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A Meeting in the Rec Room
Date of Scene: 08 March 2021
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A meeting in the rec room that turned into a warning and an exploration
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, SpyderByte, Rift, Nightingale, Moonstar

Nightcrawler has posed:
There are always snacks within the rec room, but they aren't always what Kurt happens to be in the mood for. Sometimes, there's a yen for a taste of home. Or at least, a taste that's reminiscent of something from home. Thus it was that there was a side trip to the kitchen for the fixing of a plate before he makes his way into the rec room. The plate has a couple of rye rolls on it that are split in half and buttered. There's also sliced pickles, sliced raw onion, and thick slices of gouda cheese. With said snack in hand, Kurt walks into the rec room, his tail lightly swishing behind him as his glowing yellow gaze wanders across the room, curious to see who else happens to be about. Or who might mind his particular choice of snack, not that it would particularly stop him from eating it. There's a bandage wrapped around one of his upper arms, neat and white.

SpyderByte has posed:
Tucked away in the rec room is Jeremy, the Gothic and technopath of the school. He hasn't been very 'active' as of late. Mostly lurking about the school. He shows up for class, kills the academics side easily, then goes back to his room to 'hide'. Today is a rare day that he is seen in public. Jean mentioned to him that one of the computers was 'broken' and needed to be fixed.

She probably set him up to socialize, but either way, it drew him out of the shadows to take a peek.

The young man is wearing a long leather trench coat, his black hair is down to his shoulders now. He has on a pair of black bondage pants wrapped in leather bindings and chains, as well as a black shirt with long black sleeves with the logo of a cockroach on the front in digital imagery. He is kneeling in front of a computer with the side plate off, hands deep in it's guts as he is currently dismantling the power supply to replace it.

Nightcrawler has posed:
It's not one of the prime times of the rec room, though there's a couple of other students who are at the pool table. They get a glance from Kurt, but not a lot of his attention. His attention instead falls on Jeremy where the young man is working on the computer. He heads in that direction, stopping once he's near and tilting his head a touch to one side whilst he watches. "Guten nachmittag, Jeremy," he offers in greeting, a smile coming to his features and hinting at his pointed teeth. He crouches near, taking a look over the computer before looking over to the young man, and he easily shifts to settle in a cross-legged pose, his tail lightly swishing behind him. "How have you been doing?" he asks in a soft tone. He settles the plate in his lap, then opens one of the rolls before putting onto it some of the cheese, pickles, and onions, before putting the top back on. "Hungry?" he offers.

SpyderByte has posed:
Hearing the voice of his instructor behind him, Jeremy leans backwards and blows some bangs away from his face. His fingernails have been recently painted black in what appears to be a clear, dark coat. As usual, his eyes are dark and haunted as they stare back into the yellow orbs of Kurt's, then slowly tilts his head to one side.

He gives a glance down to the phone next to him as the screen flickers to life, followed by the soft female voice of 'Siri' speaking out of it.

<< I am fine. I am not hungry. Working. >>

Always working. Since he was 'recruited' into X-Force, the Black Ops team to 'resolve issues that the X-Men normally wouldn't, he has always been 'working'. Though while he doesn't go out and snikt or stab like the rest of the team, he is still deeply involved with the back end operations.

Once he unhooks the power supply, he holds it up and gives a small sniff of the air. He can taste the acidicity in the air. It fried. He puts it to the side, then begins to unbox the new one, pulling it out and unwrapping it from the plastic bag.

<< How are you? >>

Nightcrawler has posed:
Everyone goes through phases, and the overall black motif is noticed but not mentioned. Gothic isn't a bad phase to go through but it's often a misunderstood one. Kurt's attention holds on the young man rather than turning towards the phone, and he gives a single nod. Then he slightly squishes the top of the bun onto the various toppings before he picks up the sandwich snack. "Those are good things," Kurt says, giving a small nod. "You are often working, ja? Keeping busy. I have noticed that you are doing well with your studies," he comments, watching the younger man for a moment. He takes a bite of the sandwich, chewing and then swallowing in turn. "It is important to take some time for yourself, as well," he comments, in the way of advice rather than having it be more direct. There's a glance over the power supply that's removed, though it could be any number of computer part thingamabobs where he's concerned. "What happened to it?" he asks, curious and giving a small nod towards the old power supply. He considers the question asked of him in turn, and he gives a nod. "I am well. Healing, it seems. Though at least it was only a bullet," he comments. And not a Cure dart. That would likely have been painful.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Jeff, a sophomore with electrical powers got upset at a video game and discharged himself into the computer by accident according to the report that was filed through custodial. The power supply shorted out. >>

Jeremy starts to install the new one as he attaches the ATA cables to the video card, hard drive and mother board. He works efficiently with mechanical movements in his body. He plucks up a small magnetic screw driver and swipes it over the small pile of screws to snag one, then dips back inside to tighten it within the case.

<< I am on course to graduate in a few weeks, early, so that I can focus more on work and apply to more colleges. I currently have an offer from MIT. >>

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a soft grunt of sound from Kurt at the explanation that's given, and he gives a small nod. "That does, unfortunately, sound like something that would end up happening. A temper can be a challenging thing to control," Kurt says, a thoughtful note to his voice. "At least it is only the power supply with a problem, ja? Well... unless there are other things wrong with it that have yet to be diagnosed but which could not be because of the power supply," he comments. Hopefully he hasn't just jinxed the entire project by even suggesting such a thing! He watches as the new power supply is installed, and he takes another bite of his sandwich. One of his eyebrows quirks up at the mention of graduation, and after he chews and swallows the bite, he smiles brightly, his ears perked. "Ah, that's wunderbar! Congratulations, you've worked hard for it and that's a great accomplishment," he says, sounding quite pleased for the accomplishment. "From what I hear, MIT is a very good school. Are there others you're planning to apply to?" he asks, curious. His tail swishes a bit more actively behind him, a sign of his curiosity and interest.

SpyderByte has posed:
As he straightens the computer up, Jeremy puts the AC cable into the back of it, then plugs it into the wall. He pushes the power button and waits as he tilts his head to one side. As it fires upwards, he hears a number of loud beeps before he unplugs it with a soft sigh. He tilts it back on the side, then reaches in to take out a stick of RAM, then goes back to re-testing. It's an isolation technique.

<< I don't know. Stanford. Caltech. Georgia Tech. Harvard. With my grades and a backing from the school, I am sure I can go where I want. >>

It's the last stick of Ram that is removed that causes the computer to finally boot without an issue. He reaches into a small box and takes out a fresh stick, then goes about powering it back down to re-install it. It clicks into the motherboard neatly.

Nightcrawler has posed:
The tidying of the computer is watched with a measure of curiosity, and Kurt lowers one of his hands to adjust the plate where it rests in his lap. Another bite of the sandwich is taken, and the fuzzy blue elf is quiet whilst he eats. The loud beeps cause him to put his ears back a bit, and then he gives his head a brief shake. "That does not sound very good," he comments. He continues to watch the work on the computer, and he gives a nod at the list of schools that are mentioned. "Those are all good schools. It could be a difficult decision to choose between them if they all accept you. Do you have a preference out of all of them? An ideal choice if you could go anywhere?" he asks. His tail lightly swishes behind him, and he leans forward a touch. "With your grades, any school will be lucky to have you," he adds with a smile. He tilts on of his ears towards the computer after the replacement of the RAM, and he gives a small nod. "That sounds more normal, at least," he comments, giving a slight gesture towards the computer tower that's being worked on.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It doesn't matter where I go. The end result will be the same. >>

Jeremy waits for the computer to boot up as he plugs the mouse, keyboard and network cable back in. As he leans back upon his palms, he stares at the screen as it logs in without him even touching it. From there, several diagnostic tests launch and begin to run as he eases himself backwards to lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He is practically boneless, but that does not mean comfortable. The chains jingle and rattle along his legs as he lets them lay out.

<< The computer is fixed. I do not feel any pain or complaint. He is satisfied with my service. >>

Rift has posed:
A red flare of light comes from just outside the rec room, visible under the doors. A few seconds later, a young woman with an eldritch red glow enters - some of her glow seems to be coming from inside her body - especially arms, legs, head, and heart. She heads right towards the snack bar and stops as she realizes she's not alone in here, glancing to see Kurt and someone she doesn't recognize. "Oh, hi there Mr. Wagner," she states as she heads over there, a longing glance towards the snack bar but focuses on the two before her.

Nightingale has posed:
     Sometimes, the simple pleasures were best. There was popcorn, and then there was cheese. But then, there was the combination of both, with popcorn so fresh and hot and buttery, that cheese sprinkled over the top just melted like nothing. So Shannon's evening begins, in her red tartan sweatpants, baggy grey tank top, and floofy Old English Sheepdog slippers. She has her arms full of a very large bowl of the aforementioned cheesy snack.

     The computer repair in progress stops her in her tracks, the winged young woman just observing for a moment. "It never ceases to amaze me how you do that, Jer," she says, her voice soft, a small smile tugging the corners of her lips upwards. Glancing over to Kurt, she nods and smiles. "Guten Abend, Herr Wagner."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a tilt of his head at the words, and an arched eyebrow. There's a moment where he's quiet as though perhaps considering what to make of the words, and then Kurt lightly shakes his head. "You have the freedom to choose where to go. The end result is not a given thing, it is unwritten. I have faith in that you will do well regardless of where you go," he says, a smile coming to his features. He watches as the peripherals are plugged into the computer, and as the computer is booted up and tested. "The computer is a he?" Kurt ventures, one of his eyebrows nudging up a touch. It might be a bit of a stretch, but... nothing ventured means nothing gained. He's never thought of computers being of either one or the other. "Does it cause you pain when there is some part of it that is broken?" More curiosity. Then his attention is caught by the latest entrant, his gaze turning towards the young woman a moment before her greeting is offered. He gives a nod to her. "Ah, willkommen to you both, ladies," he offers in greeting, a smile coming to his features. He looks to the computer, and then he gives a nod of agreement with Shannon's words. "Ja, it is an amazing thing to watch, to be sure. I would not know where to begin with such things," he says with a smile.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Yes, the computer is a he. I do not feel pain, but he does. When a computer is not giving the correct amount of attention or upkeep, they can get sick. >>

It seems the topic of end results is dropped on his end at least. Jeremy's voice is coming out of his phone's speakers, except it's a female's tone. Siri. It sounds more like a GPS tutorial rather than a young man. His mouth doesn't move as he speaks. He just lays there on his back in a heap of trench coat, chains and a lack of emotion upon his face.

The flash of red light catches his attention from behind his thin glasses as he gives a glance over towards Rift, then grows a bit more stiff at the sound of Shannon's voice. He pushes his hands on the ground next to him and hoists himself up to sit proper.

His body gives a slight slump at the praise, followed by one shoulder lifting upwards. That's his response.

Rift has posed:
Rift just blinks as she stares at Jeremy, then at his phone, then back to him. The phone speaking for him is interesting. She then blinks, realizing she's still glowing, as the eldritch glow slowly fades, leaving behind a regular-looking Asian young woman with firetruck-red hair and eyes. "Sorry - my glow can be disturbing, I know," she states softly as she hmmmsm. "So... I don't think we've met before," she finally states, extending a hand towards Jeremy. "I'm Kitora."

Nightingale has posed:
     Perching her posterior somewhat nearby on the sofa, Shannon glances between everyone present, nodding in Kitora's direction. "Hey there, Kitora," she says, smiling somewhat. "Haven't seen you since... that thing last summer. Of the big, green variety." Knowing all too well how hungry the other young woman can get, she surrenders her popcorn bowl without a fight. "How've you been since then?"

     Her brows furrow as she sees Jeremy's response, bowing her head somewhat and letting out a small sigh. "Does the computer have a name?" she asks, her voice still quiet.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a flick and a swish of his tail behind him, and Kurt gives a nod. "That's not something I'd ever thought on before. Are all computers 'he' or is it just this one?" he asks, curious. "I didn't realize that they would get sick in such a manner. I thought it was a thing that would only happen if they became infected with a coded virus or something along those lines," he comments. He studies the young man for a long moment, remaining settled cross-legged on the floor. "You help them to ease their pain, their suffering?" he asks, a bit of curiosity to the words. It's a moment before he picks up his sandwich to take a bite. He chews and swallows, then turns his gaze towards the ladies. To Kitora, first. "I can understand how it would be disturbing to some, but it bothers me not," he says, giving a small nod. Then his attention shifts to Shannon. "Have you had a chance to consider our project further?" he asks, curious.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Everything suffers. Even machines. >>

Jeremy runs his fingers up and into his long thick hair, pushing it up and over his head, followed by brushing it behind his ears. His fingernails are painted black. As Kitora reaches out with her hand, he stares at it for a few seconds before he reaches out with his own to give it a quick shake. His hand and wrist is scarred, some fresh, some old.

<< His name is Winston, named after the one who built him. Winston Alpha fourteen hundred and twenty-six. But I call him Winston for short. It makes him feel comfortable. >>

As he pushes himself up to his feet, the chains along his bondage pants ring and jingle again. He reaches down between his legs to grasp a loose leather strap, tightening it around his upper thigh once more as he latches it into place. His eyes are sunken in and tired, rimmed red.

<< Some computers have a female name. It depends on what batch and assembly line they came on. The networked toaster oven is named LaToya. She is my best friend. We understand each other. >>

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles faintly. "That makes sense..." she muses as she ends up sitting next to Shannon with a bowl of popcorn on her lap. Generously, she offers some to Shannon as she takes a big handful. After swallowing, she says, "A clogged air vent could be like a stuffy nose - a broken fanblade could be like a stubbed toe... never thought of thinking of computers as 'alive'. But I understand seeing the world differnetly." She smiles softly. "I can manipulate gravity.... I can sense gravity manipuation. It.... doesn't really come up that often, for few share my powerset admittedly..." She then smiles. "Thanks, Shannon."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon is simply silent for a long moment. No answer to Kurt, to Kitora, nothing. Without another word, she slides off of the sofa, briefly resting her hand on Jeremy's shoulder. She only lingers for a moment before turning to slip out of the room again, heading for the kitchen... perhaps for a snack? Who is to say?

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I had never thought that machines could suffer before. It is a different perspective," Kurt says in a thoughtful tone. So often, machines are taken for granted -- they work because they're plugged in, because the right buttons are pushed, because they're programmed to work. He lifts his sandwich, taking a bite again before chewing slowly and then swallowing. There's a glance towards the computer, a look which seems to hold a bit more appreciation to it, and he gives a small nod. "I imagine that it would help, that he feels comfortable," Kurt says softly. "I didn't realize that's what made the difference. I will make sure that the Bamfs are well aware that the toaster is off limits," he adds, a touch sheepishly. The Bamfs are kind of relentless sometimes about stealing electronics. He looks over to Kitora, and he gives a nod to her. "I have never considered such to be the case either... it is... different," he says. "Gravity is an interesting thing to be able to manipulate. It usually goes down instead of up," he teases with a grin, his pointed teeth showing. And sometimes his sense of humour is as incorrible as the Bamfs. He looks to Shannon, watching her for a moment as she slips out, his brow furrowing slightly.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Imagine what the Danger Room feels like when we use her to destroy herself over and over again. >>

Jeremy intones quietly as he gives a visible jolt when the hand lands on his shoulder. He sucks in a slow breath, then leans over to pick up the tools on the ground, placing them back into a box he brought, then collects the old power supply and stick of ram. Once he finishes cleaning up, he gives a glance back to the remaining pair.

<< My work is done. I'm going to my room. I have to finish a project for Mister Logan. >>

He hesitates for a moment, then pushes off on his foot and trudges for the door, jingling and clanking as he goes.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua states, "I bet the Danger Room appreciates that she's helping us be able to defend ourselves better. It's all simulations in there after all - mostly. I'd bet she's one of those tough broads like an old-school Catholic nun schoolteacher or something." She hmmmmmmms softly as she starts to glow again, floating a small bowl over to herself, putting some cheesy popcorn in it and floats it over to Kurt. "I often wonder how similar my portals are to your teleporting...' she muses softly as she decides to offer said popcorn.

Nightcrawler has posed:
That's... that's definitely quite a thought to weigh out. Kurt's glowing yellow eyes blink at that, and he takes a moment or a few to consider it. His brow furrows a bit, and then he shakes his head a little bit. "I can only imagine what that must feel like," he says softly, tilting his head a touch to one side. His gaze turns to Jeremy, studying him for a moment, and he gives a small nod. "Guten abend, Jeremy," he says with a smile. His attention turns to Kitora, and he tilts his head slightly to one side. "Perhaps, perhaps not. I would suspect the one most likely to know is him," he says, giving a nod towards Jeremy. As the popcorn drifts his way, a smile comes to his features and a gives a nod to Kitora. "Ah, danke," he says with a smile. He reaches for some of the popcorn, taking a handful and munching on a few pieces of it as he lifts his other hand to take the bowl. One of his eyebrows quirks at her mention, and he tilts his head to one side. "I do not know, Kitora. What is within your portals?" he asks, curious.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua ponders. "I don't know," she states as she moves over. "Generally nothing. I open the portal, and stepping through it, you're immediately there rather than here." She hmmmmms softly. "What is.... in the middle of your teleports?" she asks curiously in return as she herself flaots over, cross-legged, releasing her power on your bowl as she just floats over herself.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner tilts his head a touch to one side as he watches her, and then he gives a nod. "It sounds as though yours is a hole through reality, perhaps. Stepping through on this side and then to where you intend on the other with nothing in between," he says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He eats a bit more of the popcorn, then dusts his hands off a bit before lifting one of them to pull his fingers through his hair. "My teleports have the Brimstone dimension within them. It is where the smell comes from, ja? I go there and travel from there to where I wish to come out, then come out," Kurt says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "So... you don't acutally teleport? You pop to a different dimension, TRAVEL THROUGH IT, and return? That's.... I had no idea." She hmmmmmms as she finished the large bowl of popcorn rather quickly. She realy is an eating machine. "My portals are simply.... here, look." She then tears open a portal right there, and as it opens, one can see a stunning view of the school grounds from the roof. "I often go up there to think. But see? There's... nothing beween here and there other than a micrometer of portal."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a quirk of an eyebrow, and Kurt chuckles softly. "It may not be what you think of when you think of teleporting, but... the result is the same, ja?" he suggests, a thoughtful tone to his voice. "Not directly from a point a to a point d. There is a point b and a point c in between," he says softly, considering it for a lingering moment. When she opens the portal, he arches an eyebrow slightly and takes the time to look within and through it, to make note of the thickness of it. "Interesting," he says, his tone sincere. "It is as though you bring there to here, to be able to step from one to the other. I like the roof as well. It is often quiet, tranquil," he says in a thoughtful tone. "The smell that is left behind, when I teleport to the Brimstone Dimension... it is a small portion of the atmosphere that exists there, that seeps through. I move quickly through it... it is not a place I wish to linger," Kurt says, giving a small nod to her.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua murmurs, "What's it like in there?" she asks softly. "I'm curious. Can you take me there for a bit? I can take it... heck, in my aura, I don't even need to breathe as long as I can hold it." She smiles softly. "But if it's not possible, I undrestand. I'm just curious."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Carefully, Kurt picks up the plate from where it had been resting in his lap, and he leans forward to set it on the floor in front of him. Then he sets the bowl of cheesy popcorn on the floor in front of him. And he's quiet, for a moment or three, his tail swishing back and forth behind him. Gracefully, he rises to his feet and steps towards Kitora. "Curiosity has killed many cats," he says softly, tilting his head slightly to one side. "The atmosphere is not the only thing that is dangerous, ja?" he suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly as he studies her, his yellow eyes glowing. He is reluctant to take her through it -- it's something he usually only does to allies if there is no other choice, if it must be done. "It is possible. It is perhaps not wise, but... it is possible," he says. Then he lifts his right hand, holding it out in offer to her, his palm up. There's only one way for her to understand what it's like.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods as her glow is a bit brighter. "I'm fine," she states, as she gets a small container out of her pockets. She shows off some half-inch steel balls. "A little backup I carry just in case." She smiles softly, winking. "I'm ready." She then takes Kurt's hand, moving to a standing position. "I appreciaet the warning." She has the container in her hand, smiling softly. "Ready."

Moonstar has posed:
One of the people who rarely comes into the rec room is Dani Moonstar. And at first, she's not. She's passing by the door as another exits. She's wearing that sword of hers, so she must have come from training or something. And her present pleasant expression vanishes in a flash as her head jerks toward the door as it's falling closed. Almost immediately, the rest of Dani follow's, and her right hand reaches out to catch that door and push it back open. "Kurt! Do not!" The words are snapped, harsh, and there's a warning to her tone. As though something dreadful is about to befall someone. Dani moves quickly into the room, releasing the door behind her to fall closed. That door is no longer important. Kurt and Kitora are where her eyes happen to be. Perhaps they are what's presently important. There's no hesitation to her steps as she hurries over to the pair, and her right hand closes over Kurt's shoulder. It's almost as though she knows BAMFing is imminent and refuses to be left behind.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua reacts immediately when some strange woman with a SWORD bursts in and starts charging to them. She points at Dani as a red circle forms on the ground under her and suddenly, gravity increases fivefold, making it difficult to move. She stares at Dani, focusing, still holding Kurt's hand, trying to keep Dani away from Kurt and herself.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a tilt of his head as his glowing yellow gaze falls to the balls that she brandishes, and his ears shift, laying backwards slightly. "You will not use them. No weapons, ja?" he says softly but firmly, lifting his gaze from the container to her face. He relies on the Brimstone Dimension, he uses it practically daily and multiple times in the course of fighting. He closes his two fingers over her hand, and then he gives a small nod. He doesn't warn her how taxing the Brimstone Dimension is -- that's something that she'll find out on the other side. He knows it well, from his experience, and he half belongs there. As the door of the rec room opens so soon after having closed behind someone who had left, and there comes a warning specifically named to him in a familiar voice, Kurt's glowing yellow gaze flicks in that direction. The BAMF'ing is imminent, and yet it's a thing he controls, and it is stalled for the moment. He tilts his head slightly to one side, noticing that tone to her voice. "Dani?" he says softly, a bit puzzled, one of his eyebrows quirking up a touch. "Kitora, release her," he says, his gaze turning to the young woman whose hand he holds before his gaze turns back to Dani.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar really can't fault that reaction. Afterall, she really is wearing a sword and is charging straight at Kurt and Kitora! Situations reversed? She'd likely react the same way. As she feels the increased gravity, she glances down to her feet to see that red circle. Perhaps surprisingly, it doesn't stop Dani. It does slow her considerably, though. She looks like she's moving through molasses. In January. Outside. So not quickly at all. Sloooow moooooo. "What.. are.. you.... doing..?" The gravity well even makes moving her mouth around slower than normal, but doesn't stop her, nope. Her hand is yet extended toward Kurt, like she still wants to close it over his shoulder. But it is falling, slowly, toward that sword sheathed at her side. And her gaze is moving, equally slowly, from Kurt toward Kitara.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua sighs as she pulls back, retreatnig from both, and releasing the gravity well. Rift has the same quasi-eldritch glow as the circle itself as she is now sitting upside down on the ceilign. "What is your problem?" she asks, annoyed. "Kurt was just going to show me something. We were comparing his teleporting to my portals and he was going to show me how it worked. Don't worry - I can care of myself." She just mutters, pulling a can of soda to her, popping it, and drinking it. Upside down. And nothing's spilling out. "Who the hell are you?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
It's not a reaction that Kurt can find fault in either. But Dani's voice had held notes of warning to it, and she'd specifically used his name. That's something that assuredly got his attention. And held it. He tilts his head a bit to one side, watching Dani's progress through the area of higher gravity, his brow furrowed. "She wished to know what I see when I teleport, and... the best way to describe it is by showing, ja?" he suggests, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "There is something wrong?" he asks, curious. There had to have been something that caused her to call out the warning. He tilts his head back as he looks up towards the ceiling, to where Kitora has retreated to. Then he raises an eyebrow, watching her for a moment. "I will still show you if you will come down, ja?" he says, a flicker of amusement to his voice. "Dani, this is Kitora," he offers by way of introductions between the two of them.

Moonstar has posed:
As she's released from that gravity well, considering Dani is still fighting to get through it, only the fact that she has the reflexes and training that she does allows her to come to a stop without falling flat on her nose. And even she stumbles a step before managing it. There she pauses, right hand resting on the hilt of her sword. Slowly, she releases it. "The danger has passed," she says. "My problem is that if you went to see what Kurt was going to show you right then, he would have died saving you." Wait. What? There's no resentment or accusation to Dani's tone either. Simple matter of factness. She might be telling them what she saw on the news as far as what the weather happens to be about to do. "It is safe now. I no longer sense it." That isn't a little creepy at /all/ Dani. Her eyes remain on Kitora, however, even on the ceiling and.. drinking soda without spilling any.. upside down!.., and she looks thoughtful. "I am Dani Moonstar. Known as Valkyrie. Are you Rift?" She glances to Kurt and nods. "It is safe now."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just blinks, managing to turn pale even through her eldritch glow. "Dani.... Valkyrie...." She just blinks. "So that's what you looked like. We've never crossed paths..." She sighs softly as she descends down, uprighting herself (never spilling from the open soda) still sitting in midair. "I can handle myself. Why would him showing me his brimstone dimension be deadly to me? Kurt didn't seem to think it was a problem...." She now sounds confused.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There is but a flick of a glance towards the sword that Dani had been reaching to, but he makes no mention of it. He tilts his head to one side at the first statement that she made, which seems quite... ominous. 'The danger has passed'. What danger? It leaves him wondering! And then the rest of her words sink in, and he blinks and blinks again, his brow furrowing slightly. Though the part that sort of sticks in his head is 'he would have died saving you'. For a uncommon moment, his tail stills behind him, and he crouches down as he exhales a breath. Is life that tenuous of a thread? Would it -- could it -- have been snapped so easily, so simply? He rests his elbows on his knees and looks down at his hands for a long moment. "Der Herr gibt, und der Herr nimmt weg," he murmurs softly under his breath, reverting with ease to his mother tongue. It might be creepy, what Dani says, but the warning that had been in her tone when she'd called out his name had been real, and that's enough to pay heed to what had caused the warning to start with. He doesn't look up, but he does give a small shake of his head. "Nein, Kitora... she did not say it would be deadly to you, ja? 'He would have died saving you'... it was not your death that hung in the balance. Es war meines," he says softly. His glowing gaze lifts then from where it had been resting upon his hands, turning to Kitora and then to Dani. His tail swishes slowly behind him, from one side over to the other, without touching his back in the process.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar inclines her head. "This is what I look like. And it's okay. You didn't know who I was. I think if I saw a crazy woman with a sword running toward me I might get a little worried and react too," she says. Then shakes her head. "Not you." She nods toward Kurt. "Him. He would have died getting you back here." She pauses and looks between them. "But.. the danger has passed. It is safe to do so now." Her hands rest loosely at her sides now. Her eyes come to rest on Kurt, however, and she says, "In der Tat tut er es." There is another short pause. "Sometimes, rather abruptly and without any warning at all. I do not share this often, but I can sense Death when she approaches on her pale horse. And if I am swift enough, I can shift her attention elsewhere." She appraoches Kurt and brings her right hand to finally rest on his shoulder. This time a gesture of comfort rather than the reaching almost desperation that had been before. "It is safe to show her, now, if that is what is still wished."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just whispers, "What would've happened? I thought that realm was safe. And why won't it happen now?" she asks, a faint red glow forming on the floor under her. A red ring. Not the same circular trap that Dani got acquainted with - but something else - just the outer ring glowing. Kurt might recognize it as a portal slowly forming. "Before I see, I need an idea of what to expecdt. I've already been shot a couple of times - don't want to have something like that happen again." She is keeping her distance, uncertain and worried.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a nod that comes from Kurt after Dani has reaffirmed that it would have been his life to be snuffed. That close to death? He tilts his head slightly to one side, studying Dani for a long moment. The danger has passed, she said. Has the danger of the Brimstone Dimension ever truly passed? One of his eyebrows quirks when she responds to his words in German, and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "I did not know that you speak it, mein dame," he says softly. "It is as you say, sometimes... abruptly and without warning," he adds, giving a small nod. Gracefully, he lifts his arms from where they rested on his legs and rose to his feet before lifting a hand to tussle his hair. "I am grateful that your timing was good. I am not ready to face Death, yet," he says softly, bowing to her. "Thank you, my friend," he says warmly to her, a smile coming to his features. He raises an eyebrow and turns his gaze to Kitora, and then he shakes his head. "I did not say that the Brimstone Dimension is safe, ja? I said that the atmosphere of it is not the only danger to it," he says softly. He exhales a sigh, and then he shakes his head. "You will not be shot there, ja? It will tax you, physically. You are not of there. I can go slowly enough that you can see what is there, what is visible, at least," Kurt says, giving a small nod. Then he looks to Dani, and he tilts his head slightly. "If you are curious of it, then you are welcome to come as well. I can take you both."

Moonstar has posed:
"A demon was passing through when Kurt was going to take you. There is no death imminent, so I can't see anymore. I would guess the demon kept going wherever it was going." Dani Moonstar shrugs her shoulders. She pats Kurt's shoulder once more and then pads over to the bar. There is soda there. She retrieves one. Something dark and fizzy. Probably a rootbeer. She glances back over to him as she turns and sips the rootbeer. "I can understand and speak all languages. Ever since I became a valkyrie of Odin and Hela's. The Allspeak, it is called." Back to the other topic, she looks thoughtful for a moment before she speaks. "If I am around, and I say there is no imminent death, there is not. I can prevent one from crossing the threshold too. I can also guide a soul across, make it easier. I can also prevent the dead from crossing back." She bobs her head in a nod. "I am glad that Fate allowed me to be nearby when she did." She cannot blame him. Death is scary. She listens to what Kurt has to say about the Brimstone dimension. Then she nods. "I would like to see if Kitora would still like to go." If something changes, there might be more safety in numbers, afterall!

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly as she floats over. "Well... if the Valkyrie says it's fine...." She grabs a small container and sighs. "Okay, let's do this before I chicken out." She then takes Kurt's hand again, flipping the lid open to the container (that looks to have some steel balls in it).

Nightcrawler has posed:
"A demon," Kurt repeats, tilting his head to one side before giving his head a bit of a shake. That's not entirely reassuring, but... he's not the only being that's able to cross in and out of the Brimstone Dimension. His gaze turns to Dani, studying her for a long moment before he gives a nod. "I trust you," he says softly, a smile touching his lips. "I will have to remember that, about the languages. There are a few that I speak, but not all. I imagine that understanding them all is quite useful," he adds. He looks from Dani to Kitora, and then raises an eyebrow slightly before giving a nod. Then he offers out a hand to each of them. "I will take what time I feel is safe. I will not let go of you, and you will not let go of me. Ja?" Once he has one of their hands in each of his, that's when the BAMF'ing will happen, that's when the odour of brimstone will be left behind in the room and for them, that is when it will surround them. It might be a lot of fog and mist that swirls around, but there are perhaps some glimpses that can be caught of the realm that belongs to the Neyaphem.

Moonstar has posed:
"I'm no longer sensing Death nearby, so it should be fine." Not 'is' fine, but 'should be' fine. Maybe a small destinction, but there never the less! Dani finishes her soda and sets the empty cup on the counter to deal with when they return. She eyes the container that's now flipped open. Though she doesn't know what foreign material introduced to another dimension could do, she doesn't say anything. Her sword could have the same effect, afterall. She inclines her head to Kurt again at his declaration of trust. "Thank you. I trust you too." She nods about the languages and looks thoughtful for a moment. "I have not heard a language I couldn't understand and speak once I'd heard it. So far. But yes. It's useful when the only problem is a language barrier." She places her left hand into Kurt's right. That way, her sword hand is free. Just in case. Because just because Death is no longer present doesn't mean danger is also gone. "I will not let go," she agrees. When the scent of brimstone surrounds them, Dani's nose wrinkles but she doesn't complain. She does, however, look around, curious.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua looks around, her glow immediately intensifying as she's in the foreign environment. Glad for her life-support aura - she doesn't smell anything. "So.... how do you travel to your destination here?" she asks finally, squitning - not really seeing anything, still holding that container of steel balls as if it's a weapon.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's the smell of sulphur and of brimstone in the air, wisps and clouds of purple and pink and blue mingling in the air. There are glimpses of different places on Earth, since the Brimstone Dimension is a connecting point, of sorts. Kurt usually enters and exits quite quickly so that he's not within the dimension for long. There are glimpses of alien structures as well, which might well be the building created by the Neyaphem. Kurt grins at the question, his pointed teeth showing. "Like this," he says simply. Nothing attacks them, nothing bad happens. Kurt has done this hundreds of times, although generally skipping the part about lingering in the middle. Then he takes a couple of steps before BAMF'ing them out of the Brimstone Dimension and back into the rec room -- though on the opposite side of it, near to the door.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar doesn't look to either Kurt nor Kitora. Instead, her eyes and attention, and senses, all remain focused outward and around them. Even her psionic senses, limited though they might be, are focused on all around them. And then they're moving with Kurt those couple of steps. And then BAMF! Back in the rec room. "That," she says. "Was a bit trippy. All in all, I think I'm going to stick to travel on Brightwind's back. That place was smelly." And it's lingering in her clothes and hair. She takes a deliberate step away from Kurt and Kitora now, so that if there's another BAMF, she doesn't go along with them. "Kind of makes me wonder, though, what that demon was doing. Where it was going. Why it was in that particular spot at that particular time."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua shrugs. "Let's not find out." She releases her aura, finally, and sniffs her arm. No smell is sticking with her. "Ah - so glad my aura serves as life-support. I've been able to stay in the bottom of the pool for half an hour without issue. But the more inhospitable the environment, the more tiring it is to hold life-support. Don't want to think about space." She sighs softly. "Well, it's a neat power you have, Kurt. Just glad it's not mine."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"It takes a bit of getting used to," Kurt says, a smile touching at the corners of his lips. "It is where the smell comes from, that is left behind when I teleport," he explains. He gives a soft chuckle as Dani steps back, and he releases her hand so that she can move. "You are not the only one to be wondering about that. It is not common for them to be crossing," he says softly, his brow furrowing slightly. His attention turns to Kitora, and he tilts his head to one side. Then he gives a nod to her. "Danke, mein dame. I can understand that view," he says, giving a soft chuckle. He releases her hand as well, then lifts a hand to tussle his hair a bit. Then he looks from one of them to the other before bowing, his tail lightly swishing behind him. "Forgive me, ladies. I must see if I can find the rogue demon. Sei gesund und bis morgen," he says softly, a smile coming to his features. Then he BAMF's and... he doesn't return to the rec room, though the odour of brimstone is left beneath where he'd been.

Moonstar has posed:
There's a quiet chuckle and a nod of agreement. "I agree. Let's not find out. And I am also glad Kurt's power isn't mine. I like my powers how they are." They're what Dani's used to! "Though, being able to teleport from one place to another, that has to be helpful." She blinks as Kurt seems to be about to go find that rogue demon. Then nods to him. "Be safe. If you need help, come find me." She makes no move to join him, and then he's gone. "Take care, Kurt," she murmurs. But she doesn't appear to be alarmed, for she doesn't sense Death close any longer. Perhaps the demon is long gone and nowhere to be found! She moves to take care of that cup. "I have duties. Take care, Kitora," she says. She then moves on out of the room. Back off to do whatever it was she was doing before she entered the rec room.