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Science Fiction Double Feature
Date of Scene: 10 October 2019
Location: Ship's Operations - Legion Cruiser
Synopsis: Legion boys talked about relationships and feelings.
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Slipstream, Impulse, Mon-El

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy's scan has involved lots of blinking lights, and a holographic depiction of Drake's body of increasing complexity, with lots of supplemental text in some funky alien alphabet. Brainy, for his part, does not seem inclined to conversation as he works.

Though eventually a... monkey comes in, and climbs on his head, and for a long time Brainy seems to pay it no mind, though eventually he does break open a peanut and give it to the little white critter.

Finally, he looks up and says, "Mmmm. I see. Yes, that makes sense."

Slipstream has posed:
The holographic projection would show that there is a temporal anonmoly now woven throughout Drake's DNA. When he uses his speed based powers, his DNA activates and rattles about at super sonic speeds. If it continues too much, it will rip him apart and he will be yanked back between realities in an aggressive, spaghetti sauce manner. The bracelet that is strapped to his arm developed from STAR Labs and Stark Tech holds the time particles in a more contained manner. If he parts with it, he gets yanked apart instantly.

Thanks Obam--Glorith. You bitch.

As he continues to float about naked in space goop, Drake is only quietly freaking out to himself. This is gross and weird and he's never eating jello again. He slowly blinks as he watches him from behind the glass in the tube.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy says, "Just a moment."

He takes a device that looks an awful lot like a blaster rifle off of its pegs on the wall, cranks up a dial, and aims it at Drake.


There's a flash of electric blue light, as he... shoots the guy with it. "That's not a permanent solution, but it will do for now." He says. "It was so absurdly simple. The humans of this era are so *stupid*."

He slaps the button on that console, and the goo rapidly drains out of the tube before it releases Drake, covered in slime. "That's better. It isn't a permanent solution, but I can apply it as needed and it will give me the few days it should take me to stabilize you. They were going at it completely the wrong way, trying to treat the effects of your temporal dislocation on your body while ignoring the dislocation itself."

Slipstream has posed:
As he slides out of the tube, Drake thumps against the ground, then pushes himself up and wobbles a bit. Working a finger into his ear to try and get some squick out, he lets out a huff.

"If you fix me, will I still have my powers? I think that was the roadblock they were hitting. They could have cured me, but it'd leave me normal again, but I voted to just rough it out like this as opposed to going back to my old life of playing video games."

He plods around, wiggling one foot, then the other as he sends goo off his toes. "You guys got towels on here, or a thirty-first century blow dryer?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Oh, there's no getting rid of your powers." Brainy says. "You're no longer human, not entirely. It's an interesting conundrum I've encountered frequently, how when they're exposed to high levels of energy some people, instead of dying horribly are -- changed. You're like a Flash, you have the ability to choose how you experience relative space-time. Though you have a slightly different hiccup that merits more study. Your fifth-dimensional temporal anchor is -- broken. For lack of a better word."

"So, I simply bombarded you with positively-charged Kirbons, to act as a sort of..." He waves his hand, "Temporal glue. It's all too complicated for you to understand."

Then he reaches up and takes the lab safety hose off of the wall. "Stand still." He starts to hose Drake off. "Lift your arms, please."

Slipstream has posed:
"Actually, it's pretty easy to follow you. I'm not an idiot. I may not have a two-hundred-and-ten IQ but I love me some math." Drake says as he holds his arms out to get sprayed down. "I also had to sit there and listen to Doctor Bruce Banner, Doctor Richards and Tony Stark all talk about the same thing you have over and over again. I know my situation pretty well. But if you can fix me and let me keep my powers, that'd be dope. Maybe throw in something cool, like the ability to rewind time so I can reverse damage taken."

As he watches the goop slide off his body, he gives as bit of a shiver. "So, if you're like super smart, why not go about curing cancer or AIDS or stopping those sentinels from murdering people? That's the kinda thing superheros do, right? As much as I love playing the flank and spank role, I kinda wish I could do something awesome that really does some legit good for humanity."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Bruce Banner? Tony Stark? Reed Richards?" Brainy *scoffs*, for a moment. Visibly scoffs.

He stands there, holding the dripping hose. "I absolutely can. Also, powers don't come a la carte, and no matter what Invisible Kid says, I'm not some amoral maniac who conducts experiments on sentient beings simply to advance the frontiers of science. No matter how fascinating the results might be."

"Don't be obtuse. Cancer isn't 'cured', it's managed and eliminated from the body when it appears. And Human Immunodeficiency Virus was eliminated long before I was born."

Then Brainy pauses. "You seem to take a great delight in putting the screws to me. If you think I haven't thought about those things, haven't sat down and thought through all the ethical ramifications and potential consequences of intervening, then perhaps Lar *didn't* tell you anything about me."

He grabs a robe and tosses it to Drake, along with a pair of fuzzy slippers. "Your uniform reeked, I sent it to to the laundry."

Slipstream has posed:
"Nah. Lar didn't talk about you at all to me. I met Lar in the city when I was being jumped by assholes, way before I had powers. He protected me and we became best friends. I've been showing him how to be a human, and he's been showing me how to be a hero." Drake says as he takes the robe and slides it on, then steps into the slippers happily.

"He and I've gone through a lot together and what not. I ended up joining the Avengers after he and Laurel kinda took off into space to deal with family stuff. Then I went back home to San Francisco to finish college. I have a degree in video game design now, which is pretty neat. So I figure when I get bored of being punched in the face, I can make maps for Call of Duty thirty-seven or whatever is out by then."

"If it makes you feel better, I put the screws into everyone. It's part of my charm. I like to trip people up a bit, both with my words and my speed. It helps me get a gauge of who you /really/ are. I can tell real quick if you're a fake piece of shit or if you're a real dude by the way you react." He gives him a pair of finger gun motions. Pew! Pew!

"I can tell you need to get laid. Gotta find you a super smart girlfriend."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Yes, well," Brainy says, "I've known him for years, and quite frankly I find myself both worried by and disappointed in this whole sullen child routine."

Then he scoffs. "So you're a troll. Has it ever occurred to you that some people might find that sort of antagonism unwelcome? That they might simply dismiss you out of hand and never give you the opportunity to demonstrate your better qualities?"

"And for the record, Invisible Kid and I are occasionally in a relationship, though the work is my real mistress. Lyle understands that."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm not a troll. I'm a strategic social engineer. I actually care about people's feelings, but I do enjoy using my gift of gab to throw people off. It also allows people to underestimate me." Drake says with an amused grin as he tightens the robe about his waist. "Us gamers have some of the most analytical and structured minds there is. We're just super focused on strats and positoning."

As he ambles to a window to peer out into space, he lets out a low breath of wonder. For him, this is amazing and magical. "I worry about Lar sometimes. He just takes things really hard and has issues with confidence. I don't think he's used to dealing with squishy humans and our way of life. It's just confusing for him. Plus on top of his mommy issues he has. He just isn't good at letting things go and taking control of his own life."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Lar conceals some deep psychological issues and has a pathological fear of isolation. He spent a thousand years trapped in a dimension that is, quite frankly, the loneliest hell ever conceived of." Brainy says, crossing his arms. "He has a hard time connecting with people and is terrified of being alone."

"It stung me a bit when he said I didn't understand how he felt; I feel many of the same things, in similar ways. But I expect him to conduct himself like a Legionnaire, and I can't coddle or nurture him -- I'm no good at that sort of thing."

He lets out a deep sigh. "If only Rokk were here."

Slipstream has posed:
"If only Laurel was here." Drake says with a soft sigh, bonking his head on the window. "When Glorith stuck me in that prison of time, I was in a different timeline, married to her with kids. I was an accountant." He says with a soft laugh under his breath. "But when I came back, she and I actually started to date and it was working, I think. It was awkward for us, but there was a spark. Now she's gone."

Blowing his breath on the window, he draws a happy face with his finger in the mist before it fades away. "Maybe we should all take Lar out drinking and just be normal bros for a night. No high IQ talk. No emo conversations. Let's just get shit faced and hit up a football game or something. Make him realize that he has friends and not just teammates."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy pauses. "...Did you say Glorith?" He raises an eyebrow. "*Glorith.*." He points to a chair. "I need you to explain to me precisely what happened, give me a full narrative, everything you can remember that that woman said, spare no detail."

Slipstream has posed:
"I did say Glorith." Drake says as he gives a glance back over towards him. "It all happened when she came to Earth and was demanding that Lar marry her. When he refused, she kidnaped me and stuck me in some type of crystal time prison. I was like stuck in a rock unconscious. But, my mind? I don't get it.. I had a whole life. I was a kid, became a teen, became an adult. I had a lifetime of new memories in me. I got older, married Laurel Gand, had a daughter with her. Went to work. I had this perfect life." He taps his fingers together a few times. "Found out she built this time prison for Lar and I just happened to be a last ditch victim to try and persuade him."

Impulse has posed:
Bart had been eating lunch when the news hit about Batman and Superman in Metropolis. "ohh, that is not schway at all." he mutters gobbling down the five double big belly burgers quickly and then with a fiver left on the table with his mess there's a crack of lightning and Impulse is making his way towards ground zero. People might be hurt! Superman might be hurt! Batman? Who cares about batman!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy grits his teeth. "She'll do that. Glorith is -- a very very dangerous enemy of the Legion. The only one I can think of who's more dangerous is her master, and both of them have a hand in the temporal wall that's preventing me from taking the Legion back to the thirty-first century. I'll get past it one day, but until I do, we're stuck here." He shakes his head, slowly, and says, "That sounds like one of her tricks. She once kissed Sun Boy and made him experience ways how multiple versions of him died, in multiple universes. Many of which were quite horrible, and quite frankly, cruel. He was quite--" Brainy puts his hand over his mouth. "It'll be happening now." He says, "Today."

He activates a console, displaying the news, and puts his hand over his mouth. "The day the Batman killed Superman--"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, it wasn't super fun. When they were able to break me out by shattering the crystal, that's how it happened. My body got yanked between the reality she put me in, and the reality in the here and now. It's why my body just tries to tear apart when I activate my powers. Total bummer." Drake says as he looks over at the news. "Say what now? Batman killed Superman? No way. Is that like The Onion or something?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"No. It happened." Brainy says, "And bad things are going to come of it. I think we're going to be in orbit around Earth for awhile. Which reminds me... I can treat your condition, but I need to bring in an expert."

As Bart is running, that gate opens up in front of him again, after Brainy turns a dial on his holographic console.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse comes skitting to a stop as he comes into the room looking around he lets out an exasperated "Dang it Querl!" he says in interlac. "People might be hurt or dieing down there! Havn't you seen the news!" he says vanishing from where he was to appear in the blink of an eye next to Brainiac. "Send me back! ACtually, You come with me!" he orders before noticing Drake. "Both of you! we can help!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy looks down, and then he reaches out and puts his hand on Bart's shoulder. "Bart." He sighs. "...We'd just get in the way." He gestures to the screen, where emergency personnel and numerous other metahumans are already on the scene.

"There'd just be confusion about who we were and why we were there--" He frowns, deeply. "So we get to sit and watch." He doesn't look happy about that.

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh.. I don't even know who you are." Drake says to Bart as he looks a bit confused by his sudden and speedy appearance, then looks over to Brainy. "And what is going on exactly? Why would Batman kill Superman for? Aren't they on the same team? What happened? I kinda think we need all the information before we pop down there and get our butt kicked."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse phases through Brainiac to look over the feeds and read the data inputs, his entire body looking somewhat transluscent and fuzzy from the rapid vibrations. Satisfied with what Brainiac says he sighs with a huff stepping back where he was. "I gue.." he starts to say before stopping to address Drakes comment. "Fightings over, news crews and cops wouldn't be out there otherwise. I'm Impulse." he says holding out a friendly hand to shake. "So, what century are you from?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy looks up to Drake, and says, "Bart's the expert I need in order to help stabilize your powers, Drake. He's a Flash, more to the point, he's a unique Flash, able to cast multiple shadows in space-time at a time, creating echoes, or duplicates of himself."

"Bart, Drake is like your family, though I don't know if he's precisely the same. Glorith's tricks changed the way he's projected onto the 5th dimensional plane, so he has super-speed, except that overuse of his powers damages his body-- I can stabilize him with positively charged Kirbons, but that's not a permanent solution, it wears off within a few days." He holds up a scanner window, showing that Drake is crackling with blue radiance and black dots that show the presence of a large amount of positively-charged Kirbons.

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm from ... Earth. This century. I used to be an Avenger, now I'm just sorta Lar's best friend and mini-sidekick slash human tutor." Drake says as he is wearing a fuzzy robe and slippers. He may be naked under there after being stuck in a tube full of Brainy goo. He holds his hand out to shake it firmly.

"So you're a Flash, huh? That's cool. Pretty sure you're faster than me. I can only push myself along in quick bursts. It's not consistent speed."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse's uniform shifts and morphs into a T-shirt and jeans, a pair of orangish red wrap around sunglasses still keeping his face from being completly uncovered. "You know Querl, you're bad at keeping secret identities." he says with a slight put upon tone. "Probably, IT doesn't look like you're connected to the Speed Force." he explains as he looks at the video. "It safe for you to show me? like maybe run from here." He says before vanishing in a crackle of blood red and bronze colored lightning to another spot on the otherside of the room. "To here" he calls out before returning to his original spot. "As fast as you can?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Your powers will still work." Brainy says, "At least, they should." Then he says, "I have also made a decision... which I intend to take to Mon-El once he shows signs of snapping out of his funk."

"We can't rely on locating lost Legionnaires, based on the assumption that going home will be happening sooner rather than later. We need to start recruiting new members, and planning to spend the rest of our lives in this era. I think the fair thing to do would be for Mon-El, Invisible Kid, and myself to each propose a candidate."

He turns to his console. "I'm going to propose Impulse. I calculate a ninety-two percent chance Lar will propose you, Dynamite, and I can see his logic... even if you do continue to claim I have an IQ of 200. I have no idea who Invisible Kid would nominate. Probably whoever he could find who'd annoy me most."

Slipstream has posed:
"Slipstream. That's my code name. But you can just call me Drake, and yes, Lar and I talked about teaming up last year or so, but then things went kinda wonky with the Kara thing and then the parents thing. But if you're choosing him." Drake motions to Impulse. "You won't really need me. I'm more of a discount store budget Flash." Tightening the robe, he pushes off his foot and 'blinks' out of sight in a blue blur, ending on the other end of the room. It takes him roughly three jumps. Blink Blink Blink! But it's /fast/. Super sonic fast. "I store kinetic energy in me and I can release it in a shock wave. It just wipes me out."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy blinks at Drake, and then blinks, owlishly. "The history books said your codename was Dynamite. Also, if that's what you think, that we wouldn't need you, then Lar hasn't taught you enough about the Legion. What we do isn't about any one person or their abilities. When we work together as a unit, we are a force-multiplier, accomplishing tasks exponentially greater than what we could accomplish as individuals. Alone, we are formidable. Together, we are *unstoppable*. And besides, your abilities just accent and enhance the truly unique thing you'd be bringing to the Legion, which is... well... you."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse blinks "I...That would be cool." he says to B5 before reaching out to pat his shoulder "At least you're not completely corrupting the timeline and destroying your future by just being here and causing butterfly effect temporal ripples. When you get home it'll be the same 31st century you left!" he says in a silver lining sort of way.

When Drake takes off across the room, he takes off with him, his lightning bluring all along Drakes wake counteracting the sonic boom before he comes to a stop and is actually standing in respect to Drake in the exact same spot, having moved with him as he ran, he tilts his head.. "Can you release it while standing still? OR do you /have/ to have forward momentum?" he asks "Gideon, play back the recording of what we just saw for me." he says his eyes darting left and right as he studies what he's seeing.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has been holed up in his quarters ever since yesterday when he blew up at Brainiac. And well, at everyone in general. But it seems that he's finally decided to come out and stop acting like a whiny child.

    He overhears the conversation about Drake joining the team well before he gets to the room. "He's right. I guess if the others turn up, that'd be great, but for now we'll have to do the best we can with what we have. And who says having multiple speedsters wouldn't be helpful?"

    Then he sighs and sits down near the lab bench. "...I'm sorry. For everything. The way I acted last night, and for taking off without telling anyone."

Slipstream has posed:
"I go by Dynamite on Overwatch. It's my username on my team. When I was on the Avengers, I went by Slipstream. It makes more sense. You see, Tracer, the character, who has similar powers to mine, piloted a test plane called the Slipstream, which got lost in time and nearly killed her. So, in homage, I gave myself the code name after her plane." Drake explains. "Dynamite doesn't make sense as it has nothing to do with my powers. I don't blow things up."

To Bart, he says, "I gotta be moving to unleash my 'ultimate' move I guess you can say. I pour on the jumps, hit about four or five in a row and then I just slam myself into something. I leveled a street once and then went into a coma immediately afterwards. So, it's sorta a last ditch thing I use."

"But all I have is my speed. I can't do much else. I'm just utilized as snagging citizens and pulling them out of the street, or flanking and causing a distraction. I do have excellent hit scan and tracking though. Put a rifle in my hand and I can shoot the nuts off a bird." To Lar, his brows lift upwards. "Hey dude. I'm naked. I need clothes." He's wearing a robe.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse waves "Hi Superboy!" when Lar comes into the room, still not having realized that Mon-El /isn't/ Superboy. "Thanks for telling Querl about my computer problem, he was A1 tech support!" the teenager says cheerfully before he turns back to listen to Drakes explination.

"Huh..." he says trailing off curiously.. "You guys got like a cargo hold, or a super tough tread mill, or some other wide open space we could use as a race track?" he asks curiously.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Brainy rounds on Lar, and holds up his finger as if to say something scathing -- but then he... stops.
    "I'm not your babysitter, Lar, and I'm not good at comforting people who are in a bad way. But I understand having a complicated relationship with my family." He taps the triangular array of implants in his forehead.
    "I trust you. I trust you because you've proven yourself to be stupidly brave man of exceptional character, time and time again. I trust you because you're my friend." He exhales, and then says, "And if you need to be sad... then *be sad*. But I need to ask you a serious question. Are you able to... put this aside, and lead us? Or do you need to step down... and for the time being, we'll hand leadership to Lyle?"

He looks up, and says, "We have a cargo hold, but it's full of cargo. We also have a gymnasium--"

Mon-El has posed:
    "If I'm completely honest, I don't know." Lar says with a sigh. "The past few months have been...difficult." he shakes his head. "Sometimes I feel as if I'll never get anything right, and get tired of trying so hard." he admits, resting his head on a hand. "I want to be there for everyone, but I know I've let you all down."

    He nods at Impluse. "We have a training simulator that you could probably use."

    "Anyway, I'll do my best. But--what are we going to do with Del? We can't keep him here forever. But if he was exposed at all down there, he'll need the serum before long."

Slipstream has posed:
"Lar, you need to drop your balls and be an adult. You are one of the strongest people in the world. Sometimes life sucks ass and you hit a few snags, but you can't let that continue to fuck you up. Look, my team loses in Overwatch at times, even though we're the champs, and the last thing we do is sulk and whine about it and dwell. No. We go right back into scrims and we try harder, and we lean on each other for support, and we celebrate the small successes to mentally reset so that we can go into battle fully prepared and confident."

Drake is being the morale compass, right? Sort of.

"So, my advice for you, Elsa, is to Let It Go, and focus on today and tomorrow, rather than yesterday. Fuck all that noise." He says with a wave of his hand in the air. "And I'm gonna find some clothes, because I don't want my junk flapping around if I'm doing speed tests."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    "...I assure you Lar -- while I am worried and a little disappointed, I'm not let down." Brainy says. "If you let me down, I'll be the first one to tell you so."
    Then he says, "That is a good question. If we turn him loose with that serum, he'll take it to your mother. The last thing we need is an army of xenophobic Daxamites running through the galaxy uninhibited.

"Your uniform was filthy, I sent it to be laundered, possibly burned. Lar can make you a new one.

"...As for your brother..." Brainy says, "Hmmmmmmm."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse tilts his watching the byplays between the three. "Should, maybe this be done another time? You guys look like you need to hug it out." he says with a little bit of concern.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs again. Yeah, this isn't the first time he's heard that one from Drake. Though he smirks a little. "You know, comparing these types of family problems to losing in a video game doesn't make for the best of analogies." he chuckles. "But thank you. Also, who's Elsa?"

    And as for Del. Hmm, indeed. "I understand your concern. But..." he sighs. "The Guardians used lead ammunition back there, and there's a distinct possibility he was exposed. I can't just let him die, as much as he always hated me growing up." he admits, looking at the floor.

Slipstream has posed:
"My team is my family, Lar. It's the same thing. If one struggles, the rest pick them up. But we also don't let them weigh us down. You need to be strong for yourself, not just us. Heroes can have off days, but no more moping. Let's go find a bad guy, kick his ass, look super sexy doing it, then get drunk at a bar to celebrate." Drake calls out as he heads down one of the halls. "I'm gonna raid your closet, Bee-Five. You and I got the same ass so I'm sure your pants will fit. I hope you're a boxer brief kinda dude, because I don't like danglers."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy quirks his mouth. "I hope you like purple, black, and gold then." Because those are his colors, in everything from 'I think this is pajamas?' to 'formal uniform'.

"He has a certain optimism of spirit and untapped potential." He says, to Lar. "I want to flush him out an airlock, but I feel the same way about Lyle, and Lyle and I sometimes date--"

He puts his finger over his mouth. "I'll follow your lead, then. Whatever you want to do with your brother."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well you'd better find something pretty strong and probably magical if you want me to get drunk with you, because most beverages have no affect on me." Lar replies with a chuckle.

    "I'm glad you're getting along." he remarks in response to the comment about Drake.

    He looks pensive at the situation with Del again. "Even if he wasn't exposed...if he doesn't go back to m--to Queen Rhea, it'll only be a matter of time before he does." he sighs again. "I'm reluctant to trust him too, but..."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse just follows the others a bit on autopilot. He wasn't any part of the drama that was unfolding, and didn't have any insight into it either. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he vanishes for a moment between words spoken finding the ships kitchen and returning with a bag of chips he starts munching on them as he follows.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy rolls his eyes at Lar, and then says "Being intoxicated isn't everything. It's a good idea to be present in one's own life."

Then he furrows his brow. "The problem is, Queen Rhea isn't going to go away. This is a ploy, of course... and we can't just leave your brother to die. Can we." He sighs. "So the problem we need to solve is your mother."

Slipstream has posed:
Having raided Brainy's closet, Drake comes walking back out, trying to adjust himself down below. "These are freaking snug." He grunts out. "Found the shower too." Thus why is hair is sticking out all over the place. "So, what's the word guys?" He asks as he gives a glance about his new companions and teammates, for as long as they can stand him that is.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"It's a uniform," Brainy says, "It's supposed to be snug. Also, how did you get into my -- never mind. You look terrible in purple and gold."

He murmurs, "There are procedures. We need to hold a vote. Then you need to take the Oath."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse is just watching between Mon-El and Brainiac as they talk back and forth, vanishing for a moment and returning with a cup of something to drink with Querl's name written on it he glances over at Drake. "Ahh great! you're not naked! So? This gym! LEts go! chop chop! Can't keep this genious mind waiting around." he says before he stage whispers to Mon-El "I know something that'll get you drunk Superboy, and it's not magical"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs. "Drake is the one who wants to get me drunk. I don't think he realizes how bad of an idea that is." he says, only half-joking. Because seriously, if you could punch someone to the moon, would you want to get yourself drunk? If drinking and driving is bad, this is far worse.

    He sighs at this dilemma that is currently presenting itself. "Easier said than done, Querl. Don't you think that was the whole -point- of what I was trying to do on Theseus? We saw how well -that- went." he shakes his head. "The truth is, I'm at the end of my rope with this. I just don't know what to do."

    He arches a brow at Impulse. "No thanks, like I said...not exactly the best idea to get someone like me drunk. Also, I'm not Superboy."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse blinks. "But, you can fly, and you're super strong! And you know Supergirl, you have like all her super powers!" he says before he stops blinks for a moment as two and two are put together. "YOURSUPERMANSGRANDSON! ORHISGREATGREATGREATGRANDSON!" he gasps "Wow! I didn't know that humans and kryptonians could get it on like that!" he exclaims.

Slipstream has posed:
"Fiiiine, we'll go to this gym." Drake says with a huff tone to his voice, though it edges on playfully sarcastic. "We don't have to get drunk, I mean, if you can't get drunk anyways, what's the point? We could just get comfort food, like potroast. You know how amazing that shit is when you're depressed?" He gives a long stretch of his body, then looks over to the others. "I know Supergirl too. I'm her Jimmy Olsen she said, but it's been awhile since I've talked to her. Ripperoni. Also, what is this about an oath? I gotta do an oath, like the boyscouts?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy says, "You don't get violent, you just get quiet." He rolls his eyes. "Ultra Boy gets violent. We have plenty of food, including a food-o-matic in the ship's mess, and a coffee machine." He says. "And... yes, there is an oath. Also a constitution -- we're a large organization, back where we come from, and we have bylaws--"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Sounds good." Lar quirks a brow at Drake. "What's Ripperoni?" he asks. "And no, Kryptonians cannot 'get it on' together with humans, so I'm not related to Superman." he says, rolling his eyes at Impulse a bit. "I'm from Daxam, a Kryptonian colony world. Well--used to be, anyway. Before Krypton blew itself up."

    He frowns, thinking. "I know it could be a ploy, but...again, I can't just let him die."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse blinks. "ohh, wait.. You're a Daximite?" he says suddenly "I thought you all were xenophobic assholes who stayed on their little planet not wanting to do anything!" he says a bit surprised. But then they're at the gym, and he gives the small track a couple of dozen laps. before stopping infront of Drake his entire body covered in lightning that races down his arm as he touches Drake. "Ok, So now I've given you a taste of my Super Speed. Don't use your powers, but give the track a a couple dozen laps, see how it feels, and watch Superb, that guy and Querl here how they move. He might be able to follow you, but I don't think Querl will." he explains. before adding "Then come back over here."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Actually the prevailing theory is that Daxam was founded as a Kryptonian prison colony prior to the discovery of the Phantom Zone, and the lead allergy was induced in the prisoners so that they wouldn't leave the planet --" He stops short.

"No, I don't have super-speed. I'm simply able to think fast enough to keep up with you." Then he drawls, "Yes, there's an oath." He takes his ring off. "If you'd please put your left hand on my Flight ring, hold up your right hands, and repeat after me--"

Slipstream has posed:
As he is touched by the speedforce, Drake finds his heart pounding in his chest, followed by a surge of adrenaline shooting up into his veins. "HolyshitIfeelsofuckingalive!" BLINK! He is gone, peeling around the track in a blur a few times in a row as his feet haul high octane. "HOWDOISTOP!?" He shout out quickly. How does he stop? Rookie superheroes are adorable.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar arches a brow at Brainiac's theory, but doesn't say anything. "Gee, thanks." he mutters at Impulse, then turns to watch Drake as he zooms around the track.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse grins.. "That explains so much! Daxim is Kryptonian Austraila!" he says as he watches Drake the teenager moving to catch up with him he starts to talk to Drake. "Just take deep breaths you're just running at a jog right now. Sprint around the track, then come down to a stop like you would if you were doing a normal sprint meet." he explains as he keeps up beside Drake running /backwards/

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy considers that, and then shrugs. "Well, I guess the oath can wait." He puts his ring back on and says, "Bart's a bit of a studied expert on this, and I trust him to shed a little light on what's going on--" He crosses his arms, and leans against the far wall. "In the meantime... we need to decide what we're going to do, now that it's happened, Lar."

Slipstream has posed:
"Wait, this is jogging? I thought I was running." Drake says as he continues to lap about the track with Impulse, trying his best to not trip over his feet or overthink it. "So, now what?" He asks as he takes deep breaths, trying to follow instruction while not wig out too much he's going a quadrillion miles an hour.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse is keeping up with Drake. "Don't over think it.. You're running, everything is just moving faster." he explains "So stop running as fast. How do you slow down when you're just running normally?" he asks "Just slow down. Don't worry if you crash I'll catch you." he explains.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs, leaning against a wall slightly. "Well, the first thing we need to do is find out how long we have. As in, figure out how much is or was in his system if it has already happened. And then--I don't know. Either way, I can't let him die. I have to give it to him if he needs it. I...always thought I could eventually talk sense into Rhea, but--" he shrugs. "Sometimes I wish I hadn't alienated them so much."

Slipstream has posed:
As he slows down, Drake simply goes.... "Oh. That ...was easy." He says as he trots to a stop, then leans down to gives his knees a rub. "This uniform makes me feel like I'm wearing plastic wrap. Am I gonna get one also or can I just do casual?" He asks as he gives a long stretch of his body upwards, then looks back over to the rest of the team.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy looks up, opens his mouth, closes it, and then opens it again. He strokes his chin, and then says, "Lar--"

He walks up to the other Legionnaire, and grabs his face with both hands. "Look at me, please."

"*Your brother is a narcissist. Your mother is a xenophobic despot with dreams of intergalactic hegemony. That your family produced someone as honorable, brave, and noble as you *is a mystery I cannot explain*."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse grins. "Looks totally different and feels completely different than when you do your jumps doesn't it." he says patting Drake on the back before turning to look at Brainiac. "He's not a speedster." he says simply and with conviction..

Mon-El has posed:
    "I...thank you, Querl." Lar says, nodding. "But I'm sure you understand that even if that may be true, it doesn't mean I'd let them die. They are still my family, terrible as they may be. Besides, I wouldn't wish that kind of death on anyone, not even the worst criminal on Takron-Galtos." he shrugs. "Who knows, maybe Del will come around. Maybe he's not as bad as we think. People can change, after all. Maybe he'll join us, too."