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Latest revision as of 23:56, 12 May 2021

Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Date of Scene: 12 May 2021
Location: Westchester strip mall
Synopsis: Alex's 'arrest' likely isn't all it appears to be.
Cast of Characters: Havok, Rogue, Deadpool, Pixie, Mystique, Jubilee, Red, Beast

Havok has posed:
    The younger Summers brother left Xavier's in a MOOD. Definitely not an unusal state for him, especially as of late. After his melodramatic leap from the cliff at the back of the property, it dawned on him... he REALLY didn't want to walk to the city. So he went back for his jeep. He told Rogue to bugger off when he realized she'd followed him, but she's a stubborn one, so it could be that she'll be back on his tail.
    Alex is about halfway to the city when he decides to pull into a liquor store parking lot. It's conveniently located in a strip mall with restaurants, an arcade, a Goodwill and Dollar Store. He parks the jeep, BEEEEEP goes the lock via the fob and he's heading inside to to replenish his day drinking supply.

Rogue has posed:
Yup. Rogue is as stubborn as any southern woman can be - and that can be a LOT. Soon as Alex drove out of the gates of the mansion, Rogue followed by air. Her car would be too recognizeable - and visable from the rear view mirror if she didn't pace herself right. Flying means she could keep herself a good distance and not lose sight of wherever Alex was heading.

Color her not surprised when he pulls into a shopping mall with all the convenience that life can throw at you. Though she's careful when she lands - making sure it's not where anyone can see her - and then she casually strolls over to the liquor store where Alex just walked in. Finally catching up to the younger Summers brother, she'll pace by his side while casually looking around. "Ya know.. ain't nothin' in this store gonna help whatever is goin' on in that head of yours..."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade wakes up in a cooler with a startled.. "what the.." he looks around and see's just cases and cases of empty alchol around him as he tries to climb out of the pile of bottles. Thankfully he was in the back storage area so though cold no-one had disturbed him yet as he stands up putting a hand to his head. "Ugh... what happened." he says rubbing his head. He was used to not having his memory, but he isn't sure how he got here as a baggie of white stuff drops to the ground infront of him. With a "Oh that explains it.."

As he moves to the cooler door looking at it, maybe hoping to find an emergancy release so he can get out. He goes over what is on him finding that most of what was there is gone he grins a bit. "That is the last time I go with the cheap stuff." he says with a laugh banging on the door a little bit. He wasn't armed with anything so he must of left his guns at the storage area so that was good. At least he wasn't blowing up or shooting anything. Now if he could ust get out of this damn freezer.. is what goes through his head as he bangs on it some more.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had been hiking a lot lately, and these small shopping strips were the perfect place to pick up extra supplies on the way. However, she just couldn't ignore the super adorable dresses she found in the nearby thrift store, especially with an upcoming prom to attend to.

She's heading towards said thrift store about the time when Alex pulls up, followed by Rogue's landing. His car might be vaguely familiar, although Rogue is careful not to be spotted. Either way, she's distracted by other things at the moment..Like dollar stores, and liquor..Oh wait, she's not allowed to drink yet. Boo.

Mystique has posed:
The freezer door was pulled open. There stood a young woman, dirty blonde of average height. Already tucked beneath her arm was a bottle of Black Label and a tiny baggie of disposable shot cups. "Uh.. how did you get back here?" Mystique asks, stepping out of the way so that Deadpool could exit. If he looked a certain way, Mystique wouldn't flinch. "You know what, I don't even want to know." The woman muttered, releasing the door handle to return towards the isles, now looking for mixers and anything else to imbibe with for the night. "Should have grabbed a basket.."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is moving the last things from her now-empty cabin into the mansion, and now it's time to replace a few things. So she's going into town. Which means going to shop! She'd seen Megan and was walking over to say hi. "Megan! Hi!" And so it is, with a wave, lifting her sunglasses to look better. "Whatcha shopping for? I just need some new bedding and stuff. Basics."

Red has posed:
The strip mall with 2nd hand shop was just as good as a place to pick up clothing as any other place for Alice. And actually chaper than getting brand new material. Because actually it just needed to be a good fabric in enough quantity to make it fit, unless it came to leather. So while the others arrive or wake in freezers, she does pilfer through the jackets on the racks to try and find one that might fit not too bad so it could be fixed faster than making a new from scratch.

Havok has posed:
    "It will for a little while," Alex replies to Rogue. He's nowhere near a cooler, they don't keep what he's after in a cooler. At least he does skip the total rotgut and goes for some JD Tennessee Fire. He jerks the bottle off the shelf. "Was that fucking Wade?" he asks with his head on a swivel to find the source of that voice. "I thought I told you to stay at home," he obviouses at the Stubborn Southern Belle.
    Alex doesn't wait for an answer, he stalks his way to the counter and tosses a fifty down. "Keep it..." and right back out the door he goes.
    ...only to be greeted by the building surrounded by black SUVs with flashing lights, over a dozen armed to the teeth 'cop or agent' types and a loud voice over a bullhorn demanding, "Alexander Summers get on the ground now, hands behind your head!" His simple white wife beater is now covered in little dancing red dots. Oh shit...

Rogue has posed:
"Sounded like him. Not that I care...if he's here he ain't botherin' people at the school, and I don't hafta threaten to fling him to the moon. Again." Rogue comments off hand while following Alex until he grabs that bottle of whiskey and then heads back out again. "You did. I'm kinda wonderin when the fuck you thought you've become the boss of me."

That and then the two are strolling right out the door...and into the fray of black SUVs and people with guns. "Uh.. is there somethin' from that story you were tellin' me earlier that you might have forgot to mention?" Asking this as she glances to Alex, then back to the sight of guns. "Fuck..."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade shake his head before rubbing it again.. "Oh.. where am I." he asks looking at the woman he suspects her as nothing but an shopper at the buisness so doesn't even give her a second look as he stumbles out. "Thanks for the assist there." he tells her as she returns to the isle and looks around a bit. He wears head to toe his signiture red, and black outfit not really fitting in he might get a few odd looks as he stumbles into the aisle before getting his balance back.

"Heck... What year is it." he asks with a chuckle though he stops.. Did he just hear his name? Couldn't be no-one knew him. He walks behind the lady, and offers a hand.. Not to shake but to take some of the things she was carrying. "I got it.. Least I could do to pay ya back." he grins a bit with a shrug. "Thats is me.. friendly neighborhood Deadpool.. But you can call me Wade since your my saviour... Miss?" he obviously is asking the name of the lady that helped him, and was trying to help out as he wouldn't reconize her of course. His amnesia covered that so even if she was someone familer to him he prob wouldn't reconise her, though he couldn't see the front of the store yet.

H didn't want to bug the lady that he was trying to help so he tried not to hit her with all the crazy at once.. Fighting back the words for now. Only a "Oh that is a good one" and a point slipping out. "Hey is there something happening outside?" he asks the lady pointing to the outside window he lowers himself a little to 'hide' behind a shelf. He glances at the lady,. "You wouldn't happen to have any extra cloth.." he reconised one of them out there. And he was going to 'help' if they didn't lower those guns soon.

Mystique has posed:
Bloody Mary's? Disgusting. Mojitos? Hm...

Mystique takes a step back only to blindly reach out to one of the racks. The hand-held basket is taken which was looped upon her arm, liquor dropped into, and she shops yet again. Wade's appearance next to her doesn't bother her too much, she was busy reading labels and figuring out what would pair with what.

Steak and Red?
Mojitos and tacos?

Mystique forces a smile, along with a nod. "Sarah. And, I really don't need help. Got a basket. Thank you." The polite blow-off, is the most that the mutant could do, even as she ends the isle with a grab of an old fashioned mixer, the screeching of tires and arrival of SUV's causes brows to lift and ponytail to whip back and forth. "What the..."


Oh, oh this is rich! This is -great-!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and waves to Jubilee. "Hii! how's it going? Just thought I'd look for a dress for the prom. Yknow, they have some pretty good stuff here for half the price.."

Of course she's still outside the liquor store so doesn't yet notice Alice. And while there may be a familiar face or two inside the liquor store, she's more focused on Jubes at the moment..

That is, until blacks SUVs drive up, calling for Alex Summers and her eyes widen. "Woah wait what?!"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee tucks her sunglasses into her hair, and grins. "Oh the prom!" she lets out gleefully. "That's really awesome." Though her great pleasure in clothes shopping for an important event is distracted by events. "What is going on? Cops? Are those real cops? Did someone CALL the cops?" The sunglasses go back on, and she blows a concerned bubble.

Red has posed:
The sirens draw people to look out. Including Alice, and that name Summers is kind of known to her. What did the Summers do?

Slipping through the door to look, she stops in her tracks as she actually spots the cars - and the red dots. Wait, that's the *other* Summers. And he's like on the target for the SWAT?! Next to Rogue? "Eh, hey... you know what's going on?" she notes to Jubes and Megan, at least familiar faces.

Havok has posed:
    Alex drops the bag with that bottle of Jack inside it and it shatters. Damned shame, what a waste right? His hands twitch at his side and for just a moment, everything seems to stand still as he balances on the precipice of doing something stupid and staying alive. Doing something stupid loses this time, not because he's worried about himself but because he's worried about people getting caught in the crossfire. He complies by dropping to his knees, lowering himself to the ground and putting his hands behind his head. "Stand down, Rogue," he hisses just in case and after a beat he adds, "...and contact Erik." Not Scott, not Jean... Erik.
    People are running everywhere, ducking into buildings, hiding behind cars and some... well, they're just standing there filming it all with their phones, hoping to maybe go viral on social media.
    "Someone get a collar on him." It's the man with the bullhorn, but he makes sure that's not broadcasted loud and clear. One of the armed men walks forward to do just that, speaking along the way, "Alexander Summers, you are under arrest for the murder of William Robert Mayes." Billy Bob Mayes, really?
    Alex doesn't deny it, he doesn't say a word.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue clenches her jaw for a moment, but as Alex seems to actually do as he's being told, she begins to relax some. That name Alex whispers to her has her lifiting a brow but nothing more and instead she simply stands there. She doesn't want to move, to seem like she's fleeing. Let these men do what they want, and then she'll figure out everything else after.

That is...until the man with the bullhorn mentions a collar. They can take Alex away just fine in cuffs...and she looks around to the people who are taping this. Then she steps forward. "Now wait just a darn minute. He's doin' what you're tellin' him to do... ain't no need to make this more than it is. You're arrestin' someone. Ain't gotta make much more of a spectacle than that." She bristles and she steps between the man with the collar and Alex. "Don't do him like this." She lowers her voice as she says it. "Or at least, not in front of everyone. Just take him away in cuffs." A beat. "Please?" Even as the charges are being laid out, she doesn't falter at it. Everything else will be solved later. Just don't collar a mutant in public who isn't being a menace.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sighs, and shakes his head leanig against his 'cover' "Sure thing lady." and gives her a wave. "Seriously though thanks for the assistance I should be going... oh.." he holds out a card that looks new. "There is a number on there.. If you two need any help, or someone.. well ya know." he makes a slicing over his throat sign with a grin. "Or just toss it.. up to you." and turns to head out grabbing a few bottles of higher proof alcohol and one of those shirts they always have at these places that have some wierd or stupid slogan on it. He walks, well crab walks picking up these things stopping to grab a bear, and a knife.. Wow they had a nice selection in here he spottod the others further away from the action, and if they seen him when he is looking he gives them the universal quiet symbol and a wink.

Using the knife he cuts open the stuffed bear taking out the stuffing glancing up at the progress outside. He didn't have much, and knew this wouldn't work for long, but the stuffing from these bears when set on fire would put out a plum of black smoke. You just had to heat it real fast which is what the alcohol was for, that and it started a nice little fire wherever it would land. Working on all of this he finds some tape to wrap it all together in a big ball with a part of the shirt sticking out as he got closer to the exit.

With this mixup of stuff he kicks open the door outside, with a "Hey people are trying to shop here.. Who the hell you thin you are." yelling at the guys with guns. He sounds drunk and stumbles outside though carefully keeping what he made behind his back so they wouldn't see it. he had a bit of room to cover before he could throw it down, and cause a smoke screen however temporary, though he was on his way out. "Hey.. Yea the ugly one with the megaphone.. This.. is a unlawful siezure." he says with a hickup, "I am a traveler and you don't have the right!" he says. He glances at Haok, and the man if he is looking will get the serious look and know this man wasn't drunk.. Not at all but all his externals say that he is. He didn't know the guy, but he was with Rogue so he must be her friend or something, maybe he can make up for upseting her if he were to get this guy away from the cops. Of course not realizing tha he is prob just upseting her more, and more by the second. That wasn't important right now though to him, to him the most important thing was to get those guns off her friend and on him as he is approaching the 'cops'.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique takes the card and.. pockets it. There was no sense in tossing it when he could possibly be useful in the future. "Thanks." 'Sarah' says, still watching out of the window from what she could see, scooting herself to the front of the store yet remaining behind a few shelves and out of sight.

This was.. almost hilarious. Hearing him mention to call Erik does give her pause. Mayhap.. this was a good thing. Him asking for Erik, out of -all- people this Summers boy could have asked for.

Watching Wade at work gives her a momentary pause, her bottom lip bitten as she glances around the store. She then moves towards the freezer, retrieving two bottles of water which were soon twisted open, her basket now discarded.

"Oh no its a fire!" Mystique (read: Sarah) shrieks out, by passing Rogue and Alex, soon emptying out the water bottles all over the ruined teddy bear.

There was a method to this madness; let Alex get arrested. Let the woman call Erik. Let Erik be there in the poor Summers time of need..

It wasn't a surefire plan, but damn.. this could work to her favor.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee bursts her bubble as Alex is... arrested for murder. "Oh my gooooo...." She inhales deeply, and chews her gum hard a moment. She then squints, and leans over to Megan. STill staring at the spectacle, she moves toward Megan's ear to suggest softly "Can you... twinkle your nose at him and get him away? Or maybe crop dust the cops so they're not ready to shoot him? This is scary."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn glances towards Alice as she steps out, shaking her head slowly as if to tell her to not get involved. Looks like this is gonna get pretty messy as is..

And while it'd be easy to just port Alex to safety somewhere, she doesn't need to give the FBI a reason to attack the rest of them either. She grimaces a bit, shaking her head slowly at Jubes.

"We just gotta play it cool, at least until we know more..We can get im out later.." she whispers softly to her, keeping her hands up in the air and backing away from the liquor store. Afterall she's an obvious mutant herself. No need to draw further attention.

"Umm Mister Summers is that true?" to Rogue she nods. "Right! I'm sure he'll come peacefully..No need for collars!"

Red has posed:
Ok, everything seems fine... partly. Alice nods to Megan, achnowledging that she doesn'T want to get involved either... Which changes the moment DEADPOOL shows up. With a burning teddy. And Sovreign Citizen male bovine excrement blubbering from his mouth. About free to move...

Was Deadpol an instructor? Maybe. But now? He was endangering that Summers guy and Rogue, and that wasn't ok. Her eyes focus on the black and red guy, his feet in particular. Melt... molding the sole onto the concrete for now. Hold him in place maybe. Sure, every mutant-power scanner might go haywire and trip, but the mere presence of Wade Supercancer Wilson would do that. Or Rogue.

"Please stay out of this, Mister. You attack the police and this all will end badly. Like... you might get us all killed!"

Havok has posed:
    "Little lady, you need to MOVE," the man with the collar orders Rogue. "That's a dangerous mutant and we're gonna make him less so before moving him," he sneers."
    Half of the weapons that were trained on Alex are now on Deadpool and one of the men barks, "STOP MOVING YOU DUMBASS!"
    "Enough, everyone enough!" That would be poor Alex from his uncomfortable spot on the ground. He lowers his voice and addresses Rogue, "Just do what I told you, yeah, please?" He really doesn't want to see anyone here hurt, as much as he'd LOVE to let them bust heads right now, he doesn't want anyone hurt.
    The man with the bullhorn announces, "Everyone needs to step away from Mr. Summers and let us do our jobs."

Rogue has posed:
Little lady? Little lady?! Did the man with the collar in hand just 'Little lady' Rogue? He did, but before Rogue can say anything, she hears Alex behind her and it's with grand reluctance that she actually steps aside towards where Megan and company are standing. "You three should go back where you came from. Nothing more to see here." As she moves in closer she lowers her voice to just the three of them, "And not a word about this to anyone."

Her gaze shifts over to Deadpool then and she points a finger at him. "You too. Come along. Nothing more we can do here..." Not in the middle of the public who're catching all this on their phones and likely posting to social medias if not already live streaming. She doesn't *want* to let Alex get taken away, but if the man is ready to go willingly then she'll let him. Call Erik though? Alex must be some kind of drunk if he thinks that's going to happen.

Then she gets an idea and turns back, holding her hands up like she's surrendering. "He was my ride here. Can I at least get his keys so I can drive myself back home?" Motioning to Alex with an elbow.

Deadpool has posed:
As he steps in and his foot gets pulled into the concrete he looks surprised, though looks at who is talking to him. He points at her. It is not a friendly look, as she had just used powers on him. He glares at her.. "You.. and I will talk later.. Undo it.. now." as he pulls out the knife he used earlier to cut open the bear now armed in the mix of it. He wouldn't get anyone hurt, but now he wasn't even sure as he was stuck in place. If she doesn't undo it he won't use the knife on her instead he takes it to his own leg to cut off the offending foot. It would be messy, but quick job,

He looks at Alice the whole time he does it with that stare of anger. Turning he looks at the people pointing the guns at him, sweeping his view over it. "I will make it up to her, if this is what it takes... No-one will get in my way." and takes a limping step forward now without a foot he has to limp forward towards the group leaving a red trail behind him for a moment.

He waves his hands in the air, "Hey.. over here.. I am way more dangerous then this guy." he yells at the group with guns as he limps forward. He grins to himself, and glances over at Rogue. Why hasn't she just grabbed him already and flew off. He gives her 'the look' confused then back though he stops when Rogue says there is nothing he can do here. He tilts his head, "You do know I can get him out of this right? There is no reason to give up." he looks at the people with guns just knife in hand.

He does stop moving forward the foot already starting to grow back on the leg he cut it off of though it might take a minute. "Comon.. we can do it together.. It will be fun." and grins though again still not moving forward since Rogue told him to stop. He was doing this for her, but she didn't want him to. He gives an "Aghh!" as he is just so confused, but tosses the knife covered in his own blood to the ground. "Fine.. But it is because you asked."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy was preparing for the possibilities of a long haul at a thought process. Sometimes, this requires the very good coffee, which has a ludicrous caffeine content and comes in tiny packages. THat's why he's been in town and that's why he was turning down this area, beholding and witnessing the flashing lights and apparent standoff.

He's driving a convertable electric blue Bentley, the rims polished, the interior pale duckshell blue leather, walnut trim, the works. Expensive. That's what the vehicle says -- so he slows down and curb crawls to where the lookee loos are filming everything on their phones, rolls down the window, pushes his prescription sunglasses up his nose and takes out his own phone to record. And what HE is recording, is the police and Havok, the onlookers and the general... thing. THis is a thing and he is going to document it. Cheerfully, he puts the radio on, letting some beach boys play quietly, but perhaps a BIT distractingly from his stereo.

Mystique has posed:
With both bottles of water now emptied out upon the bear, 'Sarah' looks around at the scene, holding onto both with knuckles soon placed against her hip. She was proud. She did a good thing. She assisted the authorities in capturing.. no. Not a mutant. A Summers! Insert internal cackle here!

The rest of this was for the birds, even as Wade cuts off his foot just to move?

"You literally could have taken your shoes off." 'Sarah' says, moving past the crowd and towards the mall proper. There was no sense in going back inside; the liquor that she intended to buy or steal left where she had put it.

Havok has posed:
    The man with the collar drops to one knee... right on Alex's back and with enough force to make the younger Summers brother let out a painful grunt. The sound of the collar being clicked into place isn't loud, unless you're a mutant that's been subjected to one before, then it's deafening even if you can't actually hear it. The imagining the sound is enough.
    Alex is dragged to his feet after they slap cuffs on in addition to the collar. He doesn't say a word, not even when he's shoved forward so far that he nearly falls on his face, not a word.
    The vehicle they're transporting him in is at the back of the lot which means he'll have to be paraded through the crowd... in a collar like a dog. But it also means that Alex and his 'escort' are close enough to Hank and vehicle that the Beast's exceptional hearing might just pick it up when one of them says, "First target acquired," over some sort of commsystem. Target acquired? Isn't that an odd thing for the authorities to say?

Red has posed:
Alice was just pulling the rubber back from the floor as Deadpool already cut the whole foot off?! She swallows, turning the head to try and cover up that that was squick, the fut off foot falling over as nothing kept it stuck to the ground anymore. "THAT was entirely unnecesary!" she caughed back at him, covering up her mouth as she fights the sour taste down again.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee lets out an whine "Ewwww grosss...." and then goes to join and comfort Alice. Patting her shoulder, looking away as well. "That was grody. Are you okay? I mean he is but... he always is."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue manages Alex's keys before they collar him and haul him off. She stands there a moment, waiting until they have Alex in a car and all the SUVs are driving away. A shake of her head given before she turns and heads for Alex's jeep, unlocking it with the fob so the alarm doesn't go off and then she opens the door. One last look around given, her eyes land finally on Beast's Bentley and she shakes her head before hopping into the jeep itself. "If anyone wants a ride that isn't bleeding, nows your chance to hop in."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy crawls along the curb, the camera still out. Snap, snap, snap, clear shots of the cop's faces. Snap snap. Clear shots of the police cruiser number, then he pulls up behind the wagon Havok was placed in and puts the car in neutral, sending these snapshots and video off to well... exactly where it needs to be.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool listens and smiles at the lady that said he could of taken his shoe off.. "Now she tells me.." is all he adds with a bit of a wince as he steps on the peg. He looks at Alice, and points down.. "This was you... remember that lady." though he may of acted a bit rashly of course it wasn't her. "Use your words.." he says to her with a headshake, and a laugh. He couldn't be that upset with her, she had just stuck his shoe down on the ground. but she had used her powers on him. He worked hard not to stab, shoot, hurt people because that is what they did, but now he was the target just because he was trying to help. To him it was like if Jean had ripped something secret out of his head.

He put it aside for now, and nods he steps away, and lets the others leave though he holds his hands up, "Take me too..." he declears. "My name is Wade Wilson.. Whoever your boss is, prob wants me for something. But if you try to put of those collars on me I will kill you." he says seriously. He glances at where Havok is being taken to, and is walking that way.

Havok has posed:
    Most of the men that haven't made it to their vehicles and left are trying really hard to Not Look at Wade, because ... GROSS. Maybe it's the grossness and the shock of seeing that stumpy leg that causes one of them to slip up and say, "Your last name isn't Summers, so no," as he's sliding into the driver's seat of an SUV. His partner, over there in the passenger seat hisses, "Dude, not cool."

Red has posed:
Alice shakes the head slowly as she reaches to Jubes. "Let's go... take a ride home..."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy breaths a sigh of relief inside the Bentley, when the younger students and x-men don't make it a thing. He sets his phone on the dashboard and plugs it into the USB port, letting a certain green spider go for a wander. He then settles in to begin a tailing process. Jubilee and ALice may see him give them a jaunty salute and small nod as he rolls past though. He doesn't look his usual jolly self, he looks like an X-man at the moment.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool gets close enough to grab one of them.. "You got to take me! I won't let you take my cousin like that!" he grabs the front of the man shaking before he gets shoved off to the ground. Hey lays there injured, "Fine.. I guess you don't want to know where the other one is." he stands again, and starts limping away. He waves at them, with a smile just shaking his head though he stands a bit lopsided, he just watches them carefully.. He mouths "see you again soon."

He wasn't done with this it was a mistake to let him go, and he knew it he had seen this before when the goverment kidnapped him and put him in a black site. He wasn't sure who was behind this, but he didn't like it. Darn it, ah well nothing he could do now as all the others told him to leave it be. He limps over to where Alice, and Jubes is standing his foot just starting to regain muscle again as he ignored it and looks at them. "Now you Miss." he sighs though he forces out a.. "I am sorry you felt the only way to stop me was to use your powers on my shoe." he admits. He gives a shrug, "I am trying to be.. better, but it seems I have a long way to go." he turnes to look at Jubilee and gives a smile and a wave. "Good to see ya again kid." before he tosses a device that has a blip on it that is moving away to Hank. "I am tracking them, but if they follow protocol they will do some kind of sweep before they get to the place they are keeping him.. It is a mistake to let them take him. That wasn't the law." he looks hardly at Hank. "Those are the people who are the monsters.. We tend to reconize each other."

With that he turns and starts limping away again. He didn't want to be where he wasn't wanted, and so he would walk home, or limp until he could walk again.

Havok has posed:
    The crowd disperses, but there's sure to be copies of videos of this incident all over social media. Some of them will paint Alex as a 'dangerous' mutant, some will paint him as the victim. The men give Wade no more mind, they just drive off. They've completed their objective, it's time to go home and have a beer.
    ...how much of a mistake it was for Alex to allow himself to be taken remains to be seen.