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The Cure: Search and Rescue
Date of Scene: 10 February 2021
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: The Xmen locate and infiltrate DAMT headquarters. Afamiliar adversary rises from the shadows..
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Cyclops, Nightingale, Wolverine, Phoenix, Magik, Cannonball, Nightcrawler

Pixie has posed:
This whole mess had started nearly half a year ago, when a group of mutant terrorists had sparked an extreme backlash by the government, spearheaded by the organization DAMT to keep mutants in check. And while it started out as a 'good thing' as they rounded up numerous dangerous mutant criminals, things had quickly gone sideways as even innocents were targeted and attacked in the end.

Fortunately, through the combined efforts of Dr. Hank McCoy, and Dr Daniel Brightman, an antidote was quickly created to counter the power stripping mutant cure, which had some nasty long term side effects - including in some cases, death.

However, many select mutants had been captured during the attack on Mutant town and taken to DAMT headquarters, a remote military base located somewhere in the Westchester County Wilderness. Fortunately, Jean Grey had managed to tail them to their base and had reported back to the Xmen..

Now it was time to break out the big guns and rescue the hostages, shut down DAMT and discover what other secrets were hidden in that remote military base and laboratory/prison of theirs.

Cyclops has posed:
"Okay, team. To recap, this shadow organization called DAMT has access to the 'Cure' and has no problem using it on innocents. As some of you know who were effected by it in the past, we need to be careful. Even if we do have a resolution for this Cure, our goal is to get in, get the hostages out and ensure SHIELD can round up the rest of these people to be brought to justice."

As the Blackbird soars towards their destination under the cover of dark and with the stealth option turned on, the electric motors barely hum in the cold, frigid winter air.

"Everyone should know their roles here. Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Cannonball, and Illyana,, you are our front line. I have blueprints of the building already loaded on your wrist communicators. Phoenix and myself will provide cover and support as well as telepathic relays. Pixie, Nightengale, you are as usual our eyes in the sky. You two are to be partnered up and help the hostages on to the Blackbird once we free them. If it gets icy, Pixie will teleport the hostages out to the best of her ability to a safe spot we have marked on the map a few miles away and await for us to establish contact."

His brows furrow from behind his visor as he stands tall with his blue and gold uniform, folding his arms over his chest.

"Logan." He switches from codenames for the moment. "Be the best at what you do tonight. Do /whatever/ it takes." At times when he has walked that thin line, he rarely if ever gives the green light to the 'warrior' on their team. "These guys have employed Reavers and are fanatics of the highest level. They will not hesitate to put one of us down, I feel in a desperate situation, we extend the same courtesy. Any questions?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Understood, Cyclops. Eyes in the sky, do -not- engage, guide the captives to the promised land. That sum it up?" Nightingale was determined to get this one right. She'd had a taste of what the 'Cure' could do, and was not keen on seeing it do any more harm to others. Worse, she did not want to see -herself- be the cause of that harm. She's in a basic black uniform, and is pinning her pale gold hair up under a knit cap for less visibility. This time, too, she also has her image inducer on, turning it on to hide her wings and further reduce her visual profile in the night sky.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan is at the back of the Blackbird, strapping on his gauntlets. The black tactical uniform with the hood down between his shoulders is lighter than the other x-men, he doesn't need the armor or plating, but does benefit from the light frame to allow free range and mobility. Head down on his work, his claws extend and retract to make sure the guards are in the right place on his knuckles. Listening to Scott lay out the plan with an unlit cigar chewed into the right corner of his mouth.

When his name is spoken, he holds up two fingers and chops them in Cyclops direction. A quiet acknowledgement, setting his comms unit in place against the back of his ear, subvocal mic running down to his throat, before he pulls his hood up over his head and puts it in place. Shoulders roll forward, head cranes from side to side, and the Wolverine is moving forward towards Cannonball and Kurt, "Ya heard the boss, once we're in there, we switch down to channel four." Frontline comms, "Nightcrawler and Magik, yer our exit strategies. If anyone gets tagged with their cure. If someone calls it out, you jump on their signal and bring them back to the blackbird." Slapping the elf on the back of the shoulder.

Loose and ready, Logan takes the cigar from his teeth and flicks it into a trashcan... A low growl building in his chest as he gets ready to let himself off the chain.

Phoenix has posed:
Dressed in her black tactical suit with the gold piping, Jean is sitting in her customary seat with her eyes focused out the window. While she's listening - and was likely in on the initial plans - her primary focus is on her surroundings. Like an addition to the plane's already formidable sensor array, the telepath is busy hunting for anyone or anything that may be ahead or aware of them. In particular, the upcoming base. They may be 'curing' mutants, but that never means there isn't someone serving - or being forced to serve - the DAMT.

"Scott's right. While I don't usually condone extremes when we can avoid it - and still don't for anyone willing to surrender and help provide information - don't expect that they'll extend the same courtesy. Protect yourselves and the other mutants first."

Magik has posed:
    Illyana's been dealing with this 'cure' thing since it first started. She's been getting a lot more involved in ending it than she normally does. She's usually got other things to deal with. But this had a personal aspect to it. Thankfully, this attack on the DAMT feels final and from the Blackbird, she's already ready to begin. Her sword is drawn, though pointing down as she casually waits for the chaos to begin, and at Logan's comment, she nods. She'll be ready to pull anyone out that needs to be pulled out. But right now, she's actually more in the mood to inflict some damage and put an end to all of this.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, his goggles on his forehead for now. He has swapped out his normal costume, for a darker one to match the others. His gauntlets and boots both a bit longer than normal, and this costume while normally does not have sleeves, he has sleeves tonight. He is sitting near the piloting chair, watching more the controls. He nods, his head, and will look over to the others "If you need assistance make sure to call out where you are as well." HE says mostly for the newer in combat situations.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a nod given to the information that's relayed, and Kurt is quiet whilst he listens. He stands with his arms crossed before his chest, and he seems to have no arguement towards the goals that have been indicated. Saving people, one BAMF at a time. There's a grin that comes to the corners of his lips, even though the situation is serious. "Any chance of cutting the power to the building?" he asks, curious. It would be a bonus, since then there wouldn't be electrical fields to be concerned with, but it's not a deal breaker. He lowers his left hand, adjusting the sword worn at his hip, just a touch. It's never a bad idea to have a bladed weapon. His glowing yellow gaze flicks over the others who are assembled, and he sets his own comm unit in place before giving a nod towards Logan, one of his ears flicking slightly. "There's always a back door. Even if not everyone likes the smell," he comments with a grin. Brimstone is a distinctive odour, after all.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is also dressed in her black tactical suit with gold piping, though her bright pink hair is hard too miss and so are those glittery wings. But hey, at least she doesn't glow in the dark. She nods to Cyclops as he barks out orders, "Aye-aye captain!" no really, she's being serious!

She's sitting next to Shannon in the Blackbird but is getting ready to exit the jet soon after it lands. "Almost there, let's do this.." the jet is near invisible in the night but as they approach the base, they may notice its lit up with a tarmac surrounding a massive steel doored facility, likely heavily guarded with people milling about below.

Megan flexes her wings, anxiously waiting to land as she peers out the window at the dark night below.

The front door is of course not the only way in or out. Jean would have discovered a less guarded entry way, reserved mostly for service personnel. There is a narrow back road through a thickly wooded area, which will be tricky to navigate in the jet without landing at least some 500 yards away and traversing on foot.

Cyclops has posed:
Once the Blackbird tactically lands a mile out, the doors open with a swish as Cyclops makes his way down the ramp. "Jean is going to link us up telepathically, which means from here out, we only use our thoughts to each other. Make sure they are appropriate since we have a minor with us." He cracks his neck to one side, then starts down the marked path on their GPS comm units.

"Pixie, Gale, take to the air and sweep, make sure that our path towards the facility will be un-impeded. If you see anything, Nightcrawler and Magik will take them out in a quiet, stealthy manner. Soon as we arrive at the service doors, Jean will make the front line invisible to their optics long enough to take them out and gain entry."

"Magik, you will be the main teleporter while inside. Follow Logan's instructions, but you'll be the one moving the hostages outside for Pixie and Gale to pick up. Quick and clean, just like how we practiced this in the Danger Room."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just chuckles softly, shaking her head. "You do -not- want to know my thoughts sometimes, Cyclops." While there is a touch of light humor to her voice, and a faint smile upon her face, she nods towards the field leader, giving him a jaunty two-fingered salute. The smile and nod she offers is one of pure respect. Without a further word, there is the sound of large, feathered wings extending and beating the air in strong downstrokes, the young woman taking to the air and becoming one with shadows of the night.

     As soon as she gains some altitude, she begins a perimeter sweep above the area, gliding, with as little motion of her wings as possible. The less noise, the better. The presence and location of guards is noted, her eyebrows lofting as she looks down, awaiting the telepathic link-up to the rest of the team.

Wolverine has posed:
By the time the blackbird settles into the clearing, Logan growling and snarling with his lips pulled back from his teeth. Unrelenting, unapologetic, unadulterated rage boiling off of him like a hot water heater. A pitbull ready for the cage to open, snapping and foaming at the mouth, there's a shred of civility left in the most recessive corner of his mind. Blocked off with Jean's help so that the beast doesn't assume complete control. Just enough that he can still think tactically... but not enough to make him second guess himself.

There wont be any remorse. No quarters.. No compassion.

These people are keeping Mutants locked up for experiments. They'd forced their cure on him, on his friends, and will continue to do so until they're stopped.. Pushing all of them into a corner where their only response is violence...

Violence they're not ready for no matter how much they might think they are.

The back ramp opens and Logan rushes out, moving through the trees ahead, navigating that thick road with the cunning instincts of a wolf on the hunt. Letting his sense of smell leading him towards his intented prey.

one such prey lights up his senses like a christmas tree. A beacon in the darkness drawing Wolverine on the guard taking a leak... He never sees it coming. The stout Canadian beast leaps out from behind a tree, slashing his left out to the side, cutting a huge gouge in his chest, followed by a straight thrust of his right hand burying claws in his chest to the knuckles. Snarling as he flings the man off.

<<One... Eyes open.>>

Phoenix has posed:
After coming back from her impromptu scouting, Jean had spend hours programming what she saw and remembered into the Danger Room. It wasn't a perfect simulation, but it gave them all a chance to get at least partly familiar with the layout and game plan.

As they land, there's the familiar creeping sensation of minds linking up. There's the sensation and awareness of one another, but Jean's a pro and leaves the connection at surface only.

<< Teenagers are loud, Shannon.>> Jean says with the faintest flicker of wicked amusement before she becomes serious again. << Be sure you still have radios, just in case I need to drop communications and redirect my focus on something. Until then, keep it quiet. We have a couple of doses of the reverse cure, but do your best not to get hit. If anyone drops off the link, Magik and Pixie, presume they've been hit and zero in on them for an evac. The priority is getting us and the prisoners out. If we have to come back to remove this place from the map, then we do. I'll even do it personally. >>

The tone of her thoughts, while calm, hisses with the impression of smoldering embers.

<< This is a rear entrance, so it should be minimally guarded. Just stay aware. >> But there's little need to warn the Wolverine about caution on a hunt. The old pro is already at it and well gone before she's even off the ramp.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie steps off the blackbird, and waits for the others. He is heading in on foot for now. The young man waits till it is time to make an impact. While Sam has learned to be much quieter than he was when he started off, with powers blasting he is not the most stealthy of the bunch in fact probably the least of the group tonight. So for now, it is time to sneak the old fashioned way and stick with the others till time to make their arrival known.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana doesn't answer Scott's comment about teleporting people out. She knows what to do. She doesn't need the guidance... but if Scott feels better about directing things, she's not going to complain. She watches as Logan seems to build up into a rage just a few feet away and she shifts her stance, konwing that when the door opens, everything is going to happen at once. And then the door opens and she's outside of the plane, looking for the best place to put herself or the others. And with a gesture, she opens a stepping disc for anyone that wants to use it, just out of sight of the entrance to the facility. "A shortcut for anyone who wants it...", she whispers into the comlink.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a glance towards Megan, and a grin at her response to Cyclops. He turns his yellow gaze towards one of the windows, looking out and in the direction of the base that they're headed for. He takes in the tarmac, and the placement of a few of the doors of the place, and then gives a soft grunt. Traversing on foot isn't the only way of getting somewhere, and it's likely not the way that Kurt intends to get around. Teleportation is faster! "Whack-bonk method," Kurt says softly, grinning and giving a nod. He looks over to Shannon and winks. "You mean they're worse than PG-13?" he suggests, teasing her. He has no intention of killing anyone, himself, but he has no control of his companions and what they might do. His gaze slides over to Logan, and he tilts his head to one side. "Such bloodshed and savagery there will be," he says, a soft and slightly wistful note to his mildly accented voice. With the ship ramp lowered, he heads out, following after Logan. <<Oh! We are keeping count?>> He grins at the thought, then BAMF's! Vanishing in a puff of brimstone and dark tendrils before BAMF'ing back in the light of a spotlight, stuck to a wall and snaking his tail around a guard's neck to choke him whilst lifting him off the ground. Stealthy but effective. He drops the guard once the man is unconscious. <<Are any need for information purposes?>>

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods to Jean as she establishes a telepathic link. She never really got used to this but it's definitely convenient, if she can manage not to think so much - quite a feat for the hyper faerie gal! At any rate, she spreads her wings and joins Gale in the sky, eyes narrowed as she does her best to peer into the darkness. Happily she's got perfect vision, even if she lacks the eagle eyes of Warren..

<<Scouting the Eastern parameter, looks pretty quiet, mostly service personnel...Wait, I see a small troop of guards heading this way, look like they're doing a perimeter check, I'm counting about seven, so far...? Heading our way..>>

If Nightingale takes the Western perimeter, she will see things are fairly quiet, save for three service workers working on a broken down vehicle on the dirt road...Annnd something else further up, close to the back entryway..

Cyclops has posed:
As he makes his way forward, Cyclops reaches out to take Jean by the hand, winding his fingers with hers. The power couple of the X-Men synch up perfectly in each other's thoughts, strengthened by their psychic rapport. << Our goal isn't to kill our way into the place unless they give us a reason to. Whatever Logan does is on his own conscious. I would like to see them brought to justice, personally, with SHIELD's coopration. >> He responds to Kurt through the link.

When Magik creates the disc, he steps in through it, then out the other end as he lowers himself down a bit.

<< We are in position. Just waiting for you all to make your move. Jean and I will stay back and protect the exit. Keep your eyes open. >> That was for Pixie and Gale.

<< Strike team, this is your time to shine. Rock and roll. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     <<You have no idea, Phoenix.>>

     Nightingale's mental tone bears a bit of dry humor, but there is a surprising amount of focus and clarity. When she sees the guards heading in hers and Pixie's direction, she banks off towards the western perimeter, keeping to the shadows as best she can. Thankfully, Mother Nature seems to be on their side for the moment, with some clouds scattered across the sky, like wraiths of mist being chased across the heavens.

     But then, she spots something--something that looks just a tiny bit too familiar. There is a tinge of concern in her mental voice as she shares her findings. <<Be careful. Close to the building, service path side, very tall object, maybe 20 feet, weapon-like. Gun-like. I count five, maybe six additional service personnel working on it. It's covered by a tarp for now, but watch yourselves.>>

Wolverine has posed:
The patrol of seven.

Logan snarls verbally at Kurt's makeshift eulogy to the dearly departed Guard and Scott's mental chastisement of his intended killing spree. <<Fine. Less violent. Magik, coming your way. Put me in the middle of that patrol.>>

The Wolverine is moving, hoping onto her projected disc, and out (once she opens the second) right in the midst of the guards. His claws come up, cutting through a weapon rather than a person, catching half the severed gun to hurl backwards at another as he ducks, spins, and grabs hold of the reeling man's ankle to yank out from beneath him.

Using his weight in a roll with his arm hooked behind his knee, to coil him down to the ground in a mounted position. Fist down, claws retracted, nose broken. Unarmed, the first grabs him around the shoulders and pulls, lifting the wild man up. He goes with it, shooting his feet forward into another and forcing his capture off balance onto his back on the concrete. Rolling over into a crouch.

Right back in, slicing through a belt and buckle so the man he kicked loses his pants to mid thigh, limiting his ability to dodge out of the Wolverine Cannonball of adamentium coated shoulder. He's staying in close, making it hard to get a bead on him or shoot without hitting one of their own.

Banking on Kurt to be right behind him for the rest.

He's only one, very exceptionally skilled, man.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean gives Scott's hand a firm squeeze before leaning in to give his shoulder a quick bump with her own in a silent affirmation. Then it's time for business.

<< Putting up a screen. Don't draw attention to yourselves. It turns away attention, it doesn't prevent it, so don't give them a reason to notice you until you're ready to follow through. >> She cautions before there's a pale shimmer of rose in the air just in front of each of the team - except Logan, who's doing what he does best - before it fades.

Then it's on to the portal to help them bypass some of the trouble and get closer to their goal, with the redhead gesturing for Illyana to lead the way through her personal realm.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will not step through the gate, no Sam knows his job is to draw attention, and he jogs off to the side, <I will come in hot, hit the tarp, and into the building, just tell me when to hit it.> He offers, and with the mental connection will move along the tree line to get himself linned up so he can make a straight line through what ever their big gun is and into the facility.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana wasn't necessarily /thinking/ less violent. She just doesn't like people shooting at her on an approach. And she can only imagine the guards' reactions to a portal opening right on top of them with a bunch of angry mutants coming through. So 'middle of a patrol' is pretty on point ot what she was thinking. She waits a few moments as Logan bursts through the gate. She doesn't want to get caught up in the mess that that's going to be, but after she sees a few of the guards start to spread out, she bursts through the gate, Soulsword flashing as she tries to break up any guards that may be trying to regroup and go after Wolverine. So far, this has been pretty quiet and as long as nobody starts calling for reinforcements from other parts of the base, this should go just fine.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Being able to see in the dark is a very useful and good thing. Kurt swishes his tail from where he's stuck to the wall, and he tilts his head a bit to one side, scanning the area. <<Justice is good,>> Kurt agrees, giving a slight nod. He drops lightly to the ground, then drags the guard into the shadows where he'll be less obvious to the sight of other guards that come. One of his eyebrows quirks at the words from Nightingale, and he grunts softly. Then tilts his head a touch to one side before BAMF'ing again, this time over to the patrol that Logan had gone for. He taps one of the men on the shoulder, waves his three-fingered hand in his face, grabs the man's forearms and BAMF's with the fellow a few times. Once the man's exhausted, he pulls his sword and uses the pommel of it to thwack the man on the back of the head and knock him out, leaving him in the grass. Then he BAMF's back, keeping the sword out and taking a less violent than stabbing approach to what's left of the patrol. There will be time later to make peace with his own actions, bur he aims or incapacitation rather than killing.

Pixie has posed:
The guards find themselves easily overwhelmed by the rampaging Wolverine, Illy and Kurt. Gunshots ring out and a few cure darts are fired. Hopefully they do t hit their targets..Either way it's enough of a distraction for the service personnel to complete their work on whatever is hidden under the tarp - well, that is, until Wolverine slices through half the arm, damaging it, sending it flying at screaming personnel and guards alike.

One of the personnel barks an order, and his assistant pulls away the tarp revealing - A large metallic humanoid robot, it's purple and pink metallic body and bucket shaped head dented and rusted but unmistakable - This is a sentinel, refurbished, retrofitted with mew parts but a familiar threat nonetheless!

"Halt, Mutants!" it barks in a robotic voice, it's right arm severed at the elbow where that damaged gun would have been attached. It's other arm is fully functioning however, and fitted with a massive gun. It points this arm towards those gathered, and unleashes a massive blast of ear shattering sound and force waves- quite possibly the same sonic gun that was used the tiger day at the scrap yard..

The Sentinel is guarding the back door, but Sam manages to slip around it, blasting a hole in the large steel hangar.Somewhere within, the sound of an alarm can be heard. They may be sending reinforcements in soon...

Nightingale has posed:
     <<Oh, ballocks... Sentinel, incoming, by the service entrance! Look alive, and cover your ears!>>

     This was the sort of thing that Nightingale had cut her teeth on as a new student, those damnable mechanical abominations popping up at the worst times, in the most awkward of places. And now one of them was here, threatening her friends, family, and very possibly the prisoners inside.

     But she knew her job--stay alive, and call out warnings to the rest of the team.

     <<Could use a hand with this beastie, who's open?>>

Wolverine has posed:
Logan hears the alarms blaring from the base and looks from Magik to Nightcrawler, "Go find captives..." Snarling, crouched, claws out. "I keep it busy.." Rushing in, right as it hits the sonic boom, which washes over him in a vibrating wave of agony. Covering his ears with both hands, screaming bloody murder, and still coming forward.. even if it is at a reduced speed. One of the guards, one that gets too close and doesn't realize the kind of beast they're dealing with, is grabbed and hurled at the Sentinel's out stretched hand like a human projectile.

It wont destroy it, but it knocks it off him long enough to clear his senses... and get in between it's massive legs where he can do some proper damage. <<Pixie, cover me!>> They're taking shots at Logan, forcing him to keep moving without doing sufficient structural damage to the legs to bring it down. One of the cure darts narrowly misses him when he rolls behind the sentinel to use as cover.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH..." Claw in, claw in, climbing directly up the back of it's leg using sharp fist knives to scale the Purple Dragon. Headed for it's head. It's hand sweeps down, grabs him, and hurls him across the tarmac. <<Gale! Get me up to its head!>>

Cyclops has posed:
<< Logan and I can handle the Sentinel. Strike team, keep focused on the mission. >>

Cyclops says as he watches the brawler make his way to the large robot and start climbing it's large body with his claws. Though he is hidden by Jean's telepathy, a red optic blast comes out from where he is standing, looking to slam it in the side of it's head near the neck in a chance to expose the wiring. Give Logan a goal to use his claws at.

<< This is going to get worse I feel like. Be careful everyone. >>

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has came in low and as quiet as he can. When then gunfire comes out, he hits it into overdrive, and lets the roar of his blastfield hit full volume. He aims for the door leading into the building, and through wall after interior wall. He plans to make a hole straight through the building before turning and coming around for another run on it. Sam makes his turn wide trying to be saw, counting on the fact his field should protect him from fire, and trying to draw as much of the fire as he can.

Phoenix has posed:
As the battle begins, Jean drops the shield with a warning through the link. No point in hiding now, and they're drawing entirely too much attention to convince everyone that nothing is going on. It lets her refocus her power into a large half dome shield in front of Scott and anyone nearby, providing a layer of defense against the arsenal of the Sentinels. It's a blazing barrier of rose pink touched with fiery edge of her own anger at enemies both old and new.

<< I'll make sure everyone out here can keep these abominations busy. Rescue team, follow the path we designated. I'll guide you along. Get the prisoners out as fast as possible, do what you need to do. Best judgement. They're our priority. Call through the link if you need backup. GO! >>

Magik has posed:
    The sentinel looks like a problem... until Logan and Cyclops both start hitting it. Illyana even takes a moment to watch as the robot seems to fight back, clearly doing better than she would've thought it able to. Pulling herself out of her reverie, she spins and slashes a guard that was getting just a little too close to her before looking to Kurt, "We keep going then..." And now she starts to rush, hurrying forward, using stepping discs to cover short distances so she can get the drop on guards, cutting a few down here and there, not risking the idea of getting too far ahead of everyone else. "Now where do we find the prisoners..."

Nightcrawler has posed:
With the warning given, and the Sentinel seen to be raising it's arm, there'sonly one thing that Kurt can do to protect himself. He BAMF's. Far enough to be beyond the range of effect of the sonic blast that's emitted by the thing's weaponized arm. Then he BAMF's directly back once the blast is past. There's a nod then to Logan, at the direction. "Good, it seems about your size anyways," he offers with a grin. <<Faster is better,>> he says softly, giving a glance towards the Sentinel before darting towards the building to head in. He'll follow the direction and path that had been designated in order to get to the hostages. They're the goal, after all, and there's a need to rescue them, to protect them. "Always darkest before dawn," he mutters under his breath, giving a slight shake of his head. The sword, for the time being, is sheathed. A glance is given towards Illyana, and he nods. "Ja, we keep going. Jean is our guide, she knows the path," he says, a smile coming to his features.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn swallows, glancing around as things start to get hairy...More and more guards are spilling out of the compound once the alarm sounds and the attacks are focused on everyone who is still outside. Logan is given a nod and she flutters higher into the sky, trying to get a good vantage point of a new group of approaching guards. Looks like Logan and the others are already in the thick of defeating the first wave so it would do no good to hit allies with enemy fire but...

<<More guards approaching from back door, don't engage em yet...I'll dust em!>> and with that, Megan unleashes a furious storm of pink glitter dust to fall like a pink thick mist over the second wave of guards..They hesitate for a moment, confused...And then they drop their weapons..And start dancing and kissing each other, skipping and waltzing to some imaginary tune....

Meanwhile, the Sentinel reaches down to try and wipe Logan off its leg like a horse swatting a fly. Too bad it's arm is not very long with the gun arm cut off. As Illy ports inside, and Sam flies around like a blazing rocket, it's enough of a distraction for Cyclops to blast open a panel on its head.

"Halt, mutant!" it blares again and this time unleashes a massive blast of ice from its arm, freezing everything in its path as it sweeps its arm out in front of it in a wide arc.

Within, Kurt and Illy should have no trouble finding the prisoners, about a dozen in total, scattered around the main floor of the compound and held behind prison cells. Given the nature of many of their powers, there are no metal bars. Instead the cells are protected by force fields of some sort, electrifying, painful to the touch..