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Latest revision as of 23:33, 26 May 2020

A nice day for flying!
Date of Scene: 05 May 2020
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Megan tests out her new wings with help from fellow fliers.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Starfire, Nightingale

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had flown around closer to the ground and above the Breakstone lake for a bit, before she was feeling a bit more confident to reach for greater heights. These new wings that she had sprouted were certainly different than what she was used to, but they had some advantages too. Like gliding. Right now she is climbing the mountain trails in the very same spot where she had lost her fairy wings in the first place. Hey, no better place to face your fears than where they first originated, right?

Starfire has posed:
From the southwest, a red dot can be seen, looking into a fiery 'meteor' of sorts. It resolves into the Titan member Koriand'r, very recognizable. She was told to meet her friend Megan at the lake - so she's now floatnig over the lake, seeing some girl with purple skin and bat wings. She disregards that person as she looks around. Maybe Megan's late.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon knew very well about facing one's fears. She'd had to do so on more than one occasion during the several months she had been at the school. For now, she was simply a quiet, supportive presence near Megan as they made the climb to the spot where the bat-winged girl had lost her soul dagger. Her own wings are large, white, and feathery, like the classical depiction of angels. She's dressed in light blue jeans, white sneakers, and a wine-colored off the shoulder peasant blouse, tucked into the waistband of her jeans.

     Smiling lightly, she rests one hand on Megan's shoulder. "I'm really proud of you. Facing your fears is hard."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses at the very spot where she was stabbed and draws a slow breath. That..Was a very traumatizing experience, not one she wanted to relive. Her hands shake slightly at the memory and she swallows, shaking her head, forcing her feet onward. That day she had planned to spend on a nice little picnic at the mountain's peak. How quickly things can change in an instant.

She smiles softly at Shannon, "Thanks, and thank you for coming with me. I never really said it aloud, but I really appreciate everything you do, for me, for the others, you really are a thoughtful person..No wonder all the guys are chasing you." she grins and winks.

And pauses a moment as she spies a familiar streak of pink in the air. But where's she going? Megan blinks, peering over the cliff's edge and waves and yells at the girl. "Heey, Starfire! We're up here, heeey!"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r whirls at the summons as she flies up. Starfire has no wings, but her hair looks like it's on fire, and leaves a contrail of flames as hse floats up by the two of you. She then blinks, squinting at Megan, tilting her head. "You are much changed since the last we met, Friend Megan. Did a spell go awry or something?" She glances over at Shannon. "I'm Koriand'r of the Titans - or Starfire if you prefer." She extends her orange-skinned hand.

Nightingale has posed:
     Caught a little bit off-guard, Shannon turns and smiles at Koriand'r. Would she ever be able to be that open about her team one day? She accepts the hand extended towards her in a firm, yet somehow gentle grip. "Shannon. Or Nightingale, if it's out in the field." She leaves her team name out of the mix. Don't ask, don't tell, right?

     With no small measure of concern, she glances back towards Megan. "She is very much changed," she murmurs to Starfire. "This is where it happened. I admire the courage it takes for her to come back here and face it all again."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles as she sees Kori, nodding and sighing. "Ahh, it's a really long story..But I'm still me, more or less..How have you been?" she glances at Kory then nods to Shannon, "I accidently teleported Kory to limbo..It was quite the adventure.." she laughs a bit nervously though there is regret in her eyes too. Good thing it turned out okay in the end.

"Well this is great! Two experienced fliers to help me out, I'm soo ready to jump off that cliff top!"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Maybe you should set Limbo up as a vacation spot for supers. Those demons were fun to play with. If I knew I could go back home whenever I wanted..." She trails off. "Maybe not Superman though. That red sun wouldn't do him any favors." She then glances over at the two of you. "I suppose both of you are 'mutants' with the X-gene? I believe that's what they call it?" she asks, glancing between the two of you. "Those are impressive wings you two have. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Shannon who goes by Nightingale."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon lofts her brows, quirking a light smile. "Limbo, as in Illyana's realm? Ooof. You two were lucky to get out of there. One guided round-trip through was more than enough for me." The mention of Superman only widens her smile, into an expression akin to a rare moment of pride. However, once again, she keeps her proverbial cards close to her chest. Let Koriand'r wonder.

     The question of the X-gene catches her attention, and she nods. "Yes. The wings are only part of the gifts mutation has left me with. 'Nightingale' is a reference to one of the better known nurses in human history, named Florence Nightingale. When my healing gifts became apparent, my family called me their little Nightingale. I keep the name to honor them."

     In case Koriand'r is at all curious, she turns a bit to the side, extending one wing to its full length, within reach if she wishes. "Go on, it's alright. You'd be surprised how often I have little kids stopping me just to look. Maybe... just maybe... I could help show them they don't have to be afraid of mutants."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grimaces at Kory's response. "Hah! You actually had fun?! Oh right.." she smirks at Shannon, "she's really strong, and shoots these incredible bolts from her hand. She's amazing out there. I was lucky to have you on my side, Kory." Megan does pout a bit, as she talks of her home planet. "To be honest, I'm not sure how far I can port people, but I'd have to know the place first I think..Maybe one day Dr. STrange can teach me.."

As for the X-gene, she jus tbites her lip, falling quiet for a moment or two. But she does trust Kory. "Yeah, something like that. Or maybe I'm a fairy, I'm still trying to figure that one out.."

She sighs, peering off into the distance, thinking of something..

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r glances at Megan, seeing her lost in thought. She's seen Raven with some significant changes brought on by magic, physical and emotional, and seems to 'get it'. She then glances at Shannon, running her hand gently along the proffered wing. "Flying is simply the best, isn't it?" she cooos softly. Now that she's on the ground, her hair isn't glowing anymore. Just be some kind of cosmetic effect. "And yes. I can use the solar energy I gather and fire it in thermonuclear blasts I call my starbolts."

Nightingale has posed:
     Megan's silence is met with a light touch from Shannon upon her shoulder for a moment, and then she steps back. She's there if needed, but some thoughts just had to be dealt with on one's own. A barely audible sigh escapes her, and she just shakes her head. "It's... rough, not being sure how to help someone," she murmurs to Koriand'r.

     But, there are more cheery subjects to hand. A frown is turned upside-down, as Koriand'r extols the joys of flight. "Ohhh yes. Sometimes I just fly simply for its own sake. A gorgeous day like this, you might see me dive-bombing a lake, and just when you think I'd hit the surface, spread out my wings and just glide along inches above the water." Grinning a bit wider, she glances skywards. "You know, I should have asked Superman when I had the chance, if he ever flies simply for the joy of it. Who knows, maybe one day we'll find out!"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinks. "I don't know. I've only met him once or twice. He seems to be in tight control of his passions from what I've heard. I certainly fly for the joy of it. Also, the sun feels better up above the skyline." She hmmmmms softly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, staring out at the sunset. "Solar energy huh..That's really cool.." she nods, turning back to the others, chuckling a bit. "I'm okay..Really! Heey, we're almost to the top of the mountain! shall we continue up? Once I'm up in the air with the wind at my back, I'm sure I'll feel a lot better! I really hate being cooped up for long periods of time.."

She glances at Kory curiously, "So, you're friends with Superman? Do you also know Superboy? I guess they're not really related but it's curious, they do look kinda similar.."

Nightingale has posed:
     Smiling some, the angel-winged teen shrugs. "Only ever met him once. And I actually had to dress him down a bit for underestimating all the good he's done for others. Go figure." She laughs a little bit, and grins a bit wider. "Even someone in tight control of their feelings needs to enjoy themselves once in a while. Do you have any idea how many times Megan here's chewed me out about the same thing?"

     Those finely arched blonde brows loft, as Shannon tucks her wings back in tightly behind herself. "Above the skyline... as in above the atmosphere? As in... the edge of space?" Was she hearing this right?

     Turning to Megan, she smiles and nods. "Onwards and upwards, then?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinks. "No, but Supergirl is part-time in the Titans. Pretty sure she's a relative." She shrugs as she murmurs, "ONe thing about the way I fly - I don't have to really worry about aerodynamics much. Your current wings do look a lot stronger than your originals," she muses, looking them over apprasingly, not realizing that such a statement could be a faux pas.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon glances over at Koriand'r, and grins. "Her wings might have /looked/ delicate before, but they were surprisingly strong. They were particularly well-suited to flying more for raw speed, but not suited to long-distance flying. Now it's the reverse. She can regain some of the speed with her current wings, but she's got the same advantage I do, in that she'd be able to handle long distances without tiring so frequently."