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Who's Who: Sealing the Rift
Date of Scene: 05 March 2021
Location: Church of du Lac, Sunnydale, Haven, Bludhaven
Synopsis: The evil portal is sealed and ghouls are cleared out of the old site of dark rituals..
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Angel, Willow Rosenberg, Thomas Raith, Spike, Phantasm (Drago)

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had contacted Willow and Angel and some other Scoobies ahead of time, hoping to nip this little problem in the bud. While some of the Scoobies were tied up with other business at the moment, she had managed to get ahold of only Willow and Angel, and fortunately the sun had set some 30 minutes ago so sunlight isn't a problem for the Angel.

Now, it's just a matter of waiting outside the church, hesitant to enter the cemetary just yet, at least not until she knows what she's tackling. Oh and of course Buffy is waiting at the front gates for the Scoobies to join her.

Angel has posed:
It was just another night in the life of the Vampire with a Soul. Angel. His brooding eyes scan the dusk, the darkness setting on the city, and he wonders.

Angel's expression is dark, and frowny - his body language reveals a lot about his current train of thought. His mind was on what the night would bring, and right now, it was all about getting through the next several hours...and making sure his friends survived.

Moving to the church, Angel spots Buffy, and even though he pauses for an microsecond, he pushes forward. His feelings for her were always omni present, even if they had moved on.

"Buffy." Angel moves out of the shadows.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was waiting with Buffy.. "Did you gather them? This doesn't sound good. It never is when they combine religion and the supernatural." Then again, what other way was there the go?

In short she was nervous.

Thomas Raith has posed:
~SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, AND YOU'RE TO BLAME. DARLIN' YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME...~ Apparently feeling anything but subtle today, Thomas arrives at the edge of the cemetery, speakers blaring in a white (naturally) Corvette with purple LEDs underneath that cast an almost ominous glow all around it. He breaks hard, leaving a strip of rubber behind and revs the engine a few times with it in park. The sound like a well fed panther. He turns off the car just as Bon Jovi was informing the listener that "YOUR VERY FIRST KISS WAS YOUR FIRST KISS GOODBYE." He smiles slightly, grinning first to Buffy in that love sick puppy way the Slayer always provokes from him, and then to Willow and Angel. "Got your message," He says to Buffy with a nod as he pulls a kukri from the back of the Vette and belts it on, followed by a sawed off shotgun. "So who else is coming to the party?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is checking her battle axe, pulling it out of its cleverly disguised violin case, when Angel and Willow step up to meet her. "Gee, you never tire of the spooky, fly by night entrances, do you Angel?" still she's happy to see him, nodding to him as she gives him the once over. "It's been a while."

Willow is given another nod and smile. "Hey, uh...Were you expecting me to bring something? I'm still not sure what sorta ritual we need to do..." which is why she has Willow along, being the brains of the group.

And then, that's when she hears loud music blasting and she rolls her eyes as she watches the white corvette screeching into the parking lot. Still a soft smile plays on her features as she locks eyes with the car's driver. "Annnd that would be Thomas. Is that it? The four of us?"

Angel has posed:
"Hello Willow." Angel turns his frown upside down for a few moments, to SMILE. Yes. That was a smile. Angel notics that Willow was nervous, and did is best to make her comfortable. Then, almost as fast as it was there, it was gone, and Angel when back to being dark and broody once more.

When he hears that racous loud music, Angel "facepalms", shakes his head, and sighs. "That can only be Raith." Angel doesn't even need to look over his should to know he was right. "Raith." Was all he said. Then. "Good to have you aboard."

Finally back to Buffy. "I like my entrances." A tad defensive. "It has been too long." A pause. "Looks like it is the four of us."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh, hi Angel. I didn't see you there." *Beams*.. And then there was Thomas too.

Willow was definitely way better with more of them.

As an aside she thanks him. "He's really nice." *blush*

When Buffy wonders if she was to bring anything, she shakes her head. "I got it all in here. Except a teaspoon of your blood. Sorry." But she *always* has sage. She can't go into a store that sells it and walk out without it! It's a compulsion she has.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, returning Angel's greeting with a simple "Angel." unlike Buffy's other vampire ex, he actually respects Angel and does his best to at least be as civil as possible with the man. He gives Willow a bit of a grin, "You'll have to tell me how the date went soon. I'm a sucker for gossip." he adds playfully before becoming a bit more serious as he looks to Buffy, as always ready to follow her lead on this sort of thing. Usually.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles warmly at Thomas, stepping towards him. "Glad you could make, even if your entrances are as explosive as Angel's are sneaky. What's with you guys anyway?" she chuckles a bit, shaking her head. And then Willow talks about blood.Her blood. "Wait what? You need my blood? Whyy? I mean this better not be a creepy vampire reenactment  or something.."

Angel has posed:
Angel nods to Willow. "That is okay. I tend to blend with shadows. Good to see you." Angel nods, and listens, making note that Willow has everything they would need. Well, everything the big guns would need. Willow and Buffy."

"Good choice of music at least." Angel nods at Thomas. "Nice ride." Angel motions to the car. "Welcome to the fight." Like Thomas, Angel respects the..."man" and feels the same.

"Okay Buffy. I am here. Sneaky me. I'll provide the muscle and backup. I'll watch your back. Try and be careful in there...okay?" Angel looks at Willow and Thomas. "Take care of her!" With that, Angel pulls out an ancient, very sharp, sword. "I'm ready. Good luck!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"It was your blood that opened the gate. It really should be your blood that closes it. You could use some other blood, butâ?¦ there is no guarantee it would work." Of that she seems certain. "I have to purge to the ground. Then seal. Then Buffy's blood. Easy."


"You guys will have to keep them away from me. And they will come. Trust me."

She frowns at Angel's disappearance. But maybe again, that wasn't the right time

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly as he listens to the explanations between the women and smiles prettily. "So just out of curiosity? What Gate? Why is it open? Why do we need Buffy's blood to close it? Is there any chance at all of this causing Buffy to be turned into a reject from a porn movie again? Same question for Vampires, Reptiles, the creature from the Black Lagoon, Republicans, or a Werewolf."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms. "Okay..Remember not too long ago, when those hostages were taken by the RedOrder and that forced me to surrender so they could perform a ritual to summon Mnemosa, the demon of memories? Remember how she drained a portion of my life force and used that to cross over into our world and attack us?"r
She shrugs, glancing over at Willow with a knowing nod. Okay, now it makes sense. "Seems they ever properly closed that dimensional gate and..Some sort of residual dark energies have been seeping out, infecting the cemetary or something..Is that about right Wil? I know there have been increasing reports of violence, attacks, and ghouls sighted in the area since then."

But of course Wil is the magic expert so she lets her explain what they have to do to end the madness.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Close enough. The end result is you have to make almost the exact ritual, only this time, with the proper spells and rituals to perform it. But, yes, there will be ghouls and that sort of thing trying to stop us. They really like the door open. It's easier for them."

Willow gave the fast and dirty story. They could talk about it later.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly as he considers, then grabs his other Kukri and puts the shotgun back in the car. "I hate frigging Ghouls." He mutters to himself. "Honestly it's easier to kill the Black Knight then one of those things." he says as he belts on the other Kukri. "So we go in, we close the gate, Dismember anyone who tries to stop us. Check.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, frowning a bit as she checks her gear. crucifix? Check. Holy water? Stakes and battle axe? "Yup, I'm ready to go. Sooo basically we just need to clear the area of big uglies so you can do this ritual thingie and close the gate so no more ghoul thingies can attack and wreck havok, right? So let's get a move on then. There's still some light in the sky from the moon, but soon it'll be totally dark."

She starts to walk around the church towards the cemetary but pauses briefly, "Say Wil, got anything to protect us from the negative emotions swinging around? I'd rather not end up a crying mess or turn on Thomas instead of the real enemies..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"As a matter of fact I do!" Willow pulls out a bunch of necklaces, and hands them over. "They'll only work the once. But the end result is when you put them, think on one of the best experiences you can. It will help counter the negative emotions."

They are cords and amulets that will work just this one. Maybe not even.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith considers the necklace but then tosses it back gently to Willow. "I /feed/ on negative emotions Wills. probably best if I don't cut myself off from them, thanks all the same. Though if they get the better of me, something to stop me might not be a bad idea...

Spike has posed:
Well he was closer to Bludhaven than Gotham out for a change when the call goes out. No real regard others as he flips a coin while driving. There is a shake of his head and he turns the car around to make his way to Bludhaven. Decision making 101. It takes him time to get there so it's not as though he arrives on time.

Though notorious for making an entrance, tonight he merely emerges from the opposite side of the grounds. Likely his car is off somewhere there. He isn't really isn't interested in pleasantries on a good night and since most here like him as much as he likes them, well why start. A moment before he arrives within sight there is the click of a Zippo and he strikes a cigarette to life when coming into view.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "Well he might have immunity to negative emotions, but I don't." she smiles, taking the scapula, slipping it over her neck, "Thanks Wil..Although it kinda stinks. What is that, rotten eggs? Well...As long as it works, right?" and as they continue to the back of the church, a loud rustling and snarling of some sort of creatures makes it clear that they are not alone.

Indeed, there are at least seven large, misshapen figures lurking in the brush and amongst the tombstones. A cold wind picks up rustling through the trees that creak eerily, and there's a general feeling of pain and fear in the area.

And of course in the centre of the gravesite are the stones arranged in a circle around a large pentagram adorned in satanic runes, all burnt into the ground where grass doesn't grow and even the snow refuses to fall on..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blinks. "Then.. why don't you do it the same, except with negative emotions. It works both ways. That way is it very important that you focus on the right ones.. OH..I get it.."

Only the ghouls were coming around. And fast.

"Good luck! You'll need it!" Willow had been playing a video game..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith moves in with the girls, moving so that his back is to Buffy, knowing that with her there he has nothing to worry about from that direction. The pair have, as Thomas has pointed out...frequently... gone on more hunts then they have dates. They have a rythem by this point and can anticipate each other. "So what shall it be this time lover? Little bit of country, or a little bit of Rock and Roll?'; he asks, drawing his blades as the ghouls charge..

Spike has posed:
No time for niceties. That is good. He doesn't have many anyway. Suddenly those nasty things he'd crept around are getting worse. Rather than wait for one to engage, he produces a hand axe and buries it into the head of the nearest misshapen head. Hope the thing wasn't human under it. If it was he'll know in a minute.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, pulling out a small knife, drawing it across her wrist to trickle enough blood to collect into a small container and winces as she does so. But it's not the first time she 'donated' blood. Yeah, let's not go there. "Here, Wil, hope it's enough." she hands her the blood before moving to join Thomas, moving in perfect tandem with him as if they were dancing.

Really, it's true what he says, they have had many dates while patrolling. Which is both funny and kind of sad. Hey, don't knock her, at least she takes her job more seriously than some slayers!

"Hmm, I think a bit of punk rock is just what the doctor ordered.." she smirks as she rushes into the fray, twirling and spinning her battle axe with practiced ease as she slashed and slices at the ghouls who seem to concentrate around the pentagram. They'll have to clear a path for Wil, and quickly. Now that Buff is bleeding, it'll only attract more of them.

As Angel slips to the shadows, dispatching more from afar, more come after Spike, one a bit too close to Buff for comfort before he buries his axe i its head. She smiles and nods to him. "Heh Spike, nice of you to join us!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Quickly Willow gets out her holy water and begins consecrating the ground around the portal."Omnis spiritus.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith scrolls casually through his phone with his thumb as he takes the head off of one Ghoul with his kukri, then the arm off another with the back swing. Finally he nods and "Alice Cooper's Poison" screams into night. Satisfied he sets his phone on a nearby headstone and draws the other knife to get serious.

Spike has posed:
Kicking the ghoul in the back and removing the blade, Spike exhales and turns his attention towards the next potential disaster. He pauses as Buffy comments towards him and he mutters,"Wouldn't miss it." Oh here comes the next contestant,"Come on down. You're the next contestant." he growns and reverses the grip on the axe, back handing with a hook punch look, connecting with the ghoul's head again, dislocating its jaw.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The barest of messages. A simple 'Ruh Roh', a location, and 'tonight' was listed. And being Nick was actually on the right coast the musician pops on over.

Ok so it was a bit longer. He had been at the studio and the phone was on mute and set down under the seat to prevent distractions. So, ok he's late. He's not sure what the task is exactly but he has a feeling either something needs killing or someone needs to avoid killing.

As the raven flies into the area, the anthem of many early 90s strippers blasts out to indicate that indeed. The bird has the right location. And that Thomas is likely nearby. "Cliffsnotes please!" The raven chirps up as he comes within earshot. The body flips forward, form growing into something much larger and furrier.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers didn't realize Thomas was being serious when he was asking about music. Then he blasts crazy punk rock metal music. She smirks and nods approvingly, "Well ok then!" that puts her in a dancing move for sure as she continues to fight ghouls, and it seems that the majority are swarming her more than the others, most likely because of the wounded animal mentality. She...Should really tie up the wound but there's no time right now. Sometimes she can be a workaholic, but at least she and the others are working to raw the rest of the ghouls away..

Buffy continues to keep her back against Thomas' as she moves around the circle, continuing to keep the ghouls away from Thomas. Spike is given an appraising nod and smile, "Nice shooting, Spike. Glad we caught you in time.."

The raven arrives at around the same time that one ghoul slips through the guard and goes after Willow. "Nick! Protect Wil! We gotta seal the portal that was opened a month ago when the Red order summoned that memory demon!" ok that was a super cliff notes version.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"..in mundi. In nomine die. Omni spiritus inodorum suavitatis. Tu autem effugare, diabole. Appropinquavit enim judicium in dei. Exorcisie te. Omni spiritus immude. Adaperiae!"

There. Willow was done the first thing. Not too bad, right? Right?

Now for sealing the area before closing the portal..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith twirls his knives in a flourish that somehow manages to be pretty, elegant, and removes ghouls from parts of Ghouls. "Okay, lemme explain..." then in a slightly Spanish accent he says, "No, is too much. Let me sum up..." he grins a bit and points with his knife. "Willow is casting a spell. Bad guys don't want that to happen and are trying to stop her. We want that to happen and are trying to stop them /from/ stopping her. Also the evil demon Mimosa is involved somehow." He glances back as Willow chants... "I think we're winning? Also Spike is here."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Got it." A snarly voice responds, giving a short confirmation to the cliffs notes gotten. The wolf's head turns, seeing the guard dodging ghoul heading towards Willow. The feet plant, not on the ground. But close enough as the phantasm leaps towards the ghoul. The feet hit something again before a second leap closes the distance, allowing for Phantasm to slam the creature from its intended path.

Spike has posed:
Turning towards Willow, Spike sees her about to get a ghoul surprise. He flips the axe again to a standard grip and is just about to throw the weapon when the wolf attacks instead. He pauses and his head twitches back a little bit,"There's something you don't see everyday."

Unfortunately for him he didn't kill the one he's fighting so it reaches out and connects with a heavy fist to Spike's head and knocks him to the ground, diving towards him to pummel. A little blood escapes his nose and Spike laughs when the creature lands on him and suddenly twitches a lot, almost a set of spasms.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The ghoul after Willow snarls as it's slammed into, sending it off-course. It hit the tombstone pretty hard with that attack, probably breaking some bones although it's already knitting itself back together, twisting its head around to face the wolf in a more disfigured form and this time focuses on Nick, aiming with some slashing and slicing towards his face.

Buffy is relieved to see Nick has got Willow's back as a ghoul slips through, which makes it easier to focus on her own ghouls. "There are so many.." she sighs, only momentarily distracted as one leaps and grabs her already wounded arm, dragging her a few paces away before hurling her bodily into a tombstone.

More are slashed to ribbons by the well placed slashes of Thomas, Angel and Spike although there seem to be an endless wave drawn towards the circle. Buffy groans as her head hits the tombstone, clutching her further wounded arm as she staggers to her feet. "Forget the small fry, focus on those nearest to Willow!"she calls as she pants a bit, trying to catch her breath, upping off a piece of her tshirt to wrap around her furiously bleeding arm. The smell of fresh blood is only drawing more ghouls. They need to nip this in the bud..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was hurrying.

The ghouls were onto her, and she still had to seal off the area around the altar. Three times she was needing to burn the sage and repeat the words: Claudere.. portas.. mortis! Each time going to the next position and repeating it.

She doesn't have any time to do anything but try to finish her incantation.. She's really at the mercy of Nick and the group!

One time..

Two times..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The wolf's head turns as the Ghoul gets a slash in. An angry red line forms along the side of the face as the pale blue eyes widen on the wolf. A low disapproving rumble comes from the creature's throat as he turns his head back to the ghoul.

Claws fly and fangs flash as the ghoul that dares strike back ends up getting taken out by the angry furnado tearing him apart.

Ghoul's head separated from the body and in mouth, the wolf's tail wags a bit before spitting the head out. The head rolls, smacking into a headstone while the wolf turns, leaping at the next ghoul closest to Willow.

Spike has posed:
Spike pushes the ghoul off of him and the axe is sticking out of the ghoul's chest. He kicks up from the ground and lands on his feet. Before it can try to attack again he rips the axe from the chest and then hacks the head off the ghoul,"Get up from that." he mutters and looks for the next target of opportunity.

Buffy Summers has posed:
It takes a moment or two, and there's a delay in the ritual...But suddenly there's a flare of light as the circle is consecrated. It's not powerful enough to disintegrate the ghouls but it is enough to stop more unholy creatures from getting out. And as for the second part of the spell, the column of light surrounding the circle becomes blinding glow, and as Willow recites the sealing of the portal, three points of light surround her, formimg a triangle that seem to draw upon her own power. Can she sustain it long enough for the final move - the dropping of the blood, the sealing of the portal?

The ghouls pause, stunned. Many flee in fear, although between the battling scoobies, most of those remaining drop to their knees, easily dispatched. Only one or two ghouls remain, powerful, bigger and stronger than the rest, sprinting fir the portal and Willow, hoping to stop the ritual.

"Willow, watch out!" Buffy is too far away, still having her hands full with some stragglers.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
..THREE times!

At last. All Willow had left to do was to pour the blood on the 'altar', and Bob's your uncle..

She began to pour the blood and close the portal.

And right on time, Buffy yells out her warning! "I've startedâ?¦" Meaning.. help someone!

Angel has posed:
"Willow, watch out!" Buffy's voice rings out! Then. Angel arrives, bloody, his arm hanging at his side, his overcoat drenched in blood and slime...most of it not his.

Angel's sword slashes, snick, snack, and the ghouls around Willow fall "dead, in pieces. Falling to one knee, out of breath, and his eyes clouded by his wet, damp hair soaked in blood, Angel looks up.

"Looks like it is up to you Willow."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing Willow being warned, the wolf's head turns. Mouth full of a less than pleased ghoul's head. Flailing ghoul attached, the wolf bounds towards one of the incoming threats. The head turns, swinging the unfortunate ghoul's body like a large stick to block the path between new participant and Willow.

But with Angel showing up, the Wolf comes to a halt. Tail wagging as the ghoul desperately tries clawing its way out of the mouth. Nothing else to play with, the wolf jerks his head sharply to the side, popping the head off the toy in his mouth.

...The ghoul is still

Wag. Wag. Wag.

Spike has posed:
Oh look. This one goes easy enough. Spike throws the axe and centers the skull with it. A few seconds later he arrives to take it back to make sure it is dow and he turns to look for another one.

Two more on the other side of a tombstone. Why settle for one? He dives into the middle of them and the fight is a little less one sided as he trades blows. The outcome is never in question really.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith continues to dance and slaughter as it were, slipping past the gaurd of one of the ghouls and cutting into the next. As the last lines of "Poison" finish, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" starts up... and he is actually doing the dance even as he stabs and slices. A wicked smirk on his lips as he is obviously having fun... I mean fate of the world and all that too but come on... great song.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Snick! Snack! The last two ghouls fall and an eerie silence befalls the graveyard. Why, it almost seems...Peaceful..As Willow finishes the ritual, an electric flash crackles from the altar as the final ingredient seals the portal. With the circle now purified of negative energies and sealed off, Buffy drops to one knee, glancing around. Her own blood seems to drain her just a little, feeling the ripples of the spell somehow.

She glances around doing a quick head count. "Everyone alright? Nice work..." one for the team. Yaaay. Now she just wants to go to bed and sleeeep.

But first thing's first. She hurries to Willow 'a side to check on her and help her up if needed. That spell must have been draining. "That was awesome, Willow!" she smiles.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Really the blood was anticlimactic.

It poured on, and absorbed into the ground, and suddenly it went silent. It felt normal. "Me? I'm fine. Everyone else is..?" Willow looked around.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The wolf spits out the head, watching it roll away for a moment before looking to Buffy. "Doing alright. We good here?" A rougher version of Nick's voice speaks up. Hmm. Pretty good time. Maybe if he hurries he can get something to eat before the meal break finishes up at the studio.