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Latest revision as of 00:09, 11 November 2020

Ruminating in the Recroom
Date of Scene: 10 November 2020
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Megan meets a new student and tries to stay awake
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Nightingale, Jax Miller

Pixie has posed:
It's pretty late at Xavier's and most people are headed to bed, at least the younger students. Megan however, couldn't sleep and made her way to the rec room where she curled up with what was supposed to be a fun movie..But ended up being incredibly boring..Which caused her to fall asleep, a bowl of half-eaten popcorn on the table in front of her. Oh and she's totally murmuring in her sleep too. Mostly garbled nonsense that doesn't make a single bit of sense..

Nightingale has posed:
     It seems Megan wasn't the only one after a big bowl of popcorn, because for a late night snack attack, Shannon was indulging in a massive bowl of the stuff herself. It smelled good, hot and fresh and buttery. She's dressed in two-piece pink satin pajamas, with her floofy sheepdog slippers barely whispering against the floor. Her hair's down, little blue braid and all. She's hunting about for a place to sit, and just rolls her eyes. "Damn it, Megan... she must've been studying too hard again..."

Jax Miller has posed:
    Late is someone's else's early. At least one of the students at the school had one of the more peculiar sleeping patterns to be found at Xavier's, and that student was now, almost literally, on the prowl. Silently Jax pads through the halls, giving the impression that he's slinking from shadow to shadow while actually just walking normally, without a care. Eventually he makes his way to the rec room, eyes adjusting quickly to the dimmer light and the flickering of a TV.

    Dressed in loose pants and an oversized T-shirt, the school's resident feline mutant gives a silent wave to Shannon and starts to properly slink into the room... his target? Surely it can be guessed?

    Like a liquid with a mind of its own, Jax silently slips behind the couch, seems to flow over the back rest and lowers himself onto the cushions next to Megan. Popcorn achieved!

    Because snacks are always better when they're coming from someone else's bowl.

Pixie has posed:
"Mmmmm, and some bread too, for the mice!" she giggles and rolls over..Unfortunately, she's already on the edge of the sofa. A second later, a loud 'plop!' is heard as she falls right off the edge and onto the floor! Hey, at least it wasn't a long fall!"

"Ooof!" she yelps as she jerks awake, blinking around, totally confused. "Wha..What happened..? How'd I get here? Egads!"

Oh yeah, she's totally in her cute pink and gree Jammies with 'WINX CLUB!' scrawled across the front and stuff. Oh and cute fuzzy pink slippers too, although those fell off when she fell down.

Nightingale has posed:
     Giggling, Shannon just shakes her head, balancing her bowl of popcorn in one arm, and reaching down to help Megan up. "It's no worse than last Christmas when Cap startled you awake like that, when everyone else was wrapping presents and having cocoa." No, Megan was never going to live that one down, not in a hundred years. "You okay?"

     Oh, yes. In typical feline fashion, she can see that Jax has not only stolen Megan's spot on the sofa, but now her snacks as well! Snickering softly, she grins over at Jax, extending one wing in lieu of a wave. "Hey there, Jax. How's it going?"

Jax Miller has posed:
    "They'll like that." Jax comments when Megan is concerned about feeding the mice. Honestly, so many people forget, it's uncanny.

    He's reaching over for the popcorn bowl just as she rolls out of the sofa, and takes the opportunity to stretch out into the area now recently vacated. Mrrrr, warm... He's not utterly heartless, of course, and looks over the edge of the cushions after a few seconds, a large clearly feline face (ears and all) heaving into view, still busily chewing popcorn. Megan's popcorn.

    "Why are you on the floor? Lot more comfortable up here, y'know?" The prediction has come true... in true feline fashion, he has usurped the spot on the sofa and obtained the noms. This qualifies as a complete success.

    His tail describes a lazy wave, just before the newest student stretches out to get just that bit more comfortable. "Heya. Doing good, no complaints, everything's coming up Jax."

Pixie has posed:
Who knows what sorts of crazy things Megan might have been dreaming just a moment ago? But she soon comes to realize that she is not alone! Oh noo, did she did say those things out loud!?

"Ack! Shannon! Did I say anything...Weird?" she covers her mouth and blushes, but she's never been shy, and she just giggles, "Actually, forget you heard anything, I was totally not feeding the mice or..Anything weird like that!"

She continues to giggle madly before she spies a cat. "Oh wait, someone brought in the extermin--heeeey! I saw you at the party! Sooo that's not a costume, huh?"

Oh wait, did she say that out loud!? "Umm I mean...Uh, Um....You didn't hear that!" more nervous laughter. Looks like someone didnt get enough sleep. Or drank too much caffeine late at night. Or something.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just rolls her eyes and giggles. "Nope. Not a costume. Megan, this is Jax. Jax, Megan. He just got here the day before Homecoming." Any mention of nice is overlooked for the moment. Well, alright, maybe not quite. "Squeak, squeak!"

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Always be nice to mice, it's a good rule." The tail wave is extended into an actual, proper wave now, although that doesn't stop Jax from rapidly making a dent in the popcorn. Honestly, at this rate, there's not going to be much left very soon. "'sup Megan? Don't worry 'bout it, I get it all the time. Takes a bit of getting used to, but once you're used to it, you'll wonder to yourself how you ever managed without a Jax. Trust me."


Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks at Shannon. "Heh, I knew that! I totally knew that!" turning to Jax, she smiles and offers her hand, climbing to her feet and crawling back to the sofa. "Hii! I'm Megan, nice to meet you! sorry if I was totally blunt just now, I think your cat fur and tail is totally cool! I'll bet those darned mice wont think twice about stealing bread with you around!"

She shrugs and yawns, grabbing some popcorn, "Sooo, how do you like it here, so far? That was quite the costume the other day, and those moves! Wow!"

Nightingale has posed:
     "So instead of mice, he's -being- one, stealing your snacks." Shannon giggles softly, joining the two on the couch with her own bowl of popcorn. It smells of hot butter, salt, and even a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese with a hint of black pepper. "My folks would say we'd been raided by little mice when I'd steal snacks at midnight as a kid."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Nope, they won't, 'cause I'll be leaving some out for them. Mice are cute, can't stand to see them get hurt." The only concession Jax seems to make to being in a shared space is that he pulls his legs in slightly, and laying his tail along the edge of the sofa cushions... that way someone could, in theory, sit down as well, if they didn't particularly mind most of the available space being taken up by a sprawling cat.

    He does hold the bowl out for Megan to get some of her own popcorn, he's generous like that. "Loving it so far. Basketball court, baseball diamond, swimming pool, awesome lounge, like six acres of front garden, haven't even found the edge of the back garden yet, good roof for climbing..." Munch "... mhhhmm, good food."

    The compliment gets his ears to perk up. Oh yes, the fastest way to befriend a cat, appeal to vanity. "Thanks! I kind of like to sing when I can, always try to sound like Freddy, but man... that vocal range... Dancing's a hobby."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps as she peers between Jax and the popcorn. "Tsk, you're one big mouse!" she smirks and shrugs, "But seriously, there's plenty to go around, help yourself!" still, Shannon's own popcorn sure smells good! And she cant help but peer over her shoulder, sniffing intently at it.

"Darnit Shan, you've outdone yourself this time!" she smirks, "May I?"

To Jax, Megan just chuckles again, "They kinda ARE cute, but they can be pests too. I guess when I lived in the country I got to see lots of field mice and at least they didnt steal your food!" she grins and nods.

"Yeah, it's like a dream come true.." she sighs wistfully, "But I guess I gotta find my own way once I finish my first year of college..Unless I signed up as a teacher and looks like they don't need anymore teachers around here..So I've gotta get my life in order and figure out what the heck I wanna do for the rest of my life.."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Sure, Megan, go for it. Plenty for all of us. It's just some Parmesan cheese, butter, salt, and a little black pepper. Pretty basic stuff." Giggling as she listens to Jax and Megan, she curls up next to them both. If Jax is sprawling out feline-style, tail and all, her wings spread out to either side of her in turn, the usually rather serious, composed young woman just sprawling out for a change.

     "Ugh, yeah, at least I've got another year and some months before I have to worry about that. But I should think about it. I hope I can stay on and teach, maybe even look into med school or something through here. Gotta ask Dr. McCoy about that. But I'm at least hoping to start studying for the state EMT exam after the New Year, so I'll have something else besides waiting tables at Evolution to bring in the cash."

     Grinning at Jax, she bobs her head in agreement with his points of interest. "Have you even been to the lake yet? Just wait'll you see that in winter. Ice skating and everything, like it's something out of a Norman Rockwell painting."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "There's a lake? I thought I'd smelled fresh water, but man... this is almost better than our place in..." ehmm. Yeah, suddenly, Jax shuts up. One thing he's learned over the years is that it's always best not to let people see or hear the full-on Jax Miller. Best to creep up on it, a bit at a time. So, no mentioning of their family place in Aspen. Or the second house in the Hamptons. Or the yacht, absolutely not mentioning the yacht. Instead, he's democratic with the snacks, stealing from both bowls equally, and relaxes where he sits... lays... okay, sprawls.

    "College huh? Man, I have to keep in shape. Gotta be picked by one of the teams if I want to make it in the league."

Nightingale has posed:
     Grinning, Shannon nods, very lightly leaning in to shoulder-bump Jax. "With any luck, maybe you'd wind up in the... Patriots!" This sets the winged girl off in a fit of giggles, and she's not minding her popcorn bowl too terribly well, making it easy prey for would-be snack hijackers. "But yeah, there's a lake. Pretty as anything. Swimming and boating in the summer, sometimes there's campfires and cookouts. Ice skating and hot cocoa in the winter. One of my favorite thinking spots in this place."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Patriots?" Jax grins. And when he grins, it has teeth. A hand darts out to steal some more popcorn, flicking the kernels up and catching them expertly in his suddenly open muzzle. Munch! "Maybe if I don't qualify for the CFL, I'll consider it." Oof!

    But the rivalry seems to be joking, at best, and the topic turns quickly enough back to the lake. "Haven't done any skating in ages, usually we go skiing, or boarding. Man, I need to get my snowboard shipped over before the snow comes, thanks for reminding me!"

Nightingale has posed:
     Running her fingers through her hair, Shannon laughs, shaking her head. "I meant to try to learn snowboarding last year. It's why I picked up a job over at Evolution. But the friend I was going to go with got called away suddenly, and hasn't been back since. Hope he's okay." A light smile tugs the corners of her lips upwards. "Hey, maybe I could actually get off my lazy assets and actually get a board this year and try it on my own."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "It's an awesome amount of fun. It's like you're flying ... " Blink. Jax looks over at the wings and mentally shifts gear, as indicated by the flicking of his left ear. " ... I mean, without wings, no effort. Just you, the snow and a lot of speed as long as you get the right slope and don't hit anything on the way. Want to try out my spare board, decide if you like it before you buy one?" One of his friends doesn't have their own board?! Shock, horror. This shall not stand.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Thanks, that's a good idea. Give me a chance to see if I even like it. Oh, hell, if I could get hang time without wings, imagine -with- them!" Grinning, Shannon holds up a piece of her popcorn, preparing to flick it over in Jax's direction. Did his agility extend towards edibles ejected through the aether at his maw? There was only one way to find out!




     The bit of popcorn goes sailing towards Jax, bearing its cheesy payload. But would it connect? Could it possibly make it?

Jax Miller has posed:
    Time appears to slow. Not really, but narrative effect requires this trope to be used, and thus here it is perpetuated. Time, thus, while moving at its exact normal speed, appears to slow. The kernel, cheese and all, is suspended in mid-air, sailing graciously towards its meeting with destiny. See how every globule of cheese is perfectly outlined in the close-up shot, panning around to shift the frame from Shannon's fingers to Jax' face.

    An ear flicks.

    Bright blue eyes shift to the side, beholding the incoming morsel of food. The barrage of noms. The projectile of deliciousness.

    Snack attack!

    With lightning speed, Jax' head starts to turn, but yet it seems like it's not going to make it. Then his torso joins in on the effort, pivoting on his spine as if it's made of jelly, accelerating the angular momentum of his jaw as it opens.

    The kernel of popped corn, slathered in butter and cheese, spiced to perfection with black pepper, is eclipsed by a large shadow.

    The predator's maw opens wide...


    Time resumes in that instant, and it's as if Jax never moved, chewing the popcorn, holding out his own liberated bowl towards Shannon. "Only one way to find out."

Nightingale has posed:
     It's 3D movie magic, that single moment, the journey of a single kernel of popcorn preserved for posterity. Or at least, until another one makes the same trip to keep its appointment with destiny. Which a healthy handful of them do, in Shannon's hand. No graceful arcs for these, no feats of acrobatics. Just raw, unatmed hunger, all of the kernels in her hand finding their way into her mouth at the exact same time.

     "Made a video for my folks last year," she says, muffled by her snack. "Attached a body cam and flew in some nice places, so they could see what it was like for me. They love me, but it's hard to understand someone till you've walked in their shoes."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Must have been some great footage. Bird's eye view, with live commentary." And that seems to set Jax thinking again, a rather comical expression of pensiveness as attempted without any visible eyebrows. Scrunch goes the brow itself, and his ears swivel sideway, tilting every so slightly. "Hey, ehmm... ever thought of doing that professionally? I mean, your taste in teams aside, you know football, right?" Munch. Hmm... where'd all the popcorn go? Ah well.

    "So, I'm imagining you flying over the field, while the game's going on, getting all the angles the crane cam can't. Swooping down to the action, keeping pace with the ball when the field goal is being kicked..."

Nightingale has posed:
     "That's... an interesting thought," Shannon admits, drawing her feet up beneath herself. "Do you think people are accepting enough of mutants yet to go for something like that? And... HEY, what's wrong with the Patriots?" Uh-oh. The playful rivalry continues!

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Right now? I dunno." At least he's honest about that. Putting the bowl down, Jax ponders again, and by doing so curling up slightly more, relinquishing fractionally more space on the sofa. "But they might stop being worried when they're getting awesome shots they couldn't get otherwise. I mean, my friends were always afraid I was going to bite or slash them until they got to know me. They wouldn't let me play on the first team because they were worried I was going to ruin the ball. Stopped when they saw me play, or when they got to know me. Y'know, people are just afraid of what they don't know. So we gotta get them to know us. They're not gonna ask, so we gotta show, y'know?"