tossing it onto the table. "No, feel free. Free country and all that, so take a load off."

The wizard's eyes shift over to Spike, watching the vampire for a moment as the canary yellow haired Billy Idol wannabe sits down before shifting his eyes back to Buffy, "I've been fine. A bit stiff." Badum-cha. "I mean, I for sure won't take people for granite anymore. I learned a hard lesson."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers makes a face at Spike, playfully elbowing him, "Geez, you make it sounds like I make a habit of doing it..I was seriously drunk okay? And trying to get over..Err...." she flushes terribly, shrugging and turning to face Harry.

"Hey Harry, glad to see you're doing better. We were all really worried about you." she cant help but smile at his cynical sense of humour, a corner of her lip turning up into a slight smirk. "I'm sure Bob didn't help there, any."

She nods to Spike, "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. Harry, meet Spike, Spike, Harry. You can trust him.." She decides not to get into the whole 'Harry's a Wizard!' or even worse, 'Spike's a vampire! but a gooood Vampire!' cuz he already has his hands full of vamps probably.

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head at Buffy, "You're not buying seaweed green or hot pink bubblegum dye when my back's turned" Spike asides to Buffy and looks to Harry and the book. "Man of culture....alright, a book" he admits looking a little worried.

Turning his attention to Harry, he flicks his gaze back to Buffy eating his food. So what, Spike eats food. Big deal.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry shifts his eyes from Spike to the book on the table and back. "I mean, sure, if you call Dragons of Autumn Twilight culture. Pop culture maybe. What, don't you read?"

HArry picks up his beer and takes a swig from the bottle, looking back to Buffy, "I'm fine. It was just a mishap, they happen...though usually not to that level of severity. It would have worn off eventually, potions only last a finite amount of time." The wizard shrugs a shoulder and takes another bite of his sandwich. "Thanks though. Sorry to put you through that."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs at Spike, mussing up his hair some more. "Awwe c'mon, the Big Bad Spike with bubblegum pink hair? That'd be priceless. I mean, just imagine if Drusilla could see you now.." Yup, she's having fun at Spike's expense.

Still, Buff takes a seat and hungrily digs into her steak. "Oooh, Dragons of Autumn Twilight? I always loved the Dragonlance Novels. I mean, I wonder if REAL dragons exist? Although after all I've seen, it wouldn't really be that unimaginable, would it?"

She smiles at Harry, her smile gentler than the one she gave Spike, "Don't sweat it, Harry. We all make mistakes. I mean, I did some really really stupid things recently and..." and she glares warningly at Spike, "And you'd better not tell a soul about it. But hey, I have more reason to be ashamed than you.." she doesn't elaborate on that though..

Spike has posed:
Spike looks amused, "You try the neon pink hair dye" Spike mutters to Buffy, looking too invested in this. Looking over to Buffy, then Harry Spike shrugs just listening for the moment. "So. So" Spike admits looking thoughtful

"Yeah I read. Sheesh. I hread, what do you take me for? Just cause I like my TV doesn't mean I'm an illiterate idiot, really" Spike shrugs, watching Harry then the book. "Yeah I call that cultured"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry glances over to Buffy, thumbing over at Spike, "So..where did you pick up the '80's Billy Idol wannabe? What was your name? Spike? I think the punk looked died a few years ago. At least I had hoped that it had just evolved into Goth. Maybe I am wrong, I don't keep up with the current fashion trends."

The wizard sighs, combing his fingers through his own mop of unruly hair, looking over to Buffy when she starts to talk about her own stupid acts, looking back and forth between the vampire and her. "Oh? You dump Thomas to pick up with this guy?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles at Spike, "Heh, neon pink would be cool, I mean you're all into the 70s punk look, even though you're terribly out of date..And somehow you manage to look hot in spite of it all." Oh dammit, did she just call Spike hot? Shoot, she soo shouldn't have that.

"Umm well, we go back a ways back. Guess you could say he's an old friend and...!" and then he has to go and say that! Buffy's hands clench into fists, gritting her teeth, "Heey! do you really think I'd dump Thomas for...?" she takes a couple of deep breaths, not wanting to break the peace code in this bar..

"Okaay so me and Spike are close, but I'm still madly in love with Thomas. And I've given up on trying to win your approval.." she sighs, seeming so intent on trying to win his approval for some strange reason..

Spike has posed:
Oh, she did. Spike looks amused, then takes Buffy's side.

"You sticking your nose into her love life?" he asks defensively. Okay, Spike standing up for Buffy...yeah, that's a red flag. He gives Hary a dirty lookk too as if definitely taking Buffy's side. Watching them both Spike shrugs.

"You know, I could ask who you're dating and if you ditched anyone recently. I got more class than that" Spike sighs. Yeah. Spike. Class. Those words don't oftenn go togetheer....though the wicked glaeam in his eyes is something else.

"If he's gonna be a dick, why don't we try out hair dye on all threee of us?" Spike adds. More to Buffy than anyone else...but still, the idea's clear, mess up Harry's hair.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden glances between Spike and Buffy, folding his arms over his chest. "I don't understand why the hell you have been trying so hard to even GET my approval. I'm not your dad, you don't need my approval, Buffy, but if you are going to date an Incubus, I'm going to question your faculties to make sure they aren't being manipulated. That. Is. What. They. Do!"

Harry sighs exasperatedly, "Look, Thomas is an ok guy, and sure...he has helped me out on occasion, but that doesn't change what he is. A scorpion will still sting even though you are giving it a ride across the pond. It's in its nature."

Harry casts his glance over towards Spike, looking the man up and down, "Yeah. You scream classy."

Spike has posed:
Spike laughs. "Yeah I'm classy, punk. You're observant aren't you?" he asks watching Harry then to Buffy, looking from one to the other like it's a tennis match.

"Incubus? Buffy's dating what?" Spike asks quietly, chewing on his sandwich with a worried look.

"So....Buffy's dating an incubus? Really?" Spike asks watching Buffy and Harry quietly. Oh yes, Spike's not happy with this.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Spike, it's alright." Buffy glances at him, shaking her head. "I get it, you think I'm some young, hot headed, irrational girl who seems to be addicted to trouble. Well..You might be partially right..Heck, three of my closest friends are vamps. But where Thomas is concerned.."

She draws a deep breath, considering as she's considered many times before. But it's not her place to tell. "It's pretty sad and ironic..He finally wracked up the courage to tell you, then you passed out before he could say it. Please Harry, just talk to him? He..He has something really important to tell you, something that may very well change your life.."

For a moment, Buffy seems..well, sad, as she climbs to her feet, downing the last of her beer and taking her empty dish back to the bar.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry smirks at Spike, "Whose sticking their nose in places now, Billy? It's funny how tables turn."

The wizard looks to Buffy, throwing up his hands in surrender. "Sure. Fine. I'll go talk to the guy sometime. I may even listen to what he has to say, but I am highly certain that whatever he has to say isn't going to change my mind on things. The man still uses sex to feed from people, and I doubt he is going to starve himself."

Spike has posed:
"Oh no, You were the one who brought it up" Spike points out. "So no, I'm just putting my nose where you opened the door so look in the mirror before you put words in my mouth" Spike says watching Harry for a moment. He returns his tray and beer to the bar, and turning to watch Harry, Spike looks across Mac's.

"Fine" he says and starts for the door. If Harry wants to make a bad first impression? Okay. But Spike's leaving the door open for Harry to redeem things

Harry Dresden has posed:
"I don't own any mirrors. To many things can use a mirror to waltz right into where they aren't invited. Bad juju." the Wizard says as he picks up the steak sandwich and takes a bite, seeming unperturbed if he offended the vampire.

Harry looks after Buffy, maybe feeling a bit more concerned about her feelings than the punk vampire, but he just watches her go with a sigh as he washes down the bite of sandwich, muttering "Way to go, Harry..." under his breath as he shakes his head.