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Latest revision as of 22:58, 13 May 2021

Old Problems, New Solutions
Date of Scene: 13 May 2021
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Magneto visits Mutant town to ensure that Dr Brightman is 'behaving..'
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Magneto, Red

Pixie has posed:
A mere three months has passed since Dr Brightman, inventor of the controversial Mutant 'cure' had been hounded by mutant protestors, DAMT, and Magneto himself about a potentially dangerous drug that could strip a mutant of their powers, and could and did prove disastrous in the wrong hands.

Since then, Brightman had fled New York after his clinic was destroyed, completely flattened by a very angry Magneto, and after discovering some potentialy dangerous side effects, he had devoted his life to reversing the effects of his Cure with help from Dr McCoy. As a member of the newly minted Starlight clinic in Mutant Town, he had become quite popular among mutants proving to be quite remoresful of his past mistakes.

Megan is wandering about the streets outside the clinic, enjoying a Neapolitan ice cream on a warm sunny day. It's been fairly peaceful since that day, but how long will the peace last?

Magneto has posed:
The monarch of Genosha is paying a visit to Bushwick today. Rather than go out in full regalia and make himself instantly recognized he instead opts for something designed to blend in better, a button up short sleeve shirt, khaki pants, backpack and loafers. There's even a fedora atop his head pulled down low to help hide his visage from onlookers to help prevent someone from recognizing him.

As he moves down the street he studies the goings on about Mutant Town with an experienced eye that takes note of every piece of trash, graffiti, gang sign and symptom of drug abuse. But he also looks at the signs of a vibrant and growing culture. He even nods approvingly at an art gallery hosting pieces made by mutants.

The Master of Magnetism is here on a mission, however. His goal is to suss out the truth about Doctor Brightman's change of heart about his treatment of mutants. Should he be found lacking in some way it's nothing for Magneto to crush him. Literally as well as figuratively. As he approaches the clinic he slows down and takes a moment to study the passersby, catching sight of the young woman with the dragonfly wings. His lips press together faintly and he gives her a polite nod.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to lick her ice cream, enjoying the afternoon warmth, with but the slightest breeze to ruffle her hair. Looks like she's waiting for someone and sure enough, a mousy brown haired girl with glasses waves to her as she pauses outside the clinic.

"Hii, Megan! I'm here! Uh, Soo you think I should do this? I mean, I'm kinda nervous.." Megan smiles, giving her friend a little hug, "Emily, Hii! It'll be okay, really! A lot of people had their powers stripped after DAMT stole the Cure..Dr Brightman will make things better and give you back your powers. Promise!"

She pauses as she sees the tall gentleman whom she doesn't instantly recognize, smiling and nodding to him. "Hello sir, sorry are we in your way?" she tugs her friend's arm and they both step aside so he can enter if he chooses.

Magneto has posed:
"You had your powers stolen?" Erik asks the brown haired girl with a sad look on his face. "And Brightman is restoring them?" There's a slight frown on his lips, more considering than sad looking. Then he seems to remember himself and says, "You're not in the way, young ladies. I'm curious about the good doctor myself."

After a look around to make sure he's not blocking the entrance to the clinic he says, "I hope that you are restored to your true self promptly."

Red has posed:
As the people hussle and buzz in the clinic, Alice is just another face in the crowd. A redhead with jeans jacket helping out with trying to get people helped. Because Alice grew up in M-town, and maybe it's time to give back. So she at least helps to keep those waiting hydrated, handing out bottles of water together with the clipboards they need to fill out to be seen.

Seeing Megan, she gives her a little wave from the distance, before putting her stack of clipboards to the counter at the reception. A few moments later her almost impossble boots sound on the way to the door, the thin faux leather moving silently on the skin while the flat soles give the characteristic click, the door opening. "Hey Megs! You look good. Who's your friends?"

Pixie has posed:
Emily nods slowly to Erik. "Yeaaah..After I heard that Dr Brightman could cure us, I signed up right away, cuz my ability to take on the physical properties of any object I touch was uncontrollable and a little scary.." she shivers. "I was in the lineup when Dr Brightman's clinic in New York was destroyed by  Magneto..I was really mad that he prevented us from being cured, but..Then Megs convinced me to embrace my powers." she shrugs, "But then I got attacked by DAMT peacekeepers who stripped me of my powers. I never really realized how much I'd miss them til now.."

Megan nods, "Yeah, that Magneto guy's pretty nuts!" when she spots Alice, she smiles and waves to her, "Hii Alice! How goes? Oh, this is my friend Emily, there's been a long wait list for people getting their powers restored. Not sure who the older guy is..Are you here to get your powers restored too, mister?" she asks of Erik.

Magneto has posed:
Magneto? He almost smiles when he hears what the ladies have to say about him. The thoughts of the young people do not even scratch the armor that is his self confidence. "If one chooses to become less than they're meant to be... that seems sinful to me. I'm glad you're going to return to who you're meant to be."

Looking at Alice as she approached, Magneto nods to her politely, letting his disguise do its job. "My name is Erik. How do you do?" And then his head shakes, "I am lucky in that my powers weren't taken from me, I just wanted to be certain that Dr. Brightman is actually doing what he claimed to."

Red has posed:
Alice shakes hands with Megan for a moment, before offerng hand to Emily and then 'Erik'. "I have seen some of his results. Shannon for example got her wings back. She was so down when she didn't have them..." she recounts, gesturing to the clinic as a whole. "But this is a huge improvement. If I may ask, what gets you here if not the fix? You need different medical attention?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "I know I was pretty depressed when those DAMT guys nullified my powers..Good thing the Xmen were able to out a stop to those lunatics. Or...At least their facility was destroyed. Hopefully that's the last we'll hear of them." she doesn't seem convinced.

Emily nods to Erik. "Nice to meet you, Erik. I definitely want my powers back, but yknow, I get why some people wouldn't want em back. I hear Dr Brightman's own daughter could wilt anything she touched..And remember Nadia? She kept turning to water and struggled to solidify herself. What about Tommy? He looked like Bigfoot..I guess some people have cool mutations, others not so much"

Megan glances to Alice, "I think he's here to check the place out. I guess a lot of mutants are wary of Dr Brightman after he wanted to take away our powers..I guess it's hard to know his true intentions, but I trust him. Afterall, he's a friend of Dr McCoy, and if it weren't for their work, and McCoy's sacrifice, I wouldn't have got my powers back.."

Magneto has posed:
Reaching out, Magneto takes Alice's hand and squeezes it firmly for a polite shake. "Curiosity brings me here. I'm fascinated by the culture of my fellow mutants. I feared this Mutant Town would be more of a ghetto before visiting it. Then when I heard Dr. Brightman was restoring people to their true selves I had to see it for myself."

His gaze turns to Megan, "Should they return I'm certain they would be dealt with swiftly."

Then he looks at Emily, "Proper training can help people learn to control or live with their abilities. It's unfortunate that people see some of us as monsters based on our appearance alone. I've known too many monsters who had no mutations."

Red has posed:
"You havn't seen half of it. Some... years ago, a large area was destroyed by Trask's inventions. Rebuilding happens. We're tough here." Alice remarks, stretching an arm a moment. "Well, some people have lousy powers but they make them who they are. My dad's green. That's all. But he wouldn't be my dad if he wasn't."

"Monsters without mutations are the staple of hollywood. And competent mask makers. Want to be a werewolf? takes about an hour or two on the chair, though that's about the same time to turn you into Doctor Honorius or Maximus or Marcus. Though it's far faster to make somebody a human shaped monster by giving them a fashist uniform. Or a Stryker pamphlet."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods, "Right, what Alice said. These people are resilient. They have to be, Afterall, it's not like they have a stone wall or water to keep people out. It's why the Xmen work so hard to protect people here." she nods and sighs, "You're right of course, with enough training, almost anyone can learn to live with their abilities. But I guess the cure was a quick fix for those who felt they couldn't.."

She peers curiously at Erik, "Soo are you a mutant too? What's your ability?"

Magneto has posed:
"Trask." Magneto mutters under his breath, hating the taste of the name on his tongue. What a despicable sort. "Lack of a power doesn't make someone any less of a mutant. They may need to try harder to excel where it's easier for some of us, however."

His gaze settles on Megan and the older man nods, "Yes. I am a mutant." The faintest hint of a smile appears on his lips, "I control magnetism."

Red has posed:
Alice says, "Magnetism? That's making metal float, right? Or was that jsut telekinetics?" Alice asks, brushing back her hair. "That's cool anyway. I can only shape polymers, that's like... bottom of the totem pole I guess. Well, better than being green I guess...""

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "No worries, I have faith in them.." she smiles, "And I'm not afraid t9 help em either!" she seems pretty enthusiastic about that..Although her smile quickly fades once Erik describes his own abilities...

Waaaaaaait a minute, his name is Erik...He's about the right dimensions, and he seems kinda familiar, and, those powers...Aren't that common..."Wuh...Magneto? Is that you!?"

Magneto has posed:
"Making metal float is one of many things I'm capable of," Erik says to Alice with a nod. "You're still gifted in ways others will never experience. Embracing your abilities is part of embracing who you truly are as a person."

As Megan's smile fades Magneto's own grows. "Yes, child. I'd prefer to keep it quiet for now, however. I'm simply here to observe and investigate. The armor and cape was left behind at Genosha so I could walk among the people here, watch how they treat one another and to insure that Dr. Brightman is doing what he can to remedy his mistakes."

Red has posed:
Alice's eyes narrow at the revelation. "I... don't really know what to say."

Keep him there? Just say nothing? OR... there was a bounty on Magneto. But... handing him over to people like those that just arrested Alex yesterday?!

"Actually... Do you know an Alex Summers?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bliiiiinks and takes a step back, remembering the last time she witnessed Magneto's fury firsthand, specifically when he totally flattened Dr Brightman's clinic in New York.."Uhh...Mister..Magneto?" Riight, maybe not a good idea to try and stab him here, not like the thought ever entered her mind. Hey, at least he hasn't pulled out the claws yet..Maybe he's sincere?

She bites her lip and nods, "It's true, Dr Brightman really has learned the error of his ways. He helped me and I know he'll help Emily.Speaking of, isn't your appointment soon? Shall we go in and witness for ourselves Dr Brightman's work?"

Emily for her part, is just staring at Magneto in silent shock and admiration. "Lord Magneto..You're really THE Magneto? I mean..Wow..I always wanted to see Genosha for myself. It sounds like such a peaceful paradise.."

Magneto has posed:
"Yes, I know Mr. Summers," Magneto says, sounding mildly surprised when Alice names the man. He turns to assess the young woman once again. "You don't need to say anything, really. I'm here as a tourist, nothing more." Well, there was the chance he was going to squish Dr. Brightman, but the doesn't seem to be in the picture any longer.

"Please, call me Erik," he tells Megan.

Then he looks to Emily, "Should Dr. Brightman cure you of your affliction you'll be welcomed in Genosha. The people there work hard, but they're treated fairly. The better suited one is to helping the nation the more potential for political growth, as well. We reward people on merit and that includes more than their powers."

The older fellow looks around and then tips his hat to the ladies, "If you'll excuse me. I've got business elsewhere to attend to."

Red has posed:
"Well, good luck in Genosha then, Emily. And you Erik... please keep it down, ok? I don't want to need to call in help." Alice sighs, brushing her hair back nce more in a nervous gesture.

"As I mention calling, I need to call miss Rogue anyway. Will you excuse me a moment?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Alice, frowning a bit, but shakes her head, unsure of what she's getting at. "Right..Erik then. Thanks for dropping by..And not blowing stuff up.."the last part is muttered under her breath. Emily beams and nods to Magneto. "Alright, I'll do that..Thank you!" she giggles excitedly before rushing into the clinic.

Well..This has been an interesting day..