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Calling Dr. Stank
Date of Scene: 04 April 2017
Location: Stark Global Solutions, New York City
Synopsis: Spider-Man and Black Cat pursue a lead and encounter Gregory Stark.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Black Cat, Gregory Stark

Spider-Man has posed:
When set about a task, your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man can be quite the terror. He's been running up every lead he could think of, trying to help a person in need. That it's some he used to care about, still cares about, it's complicated, but those emotions only drive him onward. He's paid a visit to scientists that he knows, he's spoken to some of his professors, either subtly as Peter Parker, or in his Spider-Man costume, with his voice disguised as best he could. His throat still hurts from that. He sounded like Birdman in that movie, so throaty and gravelly. He made a trek out to Bludhaven, thinking that he might be able to find a friendly occultist? Is that the politically correct term? He's not really sure, but either way, weird stuff seems to happen over there. It is New Jersey after all.

But then, when he had almost given up, while pouring through some of the files at the Daily Bugle, he came across some articles referring to experimental genetic manipulation on humans by Stark Global Solutions. There were from the files of an Australian journalist who had transferred over from one of Jameson's foreign bureaus. The curious thing about it was that he had hard copies in the Bugle's server, but he couldn't find anything on the internet. There were links, but the sites had been scrubbed. He was no data analyst, but even he found something fishy about that, especially given the subject matter.

So he did some research into the company, and while he wasn't sure if he believed much of it, if even a tenth was true, then maybe, just maybe, Gregory Stark might be the man to go to. He had arranged to meet Black Cat at the S.G.S. Tower in New York. He was in his red and blue tights, and had spent the better part of the last half hour looking for a way into the building's facilities without actually having to break into the place. It was one thing to enter, but another to break. Fortunately, before the Cat could kill him with her impatience, they found an unlocked window, which they opened, and in they were. Next up, to find Mr. Stark, or whoever was in charge over here.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia was happy to get Peter's phone call. She was positively giddy when he told her he needed help sneaking into a major corporation to do a bit of espionage. But when the Black Cat showed up and Spider-Man pointed out the convieniently open window, there was more than a little disappointment in her. "You're killing me, Smalls...." she muttered as they approached the easy ingress. Even with Spider-Man's Spider Sense, Black Cat insisted on doing a full check before they went through the window. Becasue this was so easy, it had to be a trap. Noting with the Stark name on it could have such incompetent security...

Gregory Stark has posed:
An open window on this perfectly preserved building. From even a glance it's clear the surface isn't quite your natural paint, without a spec of dirt across its surface. Even down in the dark of an alleyway as a young tagger seeks to make his mark he finds himself frustrated more and more. Instead of just sticking right to the surface it simply runs down effortlessly the side of the building, before pooling at the sidewalk.

     Before he walks off he just throws the can at the building in anger, the force of the impact causing the can to burst and the young thug to be completely coated in a blue paint. Letting out an angry shout and rubbing at his eyes he stumbles away from the building trying to wipe clear the paint from his eyes. Stumbling further he makes his way deeper into the alley before vanishing from view.

     As the two climb in through the conveniently unlocked window they find themselves standing in a pure black and white room. Everything from the furniture to the floor tiles painted up like a chessboard, with ancient photographs taken in black and white to match. From the outside it seemed so easy to get in, almost too easy, as if the door had just been left right open for them.

     It's only after a few steps into the room that the window slams shut of its own accord. An audible locking sound echos out from the far too silent hall. Lights brighten for a moment and it becomes clear the two are standing in some sort of conference room. A paper note has been left on the table, along with a fully stocked bar, and tray.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man was glad to help Felicia. She deserved a little happiness in her life. Sure, she had walked out on him, but he had a good heart. He was doing his darnedest to help her out. Not getting her quip, which is a rarity for the wallcrawler, he squints those large expressive eyes at her, as if she might explain just what she meant by calling him 'Smalls'. Not the most flattering of nicknames, especially out of context.

After entering, but not breaking, that has to be absolutely clear. Spider-Man entered, he did not break anything... yet. Anyway, once inside, his spider sense goes off with a bang. His head begins to throb, and he immediately leaps for the window they used to enter. He's quick, but the trap was quicker. He reaches the window just in time for the locking mechanism to give it that audible click. He tries to open it, knowing it's a futile gesture. "So, what did you do with your Monday night? Oh, nothing, just got caught entering a skyscraper on the 98th floor." Shaking his head, he tries the door, but that's locked too. He could probably break it open, but he's not ready to get physical quite yet.

Instead, leaps up, having his feet land on the ceiling, and he reaches down to pick up a piece of paper, that's just resting on the table. He clears his throat, and reads out the handwritten note, "Glad you could join us for the evening, Spider-Man. I will be down shortly, however, business elsewhere has required me to be a bit off schedule. Until my arrival, please enjoy the complimentary bar. If there's anything more you need, simply ask for H.O.M.E.R. Thank you for your patience, and I assure you, I shan't be long."

Doing a somersault and landing in a crouching position on the table with his thighs spread wide apart, he places the paper back where he found it. "He has lovely penmanship, by the way, but this wasn't exactly what I had planned today, Cat."

Black Cat has posed:
As the windows shut behind them, Black Cat sighs and gives Spider-Man the iciest 'I Told You So' glare that the wallcrawller has ever recieved. "And this is why we don't take the opvious openings...." she mutters to her partner in annoyance. After Spider-Man reads the note, Felicia crosses her arms and leans against the glass. "Oh, yes. Penmanship is such a lost art these days..." While Spider-Man seems content to wait, Felicia starts looking around the office, using her thermal vision provided by her contacts to help assess a possible escape strategy.

Gregory Stark has posed:
The room is insulated, rather heavily making it somewhat difficult to see through the walls, however there are feint signatures of people moving about the other rooms. Mostly office workers by the looks. A very big something several floors up in the building. One of the surprising things might be that there is nothing that can be seen outside with the thermal vision, not even out the window.

     Though there is a rather small return vent, and a hot air vent keeping the room a pleasant 73 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. The drinks are cold, fueled by a small source of heat that seems built into the bar itself.

     It's around this time soft classical music is piped into the room, turning the environment from a completely silent chessboard of an area into something quite a bit more comforting. Even if they happen to be locked into what seems to be a board room of sorts. There's not even a TV here or a projector. Or even an outlet for plugging into. Barring the speakers there's almost no actual electronics here.

Spider-Man has posed:
When people set traps for him, Spider-Man feels well within his rights to destroy them, avoid them, or otherwise break them. But he's here on a mission of peace. He's here to beseech Dr. Stark to help the Black Cat. It really wouldn't do well to break the man's things and then ask for his help. Though this room does seem highly unusual.

"What kind of a board room doesn't have electronics? There should be a projector, an outlet, a communications system of some kind." But his spider sense wasn't going off after that initial scare, so he was able to keep his calm. He began looking at the structure, trying to find a weak spot to exploit. "All right cat, next time, if there is a next time, I promise to consider doing things your way."

When the music begins piping in, he explores the source of it, trying to see if there are any panels that can be removed to accessed. "If this is how he treats superheroes," yes, he included the Black Cat in that assessment, "I'd hate to be a door-to-door salesperson, or worse, trying to sell newspaper subscriptions." As a newsman himself, that industry was suffering hard these days.

With his back to the Black Cat, he reached up and scratched the back of his head. It was almost as if some laser bean was burrowing its way in.

Black Cat has posed:
Spider-Man knows from experience there are two dangerous moods to Black Cat. Trapped Black Cat. And Bored Black Cat. And Felicia is showing signs of both. No way out that she can detect. And nothing to ransack in here, loot wise. So, while Peter goes about his business, Felicia hops up and sits on the bar, idly batting at the carafe of liquor offered to them to drink. She's trying to get the bottle to wobble around, not really caring if it falls and breaks or not at this point. When Spider-Man starts scratching his head, Black Cat looks over at him cautiously. "What's wrong? Spider Sense? Or do you need to switch dandruff shampoos?"

Gregory Stark has posed:
Spidey is just pulling off the ceiling tile to check the source of the music when a light whistling can be heard from the other side of the door. Soon after the door slowly slides open. Before the door is even fully open a friendly voice starts speaking, the voice belonging to one Gregory Stark.

     "You know honestly, I'd had HOPED, this whole thing would have gone a bit different." Gregory Starts. "Bit too bond villain, as it stands if you ask me." A light adjustment of the cuffs of his pure white suit, his entire dress that same monotone color. There's not even the lightest speck of dirt on him. "All I'm missing is the massive fishtank, and thugs with metal teeth and I'd be all set. It's not really me you understand of course, but you work with what you have."

Spider-Man has posed:
It comes as something of a relief when Gregory Stark does show up, and the door opens, meaning there is an escape route available that doesn't involve using the proportionate strength of a spider to smash a hole in the wall. Spider-Man leaves the ceiling tile, and flips down, landing once again on the board room table in a crouching position. It's actually incredibly comfortable for him.

Choosing to ignore, for now, the earlier discomfort, he greets Mr. Stark with some friendly body language. "I was always partial to Roger Moore myself. I know it was campy, and most of it didn't make any sense, but it just spoke to me. Though, I do think that Brosnan had the best look." He could probably rabbit on about Bond for hours if he wanted, or is that spider on, either way, he gets closer to the point.

"You have a lovely tower, Mr. Stark. By the way, my name's Spider-Man, and this is Black Cat. We've... come here to ask for your help." And, he leaves it at that, figuring that the Black Cat would probably be the better one to actually explain things. A beautiful woman, most men would have trouble saying no to her. Heck, she dumped Spider-Man, and he's helping her.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat can't help but roll her eyes a bit at Spider-Man's cheerful greeting to their captor. With a 'fine, we'll play it your way' sigh, Black Cat slips off of the bar and slowly walks towards Mr. Stark in that seductive manner that's almost instinctual for her. "My partner heard that you have some extensive research into genetic modification. We have a freind that's suffering from some side effects after having some accidental genetic modification. Lab accident, very hushed up. We..." she gestures to Spider-Man and herself, "were hoping that some of your research could help our friend." Cue the pleading green eyes, pouty lips, and chest pushed forward ever-so-slightly. "Please? This is an urgent situation."

Gregory Stark has posed:
No handshake is offered not even an attempt to make human contact with those pearlessent white gloved hands of his. At the continuation of the Bond talk Gregory can't help but add "For all the mockery thrown his way Barry Nelson does still deserve credit for being the first." with a bit of a friendly smile. There's something very clinical about his clothing, even with the somewhat dated playboy style to them.

     "Well I designed it myself, so I'd hope it turned out well, the first building on US soil has to leave a good impression after all." With a light nod in the direction of Black Cat. When she starts to speak he goes somewhat silent placing his hands down inside of his pockets while listening along. His expression doesn't seem nearly as interested as one might expect from a woman as attractive as Black Cat. In fact he looks as if he's already got his 'No' prepped and ready to go.

     Once she's finished, however, he does finally speak up, spoken is a singular word direct and to the point. "Alright." No big debate, no bargaining just a rather calm statement as if he'd already mulled it over.

Spider-Man has posed:
That seemed too easy. As charming as Black Cat is, the man didn't seem swayed, but he gave her the answer she wanted all the same. The eyes on Spider-Man's mask expanded and contracted, as he was making a face underneath it, trying to decide how to read this. Part of him wanted to just figure out how to get out, and go. The man trapped them, but nicely... he was a hard one to read.

Continuing to rest there in that incredibly uncomfortable looking pose, Spider-Man said, "gee, thanks Mr. Stark." Did he really just say gee? How old school is Spider-Man? Next thing he'll be saying upsy-daisy. He looks over to Black Cat. This is her show. How's she going to switch this from 'friend' to her? And why did she lie to him? This is a man who may be able to help.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat arches an eyebrow at Gregory Stark's easy acquiesence. And she's fairly sure what that means for her. So, Black Cat decides to beat him to the punch, at least. "Well. We certainly appreciate your assistance, Mr. Stark. And, I'm sure that in exchange for this help, if you should happen to need any assistance from myself, I'll be more than happy to return the favor. I can leave you some contact information to use at your convenience." She looks back at Spider-Man, considering how to keep him off the hook for this. "I'm sure that I can provide enough assistance to compensate you for your efforts here," she says, turning back to Stark.

Gregory Stark has posed:
Stark silently moves over to the fully stocked bar, and for a moment digs around it. He pulls out a small bottle from the stand, and pours himself a drink, except it's not the 100 year scotch, or the vodka, or even the red wine, no it's a glass of orange juice usually used for mixing screwdrivers. He just pours the glass full, and begins sipping orange juice.

     Once the other two have spoken their part he takes one more sip before setting the bottle of expensive orange juice back down onto the table. "You'll have to forgive me, normally I keep my drinking habits to myself, but it was a difficult trip from Madripoor." A light smile comes across his face and he sets down the glass soon after. "Ms.Black Cat, Mr.Spider-Man, your friend will have access to the best medical technology money can buy, thankfully the regulations at our main facility are much more relaxed due to contracts with the Madripoor government, so there shouldn't be any pesky legalities to get in the way of making sure your friend gets only the best treatment."

Spider-Man has posed:
Oh, the wallcrawler's heart was in the right place, but we all know what road is paved with good intentions, and there goes Spider-Man, adding a few more bricks to it. He might as well have a trowel in his hand. He's a nice guy. He sees the best in people. But picking up on why Gregory Stark agreed so quickly has him worried. Black Cat certainly understood him.

Moving, slower than usual, as he didn't want to startle Mr. Stark, he shifts and does a slow leap to his feet. And now Madripoor's involved. Did he bite off more than he can chew. In an ideal world, Spider-Man would go with Black Cat. But could he do that? Could he get away with it? How would Peter Parker even get there. And it would potentially risk his identity if he's one of the people to travel there from New York around the same time that Spider-Man. This was heavy.

When Spider-Man talks, he's calm and confident. When he jabs, and jokes, he's at ease. But when he's silent, that means one of two things. Either he's about as angry as he can get... or he's scared.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat, on the other hand, remains calm, cool, and collected as Mr. Stark lays things out. "Thank you, Mr. Stark. We'll inform our freind of the reasonable stipulations you have outlined. So that they can make a fully formed decision, of course. On the whole, it's a highly charitable and generous offer, so I don't think it will take long for an answer." She smiles; an attractive, glamorous smile. "So, if there's nothing further, perhaps it would be best if Spider-Man and myself took our leave. We've certainly taken up more than enough of your time."

Gregory Stark has posed:
"So pleased we could reach an agreement!" Gregory offers with a bright smile of pure white teeth, even after a sip of fresh orange juice, as if his teeth had brushed themselves between gulps. "You'll find dealing with me is a more... reliable... experience then you'll find with certain others I could mention." The inference towards his brother clear as day, while he takes a moment to just clasp his hands together.

     However it's in that brief moment one thing might become clear: He's wearing no electronics of any kind either. The entire room is without electronics and so is he. The man himself who's made a fortune off selling electronics, hover-cars, cellphones, homes, and everything between without even a cellphone. "I hope your friend is alright with instantaneous transmission, I would prefer if we could get to business as quickly as possible."

     A quick snap of his fingers, and the window unlocks the door swinging back open as well. "If you'd like to take the elevator feel free, but I do understand if you'd rather leave the way you came in."

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man reached up and scratched the side of his head again. He was confused by this. There were so many questions he had left. But Black Cat seemed to trust the man, and he had said he would help. Once he chose to believe that Gregory Stark is as dirty as they come, and probably wants Black Cat to steal something for him, it made it all feel a little better. But he hardly felt good about this arrangement.

"Yeah..." he said uncertainly, "glad to see things worked... out." And then Gregory had to mention the instantaneous transmission, "oh, you have a zeta tube? Really?" And the science geek in him came alive, "what's the range on your unit? Has there been any pattern degradation of the Lynch Nodes since you got it? I've heard that can be tricky to offset."

But yes, he was letting them go. Things were going well. Probably best to leave. "Thanks Mr. Stark. Cat, shall we?" And he opened the window that was no unlocked, holding it open for her, like the gentlespider he is.

Black Cat has posed:
"After you," Black Cat says to Spider-Man, nearly pushing him off the window ledge so that she can hop onto it herself. Once she's poised to leave, she takes one last look around the office, and gives Mr. Stark a farewell smile. "I'm sure you'll have an answer soon. Thank you again for your hospitality and your offer." And with a nod of her head, the Black Cat flips off the window ledge, shooting out a cable to swing off after the Webbed Wonder. Seemingly, a clasic exit for the swinging supers.

Aside from the little detail of the Black Cat pumping out as much Bad Luck as she could with that final look around the office and glance to Gregory Stark...

After the pair have gone a few blocks, Felicia looks over at Spider-Man, saying, "We're going to have to have a little talk..."

Gregory Stark has posed:
As the two leave making their way from the building there's a crashing sound that comes from behind. What the source is, can be anyones guess but from the sound there's a lot of glass falling and liquid pouring onto the floor. Followed by the calm voice of Gregory Stark as the window closes itself. "Homer, please send janitorial services."