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Hunting for Fish Monsters: Part 2!
Date of Scene: 10 December 2020
Location: Manhattan Subway Station
Synopsis: The Scoobies brave smelly sewer tunnels to rescue-missing kids and fish monsters/former swim team members.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Karrin Murphy, Phantasm (Drago), Spike

Buffy Summers has posed:
Time was running out and as more people went missing, Buffy knew she had to do something. Now that she had an antidote, she had given a syringe to Thomas, Karrin and Nick and they headed into the subway tunnel, stepping towards the abandoned section.

"Soo, this..Antimutagen should reverse the effects of the chemical that originally mutated them. Since they're not innate mutations, I don't feel so bad about doing this.." even so, she made a promise to Logan to destroy excess drug, as much as it would be useful in the future. "I don't have a lot so use it sparingly! This pendant should lead us to the creatures..And hopefully the other missing kids.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith makes sure that the syringe is safely stored in a leather pouch around his neck. He's actually not wearing white for a change, switching to dark jeans and a dark red shirt. "typical Slayer plan," he says playfully. "Let's heal them with violence." He says amused, nodding to Nick "You ready mate?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin has been quiet as of late. The longer commute and greater responsibilities at work means she's been full time with the Gotham PD and drowning in work but, when Buffy calls for an absolute emergency, she'll always be there. She's in her blacks, the well fit kevlar vest overtop, armed with several weapons, her favourite SIG in hand, but pointed down to the ground and safety still on. She's basically there as guard to everyone else. "I've got eyes out and on our backs. Just get to the goal and I'll keep us defended."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, Nick knew of a vampire problem in the New York Subways but he had yet to encounter anything of the Fish Monster nature that Buffy has mentioned. But, hey, if it means getting the number of problems in the subway down by one, sign him up. Lord knows there's enough problems for him as is.

This is a bit different in that it is the first time the knit capped musician has ever been asked to do forced medication. Nick blinks at the instructions, looking to the sharp. "Use it spari- How much of this syringe is one dose?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns softly in concentration as she carefully slips a couple of syringes into her leather pouch at her hip and checks her tonfa, which have iron blades at the tip. She doesn't want to cause them undue harm but she will if she has to. These too, are fastenned at her hips to her utility belt.

She's dressed in typical slayer gear - black leather jacket and shirt underneath - turtleneck now it's getting cold - and her signature red leather pants, both protective and functional.

"About half of it is a single dose, assuming g it works on a normal sized human. But I'm guessing that these fish are a bit bigger than normal humans if they are like the ones I encountered back in highschool.."

She pauses on the edge of the public train track and jumps off the ledge, stepping towards a small private archway leading off from the public tracks. A quick tug is all she needs to break open the padlock and the chainlink fence, stepping g through, "Sorry, Karrin, hope you're not gonna ticket me. Emergency and all." she grimaces.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith hops off of the ledge, following Buffy and smirking, "So lets see, so far we've got trespassing, destruction of public property, and breaking an entering.." He says with a grin offering and arm to brace Karrin for the five foot jump down. "Also conspiracy to commit all of those things, and conspiracy to commit assault... at least till we actually commit assault on these poor Ichthyoid Americans... We are causing you no end of Paperwork aren't we Karrin.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I didn't see anything." Karrin states flatly, an edge of amusement behind her husky voice in response to Buffy. She pauses a moment, just to double check that she still has the syringe that Buffy gave her carefully in her jacket. It's safe and sound so, for the moment, she keeps her hands on her weapon that is trained to the floor. She worries she'll need the SIG before she actually needs the dose.

She momentarily holsters that weapon, though, as the vampire offers her assistance for a jump that is just about her entire height. She accepts the arm so her knees aren't catching the whole of her weight and gives him a single, respectful nod before unfolding from that slight crouch and withdrawing her gun again. "...try not to break any public property permanently and we'll call it even."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods. Looking back to the syringe to make sure the safety cap is still on, frowning to the methodology. He may not be a doctor but shared needles aren't a goo- Ok who is he kidding? Considering the normal methodology is to kill the monster, potential contaminination is a nothing call.

He glances down for a few moments to the tracks below. He jumps off the ledge, landing quietly, his mouth is less so. "Forgot practicing medicine without a license..." Nick offers up as Thomas lists their sins ahead of time for Karrin. A mirrored expression glances to the group, "Anyone stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night by any chance?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Thomas, "Gee you make it sound worse than it is. Relax, no permanent damage has been done to the fence. And I'll buy you a new padlock!" she shrugs and hastens her steps as she leads the way, pulling out a flashlight as the long and narrow tunnel up ahead grows dark.

"Ok this is the way I think..Nolan said the victim's ghost described it just like this. When we get closer to the fish monsters, the pendant glows. When that happens, get ready. Just hope we can find the kids alive and in one piece first."

The sound of rushing water can be heard and the platform they are on is a bit narrower as they head on a slight decline deeper into the sewers. "Forget it, we just Stab em with the needle and they should revert back to normal. Remember, these were once humans.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly and leaves the needle where it is for now, as well as his weapons. "Right, so don't fillet the fish unless you really really have to." He says with a bit of a grin, but smiles at Buffy. "We really can save these people right? Because I'd hope if it came to a choice between me living as a fish thing for the rest of my existence and death, you'd steak the shit out of me.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Do we have any hope that a taser might work on these things? I guess we'll figure out..." Karrin mutters but, accepting that she really doesn't want to hurt an innocent, even if that innocent is acting like a monster, she slips her SIG away and reaches back to the little taser she has hooked on the back of her utility belt. She turns up the power, readying it for something fairly large in mass, but now that's her weapon of choice.

"...Should I even *ask* about the Holiday Inn?" She inquires of Nick with a smirk, because she definitely didn't stay the night there. She then continues on quietly after Buffy, blue eyes careful to keep behind them as much as anything.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"But only half the needle per person." Nick adds in, repeating the instructions from earlier. Dosages are important after all. His lips close up as he listens quietly. Pulse and scent gone. If it wasn't for the visual, it'd be like he already left.

He doesn't answer Karrin's question but instead looks to her with his mirrored features, giving a bit of a smirk before turning back to focus on the task at hand. He'll show her the commercials later.



Ok probably not.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods to Thomas, still walking along the platform, being mindful of sewer water, "That's the plan, save the former sunnydale swim team from themselves, even if most of them are creeps." she shudders at a memory but says nothing more on that.

"Tasers are a good idea, it should work, at least to some extent. And remember, there may be a nest of some sort where they're keeping the prisoners.." yeah, prisoners. Not fun.

As they trudge on in silence for another 10 or 15 minutes, things don't change much and they fall into silent sloshing and marching, the tunnel occasionally twisting and turning until they come to a fork in the road. "Hmmm which way?"

And that's when a sudden scream for help is heard coming from the eastern branch.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Are you absolutely certain that dramatic timing isn't one of your abilities?" Thomas asks with a raised eyebrow at the sound of the scream, taking the needle out of it's pouch and palming it so that it runs between his fingers and he can inject with a bit of a blow. "If things go really bad here guys, I want you all to know... I've got about five jars of tarter sauce back at my place, just in case."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Witty quips are the last thing on Karrin's mind now, especially as they walk into the darkness and strange silence for quite so long. Adrenaline is thrumming, ready to be jumped or for the fight to start any moment but as it continues not to she has to keep keyed up. So, all her focus is on not falling into complacency. And then, there's that scream. She blinks between the others and immediately turns to start the double time dash, "That way!" She agrees, not wasting any time now that they have a direction and someone is in trouble. Her taser's still in hand, first line of defense in her mind.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is not that mindful of any water. Nor is he dispersing any when he treads where there is some. His pants look, surprisingly dry and clean despite matters. Hearing the scream, the quiet performer tils his head up, looking in the direction of the sound. As Karrin bolts, Nick does as well, making sure not to lose the detective in the distant darkness.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at Thomas. "What can I say?Its an art." with a shrug, she hurries off to follow the sound, flicking her flashlight this way and that. Loud splashing can be heard, followed by more screams and the sound of growling. The narrow walkway eventually widens a bit and a large, faintly lit cavern can be seen on the other side of the waterway.

Three teenagers are being dragged further into the cavern by six large humanoid beings, each standing about seven feet tall, their bodies covered in dark greenish black scales, and yes, they look like humanoid fishy...Monsters.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith eyes the monsters for just a moment, then mutters, "I don't think I bought enough tarter sauce," before running in. Supernaturally quick leaps into the air like a Japanese wire work martial artist movie character, leaping over the river of...yuck... before he tries to tackle one of the fish...things, thrusting the hand holding the needle into it's side.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Well shit." Karrin mutters very quietly as she stares down at the massive amount of sewer water that cuts off their easiest way to get to the kids. Well, she's generally not signed up for easy. She doesn't have the supernatural strength of Thomas, so she waits to see just how deep the water is where he is before she leaps over herself. First goal is to nail one of the fish things with the taser. The second is to get the needle of her own into one. Hopefully the sludge only goes up to her thighs at best, but she'll swim through it if she must. She is trying her damndest to keep taser and needle above the sewage line.

Spike has posed:
Why does Spike even come back to New York area? Gotham is nice enough to him. Really. Yet somehow, here he is. A scream gets his attention first and he looks around before looking down at the nearest manhole cover,"No. Not..." He shakes his head and sighs,"...bloody Hell." He leans down and pries the cover up and after a quick scan drops into the waiting yuck with a sigh.

"Go back to New York she said. Try to put some bad feelings to bed she said. It'll be good for you she said." he growls darkly and starts towards the sounds of a scuffle and almost looks like Angel brooding levels.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the scene comes into view, the Phantasm's eyes narrow as he leaps into the air, flipping forward. Form shifting into the purplish black bird he's accoustomed to taking the form of. The faint light of the sewer catches upon something in his talon as he glides towards the one furthest away from the rest of the group group, using the wings as an advantage against the resistance the sludge gives to those below. As he descends, the talons shift mid air, pulling off the safety cap.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Fortunately for Karrin, the water is not too deep in these parts, only coming up to her knees really. Not terribly clean though..As Thomas leaps and tackles one fish guy to the ground, Buffy leaps after him, effortlessly dodging sludge and pulls out a syringe, injecting it into the struggling fish's arm. "Hold him steady!"

One of the fish monsters snarls and slashes the air at the crow, making little more than animal noises of a sort, razor sharp claws gleaming in the air. And another fish monster is already leaping into the water to slash at Karrin with its claws, snarling and drooling.

One of the three prisoners, a girl of about thirteen, scrambles and makes a run for the river. Two of the remaining fish monsters each grab a remaining child and dart further into the cavern, the last fish monster following closely after them.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith tries to restrain the struggling beastie so that Buffy can more easily administer the antidote, The creature too far removed from human for him to use his hunger to try and subdue it that way. "Venice. when this is all over you owe me a week in Venice. Maybe a stop over in Rome. Wine and Italian food..." He mutters under his breath to the woman.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
As one of them reach for Karrin, she deftly ducks out of the swiping claws, even more agile while knee deep in sludge than most people. She pulls the monster's arm through into a lock and slams the dose of the 'cure' into the meat of its shoulder. She's trying not to gag at the scent around her, breathing mostly through her mouth and not nose, as she drives her foot into the small of the creature's back she injected and kicks it into the sludge. It'll have to get up when it's changing back, she doesn't have time to stay with it.

She then starts dashing on after the other escaping creatures, the other half a dose of that syringe in hand. She's moving as fast as legs can sludge can take her.

Spike has posed:
Oh look. The Murphy lady. Spike recognizes her, and then pauses as he sees people running from something and then sees the something. He probably can't stop all of them, but he can at least slow them down. He scowls and takes his coat off and he tosses at the head of one of the mosters to slow it down and throws a very low kick at the other, near the knee level with the intent to slow it down.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The raven's form twists about as the avian acrobat dodges the claws. The Talon lifts and jabs down hard, with more force one would presume from the large bird. Other talon digging into the fish monster, a wing reaches over, pushing down on the plunger. Unfortunately with the task at hand, the phantasm can not afford to take stock of the escaping creatures yet. Fortunately, Nick's not the only one here dealing with this.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Rrrrawwwrr!" the first creature shrieks as Buffy injects it with the antidote. For a moment it struggles a bit longer then goes very still and slack as if asleep. Nothing seems to happen initially, but eventually, slowly it's scaly skin begins to ripple and shudder, it growls and scratches at the scales which seem to shed off easily. Underneath is naked pink flesh and a very naked looking man. Hopefully Thomas and Buffy jump off in time before it gets weird.

Well at least Buffy does. "Oh great, it's the guy who tried to talk dirty then locked me in his car as he tried to make a move on me." good times. Well the nose breaking part, anyway. Siiigh.

Karrin moves quickly and her expert skill at disabling the bigger stronger fish monster would put many superheroes to shame. As the syringe is jammed in its arm it snarls and swipes at her fleeing form with those sharp claws, aiming to wound her or slow her down as its sharp quick claws are bound to snag on fabric..Maybe. A moment later though, it too, falls into the water, slowly reverting back as well.

The third monster isn't quite so lucky. It twists around to pull out the syringe before it can co ole tell take effect, and smashes it against the wall, then is backs up,against a nearby wall, attempting to slam the raven into the wall, and hopefully get him off its back.

The fish monsters fleeing are quick, easily dodging the coat, although the trailing fish monster is kicked i. the knee, causing it to stumble a moment before it snarls and spins around to swing a powerful punch at Spike's face.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Oh really? Huh." Thomas says looking down at the unconscious athlete... then kicks him in the ribs. Just once. "Sorry. i tripped." he says mildly. Then he stomps the man's hand. "That was because i'm an asshole." He turns to see where Nick is struggling and yells "Nick! Head's up!" throwing his still unused syringe directly at the Raven, trusting his friend to catch it.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Make certain none of them drown!" Karrin calls back, already on the move towards the retreating monsters when she realizes the humans being revealed aren't exactly conscious. One person, if not more, will have to stay back to put them vaguely on 'shore'. Whatever shore is in a sewer. The concrete side walkway, probably. With that 'order', she keeps her running and takes a flying LEAP at the back of the closest fleeing monster, shoving the needle into the meat of a shoulder and injecting the other half of the antidote. She didn't have a good plan for after she got it in the thing, she just wanted to make certain they didn't get too far away. There's still at least two ahead of her that she'll have to rely on her powered allies to catch up to.

Spike has posed:
What is the worst part? The fact his coat doesn't slow the one down or the fact it hits the sewage for no reason. He has only a second to turn his head with the punch, rather than getting a full burst blast in the mouth. He has a nice blood spew from his mouth and he takes a step back from it.

He squares up, shifts his stance back, and raises his hands to throw a few,"Right then." he mutters and returns the love tap he got with a left jab and a right cross to the fish man's jaw.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh you mot-" As the poorly portioned out doses of syringe are smashed leaving the raven with not a drop of antidote to use at all, the bird lets out a curse as he turns his head to avoid the effect of the wall. Shit shit shit- how's he going to stop this guy?

Thomas's more than welcome yell draws Nick's attention over in time to see the syringe thrown. The bird launches himself up in the air to catch it before twisting, flipping upside down and falling aways to jab the syringe into an area just out of reach of the fish monster's claws. "Thanks!" The wing smacks down on the plunger to administer the dose.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers winces a bit as Thomas kicks the unconcious creepy guy..But says nothing, busying herself with pulling the second guy out of the water before he can drown. "This is way too easy.." she mutters, making sure he hasn't swallowed too much water. "I have a baaad feeling about this.."

The third fish monster seems to be able to take Spike's punches on an equal level, but as he returns the love tap at the same time that Karrin kicks him in the back, the third fish guy goes down, struggling and sputtering as his scales fall off revealing a third swim team member, this one being the one who slacked off in Willow's class.

And luckily, Nick manages to jab fish monster #4 successfully this time. He stumbles writhing to the ground as he too, reverts back to normal.

By this time the last two fish monsters have vanished, running with surprising speed down the tunnel and the screams of the two kids echo off the walls, followed by the sound of an even bigger, scarier sounding creature, its roars loud enough to shake the walls.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith, now syringe-less quickly takes stock of the situation and sighs. "You know, I'm really to self absorbed and vain for this hero work." He offers with an overly dramatic sigh... and then gives chase down the blind tunnel. "Paris. Paris and then Bordeaux. Two weeks. no, a month. What kind of idiot runs /towards/ the screaming monster?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Come on, Raith, we all smell like shit now. Quicker we get through it, quicker you can go back and get a fresh manicure." Karrin mutters back to him, as she stumbles back from the beast she finally conquered. She does take a moment to lean down and scoop the body up, dragging naked man onto the side of the walk way so he doesn't drown in sewage. She's covered in the shit now - literally - but seems to have accepted her life as she starts running towards the louder noise. "Taser's gone, wet and useless. I'm out of antidote so... guns it'll be now if we must." She won't shoot to kill. She draws out her SIG, trying to keep up with the more preternaturally gifted of the group. Spike gets an arch of a brow as she realizes he's with them, but she's fought at his side before. He gets a grunt of greeting and a respectful nod. "We gotta work together under nicer conditions." She mutters to him.

Spike has posed:
Taking his coat in hand again, Spike shakes it off a few times. A soft sigh and he pulls it on finally,"Much nicer." he agrees and settles it in place. He plays back the sounds a moment ago and he looks down the sewer towards,"What the bloody hell was that?" he mutters darkly, frowning that way. Realizing Buffy and Thomas are present as well causes him to shake his head and look back towards where he came in.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the man stumbles forward, the raven hops off before his beak gets close to anything too personal due to his odd positioning. Wings move over, rolling the reverted man so that his face is out of the water.

When Thomas starts to run past him, he holds up the syringe with the remaining dose for the vampire to take back. Once the wing is freed up, Nick shifts form to something more human shaped to allow for him to grab the arm of the the naked man over towards a dry area of the sewer to sleep it off.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Thomas, "Come on, you love this kinda stuff! But maybe we could do Paris or Venice next time, my treat?" she winks at him as she runs after him, almost seeming to face him down the corridor. It's a long corridor, when does it come to an end, anyway?

"Okay, I have..Three syringes left, here.." she pauses to hand one each to Karrin, and Nick, Thomas having one half left, and keeping one for herself. That's when Buffy spots Spike and slows down a bit. "Um, where'd you come from, and what are you doing here?" she sighs, "Wait, nevermind, we don't have time for this. Let's just turn those fish monsters back to normal and careful of the kids.

Screams can be heard up ahead and the end of the tunnel opens up into a large round room with only a narrow walkway along the perimeter that encircles a deep pool of water. It is here where the two fish monsters lay down the screaming kids, now tied up and laying at the edge of the water. With a shove they send both kids into the water.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks at Karrin. "We can get them together. My treat." He says to the cop almost teasingly as he glances at Buffy and nods as wll. "Alright then, Paris it is he agrees. He only nods to Spike, not questioning the fact that he's turned up like a bad penny, as per protical. He sighs dramatically as the beasts push the tied up kids into the water. "Well, there goes my dry cleaning budget." He mutters, diving in after them.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The blonde takes the last syringe she's been given, a deeper frown painted across her lips. She looks to Spike for a moment, considering if it should go to one of the more superpowered among them, but she also knows her own skill. She keeps it tucked in tight and protected by her own body as they go forward. "The innocents are our primary goal. Get them free of these things. Then transform the things back..." Thomas' comment about manicures gets him a smirk, but she's all in work mode.

And then they stumble upon the scene. It seems her worry about the kids being in danger was exactly right as she sees them being spilled into the deeper area. She jerks forward, trying to catch one before it's too late, even if that leaves her open to the monster. She tries to stab the needle in as she's going past, but the kid is her priority.

Spike has posed:
"Some place bad, but I'm going back." he replies and offers a nod to Karrin,"Miss Murphy." He nods to Nick and well and then heads back the way he came, resisting the urge to light a cigarette because...well you know. A few moments later he is out of sight and there is only the sound of his departure from the sewer.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, okay. Give up a single dose, gain two! Kind of a two steps forward, one steps back thing. Man deposited safely, Nick turns, cutting through the water to catch up with the others already making their way over. As Spike makes his leave, he returns the nod but seems a bit more distracted by the task at hand.

By the time he makes it to where the two bound kids are shoved in, he notes Thomas and Karrin seemingly going after them. With those two focused on under water, Nick's path adjusts to intercept the monster nearest Karrin to prevent it from pursuing, trusting Buffy to not let anything go after her man.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at Spike as he flees, "Coward.." she mutters, but joins Karrin at the water's edge, helping her to pull out one of the kids to shore. And with the other kid being rescued by Thomas, she focuses on one of the fish monsters instead, sending a kick at the syringe already shoved at it by Karrin, making sure it gets a thorough injection before fishie stumbles to the ground..

Unfortunately, while that's all going on, something large stirs in the water, a large green spiky tentacle reaching out to try and wrap around Thomas' waist, another snagging the boy's leg, still tied up but able to scream, and scream he does.

The rest of the massive monster emerges gag out of the water, some sort of giant squid like fish, but all scaly, armoured and with lots of thorny tentacles that it uses to send out a massive wave of water towards Nick, Karrin and Buffy.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Finally, something he can hurt! Thomas pulls his Kukri knife from it's sheath on his back and brings the blade around to lash at the tentacle that enwraps him. The Razor sharp blade biting into rubbery flesh with a wicked chop. And worst of all? He's actually smiling. You'd think he was enjoying himself. Ladies? Run away, both of Margaret LeFay's boy's are crazy.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
As the syringe is kicked into the thing's arm, Karrin doesn't worry about it any more. There are far, far bigger worries, like the creature that is emerging from the deeper pool. She swears beneath her breath as the massive wave of water hits. She can't stop it, but she can try to use it to her advantage, to get herself and the one kid that she grabbed out of the way. She's holding into that kid like a lifeline, turning her body so she can half ride the wave, the child in hand, to a farther back point of the room. It means she'll leave the fighting to the others for this moment, but she's getting the innocent to safety and that matters. "Hey, hey...it'll be okay. Just stay put and keep clear..." She mutters to the panicked victim, trying to make certain they are on a side of the room with a ledge that they can stay out of the water with.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the wave reaches Nick, he closes his eyes, causing for the wave to pass through him as the auditory clues tip him off to when he can open his eyes. As Buffy helps Karrin by taking care of the fish monster he was initially aiming for, he regroups. His movements adjust to go after the final fish monster with the syringe ssuming Thomas is probably having a field day with the big bad. Might as well make sure there's no chance for back stabbity.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The monster shrieks as Thomas slices into its tentacle, freeing himself from its grasp, but it lashes out again, attempting to whip him in the head with those spiky tentacles. Buffy is indeed keeping an eye on her lover, eyes widen in concern as the squid monster attacks him again, "Thomas!" she's already diving into the water, slashing at more tentacles before they can hit him, using the bladed tip of her tonfa. She also seems to be enjoying the rush of a fight, slashing and slices as she tries to make her way towards the third kid. At one point she stabs the thing with her remaining syringe but to no avail.

"Dammit..It's too strong, don't think we can turn it back.." Meanwhile the kid in Karrin's arms cries out, reaching an arm towards the boy in the water, "Todd! someone save him!"

And in the craziness the last fish monster now turns on Nick, snarling and swiping at him with claws, attempting to push him towards the water.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith dives to try to get closer to the beasts body and the root of the tentacle. Slashing out at any of the creature that comes within reach of his swing. The water of course deprives a great deal of the strength from the blow... so he's only hitting with force of maybe four men instead of ten..

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The huge thing is not exactly out of her class, but getting the civilians out has been her priority from moment one. "I'll get Todd. I will." Karrin promises the panicking young man. And then she turns, body half diving into the awful water, so she can get down beneath the other victim and try to pull him up from the depths of the pool. She's using her small size to her advantage, ducking around the fight as she works on saving sacrifice number two.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick steps aside, avoiding the claws and paying no heed to what's going on behind him. As it appears to the outside observer like he's stepped off the ledge, his foot steps solidly on air, pressing down on it like it is still part of the ledge area. He launches forward, eyes closing at the last second as he passes through the fish monster. On the other side of him, he turns, jabbing the syringe into the monster's backside.

Buffy Summers has posed:
As Thomas comes in closer to deal more blows at the root of the monster, it shrieks and sends out more taloned tentacles, trying to entangle himself and drag him to the bottom of the pool. And while he goes for the core, Buffy is working just as quickly to slice off as many errant tentacles as she can, including the ones that try to snag at Thomas.

For a moment the third kid in the water vanishes from view before Buffy dives for him. Unfortunately, she's snagged by a stray tentacle and with a Yelp she briefly vanishes under the waves.

The boy, seemingly managed to get his legs free during the kerfuffle and he yells at Karrin as she comes closer. "Help meee!" he cries fearfully even as all the fighting sends another powerful wave of water through the pool.

At least Nick is faring better, having totally confused the last fish monster as he passes through it, expertly placing that syringe in its body before it can get free. With a shudder, it too, falls to the ground, shedding its scales as it rolls over into the last human swimmer. Ouch, his butt's gonna hurt in the morning..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith glances back for just a moment, but trusts that Buffy is covering his flank, so he keeps swimming straight for the root of thematter, driving the hooked blade as deep into the beastie as he can, giving the kukri a sharp twist, and then jerking it back out again, withdrawing a thick meaty viscous chunk.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I'm trying, kid, just hang on!" Karrin coughs out over the water, the rough waves not easy to fight through, but she's managing. She pushes off the side of the pool area and reaches over, wrapping her arm around the kid's waist and paddling as fiercely fast back as she can. When another powerful wave hits, they're both going under for a minute, but she holds on tight. She focuses on breaking the surface again and pulling him as far away as possible, to be with his friend. Nothing's attacked her otherwise, so she can focus on the kids.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the final fish monster jabbed, the syringe is tugged back out as Nick steps away from the increasingly awkward situation forming before him once he's sure the guy isn't going to fall into the water. Task at hand completed, he turns tring to get a read of the situation once again before he makes another move.

Buffy Summers has posed:
As Thomas stabs the creature in the head, it shrieks in true pain now, blood spurting everywhere. And Buffy suddenly reappears above the waves, stabbing g the creature from the opposite side, at the same time. With one last groan, the massive squid lets out a death rattle before its bloody body falls lifeless into the water.

"Cmon.." Buffy grabs Thomas' hand, tugging him away from those blindly lashing tentacles as it goes down, "Our job here is done.." she glances towards the shoreline, making sure Nick and Karrin are ok too. The last kid cries as he is reunited with his friend and they both hug.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is dragged by Buffy away from the beast as it thrashes and finally, mercifully dies in into the water. Panting he says. "Okay, forget Europe. Our place. Locked down. 2 weeks. I want Ice Cream, wine, and costumes. Lots of costumes." he says before starting to laugh.