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Latest revision as of 00:17, 25 April 2021

What do we do about the kids
Date of Scene: 24 April 2021
Location: Monitor Room, Watchtower
Synopsis: Batman summons the Justice League to decide what to do with their sidekicks. It's time for some of them to get promoted.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Hellboy, Superman, Willow Rosenberg, Wonder Woman

Batman has posed:
Tucked in the Watch Tower is Batman as he sits in front of the state of the art mainframe as several pictures of 'side-kicks' can be seen. Each of them has a long and detailed profile filled with bullet points. The Dark Knight has his hood pulled back behind him for a change, letting his face and hair free. He most likely has been at this for several hours and it can get uncomfortable if he's not actively in the field.

He had summoned a few of the members up for an impromptu meeting, pending availability. No rush. Not an emergency. Let's talk. There'll be bagels and cream cheese.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy makes his way up, his longcoat trailing against his calves as he makes his way in. He has the Samaritan on his hip, as usual, his massive frame making slightly echoey stomping sounds as he makes his way around. He -can- be stealthy, if he works at it, but he doesn't really see the need.

"Sup, pointy ears?" he says, dropping down into a chair, "Guess I'm the first one to show up for this shindig. Good thing I got your message before I started my podcast. Nobody interrupts My Favorite Murder."

Superman has posed:
Superman was currently patrolling Metropolis.

It was a quiet day. Quiet days usually mean something big is about to go down but....it never happens. No giant monsters, no alien invaders, no secret societies trying to kill the Mayor (or, lets be honest, Lex Luthor), so, Superman soars through the heavens. When he gets an invitation from Batman to come hangout in the Watchtower, well, Superman didn't have a reason to say no.

So, he immediately stops his forward momentum, and he flies -fast- upwards towards the heavens, breaching the atmosphere. No doubt the Watchtower would have an alert that a fast-moving object was headed it's way, but a quick click from Batman's end could easily tell that it was Superman.

The doors (most likely) open for him. From there, he actually walks until he enters the Monitor Room, where he sees Batman, Hellboy, and Willow. "Hey guys. Slow day today?" he questions as he approaches, friendly smile painting his face.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was on later tonight, so coming over a bit earlier was no problem as far as she was concerned. Plus she had fresh chocolate croissants to add to the pool. *Mmmm chocolate..*

Surprisingly she's early for a change, and quickly comes in with her bag which she plops down in the middle of the table. "I worked this morning. Hi Hellboy. Mr. Batman." (he seems to demand a proper name!)

Wonder Woman has posed:
It took Diana only a moment to read the message after it had come through. She hadn't been particularly busy or occupied at the embassy, and so she made her way to the Watch Tower. She wears a burgundy button-up blouse, a pair of charcoal grey slacks, and a pair of black heels. The typical bracers that she wears are present, just visible past the cuffs of her blouse. She walks in, her hands at her sides and her heels clicking on the floor.

Her blue gaze flicks over the others who are present, and a hint of a smile touches at the corners of her lips. "You know, baklava is a better bribery than bagels," Diana comments, a touch of amusement to her voice. "For me, at least," she adds. There's a nod of greeting to those already here, and she continues her way forward, her attention turning towards the various and assorted images of 'side-kicks'.

Batman has posed:
"It is never a slow day." Batman says as he pulls his hood up and over his head once he hears the doors swish behind him. He still has an identity to protect, even amongst teammates. Rising upwards, he turns to face the others, then gives a motion of his hand towards the bagels. He gives a nod of his head towards the pair of 'Dark' members, then makes his way towards Superman and reaches out to take him by the hand, giving him a firm shake.

At the sight of Diana coming through the doors, the dark knight always finds himself taking a moment. He has a stone walled gameface on, even though there is a bit of conflict in his eyes. "Noted, Diana. I will make sure to bring baklava for you to our next meeting."

Pull yourself together, Bruce.

There is a slight clear of his throat before he looks back towards the images. "Thank you all for coming, team. Willow, it was by pure luck that we realized that this cursed Shield that we have came into possession was from Sunnydale. Can you and Hellboy give me a quick update on where you're at with that particular situation before I move forward with other news?" He swings himself back down into his seat, straightening his back as he turns his focus upon the large red man and the smaller witch.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy nods to the others, "Willow. S-bomb. Your Hotness," he says the last to Diana, throwing the Amazon a wink.

"Uh, the update from my end is that Zatanna and I hauled the artifact down to Sunnydale and handed it over to a girl named Buffy, who turned out to be The Slayer. Capital S. Didn't know that was a thing. Learn somethin' new every day. She said she'd take care of it. I think Zatanna's still lookin' for some spells. Figure Big Willy Style here is prob'ly doin' the same."

Superman has posed:
Superman approaches Batman, the two who have been the source of MANY a fan argument, and their solidarity is sealed with that hand shake, firm but brief. "Good to see you, Batman." Superman offers to Bruce by way of a warm greeting for who is no doubt his best friend. Though his attention shifts away from Batman to Wonder Woman, a smile that illuminates Superman's face even more is shone towards her as he speaks her name. "Diana."

It was nice to have the Trinity in the same place.

Even nicer were the allies they had made along the way! Hellboy is given a slight nod. "Buffy?" he asks, in a 'who names their kid 'Buffy' kind of way, but hey, who names their kid 'Clark'?

He shrugs then. "I imagine Zatanna can fully cover the mystical side of things. To Willow, he nods and offers a smile. "Good day at work?" he questions, before he looks to the screen Batman was working on.

"Looking to recruit?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Of course Willow has only begun researching the Chumash shield. "We.. well I think that when we break the curse, everyone who is affected will be alright. But we need the correct burial ground, and the ritual to perform over it." There is *always* a correct ritual in this kind of burial. D'oh. "It's a bit hard to pin down though."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"There are just days that are quieter than others," Diana comments, a thoughtful tone to her voice. Sometimes things happen, sometimes things don't. She tries to keep an ear out for when they do, though, to be able to give what help she can. Though she's likely aware of that moment taken by the dark knight at her arrival, she doesn't ask after it. One day, perhaps. But not today. She gives a soft chuckle, and then lightly shakes her head. "You need not, though I would not argue to it, either way," she says, still sounding a trifle amused.

The mention of a cursed shield assuredly gets her attention, and she raises an eyebrow at the topic. Her blue gaze flicks to Hellboy at his greeting, and she inclines her head towards him. "Hellboy," she offers in greeting. They've met a time or two, it seems, and it would seem she's not going to fuss over that greeting.

Her attention turns to Superman, a smile quirking a bit more at her lips as she gives a nod to him. "Superman," she says, her smile easily returning. She takes a seat then before smoothly crossing her legs at the knee. "I have met Buffy a time or two, thus far. The most recent time was to discuss Greek mythology," she offers, though there's no further explanation than that. Her gaze slips to Willow, listening as the redhead speaks, and her curiosity finds itself piqued. "Is it known who the shield belonged to?"

Batman has posed:
As he listens to Hellboy and Willow, Batman nods his head in appreciation. "Good. Sounds like you both are on it. I don't know what this Slayer is, though. Make sure to put that in the report later as well, I would like to know more about that." With a name like 'Slayer', one has to think she is probably the next Punisher, or Deathstroke. But as it seems Diana knows her, he doesn't spend too much time worrying about it. He tilts his head towards the Amazonian for a moment and gives her another nod of his head. "If you have a particular flavor that you enjoy, you can let me know."

Reaching up to tap a few of the profiles in front of him, he pulls up four in particular and studies them with a shift of his jaw. He hovers his finger over one for a long moment then slides it to the end.

"I am looking to recruit in a way. Maybe. I would like your opinion, yours as well, Diana." He says as he gives her another glance before he trains most of his attention on Superman. The files that he has in front of him are Wonder Girl, Super Boy, Red Robin and Koriander.

"The Teen Titans, or .. the Titans, have been operating on their own for awhile now and while they do decently in the field, they are sloppy as well, emotional and prone to mistakes. But, these four have been on the scene for awhile now. I would like to bring them into the team in a reserve manner. Each of them have close ties to us." He says in regards to the Big Three in the room. "We have each mentored them on our own, but I feel that they will become more successful if we allow them to come on certain missions with us."

"Thoughts?" He asks, directed at Clark and Diana.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy honestly doesn't feel this one is really his purview. He's mostly here because the BPRD nominated him and because he got noticed fighting a few big monsters. He doesn't tend to do much of the ordinary crimefighting type stuff and, frankly, he's glad of it.

"I always thought your sidekicks were like your kids. Like, you were all intermarryin' and stuff behind the scenes."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow speaks with Diane, but really, everyone is included in it. "Not really, but I think we're closer now. Giles thinks he has the correct books. Other than that I could go into the House of Mystery and look there. I've got John's permission." She was extra careful that they did not think that she was breaking it to the house when John was absent.

She giggles when the subject of Buffy comes up. "Hello? You've got her best friend right here with you." Then she grows silent.

Superman has posed:
"Yes, but quiet days tend to mean a disaster waiting to happen. Last time I remember it was this quiet, Darkseid tried to conquer the world." Of ocurse, Superman is exaggerating a little bit, but, well, a fair point made mayhaps? To Diana, Superman offers a gentle smile, before he looks back to Willow. "You are Buffy's friend? Mayhaps you can help Hellboy." he suggests.

Then to Batman. "You're right, the Titans are somewhat sloppy and emotional, but that's because many of them are either teenagers or Young Adults, still growing and discovering their emotions and their place in the world. But, these members that you mentioend have set themselves apart. Take Superboy for example: he was a hot-headed youth, but he's grown into a capable defender. I would not mind his consideration for League membership, but I fear he has much room to grow before he truly takes the next step." he offers to the others.

To Hellboy, he shakes his head. "Sometimes, but not usually."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Amazonian princess inclines her head towards Batman the addition he makes to his original offer, a smile teasing around the corners of her lips. "I can, yes," she affirms, giving a small nod. Her gaze slips over towards the display with the profiles, considering each of them briefly, and one of her eyebrows quirks up a touch. Her hands settle within her lap, with her right hand atop of her left.

"I see no reason for them to not be permitted to come on certain missions with us," Diana says, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "It could be a sort of in the field training for them, and that may well prove to be more valuable than any training that could be done in a controlled sort of setting," she adds. "Being a teenager and a young adult often makes a combination for emotions to run a bit high, by times. They are still figuring themselves out, in many ways." Her gaze turns to Hellboy, and she chuckles softly before giving a small shake of her head. She lifts her left hand from her lap, holding it up with a slight gesture to display a lack of rings on it. "No husband, no children, at least for myself," she says. "Although it does make me wonder how common that thought is," she muses.

Diana's attention turns to Willow, and she tilts her head a touch to one side before she gives a small nod. "That is good, yes. What does the shield do, if you do not mind my asking?" Diana asks, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"It does seem to happen that way, by times," Diana says, her gaze turning to Superman.

Batman has posed:
"I look forward to you introducing her to me one day, perhaps after this Shield situation has been resolved." Batman says to Willow with a nod of his head and appreciative of the offer. It seems that luck was on their side for a change in regards to finding a path to resolution.

His eyes trail towards Hellboy for a moment, then almost instantly 'whips' towards Diana as she shows off her left hand and speaks about a lack of marriage and children. He finds himself growing a bit more rigid, his fingers curling inwards for a moment before they flatten out along the table to tap a few more times upon the control panel. He glances to Clark for a moment, then rises from the table and makes his way from them, staring out the large bay window and into space. His arms fold in front of his chest.

"But, let's bring the four of them up here and assign them mentors. I will work with Wonder Girl, Diana, you will work with Connor, and Superman, you will work with Red Robin. I want to swap up the mentorship roles for now because we need to give them unbiased feedback and mentorship when in the field. It will also allow us to gain greater insight into how they deal under new types of pressure and authority." But, what to do with Koriander? "Arthur can work with Kori'. They come from two different worlds and it would be a good opportunity."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy makes a big yawning gesture, "Sounds good, dude. I mean, any announcement where I don't have to do jack, I'm a-okay with. To be fair, I can't exactly teach most of what I know - punch 'em in the mouth and let the experts figure out the sigils and crap. I mean, I can do some of it, but reading Sumerian is so ****ing dull."

"What about you, Willow? Wanna mentor somebody? Take on a junior partner and get 'em their own witch hat? Do you have one of those hats?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
As they talk about the Teen Titans, Willow feels kinds of weird. After all, they're talking about her age range..

"I'm sorry," Willow speaks very quietly. "I don't know. We won't know until we have more information on it.." She *blinks* at Hellboy. "I thought I would have a mentor?" Not that anyone mentioned her.

Superman has posed:
Superman can hear it.

He can hear Batman's heartbeat tick just a moment out of sync, that slight curling of cloth and leather at the slight movement of fingers curling inwards. He takes a deep breath for a long second, before he speaks. "Alright, Red Robin it is." Most of the Bat Family knows Superman at this point, possibly anyway. Though he seems slightly curious how Connor and Wonder Girl will do with the different teachers...namely, how Wonder Girl will take Batman's unique teaching style.

Irregardless, he looks to Hellboy for a moment. "You could teach someone your line of work, Hellboy." he suggests to the big red machine. Otherwise, his attention shifts to Willow. "I imagine Zatanna could also help you there. Or..." He looks between Hellboy and Willow, smiling ever so slightly. "Maybe Hellboy can show you a thing or two."

More than meets the eye with these two, he figures. He looks then to Diana. "Not uncommon." he suggests to her, though he seems to smile a little bit at her. "Try not to push Connor too far?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
The fact that she earned Batman's -immediate- attention at that slight gesture of her left hand is not a thing that escapes Diana's notice. Superman isn't the only one who can hear it. It's not, however, something that she's going to make mention of right here and now. That conversation will be for another time. As will his other reactions to it, as there's clearly something there that she's oblivious to.

One of her eyebrows quirks up, and she inclines her head slightly at the assignments as they're made. "It will allow them to see different things, as well. To have different experiences. Perhaps it will broaden their perspectives," Diana muses, a thoughtful tone to her voice. One of her eyebrows quirks up at Hellboy's mention of Sumerian, her interest caught by it and her gaze turning to him. "That is a fairly old language," she comments in a thoughtful tone of voice.

Diana's attention turns to Willow at her answer, and a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "It is all right, Willow. By all means, take what time is needed in regards to the shield. I am simply curious to know what the curse on it does. If you would not mind letting me know once the information has been sussed out?" she asks. Then she tilts her head a touch to one side, her gaze yet upon Willow. "Would you like to have a mentor or a mentee, Willow?" she asks, curiosity in her voice.

Her gaze turns to Superman then and she gives a nod to him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I will do my best not to," she says.

Batman has posed:
As he stares out the window with his back to them, Batman is currently steeling himself and slowing his heart rate down. He has to rebuild those broken down walls just as quick as they were torn down before. Years of being lied to, manipulated, used, all while wearing the face of the woman at the table. Once he pushes the conversation out and focuses once more on the job, he gives a slight clear of his throat and turns around once more. His game face is on, hard as a rock as he nods his head here and there.

He turns his attention to Willow next, his brow furrowing from beneath his black mask. "You are apart of the team, Willow. The Justice League Dark team exists to have qualified and experienced mystical and magic based team members to be utilized in the field in a specialty manner. When I look at you, I look at you as a leader in your specialty area. Do you feel that you have more room to grow? If that is the case, I can look at partnering you with someone to help train you on key areas you feel you may be lacking in. Do you have anyone in mind beforehand?"

He makes his way back to the table and sinks down, staring across towards Superman as they tend to be the 'bookends' of this particular membership.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy pulls out a cigar from his pocket but doesn't light it, just clenches it in his teeth as he looks at Batman, "You really are a buzzkill, man. I get it, kind of your thing, but you gotta learn to lighten up, my man. You're gonna give yourself a cardiac arrest. You got a mask on and I can still feel the vein throbbin' in your forehead," he says.

He pushes up from his seat, "Anyways, none of this really has much to do with me, I think I just got carbon-copied on the message cause I was in HQ. There's a party tonight downtown and I think I'm gonna see if any of the freaks are out tonight. Other'n me, o' course. So I'll catch you party animals the next time an elder god pops out of the ocean or you find another cursed weapon in somebody's attic. Ciao."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There's the rub.

When Willow was with the Justice League she felt powerful. Like she was in control. But when she was in the Scoobies? Not so. So which was she? Powerful, or protected?

Her 5'5" felt smaller than it really was, cowering away from that question. "I.. I will have to get back to you." Maybe Tala could be helpful. She hoped so. She really hoped so.

Superman has posed:
Superman looks between Batman and Wonder Woman for a long moment, before he hums ever so softly. Though he looks over at Hellboy as he comes after Batman verbally. "Give him a break." he tells Hellboy, before he shrugs ever so slightly. But as Hellboy takes his leave, Superman sighs ever so slightly. Though his attention then shifts to Willow. "There's no rush on your decision, Willow. Take your time and rest on it."

Superman smiles warmly at Willow, before his attention shifts to the Dark Knight. "You pretty much covered everything I think that needed to be said. If there's nothing else to say, I suppose the meeting is adjourned." he nods only once to Batman, before he looks to Diana. "Much appreciated." he says with an air of relief about him.

Then his super hearing kicks in.

"Metropolis needs me. I'll see you all as soon as I can." Then, like a blur, he's gone, like a heat-seeking missile on it's way back down to earth to protect his city.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"You are a young woman who can do a great many things, Willow. Things that others sitting at this table are not able to do," Diana says, shifting her weight to be sitting forward a bit and studying the redhead. "It does give you power, and it does make you powerful," she adds, a gentle tone to her voice. Her gaze lingers on the young woman, studying her. "Take what time you need to think on it, Willow," she says, a smile coming to her features.

Her attention slips to Hellboy, and she gives a small nod to him. "Enjoy the party," she offers, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Diana looks to Superman, and she gives a small nod to him, a warm smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Of course," she says softly. Then she raises an eyebrow slightly and watches him as he heads off to save the day in Metropolis.