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Latest revision as of 12:52, 29 April 2021

Hey do we all look alike
Date of Scene: 28 April 2021
Location: Joe's Bar, Kingsbridge, The Bronx
Synopsis: And the wrong talking animal is found.
Cast of Characters: Detective Chimp, Star-Lord, Starfire

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp is out for the evening. He had a case not to far from here, and after getting the photos he needed and emailing them to the client, he now is on his time. This place caught his eye earlier in the day, so he decided to check it out. He is sitting at the end of the bar. There had bit a bit of a stir when he came in, but he assured them no he is not a joke, or an illusion and he has money to pay for his drinks. So, now he sits in the darker corner of the bar, drinking his boiler maker, trying to blend in as best as the shadows will allow.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter doesn't have an extensive network of contacts on Earth... but what he DOES have is plenty of experience with information gathering and learning the underverse elements of a system...

... and let's face it, no matter where you go in the galaxy, the underworld has a few basics that you can count on; in this case though, it's hearing about the stir something out of the ordinary has on a society that Peter hones in on... and Detective Chimp certainly qualifies in that regard.

About an hour after Chimp arrives, a stranger walks in. A brown overcoat frames a grey patchworked shirt and grey jeans... and an observant like Chimp will easily notice the strange rocket like devices at his ankles and the holstered twin set of pistol like devices at his waist. Peter makes no effort to hide himself, and his light brown hair twists with his movements as green eyes scan the patrons.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp hmms and sighs a moment, where he is. He will down his drink and look to the bartender "Give me a bourbon an extra glass and leave the bottle." He tells the tender. He pours himself a shot, and leans against the wall. The weird ones are always looking for him. "Well wonder what this one will want." He says to himself waiting to see where this goes.

Star-Lord has posed:
It only takes a moment for Peter to see Chimp... do a slight frown.... then keep going.

It appears that the newcomer is actually /not/ looking for Chimp.... as Peter starts walking further in, and /ignores/ him!

By the time he's scanned all the patrons, Peter is looking back to the front, with a confused expression.

The man wears his heart on his sleeve.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's brow raises a bit, but as the man starts back to the front, Chimp's good intentions will get the best of him "What you looking for kid, you don't seem the normal type to be hitting a place like this." He pours himself a drink and says "I might be able to help you out a bit, if you clue me in."

Star-Lord has posed:
As the Chimp speaks, Peter glances to him. There's even more of a confused frown... though no shock to it. "I thought I'd find my friend here. You might have seen him? A talking raccoon with implants. Has a thing for playing pranks that involve zappers."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's brow raises a bit at this and says "Can't say I have, I'm the only talking furball I have seen today." He looks over and says "Interesting thought, thought I knew most of the local talking animals. You fellows new in town?"

Star-Lord has posed:
As Peter sighs and moves to the bar, he moves to plop down onto a stool, his weight just slightly making it creak from the way he abuses the thing. "His name is Rocket. Not really new per say... but we don't come around here often. Or we didn't, until recently." Peter gives the universal sign of 'something Alchoholic here' on the counter in front of him. Then, he looks back to Chimp, "Names Peter Quill, most call me Star-Lord." He offers in greeting as he leans against the counter with his forearms, adopting a lazy casual posture.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will fill the second glass he ordered and slide it over to the man "Bobo, but most call me Detective Chimp." He looks Peter over, and says "Take it from the boots, and a few other tidbits your adjacent to the capes and cowl crowd? So, tell me about this Rocket, you said a cybernetic enhanced Racoon, who can talk, he from around here originally, animal urges kick in now and again?

Starfire has posed:
The door to the bar opens and a strange sight comes in. A woman with orange skin, long almost-glowing red hair, and a VERY short yellow sundress comes in, stretching as she looks around. "Ah," she chirps as she bounces over to sit by Star-Lord. "Hello sweetie," she coooos as she glances at the bartender. "I'll take a pint of beer and a shotglass full of mustard please!" she chirps happily - then glances at the detective. She nods to him and carries on as if it's perfectly normal.

Star-Lord has posed:
There's a blink as Peter glances up and sees Kori walk in with glowing hair. Then again, no hiding those eyes...

As she sits down next to him, Peter gives a nod to her. It's a bit subdued for him; probably a bad mood. Nonetheless, he does lean over and give her an affectionate kiss on the cheek, before he looks to Chimp again, "He's from a nice hellhole across the galaxy. I'm the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and most of us are on vacation in and around Terra. I'm the only one of our team who was actually born here."

Then, he glances to Kori, and he gives her a charming smirk, "You probably know Kori." He looks back to Chimp, "I don't know how much Rocket would like to tell people about his past... so it isn't my place to tell that tale."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head, and says "I've seen Miss Kori about in a few places we both have had reason to frequent, but we have not officially met, I don't believe." He offers his hand to her "Detective Chimp." He introduces himself. He then looks back to Peter, and says "Understandable, but without knowing much about him, does make it a bit harder to offer advice on finding him.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "Peter's my boyfriend," she coooos as she wiggles a bit as she glances at the rascal, then glances over to Chimp. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Detective. You can just call me Starfire if you want. So - still looking for Rocket?" she asks softly. "Is he even on this world?" She hmmmms softly. "I should've brought the Silkie... but I thought we'd be doing something else and the Silkie is just _not_ very popular."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Yeah, a friend of mine probably thought you were Rocket." Peter sighs, he shrugs then. "Rocket is resourceful enough that he could be anywhere in the frigging galaxy by now, but I doubt he'd head off. The Guardians are as much family to him as he is to us." Then, he smiles just a bit wistfully. "Though some of his prank sometimes make me wonder."

Finally, he takes a sip of his beer, then looks to Kori, "Who handles space traffic on this planet now? Still Alpha Flight under the UN?" Then, there's a pause, before he asks, "Why is the Silkie not popular? Did moths become a thing to hate since I was last here?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's brow raises having not seen Silkie, he does not know that one. "Shield would probably know about anything, I can make a few calls, and see if they got any word of any recent unexpected off world travle.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just blinks. "Most hew-mons find the Silkie repulsive - probably the drooling. Which is my favorite part." She pouts a bit, drawing out the word 'human' a bit in a slightly disparaging tone. "I regret I have no way of helping find Rocket..." she muses softly, clicking her tongue softly.

Star-Lord has posed:
Then, he downs the entire thing of beer in a few gulps, almost-slams the mug onto the counter, then nods as he looks to Chimp and stands up. "Well. It was nice to meet you Bobo. I can only imagine that most people here give you stares... but for me, you're just another day in the galaxy. I've seen /far/ stranger." He smirks then, looking down to Kori, "Rocket will find me when he's ready, sweetheart. We can just head out." Peter starts to walk towards the entry... then, he pulls out a ten dollar bill and hands it over to Bobo. "For the beer." He informs him, before he offers his arm to Kori.

"Time to hit the city."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and says "Have a good day, and wish ya look." He looks over and to Kori, he says "May you and Silkie have a wonderous day." In her own language.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r had poured the mustard into her beet, swirled it up, and finished chugging it, and then just STARES at the Chimp, jaw dropping. "But how?" she whispers softly, ignoring Peter's attempt to pull her away as the shock of hearing her own language floored her. "I haven' heard my native language in years..."

Star-Lord has posed:
As Kori stays in place, Peter looks to her, then to Bobo, and he waits there silently as the two talk.

He can wait a minute or two for her to finish a conversation.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles and says again in her language "It is one of the gifts I received many years ago, I can talk to anything living, and if I try they hear it in their language. I use english most of the time, as it is the one most around understand.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I see... my people have a similar talent inherent to my kind - but it requires a touch. Once I touch someone, I immediately learn any language they do. This planet has so many - it was quite a rush at first." She smiles softly. "Here. If you ever want to talk Tamaranean again, call me." She hands the Detective a small business card and goes to leave with Peter.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and offers her one of his as well. "And if your ever in need of a Detective give me a call there or you can contact me through the Justice League."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods as she takes the card. "Thank you," she states and finally leaves arm-in-arm with Peter, sighing happily. "Such a nice guy..." she cooos.