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(Buffy, Connor, and Nick's paths intersect.)
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Latest revision as of 03:49, 3 October 2021

Murphy's Law
Date of Scene: 11 September 2021
Location: New Lots, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Buffy, Connor, and Nick's paths intersect.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Buffy Summers, Connor Macleod

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As evening sets over the low cost area of Brooklyn, which to be honest is still higher cost than most cities, there is a general hush over the streets. Most of those who don't need to be outside, don't. The foot traffic is low and those who have to be out walk with a cautious step, taking in their surroundings.

And then there's Nick. Two and a half weeks of hiding have gone by since the botched sting made it open season on his butt. And the instructions not to call anyone, not to reach out to anyone and to stay in for as long as he can is taking its toll. Cabin fever strikes again. But. At least he's got permission to make supply runs so tonight seemed just as a good a time as any to go make a trek over to one of the late open corner stores to grab some groceries. Although, he does make sure to head towards a different one than last time since he ran into Remy over there last.

Hair pulled back into a ponytail with the hair tucked into his shirt, the musician wears a ball cap. While he's not quite wearing bright clothing, he has conciously made the decision not to do the rocker routine of all black in his outfit this time around. Dark blue jeans and a light gray shirt complete the ensemble.

Coming near the intersection of a street, he idly glances both ways to make sure there's not some stray car about to blast through before continuing his walk.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had worried about Nick as had neither seen nor heard from him in a really long time. But of course she knew his life was in some sort of danger and that made her all the more anxious. He had not called or kept in touch in other ways either, but that was to be expected, if he's trying to keep a low profile and stay out of trouble.

With no fresh leads for the moment, Buffy had focused on her usual patrols, and while her territory was generally closer to Sunnydale, she had followed the trail of a particularly nasty lycanthrope around Brooklyn..And briefly lost it in a nearby alley.

"Well dam it.." she steps out, and heads down the street, incidentally taking her nearer to the mister section that Nick is heading towards."

Connor Macleod has posed:
Strange that he was in the shadows, moving quietly, staying out of the sight of men. Or women. It was not always like this. Connor Macleod used to be a man of no hiding. Now, he was a man trying not to be seen by mortals anywhere. It was a life that had become a life. Or a semblance of it.

Ah Brooklyn. Another strange event. How had this man born in the Highlands of Scotland come to live in New York? Now that was a story for the Watchers. He had come here because. He was meant to be here.

When Nick comes to an intersection, Connor is across the street, standing just out of the light of the street lamps, watching carefully. Something had brought him out onto the streets tonight. A sense of things to come. Knowing not to ignore his "feelings" Connor went with it, and here he was. Watching.

Next up. The Slayer. Yes, Connor knew who she was. He had heard of them, in his centuries of living. It was extremely rare to meet one however. Perhaps tonight was the night. Seeing her walk out into the light, and down the street, Connor smiles.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's amazing how instinct plays into the actions of those about to run into each other at the fateful intersection. Nick's stride is even as he makes his way across the intersection. And then there's that feeling of his own, the one of being watched. Is it paranoia? Possibly. But he's had plenty of valid reasons for having such a feeling. Fist clenching, pale eyes scan around for the potential sources. Is another safehouse burned? Is he going to get a lecture from Bucky after another run-in? Assuming he survives that is? There is a tenseness to his shoulders as he continues to look.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues towards the intersection, waiting as the light starts to turn stake..Wait, is that..Her eyes narrow and focus on the form of Nick as he hurries across the intersection..At the same time she senses something g else, a supernatural if unknown presence, and her eyes slowly focus and lock on Connor next, frowning thoughtfully. "Well, isn't this interesting.." she murmurs..

Connor Macleod has posed:
Connor's eyes find Nick, then Buffy, as she looks him over. That mischievious smile grows wider as he senses that Buffy is really looking at him. It was strange that they would be able to sense each other. Perhaps a link between their two sources of power, deep into the mists of history.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick gets closer to the other side, the hint of a person in the shadows does become one of concern. Reaching the sidewalk, the pace slows, allowing for the eyes to adjust a bit more to the darkness. The man he makes out seems familiar but not enough to place where he saw the man last. Considering how he was able to place Stuck after looking at a picture, it makes him question how often this figure may have been sneaking around in the background.

Lay low. Don't draw attention.

Instructions playback in his mind and as much as he'd like to ask this guy if they've met before, confirming such a possibility is likely going against what he's been told.

The movement to the side of his vision causes for him to turn his head. Seeing Buffy, his brows arch.


Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes as she sees Nick heading towards where she sensed that supernatural energy. She frowns, not wanting to give Nick away but if whoever is in the shadows is following him.."Okay..Here goes.." she darts out across the intersection, sprinting at impressive speeds as sh tries to beat the last few seconds of the stale walking signal. She rushes just past Nick, but bumps him ever so lightly just to let him know she's there, she's watching over him, "Oh excuse me." she says with a smile as she steps towards the shadows, "Come on, this isn't hide and seek. Show yourself.." she says to the darkness. For all she knows it could be the lycanthrope she's been tailing.

Connor Macleod has posed:
Perhaps it was time. Stepping out of the shadows, Connor bows slightly, head tipping forward, his eyes on the two people present. Nick on his side, Buffy over there. The slight light from the lamp illuminates Connor slightly, making him appear strange in the low light. His dark overcoat, worn shoes, and unkempt hair give him a "garish" look.

Connor watches Buffy join the other two across the street. Man she can move. With a low voice, Connor once again nods, and says, "Well now, I would not want to deny the lady her victory." His voice was strange. Scottish. French. European. Canadian. Was that a twang of the south? It was unique.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Buffy did have reason to be concerned. She should know by now one of his key limitations and being he didn't say anything to her otherwise, it stands to reason he may not have seen the stranger in the shadows.

Nick steps over to the side a bit as Buffy 'lightly' bumps him. That she is able to should be another indication to his state of not using powers. Head turning, he watches as she confronts the other person.

The added artificial light does help. And the voice just adds to the sense that he's encountered this guy before.

Or at least someone like him. Oh! That's got to be it! He reminds him of Duncan. The tension in his shoulders starts to relax.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow as she regards the stranger with a slight smirk.nWhy, he reminds her of Duncan, and at first, her head tilts, "Duncan, that you? It's been a while.." But as he steps into the light, she blinks a bit. "Oh, or not. Sorry my bad. You reminded me of someone. Could have sworn it was him." she still keeps an eye on Nick, making sure he's safe before turning to face Connor, "Victory huh? Don't get me wrong, I like a good fight, but.." she shrugs, "My fight's not with you, I dont think.."

Connor Macleod has posed:
"Reminded you of someone? Well, now that is an interesting comment to fire my way." Connor glances back at Nick, and then Buffy. "I have met one of you before, and the other, I know of. I am Connor Macleod of the Clan Macleod, and I am honoured to meet you both...in one case again, in the other for the first time." Connor places his right hand over his heart, and bows slightly. "My fight is, indeed, not with either of you. Our fight is against the darkness, never ending I think."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's head turns to look to Buffy as she starts to call the stranger Duncan, starting to shake his head in response before stopping himself. Don't confirm or contradict her.

Buffy's assessing glimpse of Nick does confirm him to be alive at least. To someone who he's hung around with for awhile, even a tired expression isn't something different. But right now Nick's expression is beyond the normal levels of fatigue. He looks downright exhausted.

He looks over to Connor as he makes his introduction. Eyes blink at the last name. "Macleod?" He repeats, he looks over to Buffy, "...That explains it. They're kin."

Connor Macleod has posed:
"Ah. You have met Duncan. He is my...descendent. It is complicated." Connor looks back over his shoulder, takes a moment to look back, and then says. "We will need to meet again. I am sure we have a lot to talk about! Be safe, be well, and until next time." With that he melds into the shadows, the Brooklyn fog seeming to embrace the Highlander as he disappears from view.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yeah well... complicated is kind of our thing." Nick admits. When the highlander turns his head to look behind him, Nick can't help but to look that way as well. Seeing nothing he glances back in time for Connor to make his parting words before vanishing into the shadows.

Speaking of vanishing...

Nick sighs, glancing to Buffy before looking away, "There's stuff that needs to be handled. When things are settled... you'll get a call. Don't let anyone new know you know me."

He looks over to the blonde. "Good to see you again." There's a smallish smile on his features before it dies away. And as quickly as they met up, he heads off.