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(Chatter in the Lounge area of Shaw Studios)
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Who Do-Voodoo-Do What - Order Some Gummbo
Date of Scene: 24 May 2020
Location: Shaw Studios, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Chatter in the Lounge area of Shaw Studios
Cast of Characters: Voodoo, Phantasm (Drago), Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Voodoo has posed:
Voodoo's been in the break room ever since /that/ video fiasco earlier in the day. True, she's been sleeping off and on, but...only so many packs of vending machine snacks and coffees can keep her awake. So she's ordered takeout and brought it back. If Wade complains, she'll buy him takeout too, and if Nick turns up, gumbo for all?

Sue. Why not/ Priss is even finding the break room couch comfortable to sleep on. She's been here too long apparently, as with a yawn and a start, Priss sits up and shakes her hair out, reaching back to untangle it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the day progresses and more people are freed from their respective morning obligations, Nick enters in to Shaw Studios. In one hand, a cardboard carrier containing four coffees in it. His attire has not changed since church. He's wearing dress pants and a dress shirt and the slowly lenghtening locks have been pulled back into a nub of a ponytail. He's not really looking all that rock star ish and more... office attire like.

"Hey buddy can you hold that for me?"

Nick reverses his movement, butt pressing the door open as the food delivery guy bolts in with Voodoo's order.

"Got an order for Priss?"

Nick shrugs, "Sorry, don't know who that is. But, they're probably in the break room over there if they're ordering food."

"Thanks buddy."

Exchange given, Nick glances over to the departing delievery person before stepping away from the door, allowing for it to pap shut while he walks over to Larry. Glancing down to the carrier to tug out one cup with the guard's name on it. "There's your two sugars, one cream... Is Wade in the office?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is waiting patiently. As patiently as a telepath can mind who hasn't tried to intrude on thoughts in.....minutes. Alright, alright, she's hungry and waiting on her order to get here/ She's kinda half slumped on the couch and yawnss again looking decidedly like she's going to head out there and have a nice 'word' with the delivery guy. Or, give it fifteen minuutes and call back.

Watching the wall for a moment, Priss gets up and sticks her head around the doorframe, as if hoping to will the food to her. Yeah yeah...

Looking over the place, Priss is pleased by how it's laid out. Picking a direction she takes a step and pauses, leaning on the doorframe. Oh she could mess with minds, but...nah. Nah. Priss is behaving, she's even modestly (for her) dressed. See she can do this...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Larry gives a smile as he accepts the coffee, "Oh no. Things ran over in room 4 so he's still monitoring them." Larry answers.

Nick grimaces at the mention of the room. "Still? Well, at least there'll be some additional overtime charges."

"Well. You of all people should know how musicians are..."

Well, yes. Nick does. He's done plenty of supporting session work with some of the more tempramental examples of the music industry. "Hmm. Alright. Well, since I can't go in there, after I get Gary his coffee I'll just kick back in the lounge area til Wade gets his." Giving a nod, Nick starts to head up the steps to where Gary would be monitoring things.

As Priss sticks her head out of the doorway, she's given the glimpse of Nick going up the main staircase to the office level but a MUCH CLOSER view of the delivery guy as he nears the doorway. "Delivery for a Miss Priss?" His eyes flit downwards before he corrects them. Forcing a smile upon his face. Dang! Look at that!

Voodoo has posed:
Priss cants her head, "Yes? Is that my food delivery?" she asks looking hopeful. She gives the leery delivery guy a 'try that again and you get a foot to the nuts' glare. "Knock it off. I'm not a slab of meat" she says. Though admittedly, she /is/ showing off flesh...paradox, Voodoo. She takes the food and waves her free hand to Larry. "Sorry about things running over. I had issues with the script. On the plus side....nothing got damaged" Priss admits, retreating to the break room to inspect her prize. Food. Yes, food/ Okay so it's not /actual/ gumbo but really....she doesn't much care. She gives a little 'squee' at the food and starts hunting for cutlery cause a plastic fork will not do. Nope.Just no!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The delivery guy frowns, handing over the bag. "Enjoy your meal." He mutters, turning to walk away.

Hearing Priss speak to him, Larry the guard looks over towards the woman, giving a smile, "Oh that is not on you. That would be on the people who who didn't accomodate for the eventual delays when they made the initial booking. The studio will be fine." Eyes glancing back to the delivery guy, the security guard steps after the man, reaching a free arm over to open it for the retreating worker before going back to sipping his coffee.

Upstairs there is the sound of chatter going on between Nick and Gary but the actual words are hard to hear. Most likely just formalities. After a few minutes, there's a shuffle of shoes coming down the steps, Nick carrying a half empty coffee caddy now.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss pokes her head out the door again, shaking her head watching Nick. "You know that's supposed to have coffee, right?" she calls, and then retreats back into the room and is still hunting for cutlery. Really...really...Priss just, y'know. Needs cutlery.

Or, she could bring her own knives, too/ Though to be fair suddenly sprouting claws would terrify Larry, poor guy. On the other hand...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick stops on the steps at the, very odd comment shouted his way. "The f-?" He glances over towards Larry curiously before looking to the now vacated doorway. What an odd statement. Oh hell. That better not be one of the studio musicians tempting fate with some illegal substances.

He continues his way down the steps to head towards the break room, checking to see if there's going to be a problem for his friend later.

Voodoo has posed:
No, that'd be Priss and sneaking, and doorways. She's hunting down cutlery still, at this rate, fine, she'll just grow claws and slash open her food. Nobody's watching, right?


Priss sets down the box of takeout food in frustration and finally fully steps out into the hall, glancing to Larry. "Hey, Got any cutlery?" she asks. Not a fan of eating messy gumbo with fingers, mind.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Reaching the base of the main stairway and turning, Nick's approach to the break room stops as Priss steps out. Just what in the hell is she do-?

Another glance is given to Larry before he starts to walk over to the doorway, heading over to a cabinet containing plastic cutlery.

"Fork, Knife, or Spoon?" He asks, setting the coffee caddy sporting two coffees down.

Voodoo has posed:
Fork and spoon please, I got gumbo to ea....what are you doing here?" Priss asks Nick. Oh she's got a storyy to explain this one...great. Just great. Priss gives a little wave to Nick and settles back on the couch, glaring holes in the takeout box. Why. Why do they never come with cutlery?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick opens the cabinet, grabbing a fork and spoon from their respective cutlery baskets. Turning and smacking the door closed as he walks over to Priss, offering over the plasticware.

Hands freed he turns away from her to go retrieve the coffee boxes. "I work here a lot." Nick answers, relocating himself and the coffees away from the tables and towards one of the extra comfortable chairs to the side, "Made a coffee run and now just waiting for the last person to grab theirs."

He sits down, removing one cup from the holder while setting the other down on the floor, still protected by the cardboard cocoon. "And you?" He sure as hell didn't have her pegged as a musician, that's for sure.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss smiles taking the cutlery. "No, I agreed to help with a video" Priss mutters darkly. Shaking her head, Priss reaches back to push her hair out the way. "It....well....it didn't go well" Priss admits. "Singer stormed out and threw a fit when he started blurting things out" she admits, slashing open the box with the fork and then digging into the food. "The poor guard out there knows what went down" Priss offers.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah. Room 4." Nick gives a knowing nod, "Explains the coffee run request. Ok yeah, Larry's seen his share of drama working here. But, comparatively tantrums by musicians are not that big a deal." For instance the time Iron Fist was mind controlled to act as muscle for an extortionist targeting one of their clients. Poor Larry and Gary had get treatment for that one.

He turns, leaning so his back was against the raised end of while his legs stretched out on the overlength lip of the chair. Stifling a yawn he lifts up his own coffee. "A lot of weird stuff goes on in New York."

Voodoo has posed:
"Yeah, but that singer is weird. He said he got a tattoo of a scar" Priss mutters, beween bites. "Who even does that?" she asks, pausing munching to voice her thoughts. "Who even..." she asks munching gumbo between words. "Who even does that?"

Priss looks. pleased by her food and is enjoying it, as she looks over to Nick/

"You're right, weird things happen in this city, oui"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head, giving Priss a curious look. "He did what?" No, he heard, but he can't believe it. Tattoos are supposed to be of something symbolic, or a memory of poor dec- Ok yes. A scar design is a poor decision.

He shakes his head, "I have no clue who would do such a thing." His arm scar was very much real. Attempted robbery. And it was painful as hell. Why would someone want to fake such a thing?

Voodoo has posed:
Priss nods quietly with a shrug, a 'I got no clue' sort of shrug. "Oh he wanted to do Silver Round songs" Priss adds. "The building guy was listening too" she shrugs again setting down the cutlery and inspecting the gumbo more for a moment. "I've so many queations and not many answers" Priss adds, sharing Nick's what.... idea. Better than the unifed 'you fucking idiot' thought from earlier, mind...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh really?" Nick replies, voice betraying a bit of irritation to that bit of information. No, the only persons who should be working on covers right now would be the music class he's helping out. If this guy is trying to- Oh geez is Wade going to tear him a new one.

"He was actively trying to record Silver Round songs in front of a former member without getting the rights first?"

A thought comes to mind that makes him feel a bit weirded out. "...was the tattoo visible?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss shakes her head. "No idea. If he comes back, we could find out?" she nods. Yeah Priss is involved in this then...admittedly being telepathic that's the whole reason, not that she's going to explain that one. Nope. Nope!

"So that's a band you managed or something and that jackwagon singer wanted to steal the songs, yes? I'd like to introduce him to how I deal with that at my work" she mutters. Great. Priss is wanting to rough up a singer. Great...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick chuckles, still reclining on the lengthy chair, "No... Silver Round was a band me and Wade were in. The only album was released about 7 years ago but thanks to Wade, the living members still have the rights to the songs." He shrugs, lifting up the cup, "I'm sure if that guy does follow through without going through the proper channels, Wade will make him regret the day he was born."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers was still recovering from a crazy rumble the previous night and promise of free gumbo in the studio that Nick worked out sounded like a good idea. It's about time she got to check out Nick's other job. Thankfully a good night's sleep took care of the various cuts and bruises suffered from those crazy mercs and robots and she's here at the studio, bright and early, peeking around for Nick.

Oh yeah, she's not alone either. She brought Thomas with her. Actually he drove them here. "Sooo where's his room again?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith offers that easy, comfortable smirk. "Well if I were to guess..." He holds the door open for Buffy and lets her proceed him inside. "Need to talk to Nick any way about the disturbance outside the Club the other night too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the ever present bass of the car's stereo system that no amount of sound proofing could ever hope to fully stop. Nick takes a deep sigh before he looks towards the doorway that leads out to the lobby area, waiting patiently as the sound dies away and for the door to open up.

Sure enough familiar voices can be faintly heard near Larry's post.

"Over here guys," the lazy performer calls out from the comfortable oversized chair, "just killing time in the lounge."

He reaches down, tugging the carrier containing the last of the coffees to be positioned between chairs, safe from unknowing foot traffic.

Voodoo has posed:
Voodoo nods to Nick and looks over him, then back to her food and digs at it again. Ah she could use coffee, though Priss looks to the door. "Friends of yours?" she asks lazily.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers around and smells tasty gumbo before she even notices Nick and..The super tall, exotic and beautiful woman he's talking to. "Oh hey Nick, did you make the gumbo? a Need help eating it?" she grins, tugging Thomas with her. "Heh, thought we'd drop by and say hi." she nods to Voodoo, "Hi, I'm Buffy, are you one of his co-stars?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes and brushes his lips agienst Buffy's collar bone and says "Didn't we just eat half and hour ago?" In a playfully teasing tone. After all he knows how demanding a Slayers metabolism cn be. He nods to Nick, headding in the other man's direction, looking at Priss for just a second then chuckling to himself.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Friends from other work." Nick explains to Voodoo at the nearby table before looking over to Buffy, "What you're smelling is what she had delivered." He answers, "But I'm sure she'd be willing to tell you where she got it from if you're wanting to order some as well. We got plenty of plasticware here if they forget the utensils again."

As Buffy asks Priss if she's a costar, he glances back to Priss again to take more of an assessing look. Ah right. Music video."

He looks back to Buffy, "Not my video. We're just talking. "

Voodoo has posed:
Priss looks over to Thomas then to Buffy and Thomas, with a shrug. "Yeah I was here to shoot a music video. Before you all think it's other things." she says, starting with Thomas's brain (if he lets her) then focusing back on gumbo, chewing while she thinks on it.

"Soo. If you're hungry I can share gumbo?"

Oh yes. Round 2 with her favorite delivery guy...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers giggles a bit at Thomas, playfully elbowing him, "Heey, I just beat up hundreds of robots and mercs last night. Plus I skipped dinner. I totally deserve it!" she peers at Voodoo thoughtfully, thinking she'd fit in perfectly at Thomas' club. Or maybe she's a White Court vamp. Hopefully she won't make moves on her guy though.

Not that she should be worried. "Music video huh? That's cool." she smiles, stepping towards the tasty food, grabbing a food and piling it up. "Thanks! So, music video huh? What's it about?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives Buffy the playful smile. "sure, sure I understand. " He says playfully, nudging into her again. "Sorry I wasn't able to make it out last night, you know how it can be at the Club sometimes. He offers his hand to trade grips with Nick and an smiling nod to the rather exotic looking woman. "A pleasure to meet you, Who'se the singer if you dont mind my asking?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Thoughts of the fight from yesterday do come to mind and with him also having to cram that in amongst the gig work, he can understand the reason for Buffy skipping dinner. Heck. He didn't have much time either to get the sleep he really needed for today. Which, might be why he's taking Voodoo's presence a bit better than last time.

Nick looks over to voodoo curiously as Buffy asks for the summary of the music video. Being that they asked for room 4, it's probably formulaic but considering the drama she described earlier, he's still wondering how epicly bad the script was. Or even if they had a script.

Voodoo has posed:
Voodoo digs into her gumbo more. "The singer up and stormed out. It was....messy, really. The script was horrible" she shudders, eyeing Thomas carefully. She looks to Thomas and pretty much decides okay, French it is. "You think I'm a porn star?" she asks in French. "I dance. I do not suck the carrot for money"

That's a literal translation of what she says then switches her attention to Buffy, watching her, wavingg her spoon at the gumbo as if asking if she wants any.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is already eating some of that gumbo rather hungrily. Hey she works hard! She deserves it! "Mmmm thanks! This is good stuff.." she arches a curious brow at the French, shaking her head. She's never been good at French! "What was that?" is she...Making a pass at him?

Buffy rolls her eyes, trying not to feel jealous or protective of Thomas, but when you're dating a pretty boy Incubus whose powers include subconsciously making women fall head over heels for you..

She clears her throat, focusing on Nick. "No worries, Thomas, running a busy, popular club is no picnic. Besides Nick had my back. Thanks Nick." Now of course she's thinking she takes poor Nick for granted!

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow at the woman's statement nd looks, well pretty amused all things considered. He holds up his hands in mock defence and says "I used to be an executive at Silverlight Pictures before I left to open my own club. There is allot of crossover talent between the two professions. Probibly why I recognized you." To Buffy he adds, in a mockery of a Cjun accent "Why yah not tell me yah like Spicy food. Ah make yah somet'ing real good Ah promise."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives an assessing look to the slayer consuming the other woman's food. An inkling of guilt forms The musician blinks as Buffy calls out his part in the robot/mercernary fighting thing from yesterday in front of the woman he doesn't even know. FFf- "Don't mention it." Nick replies.

Like. Ever.

Nick looks over at Thomas curiously, "Silverlight Pictures?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss just....stares at Thomas. That accent. Oh. Oh hell no. That was just....no, horrific, no, just no....

Priss reaches back and adjusts her hair again, letting it cascade down her back as she calls and orders more gumbo.Since a certain slayer's helping herself.

With a wary look to Thomas, Priss opens mouth, inserts foot. "What, do you think I worked for Silverlight? How exactly do you want me to prove one way or another...don't answer that" she says quickly. She's a feeling she knows how h'e'd want her to prove it and...she's not /that/ sort of dancer.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs, a very pleasent and disarming sound actually. "I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I'm just sating, or was just thinking you looked familier is all. Perhaps youy might know Lara Raith, or Lara Romany? She was pretty big in some of the exotic daning circles. She was my sister." To Nick he says "Family run business. I sold my shares in it to fund opening the Blue Lady. Think a cross between Playboy and Brazzers with much higher prodution costs.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Nick, taking the hint. She mouths 'sorry!' under her breath as she finishes the rest of her gumbo. And Heey, why's everyone staring at her like that? "Hey, there's plenty left for everyone!" At least she's not going for seconds right?

"Ugh, I hanging out too much with Dean..This is so his fault!" she groans, but smiles at Thomas, "Of course I love spicey food, though I'd eat anything you cook, cuz everything you make tastes sooo heavenly.." she croons.

Boy, did she not get enough sleep last night, did she? She's all hyper..

Looking to Voodoo, she just arches a curious brow..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's lips part to say something but no sound comes out as he simply stares at Thomas. Brain seemingly Ctrl Alt Deleting its way through the new data input. Well. That explains much. It might take him a bit more time to process anything else.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss shakes her head at Thomas then over to Nick who was doing his best mime impression. Looking to Buffy, Priss raises her palms. "What?" she asks then just gives Thomas a /look/ that all but screams nope, never knew her. Instead she finishes up her call. Okay, more gumbo ordered...apparently.

Looking over to Nick, Priss understands the brain going ....nope bit. Admittedly, being she's not exactly human, she understands all this.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs s little at Voodoo, since apparently it ws simply a case of mistaken identity and decides to mess with Nick some more because ... well because messing with Nick is fun. "Oh yeah, heck my first babysitter was the titular character in babysitter desires 1, 2, and 4."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Uh. Huh." Nick gives a slow nod to accompany his slow response. He leans to the side of the chair, tugging out the coffee carrier to shove his cup into one of the open slots before righting himself. Feet setting upon the floor next to the hot beverages.

"Hey Larry, what's the status on Wade?"

"Trapped in room four still."

OH son of a-!

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is, meantime, just doing the silent giggling thing at this. Alright, she's enjoying it when other people are made to dance, not her.

"Is that an admission you had some....uh....interesting folks growing up?" Priss asks with a glance to Nick, a sympathetic look. Hey, if Thomas gets out of line, Priss can just....make him do the Macarena or something to relieve tension.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith snorts a little bit at that. "Unique is the word that I would use personally." he says and then adds, "Thats a big part of why I wanted to get away from it. You get desensitized to it. It trivializes something that should be special."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick stands up, reaching down to grab the coffee caddy, "I'll be right back." He states to the trio before heading out the doorway, turning to head up the main staircase that leads to the offices.

Voodoo has posed:
Thomas gets a snort. "You walked away from an adult entertainment business?" Priss asks, "Yet you dress like somebody who gets all the women. Which is it. Either you are or you aren't" Priss mutters, giving Thomas a look somewhere between irritation and confusion. Oh and Buffy helped herself to gumbo. Okay then.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith snorts derisively. "I never claimed to be a priest or anything. I enjoy women. Before, I wasn't afraid to use my Club as what you might call my personal hunting grounds." then he smiles almost sappy at Buffy. "And now I'm learning that there are things even better than the hunt.

Voodoo has posed:
That gets a snort from Priss. "Awww, did the little blond girl tame the lecherous big bad man?" Priss asks. Oh yeah she's taunting him now. Okay, maybe not taunting. More verbal jabs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With no Wade in his office, Nick's trip was short. Coffee safely set on the desk, he heads back down. His own drink in hand and the drink carrier getting tossed into a nearby recycling bin. He walks over to Larry, "Can you message Wade and let him know his coffee is in the office?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith simply shrugs at that and says "Yes." No shame or hesitation, in the reply. But then is a tiger on a leash ever really tamed?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith 's cellphone rings out "Cowboy Cassanova", and the Incubus takes it out and places it to his ear. "Raith. What's the matter Smash?" a pause. "How many?" another pause "How many did we order?" he closes his eyes "Empty Night. Alright don't sign anything, I'll be there as quickly as I can." He puts the phone away and says "I ordered 18 bottles of Johnny Walker Blue and my distributer just delivered 18 cases. I've got to go deal with this.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick makes his way into the lounge area just in time to hear Thomas's predicament and ends up grabbing the doorframe in reaction. "EIGHTEEN CASES?! Sh- Go on, I'll make sure Buffy gets home later."