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Latest revision as of 06:29, 5 October 2021

For a Fistful of Sprinkles
Date of Scene: 04 October 2021
Location: Darlington Park, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Mercy gets a hankering for ice cream after hiking a trail in Darlington Park and ends up coming across a number of people along the way. And not getting ice cream out of it, either.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Deadpool, Scarlet Witch, Constantine, Buffy Summers

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Sometimes, a long day of physical labour seems to warrant taking a walk through a park. There are times when it helps, and there are times when it doesn't. After finishing up in her garage for the evening, Mercy had showered off the grime of her job and then dressed in clean (mostly clean) clothes. A pair of running shoes, a pair of blue jeans, and a green long-sleeved shirt with the cartoon image of a sleeping wolf on the front of it. Her black hair has been braided into her customary pigtails which are still damp.

The sun is starting to set as she takes the last few steps off of one of the trails to be more within the park itself. She pauses there, taking a moment to look around the park at the few folks who are here at this hour, and then she glances back towards the trail that she had just left. She's had this sort of odd feeling before -- not quite like she's being followed or watched, though she's been at a loss as to the specific source of it. Then she gives a brief shake of her head before turning her attention towards the park itself. Even though she hasn't had dinner, Mercy starts to make her way towards an ice cream vendor that hasn't left the park yet. Chocolate is the solution to almost everything.

Deadpool has posed:
A park would normally be quite a loud place, filled with the barks of dogs as they were taken out on walks and the laughter of children as they played together, the odd aggressive break up where they say "it's not you it's me". A park was expected to be a rather loud and energetic place but out of these normalities was of course a man, standing at an ice cream vender, wearing red spandex and violently yelling at the innocent vender. r
% "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 50 CENTS EXTRA FOR SPINKLES!?" The irate deadpool would scream to the poor vendor, having no concern for any of the passerbys which seemed to be leaving before the scene inveitably turned violent. r
% Despite the vender saying things about the prices being "the usual" and "what he charges everyone else" poor deadpool still felt this was a personal attack on his wallet, and what crime could be more heinous! r
% Deadpool could only see one course of action in this tense situation, so he proceed to pull out his guns and begin to open fire on the vender's stall.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
One of the people who happens to already be here is Wanda Maximoff. At present, she's not in immediate view of anyone, sitting up in the branches of a tree, leaning against its trunk. Her eyes are closed and she appears to be having a nap. Or she could be meditating. Or listening. Or any number of other things, really. The tree is not too far from the ice cream vendor, with it withing visual distance if she were to look that way.

As the being that is Mercy Thompson comes into range of her senses, Wanda's head tilts. And turns in the direction Mercy happens to be. Then in the opposite direction. Her jade green eyes open, and fix on the lurking shape of a tall dark haired man. A muscular man wearing jeans and a t-shirt and combat style boots. "Bad puppy," she murmurs.

She is distracted from the muscular man by the sudden shouting about sprinkles. Her red hair sways as Wanda's head snaps that direction. Just in time for the guns to come out. She doesn't think before she reacts. Energy that appears to be flame-like, but very red, surrounds her hands, and the vendor's stall. The bullets all hit the power around the stall, and stop in midair. They hang there for a few moments before falling to the pavement below with a rain like clatter.

Constantine has posed:
A bit outlandish in his trenchcoat, John Constantine is sitting at a park bench not far from the ice cream vendor. Right next to it, in fact, because it's easier to sell ice cream to people who want to take a break and the wise merchant knows it. He has tried to not stare at Mercy, to no avail. Either she looks familiar to him or maybe she stands out somehow? John's only hope to not get noticed is either hide better behind the smoke of his Silk Cuts or a distraction.

"Pope's balls!" he cries at the gunshots tear him from his contemplative state. Before he knows it, he's jumping onto and behind the park bench, cupping a flame in his hands.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There is usually some level of background noise within a park -- children laughing or playing and other such sounds. But there's something about being outside that mitigates the noise, that makes it less of a jarring thing to sensitive ears. There's a brief glance that Mercy gives towards a couple of kids that are playing with a dog here in the park, but she doesn't give them much of her attention.

She was about to glance back towards the woods that she'd just recently left when the shouting from the direction of the ice cream vendor pulls her attention there. Her gaze passes over the redheaded woman in the tree, which is an oddity that will need more attention later. And she stops, glancing from the red-spandex clad aggressor to the ice cream vendor. She gives a slight wince at the sudden sharp sounds of the guns being fired, and then she gives a quick look around the surroundings just to make sure that the folks around are either leaving or getting to cover. Which leaves herself, and she doesn't happen to be bulletproof.

Before she's able to decide on a course of action -- which was likely to be running -- there's the red shield of energy all around the stall, and she tilts her head to one side, her curiosity drawn nigh instantly by the fact that it's there. The tension eases a small amount from her, and she starts to cautiously approach, her hands resting at her sides.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool porceeds to check his surroundings, readying his pistols as he looks around for whoever had stopped his clearly just attempt at vandalism. When he finds no clear pressence of whoever had stopped his deed he scratched his head with his gun, the hammer, not the barrel and then took a different approach, looking up above him until he finally spots the cause of his further irritation r% "you there!" he announces in an almost knightly accent "if you wish to stand between me and my rrrrrighteous deeds than come forth and face me post haste!" he even grabbed one of his katanas and hoisted it up high, reciting "by the power of greyskull" in his head as he did so.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Let's face it. A trenchcoat this time of year anywhere in or near New York City? Not really that outlandish. Wanda's not wearing a trenchcoat, but she is wearing a similar longcoat of leather in a rich red color. It matches the color of her magic and complements the black of the teeshirt, jeans, and heeled boots she wears. She floats down out of the tree, landing lightly on her feet before walking in perfect calmness toward the icecream vendor. "Come now. Are sprinkles really worth the risk of hitting an innocent bystander with your bullets?"

There's a reason sounds are less jarring outdoors than indoors, typically. Indoors, walls bounce the sounds back, often more than once. The lack of walls helps greatly, especially with things like gunshots. As far as it goes, Wanda shows no hesitation at all in coming forth to face the red clad man. "Here I am. Show me what you've got, yeah?"

Constantine has posed:
Constantine is staring again, this time at Wanda. "What the actual Hell's this place..." he mutters. The shooting has stopped but the gunner is still waving live guns around. The park is emptying rapidly, most people rushing away in a panic. Some trip and fall, a few are hugging their legs... Yet, the more disturbing is seeing the ones who vicariously spectate through their phone with no regards to the hard reality of bullets or death.

"You, lady," he calls to Mercy, "Help me herd the dumbass phone addicts away." John fully pops out from behind his bench and throw a single hellfire dart at a guy over there, aiming low. Poof! The dart does a little explosion and the young man's left sneaker is burning.

"AAAAAAAAAH MY FOOT!", shouts Fireshoe, throwing his phone in the air and starting for a random direction. BAM! Face meets tree and Fireshoe is out cold on his back. Whatever fire was on his shoe, it flies back to Constantine and sit in his palm.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The half-Native American woman give a shake of her head as she looks to the red-clad man. "Hey, no one has the right to vandalize someone else's property or destroy their business or put them in danger of death, regardless of what you feel about the prices. He's just trying to make his own living for his family, and live to be able to see them again," Mercy says, lifting a hand to gesture towards the vendor for the stall. Not necessarily the wisest course of action given that the fellow is armed with guns and a katana.

She glances towards the sound of the woman's voice that comes from not all that far away, then she blinks and takes a second look as she notices that the redhead is floating down to the ground. Her initial surprise wears off readily, for she's seen magic before and this is a different flavour of it.

Her attention turns to the trench-coated man, and she raises an eyebrow slightly before she gives a nod to the request. "I'll help where I can," she offers up in reply. How can she not? Casually, but purposefully, she snags the phone out of the hand of the nearest person who's trying to catch it on video, and she holds the phone beyond the woman's reach. "Ma'am, do the smart thing and /go home/. This isn't worth your life, and those are real bullets," she says in a level tone that's loud enough to carry to the folks that had been lingering near. She gives the woman back her phone, half turns her about and gives her a nudge in the right direction -- the nearest exit of the park.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool turned to Mercy for a moment "if he wants to see his family then he'll appropriately charge for his sprinkles!" He then turned back to the red haired...red coated...red everything really woman that is Wanda Maximoff and seemed almost delighted by her engagement of him.
Deadpool took a step forward, holding his katana like a rapier as he attempted to thrust it into the chest of Wanda.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff spares not a single glass for any of the phone addicts, nor the trenchcoat guy who looks vaguely familiar, nor the half native american woman. She keeps her eyes on the red clad gunner guy even when the shouting about feet comes. She doesn't seem to have any care at all for guns or katana, but rather the apparently insane guy wielding both.

As the katana is thrust toward her, Wanda watches it come, and takes a single step to the side, half turning her body as she does so. As she's moving, she sweeps out with the back of her right hand, attempting to knock it into the hilt of the sword and the hand that holds it. "Why do I have the feeling you're just looking for a fight?" She sounds more amused than anything else.

Constantine has posed:
"Boo!" Constantine shouts at the last civilian reporter. There's magic in this childish gesture: John's face turns darker, his traits harsher, his eyes glow yellow for just a split second. There goes the daft peeper running, clutching their phone as they do. Were they a man or a woman? Who cares, they are safe. Safe from whooshing katanas, bullets and stray Hex spells. John gives the native american lady a nod, good job.

"So... are we going to dance all day all night, my luvs? Ice cream's melting away." He looks between Deadpool and Wanda, having found a flask and ready to swig from it. "Someone's gonna show up soon to sort this out or we can throw money at the candy man over there and leave."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's a moment taken to watch the folks who now, wisely, start to head for the exits of the park in order to get out of harm's way. Then her attention turns back to towards the source of today's mayhem. She raises aneyebrow slightly and then gives a small shake of her head. "He charges either the same or less than the other ice cream vendors that I've visited. If you don't like the price of the sprinkles, then don't ask for them," Mercy says. It makes more sense to her than shooting up the space.

Her attention turns to the redheaded woman and the red-dressed man, studying each of them for a moment. Then she looks to the man in the trenchcoat, and she lifts one of her shoulders in a faint shrug. "Would have been easier to pay than to cause all of this. Police'll be here soon, I expect," Mercy comments. She doesn't have magic to throw about, so she steps back and away from the pair who are facing off.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool takes notice of Mercy's suggestion and responds in kind "WHO EATS ICE CREAM WITHOUT SPRINKLES!? AND THEY CALL ME INSANE!" before turning his attention to probably the more important aspect of the day, the fight he was having. &r
Deadpool twists his wrist and violently pulls his sword back in tandem with Wanda's swing, manging to slice a little bit into the back of her hand,right above the middle finger "you know, this is why we need a saying for bringing fists to a katana fight, or sword fight...or whatever!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Hopefully not," says Wanda, to Constantine, though she keeps her eyes on Deadpool. She doesn't seem to be in any bit of a hurry. The police might not be much of a problem for her. Either because of her magic or because of her connections. Or both?

"You know, I would be willing to donate the money for the sprinkles, if you promise not to shoot up any more innocent vendors," she offers. Wanda moves to dodge the slice toward the back of her hand, and doesn't quite make it in time. "Y'don't say," she says. She brings both of her hands up in front of her. They glow scarlet, the same color as the shield around the vendor hand been. And then thoom! The magic rushes from her hands straight toward Deadpool's chest, dead center of mass. "I was being polite." The keyword here, 'was.' Clearly, the polite part is over!

Constantine has posed:
John has an unvoluntary wince at the blood being drawn from Wanda's hand. He cures that with a long draw from his flask, gloop gloop gloop gloop. "I don't think fifty pennies will have this honest... this salesman drop it. There are holes in the cart, you know." With the speed of habit, he has a new cigarette tucked between his lips and lit. "I could make him forget but he's got bills to pay I guess. Who's got cash money? Insurance?"

From John's tone, that's pretty clear he's not 'it'.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I do, all the time," Mercy says, giving a nod to the man in red. "Sprinkles cost extra at the store, too," she points out, lifting one of her shoulders in a bit of a shrug. And she likes to keep chocolate ice cream for when she doesn't feel like baking since it satisfies the need for chocolate. She gives a small shake of her head, and she doesn't make any motion to interfere with their fighting.

She doesn't seem to be in any hurry to leave even with the police being likely being on the way. Maybe she's not just what she appears to be, but appearances can be deceiving sometimes. Her gaze follows the flow of the magic as it gathers around the woman's hands and then is projected to the red-clad fellow.

She turns her attention to the trench-clad man, and she snorts softly before giving a small shake of her head. "There were almost holes in /him/, and there's probably holes and bullets in the various cartons of his ice cream," she points out, lifting a hand to gesture towards it. "I don't have any cash on me," she adds. She doesn't comment about insurance -- self-employed means she has none except for what's on her garage.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Well, today was supposed to be a chance to get out and about, get away from the usual chaos that surrounds her job..Both her night job and her..Other night job. But alas. As she steps into the park, she sees all these screaming people running for their lives. "Oh great...Now what?" she sighs as she peers around, trying to find the source of the chaos..

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool completely distracted with the half conversation he was having with Mercy, "you disgust me!" but his attention should have been focused on something else...perhaps the red burst of magic that just struck him in the chest, knocking the mercenery off his feet and resulting in a loud *crack* or two as his rips broke and began to do some serious internal damage. Due to the force that had knocked him over, he ended up landing against the ice cream stall, knocking it over in the process, so at least he accomplished damaging the stall in some way.

it seemed that for the time being, this strange masked mad man had been conqered and likely killed...until about seven seconds later when he sucked in air and proceeded to yell "THIS MEANS WAR!"

Deadpool took the possible surprise of his sudden ressurection as an opportunity to grab something from his dufflebag, pulling out what appeared to be a fully automatic subamachine gun.

Deadpool, without any hesitation, opened fire on the scarlet witch whilst yelling "block this!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Holes? There's holes? Wanda glances at Constantine, her expression a bit odd. She glances to the ice cream stand, where there are no holes. "Just money for the sprinkles, and maybe a bit for the guy's sanity," she says with a quiet laugh.

The source of the chaos appears to be Wanda Maximoff and Deadpool. Perhaps she should have taken better care to aim /away/ from the ice cream vendor? Oh well. She'll take care of that later! Wanda looks down at her hands for a brief moment. Definite oops moment. Clearly that cut irritated her more than she was willing to admit!

She's never going to assume an opponent is down until they're definitely dead, however, so she's ready for the other's retaliation. The magic comes up again, same as it had around the vendor before. The bullets run into the scarlet barrier, pause there for a moment, and then fall to the ground, more or less intact. "Okay," she says. "Are you done yet?"

Constantine has posed:
"I may've had a drink or three." That's John's excuse for everything. It's also the truth: he does smell kinda like a three days long party. "No holes." He smiles to the ice cream man. "No holes!" He wiggles the fingers of his left hand and suddenly a silver dollar appears, which he tosses street vendor's way.

"So huuuuh... you in the red outfit? Don't shoot again. I'd feel like I'd have to melt your toys or somit. Capish, gov'nor?" John's threat is backed with confidence but also very casual, very friendly. He sniff, catching something in the breeze and he turns his gaze the other way. "Buffy?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The half-Native woman takes her attention away from the combatants for a moment to look in the direction of the newest voice that her keen hearing picks up in the area. A smile tugs up the corners of her lips as she lifts a hand to offer a wave in Buffy's direction.

Mercy's attention turns readily back to the red-clad fellow, and she raises an eyebrow at his words. "That's a pretty strong statement to make about someone that's a stranger," she comments, shifting her weight slightly. There's a flicker of surprise that shows in her brown eyes when the magic catches him and throws him back in such a way, her ears picking up the sounds of bones cracking.

Though she isn't surprised by the fact that he gets up after a few seconds (she has familiarity with things that regenerate), she is surprised when the additional weapon is brought out. She blinks at that and suddenly finds herself to be wishing that she wasn't entirely unarmed. She steps back a bit, though it's perhaps more out of instinct, and she keeps her hands at her sides.

"Are you sure it might not have been more than three?" Mercy suggests, looking to Constantine. She has, no doubt, caught a whiff of the alcohol smell that lingers to him. "Maybe melt the duffle bag, since that's where the latest one came from?" she suggests, giving a slight nod towards it. She doesn't trust what else might be in there.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs as she arrives, watching the battle between Wanda and Deadpool. "Of course you'd be here, Wade.." she rolls her eyes as she watches, knowing Wanda is more than capable of dealing with this trouble maker. "And here I thought you had turned over a new leaf. Hey, Wanda. Long time, no see." she smirks. May as well enjoy the show.

As she spies Mercy and Constantine next, she smirks and nods at them too. "Heh, looks like a party. What's going on here..Oh don't tell me, they didn't have his favorite flavor of ice cream so he blew up the cart?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool lets out a sigh and stands up fully, dusting himself off and unloading the empty magazine from his gun "you magic types always take all the fun out of it, it's always magic wall this, summoning demons that yadda yadda" in his disgruntled mood it seemed he had lost track of the villanious Dan James who had wronged him so.

Deadpool retrieved his bag and zipped it up slipping it over his shoulder "well anyway, i got places to be, people to exanguinate and such, i'll smell you later!" and with that, he just set off jogging away from the confrontation "you owe me an ice cream!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff honestly hadn't meant to use quite that much force to drive the spell. It had just.. happened that way. Sometimes, the red sparks off in a most spectacular way! "Hey Buffy," she replies back. Though, once again, her eyes remain on Deadpool. "Sprinkles. They charged for the sprinkles." An answer to Buffy's guess.

The redhead snorts out her nose. "Be glad I don't burn you to ash," she says firmly. She rolls her eyes at the figure has he retreats, just like that. Wanda moves toward the cart and uses her magic to shift it until it's right side up again. At least the ice cream should all be in one piece, more or less. The sprinkles, cones, bowls, cups, and other such assorted accoutrements might be another story, however. And the vendor. "Hey, you alright in there?" She peeks through the window.

Constantine has posed:
"Hey wait!" John says after the departing Deadpool... but too late. He celebrates his failure to network with another sip of something from his flask. "It's a miracle this wilde magic didn't turn the whole neiborhood into a volcano. An ice cream and sprinkles float, with cherry flavored lava..." Sip, sip.

Finally, someone takes responsibility for the trauma victim. "Buffy, I've been busy... sorry. I picked a side, y'know? I hang out with Luci now. Here." John searches a pocket of his trench coat. He tosses an old tissue paper, some lint, a bent nail... finally finding a red button which he hands over to her. "When you want to find me, swallow this. Might be a bumpy ride, not gonna lie."

John gives the scene one last scan. "I'd stay if I didn't have to babysit the actual Devil. See you around, all. And stop using unstable magic without a focus, you goof." Last bit meant for Wanda, of course. He reaches to thin air and opens a door that shouldn't be to a room that belongs to another era. He steps in and is gone. So is the door.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Constantine. "Luci...Lucifer, you mean? Wait, why are you hanging out with that guy..Isn't he like...Y'know, the devil and all?" she frowns though as he offers her some weird stuff. "Woah wait, what's this stuff?" with a shrug, she stuffs it in her pocket. "Uh..Right, sure.." And she watches him and Wade head off, drawing a deep breath. "Hooboy.."

looks like that just leaves Wanda and Mercy. "Heh, never a dull moment around here.." she rubs her eyes tiredly. "So uh..What else has blown up in my absence?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's a hint of a smile that touches at the corners of her lips as she gives a small nod of greeting to Buffy at her words. "It's more the logic of sprinkles and their cost," Mercy says, a thoughtful note to her voice. Her attention shifts over to the red-clad man, and she tilts her head a bit to one side. She wrinkles her nose slightly, and then she gives a small shake of her head as she watches him leave before she looks elsewhere.

She looks to the redheaded woman, a flicker of curiosity to her brown eyes. "Well, you could always save turning him to ash for next time. I have a feeling that there will be a next time," she comments. She slips her hands into her jeans pockets and she follows towards the vendor, visually checking over the stall and such as well as the vendor. "Things seem mostly okay, at least," she says softly.

She looks over to Constantine as he offers a red button to Buffy, and she raises an eyebrow slightly as she listens. She blinks at the appearance of the door, and then she gives a small shake of her head. "Magic is odd sometimes," she comments, to no one in particular.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff raises a brow at Constantine. "I am my own focus," she says. But, of course, heightened emotion amplifies magic... She shrugs about Lucifer. "That is the legendary name of the devil, yes." More than that, clearly, she cannot say. She grimaces at Mercy's words. "More than likely, there will be a next time." She pauses for a moment, and considers, then brightens at Mercy's words about magic being odd.

"It can be. Especially chaos magic. But that reminds me, I have a wolf to hunt up." She sounds cheerful about that and turns to start back into the park, heading deeper into it. In search of something, perhaps? Or someone? She pauses and glances back to Buffy. "Good to see you again, Buffy." With that, Wanda turns and continues on her way. Woman on a mission!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Geez, what planet did I land on? OKay...I need to figure out what's going on with Constantine. When did he go the low road..Really? Teaming up with the Devil? I don't trust that guy.." she frowns, "I thought he was my new Watcher or something." she looks..Disappointed, among other things. "guess I gotta give Luci a visit soon too. Don't trust that guy." y'know, not the least of which is because he's like, literally The Devil. Or anything.

Still..Mercy and Wanda are given a faint smile. "It was good to see you two, both of you. I hope Wade doesn't cause you further trouble..For a while, I thought I had connected with him, but seems like he's lost his way again." great, another person she's gotta babysit..If he even remembers her still. "Well, see you two later.." and with that, she's heading off in the opposite direction..

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Things that can regenerate typically always find a way of coming back for a next time," Mercy says softly. Her brown gaze turns to Wanda, studying her for a moment. Then she offers her right hand after pulling it free from her pocket. "Mercy Thompson," she offers by way of introducing herself, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

She blinks at the mention of a wolf, and arches an eyebrow. "What do you mean, you have a wolf to hunt? What wolf?" Mercy asks, curiosity in her voice. She knows wolves, and some of them aren't quite ordinary, so the statement of hunting one causes her a measure of concern.

She looks to Buffy and gives a nod, and a bit of a smile. "It was good to see you, too. Take care of yourself, and see you later," she offers. Then her attention turns back to Wanda.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The offered hand either goes unnoticed or ignored. But Wanda does smile at Mercy when she asks about the wolf. "A man wolf," she says. And then she's gone. There's a Wanda there one second, and the next? There's a flash of scarlet, and when it clears, Wanda has vanished. Off on her hunt of a man wolf?