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Latest revision as of 22:20, 19 October 2020

The Fireman Gala
Date of Scene: 01 October 2020
Location: Polymnia Musical Hall & Museum
Synopsis: At the Fall Wonderland-themed Firefighter's Fund Gala, chaos occurs when the unexpected happens! Attacked by electric squash, a little creature of darkness and a booming voice swearing the downfall of the rich, Megan Gwynn, Conner and Dazzler end up fighting a creature of darkness while Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Andrea and Phoebe Beacon make sure the site gets evacuated!
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Rage, Red Robin, Nightwing, Dazzler, Superboy, Pixie

Sparrowhawk has posed:

    The first event of its kind, of this scale. The hall that was rented was an extension of a museum and music hall. The sidewalks were roped off where bystanders could watch those born with silver spoons or those who had made it big and want to throw around a little charity cash. There's a line of expensive cars coming around the block, some with personal drivers, others simply being driven by their owners.

    Inside, light classical music, updated with more modern beats is being piped in. The tables are set, eight to a round table. Fancy bread and amuse-bouche consisting of delicately braised beef tongue wrapped around a stiff horseradish sauce served on toasted rounds of bread, seasoned vegetables sliced and displaced in the shape of a sunflower upon warm pita and bright, lemony hummus and chilled, thin-sliced salmon wrapped around roe and ricotta, with a bright sprig of dill are set at each table for others to try as they mill about, make acquaintences and rub elbows.

    The design of the gala was fanciful, fun and brightly colored. The waitstaff are dressed smartly in tuxedo pants and white shirts, with either spades and clubs and black bowties, or hearts and diamonds with red bowties, and are walking around with sparkling glasses of prosecco and rose. The bartenders are wearing violet vests with pocket watches and a pattern made to resemble a rabbit's body on their left side. The runners and barbacks wear rabbit ears, casually.

    Pumpkins and gourds form the centerpieces of each table, accented in silk leaves in brilliant autumn colors.

    There seems to be an air of excitement, and among guests already milling inside are fire cheifs from various boroughs in New York, Gotham, and Metropolis.

    The hostess for tonight, one Mrs. Geraldine Simons, is wearing a dramatic red dress beset with hearts and fire-engine red leaves, rubies set in silver dropping from her ears, her thin, gray hair pulled up into a delicately set up-do with a silver and red tiara -- on loan from a jewlery firm in Gotham -- is perched on her head. A perfect Queen of Hearts.

Rage has posed:
Making her way into the Gala is the current chart topping popstar known as Andrea Jackson. Tonight she is wearing a long black dress with a silvery sequence design of flowers stitched along one side, complete with a purse and a pair of heels. It appears that she has came stag tonight without a date on her arm.

Taking a moment to pause for photos from those hired to take shots of the celebrities, she puts on a bright smile, giving a wave here and there, followed by a quick round of interviews before she makes her way to her designated table. Once she sits, she shuffles her purse to the back of her chair, that of which the contents are rather sparse: Carkeys, chapstick, her phone. She travels lights when it comes to charity events.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has pulled out one of the classic cars that Bruce has collected. A red and black Ferrari convertible. He is wearing a black tux with red highlights. As he pulls up, he tosses the keys to the valet and comes around to the other side of the car to offer his arm to the lovely lady who is with him. He smiles at her, and says softly "You are beautiful." giving her a quiet reassurance.

Nightwing has posed:
This is going to be Hell. Flying solo tonight as the Commish double booked a certain Redhead, Dick ducks in as best he can in a low key manner. The press is going to spin that they are in trouble because Dick showed up here without her, and the man cannot help but think that is Jim's subtle dig at 'Hose Haulers'. Still, Dick makes sure to enter casually, fielding questions as they come up. "Yes. No. With her father at another benefit." He answers in turn. Let Tim and Phoebe shine; he has no desire to dim their sparkle. In fact, he murmurs to a couple of the photographers at the door. "Look at Tim with his girlfriend." Ha. Every man for himself, little brother.

Dick Grayson makes a bee-line for the bar, frowning to himself about calling out certain people with the party themes.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe, on the other hand, is wearing gray and blue, her hair in a simple up-do and set with silver leaves. Matte gray heels and a shimmery shawl against Gotham's chill complete the outfit as she gives a smile to Tim, and lets him help her out of the car.

    "I feel ridiculous." she admits gently, drawing her shawl around her a little more tightly. Her clasp, on the advice of someone IN The Know, has a little walrus on it, and she looks around to the paparazzi taking all the pictures of one of the Wayne boys, and yep.

    As soon as Dick mentions 'Tim with the Girlfriend' someone chirps up with "The one from Greece?!" -- and flashes start going off around them, Phoebe embarrassedly bowing her head a moment with a serene smile, and a set jaw.

Rage has posed:
As she engages in some chatter with some people at her table, Andrea is in her element as a celebrity. She joins in on a laugh as someone makes a joke, even if it sails over her head. She doesn't want that particular TV show. At times she will glance over towards the other newcomers as they take their photos taken. She recognzies some of them. Dick Grayson. Tim Drake. Guys that are linked to the infamous Bruce Wayne.

As she takes her phone out of her purse, she sends off a text message or two, then takes a peek at the menu to see what will be served. When a waiter will pass by, she puts in for a simple ice water.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison Blaire also arrives stag tonight in a rented limo, the pop star dressed for formal distraction. Her gown is white with a halter neck, overlaid with an abundance of crystal sparkles. It's long enough to drag behind as its own train, shoulders bared and arms covered with matching, sparkly gloves. Her blonde hair is pulled up and back, locks spilling down her back to cover almost low enough to make up for what the gown exposes.

Stepping out of the limo, Dazzler offers a bright smile and a wave, and the moment she starts walking the sparkly dress becomes even more distracting.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and does keep Phoebe close, pausing for a picture here or there. He even leans in to kiss Phoebe's cheek for one of them eyes showing his care and love for her. When they start asking about Greece, and such, he will answer "Yes, Miss Beacon and I had a wonderful time there, and we hope we get to go again, but tonight is not about us or Greece, tonight is about the people who watch after Gotham, and put their lives on the line for it day after day. Today is for the brave men who fight the fires and protect the people." He offers. His eyes do scan the crowd, taking in Dick, and the other celebrities he recognizes, but his eyes stray a bit longer on the staff attire, and starts counting to himself, seeing how many are wearing headware, and where they are going and such.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick is pretty sure he is a bad person for looking Alison Blaire over. He goes through his interior checklist of self-cues and things he does not know about her. He certainly never drafted her into saving Superman's life. Ordering just a diet soda, Dick continues to otherwise hide at the bar. Pursing his lips, Dick runs a hand through his hair and settles himself at the bar closest to a gap where she might show up.

Maybe he can mess with her.

Still, Dick sips his drink. As a pudgy, balding guy moves to belly up next to him, Dick moves to one side, opening up the distance as best he can.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Half the people in Gotham have links to the *infamous* Bruce Wayne. It seems like everyone's brother or cousin works for some company in Gotham that's owned by the overarching Wayne Enterprises, doesn't it?

    Andrea is served her ice water. Paparazzi take pictures of Dazzler making an appearance, half of them are asking who she's wearing (as a bright spot in a dark city!), the other half asking if she's reserved a whole table to herself so that no one gets Sunburnt!

    Dick is served his diet soda, on ice, with the bartender having inquired on if he's *sure* he doesn't want anything else. The other one pipes up with "Let the guy order what he wants."

    A couple more questions come out for Tim, and Phoebe is blushing as she makes her way behind him, rolling her eyes playfully at the kiss to her cheek --

    "Hey! Tim! Did you pick that one because her dad died in the Narrows Fires?" one particularly sharp voiced reporter asks.

    Phoebe's shoulders draw up a moment.

    "How's it feel to be a gold digger, Phoebe Doe?" he follows up, a few others giving giggles and snorts, but the young woman simply peeds up her walk to get inside and away from the public.

    Mrs. Simons sweeps around.

    "Goodness Gracious, Dick Grayson, I don't think I've seen you since you were just a tot!" the gray-haired woman says, sweeping by with her bright red dress. "How /are/ you, young man? Making an appearance tonight to keep up appearances?"

Dazzler has posed:
Alison runs the customary photographer gauntlet, making her way into the event and looking around at the other celebs. Offering a smile and a finger-wave towards Andrea, Dazzler heads towards the bar. Perhaps predictably, rests a gloved hand lightly on the bar and orders champagne.

With that gloved hand holding her place, the sparkles on Alison's gown subside as if someone just turned down the intensity of the white fabric.

Rage has posed:
Catching sight of Allison, Andrea lifts her hand up to wave to her! "Hey! Got your seat here." She calls over as she motions to the one next to her. Obviously the two mutant popstars would be at the same table. Worse case they can have each other's back in conversation.

Taking her water, she follows up with a small sip before she puts it to the side with a clink of ice about the glass, waiting for Dazzler to finish up with her rounds at the bar. She is underage, sadly and can only partake in drinks as strong as a Diet Coke.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's body stiffens at the words from the reporter who is trying to get a rise out of him. He turns and looks to the crowd, of reporters, and points to five of them, making sure to skip over the ass, and says "We are having a wonderful time, and those of the press I pointed out are invited to a press conference on a new fire safety device we are donating a thousand of to fire houses here in Gotham and around the country." He smiles and says "I am sure your bosses will be very happy with you for being invited, and doing a good job tonight and then." He then turns to walk with Phoebe, after taking his socially allowed stab back at the ass.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick taps the bar next to Alison. "Put it on my tab. When I was a little guy her music was a help. I wasn't an upbeat kid. I needed those silly little love songs. Thanks." He gives Alison a little smile, playing the vaguely star struck rich kid. "I'm Grayson." He says quietly, but then turns his gaze to the Hostess. "Oh, you have seen me. I'm just usually with Barbara and she takes all the air out of the room. I vanish in her incadescent charm." It doesn't sound like sarcasm. The young man smiles at Miss Simons. "She is at another event tonight. Something she promised Jim, errr, Commissioner Gordon, that she would attend. She sends her regards. I'm actually here as the associate vice president of charitable works for the Wayne Foundation." Read as 'the owner's son'. "It's a wonderful event you have set up. You've met Alison Blaie, the fabulous Dazzler?"

Superboy has posed:
Usually Conner would have balked at the cost of the menu here. But it is his last college year and he is moving to the Titan's Tower anyway, saving the crazy rent prices of Manhattan. So, he is burning all his remaining savings from his time as influencer and super-public super-hero. Next spring he will get a real job. Because his bank account will be near zero. As planned.

Besides, he feels he doesn't do enough nice things with Megan. Because dating super-heroes is hard. And superheroes dating, twice as hard.

He is wearing a tux. He actually combed his hair in a more normal style. And he comes with a winged girl. Because of course. Normality is overrated anyway.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh, I quite understand the Gordons being involved with other charities; it must be difficult to split things up between a couple." Simons says with a smile, and she pats Dick on the shoulder -- just once -- and then gives a smile to Alison "Aaah yes, Dazzler -- and I see Miss Andrea is here as well. It's always nice to see such friendly faces in Gotham." the woman gives a bright smile in spite of her aged face and wrinkles. "How do you do? I help with the event planning of these things, this is definitely the biggest -- and most expensive -- event we've had, but as our efforts benefit all three cities around us, it'd be good to have something where we can stow some for a rainy day." she smiles.

    The temperature room drops five degrees from seventy to sixty-five, quite suddenly, as Conner and Megan make their way into the hall. Coincidence?

    ... Probably.

    The lights are dipping a little lower, and the grouds in the centerpieces are beginning to glow a cheery pinkish-red.

    Phoebe and Tim come in, with Phoebe already in a somewhat cross mood at being addressed as Phoebe Doe. The young woman still keeps her head high, although she's not looking at Tim.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison is giving Andrea a vigorous nod when some guy at the bar picks up her drink. She turns, brows lifting as she spots Dick. Oh, it's THAT guy. Yes, she knows him from the tabloids. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grayson. I always enjoy meeting fans."

She takes it well, of course. After all, to Alison these social events are old hat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Simons. It's a lovely night for a lovely event, regardless of the expense." Her champagne is delivered then, and she accepts it by the stem with graceful fingers.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn isn't very rich, not on her minimum wage waitressing job..But between that and the occasional gig through a second job, plus some assistance through a 'mysterious benefactor', she might have managed to scrape by. Thankfully, Conner had purchased the ticket for her so that wasn't a worry. Of course she'd have to pay him back, somehow. Even so, it's not often that she gets to enjoy such luxuries.

Megan smiles softly to Conner, grasping his arm as she enters, dressed in a forest green cocktail dress, adorned with black velvet embroidery vines along the chest and hem. It is complimented well with her bright pink hair, held back with a black headband. Black high heels complete the look.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake notes the dip in temp, and will move closer to Phoebe putting an arm around her. He speaks softly to her so his voice does not carry far. "He is not worth being upset over, he is just trying to get a reaction, you handled it well." He reassures her. He will ask her "Did it just feel like the AC kicked on as Conner walked in?" He asks her for confirmation. He will try to catch Dick's eyes as he runs his hand through his hair, making a subtle hand gesture, that lets him know Tim is concerned something maybe going down.

Nightwing has posed:
"Mrs Simons. You are asked to do this because you are wonderful at it. That is why we always make sure to send someone to attend." He flicks Alison a little look over his shoulder. It is almost as if he is encouraging her to save herself. Dick swivels his head over and reaches over to hook himself to Mrs. Simons arm. "How is that daughter of yours? Rebecca isn't it? The one with the dimples. Did she marry that doctor?"

We are so even, Alison Blaire. Saving Superman's life is equivalent to throwing oneself into the slavering jaws of a socialite.

Dick flicks Mrs. Simons a smile. "I was always fond of her, but?" He just sort of shrugs helplessly.

Superboy has posed:
"You look amazing," murmurs Conner at Megan's ear. Not for the first time. He is looking for Gothamites he knows, too. Nope, nope. "Hey, isn't that Andrea?" He points out at Megan.

Not a Gothamite but... someone said his name. Super-senses are fun. "Ah, I spot one of my friends. Not sure if he would want me to introduce you. Because, uh," because secret identities and all that. Tim has one that is far more serious than Conner's. "Er, reasons. Good reasons," he explains lamely.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Something must be wrong with the electrical and the boilers... the temperature drops steadily in the room. The lights above fading. The gourds on the table continue to give a cheery red glow, and begin to make electric-like, buzzing noises as the lights begin to flicker noticably.

    Mrs. Simons gives a small smile and a shrug "Oh, well now she's off in Tibet, finding herself after she and George had a bit of a fall-ing..." she begins, and then notices the lights flickering.

    "That... should not be happening."

    "Maybe for you it's not a big deal. This is /exactly/ why I didn't want to go public. How'd you like it if people thought you hung around Bruce just for his money?" Phoebe whispers, and then blinks. "Who's Conner?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, glancing up at the lights and shivering as the temperature drops. "Phew, I should have worn long sleeves..It just get colder in here or was it my imagination?" she clutches Conner's arm more tightly as she peers around, but doesn't really see anyone she knows.

Oh hey, there's Andrea..And there she goes. Megan does spy Dazzler, whom she's only ever spoken to once but it's not like they're friends or anything. Still she offers her a smile and nod.

Of course, Megan does recognize Tim and Phoebe from the tabloids. "Ooh, isn't that like, Billionaire Bruce Wayne's adopted son, and his girlfriend? They're practically celebrities, right?" she gives the pretty girl with the braids an appraising look and smile.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison doesn't miss Dick's cue, and as he gives that glance back over his shoulder she returns it with a knowing smile and an almost-wink. The champagne is lifted as if in a light toast, then she quietly slips away from the bar.

She'll owe him later.

The lights flicker and the room begins to cool, both effects certainly noticed by Dazzler. Surely she and Andrea aren't the ONLY mutants in attendance. Taking a slow sip as she makes her way over towards Andrea's table, Dazzler's tactical senses are up now.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will keep his voice low and says "One of my friends, who runs around the basement area." He tells Phoebe to clue her in a bit, and says "Came with Meghan, the girl with the wings." Tim knows the name of his friend's girlfriend? Maybe a bit to much of Bruce's training there. He will move with Phoebe towards one of the shadowed area, where if they need to pop out for a reappearance. He does softly say "Got myself, and two other friends on scene Conner, keep your eyes open." He adds to Phoebe "Conner has super hearing." to explain the last comment.

Superboy has posed:
"Oh yeah. I know Tim," offers Conner. "Er... as Conner. Long story." He frowns. He hates to lie to Megan, but the bat-secrets are very secret. "He seems busy, but we can try to talk to him later." He glances up. "Hmm, is it getting colder? They seem to have some kind of electric malfunction. Or maybe it is a supervillain attack. Gotham being Gotham. Be wary, Megs."

And then Tim comes directly to him. Conner manages a smile, tilting his head. "Hey Tim," he greets. "This is Megan. And... uh, something is wrong, yes?"

Nightwing has posed:
    Dick frowns to himself as the lights flicker. He nudges Mrs. Simons. "That's not good. I should let you go. You likely need to get your people on that." He smile is soft. "And Rebecca was too smart for that doctor anyways. She had too much horse sense for him." He angles to head over towards Tim at a reasonable pace. Casual. As he drifts by her, he attempts to grab Ali's arm. "Hi. Me again. My girlfriend would really appreciate me avoiding matchmakers. Help a guy out?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Turn on the charm. When Conner and Megan make their approach. Phoebe smiles charmingly at the two, and as they're introduced, she reaches to shake hands.

    "Conner, Megan, pleasure to meet your acquaintence. I'm Phoebe." she states in introduction. Just... being around Phoebe feels warm, comforting, calming. She looks up at the building's flickering lights and replies: "Well, I certainly hope that there's no ghosts -- probably just Gotham's fabulous electrical infrastructure in the old buildings." she attempts to explain away the flickers, but she feels something. The hair on the back of her neck stands up.

    A final drop, and it's now a very chilly forty-five degrees. A couple of people might even see breath in the air.

    The lights snap off. Some spark, as if trying to regain their lumens, but the whole room darkens, except for the cheery red glow of those gourds, which begin to crackle. There's a peculiar smell in the air now, sickly sweet, like the distant smell of decay mixed with the bouquet of lilacs.

    "GOOD EVENING, PEOPLE OF THE MAJORITY TRI-CITY AREA!" comes a boom of a voice. It fills the room, but doesn't seem to have a source at all!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a curious brow at Conner's hesitation, but smiles, "Ooh, you're friends with a celebrity? That's cool.." she misses Tim's comment to Phoebe about her, but steps nearer to Conner, frowning softly at his warning, "Heey now, I'm sure they're just having electrical problems right? Nothing to worry about." she laughs nervously, really hoping that's all it is.

But clearly they already know her, somehow. She smiles brightly at Phoebe, taking her hand and shaking it with a smile, "Nice to meet you, Phoebe!" ooh, her hand already feels warmer, what a nice girl she is! Her smile widens.

"You're right, it's just an old building issue, for sure!"

And then he lights go out. "Eek! What's going on?" her wings are flattened against her back, still hidden beneath a black satiny shawl draped over her shoulders, and she is tempted to toss it completely, to shed some light on the situation but.."Um...Whos talking?" ok, this isn't a good sign. She tenses, ready for anything.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison is on her way towards Andrea's table when Dick grabs her upper arm. Ever graceful in the social dance, she pauses and pivots and turns, as if it was all part of some dance that brings her more closely into his orbit. The champagne switches hands, fingers lightly brushing his lapel.

"Of course..." Dazzler replies, her voice trailing off as the lights finally go completely. In a whisper, then, she leans in closer to Dick. "This isn't good. Stay close, and stay calm." The voice is loud. Modulated. Amplified. And with a flare of nostrils, Dazzler soaks up the energy...

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit and says "Luckily we have Conner here, he handles these type of things." He says, trying to play off as he knows Conner as the other young man is a hero. He does look around and mutters wishing he had his wrist computer.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick gives a little nod. His arm ever-so-slightly tightens on hers as if in a fear response. He also is careful to puff up his chest a little bit more than he should, as if compensating for that fear. He will not win an academy award, but Dick Grayson is a pretty good actor nonetheless. He looks about for the voice. "You know. this sort of thing happens in Gotham way too often." he speaks nice and loud. A little more for Alison to draw from. He might be in the wrong clothes, but he can do something, even if it is put Ali in the right spot to end this quick.

It dawns on him. This means he is going to owe her again. Damnit.

Superboy has posed:
"Give me a break," grumbles Conner. "Bats will smack me around if I 'handle' this thing. Then someone starts speaking in all CAPITALS. "For pete's sake," sighs the young man. "Temperature is down like thirty degrees. I guess it is Captain Cold or some of those ice jerks. Wait, wrong city. Who is Gotham's equivalent to Captain Cold?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    There's a tittering of laughter, and someone goes 'Oh! It's a show! I get it -- very clever Ger--AAAAAAAAUGH!"

    SOmeone with a tux is pulled under one of the tables. There's a gleeful sound, and a bone-crunching CRACK from under the table, along with whimpering, then silence.

    At the mention of 'who might be the equal to Cold', a couple options flick about in Phoebe's mind, and she turns to to Tim. "... we need to clear the room." she whispers, looking around. People are abandoning their canapes and their little plates, starting to circle around the edges of the room.


    The gourds are beginning to crackle louder, and then with a mighty jolt, electrical flashes begin to reach out, crackling upwards, arcing electrically like telsa coils!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake frowns a bit more and says "Freeze, but This does not seem quite his style he adds, specially after the most recent words. He will nod a bit to Phoebe's words, and calls out "Everyone head to your nearest fire exit, calm and together." He trys to keep the mob from being a mob.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn gasps, glancing this way and that. Let's see..Andrea's around somewhere, Dazzler. Conner and herself. She frowns and sighs, pulling off her shawl and fluttering her wings a little, causing them to glitter and sparkle in luminescent pink light. "That's enough! Leave these people alone! What do you want from them? Dont you realize this is a charity gala? They may be rich, but it's because of their generosity that money is being donated to help firefighters protect and save countless lives!"

Superboy has posed:
"Freeze? That is about as in the face as 'Iceman'," points out Conner. He sighs and concentrates. Modulated voice, but he bets the speaker is not too far, and he has super-senses so he might be able to hear him. Or her.

He didn't wear the outfit under the clothes, by the way, so he doesn't want to get flashy, there are reporters here. And expensive cellphones.

And weaponized gourds. Maybe it is Poison Ivy and not Freeze.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler isn't sure where the voice is coming from, exactly. She shifts her stance, angling to generally interpose herself between him and the... threat. Left arm down, right hand raised in a 'finger-gun' pose, she assumes a combat stance.

In the very impractical long gown.

Her attention turns to the gourds, then, and Dazzler gives a wave of her left hand. One by one, starting with the center tables, globes of light begin to encapsulate the electricity-emitting gourds and trap the energy.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Evening gowns are not meant for fighting in. Pants are much easier.

    The voice doesn't return, there is no futher answering except high-pitched pig-squeals of laughter coming from under teht ables, and as Megan takes to the air, from underneath the table the man in the tuxedo disapepared under there is a long, thin, black arm that reaches out.

    "Faaaaaeriiie... sense... liiiiiiightttsss..." comes a hissing sound.

    And the pitch-black creature, with pinhole red eyes goes for Megan's feet, a shadowy maw opening up as it tries to take a bite out of those heels!

    The gourds are being contained, one by one , as their reddish lightning begins to cracle more and more vehemently!

    And people are trying to be calm, but all the evening-gown clad woman are beginning to scream in nervousness, heels stepping on toes as a large crowd tries to make their way towards Tim's call!

    Phoebe disappears in to the crowd herself.

    SOmeone tries an emergency door, attempting to push it open -- but it appears that there are chains on the other side, keeping it shut!

    "The emergency door's chained!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will start to head towards one of the emergency doors, and calls out "This way." He plans to get to one of the doors and use a cutting lazer when none can see it to cut the chains. Also, if he can keep the normal people with him, it gives Dick, and Phoebe more room to act, even if not in costume.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, glancing down at her feet as a creepy mouth arcs open, trying to eat her. "What the heck!?" but she is quick and agile in the air - those wings aren't just for show! She darts higher, arching around to avoid getting eaten, kicking her heels forcefully into its mouth. "Eat that, monster!" she yells with an angry snarl..

Glancing down below, guided by the lit-up gourds and her own wings, Megan frowns as she notices that no one can escape! "Dammit! Stay calm and gather close, I'll port you out!" she makes a beeline for one of the exits and a group of fleeing people, fluttering her wings frantically to get peoples' attention. "Over here!"

Superboy has posed:
"Let me try," offers Conner, tossing his shoulder against the door. Of course that breaks the chain, although he makes a little show of being surprised and rubbing his sore shoulder. "Okay, it is open and... Megan!"

He rushes to help. Black monster thing? Maybe not Poison Ivy. He is lost now. Maybe SOME detective person will tell him what is going on.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler throws up more and more of those trapping light globes, until each and every one of the electricity-emitting gourds is contained. She draws another breath, exhaling slowly as her attention turns to the rest of the room.

Door... door... door. Someone (Conner) manages to force it so that the civilians can get out.

There's still a shadowy creature under the table clutching at Megan, but Dazzler used a lot of energy capping the electrical gourds. Another deep breath. Hold the light globes steady.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    SOME detective person might. Unfortunately might not be any that are here.

    People begin to surge out the emergency exit and into the street.

    People begin to make their way towards the opening in reality that Megan has created.

    The inky black creature isn't satisfied with those delicious pixie shoes, and with a snarl makes another attempt to grab at the pixie --

    When it's hit by a chair in the head! Phoebe is making herself useful, and she's scowling, her eyes narrowed as she measures against this creature of darkness.

    "And now I have to show off what I learned in public school. I'll never be invited to nice places again!" she quips, to break her own nervousness.

    The creature, really no bigger than a gradescooler, though its arms slide along the floor a little gives a snarl, its pinpoint eyes turning to regardPhoebe.

    "LLllliiiiiiiiggggght --" it snarls out in a high pitched sound.

    The room is quickly clearing out, servers and barbacks, tenders and Mrs. Simons pushing people through Megan's fairy gate with a "Goodness gracious, aren't you just the most adorable--" in a way to keep herself calm.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will let people go through and he tries to get himself away from people in the chaos, and will bring out a small remote, that will start the car up, and hopefully make people thing Tim and Phoebe have left, as he comes back trying to catch what is going on.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn breathes a sigh of relief as people manage to flee, either through the door that Conner and Tim managed to open, helping stragglers through her own portal to safety. She just smiles faintly as people comment on her fairy wings. At least people are more likely to trust so someone that is cute and glittery looking, fortunately for her.

And once the room is cleared of all but a few stragglers, she turns around to face the room again, trying to find that creepy shadowy figure.

"Soo, you like the light, huh? I'll give you some light!" she's pretty sure Dazzler is better at light shows, but since she's currently occupied, Megan flies up into the air again, trying to make as much space between herself and any stragglers, this time drawing out her brilliantly glowing pink dagger from her chest and waving it in the darkness at the creature.

"Over here! Catch me if you can!" she taunts it, trying to buy the others some time..

Dazzler has posed:
The light globes around the sparking gourds are holding, and Alison Blaire draws another deep breath. The dark creature lets out a loud, high-pitched sound.


Then Megan flies up and draws her glowing pink dagger. Dazzler returns to her finger-gun posture in a shooter's stance while the others clear the room. She's waiting for the creature to go after Megan. Like a sniper.

Superboy has posed:
Conner is not pulling punches about creatures trying to eat his girlfriend feet. That is a main cause for laser-vision in his side of the country. "Come here, I am going to give you a concentrated sunlight dinner dessert," states the young man. "Man, at least they could have waited for the desserts before attacking. It was an expensive ticket."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    While Dazzler's orbs hold the TeslaCoil gourds at bay, and Superboy returns to the fray to help, the creature is distracted by Megan's keep-away, momentarily puzzled by the dagger, but with a snarl, it leaps, its shadowy maw extending, opening too wide for its child-sized head as it goes to take a bite out of Pixie! -- until it's hit with lasers!

    IT givees a squeal, turning and blindly rushing for Dazzler!

    Meanwhile, Phoebe is not with Tim, and has not left with Dick or any of the civilians. She slipped under the table the man with the tuxedo had disappeared under!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins, darting and twirling and bobbing in the air, not really caring about secret identities or anything else as she stays one step ahead of the shadowy creature. Fortunately both Conner and Dazzler are on hand to deal it some major punishment, but Megan doesn't stop trying to distract it with her dagger, waving it at its face.

And of course it goes after the Queen of light shows! narrowing her eyes, she hurls her glowing dagger at the creature's gaping maw, now that its focus is elsewhere! Good thing she actually paid attention to Gambit's knife-throwing lessons..

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler switches from her single-gun shooting stance when the creature rushes at her. She's fought for her life before, and holds her ground. Waiting for it to close.

At the last instant Dazzler throws up a shield of bright light on her left arm, a matching sword of light in her right. Both are... wait for it... dazzlingly. Bright.

She can't move her feet very well in the gown, but she braces to catch the creature on the shield and then stab upward with the sword.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The creature gives a snarl, its overlong arms reaching out to grab Dazzler -- only for it to be caught on the shield, and once lifted, peirced with the sword.

    Another pig-like snarl, and the the creature disappears into a thousand sparks of darkness, that then fall around Dazzler like ashes.

    The gourds also loose their charges, and collapse into ash as well, leaving the pristine white tableclothes covered with black markings.

    Gotham is safe, for now.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grabs her dagger once the creature is defeated, landing next to Dazzler, as always, Awwed by her abilities. "Wow that was awesome!" she grins, "We sure showed him, didn't we?" Megan wipes her forehead, making a note to dress more practically to these things next time, but at least she didn't wear a long gown! And with the immediate threat out of the way, she glances around to check n Conner. "Well, so much for a romantic dinner date..But at least we got the bad guy and saved the day, right?" she smiles faintly.