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Latest revision as of 11:53, 6 July 2021

Fourth of July Celebration
Date of Scene: 04 July 2021
Location: 714 Titicus Road, Breakstone
Synopsis: A pleasant 4th of July celebration. There was plenty of good food and company.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Cyclops, Red, Storm, Nightingale, Kit Killovarras, Beast

Phoenix has posed:
This year, the fourth of July had fallen on a Wednesday. That doesn't ever stop festivities, of course. And this year, Jean had decided she wanted a barbeque to celebrate Independance Day. Thus, she'd sent out invitations to meet at this day with festivities starting in the late afternoon. It's around four, now. The morning had been spent putting up decorations and getting everything ready. Not alone, of course, she'd had help. The front of the house looks about normal, of course, but the back is where all the work had been done.

There are red, white, and blue streamers hanging in neat half loops along the patio railing, each place tacked up holding a red, white, and blue bow as well. There are tables along one end of the patio that hold all the cold foods and already prepared warm foods. Potato salad, macaroni salad, an egg salad, as well as those colorful jello salads that someone always brings. Meats of various styles, and other and assorted goodies and desserts.

Jean steps out of the house and pauses on the patio, glancing around. She takes a breath and nods once. "I think everything is ready," she says aloud.

Cyclops has posed:
Of course Jean had help. Scott wasn't about to let anyone near his grill, not even the person he lives with! Okay, that's kind of a joke, but seriously..Scott helped wherever he was needed. He would even help with making some of the side dishes! As well as decorating. Something about the fourth of July always resonates with him. He seems happier today, so that's gotta count for something right?

All the food is set, decorations are up, and there may even be a box of fireworks hidden somewhere. Why not? They have a bit of extra land to play around in, and Scott likely prepped a spot where he could set of fireworks and not deal with a fire. Safety first!

Stepping out onto the deck, standing next to Jean, he smiles and nundges her shoulder with his. "It all looks great, Jeanie. You did a good job." This as he then lifts a bottle of beer to take a drink. "Hope it's a good turn out."

Red has posed:
Alice had taken the day off from the little costume shop, taking the drive up to the place she had spent college for a few years. Just to see some of her friends again, and share some time, even if she had only left like some months ago. And she doesn't come unarmed, hauling a cooling box with her as she bends her way towards the patio of Jean's and Scott's home.

"How have you been guys?" she greets with a smile and wave, patting the icebox. "Where do I put my contribution to the buffet? It's rude to not bring something to a barbeque party after all, right? It's nothing big, just my mom's recipe of a beans salad." she muses.

Storm has posed:
There had, indeed, been help given in the preparations where both the decorations and the food had been concerned. Ororo's been here since sometime earlier in the day, to serve that very purpose -- helping. Wearing a storm grey dress the skirt of which is shorter at the front and longer at the back, a simple tie about her neck, Ororo ghosts after Jean to stand on the patio. She wears a pair of heeled sandals that criss-cross up the lower portion of her legs, tied a few inches above her ankles. Her long white hair has been gathered at the back of her head and neatly braided.

"It does seem to be all in order," she says, a smile quirking at the corners of her lips. She takes a moment to look up towards the blue sky with its puffy white clouds, and then her attention shifts back to Jean. "It is a beautiful day for a get-together," she adds, her blue eyes showing a sparkle to them. As if it would be anything other than that, with her here?

Nightingale has posed:
     Where there was a gathering, there was bound to be food. And where that gathering involved a potluck shared among friends, well, that was a call to action Shannon could not and would not resist. She's dressed in knee-length denim cut-off shorts, daisy-toed flip-flops, and a long white t-shirt with a large, sequined version of Old Glory waving proudly on the front, in honor of the holiday. Her arms are wrapped around a massive glass bowl that's been covered in saran wrap, and it is full to the brim with potato salad. She's more waddling than walking, with her edible burden. "Could someone point me towards somewhere to put this down?" she calls out, giggling.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Well, since he had to do some traveling beforehand to get some things, it's no surprise that Kit would show up in his typical jeans and hoodie, hood drawn up to conceal his face as well as it can. The trays hovering beside him though might be a little out of place though. One is a fairly large, though simple assortment of miniature pickles, cheeses, different varieties of olives and veggies, the typical snack tray but the other is stacked with a large assortment of Turkish delights! Apparently someone has a sweet tooth and wants to share the addiction.

When he sees everyone else, Kit just gives a little wave and smiles, then tilts his head and asks, "Hey. Um, where can I set these?" as he flicks his hood off with his ears.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey seems hapiier today as well. Maybe it's because it's the fourth of July. Maybe it's because Scott is happier. Maybe it's something else entirely. As for fireworks, it should be perfectly safe, considering how many mutants are likely to be there. Especially given the powers that some of them happen to possess. For once, Jean isn't dressed in business casual. Nope, today she's in jeans, a pair of comfortable looking slip on shoes, and a blue teeshirt that says 'princess' across the front.

She turns her head to look at Scott and shakes her head. "It wasn't just me. We all contributed." Jean grins at Ororo. "And with you here, it won't be anything other than a beautiful day," she points out, laughter held in her voice. She looks between Ororo and Scott. "With both of you here, it would be a wonderful day no matter the weather."

As the first guest to arrive arrives, Jean lifts her hand to wave to her. "Alice, welcome," she says. She waves a hand toward the tables with food on them. "Over there, wherever you can find an empty spot. It sounds delicious." And then the waddling Shannon is spotted, and Jean lifts her right hand to cover the smile that appears there. And perhaps to stifle the giggle that wants to come out. "Let me clear a spot."

Then Kit arrives, and she laughs aloud. "Let me clear more than one spot," she ammends. "Did you have any trouble getting here, Kit?" Jean moves to the food tables to do just that, clearing enough space for more food to be sat down atop the table. "Scott, do we have another one of these tables in the garage?" She's not entirely sure, and there might not be enough room otherwise!

Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers is wearing a slate grey tee shirt and blue jeans - pretty much the typical wear for him when he's not suited up for a mission or in school mode. A smile is offered to Jean and Ororo as he nods his head. "Even if it were just the three of us, it'd be an excellent day. I'm glad to share the fourth with you both. And with anyone else who arrives."

Speaking of arrivals, they seem to come in troves and he waves around as they all come with their food offerings. "We can take some of the extra stuff and put it in the fridge inside... but I think we have one more table if we really need it." He actually moves to step off the porch and heads for the garage just to check and make sure.

Red has posed:
Alice slipped out of her jeans jacket, hanging it over the cooler she moved that over to the tables. The white T-shirt she wore beneath was combined whith blue trousers tucked into some red-white boots that made the whole outfit a little hommage to a certain 1979 movie written by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett.

Arriving there, she helped clear a spot for Shannon's gift first before pulling the quadratic plastic container from the icebox, full to te brim with a mix of kidney beans, green beans, yellow wax beans and black turtle beans, all mixed with a sauce from vinegar and oil and some cut onions. Only to give the thing a more roundish shape of a bowl. "Much easier to transport that way!" she claimed with a chuckle.

Kit gets a little wave as she stows the cooler under the table, with the jacket, because it's warm. "Didn't I meet you in central park with Megan? I mean, I was running with Megan and we met you... Tree mending, right?"

Storm has posed:
The arrival of Shannon and her potato salad, and the question that accompanies such an arrival, draws Ororo's attention. A smile comes easily to her features, and she winks. "Any crunchies sprinkled on the top?" she asks, amusement in her voice. A reference, no doubt, to a previous conversation that had occurred. Her attention slides towards Kit as he arrives, similarly burdened with food, a sparkle showing in her eyes at the sight of the Turkish delights. She looks to Alice and her contribution as well.

"We will all be well fed and have no excuse if we are left hungry," she comments. Ororo looks to Jean, and then she laughs lightly before lightly nudging her shoulder to Jean's. "With me here, you need not worry over the weather," she comments, a touch of amusement remaining in her voice. "It will be a fair and lovely day," she adds, giving a small nod. "Any day that is spent in your company is a wonderful day, a cherished day," she comments, her gaze lingering on Jean. She watches Jean head for the tables with the food, and she steps over to the porch railing to settle one of her hands to it.

"Good food, and good friends. There is no better way of spending a holiday than that," Ororo says, giving a small nod.

Nightingale has posed:
     For a split second, miss Munroe was favored with what could only be termed the 'stink-eye' from Shannon, before the younger woman just shook her head and laughed. "If you want the crunchies, they're on the side. Add them to your own plate." It's with a sigh of relief, too, that she finds the nearest cleared spot on a table--was it from Alice? Was it from miss Grey? It didn't matter, for wherever it was set down, the bowl fit perfectly, its cling film covering peeled away.

     The charcuterie tray from Kit was eyed with approval, and a nod. But when she saw the other tray floating near to him, she all but dove for it. "Turkish delights!" she squealed, pouncing and snatching one of the little squares of heaven from the top of the pile and nibbling away. "Oh. My. Freaking. God. You sure you're not the angel here?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Jean gets a warm smile from Kit and her question gets a shrug. "Wasn't difficult to find. I got a few funny looks while I was out and about, but that's pretty normal." Then Alice waves to him and he waves back, "Yep, it's been an interesting week since then too. Between having a Lantern suggest I trial for the Justice League, being shot by some dude in red and black pajamas and my invitation to the school, I figured it's time to stop sleeping in trees."

Then the squeal from Shannon gets a laugh from Kit and he shrugs, "Not an angel, just a monster with good taste." There's a pause and his left ear folds to one side as he gives a somewhat wicked grin, "Watch out for the black ones.." he says, noting the various colors of delights on the tray. There are indeed an assortment of colors, mostly pastels in pinks and greens, deeper reds and on the edges of the platter? There are indeed ones that are dark enough that they look black.

Kit is a rather patient individual, so until a place is fully cleared for the things he's brought, he'll just wait with the trays hovering near him, the occasional crackle of violet energy moving through his fur from the prolonged use of his magic.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey finishes clearing off spots on the tables already out here, with a nod of thanks to Alice for the help. She glances over at Scott as he makes his way off to check for another table. Her gaze lingers. The mention of sprinkled crunchies brings a smile to Jean's face. She, of course, knows exactly what the previous conversation was. Or, part of it, at least. "I agree, Ro. If anyone leaves here hungry, it's by their choice," she says, the amusement easily heard in her tone.

Jean has a nod for Kit. "Funny looks are normal. At least nobody in this area will attack you," she says. She blinks at him. "Sleeping in trees doesn't sound like any fun." She reaches out a hand and snags one of the black ones, assuming, perhaps correctly, that there are special bits in these that most people wouldn't like. An assumption made likely due to the warning given about them.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott Summers comes back from the garage area, but only just. "Hey Jeanie? We do have one more table. Do I need to bring it out?" Asking this and not wanting to really come further from the garage if it's needed. A tilt of his head as he looks to all the others that have gathered and he smiles. A hand lifted to wave at them. "Hey everyone. Sorry if I missed saying such. Thank you all for coming. Please, eat, drink, relax. We'll have fireworks soon as it's dark." He grins then before looking back to Jean to see what she says about the extra table.

Red has posed:
"My mom always says, the dinner was great but the coercion too little." Alice remarks on the comment of Ororo abot the ammount of food. "And with that kind of buffet it's hard to not see the point of that. If we don't end up rolling home, there will be leftovers for days!"

With a little giggle, she reaches over to try and tug Shannon into a short hug. "How's my most favorite music starlet that an't blast you with sound turned into light?"

"Shot? The worst I had was getting shot at and hidden behind a counter. Gosh, I hope it wasn't anything bad Kit. I mean, you don't look like you'd need to stay in the hospital or something. Did you make those turkish delights yourself?"

Storm has posed:
Storm didn't seem to mind getting the 'stink-eye' from Shannon for that brief moment. She quirks a bit of a grin and then gives a nod. "That is quite fair," she says. The 'crunchies' that she was referring to are a bit of an acquired taste, after all. She watches as the students interact, and for the moment remains on the deck. There are bits of conversation that reach her ears, though for the time being, she seems content to remain where she is. The violet energy that touches Kit is something that she notices, but if it causes her any manner of concern then she keeps it to herself. "What flavour are the black ones?" she asks, a flicker of curiosity coming to her voice. Her attention shifts from Kit to Jean with the question, since her friend has claimed one of the black ones to eat.

Her gaze turs to Scott, and she tilts her head a touch to one side. "Thank you for having the lot of us. And it might not be a bad idea, for the table. Then there would be more room for the food to be spread out a bit," she suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly. Her attention shifts to Alice, and she chuckles before giving a nod. "Additional barbecues are a great way of using up the leftovers. There are some things that have a way of tasting better after the flavours have had a chance to marry through everything," she says, a thoughtful note creeping to her voice.

Nightingale has posed:
     "You're not a monster," Shannon manages to mutter, around a mouthful of pink Turkish delight. She's just in the process of reaching for one of the black ones, when the warning about possibly disagreeable contents reaches her ears. First one brow arches, then the other, the young woman drawing her hand back as if burned, and wiping it hastily on her shorts. She takes a moment to gulp down the treat in her mouth, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thanks for the heads up!"

     There's little time to catch her breath, though, before she's pulled into a hug by Alice. Meeping, she hugs her back and chuckles a little bit. "Bah, I'm no Dazzler or Andrea," she says, chuckling. "And as a matter of fact, word is that Mr. DaCosta is likely to be starting up his own label, calling it Seraphim Studios. He's tapped me as the first artist, and possibly Jay if I can get a hold of him, too." She slips her phone from her pocket, scrolling through a few songs till she comes to one particular track. "Finished up a new song I was working on, too. It's... been a couple years in the making."

     Seeing Mr. Summers so relaxed and actually chilling out, her brows loft even higher than before. Leaning over towards Jean, she whispers, "Who is that over there, and what has he done with Mr. Summers?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"If funny looks are what I wind up with, I'm thankful." Kit says with a nod. "It's better than people screaming when they see me." Then he gives a little chuckle and admits, "Sleeping in trees is a tricky thing, but it does wonders for your back if you do it right."

Alice gets a nod and a little shrug, "It wasn't a normal bullet, it was a wooden ball. No hospital stay required, though I did have to cut it out of my shoulder." Then she asks about the turkish delights and he just scratches the back of his head with a grin, "Mhmm, my mom taught me how to make them when I was younger. I tend to make a batch or three on special occasions."

Ororo's question causes Kit's ears to perk slightly, then he glances over to her and tilts his head. "The lokum is flavored with fresh ginger and there are chopped honeyed termites mixed through it." he says with a smile. "I usually don't make a full batch of those ones, since normally I'm the only one who eats them, but since most of the people here don't seem to mind..." he finishes the thought with a shrug.

Kit lets his left ear fold to the side at Shannon's comment and he gives a little chuckle. "So everybody keeps telling me," he replies with a grin. "but it's still how a lot of the world sees me. Besides, not all monsters are bad." he pokes his tongue out at her after that last bit, then nods and smiles. "No problem. Don't want a repeat of the other night."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey glances to Scott, to the tables, and back to Scott again. She considers, then shakes her head. "No, I think we'll be okay," she says in answer to his question. She moves toward one of the big coolers and gets out a soda, pops the top, and takes a drink of it. No beer for her. Not this early in the day, at any rate. She grins at Alice. "Even if everyone winds up rolling home, or crashing here, there will still be leftobers for days." This is pointed out with a smile.

Ororo's question about the black ones is met with a thoughtful expression, and another bite, before an answer comes. "Honey and something else, I think. Cinnamon or ginger, maybe. And something crunchy. Has the right consistency for termites." And grins when she's at least partially correct. She tilts her head a bit at the thought of additional barbeques. "No reason we can't have another tomorrow if we have enough food leftover."

There's a quiet laugh at Shannon's comment about Scott. "I think he went on vacation and this is his twin brother.. um.... Scooter." She raises a brow at Kit. "Repeat of the other night? Do I want to know?"

Cyclops has posed:
"If anyone calls me Scooter, they'll be getting detention. For a month." Scott offers, but then he grins while walking up to the tables. "Plenty of food for now, and later, and likely for the next few days. Could even split up the leftovers and people can take them back to the school if they want. Or wherever y'all are staying for the summer." He offers while he begins to make himself an actual plate. There's grilled chicken, burgers, hot dogs, sausages...he grabs some chicken and a hot dog. Salads of all sorts and then moves to another table specifically set out for eating at. The students and other guests aren't really spoken to as they speak amongst themselves.

Red has posed:
"You are not them, but comeon, you are a great musician and cook." Alice notes to Shannon, nodding at the whole label thing. "Too bad that I can't sing or something. I just do a little art here and there."

"Your mom, hm? Parents are lovely. I mean, I am lucky that mine understand what my plight was in puberty and all. Not everybody is that lucky, but hey, we're here to have a party for the good old U S and A. Which is like the most american we can do. I mean, no matter where we came from, no matter if we got the X-gene or not. In the end, we're Americans. Born and raised free, and it's in our nature to stay free and fight for that freedom."

Sretching, she reached for a light green turkish delight, slowly biting into it with a twinkle in her eyes. "These are really good. But I better not eat too much of them. That's like pure suggar!"

Storm has posed:
There's a slight tilt of her head at Kit's answer to her question, and Ororo raises an eyebrow a touch. "I am used to black candies having the flavour of anise rather than any other. It seems the most common," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I will have to make a point of trying one of them," she adds, giving a nod towards him. Her gaze flicks briefly towards the tray of treats, then wanders lightly over those who have come, settling back upon Kit. "The view of others upon things that are different is not always a kind one, unfortunately," she says softly, her brow furrowing slightly. She gives a small shake of her head, her expression clearing, and a brief glance is cast towards the sky.

Her attention turns to Jean, and she quirks a bit of a smile. "The eating of termites is not a thing that sets well with all, and some stomaches have a way of... rebelling," Ororo says, making a particular choice where her words are concerned. She looks towards Scott and gives a nod to him. "It would make for particularly easy meals for the next few days, to be sure. And that is never a bad thing at this time of year," she comments, a thoughtful tone to her voice. Her gaze wanders away from him, back over the others, bits of conversation finding her. And for the moment, she is turned quiet.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon scratches the back of her head, with a sheepish grin at miss Grey. "Ummm, you remember on top of the tower, when everyone was trying the chili lime termites that Kit had with him? I finally tried them, and my stomach rebelled. I don't envy whoever was on ground level when I put my head over the side." Wrinkling her nose, she laughs a little bit, glancing over at Mr. Summers. "Okay, I won't call you Scooter then... Skeeter." She ducks out of the way, giggling. "You only said not to call you Scooter!"

     Looking to Alice, she turns bright red, and smiles a bit sheepishly. "I'm no great musician," she demurs. "But if I can maybe have a song out there that's just the thing someone eneds to hear at just the right time, then I've done my job. Like this one... things that happened when the Sentinels were here, and a long talk I had with... someone... afterwards, inspired this. I've just had trouble finding the right words for the past couple years, till now." With that, she swipes through a few song files on her phone till she finds the one she's looking for and hits 'play'. A light guitar intro starts, a delicate hint of strings, and then she takes a deep breath to sing.

"A stray bullet and a mama cries
Her baby won't be coming home tonight
Sirens screamin' down the avenue
Just another story on the evening news, oh.

Politics and prejudice
How the hell'd it ever come to this?
When everybody's got to pick a side
It don't matter if you're wrong or right, oh no.
And so it goes, but I hold on to hope and I won't let go 'cause..."

     Her voice picks up, the music swelling to include strong percussion, and a backup choir, each word thrumming with hope.

"I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers,
And I, I believe we're made to be here for each other
And we'll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah I, I believe that in the end, love wins...."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit smiles at Alice's comment, giving a little nod as he muses, "Well, yeah. Sugar, starch and candied fruit and nuts, so pretty much pure sugar after everything breaks down." He gives a little shrug, taking one of the black delights for himself. When Alice starts talking about the purpose of the celebration, Kit just tilts his head and chuckles. "Is that what this is? Gotta admit, I don't know much about this country. Then again, I don't know much about any country, until a few months ago my world consisted of my families compound and a few small towns surrounding it." Then he's off to grab some food. Having set the trays down, the crackling of energy through his fur has ceased though.

Kit is actually rather careful not to take too much of any one thing, though what his plate winds up looking like can still only be described as excessive.

Ororo gets a glance at the mention of anise and a little smile comes to his lips. "I never really use anise in these, too easy to put in too much or not enough."

Kit starts to nibble a bit at his food as he's walking towards the table, but when Shannon starts singing he stops, ears perking and swiveling towards her as he listens.

Red has posed:
Alice chuckles a little, giving Kit a pat on the shoulder. "It's the goddamned birthday of the old thing. 1776 some old men we called the founding father signed that paper that started this all. In the text Jefferson wrote for them, he condemned slavery, but that part was struck from the actual declaration. Still, they decreed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Shannon's little impropertu solo earns a little applouse from her, and a good nod. "That's a good one. When will we get it on CD?"

Storm has posed:
Quiet still, Ororo tilts her head a touch to one side as the song catches her attention, listening. She listens more to the words than to the melody of notes that accompanies. Shifting her position slightly, she crosses her arms on the railing of the deck and leans forward a touch, her braid slipping forward over one of her shoulders. A smiles touches at the corners of her lips as she gives a nod to Shannon. "If only more people felt thus," she says softly.

There's a glance towards Kit, noticing that the energy no longer crackles over his fur. There is a lot of food, and she's not about to scold anyone for taking their fill, though there is a smile that tugs her lips at noticing how full his plate ends up. She gives a nod at his mention of anise, though. "It can be a flavour that easily overwhelms, that is true," she agrees, her tone thoughtful.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy was late! Late late late! Well, not that this is a bother when a BBQ is likely to go on well past dark, so that the fireworks can be viewed. He pulls up in his electric blue bentley, sets the vehicle nicely in park and slips out wearing bermuda shorts, a hawaian shirt and a big grin. More grub for he grill is hauled from the back seat as he makes his way into the house.

"Yo ho, me hearties yo ho!" is called as he trails sounds and scents to find where everyone is at.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles lightly at miss Munroe, and lets out a little sigh. "I pretty much got thrown headfirst into things when I first got here, with the Sentinels and all. Just after one mutant rights rally that went south in a big way, there were a few people I had long talks with to straighten things out in my head. Sam... Logan... heck, even Captain Rogers stopped by once. All that's been percolating in my head and heart since, but I couldn't find the words till now. Why can we accept someone like Superman at face value, yet those of us here are likely to face politics and prejudice? Why can't love win? That's The Dream we've all got to hold on to, the one we're all fighting for. Not just this country, a great melting pot... but the whole blessed world. Maybe my song will help bring that point home, to the ones who need to hear it."

     Glancing over at Alice, she chuckles a little bit and shrugs. "Got to finalize signing on with Seraphim, then actually get the darn thing recorded. What you heard, I cobbled together on my laptop in my dorm. But I'll get a copy to you as soon as possible."

     Hearing the sounds of an incoming Dr. McCoy, Shannon breaks off, laughing and ambling on over to help him out. "Hey, Dr. McCoy! Come on, the party's out this way!"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Meanwhile, Kit's just sitting at the table, snacking away and listening to the people around him. When Alice pats him on the shoulder he just sort or glances to her, listening to her ramble a bit about the founding fathers. He tilts his head once she's done, giving a thoughtful, "I should probably look into studying history at some point."

His ears lower a bit at what Shannon says, musing, "The world would be a much better place. Problem is, there will always be people who choose to cling to their prejudice." He takes another bite, giving a little shrug as he adds, "Some people look for any reason they can find to justify their hatred."

Red has posed:
Alice raises a hand to greet the Doctor McCoy as he comes up, gesturing to the table that pretty much bends under food. "I dunno where the hosts went to, but I guess they're prepping even more than what we already have, so come on and take some or everybody here will have to roll home!"

Shannon gets another smile and a little brush. "Ah come on, that's like a million years to it. Can't you make something to speed that up somehow?" It's a short moment before she shrugs, smiling again. "And sure, you can work on it still, but make sure to keep that sound."

Kit's little comment ears a crackle. "And the constitution. That sentence from Jefferson? That was like the first one of the praeamble. The very heart of what makes an american."

Storm has posed:
Turning at the sound of Henry's voice, there's a smile that comes to Ororo's features. "Ah, welcome, Henry," she greets him, once he comes through to the backyard. "Do you need a hand with anything?" she offers. She shifts her weight, straightening from the porch railing where she had been leaning.

Her attention turns to Shannon, and she gives a nod. "It can take a bit of time to come to terms with and move past something like that," she says, a gentle tone to her voice. "I do not know why such a thing happens, and I wish that I had an answer for it. I hope that your song will reach those who need to hear it, and that it will make a difference," she adds, giving a small nod. She looks to Kit, and she gives a small nod. "Prejudice, in part. And in part superstition or perhaps omens and the like," she comments. "Such things are strongly believed in by some." She raises an eyebrow slightly, her gaze turning to Alice, and she offers nary a comment in regards to the constitution. "Perhaps we ought save the discussion of politics and the constitution for the classroom. Today is a day for celebrating," she says, a smile coming to her features.

Beast has posed:
"Aaaaah, Shannon, just steer me." Holding the large platter of meat over his head (it is quite enormous) and bags of pop and juice (and a few beers, but those are ... probably not going to get shared) he makes his way through the kitchen, to set down the loads. Sniffing the air, there's a chuckle. "Probably... and the last time I was here for a BBQ I was forbidden to go anywhere near he grill, so I shall just leave Scott to his charring of meat and vegetable skewers." Emerging, he winks at Shannon and pauses on seeing Kit here. "Aha! You made it over here. Excellent, excellent..." beams are shot various ways "...Alice! Orrrrrrrrrrrrorrrrrro!" Storm, he scurries up to, to give a kiss to the cheek at, rubs his palms together and slides along the buffet table crabwise, to get a plate and a lot of food. Unlike judicious nibbles of some with mighty appetites, Hank is absolutely unashamed about how much he can put away.

Nightingale has posed:
     Chortling, Shannon just gives the big blue fuzzball an equally big wing-hug. "Bah, you underestimate yourself. I seem to recall two days after I arrived at the school, the pool party that was being thrown for miss Pryde, you were doing pretty well at the grill. Not my fault that also happened to be my sweet sixteen."

     Rolling her eyes she shakes her head and laughs. "And now coming up on eighteen. Where does the time g... HOLY HELL... ummm, Mr. Summers? You sure we're going to have enough food?" she calls out. "I think Dr. McCoy's developed a black hole somewhere in his belly."

     Miss Munroe is offered a warm smile, and a nod. "The pen can be just as potent as anything we accomplish out in the field. So, here's hoping."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey had, perhaps, sensed a certain blue furred fellow on his way here. And what he was bringing. That was about the time she'd disappeared with Scott. She returns with a third of the long plastic tables, dragging one corner along the ground, with the other held in hand. She seems to be having no problems with it, at least. She gets it up on the patio and set up just in time for Hank's platter to have its own place of honor.

She steps back and goes to get a plate of food, and then reclaim her soda. She settles on one of the chairs where she can watch and listen, but is quiet as she busies herself with eating the good foods.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Huh, sounds like becoming a citizen should become one of my aspirations then." Kit says with a glance to Alice, then sticks his tongue out at her playfully before adding, "Literally got off a boat a few weeks ago in the dead of night." Then he gives a little shrug.

When Henry comes in, hauling his massive mound of meat, Kit just tilts his head and nods ever so slightly, offering a smile. "Yup, I made it. Took some doing though." he says with a little grin. Then he goes back to nibbling, watching people from where he sits for now and somewhere between bites, he manages to take off his hoodie, revealing the gray tank top beneath and a lot more of his fur than he typically does.

Red has posed:
"The birthday of that sentence though. Well, by two days or such, but they signed on the 4th that declaration when they wanted us all to be free. But the details really belong to school." Alice joins in on Ororo's comment, shrugging a little as she adds to Kit. "Ask her about the details, she teaches that stuff. But don't start to talk to me about that Patriot movie. One of the worst movies I ever watched. Not worth the reels it was made on."

Henry gets a smile and wave again, a hand offered. "Hey, By the way, thank you for that summer class in chemistry again. I mean, helped me to realize what kind of stuff all is a polymer."

Storm has posed:
Ororo's blue gaze turns towards Henry, and she smiles warmly at him before giving him a kiss on the cheek in turn. And a hug. "It is good to see you, Henry, as always," she says in a warm tone. She smiles at him again, then watches him as he heads for the buffet table. It takes her a momet of lingering on the deck there before she starts to head towards the table of food as well.

She looks to Shannon, and then she gives a small nod. "They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. Let us hope that your song will be the pen that the world needs," she says, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. She looks to Kit, and then she gives a nod. "Becoming a citizen is a good idea, yes," she agrees, a smile returning to her features. She looks to Alice, and then she gives a small nod. She picks up a plate, and the she starts to pick and choose food to put on it.

Beast has posed:
"Now, now, miss Shannon, there is always enough food at these events. I always bring extra! And it's not a matter of me not being -able- to be the Flame master, it's that you never handle another man's meat-charring-machine and tools; they get cross... It's a masculine territorial thing, or something." Finding the tressle set out was grin worthy and of course, the grill awaits. Finding a spot in the back yard to lean and impale things with a fork, Hank salutes Jean with it too, in a jaunty little forehead tap, eyes settling on Kit. "Most things worth doing, tend to take a bit of work. I think it's one of the unwritten laws of the universe, but nevertheless, glad to see you here."

A nod shot to Alice, follows up with "...they really are in nearly everything this day and age, and you're quite welcome. Life treating you well, otherwise?" Pause. "And why were we talking about the founding fathers and such?" This a generalized inquiry.

Nightingale has posed:
     Nodding, Shannon smiles over at miss Munroe. "Here's hoping, though I still don't aim to have that be -all- I do."

     Now it's her turn to load up a plate, and for a girl of her stature, it's surprisingly as heavily laden as Dr. McCoy's plate! She grins a little sheepishly at him and chuckles, ruffling her wings in a rough approximation of a shrug. "Guess I've got no room to talk, not since my gifts have been shifting. My appetite's gone into overdrive since. Oh! By the way, what's next for training on that?"

     She perks a little at hearing Kit, brows lofting and her smile widening. "That's awesome! There's a lot of folks here who'd likely be more than willing to help you out with that, if you're going for citizenship. I'd be happy to help you study for the test if you like."

Phoenix has posed:
"It is a masculine territorial thing," pipes up Jean. "Nobody but Scott or myself touches our grill or he really gets cross." She smiles at Hank's jaunty little forehead tap of his fork, "Hello, Hank. It's good to see you. I'm glad you could make it." He perks up a bit at the mention of next for training for Shannon. "Do tell, Hank. I'm curious to hear it." She really does seem to be, though that doesn't stop her from stuffing another fork full of the bean casserole thingamy that Alice had brought. "I'm happy to help as well, with going for citizenship."

Red has posed:
"And in things one doesn't expect. Like... Paper. That's a polymer too." Alice remarks to Henry, shrugging on the latter part. "Well, that's what the fourth is for. Happy Birthday good old USA and stuff."

Alice brought a bean salad, the mix of beans having been spiced with viniger and oil. "It's a recipe my mom picked up in Wurtemberg. I think they call it swabian style or something."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit's fur bristles a little at Shannon's squee of a response to his mention of citizenship, then he chuckles and muses, "I mean I probably should, I'll likely spend the summer learning a bit in between studying a bit more with my magic." By now he's finished off his food and has started nibbling on the turkish delight he grabbed. The various offers to help with his citizenship issue get a smile from him and a simple, "Thanks guys. I'm probably going to need it." Then he peers over at the table of food again, his eyes glowing ever so slightly and his fur crackling once again as a can of pop and another bit of chicken suddenly get up and levitate to the creatures plate.

Cyclops has posed:
Suddenly, a wild Scott appears. He plops in a chair next to Jean with a plate of food and a beer. He was cleaning up in the house and the garage so any conversational topics are lost on him. Which means he's going to be quiet for the moment, but he is here! Sort of. His mind might be a couple miles away as he stuffs his mouth with potato salad.

Storm has posed:
Once she's made her food choices, Ororo shifts her plate slightly. "The barbecue will always be a masculine territorial statement, of sorts. It goes back to centuries ago, I think," she commenst with a touch of amusement. She looks towards Henry at his question about the founding fathers, but she doesn't offer up an answer to it. That one, she'll leave for Alice to answer. There's a glance given towards the barbecue, but with her plate in hand, she starts to head towards a seat in order to settle and eat.

Storm looks to Shannon, and she gives a nod. "We all have more than one thing to offer. One song will not be all that you do, I am sure," she says with a smile. Smoothly, she crosses her legs at the knee and then balances her plate before starting to eat. She looks to Kit and gives a nod towards him. "You will have what help we can provide for you," she says softly.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gestures grandly with his fork toward Jean and then Ororo as both women validate the time honoured territory of the Grill master. Shannon's level of plate stacking has him giving a hearty little snicker with it and several pieces of bacon and beans are speared on the end, and a skewer is snagged with the same dextrous finnangling. He alternates between shovelling and sliding off the skewer. "To a degree Alice. Certain papers are not. Traditional style paper is not, but they do add plastic content to gloss print." A pause as he thinks about something and looks to Jean. "Do we need to get Kit ID? If so I need to make a phone call or two later..."

Then there's Shannon. Roasted pepper going the way of the dodo, he chews on the thought, looking with a nod toward Scott and a peer to his plate. "You been doing triage on the junior's minor injuries? And health promotion via Shannonation?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods, gnawing on a chunk of grilled beef from one of the myriad shishkabobs plucked from its precarious perch upon her plate. "Mhm. Been keeping my own journal on that, too, see if there's a pattern as to when health promotion fails, and empathic healing kicks in instead," she replies to Dr. McCoy. "It's been getting easier to rely on the former, but I'd better get a good job post-graduation to keep up with the grocery bills if my appetite keeps up the way it has been!"

     Looking to miss Grey, she giggles softly and nods sagely. "Two things of a man's you never mess with. His grill--and his remote control for the TV."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey watches curiously what Kit does with his powers whilst she continues eating. After she swallows a bite, "Magic or telekinesis?" She sounds just as curious as ehe looks. Scott gets a smile as he sits next to her. She continues eating her food, her pace with the eating neither swift, nor slow. She nods her agreement with what Ororo says, both about having more than one thing to offer, and helping when they can. Both are true statements.

She tilts her head at Hank's question. "Kit will need ID, yes, Hank." She glances to the aardwolf in question, then back to Hank. She doesn't explain further, instead shoveling more food into her mouth. She projects a thought to Hank, Scott, and Ororo. <<He has no visa or passport here, Hank. He entered the country under unusual circumstances.>>

Red has posed:
"Cellulose is a polymer chain from suggar. Cotton and paper are both that stuff, aren't they?" Alice notes with a chuckle as she starts to fill herself a plate. "Or do you mean just plastics. Yea, those are everywhere too. But cotton is too. A single person's clothing are like an arsenal, if used right."

"Oh, Kit can mend trees miss Grey. So I guess the former." It's a little off the hand comment, her shoulders stretching as she spoons up some of the salad into her mouth.

Storm has posed:
Since Ororo isn't sure about where Kit stands in regards to ID, she doesn't comment about it. She eats bits and pieces of the food that's on her plate, and her gaze slips to Shannon before she gives a soft chuckle. "If you use your abilities then it draws from your energy, so you must eat more," she offers, sounding a touch amused. She doesn't eat particularly quickly, instead taking her time to savour the food.

Her blue gaze flicks towards Kit, taking a moment to look him over. Then her attention shifts to Jean, and she gives a small nod, one of her eyebrows quirking just a touch. She finds it interesting, but she isn't about to pry at Kit with questions about what those circumstances might have been.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit holds out a paw, his claws glowing as he traces them through the air, leaving long thin lines that after a moment, suddenly descend on his newly acquired chicken, slashing it into four, along with cutting deep gouges into the table beneath it. "Magic." he says, moving the cut chicken for a moment to draw lines with that same violet energy on the table, causing the damaged material to return to an undamaged state. "It's why I came to this country, I was told that there was a sorcerer here who used the same kind of magic I do, just much more focused." Then he gives Alice a glance and draws what looks like stitches between two of the cut pieces of chicken, closing his hand afterwards as the pieces fuse back together, "I can actually mend just about anything, not just trees. It's what I meant when I said I could have fixes your bruises when I dropped that branch on you by accident." he explains with a smile.

Anyone really observing what he does will likely notice that even after just that minor display, his muscles are visible tense and he's breathing a little heavier than he was a moment prior.

Beast has posed:
"Right. I'll get on that later on. The office never shuts, there's always =someone= there," Hank muses, having listened to Shannon, he's caught with a corn on the cob, staring at the weaving slice and weaving mend that occurs over there with chicken and table. "How curious. And also utterly baffling, I really do need to have a talk with a couple of buddies regarding this kind of thing..." he frowns, observing the exhaustion, then quietly but firmly putting a can of grape soda infront of Kit. Just casual like. Uh-huh. To Shannon he once more addresses "...well, it may be sensible when you're going to practice as you're doing, to buy glucose tablets and protein shakes. Heck, you don't even need to buy those, I have a metric ton of them in the store rooms. But if the results are releatively predictable, you should demonstrate to the faculty at some point and we'll safely assess it. I think the next logical step would be transferrance through you from one to another. An injury not absorbed by you, but translocated."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Which you did have to do to one poor soul out in the field, once," Shannon remarked to Alice, wincing in sympathy for the target of her gifts. "I can't imagine he had an easy time of it explaining that away to the doctors in the ER afterwards."

     As she nibbles on her meal--or rather, delicately devours the delicious delights on her plate--she catches sight of what Kit is doing with his magic. Her brows loft, and then furrow. "Only sorceror I've ever had contact with is Doctor Strange. Lousy bedside manner...." For a moment, it looks as if she's bitten into a whole lemon, even mentioning him. "...but the man's got some mad skills."

     Peering over at Dr. McCoy, she purses her lips slightly. "I could see that potentially applied, if the person that the injury was translocated to was someone with an extremely robust healing factor. But, I can also see that as a potential weapon, which I'm not so certain I like. I don't know, what do you think about that?"

Red has posed:
"Well, if you can mend people and trees and dead meat..." Alice chuckles as she picks up a plastic cup, the thing starting to deform slowly into a little figurine, nothing more than a stickman, but a few moments ago, it was a cup. "I can do this. Or of course do the worst thing to your underwear."

"Your count is off Shannon." Alice remarks with a sigh. "But lousy bedside manners? Shannon, I never would have thought that as your type of guy."

Storm has posed:
"That is quite a useful skill, to be able to mend things," Storm says, giving a nod towards Kit. She watches as the chicken is 'mended', and one of her eyebrows quirks up slightly. A very useful skill, as it seems to work on living and dead things. There's a glance towards Alice, and her manipulation of the cup. She doesn't say anything, her attention on her food and eating.

Ororo looks towards Henry, her interest caught by his suggestion for Shannon's gifts. "It would be quite interesting if it were possible to take a wound from someone who, for example, doesn't have any kind of regeneration ability and move it to someone who has it," she says, a touch intrigued at the notion. "It is all in the application of the gift. It could be a weapon, it could be saving the life of an ally. Either way, it is important to know if you can do it or not."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit looks to Henry when he sets down the drink, catching he breath as he gives a bit of a grin. "Part of the reason I eat so much, using my magic feels a little bit like running a marathon." Then someone mentions a Sorcerer and his ears perk up, giving a glance to Shannon and tilting his head. "Might be who I was looking for.." he says with a grin. "Don't really know anything about him other than the fact that he has a title that sounds more like a taco-bell order." Ororo gets a nod as he looks at where the claw-marks were in the table. "It's useful, but it's not perfect.. It's painful if it's used to heal wounds, I've had to do it to myself more than once and if the object I'm trying to mend is too intricate, I run the risk of passing out before I'm done."

When Alice demonstrates her ability, Kit watches for a moment, then she makes the comment of doing worse to someones underwear and he almost chokes on a bite of food.

Beast has posed:
"Thus why grape soda is your friend," Hank calls over. He has managed in the time of talking, to put away most of the contents of his piled vittles and he sets it, fork and empty kebab skewers to be washed and/or composted, indicating Ororo with a gesture.

Pause. Underwear rearrangement. He looks long and hard at Alice then down at his own bermuda shorts, gesturing a single finger exclamation point of bodylanguage toward her. "Remind me never to annoy you," and then gets back on track.

"A pencil is a weapon in the wrong hands. It's a matter of what you do with it, as noted. But we will not know if you are capable unless we test it out safely. We know you can take part of a wound, a whole of a wound, or suggest a wound heals quicker. This -is- the next logical step, as in the field, triage of that nature may be the difference between saving all the lives and losing one because you had to choose."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon wrinkles her nose at Alice, shooting her a look that should have turned her to ashes on the spot. Her voice went ice-cold. "He is NOT my type of guy. My type of guy went and joined the Peace Corps."

     There is a considerable hint of mist lingering in her eyes as she turns away, furling her wings around herself for a moment. To an empath, one could feel an emotional dam burst, and a rush of hurt come flooding out from where it had been held tightly under lock and key. But all anyone would see, was her turning away from Alice to regain her composure.

     Her voice is shaking a minute or so later as she addresses Dr. McCoy, nodding slowly. "You're right. Inflicting hurt even to save lives, though, will be... difficult."

Red has posed:
Alice flinhes as what wa meant as a jobe about Shannons comment about Strange hit far closer to home than wanted. "Sh... I didn't mean it like that shannon. And... I didn't know that you knew that your guy dumped you." she tried to talk it a little better, but feeling she only made it worse.

Storm has posed:
"I would expect and hope that practice will make that a better thing. That you will become more used to using the power and that it will drain you less," Ororo says softly, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "I am not sure who your sorcerer might be," she adds, one of her eyebrows quirking up a touch. Her gaze turns to Henry, a smile touching at the corners of her lips when he indicates her. It doesn't take her long to finish with the food on her plate, and she remains sitting and comfortable.

Smoothly, she picks up her plate and then unfolds her legs as she rises to her feet. Her gaze turns to Shannon. "The weather is simply the weather. When I bend it to my will, it either simply remains the weather or it becomes a weapon. It is my will and intent that determines what it is," she says softly, giving a small nod to her. She steps over to Shannon and lifts a hand to lightly bring it to her shoulder, if she's allowed. "It is difficult, yes. To inflict harm. Sometimes, it is all that stands between life and death," she adds in a gentle tone.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"At least your type of guy exists." Kit says with a glance to Shannon and a weird little smile. Then Alice makes that comment and Kit visibly winces, his ears folding to the sides slightly. He looks to Henry after a moment or two and tilts his head for a moment as he pops open the grape soda. "I actually tend to keep some kind of protein nearby, even if it's just my termite snacks."

Ororo's comment about practice gets a nod and a smile. "That's actually why I've been using it more. Problem is, it feels like the better I get at it, the more I have to eat and the more often.." He pauses a moment to take a drink, then adds, "I'm literally snacking on random things throughout the day. Like I said, I'm never not hungry."

Beast has posed:
"Oh dear," Beast murmurs, glancing between Shannon and Alice for now. "Oh, to be young again and feel so deeply," he dusts off his fingers, then glances at his watch and nods to himself. "Better get on with things though..." An eye is shot toward Ororo, who appears to be doing the solicitous thing and so he nods to Kit, Scott and Jean. "If you need me, I'll be by my car, boosting the signal through Bob's interface. I expect we'll have a package for Kit by the end of the week, if I manage to get my tongue to cooperate with me properly." Bob by the by, is Hank's onboard Ai and all around helpful anthropomorphic personification of his car, in holo form, courtesy of some cooperative work with Tony Stark.

That said, he gestures grandly at the sky. "Happy fourth of July, loud bangy noise day and brightly sparkly lights day. Occasionally how to assault Hank's senses day..." he mutters that last as he rounds the corner to his car.

Nightingale has posed:
     "It wasn't dumping me, Alice," Shannon said, her voice still trembling, though much quieter now. "He felt it was the only real way he could make use of his strength, serving others. Don't you get it? I'm damn -proud- of a choice like that, but it doesn't stop me from missing him. It's just... we were making plans, so many things we wanted to do together, places we wanted to see one day. I want to think he'll be back one day, and still want to be with me, but signing on for something like that is -years-. The odds of ever seeing him again are..."

     Her voice trails off, and she sighs, her wings drooping as if broken. All she does is hug miss Munroe fiercely, her shoulders shaking as she cries quietly.

Storm has posed:
Ororo gives Shannon's shoulder a gentle squeeze, and she's caught a bit off guard when she's hugged so fiercely. She slips her arms around the younger woman, hugging her in return, and one of her hands lightly rubs her back. "It will be all right," she says quietly, a gentle note to her voice. "Come, my dear... let us go insidefor a few minutes," she says quietly. She keeps an arm around her, and the she starts to walk with her and lead her towards the back door, to take her into the house.