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Latest revision as of 12:55, 15 April 2021

Moon Fun
Date of Scene: 13 April 2021
Location: The Milano. A relic bounty hunter ship.
Synopsis: Peter and Koriand'r ambush a set of bounty hunters. Adam rejoins the Guardians after a hiatus and helps.
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Starfire, Adam Warlock

Star-Lord has posed:
Never it let be said that Peter 'Star-Lord' Quill doesn't come into a situation unprepared. With a stealth sensor bouy monitoring the Sol system for the Milano and an ear to the Underverse lately, Peter has sniffed out a new party interested in /someone/ in Sol. A large EMP mine has already been deployed along the direct course of the ship coming in system for the job... and the Milano lays in wait in a moon crater, off the grid and depowered, waiting for the ambush.

In the bridge of the Milano, Peter sits at the helm, waiting to power the ship back on. "Sweetheart, I don't know who these bozos are, but I /am/ hoping to capture at least one of them alive so I can do some interrogations. This shouldn't take long. They're not being very subtle."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just sighs softly - wearing her purple 'battle outfit'. "Just tell me the ship doesn't look like a big motorcycle? I don't want to cross paths with Lobo again..." she mutters as she sits at the science station, ready to start sensors the moment the word is given. She looks nervous. Why won't Komand'r give up already?

Adam Warlock has posed:
Well, they say necessity brings people together.

For an old friend, helping for friendship's own sake is more than enough for him. A short ways behind Star-Lord and Starfire, a portal that linked the inside of the Milano and some godforsaken place was opened, and through it stepped a figure in black and dark red robes, a golden staff, and a hood over his head.

As soon as he stepped through, the portal closed, and a voice, familiar and friendly, rang from his mouth. "I see you could use some assistance." He lowers his hood, revealing Adam Warlock.

"How can I help?"

Star-Lord has posed:
"wai-Woah!" Peter exclaims a bit as a portal suddenly appears, and Peter quickdraws both element guns, aiming for the portal.

Then he notices who is actually coming through, stopping from pulling the trigger by a hair. "Warlock? Holy hell man, I thought you were one of them." He gives a jolly laugh and re-holsters. "Adam Warlock." Peter gestures to Starfire, "Koriand'r. Better known as Starfire to some." A gesture to Adam Warlock, "Kori, This is Adam Warlock, one of the Guardians. He took a bit of a vacation for a while." He looks to Adam then, "Welcome back? We're going to have a talk with some bounty hunters. I can only assume they're here for Kori, and her bounty is just some ahole from her home planet being vindictive. I'm hoping to capture their leader, actually."

Then, there's a sudden light source above as the EMP mine detonates, and a small corvette sized ship begins to lower orbit and head for a moon crater.

"Oh, right. them. I was planning on flying over. You mind saving us the trouble and hopping us over, Adam?" Peter asks.

And no, the ship is not a motorcycle, thank god.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r points her finger at the portal, which glows green - and drops it when she sees the man entering. "Ah - a Guardian of the Galaxy. I am Koriand'r." She doesn't go any further in identification as she frowns, not recognizing the ship that hit the mine. She sighs softly. "My sister is a bitch. Let's leave it at that."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam's expression is warm and friendly when Peter lowers his guns and greets him properly. "It's good to see you too,Peter." His eyes are on Koriand'r before he speaks again.

"Tamaranian. Interesting." He refers, before he remembers himself. "A pleasure, Koriand'r. Though I dislike such vernacular, I will take your word for it."

Back to Peter, he nods. "It is my intention to rejoin the Guardians. That being said." With a glow of his hands and a muttered word, a portal opens to their destination. "Through here lies the road." he answers with a soft smile.

It was good to be back. "Let us hope the bounty hunters surrender. I will support you both."

Star-Lord has posed:
The ship had landed by now... and the portal went to a corridor inside the ship itself. A flick of his right fingers switches in his helmet and he draws his element guns again, stepping up to the portal and checking both sides. "Right, I recognize this model. It's a more combat oriented variant of the Milano. The bridge should be just ahead."

Peter looks to Starfire, and gives a smirk, "This should be interesting."

He steps through, and immediately raises both guns to something 'behind' the portal, and streams of water suddenly emerge as he blocks off the hatch.

"If you two could secure the bridge, I'd be appreciative. I'm going to go disable the engines."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just makes her hands glow with emerald energy as she enters through the portal and points at the two on the bridge. "Make one move, and it will be your last," she demands as she has one glowing finger pointed at the two on the bridge, as she floats in the air in the middle, her hari looking like it's on fire. "Try me."

Adam Warlock has posed:
"We have it covered, though try not to destroy the ship while we are still aboard." Adam advises Star-Lord as best he can. You can never be too safe, after all. His eyes shift to Starfire and he moves with her towards the bridge.

Adam does not show hostility like Starfire does. But as soon as one of them makes a move, Adam intends to release a wave of energy to push them backwards, but it might not be enough to knock any of them out. Or will it?

Star-Lord has posed:
The two Novans on the bridge speak something Starfire doesn't understand... but Adam does. "We're just a sightseeing vessel! Sightseeing!" Their hands are up and to their sides; the universal sign of surrender. Being ambushed literally out of nowhere tends to make resistance a bad idea.

Likely story, with the small armory on their persons, either way.

Then, there's a small explosion from below. "Uh. Yeah. These idiots do NOT take care of their engine. I just popped out the regulator and the reaction chamber just shut down with a bang. It's a miracle they even managed to get in system, Rocket would have a field day with this thing."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r rolls her eyes as she sees their protestations. She continues to float. One of them let avarice trump his valor and went for his gun, and Kory blasts his hand with a pinpoint beam of emerald light, putting a cauterized hole right through the hand and melting the gun. "Any other dumb ideas?" she finally asks, glancing at Adam, then back to her prisoners. "Do me a favor and give my sister's money back. You two are terrible."

Adam Warlock has posed:
"Unfortunately, the armory aboard your spacecraft demands the contrary." Adam offers to the Novans in their own tongue. "Surrender now and no harm will come to you." He gestures to Starfire, "I can't physically restrain my friend here, so I must advise you to tell us exactly what you know." Adam offers peacefully.

Peter's input is met with a small smile.

Star-Lord has posed:
The two Novans look to each other. Then to Adam, "No way we can find you. We know who you are." Their eyes move to Starfire, "She's our bounty. Didn't know she had friends, though." He snorts. "What are you going to do with us?"

Suddenly, every system that wasn't fries in the EMP mine explosion shuts down. Apparently, Peter managed to get the ship depowered. In moments, the sound of Peter's jetboots can be heard as he flies his way back up the ladder down to the engines, and there's a stream of ice from his element guns as he blocks that off... then another stream to the hatch to the back again to add another layer of ice.

Then, he saunters right into the bridge behind the two, "So, what are dumb and dumber doing?" Peter quips, his element guns idling at his sides. "Should I just cocoon them and go?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r states, "It's either that or I execute them. Maybe if I just simply remove all the hunters that come after me, they'll stop eventually. Or you two can pass the word that I'm not to be touched." She gazes at the two hunters. "I'm done here." She then blasts a hole through the ship's hull, inches from the captive she did not injure earlier, creatnig a small hole breach, and passes through the portal. "Tell your contacts. The next bounty hunter will be executed with extreme prejudice. I let you live to pass the word." With that, she returns to the MIlano and goes to the room assigned to her below decks.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam seems to take a deep breath, before he smiles. "They will leave here unharmed." Adam, regardless of Koriand'r's fear tactics, shows mercy. "You will be permitted to leave here in peace. I would recommend dissuading other bounty hunters indeed." Adam then looks to Peter.

"They are apparently aware of our reputation and know their chances are minimal. Let us continue showing them mercy." He offers to him, before he tracks the alien princess going back to the Milano,

"Are you certain you can trust her?"

Star-Lord has posed:
"I can get a pretty good read on people with a good bit of conversation." Peter casually informs Adam, "She's fierce and wants to belong. Being exiled from her homeworld hit her hard." He looks back to the two, then aims his element guns at them and fires two perfectly oval earth spheres at the two Novans with breathing holes.

Their panicked screams are muffled, but audible. "She's a warrior, no stranger to killing." He glances back to Adam, "Everyones got their quirks. I'm a former pirate, you're a former... perfect being?" Peter chuckles as he starts walking back to the portal.

"Besides, she's my girlfriend and adores me. Her judgment can't be all /that/ bad." As if romance is an indication of trustworthiness.