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Latest revision as of 02:45, 8 September 2020

It's Permanent
Date of Scene: 07 September 2020
Location: Indira's Room (East Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jeremy gets Inked
Cast of Characters: SpyderByte, Faraday, Aegis, Nightingale

SpyderByte has posed:
There is a light knocking at the door from the hallway as Jeremy nervously glances about. He doesn't come down this wing of the school often. It's pretty much a 'no boys allowed' zone. He scuffs his foot against the ground a few times, tapping out a text to them to let them know that he's out front.

He's nervous, giving a few scratches at his left shoulder where the ink will be. He's already feeling itchy! << Hello, it's me out front. >>

Faraday has posed:
Being the 'off limits' wing, the door is quick to be answered. Indira is there, and she shoots a quick left-right look down the hallway before reaching out to grab the front of his shirt and pull him into the room. "...we are going to get in a lot of trouble." She mutters as she lets him go and steps back.

He'd find out that a girl's room looks, well, just like any other. There's no strange lights or mystics hiding in closets. Just two girls sharing a room, each with their own side decked out with some personal decorations.

Aegis has posed:
Xio has set up already. Her friends had sent over the supplies she needed. It wasn't something she generally had carried around usually. After all, it was more for her gang than herself, although she was their artist. There were others taking up the gun while she was gone.

She had already set up a small table with two tattoo guns and multiple containers of various inks of multiple colors. She had gloves at the ready, wipes to clean his skin before working and her stencil was laid there ready to be applied. There was even a standing lamp set up with a directional light, which was turned off for the moment. "Hola, Jeremy. You ready for this? You got any ink already or am I popping your cherry?"

SpyderByte has posed:
Taking out his phone, Jeremy chews on his bottom lip a bit nervously. << I have not done this before. >> He looks over at the ink guns, eyes widening at the needles and the inks. He swallows tightly in his throat as he heads over to take a seat, quietly clearing his throat. He taps his foot gently on the ground.

<< Is this going to hurt a lot? >> He asks the question, though it doesn't appear he is going to wuss out. He has set his mind to this. He has thought about it all day.

Giving both of them an awkward smile, he fiddles with his phone in his hands as he twirls it about.

Faraday has posed:
"Don't ask me, I've never done this." Indira says with a muffled laugh as she walks over to her bed and flops herself down on it. She reaches behind her to arrange her pillow and stuffing it further under her head before reaching to her nightstand to grab her phone. "Maybe some day, when I figure out what's important enough to permanently etch onto my body. I know you can get them removed and all, but, think twice and ink once. Is that a saying anyone uses?"

Nightingale has posed:
     There's a light knock on the door, down the hall where even some of the girls rarely venture forth. There is also the savory, spicy smell of the vegan chili a certain healer in training had made not long after Indira's arrival to the school. "Hello?" Shannon calls out, keeping her voice low. There was no sense in alerting -too- many to the gathering. "Come on, let me in before the smell of this stuff gets everywhere and starts a feeding frenzy? Please?"

Aegis has posed:
"Not that I've heard but it should be. Taking them off hurts a lot more than getting one done. And yeah, it's gonna hurt some. But the sensation is more like a burn than getting stabbed, if that makes sense?" Xio explains. "Sometimes a little ow but don't pull or move cause then you get a fucked up line."

She motions to the bed. "You'll need to lay down. You want to see the stencil so you have an idea of what it looks like combined or just gonna trust me?"

She hears the knock on the door and quickly goes to open it, letting in the winged one. "Chili? Now? Whatever rings your bell." She quickly shuts the door behind Shannon and moves back to her preparations.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Sure, let me see it. >>

Jeremy wishes he could sound excited through the phone, but he gives Xio a huge smile and a pair of thumbs up. As he ambles to the bed, he peels out of his shirt to reveal his lanky frame. He's pale, mostly hairless and only a couple of scars left that are faded and pink. He gives his neck a gentle scratching with his fingernails as he takes a seat on Xio's bed. This may look a bit interesting for Shannon who is now heading into the room once she knocks.

He lifts a hand up and gives her a wave, smiling before he looks back to the other two girls. He pushes his hair back and ties it up with a scrunchie he snagged that doesn't look too girly. At least it's out of his face now.

<< I need a hair cut. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Hey, figured if I was going to drop by, it might as well not be empty-handed," Shannon replies, balancing the tray in her arms as she sidles through the door. Indeed, it wasn't just a dish of chili, but a mess of pita chips as well for dipping. She's dressed in some light blue jeans that ride a bit low on her hips, a white button-down shirt that's tied up beneath her chest to leave a good bit of midriff bare, and for once, she's barefoot. The sight of Jeremy sans shirt brings a rosy flush to her cheeks, though as the accoutrements of Xiomara's art are also readily apparent, she thinks nothing of his location. It's probably the best spot for the work to be done, anyways.

     Her pale azure eyes twinkle and she chortles, shaking her head. "If you have anyone give you a haircut, Jer, just don't ask me. The last time I tried to trim some of the fur away from my dog's eyes back home, the poor thing looked like a shorn chipmunk."

Aegis has posed:
The explanation from Shannon gets a nod. "Thanks for thinking about everyone."

Then she is focused back on Jeremy. "I don't cut hair. Can't help you there. Maybe go into town and get it done."

As he settles on the side of the bed, Xio moves to her rolling chair. She reaches out a hand, grabbing his in her own. She pulls his hand over toward her then suddenly there is the whir of the tattoo gun.

The needles are run over the back of his hand in a quick line. It's enough to give him an idea what he's getting into. "That's basically what it feels like. Just as it keeps going longer and I am working in the same areas, you end up with that burning feel. It's nothing compared to what you've been through."

She sets the gun back down and quickly changes out the needles. No reason to chance using those now that they touched his non-sanitized skin.

"If you want chili, get it now. You and I are going to probably be a couple of hours, if you can sit that long. If not, we'll break it into hour sessions but I can't have you wiggling around while stuffing your face."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I'm not hungry. I ate earlier. >>

Jeremy almost jumps at the sensation of the needles running along his hand. THey definitely give a tingling sting. But nothing too uncomfortable. He takes in a deep breath, then gives a nod of his head. He squeezes her hand back for a moment before it's let go.

<< I hate going into town. I almost would rather just shave my head bald and not bother. >>

He follows along with the rest of the instructions, nodding his head here and there. He glances at the clock on his phone, then back to her.

<< Will be a long night. I'm ready. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon finds a place to set the tray down within relatively easy reach of everyone, nodding to Xiomara. "No sweat." She settles down on the ground within reach of Jeremy, a steadying presence should he need a wing or hand to hold. While others might be shy about the snacks, she herself is not, nibbling on a pita chip while observing the preparations for Jeremy's with interest. She offers him a smile of pride, otherwise keeping quiet so as to be no further distraction to the artist in her element.

Faraday has posed:
Indi had been sitting there catching up on one of her many YouTube subscriptions, giving a nod of her head and a quiet greeting as Shannon had arrived. She mostly stayed quiet while Xiomara and Jeremy worked out the details and moved towards preparations. Once she's done, she pops out her earbuds and looks over towards the group.

"The design is really freaking sweet. You'll look like a total bad ass. Hopefully you like it, but you probably will."

Aegis has posed:
"This is the stencil," Xio offers the paper to him to look at. "Careful not to touch the lines. They transfer to your skin." The digitized circuit board has been altered, a bit more web-like in shape. The spider rests atop it, waiting to capture something. "Your choice though on which will be visible. I'd go with the spider personally but you might have issues if your girlfriend someday has a fear of spiders," she teases as she starts to pull on her gloves in preparation for working.

"Lay on your stomach and let me get that shoulder cleaned off once you decide." She'll wipe the area down, even run a razor over it just to be sure there are no little invisible hairs to mess up her work space.

SpyderByte has posed:
There's an amused smile from Jeremy as he shrugs his shoulders upwards. << My left shoulder. I'll go with your suggestion. >>

As he sprawls out on the bed, he drops his head down across his arms that are crossed under his chin. He gives a bit of a wiggle to get in place. He takes in a deep, deep breath, then lets it go.

<< I don't think most girls will freak out over a spider tattoo. My mom though would kill me if she found out I did this. If she even cared to call me back that is. She would never approve. >>

Which is probably why he is doing this as well.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Wow. That is one sweet design. I'm impressed, Xio." Shannon lets out a low whistle and smiles, nodding approval of the design. She says nothing in regards to the lack of contact from Jeremy's mother, only offering a sympathetic look. "Nothing wrong with spiders, Jer," she adds, with a soft giggle. "If there was, I don't think any of us would be here. There's a very -big- Spyder on the bed, after all!"

Faraday has posed:
"Well we didn't invite Spider-Man to the party." Indira remarks as she tucks her hands behind her head. "But spiders are helpful critters. I just prefer them not hovering above my head."

She glances over to Jeremy then with a chuckle, "Well none of us are in here smoking 'the devil's lettuce' or whatever the various drugs are. I dunno. I admit, I was sheltered. Indian family... if I wasn't doing homework or learning something, I was never going to amount to anything, blah blah."

Aegis has posed:
"I could get you hooked up if you wanted to try some. Not my thing. Don't really like the way they make me feel. But hey, different people like different stuff." Xio is just having a conversation. She isn't really thinking about it.

Once he is settled, she preps by holding the stencil to get just the right angle then sets it on his back, transferring the image over. Then she picks up the tattoo gun, shifting the pedal a bit closer so she is more comfortable. She dips the needles into the black ink.

"Last chance to back out." And unless he says he isn't ready, she runs the first line across his shoulder.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I'm not going to back OW! >>

Jeremy grits his teeth as he feels the needles run along his skin. He gives his phone a tighter squeeze for a moment as his body grows rigid. He takes in another deep breath, then forces himself to calm down as he stares at his screen.

<< I'm not going to back out. I'm going to see this through. I'm tough. >>

Really, he's super tough. He curls his bare toes a bit in anticipation of another round of stings as he starts to swipe along his phone. He pulls up a number of websites quickly as he lines them up. Most of it is just local and state news.

<< That's what she said. >> He jokes in regards to Shannon's comment about the big spider on the bed.

Faraday has posed:
"Yeah, pretty sure I'd be a terrible person to get strung out on things. I run the risk of turning this place into the Fourth of July, and summer's over." Indira says with a shake of her head. "I'll pass. I'd rather not fry anyone I like on accident."

She picks up her phone again and brings up some music, playing it wirelessly to a small table speaker. It's quiet, current music. Nothing to get anyone up and dancing and messing up the process but a distraction.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon opens her mouth to retort in kind to Jeremy, but simply closes it again, her face going flame red clear to the tips of her ears. She giggles softly, her wings ruffling and starting to furl around in front of her to hide her face. "You're incorrigible, Jer!" However, she certainly doesn't seem to be arguing the point...!

     Glancing over at Indi, she chuckles, lifting her shoulders in a bit of a shrug. "Nope, no Spider-Man here. Just a Spyder Byte." However, her eyebrows do flick upwards ever so slightly, leaving one to wonder just what secrets this teen's holding on to.

     Turning back to Jeremy, she offers a smile of support, resting her hand on the edge of the bed. "You've got this," she murmurs. "We're all here with ya."

Aegis has posed:
When he doesn't faint or roll away screaming after the first line, Xio settles in to work more seriously. She concentrates fully on her work. After all, this is going to be permanent on someone's skin. She is going to do her best work, as she always does. In fact, perhaps even more so. This design will push her a bit. Saturation is important. It's something that was necessary on the tattoos her gang wears in particular so she has gotten quite good at it. She uses her right hand to help hold the skin tight, the tattoo gun in her left as she works. Once in a while she uses a paper towel to wipe away the blood that is inevitable in getting this sort of art work done.

The music is nice but she isn't really conversing much. This will be the most difficult tattoo she has done and she wants it perfect. After what he's gone through, he deserves it.

There is a ping on her phone nearby. She glances over to see Miguel's name and two words. 'It's done.' "I think that one's for you, Jeremy, if you want to take a peek." Nothing more. Just that and she's back to work on giving him something beautiful in place of the tragedy that had once marked his back.

SpyderByte has posed:
As Xio works upon his skin, Jeremy gives a slight 'ow' and 'ouch' here and there. By now, he's starting to sweat along his brow as the time goes by, his skin reddening from the pain. He just focuses on his phone though, sifting his ways through the backalleys of the Internet and going down rabbit holes. Anything to keep his mind off the sting and force his body to relax.

When Xio's phone pings and she calls attention to it, he gives a glance over in it's direction, then looks back to his screen as he looks to 'steal' the message over on to his phone, curling it a bit closer to him with his free hand so that he can read the contents.

<< Muchas Gracias. >>

He responds back to his teammate. << I never took drugs before, outside of over the counter stuff. I never smoked either, or even had anything to drink stronger than an energy soda. I'm not really good at being a rebel. >>

Faraday has posed:
"Eh, rebellion is overrated." Indira murmurs as she absently flips her way through social media. "At least that kind. If you're going to put it to the establishment, then there's better ways to do it than lighting up a joint or getting drunk underage. Go... fight for equality, overthrow terrible governments, that kinda stuff. Don't waste your life destroying yourself to rebel."

She glances up from her screen here and there to look as the ink progresses, but it's going to be a long time until the finished product is in place. "...but, ya know, we're not here to be heroes." She mutters with a quick wink.

Nightingale has posed:
     Oddly enough, it's the winged one who gets a bit of a sheepish look at the mention of illicit substances, coughing lightly. "Closest I ever got to any of that was during science class one day last year. Megan had a cases of the sneezes, and she was spraying that pixie dust of hers everywhere. Some of it landed on me and ooof, let me tell you, that's some trippy stuff!" As for drinks? Well, Shannon remains oddly silent on the matter.

     She plucks a handkerchief with a treble clef embroidered in gold, and delicate traceries of swirling patterns around the edges in the same thread, offering it to Jeremy to dab at his forehead if he wishes. Grinning impishly at Indi, she winks. "Of course we're not. But it happens anyways. Not our fault if trouble finds us without us looking for it."