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Angels, Phantasms and Slayers oh my!
Date of Scene: 23 May 2020
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: What happens when a Slayer, a Dreamer and a Fallen Angel walk into a bar..?
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Phantasm (Drago), Zach Daniels

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is at the Blue Lady again, and it seems she hangs out here a lot, almost like she lives here or something..Too bad her better half has been largely absent lately, probably due to another business trip or something. She sits in one of the booths alone, sighing softly as she stares out the window, idly sipping on a glass of wine.

Its early evening, and the sun has just set. The place hasn't yet filled up too much as the show doesn't start for a couple of hours still.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A couple of hours? Plenty of time to contact a backup musician to pop on over for a missing pianist issue. Trading his usual attire for the more work appropriate attire of a performer at the Blue Lady, Nick enters in without the knitcap and instead with the nub of slightly lengthened hair tied back. The one thing off about his attire would be the backpack that he carries in.

"Hey." He greets Buffy, walking by on his way to the back. Needing to drop off his belongings first.

Zach Daniels has posed:
There's the roar of a bike as Zach pulls into the parking lot and swings his legs off his bike. Crossbowless (for now), he hasn't even got his sword to hand. Instead, stashing his helmet under the saddle he strolls for the Blue Lady. Hey. Maybe there are women wearing blue here? It'd go great with him all in black. As in, his regular attire, jeans, gloves, boots, jacket. All black.^R
He's heading for the door after locking down his (black) bike, and wings wrapped around him under his clothes.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, rubbing her eyes as she peers towards the entrance. She smiles and waves over to Nick, but pauses as she spies a certain super tall 'Fallen Angel.' Eyes narrow warily on Zach though he's apparently Willow's friend soo...She waves him over too, may as well continue her investigation of him.

"Hey Nick, you standing in tonight? And Zach, what a surprise meeting you here.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yep. Honestly with how often I get called to fill in, I'm surprised he's not dead." Nick replies, making his way towards the back room. He slides the loosely filled bookbag off as he goes around a corner

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach looks to Buffy and still has pizza cheese under hiss nails...and pizza grease and cheese stuck in his feathers. Okay, ew, just...ew!

Still he waves to Buffy and walks over. "Hey" he says. "You know if they got blue ladies here? I mean it's the name, right so it should...." he begins, still getting used to the finer points and subtleties of language. Looking over to Buffy, Zach takes in the club's decor with an impressed look.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Nick, "We'll at least you're more reliable and a bit more talented I think. How've you been?" peering towards Zach, she arches a brow, "Really..What happened to you, get into a fight with a pizza?" just then her phone buzzes and she peers down at the text message, a slight smile appearing on her features. "Hmmm...Interesting.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Uh- Busy." Nick replies around the doorway, "Had the locks to the condo changed a few days ago. Was thinking about asking Angel to-" Nick stops speaking as he steps back from around the corner without his bookbag this time and sees a rather large figure looming over Buffy. "...Hi?"

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach gives Buffy a confused look. "Why would my fighting a pizza be interesting?" he asks and looks puzzled. "Do you like watching people fight food?" he adds, and steps back looking like 'nope I do not wanna be around this crazy woman'...

He does though look to Nick then to Buffy again with his eyes flicking around the club..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmmms, looking at her phone, "Excellent. Got a lead on where Carpe Noctem is gonna stoke next!" she grins, typing something into her phone before looking back to Nick, smile fading a bit. "..Wait what? Why did you change the locks? what happened?" she seems concerned.

To Zach she just chuckles, "Well it's not how most people treat their pizza. Come on, why don't you join us?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the large figure curiously. Quiet in assessment as he debates about how much detail to give.

"I had an unannounced visitor." Nick answers, "The conversation was a bit awkward. Wade wasn't home at least." He offers a hand over to Zach in greeting, "Hey. Name's Nick. What's yours?"

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach takes the hand. Hey, he's not moulted cheese under his clothes so...okay not yet. "Nick, like Nicholas?" he asks with h a raised eyebrow. Don't assume anything, Zach. Don't assume anything...and /definitely/ don't assume Buffy and Nick are a thing, sheesh. Nope. Just nope.

So instead he waits on an answer and looks over to Buffy then Nick. "Get a crossbow and shoot them, or run them out of your home?" Zach offers to Nick speculatively, as he does in fact join them. Why not? Can't be worse than being on his own.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, "Woah wait, like a burglar?" she frowns, "You okay? Geez.." she shakes her head, glancing back at Zach with a slight smirk. "We don't all carry crossbows and go shooting people.." yeah that's gonna backfire isn't it. And he'd better not be thinking they're 'together' or she might just laugh and hurt Nick's feelings.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"My middle name." Nick answers with a nod. "Uh not exactly," He glances to Zach as the table is now hosting the three of them. and looks back to Buffy, "Okay, I never met him before, He never gave his name. Is he okay to be talking weird stuff around?"

Zach Daniels has posed:
"Why not...I mean why?" he asks quickly scrabbling to dig himself out of the hole as Zach's thinking like the warrior fallen angel he was trained to be. "I'm Zacharias. Or Zach" Zach says. "I just told you to get a crossbow and shoot people breaking into your home. Is that not weird enough? How about kill them with...um.....how about death by door handles? You know.." he shrugs looking to Nick then Buffy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Don't worry Nick. Zach here is...Well he's not exactly 'normal', right up there with most of us Scoobies." she winks at him, hopefully he'll get her hint without being too obvious. "Zach, Nick. Nick, Zach. So what brings you here today, Zach?" she sits back and waits to hear what Nick has to say too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to Zach curiously and as he mentions 'death by door handles' a brow arches. "Let me guess. One of your parents was big on religion when they picked your name too, huh?"

Zach Daniels has posed:
"Something like that" Zach shrugs, More 'I was an angel' type stuff, he thinks...and yes, Buffy knows this. They were aiming crossbows at each other.

"So did you get over your hissy fit about Willow?" Zach asks trying to be as innocent as possible/ "I had a very religious upbringing, apparently. You know when you get left behind and everyone else goes on a trip?" he asks Nick. "That's my story"

Yeah. If by 'everyone else...' he means the angelic armies, sure...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes, "Hey you can hardly blame me when you spot something...Suspicious in the sky.." hey she's not naming names here, take it as you will, "I was just keeping my friend's best interests at heart. She just snorts at his story. "Guess that's one way of looking it, though seems to be splitting hairs to me. I mean the term 'fallen' only has one meaning far as I'm concerned.." yeah, she's being vague or maybe a bit too direct.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head. "No, I don't know what one. Mom just went full out on the saint names so by the time Confirmation hit, my name sounds more like a roster." He sets his hands on the table, "I guess if anyone got left behind it was my father but, he just wasn't a good person."

He turns his head, listening to Buffy's response to Zach as a few key phrases paints a picture. Ok so, new guy can fly maybe? "Fallen?"

Zach Daniels has posed:
"Zacharias Rafael Daniels doesn't sound like a roster?" Zach asks thenn to Nick's comment and shrugs, unfurling his wings. Hey, he's unfurled his wings outside of his jacket, through the slits as he wraps his wings around himself. See. Wings out now!

"Confirmation. Oh, you're Catholic?" Zach asks Nick.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick grows silent, looking to the wings that Zach lets out. Oh. Well. How about that.

He blinks, looking to the man before dumbly Nick nodding to the question. "Yes...Put it together and- "

Fallen. Angel? "Michael Nicholas Raphael."