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Revision as of 03:37, 16 May 2021

Visiting Mr grumpy-pants at the Hospital
Date of Scene: 16 May 2021
Location: Bellevue Hospital - Lower Manhattan
Synopsis: Buffy and Harry visit Constantine in the Hospital. Things get very weird..
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Constantine, Harry Dresden

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had spent the earlier part of the day tending to Spike's wounds and having a little heart to heart with him as they tended to do..As always, she had left on a rather..Awkward note and was eager to get out of there and find other things to distract her.

But he wasn't the only one on her list of patients to visit. After Constantine's heroic act and near sacrifice, he was the next on her list to visit. Thankfully, Nick had been there to stop the bleeding and rush him to the hospital. So that's where Buffy is headed now, uncertain of his condition, or mood.

Either way, she'd found a bouquet of cheerful red poppies to bring with her, and a get well card as she knocks on the door to his room before letting herself in. Hopefully she had the right room..

Constantine has posed:
    *CRASH BANG* The bed pan just BARELY misses Buffy's head as she opens the door. "I told ya, I don't need a bloody bed pan. I'm perfectly capable of walkin' to the loo on me own!" Oh shit, someone one is in a MOOD. Did anyone expect anything different from a Constantine that's unable to smoke or drink?
    "Do I need to get someone to sedate you, Mr. Constantine?" That nurse sounds like she's at her absolute wit's end with this patient.
    "No, but I'll take a sponge bath," John shoots back. "I'm sure me bits be in need of a good scrubbin'."
    Flustered, the poor woman turns and walks from the room, muttering, "Good luck," to Buffy on the way out.
    John finally notices the Slayer arriving on the scene and grumbles, "Bugger."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks and ducks as said bed pan hits the door. "Woah, what's going on?" she sighs, glancing at the nurse, grimacing a bit. "That bad huh? Geez..Too bad Willow isn't with me, at least he'd listen to her." Afterall, he was to Willow what Giles was to Buffy: her mentor, her teacher, someone who respected her. Buffy and Constantine? Well, they had nearly butted heads on occasion.

"Uh, hey, Constantine, wassup? I brought you flowers and a card.." it had been signed by the others too. "How're you doing? I mean, at least you're alive enough to scream profanities at the people trying to help you, guess it's something." she smirks as she sits down next to him, looking him over.

Constantine has posed:
    He's a little gaunt, has dark circles under his eyes, he needs a shave and his hair is sticking up haphazardly all over his head. That is to say that Constantine looks like Constantine. "Unless there's a pint and a pack in those, bugger off," he grouses. "They took me shite. Me clothes and me cigarettes and me flask." Oh the HUMANITY! "Get me outa here, doll."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers folds her arms, looking at him sternly. "Good grief, look at you.I thought you were supposed to be like, Giles' stand in but you act more like 'Ripper'." she sighs and shakes her head as she references Giles' younger, more rebellious self. So much for respecting your elders. "Look, Constantine, you got frickin' stabbed in the back. You could have DIED. This isn't a joke. Even Wizards need their rest, so just take it easy for a few days and maybe you'll get lucky?"

She wriggles her brows mischievously at him, shouldering her backpack before unzipping it a few inches so he can peek inside. There's a can in there, possibly a beer can. Oh yes, she's tempting him, but, he'll have to ask nice if he wants it.

Constantine has posed:
    "Aye, well I've died before, it never sticks," Constantine points out along with a put upon siiiiiigh.
    Red-rimmed blue eyes dart to that can. See, the thing is (...and maybe Buffy doesn't know it?) John is a full fledged *alcoholic*. He doesn't drink simply because he wants to, he drinks because he *has* to. The sight of that can causes an interesting reaction. He breaks out in a sweat and actually starts shaking. His hand is trembling something fierce when he reaches out to try and snatch the backpack. "Gimme that," he mumbles.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers unfortunately doesn't know it's an actual addiction of his. Sadly, she only met him a couple of times. Did she make a mistake? Well hopefully not. She's really just trying to make him feel better. "Okaay, but take it easy, okay? If the nurses find out they'll have my hide."

She pulls out the beer, setting it on the table next to him. "Well, I'm glad you're alive at least. You really saved the day back there. That's something to be happy about, right?"

Constantine has posed:
    John can barely get the damned thing open in his hurry to do so. When he finally does, there's no taking it easy. It's a sure sign that he's jonsin' bad that he's in such a hurry to get pisswater American beer. Once it's open, the contents are gone before Buffy can say BOO.
    A loud belch is followed by, "Thanks, luv, you're a peach." He really sounds like he means that too! She'd be more peachy if she had another. He strains his neck as if he's trying to see into that backpack as he speaks, "Coulda saved it better if DeadHead wasn't an idiot."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     There are good ideas and bad ideas. Right now Harry is balancing between the two by being here. He stays /far/ away from anything electrical and expensive looking. There are still a few screens that shudder, static, or otherwise malfunction. He makes sure walk away from each quickly while trying to find a specific room,"What have you gotten me into Buffy?" he mutters softly and fakes an apologetic smile to a nurse that eyeballs him for aimlessly (by appearance) wandering the hall.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly. Woah. He's...He's an alcoholic. Like, crazy! "Geez, you..You chugged that down pretty darn quickly." she actually frowns at that, wondering if she just made a bad situation worse. But at least he's actually thanking her for it? Maybe she helped a little?

"Sorry, that's all, I'm not a barista, Yknow? But if you behave real nice, I'm sure the nurses will let you out early on good behavior." she firmly yanks her backpack back, eyeing him sternly. Great, he's her elder, but now she's playing babysitter..The heck?

She had sent a text out to her Scoobies, alerting them of Con's condition of course, and when the lights faintly flicker, it causes her to frown. "Harry..?" she starts to fumble for her phone before remembering he doesn't even carry a cell and decides to turn hers off altogether. hopefully the nurse will direct him here. Hopefully things don't explode!

Constantine has posed:
    RAGING alcoholic. John literally drinks every single day of his life. It's a coping mechanism. Harry's impending arrival set his senses tingling. Strange Magic and lots of it approaching. Constantine throws off his blankets and pushes himself out of the bed. Pardon the butt cheeks hanging out the back of the gown. "Someone's comin'," he mutters with an emphasis on the *someone* to indicate that the someone isn't just average Joe human. Paranoid much? Not if they're really out to get you.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Nothing smokes or explodes so that is good. He pauses and frowns as well. He looks towards a room and sure enough it is the one she called him about. He frowns a little and slows a stride for a moment. She asked him up here, so might as well see what this is about. He rests his hand inside the pocket of his duster just in case and looks into the room,"You called Miss Summers?" he comments dryly. His eyes move over Constantine and he nods his direction.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly as Con gets up from the bad and does her best to avert her gaze as he then proceeds to moon her, one way or the other. Good grief, she did NOT need to see that. Sigh..."What the heck are you doing? Get back to bed, or you'll pull something!" yeah, Buffy's being bossy. All those years of leadership are getting to her.

She jumps to her feet as Harry arrives, pointing towards Con. "Hey Harry, long time, no see! Help me get him back to bed? He was stabbed but no essential electricity here for you to mess up." oh she'd do it herself, but Yknow, she doesn't need another mooning.

That heart monitor and overhead lighting aren't doing so well though..

Constantine has posed:
    Nah... Constantine shakes his head. "No," he states firmly. "I'm getting out of here," he adds firmly. He does take a moment to offer Harry a little nod in greeting. Then he tilts his head slightly and asks the other man, "Can ye find me clothes?" To Buffy he says, "And ya need to find me a nurse so I can sign on of those 'promise not to sue' papers so I can get meself out of here and on me favorite barstool." He's very obviously not taking no for an answer. "I'm a sittin' duck here without me shite."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking his hand out of the coat pocket, Harry nods as the other magic sort seems mostly in Buffy's good graces. He looks back down the hall and says,"There is a laundry card back there." He returns the nod in greeting and steps back into the hall a little bit to relieve the monitors strain.

The mention of him being a sitting duck makes him settle into detective watchful mode. Not that he knows who might be coming, but some just stand out that way,"I could get you some hospital pants, Buffy is a little better with charming people so getting a nurse..." Of course a monitor on a cart goes and and "lets the smoke out" from several area of the machine.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, "Wait what? Harry, you can't be serious? He needs rest, lots of it. He can't be running around fighting demons with a big stab wound in your stomach! Come on, Con, be reasonable!"

Okay, so she's a bit of a rebel herself..Maybe it was a bad idea inviting Harry over here but she needed to discuss business with him. Still, Buffy makes no move to either help or hinder him - yet. Surely he will listen to reason?

Constantine has posed:
    Sure he will. But in all honesty, this is John's reasonable. It makes perfect sense to him that he not stay here without all his whositwhatsits and books and well, magic shit. The man has a LOT of enemies and Harry's approach reminded him of that. "I can rest in me own bed," he points out to Buffy. "...and be a lot safer doin' it." He tells Harry, "No, I need me coat." HIS coat, he won't leave that behind.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking at Buffy he asks,"I take it you know what his coat looks like?" Another step back as the monitor starts to sputter in the room again,"We can get out of here and I'll call Butters to come and take a look at him, make sure he doesn't make things worse or get an infection." It seems he gets it. There is nothing worse than being exposed.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs deeply. "You guys are crazy. You're gonna get yourselves killed!" she rolls her eyes as she searches the room for Con's coat and stuff, "I nearly lost two people last night, you and Spike. Could have been more. You'd better keep your word and get some rest."

Her eyes narrow, scanning the hallways outside, muttering, "Can't believe you're making me do this. And Harry, you should know better! How is it that I'm the only responsible one around here? Geez the world is doomed."

Still, she tosses Constantine his coat and other personal effects and points to the washroom, "At leads have the decency not to flash me again?"

Constantine has posed:
    "Some people'd pay money to see me arse,' he points out as he reaches up to catch the coat. John winces a little with the effort. It's not like his stab wound vanished because he decided to up and leave. He doesn't go to the washroom, but he does have the decency to pull on his pants before removing his gown. "You're a good one, Dresden," he offers along with an actual nod of respect in the other magic man's direction. Dresden, not Harry, so he's obviously at least heard of the guy. Hell, maybe they've met and John was too drunk at the time to leave much of a memory but a name.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yeah. Don't tell anyone. They wouldn't believe you anyway." he replies to Constantine and does note that he is addressed by his last name. He's perceptive like that. Rather than comment he looks back down the hallways again and shakes his head at the rad tech pushing something really expensive on a cart. He steps into the room and the poor monitor gets it instead.

He frowns though, his mind flashing back to something,"Who would be looking for you? What would they look like?" he asks and his hand goes back into the coat pocket. When the hand comes back out, this time a 357 magnum. Opening it, he checks to see that is is loaded and then slips it back into his pocket. Sometimes the gun is as useful as anything magical.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs as she turns and lets him change, "Beats me, all you powerful wizard types have a habit of making enemies though.." she sighs, counting to ten before turning around again. "Sooo how are we doing this? Pop him into that laundry cart the orderly parked in the room across the hall, charm the nurse into letting us take it out, dressed as we are? That the best you can do?" she smirks, leaving the heavy work up to the crazy wizards.

Constantine has posed:
    John barks out a laugh that turns to a cough that turns to some wheezing. "Take less time to tell you what they don't look like and who they aren't, mate." The man has a LOT of enemies. "Ya can put that away..." He nods toward the gun.
    Just as a nurse walks by the room and gasps, "You can't have that in here! SECURITY, SECURITY! GUN GUN!"
    Oh bugger.
    "I'm pretty certain they'll just let us leave?" John was about to explain the whole AMA thing and the forms he'd need to sign when the nurse started yelling. "...bugger. Time to go, mate," he obviouses at Harry.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Down the hallway some people look around madly left and right. Uh huh. Taking a deep breath Harry settles the weapon into his pocket and looks up towards the lights,"Get ready." he mutters and looks at the woman in annoyance. The nearby stair case gets a nod,"Get down the stairs." he mutters and looks at the lights. This could go right or wrong. He focuses on the lights on the hall. No time to fight with security or with the people down the hall that are starting towards the room the three of you are near,"Hexus!" he spits at the lights and the next moment late the hall is full of dark and a few smoking computer terminals. Nothing subtle about him.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs deeply and just pinches the bridge of her nose. Honestly there's an easy way of doing things, and a hard way. Whyyyyyy!? Shes surrounded by crazy lunatic wizards!!! "Hey come on, he's a licensed, private..." well there goes the nurse. The security will be here soon. "Geez..."

Well so much for for that. Harry deals with the lights and Buffy rushes for the laundry cart, finding some spare scrubs. "Come on Con, In you go!" she pushes the cart at him and while he's hopefully climbing in, she'll toss a spare set of scrubs at Harry before pulling some over her own clothes, all the while muttering about crazy wizards...


Constantine has posed:
    "You are bloody crazy woman and so is he," Constantine offers with a nod in Harry's direction. He really was just going to sign out AMA and be done with it, but now that all the shit is hitting all the fans in such a spectacular way? He lets out a put upon sigh, does a bit of ooglyboogly this and that magic shit and... opens a doorway to the House of Mystery. "Get on with it now, go, won't stay open once I'm through it..." He gestures for them to step through that magical doorway first.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Chaos and mayhem. His work here is done. The two that were acting suspect start to run in the direction of the opening door. At least it is easy to pick them out of the crowd. Everyone else is running the other way. Tempting as it might be he resists the urge to let a little more magic loose. Instead he looks at the door in question and shrugs. Buffy seems to trust the guy and it's that or a either a shoot out or magic wave. He takes a step back into the aperature into the House of Mystery once he sees the other two are coming.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs at Con, halfway into those scrubs, "Are you serious? You waited for Harry to pull out a gun and concoct this whole crazy plot of hiding in the laundry cart when you could have just ported us out all along? Geez you guys..."

She just sighs and shakes her head, and with a shrug heads towards the door. Okaaay so it's a magical doorway and she's noooo idea where it leads but..Yknow, there's got to be a reason both Giles and Willow trust him, so here goes nothing..