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Starlight: Grand Opening!
Date of Scene: 10 December 2020
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: The grand opening of Starlight's Free Health Clinic. It almost went smoothly!
Cast of Characters: Rage, Archangel, Wolverine, Power Girl, Pixie, Phoenix, Nightingale

Rage has posed:
Today is the day! Two years in the making has finally come to a head.

Starlight, in partnership with Worthington Enterprises has successfully launched Mutant Town's first Free Health Clinic. The building is three stories tall a few blocks away from Club Evolution and the church. The old building has been rennovated with fresh new white paint, a beautiful new double door entrance complete with a security gate (made of reinforced titanium), and brand new furniture featured in the lobby. It's brightly lit on the inside with a gorgeous main desk to greet the patients, followed by multiple security doors on the inside that would lead to the elevators.

Security. Everything is about security here. From the reinforced windows, to the noise dampening visitation rooms, to the multiple camera feeds inside and outside of the building that streams directly to the front desk so the administrator can monitor and contact the authorities. The staff has been hand picked, all mutants, and those who specialize in healing or empathy. This is a sanctuary for mutants, for those who can't go to a general hospital or an ER for support.

While some are trying to /cure/ mutants, others are trying to save them.

The press is out with local news stations covering the event! The streets have been blocked off to prevent the small crowd of protestors out with their signs and doing their silly chants. There is a security group contracted through Starlight to oversee the event, as well as local authorities.

Standing out front of a small stage is Andrea Jackson. Pop Star. Mutant activist. She is dressed in a beautiful black dress, bouncing on her heels nervously next to the Mayor. The front doors have a long red ribbon in front of it, ready to be cut. "Thank you everyone for coming out to celebrate the opening of Bushwick's Free Health Clinic! This is an exciting day for not only me, but hopefully all of you who have been anxiously waiting for these doors to open. I first want to thank my business partner, Mister Warren Worthington who has helped me make this dream come true. Without him, none of this would be possible."

Archangel has posed:
Today, Warren wasn't in his "team" costume". He was wearing a snazzy navy blue suit, with amazing looking blue tie, and Italian leather shoes to match. His blonde hair blows in the breeze, long and luxurious, as he allows himself a warm smile for everyone there for this event.

Starting with his hands in his pockets, Warren looks over at those present, taking his right hand out of his pocket and waves absently for a moment to the crowd, returning the waves.
As Andrea does her speech, Warren turns on the charm even further, smiling broadly, and waving to everyone, making sure to take everyone in. Tapping his heart with the fingers of his right hand a few times, he then salutes Andrea, and then the crowd.

Wolverine has posed:
"Yeah, sure kid, I'll sign it for you."

Decked out in the only yellow and blue costume that isn't full of bulletholes (just a small stab hole, but it's near the armpit so you can't see it), Wolverine is in attendance to bring some much-needed Celebrity Endorsement!

He writes something in Sharpie on a picture that a random kid brought up to him, seemingly pleased that after a lifetime of carnage and heavy drinking, someone wants his autograph.

It's not until he hands the picture back to the kid that he gets the impression that something isn't quite on the level.

"Hey.... you're not Danny Devito! Nevermind then, loser!"

The kid scampers back into the crowd, with peals of mean laughter, leaving Wolverine with no recourse but to chuck the Sharpie at him ineffectually.

"Hardy har! Nobody likes a comedian, ya rugrat! And DON'T DO DRUGS!"

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl is there in uniform so to speak, though positioned to the back of the crowd, and absolutely out of the main camera angle. She would clap the blue gloved hands and nod on occassion. She also added to security with frequent scans of the gathered crowd for weapons concealed from most. The tall Kryptonian otherwise tried to keep a relatively low profile, as much as a two meter tall blonde with that outfit and figure could keep one.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is here, standing with the other Xmen near the front somewhere. She's dressed in her usual colorful attire, consisting of a mint floral shirt and darker green jeans, underneath a maroon pea coat. "Wooow, this is Soo exciting! You look both awesome" she cheers and waves to Andrea, and to Warren too.

Noting Wolverine getting approached for autographs, she is almost wishing she came in uniform too..Except when they mistake him for Danny Devito! Which earns a few stifled giggles from her.

Phoenix has posed:
How time flies. First they're a confused kid, then you're helping patch their bullet wounds, and then a few years later they're out changing the world. It may not be a normal student-teacher dynamic, but that's the way of it.

Present but well off to one side is Jean Grey. She's just here as support (and probably security), dressed in crisp black pants, ankle boots, and a fluffy grey sweater that reflects the winter air. She's talking quietly with one of Andrea's staff until the speech begins, at which point attentions turn towards the young speaker in question.

Outwardly there's a wide, proud smile on her face. Underneath of that, she's all business as she keeps a running tab on the crowd and surrounding area for any spikes in aggression that may be a prelude to trouble. There's no resting, even when there should be celebrating.

Nightingale has posed:
     Dreams. Would that all of them could come true as it seems the one for the Clinic has. Perhaps, at last, there could be a place where mutants and others of this area could be safe, and find the care they need. Shannon smiled somewhat at that. Perhaps a day might come when such a place might be needed less, as discrimination became a thing of the past.

     But the protesters with their signs and anti-mutant slogans told a tale of current times a ways off from that dream.

     For her part, though, she was not going to hide. She was mutant--and proud. No image inducers for her today. She wore a light grey turtleneck sweater, dark blue jeans, soft black boots, and a soft grey beanie atop her head. Reaching over to rest a hand briefly on Logan's shoulder, she just smiles. "Waste of a good sharpie and your breath there," she says, with a fair measure of dry humor, before turning to watch the proceedings at the entrance to the new Clinic.

     But, it never hurt to keep one's head on a swivel, either....

Rage has posed:
Returning a smile to Warren, Andrea glances back out into the crowd in front of the gaggle of microphones in front of her. Born and raised in the spotlight, she looks to be a natural as she knows just which cameras to turn to at what time, and who's attention she needs to snag with a glance and a nod. There are investors out there, fans, members of the city, the media and of course .. mutants. To her, those were the most important people in the crowd and that is who she is speaking to.

"Not too long ago, I came out to the world as a mutant. It was one of the hardest decisions in my life. I knew that it would change the way the world looked at me. I knew that I would lose sponsorships, job opportunities and even friends. But, that didn't matter to me. What mattered to me is being true to myself and no longer hiding to the world who I am. I am a mutant. I'm also an American, a daughter, a sister and a lover of everything that New York City stands for. I also know that I'm very lucky. I live a comfortable life of celebrity status. I can walk down the street and people are more likely to ask for my autograph than try and hurt me. That's not the normal life though for a member of /my/ community."

As she takes in a deep breath, she stares out into the crowd, focusing mostly on the city officials. "Mutants have the highest rate of suicide between the ages of twelve and thirty-five. They have the highest rate of unemployment, the highest rate of homelessness, the highest rate of being abandoned by their own family! They also have the highest rate of those who do not have health insurance, or the ability to get reasonable general care."

"That is one of the many reasons why I founded Starlight and why I wanted to give back. Life isn't fair. Life sucks. And I think that in itself is terrible. Mutants are people too. We're just as American as anyone else. We should be loved and treated equally as the person standing next to you on your left or your right. I wanted to create a place, a /safe/ place, for mutants to get general care, to talk to a physician who is equipped and trained to handle and support their primary care needs. This clinic will free to any citizen of mutant town. Starlight, in partnership with X-Corp and Worthington Enterprises will finance and support salaries for our staff and cover the cost of care for our patients."

As she sweeps her hand outwards, she gives a bright smile. "I was raised with the ideal of a dream. A dream that one day Humans and Mutants can live together, peacefully, side by side, as neighbors, friends, family, and lovers. That we can all be seen equally in the eyes of not only God, but law. This health clinic is only the start of what Starlight can and will offer the world. I want to thank the Mayor for his support as well. It means a lot to have an ally in the greatest city of America. Thank you everyone."

With that, she steps back, glancing to Warren in case he has anything prepared while the mayor hands her a large pair of scissors designed to cut the opening ribbon.

From down the block, the crowd of protestors roars louder, shouting profanities and throwing a few beer bottles over the police tape. They don't get lobbed very far of course. They are sectioned off a good distance away. Still, they are loud and noisy and growing in number.

Archangel has posed:
Warren scans the crowd, doing his best to wave, smile, point, and wink where it was needed. His senses were on alert though, and he was ready to fly in to action, literally, if it was necessary. However, today, he had a sense of things. It was going to go well for once. No attacks, no violence, just a nice public appeal to the better human natures out there. At least, he hopes it was.

Ignoring the noisy crowd, Warren watches Andrea talk. With a subtle thumbs up, he lets her know that he was behind her 100 percent.

It was a great speech. Warren's eyes then wander to everyone else present, from PG, to Logam Jean to Shannon, Megan to everyone else that were helping them today.

Archangel has posed:
Warren then notices that there was a handing over of the scissors. Forgeting his queue, he then smiles, laughs and moves to stand with Andrea to cut the ribbon. "Sorry..." He whispers. "Forgot I was a part of this part!"

Wolverine has posed:
"Bah! I bet Scott has like six boxes of 'em back at the mansion... no big loss. Kid's just lucky I'm in a good mood!"

Wolverine does seem to be in a better mood than usual, which is unusual because this time of year usually makes him even grumpier. Don't ask me why, no one quite knows the reason. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight...

Maybe seeing something good happen to a dump like Mutant Town is enough to fill anyone with Christmas Cheer. Or maybe he's been on a covert campaign of revenge the past few weeks.

It's the second one.

Looking back over his shoulder, he gives Shannon a smile.

"Yer smellin' awful fancy today, little one..." Sidebar: She's taller than him. "... If I didn't know better I'd say..."

He sniffs the air, turns, sniffs her, and then turns away again.

"Enjoy the ceremony, I gotta little more autograph signin' to do..."

And then he's off, following his nose.

Over to the guy that's selling turkey legs across the street.

He's going over to the guy with the turkey legs, not toward the protestors. The protestors just HAPPEN to be near the guy with the turkey legs.

Power Girl has posed:
     For now there was only to be vigilant for Power Girl and more so enjoy the presentation and finger food that might well follow. Not having to pommel someone or pulverize a menacing giant robot was just fine with her. Her attention mostly focused foward, the every now and then sweep of the crowd.

     The blue eyes track Logan a second, not because of how he looks on the outside but the skeleton alterations she picks up on before switching back to the normal visual spectrums.

     Leaving him and giving a more detailed sweep back over she returns to the speech in time to clap as the cutting is prepared.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn listens with wide-eyed curiosity but it's hard to get lost in the crowd. She climbs on her top toes as an annoyingly tall guy steps in front of her. "Meep! What a crowd!" she quips as she peers around, "But that's a good thing, right?" still she sighs longingly, "Just once, I wish I could be in the spotlight too.."

Phoenix has posed:
There's a subtle narrowing of green eyes as Jean looks towards the distant protestors. While she doesn't disregard the full perimeter, they're getting a special share of her attention given circumstances as of late. For now, she holds her position and tries to catch as much of the speech as her attention can spare. Sadly, it's not nearly as much as she's like given the scope of the area she's monitoring.

Nightingale has posed:
     Chuckling softly, Shannon just shakes her head. "Little one. Speak for yourself there." But there is no rancor in her reply to Wolverine, only a touch of good-natured humor. Not even she could miss the smell of those turkey legs, her nose twitching at the savory aroma lingering in the air. For a moment, there is a rather tell-tale grumbling in her general vicinity, and she groans. "Save one of those for me, would you?" she calls out to the retreating Wolverine.

     Smiling lightly as she turns back to the proceedings up front, she hears Megan not too far off and tilts her head. "So what's stopping you from chasing the spotlight instead of waiting for it to come to you?" she asked, her smile widening.

     Jean gets a grin and a nod, though she, too, is keeping an eye and ear out on the crowd. Granted, she hadn't as much experience or practice, but if push came to shove, another pair of eyes couldn't hurt, could it?

Rage has posed:
As Andrea and Warren head to the front of the clinic, they stand next to each other as The Mayor does a quick speech of his own. He thanks Starlight and Worthington Enterprises for their generous contributions to the city in regards to helping fund a kid's park in Brooklyn, as well as congratulating them on their grand opening. Once it's time, the pair of them hold on to the ridiculously large pair of scissors together, then ... snips!

The red ribbon falls to the ground amidst the applause of citizens in the crowd who are excited to finally have somewhere safe for them to go and get a checkup. Giving a smile to Warren, Andrea looks quite proud as she lifts her hand to wave to the sight of flashing cameras. "We did it." She says softly to Warren with a happy look on her face.

As Logan grows closer to the stand of turkey legs that are near the protestors, some of them recognize the hairy Canadian in his blue and gold uniform. "There's one of 'em now! That's the mutant terrorist known as Wolvareen! He blew up that lab the other day! Hey WOLVAREEN! FUCK YOU!" A beer bottle gets lobbed in his direction, head high. The crowd of protestors start to get a bit more unruly, shouting louder, waving their signs. They even got a funny little chant that rhymes and everything. 'Hey Hey Ho Ho, Humans Yes, Mutants No!' It's very creative.

As the media begins to interview Andrea and Warren, a gunshot can be heard ringing out as the crowd starts to duck. A young woman tumbles to the ground with a gunshot wound in her stomach, gasping in pain. The police move into action quickly as security sweeps in towards the stage.

Even the protestors start to scatter. Did that even come from them?

Archangel has posed:
Moving forward to stand with Andrea, Warren lets her take the lead. After all, it was mostly her efforts that got us to this point. He just sprung for what he could financially. With another smile and a wave, he looks at the scissors, the ribbon, and the gentleman holding the "shears".

"We did! All yours Andrea. It is your honour. Congratulations, by the way. I am truly proud of you. This is an amazing accomplishment, and you have a lot to be proud of!"

The interview is cut short, as Warren and Andrea start to talk to them. As things heat up though, Warren steps in front of the Mayor, the media, and Andrea, and says, "Looks like we need to end this. In case this is just the start."

Wolverine has posed:
"Oh shit! Izzat really WOLVAREEN!?"

"Nah... that guys like five foot, can't be him."

The preternaturally fast reflexes of the hairy Canadian allow him to catch the bottle right before it hits him in the head. He holds it up, and looks at it disappointedly.

It's empty.

So, he just kind of tosses it over his shoulder, trusting that the Universe will continue to sort out his recycling for him.

None of the chanting or rude behavior do much to dissuade Wolverine from his objective. Once he's gotten the scent, there's no shaking him, and his nostrils are full of the smell of charred avian flesh. Looks like the anti-mutant protesters just have better food.

The crowd pretty much parts for him, nobody seems to want to be the first to actually get into a fight with him, even if he is only like five foot and probably not the real Wolvareeeeen.

"Hey bub... lemme get a drumstick. No... three."

The vendor doesn't seem to care too much who he sells his wares too, and complies pretty quickly.

Holding an enormous drumstick in one hand, and two in the other, Logan's gravelly voice picks up a bit of deciblage to compete with the crowd.

"I hear you guys ain't too fond of mutants, eh? Well hell... I only like about five of 'em, so I guess I can't really judge."

This actually gets a couple laughs. A few of them stop chanting, anyway.

Tearing into the turkey leg like a starving caveman, he takes a brief chew break, with a piece of ligament hanging out of his mouth.

"You boys got any more 'a that beer?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sniffs the air a bit late and oohs, "That does smell good! Might grab a bite myself in a bit!" she smiles and waves when she eventually sees Jean too, glancing over her shoulder at Shannon with a smirk, "Actually, I signed up with Shaw studios which promised to find gigs for me. Unfortunately, didn't expect it would be so hard going solo after my band broke up.."

Megan's thoughts are interrupted though, as chaos starts to break loose and she frowns, stepping towards Jean, "Oh no! Should we intervene?" she can see that security is already moving on the protestors. But, will it be enough?

Power Girl has posed:
     Wolverine can handle himself, and the protestors have the right to be there, Power Girl makes anopther check of them for anything more dangerous than fighting words to the already always pretty much moody Wolverine. But she is quick to clap and again dismiss the protesters as having bad intentions and motivations. She even does a fist thrust when it is finished before returning to the claps.

Phoenix has posed:
For all her power, one mind in a worked up crowd with a lot of distractions is a tall order for Jean. Given the anger that overshadows her initial look of alarm, she doesn't seem to find that an acceptable excuse. Speaking of unacceptable excuses.

<< Logan! >> She mentally barks to the gorging 'terrorist'. << Back up Megan and Shannon, make sure they get clear. I'm going to see if I can find where that shot came from. >>

"Stay here till Wolverine joins up, then I need you both to make sure Shannon gets clear. Then back up Archangel and Rage only if they need. Otherwise, get out. Let the police handle this." She quickly relays to Megan as she, and likely Shannon, come within speaking range.

Jean doesn't move yet, instead holding position and stretching out with her telepathy and empathy to try and pinpoint likely targets. It's a lot of rapid sifting through thoughts and emotions, but she's been trained for just such things.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh, bloody hell."

     That gunshot did -not- bode well. In just about the same instant that Shannon's head snaps around towards the sound, she sees the young woman tumble to the pavement. But as soon as she makes to dive right for the stricken woman, she's brought up short by Jean's words. "Ruddy heck... no more Daniels. Not today. Please." It is taking a visible effort for her to hold back, her fingers curling and uncurling as her hands clench at her sides. "Please let me help."

Rage has posed:
As the officers collapse upon the protestors, the crowd on that side are complying. Hands are up while guns are drawn. Riot shields are produced to move the crowd back. The radio chatter is busy as they try and locate the shooter.

Andrea is grabbed by her security detail, starting to be led away despite how anxious she is to stay and support her ex class and teammates. Her guard, James, isn't one to mess around though. A paramedic on scene comes upon the young girl who has been shot. College aged and slightly pretty with pink skin and long blonde hair. She is screaming in pain as blood pools about her while trying to get support from those qualified. It appears the clinic may have found it's first patient.

Upon a roof about a block away, there is a slight gleam of light, followed by another round being fired off. This time an elderly man with insect wings goes down as he is struck in the leg while trying to run during the panic.

Wolverine has posed:
Sure, Wolverine probably wouldn't have won over too many of the protesters, but there's no way to know at this point. One of the guys was about to show Wolverine pictures of his truck though, so maybe there's hope yet for mutant/human coexistence.

Uncharacteristically, the semiferal mutant is one of the last to react to the gunshot, but in his defense he's also the furthest away. He picks up Jean's telepathic summons while everyone else is in the middle of panicking. He even keeps one of the protesters from taking a bullet, though it'll look a lot like he just randomly shoved a guy when it ends up on the internet.

The second shot was all that he needed to figure out the shooter's location, but the time that Logan would spend running and climbing would leave a whole lot of innocent people unprotected. So he just passes his observations along telepathically to the woman who can actually do something about it. He's got a fix on the target, but it's way out of Wolverine Range.

Pretty well within Phoenix Range though.

<<I'm movin', Red! By the time we get there the sumbitch'll be long gone...>>

He's actually running in the opposite direction of the gunman, to try and get the younger teammates out of harm's way.

Already, he's got a feeling that this is going to hurt.

Power Girl has posed:
     It is good she was in her work clothes, and she instantly regrets over cucling her hearing for the first shot. By the time of the second though, the Kryptonian blonde is inches off the ground. There is a sound as she rushes, but no boom, careful of that in cities.
     Hard learned lessons, she is also cautious to check for the green stuff as she bolts as a white and blue bolt. She zooms forward to get in front of the rifle. "Hate mutants? How do you feel about Aliens?" Her eyes already starting to heat the barrel to its melting point.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns a bit as chaos breaks out around them but nods, "Shannon, they're ok, let the professionals handle it." she glances to Jean, biting her lip, resisting the urge to fight. "Everyone stay close, in case I have to port us out!" for the most part though, she keeps an eye on Shannon, being the youngest member, while making note of Wolverine'a position.

A quick glance to the stage tells her that Warren is sticking close to Andrea too. She does catch the gleam of light on the rooftop though and narrows her eyes, "I think there's a sniper on the rooftop! We shouldn't stay out in the open!"

Phoenix has posed:
As her senses guide her eyes, she pinpoints the source from a nearby roof and her anger crackles in an invisible but static-like aura around her. << Reavers. Rooftop, another in the crowd. >> She passes telepathically to Logan with as much contempt as a psychic voice can carry.

Her communication is disrupted then by the plea from her student. "NO, Shannon." Comes the sharp reply from Jean. "There are police and paramedics here. Let them do their jobs. My job is to keep you safe, not put you out there as a target. Not with who's out there. Besides," She looks towards the blur where Power Girl once was. "Someone is on it. Stay under cover till Wolverine can watch your back, Megan, then port you and Shannon out. I need to shut another down."

And with that final demand, she jerks her eyes out into the crowd as something else seems to draw her focus. Her one fist balls at her side, while her other hand comes to her temple. She tries to fixate on the other target in the crowd to try to freeze them in place in a telling glow of pink light.

Nightingale has posed:
     Gritting her teeth, Shannon dove for the nearest source of concealment she could, a battered old pickup truck parked on the side of the road. It looked as if it had seen better days, with rusted-out spots here and there, and duct tape holding the front bumper on. But at least it would remove her visually as a target. She knew miss Grey was right. It killed her, but she knew it.

     The gym would be seeing some use later that night, for certain.

     Frustration roiled and seethed in her mind as she hunkers down in the shadow of that beat-up hunk of junk, keeping her wings tucked in tightly behind her, further reducing her visual profile. This was not the greatest position she'd ever been put in, but with any luck, at least the others wouldn't have to worry about her becoming a patient in the new clinic.

     However, nothing said she couldn't keep an eye out on things from her position, and relay information--however limited that might be.

     She wasn't quite out of the fight yet.

Rage has posed:
As Power Girl sweeps up to confront the sniper, the man rises up to his feet and takes a few step backs. "Mutants. Aliens. You're all the same. You don't belong on our planet so get the fuck off it. We won't have you tainting our pure bloodlines with your filth." He's wearing a solid black shirt with a bright white cross upon the front of it. Friends of Humanity. Just not your friends, obviously. As his sniper rifle begins to melt, he drops it, then points his arm at her as his hand cranks upwards, followed by the tearing of skin as metal can be seen beneath it. It transforms into some type of canon, followed by a large blast of energy that looks to strike her chest high. "DIE!"

With her thoughts moving through the crowd, Jean may have a bit of trouble with all the chaos and waves of emotions, but she catches sight of a woman in a black ball cap tugged over her eyes, bright white hair with 'scales' painted on her neck. As Wolverine rushes past, she pulls free a heavy revolver from her jacket and fires a blast point blank into his back. It's a large caliber bullet, the boom rumbling as the crowd screams again. She tears her jacket off to reveal the same black shirt and a white cross as one of her eyes begins to glow a bright red hot light. A laser shoots out from it, cutting down another bystander that runs for his life, sending him to the ground sizzling with smoking coming off him.

By now, Andrea and Warren has been moved to safety, though it's up to the current winged X-Man to engage if he wishes. The paramedics have the wounded woman now in their arms as they run for the doors of the clinic to be met by a young man with bright gold skin and hair. A familiar face! It's Josh Foley, a recent graduate and part time X-Man. Chief of medical staff for Starlight. The Elderly man is still on the ground, clutching his leg as other mutants try to help him up and shield him from further attack.

Wolverine has posed:
"Be right... GAACK!"

On his way to protect the students, Wolverine makes an easy target. Sure, he smelled her firearm, but this is America and if he had to attack everyone who was carrying he'd never have time to eat.

The bullet ricochets off of his metal spine, sending shooting pain up into his brain, and then ultimately gets lodged somewhere in his various meaty parts, where it will probably be harmlessly passed somewhere in the next hour or week.

You wouldn't believe how many bullets end up in Wolverine's toilet bowl. But the janitors know.

Wolverine slumps forward, catching himself with his arms. His back still exposed to the fake mutant woman who shot him. It's a shame too, he was going to ask her out.

But as he hears the gun cocking again to finish him off, the pain starts to recede somewhere back into his brain, and what comes out in its place is a feral growl.

A growl that quickly turns into a roar as he pushes himself off of the pavement and spins around to face her, claws popped out of his hands with a -SNIKT!-

Power Girl has posed:
     Power Girl does not dodge, in fact she closes to put her feet on the roof to increase her stability for what ever it is. There is a wince, more of antcipation than the pain, "You know being a Cyborg makes you impure, right, I bet some of those parts were imported. That makes you part foreigner."

     When even more mayhem starts breaking out behind her, she looks around, and moves her hand at a faster than the normal eye motion to just a centimeter from his forehead, and bends her index finger back to thumb in the sweet spot dead center on his forehead. "Don't have time." She waits for his eyes to roll back or not, expecting there are plenty of professionals behind her on the good guy side.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grits her teeth as she too, dives for the battered truck, looking Shannon over, "You okay? This is pretty crazy.." she ducks again as she hears more gunfire, wishing she could join in the fight. But she remembers the last time she disobeyed orders.

"Dammit.." Megan mutters as she glances around for Logan and Jean, finding it hard to focus on porting with so much noise and chaos going around. She does watch Power Girl with some wonder and awe,"Well at least she's on our side, just wish Logan would hurry.."

Phoenix has posed:
"Shit." Jean mutters as she sees Logan wind up within shooting range. Well, he's probably okay right at this second. Yeah, he's trying to kill her.

"Megan, change of plans. He's busy. Teleport Shannon out, meet up with Archangel and Rage. Then you three make sure that the clinic interior is clear, because we're going to need it. Shannon, stay back until we give you the all clear. /If/ we end up needing additional healing help, I'll let you know once the scene is clear. Go. I'll watch your back until you're out of here."

Nightingale has posed:
     "I haven't gotten shot, but holy hell, this is frustrating!" comes the reply to Megan, through Shannon's clenched teeth.

     Looking to Miss Grey, she just nods, taking a quick glance of her surroundings. Great. Flight wasn't an option. She'd be a pretty big target. Grumbling, she tucks her Bluetooth earpiece in out of sheer habit from confrontations just such as this one, and crouches low. There was some cover between buildings, and if she moved quickly enough, she stood a chance of getting a few blocks' distance between her and the whole mess in short order.

     Keeping as low as she can, she darts between buildings, dumpsters, and any source of concealment she can find, going from cover to cover and putting some distance between her and the firefight.

     With any luck, she'd make it out intact, and Pixie could help out elsewhere.

Rage has posed:
The plasma blast ripples off of Power Girl's body much like how a hot shower would. It may even tickle. His eyes widen as she whips her hand forward. Expecting a punch, he braces himself, but instead when he is flicked between the eyes, he wasn't prepared to be sent flying off his feet and sliding across the roof. There is a large dent in his head now, causing a shower of sparks as his eyes give a flicker before he slumps to the side. One down!

From above Logan comes the sound of another click-clack as the woman locks another round in the chamber. "I've been looking forward to this moment. To kill 'the' Wolverine. Nighty night, bitch." She pulls the hammer back, then lets out a loud gurk as she finds a trio of claws ran through her chest, the blades coming out her back. As she slides off, she hits the ground with a heavy clank! She's more metal than man at this point, but even a stab through the heart will shut this Reaver down.

By now, the police have the protestors in check, and the crowd has all but dispersed. The wounded are being dragged inside the clinic so that Josh can tend to them behind shatterproof doors. The windows? Metal plates slide down to cover them quickly to ward off any potential sniper shots that may sneak through.

From here, Jean will realize that the danger may very well be over. With one down on the roof and the other taken out by Logan, it appears only two of them were sent out to cause some noise.

All it takes is one seed to plant for it to grow into a festering wound of mistrust and fear. A message was sent.

Good thing you have a clinic, now we know where to send the bodies.

Power Girl has posed:
     Power Girl assesses the situation rather quickly, as she suspected it is otherwise resolved without much more interference from her. Still, she has an examination to perform with her vision of the sniper, discovering that it is a toss up between android and cyborg. She lifts the man-thing, no offense to Man-Thing, up and hauls it into the air. "Congratulations on the opening, sorry about the mess." She says ackwardly. Then, in Krytonian style, it is up, up, and away, this time to S.T.A.R. Labs to hopely keep the thing alive, as much as it is, and study the nature of it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is about to grab Shannon's shoulder and port her to safety, but she takes off instead. "Shannon! What are you doing?" she frowns a bit knowing she can get in trouble if Shannon is injured in her care. "Dammit, you are sooo impatient."

Fortunately it looks like the crowds are dispersing and police have the rest under control. "Okaay, now that they're gone.." Megan taps into her communicator, "Where'd you get to, Shan? I'm sure they could use your help at the clinic.."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just smiles to herself, having taken shelter a few blocks well away from the firefight. "I was getting away from the shooting as I was told to do," is her slightly tart reply to Megan. "Might not have liked the order but I /did/ obey on my own, thank you." There is growing tension and no small amount of annoyance in her voice. "I ducked inside Evolution. Miss Grey said she would call if my help was needed and I trust her to do that."

Phoenix has posed:
<< Looks like it's all clear. Two Reavers neutralized. >> Jean passes to her fellow mutants. She turns a look over towards Megan and lets out a quiet sigh that doesn't seem directed towards her as green eyes flick in the direction Shannon bolted off to. As she hears the girl speaking, some of the tension eases out of her shoulders. "I'm going to check on the others." She says to Megan. "Stay safe, keep your eyes open. I'm going to check on the others."

And so Jean sets out through the crowd towards the clinic and the direction Warren and Andrea had went.

Rage has posed:
Having been taking behind the clinic to her armored vehicles, Andrea is sitting next to James as she waits for the all clear from the radio. The police have controlled the crowds and everyone is being sent home. Those injured are inside being tended to by Josh Foley and the staff. It seems like they get their test run out of the way, even before their first appointment.

As she presses her lips together, she watches the news from her phone, shoulders slumping some as she blows some hair away from her face. "I've had worse days." She mutters to her Guard, who gives her a glance over the top of his mirrored shades.

She sends a text to her friends, asking if they're okay and letting them know where she's at.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs at Shannon, shaking her head, "Right, whatever." she seems pretty ticked off, even knowing she can take care of herself, but Megan still remembers what happened last time. Now the crowds have cleared, she heads towards the clinic, drawing a deep breath as she checks in everyone there, "Everyone ok? Need help with anything?"