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The Dark Fairy
Date of Scene: 09 May 2020
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Megan is suspicious of Morgana. Things go south quickly.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Morgana le Fay, Nightingale, Firefly (Barrows)

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is out by the Lake again, which seems to be her preferred spot for meeting with her non X-men friends. Especially as she's been confined to the school grounds. Again. But this time it really is for her own safety. She's been avoiding other kids as much as possible for fear of hurting them or..Who knows what? She doesn't trust herself anymore, and so she hangs around the lakeside, sighing softly as she stares at her goth like reflection. Today she's dressed in that lilac corset top and matching hot pants and mesh underneath. Yeah, she's totally sporting batgirl with those grey bat wings..

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's not too far from the lake either really as she's in her robes and crown. Queen Morgana is a thing today as she sits by the lake, wtching. She's about....oh, a few hundred feet from Pixie. Morgana's settled in, relaxing and gazing into the water too like she's willing to scry with it. Yeah no, that won't happen...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn lifts her head, sensing the magic before she spots the fairy and breaks into a smile. "Morganaaaaa!" she runs towards her and tackle-hugs her. "Hiii! Didja come to see me? I missed you.." she pouts, "I wanted to come see you in Avalon but.." she sighs, "I've been..Not quite right lately, They wanted me to lay low for a bit.."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Thud, Morgana was sitting and is now tacklehugged by Pixie. Morgana shakes her head and looks up at Pixie. "Hello to you too" she says with a look over past Pixie and wriggles a bit. "Hey now. Hey, hey, let me get up" Morgana says gently. "I like not seeing thee world from flat on my back"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, releasing her after a few moments, "Ahhh, sorry! I was just happy to see you, but.." she sighs, "But I dunno if I can trust myself lately..My abilities have changed..I think I scared Storm away even and.l." Megan pouts, "I can create your worst fears only, I enjoyed watched people run in fear..I think the goblin prince is influencing me somehow.."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana looks a little worried then to Pixie and raises heer hand, magic swirling around it. Her hand lowers as the magic dissipates. "You're turning darkk?" Morgana asks, her eyes narrowing for a moment. This could be useful for Morgana. Mostly in her 'deal with humans' thing.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, sensing the magic around her and nods. "Yeah...Looks like it but.." she shivers, "I dont wanna become evil, I wanna be a good fairy.." Megan pauses, eyes narrowed as she realizes something. "Waiit, that time when I was injured, and you passed out.." she draws a deep breath, yes, she can sense it in Morgana too. "Your magic...Is also dark, why is that..?" did she read her wrong? Megan frowns, taking a step back.

Nightingale has posed:
     The day wasn't all dark. At least, not yet. A familiar figure was indulging in one of the things that brought her joy, something pure and simple and good. It was the love of flight. A love that brings her diving out of the sky, barreling towards the surface of the lake, with peals of laughter filling the air in her wake. At the last possible second, Shannon snaps her wings outwards, and skims along the surface of the water, reaching down with her hand to trail her fingers along the surface. She's in her blue leggings, white sneakers, and Tweety Bird t-shirt. Nothing fancy, but simple and basic.

     Sometimes, back to basics was good. Simple joys were the best. They could chase away even the greatest darkness.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana watches Shannon for a moment and channeling her magic, she raises a hand, calling up a spray of water from the lake. She's not trying to soak poor Shannon, more to distract herself and her fellow fairy, though the water Morgana calls up does gleam in the light a bit and crash back to the lake. Who needs stones?

"My magic is dark? I was betrayed. If you know your mythology" Morgana offers. "I did try and summon Ch'thon however so..."

Oh, she just admitted that. Oops

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, briefly sprayed by water. Had she sensed wrong? Had she jumped the gun? "Oh no, Shannon, watch out!" she calls, more for concern of her getting hit with water than the possibility of her being attacked by Morgana. But Morgana would be er hurt anyone...Right?

"I'm sorry, maybe I was mistaken.." though she does eye her warily, confused, torn. "Betrayed? By who? And who is Ch'thon?" she knows a bit of Arthurian lore but there are so many different versions...

Nightingale has posed:
     Soaking Shannon would do little good. Oh, of course, her clothing took a good dousing, and it clung to her fairly well. Oh, my. However, her wings remained oddly dry, with crystalline droplets from Morgana's spell rolling right off of her feathers. It did nothing to steer her off-course. All she did was twirl up into the air as if she were a figure skater, laughing.

     A normal day and a normal flight for the winged healer in training.

     She does spot Megan by the shore, and angles her flight downwards, braking with a few backsweeps of her wings, to land next to her compatriot. Morgana's presence does not escape her, and she raises her eyebrows. Despite looking like a dry-winged drowned rat, with her hair and clothes clinging to her, she retained a surprising amount of dignity and poise.

     Wait. Ch'thon? Her eyebrows arch, and she stands protectively near Pixie. "Ch'thon? Sounds an awful lot like the fictional Ch'thulu. And that wasn't too pretty, either."

     A brief, if regal nod, is given to Morgana. But little if anything at all is spoken.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana returns the nod to Shannon then Pixie. Oh no no she won't tell anyone about Ch'thon. "I was jailed and I want my revenge. Now" Morgana says looking to Pixie. "You sensed my magic's dark, h?" she asks with a knowing smile.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shivers a bit for some reason, stepping closer to Shannon. "Hey, Shannon..." she offers her a faint smile, but the look she gives Morgana is one more of concern than distrust. "Jailed? By who..?" she nods slowly, "Yes, at least I thought I did but.." she takes a step towards Morgana, voice growing colder, why it doesn't even sound like her anymore, a blank look in her face. "But you should be more worried about...Him..." she spreads her wings, "My dear fairy queen.." her eyes darken to black skits, smiling coldly as she spreads her wings, their grey leathery surfaces glittering with black and pink sparkles. What oh what is Megan up to..?

Nightingale has posed:
     Awww, /bumsen/. This was not good. And this was likely to get to be out of her league /real/ fast. She was going to need backup. Fishing in the little brown bag she always had with her, she gets her phone and is quick to tap out a message. <<S.O.S. Pixie In Distress. Need backup by the lake. STAT. Get a teacher out here if you can.>> She fires off the message as quick as she can, and hopes it reaches someone in time.

     She slips the phone back into her little brown bag, and steps up a bit closer to Pixie. "Megan... what is going on here? Talk to me. Please?"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    The sounds of wings flapping and soon a winged being land. First off it looked like an armored knight, if only the armor was made of pure light. He has eight wings and they seem to be made of light as well. He wears a helmet made of light with eye slits that only exposes his eyes. Once landed he raises his hand and forms a mace made of pure light, the light covering him has a calming and healing affect on everything it shines on. "They should be on their way." He says as he moves between the girls and morgana.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana watches the light being land, as she brings her hand up,dark energy swirling around it as she looks to the light....thing and motions with her hand. Ouch, she's unleashing a blast of dark magic. Which, oh by the way, takes its toll on her with her hand waving. Great, just....great. So she's exerting herself annd protecting herself...mostly since she wants to get away from Pixie and her threats, too.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn isn't quite herself right now, and she might understand why Morgana is on edge. But she is also her friend, and she trusts her. But this is...She gasps, turning towards Josiah, snapping out of her reverie. "Josiah! Morgana, no!" she darts in between him and Morgana, because she might just have a bit more magical resistance than him, being a fairy and all.

But this is still gonna hurt and she flinches, wrapping her huge, leathery wings around her body. They're pretty tough, way tougher than her dragonfly wings. Surprisingly tough even. But Morgana is no slouch either. She gasps at the impact, shuddering a bit as she falls into the lake.

Nightingale has posed:
     A gasp escapes Shannon, and she, too makes a dive for the fray. Josiah hits the ground, Pixie hits the water--and Morgana gets the dirtiest look possible. "You, madam, have chosen the wrong targets." She pauses to check and make certain Josiah is still in one piece. Thankfully, he seems to be intact. "Please, get to the school. Get help!" With that, she gives her little brown bag to him. "Hold onto this for me."

     A few quick running steps bring her to the shore, and she dives into the water after Pixie.

     "Poseidon preserve us..."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah forms a shield with his free hand but before he can use it megan jumps into the blast. When she falls into the lake he was about to leap in but Shannon beat him to it. He holds the bag, making the shield vanish and he flies to Morgana and swings the mace down at her. His plan: distract the enemy so shannon can save megan.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
The mace is a thing. Morgana disappearing in a ripple of magic? Yeah that's a thing too. She's fleeing to Avalon. Nope. No desire to get her head caved in. Instead, once home....she's sorting through her collection to find something. Something to, well, to deal with that light....thing, and also reecover, rest and get her strength back. As well as mull over just what came over the other fae. Because....that was weird. Either way, she's in Avalon, resting. Curse that magic draining her thing. Curse it!

Pixie has posed:
A few minutes pass before Megan pops up out of the water, and flies into the air, snarling, eyes blazing angrily. But she's not sure who she's angrier at - Morgana or herself. "Morgana!" she shrieks. Her wing is pretty bruised, bleeding even but still functional. As for her? Well Megan is nit as much a glass canon as people think.

"Dammit, she's gone.." she sighs sadly, rubbing the water out of her eyes. "Is everyone okay..?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon comes out of the water a few moments later. She's soaked to the skin, with her clothing and hair plastered to her body, but her wings remain oddly dry. "Everyone okay?" she gasps out, wiping some water out of her eyes.

     The bruises on Pixie's wing do not escape her, and she frowns. Reaching out a hand to touch Josiah's shoulder, she shakes her head. "Maybe we should hold off on healing that till the teachers can see this. They have to know what's going on out here." She looks between the two. "Agreed? We go inside to the wellness office and get some help?"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah moves back to shore as the light vanishes from around him and he pulls off his suit jacket and he waits for Megan to come out of the water which he wraps it around her. "Here." He says softly as he rubs her arms to try and dry her off. Once Shannon comes out of the water he nods and he offers to help Megan lead the way to the office.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods to Josiah, and does need to retrieve her little brown bag from him. With little taptaps that leave droplets of water on the screen of her phone, she composes a message and sends it out. <<There was an attack by the lake. Pixie is in the wellness office. Refraining from healing her till staff can assess. --Shannon>>

     A deep sigh escapes her, and she runs her fingers through her hair. "Damn it. This is getting to be for the birds. Let's just hope the teachers aren't /too/ pissed about that message..."