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Latest revision as of 17:58, 9 August 2020

Protesting people proceed in postirior pummeling,
Date of Scene: 14 June 2020
Location: Salem Center, Westchester County
Synopsis: Mutants get into a fight and win!
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Wild Rose, Pixie, Warpath, Prismatic

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau and Riana walk out of cosmic bowling in realitively high spirits it would seem. The Cajuns arm is around her waist and he is grinning. "Ah tried ta warn yah. Yah not gonna beat me in a game where Ah get ta t'row t'ings." At the it feet, quite possibly the ugliest little dog anyone has seen in recent memory jumps and sways agienst his leash, trying to tie them both up in it. A few steps outside however the air seems... Tense. A man on a megaphone screaming about how a teenager abused an explosion that killed three people last week, A mutant terrorist, at least to hear him tell it. He fails to mention the fact the girl was defending herself agienst her would be attackers.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Well, yeah, but I thought that extended mostly to playing cards, cher," Riana retorted, chuckling as she leans into the Cajun's embrace. The ugly little dog was doing quite a good job of tangling up his leash around her ankles, at least--and by the looks of it, he also did a good job of chewing up this latest pair of her sneakers. "So I suppose baseball, softball, or volleyball are out too, then." Was there no game in which she might be at least his equal? Oh, the conundrum of the ages!

     Riana's arm tenses as she angles it out just in front of Remy, hopefully giving him pause--both before stepping against the growing bonds of Jack's leash, and with any luck, before either of them might step into what promised to be a rather nasty little hornet's nest of trouble.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is totally out and about, enjoying some window shopping and totally enjoying her newly restored faerie wings which she makes no attempt at hiding. Cuz what a pain it is to constantly lose or damage jackets with wings hidden underneath ! Dressed in casual denim jeans and a bright green shirt, she peeks at the similarly perky dog up ahead and grins, "Awwwweeee cute doggy!"

Blue-green dragonfly wings flutter eagerly as she approaches doggy, smiling and waving to Remy, and nodding politely and warmly to his lady friend, though she does not recognize her. "Hiii Remy! he your doggy? can I pet him? what's his name?" oh she has sooo many questions for doggo..But looks like it may have to wait, as some jerk yells mean stuff about a mutant.

"Geez, can you believe that guy?"

Warpath has posed:
Though he hasn't been back in the area for long, Proudstar does get out a little. There is a low growling sound in his throat as he realizes maybe he should have opted to take it another night. Noting the presence of one familiar face and then the one with the wings he sighs softly.

     He doesn't openly approach them, more of a meandering walk through the crowd. He's huge, but that doesn't instantly mark him as a mutant and sometimes that comes in handy. His eyes move from one loud mouth to the next in the crowd, assessing the crowd and what they have on hand to cause harm.

Gambit has posed:
Unfortunately, the man with the megaphone is not alone. There are perhaps half a dozen to a dozen followers all wearing red armbands labeled SHAME with the M in a circle and crossed out. Societies Humans Agienst Mutant Evils. A prepotedly Christian based organization whose main tenant is that if God made man in his own image, it must have been Satan who created mutants. I mean that's obvious right? Remy meanwhile offers Riana a sympathetic smile. "Ah mean dare is Fooze ball, but Ah'm afraid Ah'm just naturally talented at Fooze Ball." He says with a grin as Megan Skips up. Jack, being super excited to meet new people (any people really) wags his over long tail so much that it overbalenes him and knock him over. The dog gives his own tail a dirty look, as if to declare it a traitor, but then offers his doggie grin and exposed belly to Megan as though that had been his plan all along. The Cajun chuckles trying to free his ankle from the leash. "'is name is Jack. And technically he belong ta Ms. Riana' ere. Megan dis Riana, mah lady friend. Riana dis Megan, one of mah favorite students." Not far away, the man with a priests collar and a belly full of hate decries "These things pollute the minds of our sons. Defile the bodies of our daughters. They tempt their soul's with Forbidden powers. I offer to you now that when God set forth the law Suffer not a witch to live, it was the mutants of Moses day to which the Lord spoke. "

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana offers a nod and a smile, extending her hand to Megan. "Nice to meet you. Wish it was a better day." Indeed, could it be much worse, than for three mutants--no, four--to run right into the middle of a rally? And one with a fairly obvious mutation? The talk of 'pollution' only prompts a grin from Riana, who leans over to Remy and whispers something rather cheeky in his ear.

     "I think they misspelled 'witch' there, and forgot a mirror in the process." She nods to Remy, her stance becoming alert, relaxed. The stance of a fighter preparing to enter battle if need be.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I can." comes a crisp accented voice as another friend of Xavier's arrives in answer to Megan's question, wearing a bolero jacket over an athletic top and fitted trousers and a plain gray ball cap, dipping her sunglasses as she gives a slight frown. She gives a nod to Remy as she gives a soft exhale, and stretches her fingers a moment. Alexis Carr looks relatively uncomfortable being this close to the little dog and the particularly vehement priest.

    "Please pardon my intrusion. Not often I get to see others in the wild." she offers as a joke, glancing over to to Riana and Remy.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams at the compliment and nods to Riana, "Nice to meet you! wow, she seems really nice, cute too!" she grins and conspiratorially at Remy before focusing on Jack again, leaning over to scritch his tummy if allowed, "Cool, like one-eyed Jack or something?" she smirks, noting the one eye.

Megs is still keepin an ear and eye open to the mob starting to firm though, frowning a bit. "Um..Should we..Do something 'bout those jerks? They're really really mean.." she pouts. When Lexi arrives she nods and frowns. "Geez they're really starting to tick me off.."

Warpath has posed:
     There is a lot of adrenaline and vemon in the air and it all suits the man's codename. Warpath reaches back and touches near his kidney. A shake of his head and he sighs. Something should be there that isn't it seems. Still it is just a gathering of bigots with more piss and wind than anything...so far. The dark eyes continue to take in the surroundings, seeing the options for a withdraw if needed. A few innocent cars sitting there and a manhole cover as well.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit to Alexis and once more makes introductions to Riana. Jack for his part seems in puppy dog heaven just having his tummy rubbed, dispite the fact it has him laying on his back on the sidewalk. Gambit nods to the speaker and sighs, "Piss me off too petie, but De man got De right to talk. Fact no better way ta fight dat sort of bigotry den ta let 'I'm vent it and show De world just' ow stupid 'e is...".. Which is of course when one of the man' s thugs decides to be really stupid. Huge native American warrior? See that almost every day. Girl with obvious wings mutation? Probibly some sort of weird fashion statement, with a harness or something. Kid's these days, am I right? But a guy late at night wearing dark sunglasses at an anti mutant rally? He's gotta be hiding something. With Remy's focus entirely on the women around him he is caught shamefully by surprise as his glasses are snatched off his face revealing his he'll fire eyes. The man who did the grabbing screaming "Over Here! He's One Of 'EM!

Wild Rose has posed:
     Oh, ballocks. This was not good. "Pogue mahone," Riana says, perfectly deadpan, to the man who snatched Remy's glasses. Her own hand darts out like a serpent striking, in a bid to retrieve the purloined eyewear. For the moment, she appears unarmed. But she's quick, with reflexes honed by considerable training. At the same time, she puts herself right in between Remy and the misguided soul who saw fit to raise Cain, over a pair of sunglasses.

     Really, had these poor folks nothing better to do?

Prismatic has posed:
    "I'd say something like let it roll of your back. Right now, there is a crowd of them. If they see any physical signs, they'll turn on you marvelously quick. I would say keep your distance, until they start trouble. And then end it quickly and neatly as you can." she frowns, turning her eyes to the angry crowd -- looking for anyone she recognizes from her old life -- and then, someone has to start trouble.

    "Oh for --" she breathes out, and she removes her own sunglasses and sets herself between the crowd and Megan. In spite of the fact that she's shorter than Megan is.

    "Language." Alexis states dryly to Riana, and she crosses her arms as she looks to the interloper, and delivers her best withering stare to the group.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, glancing around nervously, flattening her wings against her back and slowly rising from petting the doggy. When the guy snatches Remy's glasses, she tenses, but looks like Riana's got this. Still, Megan tenses, readying for trouble..

Warpath has posed:
     There is a deep breath and a slow exhale. A sigh? Not really. Warpath starts towards the flank of the bigots. Might as well take care of things fast and with no regard for the safety of anyone other than the mutants here.
     Nobody has started swinging yet, so he thinks better of drawing first blood, but there are two within his considerable arm's reach and so he waits. This could blow over yet and then again it might not. He makes sure there isn't an obvious "sleepers" in the crowd. You can't be sure, but sometimes behaviors tip people off.

Gambit has posed:
Now there is always the possibility that the smaller athletic looking woman is just faster and mor agile then the large man who looks like a Ross breed between a gorilla and a slightly hairier and stupider gorilla. But that's not what the man thinks. Instead when Riana snatches the glasses from him he yells "She's a mutie to---WAAAH." the last part is because since Megan stopped rubbing his tummy, Jack decided to try get the attention of this new friend by doing a figure 8 between his legs... And tieing his ankles up in his leash. The dog yips loudly as he is pulled and the Ox falls. Remy pinches his nose and mutters a soft "Merdi," even as another bigot in the nearby crowd yells "That Mutie made that dog attack Tiny!"

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana slips Remy's glasses into his hand, her eyes positively gleaming with amusement. Her lips curl upwards, and she openly chuckles at the one they called 'Tiny'. "I'd say the dog was actually smarter than you," she remarks, crossing her arms. "Look. We have no quarrel with you. If it's all the same to you, we'll be on our way."

     At least nobody could say she didn't first try to walk away from the situation.

     Stupidity, however, is unfortunately well-known in many scientific circles to be infinite.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Well, of course, someone comes up and accosts your person, any loyal dog should take issue. We're all a bit tense here, yeah? Why don't you lot just go back to... whatever it was you were doing before you decided to go looking for a bad time, gentlemen?" she questions, though her hands are curled into loose fists, her sunglasses-hid eyes scanning the crowd for weaponry, her eyes looking to Warpath, roaming over the group, curling her toes in her shoes, shifting her weight from leg to leg.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns and folds her arms, glaring at the mutie hater all serious and threatening...Until doggo tangoes him up and causes him to trip and fall. She can't help but giggle and point at him. "Hah! Serves you right, ya racist jerk!" she makes a face at him, perhaps a bit too over confidently.

Warpath has posed:
     The big draw back to being "responsible". Warpath has his targets in place, but doesn't start this one. Again he looks back over the crowd for any hidden ringers just incase the others can't talk their way out of this mess.

Gambit has posed:
A Bottle is thrown by one of the "bystanders" standing less then 2 feet from where Warpath is standing vigil. How did that guy think that was a good idea? At the same time two of Tiny's slightly less HGH enhanced buddies rush in, both aiming at Gambit because, one must suppose, chivilry isn't quite dead. The Cajun puts on his glasses and smiles at his lover "May Ah 'ave dis dance chere?" he asks playfully. As for Jack? He excitedly climbs up on Tiny' s chest, licks his face and piddles on his shirt. Jack is a derp.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Oh but of course, cher." Riana grins wickedly at Remy, one hand darting out just as quickly to catch one of the two rushing at him by the shirt collar. It's almost comical, really, in a cartoonish sort of way, when she lifts the man right off of his feet. He is no longer moving forward, but his feet continue to flail about as if running for a few seconds longer. Shaking her head, the titian-haired woman makes a tsk'ing noise and looks up at the erstwhile attacker.

     "Now why did you go and do that," she asks. "We just want to be left in peace." Very calmly, she holds him up in the air like that for a few moments, simply looking him right in the eyes. "Go home. We don't want a fight."

     With that, she simply lets go, watching as the man falls flat on his backside.

Prismatic has posed:
    Well, that aggression just will not stand.

    Alexis Carr is not on the defensive, but then again, she's a little bit hardier than her compatriots.

    So the British woman with the dimunitive stature dashes forward to one of the oncoming armband-holders, and she quick-steps over, plants one foot, shifts her weight and brings her knee up to strike the poor bloke in the solar plexus to knock the wind out of him, and as he bends in half from a powerful kick, she brings her elbow down between his shoulder blades.

    "How rude, not offering a chance to the ladies? What year *is* this?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen in wonder as she watches effortlessly Riana lift up the punk by the collar and drop him in a clumsy pile. She steps back as these two seem to have things under control - for now, peers at the other mutant haters gathered, an impish grin on her face, "So what, anyone else gunna try their luck? I can take 'em!"

Warpath has posed:
     Maybe Riana doesn't want violence, but the thrown brick has kicked Warpath's desire for violence into high gear. It happens fast. One moment the brick tosser is standing and the next an elbow catches him flat footed. He goes down in a pile.
     He isn't overly quiet about it, but the two infront of him don't have much of a chance to react before he grabs them from behind and creates a pair of concussions with a meeting of the minds, both heads connecting hard. The men's legs fold and just like that there are three down in the back-up category.

Gambit has posed:
And in a moment chaos ensues. Weapons in the forms of small clubs an knives appear in hands. Three armbands charge Warpath. Four more square off facing Riana and Alexis. Remy holds out his hand and his bo staff jumps to life into it. He steps between the ladies a huge grin on his face. "Scott gonna be soooo pissed 'bout dis." Another of the crowd, either a plant or a riled up observer tries to grab Megan at the waist. And Jack bounces and barks happily at all the excitement, but is too tangled around an unconscious Tiny to get in any trouble.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Back-to-back with Remy, Riana's left arm comes up in a swift side block as one of the four attacking her and Alexis decides it would be an absolutely /brilliant/ idea to take a swing at her. At the same time, she grips the assailant's arm, twisting around to get her hip under him as she throws him off-balance. Arms and legs go flying, with the poor soul landing in a heap on the pavement on his back, roughly to Remy's right, limbs all akimbo and the breath knocked from him, from a very quick trip being tossed over Riana's back.

     "You blithering idiot. I said we didn't want violence. I would highly suggest going home NOW."

Prismatic has posed:
    "I shall attest that we did attempt to turn the other cheek!" Alexis sing-songs back to Remy as she turns to the next man. Taller, built a bit more like Sam. That should be easy.

    Alexis ducks below a widely-swung Haymaker, elegantly bringing one leg up as she uses her arm to carry the poor gent's momentumn forward, to turn him --

    And there is a sickening CRACK and an absolutely gutteral cry as her heel comes down on his elbow and wrist, her eyes narrowing.

    She's not precisely playing nice and easy.

Warpath has posed:
     Decisions, decisions. The man hole cover would make a wicked weapon for sure. There is even a slow spread of a smile over Warpath's face as he considers it. Instead he reaches down and picks up the unconcious bottle tosser. There is /no/ question he is overly strong now. The unconcious man doesn't really resist and Jimmy dead lifts him from the ground.
     The three men charging at him get a new playmate as he hurls the unconcious man bodily and striking two of them hard, the other getting a glancing blow from a foot, but presses forward.
     Stumbling into Warpath, the man gets one solid left cross, jaw breaking audibly. Another body hits the ground without much trouble. Burning eyes turns towards the pair who caught the body,"Stay...down." he growls at them with menace that could chill blood.

Gambit has posed:
And then, almost as soon as the melee had begun, it was over. The SHAME folks had planned to cause a bit of rukus, maybe some property damage, if they got really lucky rough up a mutant or two. Almost completely unseen, the man in the priest's collar slips away in a waiting car. There is plenty oof footage to show the media which will tell the naritive that the mutants were the aggressors. So not an /unproductive/ day. The thugs try to back away as well, screaming curses at the group even as they make good their retreat.