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Latest revision as of 15:07, 13 October 2017

Above The City of Tomorrow
Date of Scene: 14 April 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: A meeting of Kryptonians
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Superman, Power Girl

Supergirl has posed:
The day after meeting Karen Starr, Supergril is feeling calmer. More centered. But, she still has a lot of questions for the woman. And she also thinks her cousin needs to be in on the conversation. Contacting Karen? That's easy; Kara Danvers visits her adoptive parents at STAR Labs and slips a note in Dr. Starr's office. Contacting Kal is also sort of easy, since she has an ultrasonic signaling device that he gave her. So, all that's left is to wait for the two while floating over Park Ridge, high enough to not be observed. She hopes.

Superman has posed:
When Superman gets the communication from his cousin he is on the moon. His cape floats about him in the low-gravity, as he stands in the dust and stares out at Earth. He watches the blue ball of mud slowly spin, a thoughtful expression on his face. He likes it out here. It is quiet. He can actually stop and think about things.

His brow furrows when his communication beacon flickers on his wrist and he takes off. He moves through the space seperating the planet from the moon in a moment or two, and he slows as he reaches the upper atmosphere. He dives down, scattering a cloud with the force of his descent. He ends up slowing further and coming to a stop not far from her. He smiles.


Power Girl has posed:
    Flying her way far above Metropolis and out towards the meeting point Supergirl said, Power Girl floats her way up to the meeting point and has her arms crossed under her chest as she comes to the same level as Supergirl and Superman. "I had a feeling you'd bring Superman into this, Supergirl." She actually smirks when she says this. "Hey Superman. In case I didn't say it before....thank you."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara smiles as Superman approaches her. "Hi, Kal." And then there's Power Girl in her costume. And Kara suddenly feels...a bit small in the face of an adult version of herself. But, the fact that Power Girl adresses Superman as if they've met let her relax a bit. "Oh good..." And she smiles in welcome to the blonde woman. "So..." And now that the attention is on her, Kara is suddenly re-thinking all this. "Ummm...I wanted us all to talk." Here, she turns to face Power Girl. "Becasue when I met you yesterday and found out...all that. It really was a shock for me. And I'm sorry that I ran off like that. And I also want to appologize to you beforehand if it...it takes me a while to get used to you." She takes a deep breath. "Superman stands by you, and that's enough for me. But I have to ask...how much does that group that..." It takes her a while to get the word out, "cloned me. How much do they know of me? Of the Danvers? Of Superman? Am I putting the Danvers in danger by staying with them and this group knowing about my secret identity? And is Superman's identity safe?"

Superman has posed:
He turns those impossibly blue eyes to Power Girl, and he nods. He offers a welcoming smile. "It's fine, Power Girl. We're happy to have you. Just remember that it is under probationary status...just until we can make sure everything is on the up-and-up. I trust -you-, but there are outside circumstances, as I am sure you are aware. I am sure everything will turn out completely fine."

Superman turns his attention so he can regard the both of them at the same time. He does not comment, though. Instead he turns his attention to Power Girl, letting her answer.

Power Girl has posed:
    "I would've too, if I realized I'd been cloned too. And, I totally understand if you'll need a while to get used to me." Power Girl then sighs and thinks for a bit. "Cadmus is a rather secret branch of Shield. It's so secret that Shield doesn't even have any idea of who's in it. You know how SHIELD is known for their contingency plans. Well, there's a few of them out there, including ones against the Asgardians. But they've sorta grown into an anti-alien task force and contingencies cabinet. The main one is 'what if the various super-groups went rogue?'."

She then looks to SUperman. "The main one is the Justice League, which is why I asked that you NOT give me access to the biggest secrets of the league....just in case Cadmus put a failsafe in my skull somewhere." She then looks to Supergirl. "If they were able to clone me, how much do you think they know of the Danvers? They know quite a bit of Superman already, and they know a bit about the league too. The big thing is.....Amanda Waller. She's.....really convinced she's trying to protect earth....by making themselves a safeguard. Which is a bigger problem. Waller isn't a zealot. She genuinely wants to protect humanity. But someone has put it in her head that 'Super-beings' will eventually turn on humanity. And that's the problem..."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods, visibly shaken and feeling very cold. "Do they know of the identity of other heroes? Am I putting the identities of my freinds in the Titans at risk if I interact with them outside of costume?" Kara takes a moment to steady her composure. "I'm sorry, I don't want to sound paranoid. But I don't want to expose my friends." Supergirl's shoulders slump and she closes her eyes. "Is anyone going to be safe around me?"

Superman has posed:
"Wise of you," he offers softly. He looks to Kara. "Kara...this is not your fault. We'll figure this out, alright?" The Man of Steel ponders as he brushes his fingers back through his dark hair. "I can literally throw a bad guy across the star system if I wanted to, but that is hardly useful when dealing with an organization entrenched in the government."

He frowns a little bit and glances down at people going about their lives far below.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Which is why I'm warning you. This way you're not completely blind-sided by them." Power Girl says softly. "And throwing someone would help....but only them, sadly." She then takes a deep breath and looks to Kara. "Your family is safe....at least for the moment. Waller thinks that, despite them being your 'family', they're the types of people she's trying to protect. That's just Waller though. Others in Cadmus might go a little more extreme and think they're 'necessary casualties'." She then looks back to SUperman. "Know of anyone that would think along those lines, Superman?"

Supergirl has posed:
"What about Batman and Robin," Supergirl asks after Karen relays her information. "I talked to Robin about the situation with you..." She takes a bit, deciding to use the heroic name, "Power Girl." She looks over to her cousin, an unquiet smile on her lips. "He said that he already knows my Identity. Which...I guess shouldn't have surprised me, becasue...Batman." She shrugs, indicating that she's not that concerned. "He offered to help on their end," she says to both Karen and Kal. "Maybe they could investigate Cadmus. Or they already are. Either way, they might be able to help us in ways we need."

Superman has posed:
"I know a few who would go to extremes," Superman offers softly. He does not elaborate, however. He turns his attention to Kara and nods. "If anyone can be trusted with that kind of information, it is somebody trained by the Batman. Their aid could also be quite useful. Ninja, you know?" He chuckles softly and glances between the two. "Either way, we'll figure this out, alright? We've got this."

Power Girl has posed:
    "You keep saying that, Superman. But brute Force can't tackle everything. So, for now, Let Batman and his crew handle this. Waller's people haven't been concentrating so much on Batman and his crew because he's 'unpowered'." Power Girl just shakes her head at that. "They also know about Green Lantern and Star Sapphire. They consider them 'Powereds'. Like us."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl smiles at her cousin, his presense increasing her own confidence that they will all get through this. "I know that none of this is my fault, Kal," she says, sounding more like a mature and confident adult that a scared young woman. "But that doesn't mean I can think that the consequences of someone else's actions won't impact my life. In severe ways." Kara takes a deep breath, nodding to Power Girl after she discolses more information. "Alright. So that means that Miss Martian and Wonder Girl would be considered threats by them as well. But it's good that they're not monitoring Batman and Robin and the other Gotham heroes closely. It means they're underestimating them." And that thought actually makes Kara smile. "Okay....okay. I'm feeling better about this." She smiles at them both. "Power Girl's right that this is going to be hard. But Kal's right. We can do this."

Superman has posed:
He shrugs and chuckles. "I keep saying it because I mean it. We'll figure it out." He turns and nods to Kara. "So, step one is to loop Batman and his Family in on all of this, and see how they can help us deal with the situation." Superman glances between the two. "Once that is done we'll figure out step two. Together."

Power Girl has posed:
    "Just be careful. These are dangerous people. They managed to get DNA from Kara....and had me fight Superman two months later." Power Girl says. "I'm more familiar than you think with them." She then nods. "Step two is for us, but it's not going to be for just us to figure out." She then sighs. "Just know that I'm willing to help. I just hope I don't have any sort of implants that make me turn on you. I'll need to be triple checked for anything strange...."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods to her cousin. "I'll inform both Robin and the Titans. They should all be aware of the threat. Robin can fill in Batman." Power Girl's response brings a look of sympathy to kara's face. She floats over and puts an arm on the clone's shoulder. "You didn't ask for any of this any more than I did. But, there might be a way to clear you of mental influences. My friend that I brought to STAR Labs? Miss Martian? She's also a telepath. I can see if she's willing to clear you of any mental commands or suggestions, if you'd like."

Superman has posed:
"I understand that they are dangerous, Power Girl," he offers with a small smile. "I am not naive about these kinds of things, or about fanatics." He floats a little bit higher then the other two and glances towards the sun. "Miss Martiah? Hm. A telepath would be a good idea, if you are willing. Cut away any embedded commands and all of that. We can have someone with more tech skills take a look for any sort of other embedded devices."

Power Girl has posed:
    "A hardware scan first. Like for actual implants, like chips or the like. Then we'll look for hidden suggestions." Power Girl then points to Superman. "He's got the right idea. All right. We'll take care of this as soon as we're able."

Supergirl has posed:
"Talk to Jeremiah and Eliza," Kara suggests to Karen. "Let them know what's going on. They can help you with physical implant scans. I'll let you know what Miss Martian has to say about the telepathic scan." She smiles at Power Girl, reassuring and warm. "It's going to be okay." Supergirl then flies over to her cousin, giving him a hug. "I'd better go check on the Titans. Maybe Robin's there and I can get him and Batman started on this. And tell Wonder Girl and Miss Martian." She waves to them both and starts flying off in the direction of Nassau County. "Talk to you both soon!"

Power Girl has posed:
    "SO glad she's being positive about this." Power Girl says before looking to Superman. "We may be in for a fight, Superman. Supergirl's being positive, but I'm doubting it'll be easy. I'm going to see to the Danvers about any sort of implants before I talk to Miss Martian."

Superman has posed:
"Always be positive," replies Superman. "Being positive doesn't mean you are not applying one hundred percent to the issue at hand. It just means you believe in a good outcome. You could learn that from us." He smiles. "Despairing is the first step towards the enemy winning. I will go and discuss the situation with other members of the Justice League. We'll figure this out, like I said."

Supergirl has posed:
Before she flies off, Supergirl turns and faces Power Girl, smiling wide and confidently. "The first family secret that most people don't know..." She points to the symbol on her chest, looking proud. "This isn't an S. It's the symbol of our family house. The House of El. In Kryptonian, it means 'Hope'. That's why we never give up." Supergirl turns back, and takes off like a streak through the sky to consult with the Titans.