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Latest revision as of 02:23, 19 March 2021

Date of Scene: 16 March 2021
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Thor shows up to get Psylocke's aid in attuning the Bifrost for the trip on the morrow!
Cast of Characters: Psylocke, Nightingale, Ted Gammage, Thor, Cannonball, Pixie

Psylocke has posed:
Things have been...different of late for Betsy Braddock. She had been dealing with some complications in her life. Ones that had been building slowly over time but seemed to be getting worse. She should talk to the Professor about it soon. It might lead to needing some time away from the school. For the safety of everyone.

Despite the chill of still-winter air, she was in the backyard. Dressed comfortably in jeans and a heavy sweater, though she had a jacket over the sweater. She was sitting at a picnic table out on the grassy expanse of lawn, eyes on the night sky above. Out here, one could see so many stars and she was staring at them as though they might hold the answer to the mysteries of the universe.

Nightingale has posed:
     For once, the night was clear, if cold, with the moon bathing the world below in a gentle, silvery glow. What little remained of the snow on the ground glowed like galaxies that had fallen from the heavens to the earth, adorning her in the last of her wintry slumber. A shadow passed along the ground, accompanied by the soft, gentle sound of great wings beating the air--it proved to be a familiar winged teen, enjoying the evening. Shannon smiled as she soared lazily above the backyard, enjoying the enchanting sight of the silver-lit ground below. She's dresseed against the chill in some dark blue jeans, a dark, wine-colored sweater, and soft but sturdy black boots. She seems to be keeping in the general vicinity of another blond-haired teen, on occasion even dive-bombing him to see if he can catch her!

Ted Gammage has posed:
The other blonde haired teen will occasionally do a jump that's too high for a normal person to do, but he's not really accurate enough to capture the swooping girl. He actually ends up landing hard on a tree branch at one point, which cracks under his weight and drops him to the ground. Fortunatly he's a bit tougher than normal too, and he chuckles as he gets up. He dusts off his own outfit, a long sleeved button up shirt, pair of sturdy jeans and equally sturdy boots. He's not really dressed to fight any chilly night.

Thor has posed:
    There was no effort made toward stealth. For the one it was because the tall Asgardian often did not find sneaking to his liking. The other because this place, this aged school with its storied past and its amazing denizens, it was a home for allies held in his esteem. So best to approach them openly, to arrive and offer greetings.
    Which is what he does.
    Once he drops from the clouds, little more than a black and silver silhouette easing down to hover at first over the front of the mansion, the Mighty Thor appears with crimson cape snapping in the wind and the hammer Mjolnir held at ease in his hand. A grim visage assuredly, for the strapless eyepatch draws attention at a glance, and his features are severe with the short hair and stubbled beard.
    It is this visage that likely Shannon sees on her climb, recovering from her diving toward young Theodore as his shadow falls across her. "Good e'en."
    The words hang there much like the man, and it might seem daunting. That is until he smiles. For despite Thor's look, it's that smile that brings life to his good eye and eases some of the edge to him. "I seek Elizabeth Braddock, or one of your other fine telepaths." A beat, then he adds. "Forgive me, I am Thor. Son of Odin."

Psylocke has posed:
Watching Shannow dancing upon the winds above, Betsy had to smile a bit. It took a moment for her to spot Ted out further at the treeline, due to the darkness. But thanks to the dive bombing then the crack of a tree limb falling, she pinpointed him. He was one of dozens of psionic signatures she could tell where in the building, but she hadn't pushed hard enough to see who it was specifically.

Then there was a different ping. Something new coming into the defenses of the mansion. That caught her attention and she sat up slightly, glancing toward the mansion itself as she sent out that mental net. Finding a familiar mind, she settled back into her relaxed posture and remained where she had been.

Nightingale has posed:
     Silvery laughter fills the air as she swoops upwards, narrowly avoiding Ted's leap. He does, however, come away with one of her larger flight feathers this time! Knowing how tough he is, she's fairly confident he's alright, although her ascent is slowed just enough for her to look back and make certain. "Oooo, you're getting good there, Ted! I'll have to up my game a bit...."

     At just that moment, as she looks towards the moon, she sees a form she hadn't thought to for quite some time, if ever at all. Shannon soars a little bit higher to meet the visitor, and backwings to a point just in front of Thor, her smile widening as she recognizes him. Sketching something of a bow in mid-air, she replies, "It's been some time, Thor Odinson, since last we met. I'm Shannon Lance." She offers something of a lopsided grin. " I believe it was on the basketball court at the Avengers mansion some months past, and far from the first we've met." A heartbeat passes, her smile turning somewhat soft, and gentle. "I don't forget kindness and honor such as you showed me when you certainly didn't have to."

     Turning aside for a moment, she peers down to the ground, rather accustomed to acting as a sentry and a lookout on many an occasion. "I believe I see her down below. Please, this way?"

Ted Gammage has posed:
Ted puts on an exaggerated groan as he starts to follow after Shannon once again, chuckling, "Hitting branches is getting good?" Still, he chases a bit more, keeping up his amused demeanor. Well, at least until the Big Entrance happens. He actually tenses, assuming they're getting attacked, and last time that happened several mutants lost their powers, but he does pause, seeing its the Norse God Of Thunder. So, he so eloquently says, "Hey, you're Thor!" So much couth.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has just gotten back, got a new student checked in and settled. He came through the kitchen grabbed a soda, and comes walking out to the back yard. He reaches down scratching a bit at his ankle, he knows there is nothing there but well, it will be a day or two before he is not itching. He blinks a moment when he sees they have company and will head over towards them at a bit quicker walk.

Thor has posed:
    "At your leisure, Lady Lance." The tall man in the air gestures with his hammer to the side, "If you would be so kind as to lead the way." And with that he follows after, cape swirling around him then unfurling back behind once he starts forward. No rush, no hurry, likely barely showing up on the defenses of the mansion.
    Yet it is downward he flies and draws closer to Ted. He's favored with a smile as well and a lift of the hammer in greeting. "Indeed, I am often told as much." His lip curls, then he places the uru metal weapon upon his hip once they're settled upon the ground and he will move at Shannon's behest.
    "I am come to once again seek the aid of Xavier's students. Fortunate are my people that they have your support to draw upon."

Psylocke has posed:
As Thor comes to a landing in the backyard, though a distance away from her, Betsy pulls out her phone. Because that's what one does when they meet a god--they go scrolling through social media.

It might look like that at least. In truth, she was sending out the notice through an app set up on the staff phones, to stand down any security measures that might be triggered and to let staff know there was a visitor on the grounds. She then tucked the phone into her back pocket as she rose to her feet, walking to toward the gathering moving her direction. May as well be polite and meet them halfway. She caught Sam's eye, giving him a nod, as he was walking the same direction though his path had started at the door and hers the picnic table.

Upon closing that distance, she gave a bright smile. "It's been a long time since I've seen you. I hope all is well with New Asgard." They had met when the Agardians first crashed onto Earth, their spaceship floating in the ocean as the world tried to figure out how to deal with this. She had helped many of his people with the mental taint left by the dark elves during their battle.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon flashes Ted an impish little grin and nods. "Hey, you managed to get one of my feathers that time. And you came out of that tree in one piece. So it's still a win!"

     Gliding towards the ground, she comes to a landing not too far from Psylocke, stepping back and settling her wings in behind her with a little flick. She listens for a few moments, canting her head to one side. "Miss Braddock, if you like, I could either bring hot drinks out here, or if you deem it proper, perhaps there might be somewhere inside to see to our guest comfortably?"

     Sam gets a smile as he approaches, and a dip of her head in greeting. "Hey there, big bro. How's it going?"

Ted Gammage has posed:
So not fair, he's like super strong AND he can fly. Dumb ground based movement, Ted thinks to himself. But he does run to keep up as best he can. He's not going to win races, probably, and his stomping is probably a bit harder than most, but he makes it eventually. He doesn't get fan-struck too often, so he takes a few moments to shove down all the tendancies to ask really stupid questions like 'Do you think you can beat Superman in a fair fight.'

He makes it back a bit after the flyers do, pausing to take in a deep breath or two. He also waves to Sam, but doesn't trust his mouth to not say stupid things in front of a god so keeps his yap shut.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie :looks over to Psylock, and nods his head "Betsy." He greets her once close, and then to the kids "Shannon, Ted, good to see you, we got a new student joined us, will have to introduce you tomorrow." He then looks over to Thor "Well met Thor Odinson." He shows the man respect with his full name. Offering his hand to the man in a warriors shake "How can we help you today?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, Elizabeth." Thor says brilliantly, and without hesitation nor even a by your leave he steps forth and draws her into a one-armed embrace to lift her from her feet and swirl her once, then set her at her ease once again. He steps back and rests a hand upon her shoulder so he can look in her eyes. "I am pleased to see you once again, all is well in New Asgard no small thanks to you and yours."
    As he says those last words he looks to the other denizens of Xavier's, but it's Sam's appearance that causes him to laugh. "And Samuel!" He advances abruptly to /thump/ the youth upon the shoulder as he takes his forearm in his grip. There is a strong shake but not aggressive. "Good to see you as well. I come to abuse your hospitality again, albeit briefly."
    Then back to Shannon and Psylocke he smiles to each in turn before he gestures to Ted as the young man rushes up. "I do believe introductions are in order?"

Psylocke has posed:
"Oh!" The surprised sound is heard from Betsy as she finds herself in that hug, lifted and twirled like her father did when she was a child. Puts things in perspective when comparing gods to humans. Once she is back on the ground, she is smiling from ear to ear. "Glad things are going well. It has been entirely too long since I visited. I imagine it's very different after so long."

She glanced to the person he didn't know. "Thor, this is Ted Gammage. He's one of our students here."

She considers the offer by Shannon and nods. "Perhaps we should all move into the kitchen for refreshments. Hopefully it will be lacking in students at this time of night so Thor won't be overwhelmed."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ha. One thing about the kitchen, Miss Braddock, is that once refreshments are to be had, it draws hungry bellies like moths to a flame. Especially if I wind up making mac 'n cheese, or Sam makes his fried chicken." Shannon can't help a grin, her pale azure eyes dancing with delight, in her element for the moment.

     As Ted comes up to join the group, she moves to his side, reaching for his hand; one wing unfurls behind him, as if drawing him in for an embrace. "He's great of strength, and gentle of heart, as well," she adds, to Psylocke's introduction of Ted. Her cheeks color, and her smile widens.

     Glancing over to Sam, she lofts her brows and smiles, nodding. "Wonderful. I'll see about putting together a small welcome basket for her, if it hasn't been done already?"

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Ah, yeh, hey," Ted drawls out as he's introduced. "Jus' Ted. No fancy codename yet, ah think." He smiles to Shannon as she walks up beside him and talks him up. He chuckles, though, saying, "Tell that to th' tree ah near bout knocked over." He scrunches his nose, "Arborist worst nightmare." As talk of a new student starts, he manages to also keep himself from asking what powers the student has, instead saying, "Awlright, we'll make um feel at home."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says to the kids "Her name is Rosie, and from Alabama." He offers them. He looks to Thor, and says "Aint got any Asguardian Ale, but am sure we can find some beer or some decently strong spirits of a bit harder variety if you want something to drink, stronger than soda, water or such." He offers and says "If there is anything we can do to help just tell us what you need."

Thor has posed:
    "Well met, Ted Gammage the Just!" The tall man steps forth to offer another handshake as well as a shoulder thump, for such things go together.
    A hand is lifted as Thor gestures to the side, armor clinking faintly. "Go to no trouble on my account. I shan't stay overly long. There is something I would ask for aid on and it is a time sensitive matter." A single nod is given to lend some gravitas to his words.
    Looking to the others, a brief hesitation before he turns back and gestures as he speaks. "You may not be aware but we are doing as we can to reactivate the Bifrost. It functions, yet there is still a long way to go. The artisans of New Asgard have need for the aid of a telepath if yourself or another are available, Lady Braddock."
    A look to the others is given, "Now may not be the best of times to come to New Asgard, but soon assuredly so."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is in fact about to head out to visit a friend or two in Mutant Town, and is certainly not expecting such a gathering in the back yard as she approaches from inside. Mondays are never fun after a weekend, but she is finally glad to have some time at her leisure and pleasure.

She yawns and stretches as she steps outside, enjoying the pleasant spring air even if it's a bit cool and not yet warm enough for t-shirts and short. A few familiar faces are noted and she smiles and nods around..

Oh, and there's Mr. Hammer guy. AKA the guy she *accidently* dusted in the middle of a fight once. Or twice. Who's counting? She smiles sheepishly as she steps towards Thor, giving him a little wave.

"Hiiiii Mister Thor, what brings you to Xavier's?"

Psylocke has posed:
He had stated all was well but despite that assurance, her mind immediately shifted to a belief something had happened. It went away as quickly as it appeared in her brain. "I'd be glad to assist you," Betsy says at his request. "If you feel you need more telepaths or someone stronger than me, I'll be glad to reach out to some of the others. But you know I'm always a friend to Asgard. Not sure how I can help with a Bifrost but I'm willing to do what I can."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods, and smiles somewhat. "I remember last year, it came down to using the Bifrost to bring Samuel Morgan and myself back here after a rather nasty incident involving some yeti that had got loose. Not something one forgets easily." She purses her lips slightly, leaning back against Ted and listening. To those who know her, the way her brows draw together, and the furrows left between them, speaks volumes of frustration. "Is there anything else that can be done as well to help?"

Ted Gammage has posed:
Well, Thor just called him "The Just". That's not nothing. Ted grins a bit more at that, but doesn't add much to the conversation. They're all talking over his head currently. Though Shannon does get a 'What the heck' look when she mentions a Yeti, though he just files it away for something to ask about later and continues to be a fencepost for her to lean on.

Thor has posed:
    There just in the backyard, Thor lifts a hand to offer a waved greeting toward Megan, "I bid thee good e'en, young lady. I was just telling your comrades what brings me hence." That said he looks back to the others then to Psylocke.
    "Primarily we need one to help with harmonizing some of the aspects needed to bring awareness to the Bifrost and its minder. I am not privy to the intricacies of the matter, but I hope the artisans will be able to make you aware of what is needed. Perhaps gather what you feel you may need for a day's outing, hopefully I shall be able to return you before then."
    He turns his head to look at the others, "I trust you can spare her?"

Psylocke has posed:
"I can be spared. Just a few classes to cancel," Betsy says. "I just teach an elective now, thus it allows for more ease with my schedule. I'll just slate them again for later in the week. Or give them two hours next week to make up for it."

She turns to start toward the building, leaving the others to chat a bit. "I'll pack an overnight bag. Be back shortly. If I turns out we need more than I can do, I'll reach out to Jean."

Nightingale has posed:
     Ted's not the only one puffing up with a bit of pride as he is tagged with the honorific, 'the Just'. Shannon's frown melts into a grin that goes from ear to ear, her wings ruffling, then flaring out to their full span behind her. Ted's 'what the heck' look is met with a silently mouthed, 'Later', followed by a gentle squeeze of his hand.

     Megan gets a wave and a smile as she arrives. To Sam, she nods, and smiles a bit more. "Maybe we could put some of that cheerwine in the welcome basket for her? A little taste of home? I could add in some of my teas or maybe some coffee, maybe a few little snacks, odds, and ends...?"

     Looking over at Miss Braddock, her smile widens, and she nods, radiating no small measure of pride in that she had been asked to help. Oh, yes, there was plenty to be proud of today.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks and looks around as people start to leave, and talk of a care basket is had. And talk of Bifrost and...Stuff. She blinks. "Oooh, there's something wrong with the rainbow bridge? I mean..I know magic and I'm a teleporter, sooo..."

But it seems preparations are already being made and she scratches her head tiredly, trying to keep up. "Ooh hey, by the way, how're Mister and Mrs Godzilla doing? You said you'd check up on them sometime." she smirks.

At least they're not tearing up New York anymore...Hopefully..

Thor has posed:
    "Excellent," Thor offers, pleased that matters progress. He advances towards the back door and gives a nod to Shannon, "Then whilst we await Lady Braddock's return we can indulge in your fine comestibles should you so honor us." That said he reaches the door and holds it open for others to precede him.
    A tilt of his head is given to Ted as he murmurs, "And perhaps, good Theodore, you will regale us with the tale of how you earned your name. I am sure it is a worthy story to be shared." Once they are all wandering inwards he'll wait til the last either heads in as well or chooses to depart, and then he will walk in as well.
    "Also, perhaps one of you can explain to me the appeal of this Cardi B person?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip as she others head in and it seems they're already gettin ready with other plans. With a sigh and a shrug, she shoulders her mini backpack and heads in the opposite direction, outwards, towards the night sky and some events that await her in mutant town.

"Okaay then..See y'all later.." she mutters as she spreads her wings and takes off into the night..