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Latest revision as of 03:38, 23 August 2020

That's not the roof, Zach
Date of Scene: 16 August 2020
Location: Spike's Sub-Basement, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Zach gets with Buffy and Spike to talk.
Cast of Characters: Spike, Zach Daniels, Buffy Summers

Spike has posed:
     Sitting on the couch, Spike is more or less dressed. At least for their sakes he has on pants. His feet are across the couch so there is no room to sit. His vices are all on display tonight. His left hand holds a bottle of Jack, the right one has a cigarette dangling between the index and middle finger, and lastly Passions is on the television. Chances are he's going anywhere soon.

Zach Daniels has posed:
Okay, see. Zach is naturally curious, and he decided to explore the stairs leading down here rather than the elevator...in his day, you wanted a basement, you dug it out by hand.

Stepping around the corner Zach stares at the door and shakes his head. Unfurling his wings, Zach has his sword and crossbow on his hip and back respectively, wings out and is leaving a trail of featthers...which is, yes, easy to follow.

Mostly as Zach's relieved and eyes the door for a moment..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers wasn't super keen on visiting Spike, even though she was feeling a bit lonely and depressed lately, but she had other concerns lately, specifically her little sister's propensity to get into trouble, and after another run away from home and given her crush on Spike, there was every chance she sneaked over here.

Which is why she's at his door, carrying a bag of Mac's steak burgers and beer. Which isn't necessarily for him but he can probably smell the blood. "Hello? Spike, are you home?" she calls, knocking lightly on his door.

Oh and there's Zach. She frowns a bit, "What are you doing here? You take a wrong turn or something? Willow's apartment is upstairs.."

Spike has posed:
     The sound of people at his door gets passing attention at best. Being the mature 100 plus year old vampire he is, he turns up the television and doesn't answer. Sure he smells them and the blood, but strangers at the door with Buffy rarely ends well for him. Apparently he isn't in the mood to play tonight. Sometimes he can be the king of petulant, like tonight.

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach looks from the door to Buffy. "I wanted to check what was down here, honestly. I was hoping there's food" he offers and looks back to the door then Buffy. "I'm all out of granola bars right now. Ideas?" he asks and flares his wings. Which in the corridor just means he bumps them on each wall and sheds more feathers...again.

He's needing to make his own duvets and pillowcases.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at Zach. Oh great, this is gonna end well. "Nothing to see down here, just a cranky old vampire with a chip in his head and another on his shoulder. And no, I don't have granola bars, just burgers and beer."

She glances back at the door and sighs. She'd do better to just leave him be but.."Look Spike, I know you're there and I know I'm the last person you want to see. But this is important. Dawn's missing.." again.

Spike has posed:
     The tv stops a moment later and he sighs,"It's not like it's even locked." he mutters and turns on the couch to put his feet on the floor and then leans down to grab socks and his boots,"If you want in then turn the knob." Well, more or less a welcome anyway. There isn't a lot of petulance now, just tired and concerned. Other things aside he likes Dawn inspite of himself.

Zach Daniels has posed:
Hearing Spike Zach tests the door to see if it really is unlocked. Turning the knob, Zach glances to Buffy. "Dawn who?" he asks looking from Buffy to the door. "If it's locked I'll just kick it open, if not...well, I'll step back. Ladies first as they say" Zach says. Which means, either way, Buffy gets to head in first.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers already knew he never locked his door but after sneaking in the last time and souring their relationship, she was making a point to ask first, every time now. "Oh sure, I mention my sister and you're more than happy to let me in. But if I just wanted to see you it'd be another story."

With a resigned sigh she steps in, glancing around. Of course she didn't expect to see Dawn hiding in here somewhere. If she *were* here, and hiding, Spike would at least say something right?

"Have you seen her since Wednesday?" as she speaks, Buffy sets those delicious burgers down on the table along with the beers. She hasn't exactly offered them to anyone though. Werre they for someone else?

Spike has posed:
     Socks on, boots follow. He smells all the good things of course, but missing Dawn and all that,"I haven't seen her since last week. I figured she had found herself a guy and didn't have time to wander down here." Hopeful for the Dawnster at least. Boots settled he gets up and considers the one in the hall.

     Looking back towards Buffy he raises an eyebrow and then his cigarette. An exhale and he comments,"Tell me you've seen her since Wednesday at least." he comments and goes to his bedroom long enough to get a shirt. After that at least they are spared pale skin guy on such a blinding level.

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach trails Buffy in and eyes the beers and burgers. Well, free food? "So your sister is missing? I could take to the sky and sere if I find anything, rightt?"

Okay he took a wrong turn, but he can still be....wel, a bit helpful. If Spike doesn't get a shirt, Zach's seriously thinking of just shooting him on principle. Because why not?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs. "Well...I was gonna give this to Thomas, but I guess he had to deal with another work emergency.." which is just upsetting, "Mind if I leave it in your fridge? Guess someone may as well eat it.." She glances at Zach and nods, "Sure, that'd be helpful. Got a phone? Last I heard, she was going to a slumber party with some friends on Wednesday night. Was supposed to be back on Saturday morning but I haven't heard or seen from her since. Neither have her friends, although apparently they were gonna do some camping on Friday night in the wilderness just outside of town."

As Spike gets dressed, she heads back to the door. "It's a large area to cover but with eyes in the sky, we shouldn't have as much trouble."

Spike has posed:
     Once he has the shirt on and settled he nods to her about the refrigerator. A face is made when she mentions the wilderness. That will be fun, an area dedicated to killing him even accidentally. Another drink from the bottle and he opens the refrigerator for her to get the food in there.

     Once more his gaze moves to the angel looking bloke and since she seems OK with him he's at least tolerant,"Joyce aware of this yet?" he asks and goes to pick up the long black coat that is as much his trademark as anything. Pulling it on he waits for Buffy to introduce if she wants,"I'm guessing you have been to the sleep over house."

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach digs out an old and battered phone from his pocket, "Yeah, here's my phone" he says and holds it out to her, then watched Spike. "That's a trenchcoat. Makes two people who wear trenchcoats I've met" he says. "The other one was asking me questions. You" he adds to Spike. "Are way, way too sociiable, you know that?" he adds then nods to Buffy. "I'll get to flying soonish and see if I find anything out though...but...what's his deal?" Zach asides to her with a wave of his hand to Spike.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Of course, I checked all those places and my mom is still out of town.," she glances between the two of them and shrugs."Zach, Spike. Spike Zach. Zach's a forgotten angel but not an evil angel. Spike's a vampire but not an evil vampire...Usually." he nods, "Thanks.lThen lets go, the sooner the better." and she opens the door, waiting for them to head out first. "Um..You still got your car, Spike? We'd better move quickly, the sun just set but it'll be dark soon." and darkness attracts spooky stuff.

Spike has posed:
     The coat settles and he glances towards the angel and nods,"Trench coats. Before you know it they will be all the rage." he muses. Another drag and he puts out the cigarette. A slow exhale and he nods,"I have the car and the motorcycle yes."

     He looks at Zach again, a little incredulous. He takes out a set of keys and flips them to Buffy,"You do know how to drive right?" he teases midly. The other set of keys drop into his pocket,"You think bad things come out at night?"

Zach Daniels has posed:
"You said that when you're in here with me and a vampire" Zach points out, looking to the door, "I'll get up in the sky, but if it's dark can I just take a flashlight or...or....something with me?" he asks, straight faced. "I mean, I could put a flaashlight on a hat and fly like that, yes?"

Zach is not a coal miner or anything...and if he's trying to be subtle, then....not working if he flies around with a flashlight on his head.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, catching the keys but frowning, "Really? You trust me with your car or bike?" she laughs, shaking her head as she heads down the hall and outside. "Okaay, your car.." with a shrug and smirk she finds his car and is already revving up the engine. of course she has a learner's but never managed to pass her driving test. Oh well. "Alright then...Let's go."

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach for his part...well, he's not stood on the roof getting ready to fly. nah, he's climbing up into the night sky and is getting used to the dark. Hey. Crossbow at the ready. Sword within reach, and maybe he'll hit up a food truck or two perhaps if the trail leads to NYC or, or, something.... Who knows.

Spike has posed:
     "Trust is a stretch." Spike comments, but at least she gets a smirk that tells her he's just messing with her this time. He shakes his head when she starts to drive off,"I'll be going to the body shop soon." he mutters and gets to his motorcycle.