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Latest revision as of 02:38, 17 July 2020

Making Adam into a cool mutant.
Date of Scene: 16 July 2020
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Friends hit up Club Evolution for some hanging out and food.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Pixie, Icarus, Grizzly, Barghest, Cannonball, Nightingale

Rage has posed:
"I'm pretty sure he won't freak out if we take him to a mutant club." Andrea says with a wolfish grin on her face as she pushes through the front doors of the school. It's evening in New York and the air is still warm from the summer heat. Today she is wearing a stunning silver dress with a wide open back and a pair of thin straps over her shoulders to keep it attached to her. Her brown hair is dipped with a few colors to dye the tips, and her face has just a kiss of make-up to make her eyes and lips pop.

She's with Jay Guthrie, the red headed country boy with the thick red wings. "Sides, we can make this some type of new mutant initiation, yeah? Get picked up, new home in your huge swagged out mansion, then a night on the town dancing and pounding boneless wings at your brother's club." She gives a bit of a twirl, practically prancing on her feet with practiced movements. "Meeeegan! Adaaaam!" Her soulful voice sings out through the main entrance of the school.

"Ya'll better be ready to go! I got the limo out front!" She's so damn extra.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is totally ready for a night of fun, dressed in a cute mint green floral summer dress, something more relaxed but comfy and fun, paired with green sandals that make her pink hair and wings really stand out. She doesn't bit her climbing stairs, just flutters right down and grins, "Hiiii! coming!"

Icarus has posed:
As they enter, Jay takes a glance around. He's dressed like he prefers. Baggy jeans with a pair of combat type boots on his feet. His upper body has a tank top that is more form fitting, easily leaving his wings visible behind him. It's warm enough he left his hoodie in the car, though he does usually prefer to have it on covering those red wings.

"A lot of the kids here would find this to be a great initiation. Going out to a club where mutants are accepted after getting all this handed to them on a platter." He waves a hand at the building in general.

Grizzly has posed:
Adam, having no idea how to dress for a club, and well, only having the clothes he came with, trotted down the steps when the bellowing voice came forth. He was dressed in jeans with a black t-shirt which was about as 'dressed up' as he managed. His short hair was run through with some product that made it at least look like the mess was on purpose. He yawned as he walked down, taking the steps with a bit of a pattern.

"You know they make regular cars right? Ones you have to drive yourself?" If Andrea was going to be this continually peppy, he felt compelled to be a snarky test of her patience. Although, it wasn't actually said with any sort of intentional malice, hence the lopsided smirk on his face.

Rage has posed:
"Regular cars are for nerds, and we are anything but. We are astonishing. Maybe even /uncanny/." There is a smug tone in Andrea's voice as she gives a long stretch of her body to pop a few joints. "And this limo is bullet proof. Adam, this is my boyfriend Jay and this is my best friend Megan. The three of us all just graduated together this year. Guys, this is Adam, one of the new students. I'm ready when you guys are."

With that, she slides her hand into Jay's, giving him a tug after leaning in to peck him on the cheek. "You know, I woulda took you clubbing when you first got here too." She drawls out as she heads out into the crisp air to the Hummer-Limo that is waiting for them.

Really Extra.

The driver outside is not James for a change. We'll call him Steve. He opens the door for the students as they pile in. "To Evolution!" She calls out joyously as she reaches for the mini-fridge to root through it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, waving to Adam whom she's probably seen in the halls from time to time. "Hii! I'm Megan, Dunno if we've officially met before." she smirks at Andreas fancy limo and shrugs, following her in, "No complaints here, I just looove driving in style!" she cheers, "To Evo!"

Icarus has posed:
The club is busy, as seems to always be the case. Ever since opening, with the focus on being mutant friendly in a mutant heavy population center, it wasn't a big surprise. What was a surprise was the fact there had been few problems. It was embraced by everyone, just the way the owner had hoped.

As the limo arrives, Jay is already reaching for the door handle only to have the door yanked away before he can succeed. Steve is glaring at him. It's a common thing between the two of them. Jay grins and shrugs then steps out first, only so he can offer a hand for each of the ladies as they exit to the sidewalk.

The line of people waiting to enter gasp in surprise when they realize who has arrived in the fancy limo. A few begin to call out Andrea's name while the cell phones and cameras come out. Only, for some reason, no photos seem to be working.

They had their own security at the club against such things and apparently that particular mutant who could block them was working tonight.

Grizzly has posed:
A bulletproof limo? Seriously, what kind of whackado world did he just agree to step in to? He sort of rolled his eyes at the nerds comment. He actually loved the idea of rebuilding some old junker car one day. But building something from scratch and putting work into it was probably not something a richie rich type was going to understand, so he didn't bother.

"Hey," he greeted the other two with a friendly nod. And then, they were whisked off. Getting out of the limo, at the club, to the line of people all becoming excited and chanting away was, okay, he had to admit, it was kinda fun. They weren't chanting for him, of course, but, one could dream if just for a moment. "I assume we're not gunna be waitin' in that?" he gestured vaguely to the line.

Rage has posed:
"I don't do lines." Andrea says as she throws her arms out at the sides as she revels in the roar of the crowd and the flashing of lights. She is already bobbing her body to the sound of the music that rumbles from within the club. One hand curls into a tight fist and she throws it upwards. The elicts a stronger reaction from the crowd. Over the years, she has become a symbol of mutant and civil rights. From her voice on social media, to the soul ripping angry lyrics in some of her songs.

While she may be a global diva and pop-starlet, in this moment, she is one of them. Their people. Mutants.

"Come on, guys. My brother is waiting inside. Megan totally has a crush on him." She says teasingly in a drawl as she makes her way through the double doors, soaking in the loud rumble of the music once it hits them. "Oh, baby. I'm gonna make love to the dance floor tonight! Welcome to Evolution, Adam!"

Practically howling in joy, the Alpha strides through and high fives the bouncer along the way with a powerful slap of skin. Steven just looks at Jay and gives him a grin. You signed up for this.

Barghest has posed:
Having been warned where the gang was gathering, Nevada headed to the club first to secure a seat. And food, can't forget food. He's already on a second basket of wings by the time he'd be found with the prior basket next to him stacked full of meticulously cleaned bones. It looks like someone up and scrubbed them, there's not a scrap of anything left edible by human standards. There's also a basket of still steaming cheese fries, jalapeno poppers, and chicken tenders with assorted sauces. Meat, cheese, breading - the three basic food groups.

He's not dressed in anything that'd be considered clubwear, even for an all ages group. He's a world away from his polished, brilliant sister. Black jeans, well worn black boots, and a grey henley shirt with a white undershirt below. His hair is its typical shaggy mess and it looks like he's overdue for a shave. But there's those same dark eyes, a hunter's eyes. Sharp, focused, and aware. He may look lazy sitting there gorging on chicken pieces, but he's watching what's going on around him.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins at Adam and just shrugs, "Heh, she's world famous Afterall, and yeah, we get to skip the line too..Cool huh?" although she blushes and makes a face at Andrea as she teases her, "Heey!" she follows after her though, half skipping into the club. Hey maybe she'll get to slip a few alcoholic drinks tonight too!

She sure is in a cheerful mood as she pauses to peer around, looking for Andrea's brother and smiles and waves to him, stepping towards him. "Hiiii! How're you? Ready to dance?" she smiles with a twinkle in her eyes as she looks him over. Such a difference from Andrea's flashy style.

Grizzly has posed:
Cutting the line was a novelty for sure, but he found it all a bit...bougie. Too much. He was a regular guy. He wanted to be a singer, but, he didn't ever want to be the level of special where he couldn't wait in a line. He tried to take in stride through, entering the club and letting a smile rest on his face as the beat of the music set every nerve alight in his body. That's how it felt to him anyway. Music made him feel alive.

But if there was one thing that rivaled music as the key to his soul, it was food. Following after Megan, while she drooled over the guy, Adam gave the same expression to the spread on the table. "Now this guy, I like," he said with a chuckle. Apparently, he was Andrea's brother, but as far as style went, there didn't seem to be much of a resemblance.

Rage has posed:
"Hey, bro. This is the new guy, Adam. Adam, this is my twin brother, Nevada." Andrea says as she slides up next to him, leaning over to smooch him on the cheek. She reaches over to pluck a cheesestick out of a basket and dips it into some marinara sauce. "You told them to put this tab in my name?"

Glancing out into the crowds of dancing mutants and soaking in the rumble of the music, she is all grins. "Whatcha think, Grizz? This is cool, huh? This is ran by Jay's brother. Everyone is welcome here. Mutant, Alien, Human. No drama allowed. They have some crazy security and if anyone tries to do anything stupid, it's resolved pretty quick. So, it's just one huge party. Order whatver you want, I'm paying."

Giving a nudge of Megan to sit next to Nevada, she grins at her best friend and how she fawns over her twin. He has that 'bad boy' image about him. Feral. The seat next to her is of course going to be reserved for Jay.

"And if you want to dance, I'll dance with you. It'll be an experience." She calls over to Adam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is at his normal spot at the end of the bar. He is dressed in a metallic purple dress shirt and black dress pants. He looks up as he seems to know Andrea and her entourage were here before they come in. He looks over to see who all is with her and his brother tonight. The young man will nod to those who might look his way in greeting, but lets them have their fun, not interrupting.

Barghest has posed:
Nevada is looking up as Megan leads the charge to the table, hiding part of his grin behind a napkin as he wipes away some sauce. He's a glutton, not a heathen. "Oooh, dancing! Uh." There's a quick sidelong look at a busy dance floor and the young man swallows just a bit harder than required for chicken bits. "Y-yeah. I can give it a shot. Music's a bit faster than for a Roomba though." What does a robo-vaccuum have to do with dancing?

Oh, and there's the new kid. "Hey, fresh meat! Have some cheese fries." He says joyfully, giving Adam a half a bow while in the process of getting up enough to move further into the booth. "Got swept up in this tidal wave that is my sister's entourage, didja? Not sure if I should congratulate you or offer my condolences."

He passes a wide, utterly loving smile to Andrea. Or is that teasing? "Nah, I got this batch myself. You can grab next."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn Awwes and pouts at Andrea. She just knows she's trying to hook her up with her bro and all, although it makes her feel a bit awkward. "Hmm, well how about some food first? I'm starving!" and Yelp! She's getting nudged at a Nev! With a nervous laugh she Scootches in and reaches for a couple of cheese fries, "Mmm, these taste sooo good!"

Grizzly has posed:
Adam looked over to Andrea. "Hey, I can dance. You can join /me/ though, if ya want to." He beamed impishly at her. Adam wasn't shy and had no qualms about being in the new scene. He didn't require her hand holding, which honestly continued to come across as narcissism.

Adam reached out to grab the bowl and popped a few of the cheesy fries into his mouth. "Oh, my god...these are good." Licking off his fingers he chuckled at the comment. "Yeah, a bit of both maybe? The real question seems to be 'how do I get out of it?'"

Nightingale has posed:
     Sometimes, she was on duty here. Sometimes, it was just helping with a sound check. But there were indeed rare times when Shannon was just hanging out for its own sake. She had no qualms about coming to Evolution by herself. It was like a second home, and she was oftentimes something of a fixture here. She's holed herself up at a small table near the stage, where she can observe a good portion of the club at once. She's wearing a spaghetti-strap black tank top, with a shimmering sheer overlay, that is /just/ short enough that it can't be tucked in, long stonewashed jeans that flare out gently from knee to ankle, and black wedge-heel sandals. Her hair is long and loose, except for the pale blue braid that dangles on the left side of her face, with its trio of little silver beads on the end.

     And then there's the wings. Large and snowy white, they are in a relaxed pose behind her, while she seems to have her attention mostly on a notebook in front of her, nibbling on the end of a pen in her hand.

Rage has posed:
"Oh, is that so? I can join you?" Andrea grins at him as her brows lift upwards. "Cool, just let me know when you're ready and you can drag me out there. It's been too long since I've been able to just dance outside of a routine."

Swinging a foot out, she gives Nevada a playful kick in the shin as her eyes sparkle. "I hope you get asthma trying to keep up with Megan when she takes you to school out there." She retorts back to him. "Aaaaannnnyways, Adam, this has been pretty much our weekend hangout spot during school. Jay's brother is over there." She motions to Sam down at the other end of the bar. "They call him Cannonball. He has rocket thrusting powers. Can blow through buildings like they're tissue paper. Not a lot of people are gonna mess with him."

As her eyes sweep the club, she picks out some of the regulars, lifting a hand to wave now and again to a couple. "That's Shannon. The girl with the angel wings. She's a healer and also a student. She's one of my friends." She says as she gives a wave in her direction.

Icarus has posed:
"I'll join you all in a minute," Jay had murmured upon entering, giving Andrea a quick kiss on the cheek then heading for the familiar figure at the bar. He reaches out a hand to grasp his brothers but then pulls him in for a quick hug with the two required thumps of the hand on the opposite's back before pulling away again.

"How's it going, big brother? All well with the world?"

Barghest has posed:
The question from Adam earns a hearty laugh from Nevada. "I'd say you have to die but then you're just stuck with me. I like to think I'm good company, but the present jury is probably still out on that. They haven't run away though." He points to Adam with the gnawed end of a wing nub as if making a grand gesture with it while adding, "So I guess that's saying something, or else they don't actually like me and they're just too nice of people who're just pitying me. I'm okay either way, it's good company."

He winces then at the kick from Andrea and he huffs at her from across the table. "I have a bad back, not bad lungs! Geez, can't even remember my sob stories. Some sister you are."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn glances around and smiles and waves towards Sam and Shannon before looking back at the table full of munchies. "Sooo what's new with you, Nev? Hope you been practicing! You really rocked it the other day!"she gives him a reassuring smile, now that she knows about the limo and all it entails. "And I like you, and it's totally not a pity thing, even if I feel bad about putting you through those dance drills.." she pouts a bit feeling a bit guilty about that, though distracted by everything else going on.

To Adam she smirks a bit. "Soo what's the deal with you, you turn into a grizzly?" it'd explain Andrea's nickname for him.

Grizzly has posed:
Adam presented a handful of fries up, as if in some mocking gesture of a toast toward Nevada. "To pity friendships!" And with that, he ate that handful as well. He made a note of the other people that Andrea pointed out, but this was getting to be a lot of new faces for one day.

He looked to Megan and nodded. "Yeah, it's not exactly an unbreakable code name. At least I'm smarter than the average bear," he said in a quasi-Yogi bear voice.

Nightingale has posed:
     Well, perhaps there would be other times to jot down thoughts for a song. Shannon smiles and extends one wing in lieu of a wave towards Andrea, Megan and... who were those two? She peered curiously at Adam and Nevada, then smiles. Her notebook is closed, her pen tucked behind her ear, and she gets up, moving over to join the crew at their table. "Hi," she chimes in, hugging her notebook to her chest. "Room for one more?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hug his brother back in return, and says "Hey, looks like you and Andrea got a gaggle of folks tonight." He jokes a bit with Jay. "Not alot going on on my end, just holding down the fort. He admits "Thats Adam Walden right?" He asks seeming to already know who the new young man is.

Icarus has posed:
"Yeah, that was his name. Andrea helped find him. Took him to the school." Jay shrugs a bit. "I don't know his full story yet, didn't ask. But Andrea wanted to do the big thing, called this an initiation thing."

He motions to the club. "Find them, take them to the fancy mansion then first day take them out partying at your club. So this may become a thing, if she has her way."

Barghest has posed:
"Hey man, beggars can't be choosers." Nevada says to Adam with a drumette salute in return. Just how many wings can this guy eat?

"Oh! Heya Shannon. Sure, grab a chair. There's still enough food to go around."

He looks back towards Megan then with a wide, totally unbothered grin. "Well, I met an angel while I was working the other night. No joke, actual one. Weird dude, but they kind of all are. I may poke his brain for fun later, it seemed a bit scrambled. Otherwiiiise... same old. What about you?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks at Adam and Andrea and she just has to crack a joke, "Okaay so, a bear, a wolf and a dog walk into a bar...Wonder what happens next?" she giggles, shaking her head, "sorry couldn't resist! just wouldn't want to get in between a scrap of the three of them.."

To Shannon she smiles and nods, scotching over further. A bit of a squeeze but there's room, "Come on in! How have you been, Shan?" glancing at Nev, she chuckles, "An Angel? You mean besides Shan here? Well actually I did meet one briefly, called himself, Err...Like the Whiskey? Jack Daniels? No wait, Zach Daniels! Yeah that's it. Nice guy, a but awkward but.."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "We got a few new kids coming in there is a guy from Louisiana, who might want a bit of advice from someone else who who went from the country to this world, Probably will want ya to meet him, let him see we can adapt to the area pretty well and all.

Grizzly has posed:
With the bowl of fries empty, sadly, Adam put it down on the table. He smiled to the girl who came over. "Hi. I think so. Here, take my spot," he offers, stepping aside. "Now that I've got fry power, I'm gunna see about this dance floor thing." Over his shoulder he called back, "Well, coming Party Princess?" No matter what her actually codename was, Rage, or whatever, this one seemed more appropriate to him for Andrea.

Rage has posed:
"I'm coming!" Andrea says as she slides out of the seat to follow after Adam with a grin on her face. She reaches out to snag him by the hand so not to lose sight of him in the crowd, then vanishes in a sea of bodies so they can burn up the dance floor.

Icarus has posed:
Jay gives a nod, leaning back against the bar. The barkeep spots him, coming over with his usual glass of sweet tea. He gives him a quick murmur of thanks then turns back to watch the gathering of friends. Present and future. "You know you can count on me. I'm still getting used to all this myself. Taking that step into this world was easier, since you already had. Just let me know when so I can be sure I'm between classes."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Well it is good to have ya around here. I am thinking about seeing if we can get a couple of the plots of land near home by the way, figure if we work on a few of them, we can maybe help the little ones with getting their own places when it comes to that time.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and settles down at the table, but it seems to clear out pretty much as she settles in. Chuckling, she lofts her brows. "Is it my perfume, Megan?" Shrugging, she reaches for anything left of the fries, waving to Nevada, and all the others. "Been doing okay... tossing ideas for a song around. Got the thoughts in my head but the right words just aren't flowing. It'll happen. What about you, though? How's everyone doing?"

Barghest has posed:
"Besides her." Nevada confirms. "Called himself Castiel, at least as best you can translate it. Some of 'em don't even have names, and most of them are uppity assholes. He seemed alright. Seemed to agree this whole area seems to attach everything supernatural or metahuman. Eh, whatever the reason, at least the days don't get boring." And he settles into a brief quiet to let Megan and Shannon talk while he polishes off wings.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs at Shannon, "Another song? That's cool, can't wait to hear it! I think my dream band would be you, me, Dazzler and Andrea!" she giggles at the near impossibility. Glancing back to Nev she oohs, "Wow, anither Angel Huh? Cool!" and as Andrea and Adam head to the dance floor, she glances at Nevada, biting her lip, "Sooo...Wanna try out those dance moves?" although she glances hesitantly at Shan, not wanting to just abandon her at the table.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and shrugs, chuckling a little. "I don't think Dazzler would really have anything to do with me. It's okay though." She smiles at Nevada. "So, how have you been...?"