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Revision as of 04:49, 2 January 2021

New Years Explosion
Date of Scene: 27 December 2020
Location: Times Square, Midtown
Synopsis: Ringing in the New Year with music and explosives
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Pixie, Cannonball, Rage, Prismatic, Icarus, Winter Soldier, Superboy

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Earlier today:
An advert pops up on the screen.

Join us here in Times Square as we ring in 2029 with an Explosion of musical talent and fireworks in the sky.

With performances by:
Rock Sweet
Four Cat Day
Cherry Cobbler Sale
Boston Zombie
Five Times Novel
Andrea Jackson
Plus a surprise guest performance that you have to tune in to believe!

With your hosts Payton Conner and Linda Eaton.

The festivities start at 10 PM New Years Eve on Channel 6.

The TV cuts off. "Hey Hana? Do you want to go out tonight?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hair and makeup done up to channel his stage persona, Nick is nearing the end of his set, stage taking advantage of the space granted by the barricades as lights swing around, and the occasional firey burst springs up from discreetly but carefully marked portions of the stage that the musicians do not trek. "The year, it was long but it was worth the wait. Say hello two and nine, goodbye two and eight..."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
And now:

It is a chilly but fortunately dry evening in the crowded area around Times Square but there is little complaint. For what cold is brought in by the wind tunnel effect of the tall buildings is mostly negated by the large mass of people packed in, some scoring a great view of the ball that is to start its descent around the 11:59 mark while others have managed to get a fantastic view of the stages featuring some of the most recently publicized celebrities New York could get.

This includes New York born and (mostly) raised rocker, Nick Drago. His presence was a bit more of a surprise. His name was not part of the advertising leading up to the event but being they were a surprise guest performance in the adverts, that seems to have been referencing him. Perhaps a bit melodramatic and his problems may actually be taken care of by now but just in case. Why poke the bear with an advance notice of where he'll be in a large crowd full of innocents?

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is pretty excited to finally get to play with a band, and a special surprise guest one at that. She had told Andrea she'd be here but hasn't specifically mentioned she'd be on stage. But there she is, large as life and dressed in a flashy silver skater dress with a matching headband and hot pink sash and boots to match her bright hair and fluttering wings.

As Nick goes into the final round, she's singing backup lyrics and pounding out on the keyboard, having clearly practiced a lot lately as her fingers gracefully glide over the keys.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With a thunderous rumble, the song reaches its end, allowing for the crowd to start cheering while the hosts of the broadcasts of the festivities do their spiel leading into whatever commercials they have lined up for those watching at home. Lifting up the mic, Drago gives a semi-salute to the fans out there before heading off stage behind a makeshift 'backstage/VIP' area set aside. He's not planning to stay long but he does turn, waiting for Megan to get off stage. A room temperature bottle of water is pressed into his hand, causing for him to look over to a short haired blonde man. "Thanks Wade."

The former bandmate turned founder of Shaw Studios, gives a half smile and a nod, giving Nick a pat on the back. "You guys did great. Got to check on Boston." As quickly as he came, Wade walks over to a group of people wearing multi-colored human face masks.

Nick turns his head, watching the former roomie head off before a glimpse of a second group in masks comes to sight. The smile fades as he turns back to look to the stage, waiting for Megan.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is out tonight at the square. There is often some minor things going on with this crazy or that one on New Years, and Sam has taken it on himself to spend a bit of time checking it out and making sure none do anything silly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does a quick keyboard solo which is probably her only 30 seconds in the spotlight so she had better make it good! She pulls out a string of complex arpeggios and dramatic deep chord to accompany Nick's climactic ending line, really getting into it as her wings flutter a bit of psychedelic effects into the mix.

And then it's over amid thunderous applause and she smiles and waves to the audience, bowing before heading backstage to join Nick. She may not be a super famous starlet like Nick or Andrea, but it's nice to have even a moment in the spotlight.

"Wooow Nick that was sooo awesome! I hope I can do that again sometime!" she gushes. She peers around, having thought she caught a glimpse of Andrea and Sam but there are quite a few people back here, getting ready for the next act too..

Rage has posed:
Glad to have been invited, multi-platinum selling artist Andrea Jackson is waiting for her time on the stage. It won't be for awhile, so for now, she is mingling with friends that she brought along to the party in the VIP section. As usual, she'll drag along a number of mutants from Xavier's, giving them front row of the festivities. Her hair and make-up are on point and she is wearing a dazzling shirt of silver along with a snug pair of black pants under a heavy parka to keep the cold off.

As she sips on a drink, she glances upwards to the ball hanging in the distance, then trains her attention once more to the bands that are currently performing. For now, she is just mingling with a few people here and there that stop by her way.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Megan approaches to gush about playing. Nick's smile returns as he cracks open the water bottle, subconciously following Megan's glances about. Upon spotting and recognizing a Sam and an Andrea, he closes the water bottle and lifts up his now free hand to wave at them.

"Keep playing like that and I don't see why you can't." Nick replies, looking to his junior. He reopens the bottle to take a sip.

Off over the the far end there's a set of chairs and a backdrop set before a camera where the hosts of the event are currently seated. As the cheers die away, they both smile to the camera.

"And that was Nick Drago," Linda points out of the last performance. "His latest album 'Stay Strong' is now available for purchase both online and in stores. Keep an eye out for a pending concert tour in 2029, once film schedules permit!"

Payton smiles to the camera, "Alright and now for the last band for 2028. You may remember them from their recent album release 'Boston Baked Brains', here's the masked sextet Boston Zombie!"

The camera cuts over to the multi-colored face masked group as they errupt into a party rock rap hybrid song about bringing the house down.

Hmm. There are a lot of mask themed bands on this lineup.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie walks along. He stops for a moment, talking to one of the roadies. They talk for a moment, before bumping fists. He heads on over to where he sees the others "Well no aliens this year so far." He jokes a bit and offers Andrea and Megan both a hug, and a hand shake for Nick "You guys were on fire out there."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams at Nick, "Thanks, this was sooo amazing. And you were sooo awesome up there too!" she giggles, "But you know, Im soooo hungry right now!" she's already eyeing the drinks and snacks, eyes still scanning the crowds.

"Oooh there's Andrea and Sam! Hii!" she waves enthusiastically at them, returning Sam's hug, "Happy New Year! Soo good to see you again..Didja see me up on the big screen? It was Soo exciting!"

Rage has posed:
Returning the hug to Sam, Andrea gives a proud grin to Megan. "You looked great up there. Congrats on your big moment. Prepare to have your social media blow up as soon as everyone finds it." She takes another sip of her drink, folding one leg over the other. With a look over to Nick, she gives a big smile. "Thanks for setting this up for me." She calls over to Nick. "It really means a lot to not only me, but mutants as well, especially with all the crazy press as of late."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well... not HERE." Nick replies, Giving a thoughtful glance over to Megan as a couple field trips come to mind. He reaches over to take the offered hand for the handshake. "Thanks. Hopefully that will tide over the fans until roster and scheduling issues get resolved." Nick smiles, looking over to Andrea. "There really wasn't anything for me to arrange." He admits, "A lot of the acts are represented by Shaw Records or a partner label and their primary concern is if you put on a good show and sound good." He glances over to Megan, "Megan's gotten a taste of the audition process at Shaw Studios. I think she may have been recommended the same vocal coach I have."

The band on stage is full of energy, hopping around to the beat while the lead singer does a sideways sway. So much energy! Wooh!

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis did so love NYC, and she was excited to be back in the city, and tonight she was stylishly dressed in a well-fitted jacket, nice jeans and a pair of happy, sparkly glasses with hte new year and the most R*dic*ulously brightly colored tophat in shimmering, color-changing glitter sparkles.

    "Hey all! Did I miss anything fun?" she inquires, coming up to Andrea, Megan and Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie puts his arm around Alexis as she gets near. "Hey hon." He tells her and leans in to kiss her cheek. Just catching up, MEgan was rocking it on the stage, but figure you saw that as you were coming up."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is grateful for a bottle of water to sip on as she listens to the next band coming up on stage, "Ooh, they're pretty cool too, but I'm dying to hear you play again, Andrea! Are you the closing act?"

She nods to Nick, "Yeah, I've been working hard on my studies. It's a lot of work and I doubt I'd ever do this for a living but it's still fun! And I'd be more than happy to back you up again the future!"

She smiles and waves to Alexis as she approaches, "Oooh I looovevyour hat! It's Soo lush! Annd you just missed my act..Well it was Nick's act but I got to play keyboard and supporting vocals.."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, I'm the closing act. Got a bit of a surprise for it too. It's gonna be really memorable." Andrea says as she takes another sip of her drink, followed by clinking the ice around in her glass. How did she get a Sex On the Beach being underage? Rich is a super power after all.

"Gonna do a few of my older songs, then I'm going to debut a brand new one that your ears haven't heard yet." She takes another sip, then gives it a wiggle to a passing water. "One more, please. This one was weak."

Prismatic has posed:
    "You mean there's music of yours I haven't heard yet?" Alexis sounds aghast in respnose to Andrea, and she gives a slight smile to Megan as she one-arm hugs on Sam.

    "I'm sorry I missed it, Megan. It's a good step to get out there and get comfortable on the stage." the Brit replies, and then turns to Nick. She gives him her most charming smile, and offers a hand to shake.

    "Alexis Carr, how do you do? I don't beleive we've made acquaintences."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, looking over to Megan "So you took Wade up on the recommendation on the vocal coach or someone else?" He turns his head, looking over to Alexis and giving a nod of greeting. As the hand is offered, he reaches over to accept. "Nick Drago." He returns, "I'm doing alright. Busy times and all."

As Boston Zombie continues through their set, it becomes readily apparent they are not singing the censored version. As the song reaches its rhythmic climax with the lead going into a rhyming torrent of words to describe the past year, there's likely a few gaps in sound for those watching at home. Thank goodness for 5 second time delays. As the song comes to a close, the members freeze into star pose positions, with every other performer having their arms angled downwards, palms out.

The camera cuts back to the hosts, briefly catching the wide eyed expressions on their faces. Payton's the first to recover, clearing his throat. "And that is Boston Zombie with their single 'Bombs Away!' . Alright, please stay tuned as we watch the ball drop and enjoy even more music from Cherry Cobbler Sale and Andrea Jackson!" As the tv feed cuts to commercial, Payton leans over towards his co-host. "Guess that's why they call the song that."

Linda gives a quiet nod.

Icarus has posed:
"She's been busy," comes a familiar voice from behind Sam and Alexis as Jay comes strolling up from somewhere. He's been backstage since he arrived with Andrea originally but seems to have been off doing his own things. He's wearing jeans and a hoodie, wings hidden beneath as he had learned to do back home. He moves over next to Andrea, leaning in to give her a quick kiss. "I can't get her out of the studio when she gets that look in her eye. Off she goes and ends up with something amazing. Not that I'm biased or anything."

He turns his attention to the others, a bright smile and a nod to those he knows. He does take a moment to give his big brother a hug then steps back next to Andrea. "Some great performances going on. Most of them have been really nice. Got a couple of autographs even." So that's what he was doing. Off being a fan since he had backstage access. "Only one threatened to have me thrown out."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit looking around him "Well as the only one here who has no amazing musical talents, I got to say hearing all of you play is cool any time, but getting to see you guys on stage rocks even more." He grins a bit more and says "Ma and the little ones will loose it, and we might hear them scream from back home if ya on stage with her Jay."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn makes a face at Andrea, eyeing her drink, "Oooooh that looks Soo good, how'd you manage to get that?" still, her eyes widen in wonder as she mentions a new song. "Oooooh I can't wait to hear it! I have all your albums already! I thought I knew all your songs.."

She taps her foot to the beat of the current song which is nice but still not as good as Andrea Jackson as far as she is concerned.

Megan takes another sip of her (boring) water, nodding to Nick, "Yeah, I took your advice on that music coach. Actually I am taking lessons from Alexis here. Glad I did, it's a lot of hard work but I think it paid in the end."

As Jay makes his appearance she smiles and waves to him too. "Hii Jay! Happy New Year! Ate you gonna perform with Andrea tonight?"

Rage has posed:
"I have a ton of music that you guys haven't heard." Andrea laughs as she blows some hair away from her face. She plucks two glasses off the tray that passes by, holding one out to Megan. "Here. I just asked for one and they brought it. It's New Years in New York City. There are no rules tonight."

She gives Alexis a grin before returning the kiss to Jay before she tucks herself in against him and his strong arms. "This song is hot off the press. I really hope you guys like it. It's really made me take a look at everything that has been going on with this year and how many times we've been knocked down. I wanted to give guys something to draw inspiration from. This song really means a lot to me."

She takes another long sip from her drink, glancing to Jay at Megan's question with an amused smirk. "I dunno, Jay? You gonna sing Backstabber with me, or maybe Shadows?" She teases.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
At the mention of only one musician threatening to have Jay thrown out, Nick gives a sigh as he glances over to the band with the animal masks. "Was it Kip doing the threatening?" He asks, tilting his head in indication to the Five Times Novel lead singer still wearing the Tigress mask despite the band having already performed. Then again, all the members of that band are still masked. "Was there an attempt to take pictures involved?"

As it appears there is a commercial break going on, there's a migration once more on the stage as the masked rap/rock hybrids stroll off as the more country-fied members of Cherry Cobbler Sale climbs on up.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I would like to add that there *are* rules tonight as far as I am concerned." Alexis gives a soft huff as she rubs the back of her neck, looking over to the groups waiting in the wings.

    "I almost wish I had done something for tonight. I'm sure my mother is suffering my father's comrades up in Boston this evening -- ugh. One thing I do not miss is performing like a trained monkey for the entourage du jour." she mumbles, leaning against Sam as she looks over.

    "Megan has quite a bit of raw talent. Admittedly, I'm more... clasically trained, but it's been a refreshing challenge going one-on one." she gives a grin.

Icarus has posed:
Jay shakes his head quickly. "I don't want to be anywhere near the song Backstabber. That is your thing and I don't need to help you make your point. I think the sales numbers on it spoke for themselves."

He considers. "Maybe Shadows. Or something else. We'll play it by ear. So my answer to your question, Megan, is no answer at all." He gives her a playful wink, the movement matching the tone of his statement.

He glances over to Nick. "It's okay. They figured they were safe from fans back here. I get why it was annoying and I made my apologies and moved along. To the next band. And got some selfies since they felt bad thanks to the other guy. So it all worked out just fine."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, finishing off her water and grabbing the drink, "Thanks Andrea! Hopefully this doesn't make me totally wired!" she giggles as she takes a sip and shivers, "Ooooh, that hits the spot! Though I'm still pretty wired from that performance. Fortunately Alexis is an amazing teacher and I still wanna see you perform on stage one of these days!"

Still. she looks towards Andrea, eyes wide with excitement, "That's what I love about your music, so deep and emotional. These are scary times for mutants but hopefully 2029 will be better.."

Nick is given a curious look, "Hmm is there a problem?"

Rage has posed:
"I don't think you got the booty shaking for Backstabber anyways." Andrea says as she holds up her drink for Jay to take a sip. "Sides, I retired that song and there's no way I'm gonna bring that out on party night. My setlist tonight is Cher's Turn Back Time, my single Dangerous, and then my new song. So if you aren't familiar with the iconic Cher, you will be tonight."

Grinning at Megan and Alexis, she nods her head. "Megan is super talented. I can't wait to get her on one of my albums at some point. I owe you a thing by the way. I know I'm working with Shannon on this song that I gave her to record because it sorta 'fits' her, but I don't want you to think I forgot about you also. I want to do some studio stuff with you later this year."

"Alexis, break some rules tonight! It's New Years. If we are all not naked with lampshades on our end by the end of the night I'm gonna be super disappointed."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well, I see no lampshades, so don't get yourself to excited." He looks over to Megan and holds up one finger and says "One." and nods towards her drink. He knows she is legal to drink where she comes from, but he also knows he and Alexis are the ranking adults around here. "Got your fiddle in the car." He teases to Alexis about her violin.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ok now you're just being generous," Nick says to Jay, giving a chuckle. But he leaves it at that. Jay never did confirm if it was Kip being... Kip or not. Nick glances over to Megan as she asks about a potential problem and shakes his head. "No, just a couple people here have an aversion to pictures getting taken without ample notice. Was seeing if he happened to come across one of them."

Prismatic has posed:
    "I have never been naked with a lampshade over my head, and I don't intend to have such occur. I have a career now, Andrea --" and Alexis presents her most HOity-toity Proper British accent instead of her more casual "Let's not seek to be improper, or else goodness, who knows what might happen? What next, a spill of tea?!" she inquires, but she gives a little wry smile, and then she looks up to Sam.

    "My violin is *not* a fiddle. That violin is older than your home state."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Backstage passes... was he ever 'cool' enough to have them before? Was he ever that much of a 'happening cat'? What did the kids call it these days anyway? Smooth? Jazzing? Yotentoten? It's all like a foreign language to Bucky, and not one of the ones he speaks either. So he flashes his backstage pass to the security goon and makes his way to the lucky crowd, spotting a few familiar faces.

    Well, one was always going to be there, because how else did he even get these passes? And that meant that party or not, Bucky's keeping a weather eye out.

    Two, in fact, because the Winter Soldier is never really off duty.

    "Nick! That's one hell of a surprise you got delivered to me. Happy new year." For the sake of the occasion, he's smiling. It turns the usually scowling face into something mischievously boyish. A nod is given to the people gathered, as the figure with the long hair and the clear blue eyes mixes in with the group, seemingly oblivious to the many stars surrounding him.

    Some people in animal masks are getting a surreptitious second glance.

Icarus has posed:
"But a violin is a fiddle. A lot of those fiddles back home have been around for longer than Kentucky has existed too," Jay points out playfully to Alexis. "Course, what you play? Definitely should be called a violin. You don't have the grit in you."

Them's fighting words. Which means there may be a fiddle/violin battle in the future.

He glances over at Andrea. "If anyone doesn't know Cher, they can't be your friend I suspect. I know I learned more than I ever expected while you were prepping for tonight."

As Bucky arrives and addresses Nick, he gives the other man a nod a friendly smile.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head at Alexis's statement, eyes widening, "Wait-how did the conversation get to this point?" He doesn't end up waiting for an answer as he hears his name being called by a familiar voice.

Turning his head, he looks to Bucky and flashes him a smile. "Hey James, glad you could make it." He greets, "Sorry for the little notice but we weren't exactly advertising I was going to be here." He gives a slight shrug. Not really voicing the reason for that. There's really no need. "Enjoy the show so far?"

Not knowing that they're being looked at by Bucky, the members of Five Times Novel continue with their talk with a well dressed, black haired man who appeared in his mid-twenties. The two obvious females of the group wear a Tigress and an Owl mask respectively while the remaining three sport a Lion, Wolf, and Cheshire Cat mask. The Owl looks over to the group gathered around Nick.

There is a cheer from the audience as the ball starts its descent.

Over at the camera, the hosts get a bit more active as the cameras set upon them. Linda takes over on the discussion. "And we are now down to one minute on the countdown. As you can see, the colors are starting to flash along the edges But it won't be fully lit until it rea-" Linda pauses, blinking seemingly hearing over the , "You're not showing it y-? Well then SHOW the ball. They KNOW what I look like already."

Payton looks over with a confused look before looking off camera, hands slightly tilting in a W-T-F? Gesture.

Rage has posed:
"Everyone knows Cher, just like how everyone knows Madonna, Britney and Andrea." The popstarlet says with a grin. As she listens to the host and catches a wave by one of the executives, she rises upwards and gives a smile to Jay. "Show is about to start." She leans in and gives him a kiss, followed by her fingers running through the back of his red hair. "Love you."

After bumping her nose to his, she starts past them to head off for a quick wardrobe change. "It's a fiddle, Alexis!" She calls over with a giggle, tucking her hair back behind her ear before she slips off.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Five Times Novel are being Three Times Checked, with the face and body posture of the person they're talking to being especially noted. May check up on that later... But right now, Bucky is here to ostensibly have a good time, and enjoy the most exclusive view of the best New Year's party in the world. "I understand how it is, don't worry. Glad you thought of me." The smile is certainly genuine, the nod to Jay is friendly, and the subtext to Nick flashes 'so I'm assuming your own security wanted some close protection in place' in bright neon but entirely figurative letters.

    When the ball begins to drop, he smiles and glances over towards it along with most everyone else, only to then suddenly glance around to spot the people who are very suspiciously /not/ looking.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and looks down to Alexis with a smile "Fancy Fiddle?" He does lean down to give her a kiss and holds her close. He does look over to the others and says "She can make it sing, Ah have to be honest, aint heard her Devil went down to Georgia but Paganini Caprice she can play like no other.:

Prismatic has posed:
    "... I /do/ beg your pardon, Crimson Cockerel, but I have more 'grit' in my left thumb than some people do in their entire bodies. Let's not forget that before your brother found out my roommate was a basement boiler, I lived on the streets here in NYC." she states, goodnaturedly getting the teasing, but rolling her eyes a moment as she leans back against Sam. "And I don't do Charlie Daniels. You might be able to convince me a Dave Brubeck."

Icarus has posed:
"No CHarlie Daniels? Oh Sam, you are gonna have to break it off. This is never gonna work," Jay teases his brother and his brother's lady love. As Andrea rushes off, he watches her go then realizes something. "Oh that will never do. I am not going to miss my midnight kiss! If y'all will excuse me."

And suddenly he is rushing off as well, trailing in the wake of Andrea in the hopes of getting a kiss at midnight for luck. Course, there should be enough time with the crowd singing in the New Year before she goes on stage for an extra. Just for luck, of course!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, figured you might enjoy it." Nick replies to Bucky, "Some music, some fireworks..." He pauses, "Wade can be a bit protective. But the last time I had someone personally assigned to me, they didn't fare well." As the ball starts, Nick's head tilts upwards, following suit with most people as they watch.

The owl glances up to the ball briefly before looking back over to Nick. There's a moment's hesitation before she turns the rest of her body to walk over.

The camera cuts over towards the ball that is more than halfway down the pole. Linda and Payton have drifted over to commentary about the ball.

"Alright so New York's ball this year is EXTRA special," Linda offers up in commentary, "According to this, the framework has been reinforced with Wakan-" Linda halts once more. "...Wh- That's not tr- Who wro-?"

Payton takes advantage of the cameras not focusing on them to reach over to block Linda from speaking into her microphone. "That's interesting. But We are about to enter in the final ten seconds of the count!"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has vanished briefly to find the washroom - and got inevitably lost. She had also sent a text to Conner to meet her backstage, with the vip pass she had given him. But hopefully she will find her way back in time as the count down begins!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does gently turn Alexis around to plant a long kiss on her. Seems both Guthrie boys have the same plan for how to ring in the new year. He kisses her for a long time a few moments past the new yea, and first thing he says after the kiss is "Love ya " He holds her close enjoying the moment with his lady.

Superboy has posed:
And Conner is well past 'fashionably late'. In his defense, he stumbled on a medical emergency and had to take a faulty ambulance to the hospital with all their passengers inside. When he finally got to the backstage the countdown was starting. Fortunately, he has a V.I.P. pass. Now he only needs to find a certain winged girl.

Which just texted him. Great, he just calls her and waits to hear the ringing of her cellphone. Super-hearing, don't fail me now!

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Ah. Wearing his smile, Bucky takes a few steps to interpose himself, entirely by accident of course, between Nick and Owl. He's looking up at the ball now, and watching this new suspicious nocturnal bird from the corner of his eyes, every second echoing in his skull, waiting for the ball (and the other shoe) to drop.

    Around him, people are enjoying themselves, being with loved ones, ringing in the new year the best they know how. Bucky? He has a job to do, and a friend to protect. All in all, no different from the last sixty new years then...

Prismatic has posed:
    Who doesn't want a kiss for New Year's? Best way to start it off! Alexis gives a grin, turning to Sam, catching the owl-masked woman in her peripheral vision as she smiles to the much taller Guthrie, and she goes up to her tip-toes to deliver a smooch to Cannonball, her gloved hands reaching up to run through his hair.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles as her phone rings, biting the caller ID. "Well it's about time! You're late!" she says to the phone before picking it up. "Hey! Where are you? They're doing the countdown and you missed my performance! I'm backstage by the washrooms near the entrance!"

Superboy has posed:
"I am here, Megs," Conner doesn't bother to use the phone, he just moves swiftly, jumps, turns left, and grabs Megan from behind, mindful of her wings. "Found you," he says, stating the obvious. "I am sorry, I had to help in a minor medical emergency. Nothing dramatic and everything is okay." Beat. "Do I have time for the new year's kiss?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn peers around, but is caught off guard as he hugs her from behind, "Ooh Conner, you just made it! They're counting down right now, fireworks should be starting soon! Isn it exciting!" he smiles, turning around to face him, "You got here in the Nick of time!"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the seconds tick away, the Owl's approach over gets slowed by Bucky's new placement. The steps slow as the mask tilts, looking to the obstacle before adjusting her steps to move around Bucky. Reaching a hand out to grab Nick's as the final second ticks away.

The rocker's head turns, looking to the owl, seeming surprised. He looks to the bottom of the mask, head tilting in a manner too common to him. "Rowl?"

As the ball reaches the bottom, the ball lights up, flashing multiple colors that weave along the surface with the year '2029' appearing on the ball itself.

The cameras cut to the sky where fireworks go off for a few minutes.

The camera cuts back to the hosts giving each other a one armed behind the shoulder hover hug before they pick up plastic glasses to take of what is assumed to be station approved champagne.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks into Alexis eyes for a long moment, holding her, and then looking around his brow raises as he sees Megan kissing some guy. He will give Conner the older brother look and waits to be introduced, but does keep Alexis held close.

Superboy has posed:
Conner came with his leather jacket, jeans and black t-shirt with the red S. He had no time to change. But since many of Megan's friends already know he is Superboy (and they have powers) he figures it is okay.

The dark-haired young man is indeed kissing Megan the second she mentions he got in time. Wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her up, since the elfin girl is in the smallish side.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Reaching to grab someone while their bodyguard is hovering nearby?! Oh dear. Reflexes kick in, and Bucky's hand is halfway to the taser tucked in the small of his back before his assessment of the situation changes, notices the particular hold this owl has on Nick's hand, and then discreetly steps back.


    "Happy 2029 everyone." And here's to a hundred more...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn doesn't notice the owl clad person reaching for Nick. Nor does she pay attention to the others gathered here. She will definitely have to introduce him to the people who don't already know Conner though!

But for now, all focus is on Conner, smiling as she snuggles up to him, shivering a bit in her silver mini dress costume which she hasn't had time to change out of, her pink sash fluttering in the cool winter breeze.

"Happy New Year!" she giggles as she presses her lips against his, eyes fluttering closed briefly.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The owl gives a nod as Nick addresses her and with Bucky backing off, she steps over to stand next to Nick. Shifting her hand but not letting go as she tilts her head up to watch the fireworks quietly.

Seeing the nod, Nick glances down to her hand for a few moments before looking back up to the fireworks. "Good to see you too." He murmurs. He glances back to Bucky, giving a slight apologetic smile. "Happy 2029."

The cameras cut over to the hosts where Linda is already starting another glass.

Payton smiles to the camera, "And now with a bit of Auld Lang Sine, please welcome - Cherry Cobbler Sale!"

In contrast to Boston Zombie, Cherry Cobbler Sale is less on the offensive language scale and more for harmonic melody which is exhibited as the group starts. A simple guitar playing notes with each of them taking turns singing a verse. Rich tones coming from each of their lips. Upon the last verse, they all join together in singing. Its quite beautiful.

What's going on over at the host desk, not so much.

With the song finished, the camera cuts back to the hosts.

Linda lowers her emptied glass looking through the now questionable prompts being given.. "Uh, what a headache."

Payton lowers his half empty glass, looking over to Linda. He is silent for a few moments before looking back to the camera, "Alright, thank you for joining us to help ring in the new year. May 2029 be full of wonderful things! We are down to the last performance of the broadcast. You may know her from her more recent singles 'Icarus' and 'Electricity', here is Andrea Jackson!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit, and says "Told him to watch letting a woman name a song after him." He rubs Alexis's arms, and looks over to Megan "And who is your friend Megan?" He will ask the young lady.

Rage has posed:
As the cameras turn towards the stage once more, they will find it to be pitch black save a single spotlight that comes down from above to reveal Andrea Jackson holding a microphone.  Having swapped clothes, she is now wearing a shirt that shimmers with multiple colors, much like a fireworks show, as well as pair of torn black jeans.  She has on enough makeup to cause her eyes to have a smoky look to them, coupled with a splash of bright blue glittery eye-shadow.

As she steps forward, she lifts her hand upwards to wave to the crowd, then starts to sway back and forth slowly as a keyboard starts to play behind her in the darkness.  It's a simple, slow, gentle melody, one that is designed to rise in power as the song moves on.  As she brings the microphone up, she serenades the crowd with her rich voice that has a hint of husky rasp to it.  It's a ballad. Slow, gentle, but still holds that thrill her voice is known for.

"Don't blink --
No, I don't want to miss it ..
One thing, and it's back to the beginning --
Cause everything is rushing in fast,
Keep going on never look back ..

And it's one, two, three, four times,
That I'll try for one more night --
Light a fire in my eyes,
I'm going out of my mind!

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing!
I'ma stand tall!
I'ma stand tall!

I gotta keep on dreaming!
Cause I gotta catch that feeling!

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall!
I'ma stand tall!"

The keyboard by now has risen in power as there is pause in Andrea's lyrics.  She seems to be holding her breath for a moment, looking to her right as her lips twitch upwards into a bit of a smile.  From above .. another spotlight hits the stage, and behind her?  The wide screen explodes into a shower of fireworks as she raises the microphone once more to her lips, rocking her body a bit more quickly now, followed by throwing one fist upwards to the sky.

Superboy has posed:
Conner waits to break the kiss, about a minute later, to reply to Megan. "Happy new year, baby. I missed your moment, but there will be others and I hope to be here for all of them." He didn't even have time to notice what she is wearing, but now her does he murmurs and 'well, damn'. Too bad he missed her on the stage, indeed. "What would you like to do now?"

Sam arrival grants the tall blonde man an arched eyebrow. "I am her boyfriend, actually."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods, grabbing his hands and tugging Conner towards Sam, "Hii Sam! This is Conner! Sorry, guess I never introduced him to you before, but..Yeaah we've been dating for several months now!"

She smiles at Conner, still holding his hand, "Well that's ok, there will be other times, besides I'm sure they will show it again on tv!" when Andrea comes on, she brings her fingers to her lips to give her a whistle, "You're awesome Andrea!" she yells, pulling out her glow stick and waving it to the beat.

Icarus has posed:
In that instant, there is the flash of a new spotlight, centering on a drummer on a raised dais just as the percussion kicks in. Seated there is a light haired young man, wearing a plain t-shirt with short sleeves that show off arms that are toned and muscled from years behind the skins. The center drum proudly has the name Blue Pirates written on it in fancy blue lettering.

He plays for an eight count when the next spotlight is fired to the left side of the stage.The next band member is a brunette, his hair darker and worn long. He is standing at a keyboard, the source of the music that they had heard during the beginning though now that music grows in volume. Third to appear is a blond, a bass guitar slung low as he adds to the rising music, also to the left side of the stage, positioned between keyboard and the raised drums.

The final spot fires, to the right side of the stage and the audience get sight of the lead guitarist for the first time. He's dressed in black jeans with a matching tank top, leaving his arms and shoulders mostly bare. It also allows for his red, feathered wings to be seen, half spread behind him as he makes is debut. They match his hair color as he steps up to the mic, his voice ringing out strong and powerful.

"Right now, I'm loving every minute
Hands down, can't let myself forget it, no
'Cause everything is rushing in fast
Keep hold on, never look back

And it's one, two, three, four times,
That I'll try for one more night --
Light a fire in my eyes,
I'm going out of my mind!

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing!
I'ma stand tall!
I'ma stand tall!
I gotta keep on dreaming!
Cause I gotta catch that feeling!

Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall!
I'ma stand tall!"

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis seems to be all right with Sam activating Big Brother mode. she does reach into her jacket and pull out a pair of what look like giant, battery-powered drumsticks -- which is precisely what they are -- and when she lights them up they strobe through rainbow colors! She hands one over to Megan as the second spotlight keys up, and Jay joins Andrea on stage! The duet continues on, and Alexis seems to be just happy as can be -- sans violin -- to be jamming to her friedns' music!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie holds a hand out to offer his hand to Conner. "I'm Sam, one of her friends and part time teacher. I've known her for quite some time." Yep Sam is in big brother mode. He does look out to the stage and as the spot light his Jay, he smiles a bit watching a moment before turning back to Conner.

Rage has posed:
As the spotlights appear one by one along the stage, Andrea gives a couple of hops on her feet as she feels herself growing more and more amped up by the music that surges. It's no longer a ballad, but a rock song!  When Jay appears, she gives a quick, excited spin, then roars once more into the microphone as she puts on a true show.  The kind that the popstar made for herself.  She keeps one fist upwards, her voice joining with Jay's as they sing together in perfect harmony.

"Like I'm glowing in the dark!
I keep on going when it's all falling apart -
Yeah,I know it with all my heart!
Ooh, ooh!

We'll Never look back!

Whatever happens --
Even if I'm the last standing,
I'ma stand tall!
I'ma stand tall!

I gotta keep on dreaming!
Cause I gotta catch that feeling!

Whatever happens,
Even if I'm the last standing!
I'ma stand tall!
I'ma stand tall!"

By now, Andrea is standing next to Jay, hitting the last notes as she stares into his eyes, holding the microphone between them so that they can sing together.  When the song comes to a rousing end, her grin forms along her face, then leans forward to press her lips against his for a quick kiss before she turns towards the cameras.  

"Happy New Year everyone! I am Andrea Jackson and this is Jay Guthrie and The Blue Pirates from Cumberland Kentucky! Thank you everyone.  Let's make two-thousand twenty-nine amazing for -everyone!-"  

She puts a bit of emphasis on 'everyone' before the cameras pan away back to the hosts.  Breathing heavily, she gives Jay a wry grin, then reaches out for his hand to give it a firm squeeze.  "You are so hot."  She whispers against his ear.

Superboy has posed:
Conner shakes Sam's hand, keeping an arm loosely around Megan's waist. "Another of the teachers of the mysterious school, hmm? Well, say no more." Conner knows when he is better not asking questions. "Yes, I am quite fond of this little lady. I hope she let me be part of her life this new year too."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The camera cuts back to the host station where Payton is looking off screen wide eyed. He blinks, looking to the camera before hs smiles and waves. "That's it for us everyone! Have a Happy 2029!" He maintains the uncanny smile until he's given the sign that the camera is no longer on him.

A drone flies by one last time, giving a final arial view of the event before the show cuts off.

But as for what's going on at location? The party is still going on!