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Latest revision as of 20:01, 20 April 2021

The Shield and the Box
Date of Scene: 20 April 2021
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: The shield is finally found and brought to the Magic Box.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Zatanna Zatara, Hellboy

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's been a while since the shield has gone missing. Buffy had done a lot of footwork, searching for the darned thing and had turned up pretty empty-handed. Her latest clue had been that it was somewhere in Gotham with Batman.

Of course some calls had been made, as Willow was part of JLD and might be able to get more information on who had the shield. Now it was just a matter of waiting and being patient.

Buffy wasn't good at being patient. As she worked her early shift at the Box, she was glad at least that it was a quiet morning, which gave her some time to sweep the floors. Repeatedly. Wow, those floors are gonna be super clean when Giles gets here later.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara checked her list of known associates around Sunnydale... or even New Jersey in general... and was surprised to come up with someone in the JLD. Willow Rosenberg, native of Gotham, even. A fellow practitioner of no mean skill, apparently. Interesting.

And also a busy one, apparently. Messages were exchanged, and ultimately Willow just directed Zatanna to a little magic shop called The Magic Box. 'Everyone there is cool.' Okaaaaaay.

The door to the shop opens, and Zatanna steps inside. She's dressed more typically now; jeans over boots and a blue sweater under a dark overcoat. Blue eyes flicker around, pausing at Buffy. "Hello there. I'm an associate of Willow's, and she directed me here."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy comes in behind Zee and certainly cuts an imposing figure, being both massive, red-skinned and obviously demonic. He chews on the end of a cigar and pauses for a moment, putting it out on his oversized left hand, the ash sizzling as he extinguishes on his fireproof skin.

"Yeah, we're real associatey and stuff," he says, turning his head back and forth, his big trousers lined with pockets and with a massive pistol on his left hip. "We're with the Justice League. Y'know, big guys in the sky, savin' the world, all that good crap. Magic shit division. We're here about a shield."

Buffy Summers has posed:
The door chimes ring loudly upon the arrival of the two unusal customers, and Buffy snaps back to attention, glancing towards the doorway. Zatanna is given a slight smile and nod. "Good morning, welcome to the Magic Box! How may I...?"

Her gaze trails over towards Hellboy next and her smile fades, gripping the broomstick a bit more tightly in her hands. "What the heck..? Are you a demon or...?" eyes narrow warily at him, looking like she's ready to attack. But hey, it's not uncommon to find 'good' demons, and while she's never heard of this big guy before, the mention of The shield, and being a member of Justic League does ring a few bells.

"Oh wait..You guys work with Willow? Did she send you here?" she relaxes a bit, although still keeping her eyes mostly on Hellboy as if trying to figure him out. "Soo, do you have information on the Chumash shield?" as she speaks, Buffy steps back towards the front desk. It's a natural protective barrier between her and potentially rowdy customers and the like.

Y'know, just incase.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara lifts a hand as Buffy tenses and prepares for the worst. Her stance shifts just a little, the smile practiced and smooth. A performer, to be sure. "Yes, we're with the Good Guys." she declares, shooting Hellboy a knowing look. "Honest."

The magician takes a step back, then, and makes a flourished gesture. "Gnikrow sehtolc." There's a swirl of purple, and then she is standing all formal-like in white tie and tails. Formal except for the fishnet stocking and hotpants. Giving the top hat a light tap, she adds. "I am Zatanna Zatara of the Justice League, and we would like to return the shield to its resting place."

There's a dramatic pause, before she adds. "The problem is that we also need to find some way to put the spirits to rest."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy watches Zatanna's transformation with a raised, craggy brow. "Nice." he says in approval. "I'd show ya my legs, too, but I got hairs sharp enough to poke yer eye out. Trust me, though, faboo gams on the ol' Hellboy here. Oh. Yeah. I'm Hellboy. Same outfit as her. Team outfit, not clothes outfit."

"Now that we've established out allegiances an' all that, the hot lady speaks the truth, other hot lady. We know the shield is tied to an extinct tribe, so we figure somebody's gotta summon some elders to calm down the angry warrior type ghosts. But hell, I dunno, I ain't no sorceror, I'm just spitballin'."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow as Zatanna transforms her clothing, but seems to take it all in stride. "Hmm, another witch, huh?" she smiles and nods, seeming a bit more relaxed around her at least. "Cool. I can see you and Wils getting along." another nod as she puts the broom away. "Nice to meet you, I'm Buffy. Dunno if she ever mentionned me before. Probably not." she sighs.

A glance is given Hellboy next and she lets out a little chuckle at the joke. "Yeaah, I think I'll pass on that. I mean, unless you have like, a cute kitten you can transform into or something? Now that'd be cool.."

As for the shield, Buffy frowns and nods slowly, "Right, I've been doing some research of my own..Seems it belonged to a Chumash Warrior, early settlers in Sunnydale were pretty nasty to the indigenous people I guess. We had acquired the shield from some shady guy and hadn't had a chance to catalogue and analyze it further before it was stolen..But that's really Giles' department. He's the owner of this store and the real brains around here. Willow usually handles the magical aspect of things, and I'm the muscle."

Yeah, really. She might not look as big and meaty as Red over there, but Buffy can really pack a punch when she needs to.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara gives Buffy a curious look at the mention of being the 'muscle', then her gaze widens a touch as understanding hits her. She chuckles softly, nodding with a knowing smile. "You would be Buffy -Summers-, then." she declares, as if that suddenly explains everything. "Yes, my research turned up a similar story, as well as a similar dead end. As near as I can tell, the Chumash are extinct."

"But that also means that I can entrust this to you, now." The magician removes her hat, reaching into it impossibly deep... up to the elbow with a gloved hand. Pulling it out again, she is holding large, expensive-looking briefcase. She offers it to Buffy without hesitation. "I will help as I can, of course, but it would be best if the shield remains here in Sunnydale."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy doesn't have much to add to the situation. He's more of a bodyguard and there to take care of things if something goes wrong, but the actual shield and the ceremonies and rituals and magic and doo dah, that's Zatanna and Willow's department. And this Giles guy, whoever he is.

"I got a few kittens, but I don't turn into 'em. Just pet 'em and feed 'em. Kittens are good. Not afraid of demons, unlike your dogs."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly as Zatanna pulls up the briefcase. It looks about the right size to carry the shield and she frowns a bit as she peers at it, "That the shield, I take it?" she smiles, "So you found it huh. Thanks! I mean, what a relief. We were pretty worried when someone broke in and stole it, knowing what we did about it.."

Once Zatanna gets it up on the table, Buffy opens it briefly to peer in at it, a little disappointed to see that it's been broken but at least it's all there. "Thanks for bringing this over, both of you.." a glance and nod is given Hellboy and she smirks. "Yup, the very same. I'm the Slayer. I...Usually slay demons, but, I'm guessing you're not your 'typical demon' either huh." a slight smile and nod is given Hellboy.

"Although one of these days I'd love to spar with you and see what you're capable of." hey, nothing like a little friendly competition, right? "Well thanks again, I'll be sure to give this to Giles so he can figure out how to repair the damage and break the curse.."