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Somewhere you can hear the song of the sea...
Date of Scene: 15 August 2021
Location: Conneticut coastline -- Beyond Long Island.
Synopsis: Listening to the songs of fish has never been trickier. Rifts in reality can happen anywhere, even in an old lighthouse on the Conneticut coastline.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Constantine, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Summer nights are a lovely thing. No matter how many of them you experience, they're always different enough that one can find something to appreciate, whether it be the circumstance, the situation, the location, the sounds, the smells... anything and everything. Life seems easier in the summer, thanks to the hinterbrain not being so worried about potential sources of food.

Tonight, there are clouds over the stars in may places and for reasons inexplicable, there is a fog that rolls in from the ocean. Huge wings in the night stir these tendrils and whip them to dissipate, above that vapour line and dew point. But some places, sheltered from the stir of wind and the equal stir of echoes that is humanity, it clings and lingers. Particularly in the east of America, it's hard to find such spots where it seems like humankind haven't managed to make much of an impact and in some cases, they can be less than a few miles across.

This is one such point, where any road had to go around unstable terrain, where the coastal cliff has a nasty habit of occasionally dropping chalk down into the water below. Roads on chalk cliffs? Not a good idea. Anyway. It is there, on a little rock out onto the water, that an old lighthouse, decomissioned, sits. Some such lighthouses remain open to tourists, such as the Fairweather lighthouse in bridgeport, but not this one.

"Here..." Sinister's voice is soft as the flurry of backwinging ends. "The channel is deep here. Maybe I can draw the song up from the shelf below the water." There's a shadow over the lighthouse though, of which she is unaware, but the supernatural might just pick it up. A mystery, in the dark. "Can you see ok? I can just give myself owl eyes."

Constantine has posed:
Twin lights like a pair of anglerfish try to break through the fog, over the hill. Which would be a silly place to meet with two anglerfish side by side. They also growl in a familiar way, a way that is not in agreement with the natural state of the place. Soon the mystery is unveiled as the mundane shape of a car rolls into view.

The vehicle stops a good 100 yards from lighthouse itself, letting out one passenger who is not trying to be sneaky. "Just go home, Becky. I'll be fine luv," Constantine says loudly over the engine and prog rock coming from the cab. "No. You drive back home, don't stop for nothing or nobody, then you text me." He taps on the roof to encourage the carriage to take off. It seems to work. The car is leaving. The glow of a lighter marks the next nail into John Constantine's coffin. A Silk Cut nail.

Sinister has posed:
The lack of an answer has Sinister looking up and around, confusion for a moment until she feels something in the distance. "It's ok, I'll still be here. You'll find me..." she stares off though, at the flare of lights on the shoreline. Silently, she lifts up through the fog, narrowing reflective eyes in the direction of the road. A tattle tale mind draws her closer. "Huh," no wings are involved in this flight, telekinesis does the job just as well and she therefore lands silently off to the side of the tattle-tale cherry end.

"I do seem to meet you in the oddest of places, mister Constantine."

Constantine has posed:
"Blimey, d'you always glide at people like this?" Constantine says. The remark though is smoothed by a big welcoming grin. "This an odd place alright. This" he points a the lighthouse, then sweeps across the visible swathe of shore with his cigarette's ember, "is virgin ley line conjunction. Boundaries of worlds are weaker here... Also the lightouse has a past of murder and ghosts and such."

He drags a long drag on his cigarette and then it's just a butt, a butt he flicks off somewhere to die in the dark. "A friend of a friend's been visited by their great grandfather and it leads here. Dreams, you know? Could be something, could be nothing. Either way, I'm guessing you're here for a reason too."

Sinister has posed:
"Likely not the same reason as you are, but I find my life has some strangely precipitous moments in it," Nathanielle (yes it stuck) informs. There's a wicked little smile with it and she watches him sloe eyed at the litany of dark at the foot of the structure on its promentary. "I suppose I really ought to believe in such things as ghosts and psychic resonance on a place, owing to its past, but I'm a novice in that field of expertise. Dreams? Prophetic dreams, I take it?"

She's wearing tight-tight satin pants, and Victoria secret underwear that can be unfortunately rather clearly seen through the fishnet sweater she's got on. Her hair's tied back in a ponytail though, so it doesn't get in her face. Somehow, she's managed to keep a cigarette case in her back pocket. It must be a magic ass pocket, as there really shouldn't be any room there. It's picked out and she leans toward John rather expectantly. No lighter, it seems. "Be a doll, would you?"

Constantine has posed:
A flask is offered in passing. "More like very, very bad dreams. I've got history with the Sandman so... I feel I have to look into this. Prophetic dreams are whole other bag of bad juju. Fate and all." Constantine shrugs, unwilling to spill more about prophecies and fortune telling it sounds like. "You can believe in ghosts but they're not as common as say faeries or natural spirits. Or demons. Oh, I got you."

Constantine extends a thumb and summons just a small bit of Hellfire. He sure is not as able with it as Lucifer, that shows. "Smoking will kill you, you know." He lights another one for himself. "No matter if I'm at the right place, this here is due to spit out some weird. The stars are right, Nate."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister seems more inclined to tolerate 'Nate' than her male alter ego. She sucks the smoke into life, billows of blue-grey puffing out as she leans forward to the flame. Then it's a deep inhale and long nails glittering with black polish in the night as she looks over at the lighthouse. "Fate. Mmmm. Recently had a run in with that which did not end well. Amazing what peoples are willing to do, when they consider it is their fate to fight against something..." she flicks ash off the end, drags again and looks at him curiously.

"You really do show up whenever something peculiar is about to happen, don't you? Must be an interesting life..." said like Interesting Times, to be truthful -- a crackle of st Elmo's fire sparks in the lighthouse cabin up above, flashes then fades in a kind of plasmic arc down the stairwell inside and the sea sucks away, then rushes back in, in a crescendo of spray, as if a tiny terrible tsunami just occured.

At the same time, little will-o-the-whisp balls of light pour from the wooded area off the side of the rocky outcrop and dance downward into the water, sinking. "THat... is odd."

Constantine has posed:
Constantine says, "Interesting. Suuuuure..." Constantine repeats, totally absorbed by the shift in reality. "This is it, luv. The breach. Those will-os, they're running back to their home plane. Not our concern." John takes a deep swig of whatever middle shelf booze he could steal, cheat, pawn, trade or conjure. "You ain't told me what leads you here, miss. I remember the sea thing you captured and I've yet to hear where it went."

He pockets the alcohol away. "Now you don't want to get anywhere near the tear. The St. Elmo's fire. That's where the veil's ripped. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't find your way back in time for Christmas. Let's get closer slowly." He offers his arm like a proper gentlman and takes a few lazy steps weirdwise."

Lucifer has posed:
At the same time the lighthouse is going off and the sea gives way and crashes back there's another sound off in the distance. Like thunder, or a sort of sonic boom. A moment after, there's a strong gust of wind that might have come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. There's still no sign of Lucifer who up to a point had been at Sinister's side before he sort of...disappeared.

He hadn't meant to. He never means to. But they have angered a few different sources and some of those sources determine to go after her, while others feel it best to go after him. Then there's the prophecy he brought to life days ago in a little graveyard called Highgate in London where he said any who wanted HER would have to come through HIM.

So it doesn't take long for someone to decide that they would try. They don't get very far, but perhaps neither does Lucifer. And when the Devil does finally appear it's not some pop up out of nowhere. It's literally him falling from the skies, looking as though he's lost his wings, and then he crashes into the depths of the sea itself.

Sinister has posed:
"A rift in reality?" Sinister gets that 'SCIENCE!' look on her face, for a moment or two, cataloguing things that must be done with the right equipment later on, to study such things. Her entire laboratory network is powered by a tesseract energy, so it's not like she's unfamiliar. Still... "Is it cyclic?" She asks this as indeed, she'll take his elbow to approach with caution, bootheels soft on the gravel and turf alike. It's as if she's walking on air, which she might well be. "That creature is locked in my laboratory. It's been the source of quite a bit of interesting information so far, though it's not really liking its confinement much. I have minions feeding it herring three times a day and it doesn't like being on a diet. I actually came to hear the songs of fish... there's a deep shelf beneath that lighthouse but this isn't an active shipping channel any more, so they decomissioned the..."

And that's when the boom occurs and she looks in that direction, immediately aware of /something/ that has happened and it isn't something she wants to be feeling in the slightest. Her eyes fill entirely with red, a glowing red that tinges toward white, then flares brilliantly with cold fire that licks at her eyebrows. No wind, but that doesn't stop her clothing and the whisps of hair at her face from dancing in the vortex she herself creates, both hands thrust out toward the ocean. It broils where she gestures, much in the same way as it had when she captured the sea creature, but this time, it's one sodden figure she lifts up and draws closer... at speed we'll note... and NOT a whole load of ocean with it. And as soon as that figure is close enough, one flourishing sweep of her arm, like she was using an invisible bullwhip and a red-tinged bubble barrier forms over all three individuals.

Excuse her. She'll just be kneeling over by mister Soggy, reaching for his cheek to pat it vigorously. Patpatpatpat. C'mon! Wake up. Don't make me slap you.

Constantine has posed:
Answers about the science of magic, which can never be a thing, will have to wait. Constantine grunts after the BOOM occurs, finding impossible to ignore. "See, that doesn't help much with unstable areas," he mutters. "Good evening, Your Highness," he adds in recognition of the Prince of Hell himself.

"Is he okay?" John asks, his tone sounding uncertain. He can't seem to pick one facial expression, running through several emotional calculations a second. "Please step back. I know how to blow some life back in him." He rises both hands, fingers fanned. "Eldritch flame. Sang bouillant. Asflurbiom." Tendrils of Hellfire venture from his fingers, plus two from his eyes and they search for Lucifer. When they reach their destination, they swiftly seep in and they break from Constantine, leaving the night darker than it was. Thrown of balance, Constantine takes a knee.

Lucifer has posed:
Being taken out of the water would have been fine, really. Lucifer wasn't dying, or even dead, but he was a bit on the unconscious side. Blood mixes with water and runs in rivulets from behind him as he's bleeding from where his wings once were. He's still, but he stopped himself from breathing at some point during everything - especially once he knew he was going to be crashing into the water at some point.

Not that Constantine is hindering, cause he's not. In fact, that spurt of Hellfire sinking into the Devil does cause Lucifer's eyes to open and then he sits up fast, coughing and attempting breath. "Fucking...asshats. I'm going to have a word. A long, stern word... even if it sends me back to Hell for a while." A look over to Sinister then and he tries to smile through it all before his gaze shifts to the kneeling Constantine. "Oh. Hello. Fancy seeing YOU out here, John."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister steps back from the cheekpatting when Constantine seems to have ideas (and warnings) -- the latter parentheses would be amusing to Sinister if she didn't look quite so annoyed. She looks up at the heavens, then down at the soggy one, offering a side-eye to John with it.

Ohhh, behold. The arms folding firmly beneath her bosom and the expectant look!

Constantine has posed:
"We keep running into one another, right?" John says, echoing Lucifer's feelings about... whatever is going on. "Someone's been wefting their own thread into the tapestry, I'm ready to bet on that." Uncharacteristically, he offers a helping hand to Lucifer. "Huh... did you wake up in a bathtub full of ice in a Motel 9 bathroom? 'cause you're missing bits and pieces. I'd keep a close eye on Craiglist, mate." He shakes his head, wincing. "That's huuuh. Yeah. Want something for the pain?"

Lucifer has posed:
"No." Lucifer says this while taking that hand to get back onto his feet. "I ripped off my wings to get away from the one who decided to attack me." This much more as he looks over to Sinister. "Thanks John." Is offered as he approaching his woman and shifts to give her a strong hug. Just needing that for a moment. "There's..." He can't lie. "No. It will be alright. I've done this a few times before for various reasons. It doesn't turn me mortal or anything, they just grow back."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister is hugged whilst giving her girls an uplift! The stiffness doesn't last though, when she's given that fierce embrace. She detangles enough to wrap her own arms around the fallen angel... with a bit of pressure just below the spots where they were cut. She's being nice, lookit. "Sometimes, I am mightily glad that I don't have to do such things as that. I would find it mightily frustrating..." she murmurs, looking over at John. 'Thank you' is mouthed at him.

"Are they at it again?" she asks, with a jerk of her chin heavenward.

Constantine has posed:
John's mouth seizes and closes at the vague 'they' from Sinister. Instead, he tosses the Devil his flask without even an ounce of hesitation. He seems to retreat whithin himself before the display of affection, unable to fully watch or ignore it either. "You did burn them, I hope?" he asks, his voice quiet and full of fear. "The wings. You burned them, right?" He takes a step back and looks to the Heavens, scanning for a sign or maybe a shift in the stars... There. A tiny fiery streak. Another. Shooting stars.

Lucifer has posed:
"Yes, but not the ones from the other night. Different group. The other Archs are upset..." Lucifer offers and then he looks to John. "Do you take me for an idiot? Of course I burned them." He's not going to let the entirety of his wingspan fall upon the earth. Things would happen. Terrible things. No one should have the power of his feathers but him and those he bestows one upon.

After a moment he pulls back from Sinister so John doesn't have to keep witnessing the lovery dovery stuff, and catches that tossed flask in the same motion. Then he looks over to the light house and sniffs the air. "Things have been going on here?"

Sinister has posed:
"Ah, I see," Glancing up again, Sinister tucks her hands behind her back when she's withdrawn from, potentially to stop herself from fussing. The urge to fuss is quite strong, you know. "Yes, it seems so. Rift in the lighthouse, shows as a ripple of light every so often. Apparently also let a load of wisps go back to their plane of existence, which is something I doubt I'll get to witness all that often..." She sniffs, glances at the two men and ever so casually comments "...this is one of those bad idea moments that I should avoid doing, isn't it? Do not go into the lighthouse and poke the rift to see what happens, kind of deal?"

Constantine has posed:
"I know I wouldn't. At least not without knowing where it leads, what's waiting on the other side." John lights yet another cigarette. "I never said anyone's an idiot. Sometimes we all have to make choices and that means leaving things behind. Thank you for being thorough." He nods solemly to the fallen angel. "Miss Nate, the one thing I know about magic that's almost always true: it's not the big show of power you have to watch for, it's how your path gets... diverted. Once you've been touched by magic, once you've seen it, even if you don't know hocus from pocus? Well, you'll find yourself entangled in the affairs of the Fates. The seams of the Tapestry will begin to show. You'll get noticed." He pauses, watching the glow of his Silk Cut. "Why d'you think I drink?"

Lucifer has posed:
"You should go up there and poke it. What's the worst that can happen?" Lucifer asks while watching the lighthouse for a moment longer. "Remember what I said. No matter where or when..." Just in case it would all go sideways. One never really knows. Lucifer is just here to encourage the scientist that is his lover to go do what she wants to. Then he looks to John and gives a shrug. "Whats magic but untested science? At the end of all things. I mean a few things can't be explained, I suppose, but in the end there is a meaning behind everything." He motions to Sinister then. "And I'm just as curious to maybe go and touch the thing."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister rocks on her heels, back an forth a few times. GIven how well endowed she is, this might remind both men of a ship listing at anchor with the figurehead rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrising and falling. Sometimes, such things are magnetic. Many a man has been caught in the midst of a conversation with the 'other set of eyes' after all. Wow, that's worse when she has her hands tucked into the small of her back, that's for sure. "I suppose you could be forgiven for not knowing me very well, John. I mean, most of the planet doesn't know me very well at all, by design. You can't be me and be famous, or even infamous with but for a handful of indivuals. If Magic wants its claws in me, it's had plenty of opportunity to do so, already. Maybe if it does, I will have a better opportunity to fully comprehend the crazy ingredients of it all. It does seem to follow a set of rules, even if those rules seem incomprehensible to logic."

She beams widely, an expression that could probably floor lesser mortals and gives a little bounce on the spot. Hell help them both. "I'm going in..." and so she sets off that short distance, the protective dome over them all kind of... following her as it does. And when the edge hits the men, they'll get drawn with it, because that's the nature of force spheres. They're a shell, centered on her and she hasn't let it drop yet. The lock on the door explodes with a thought.

Constantine has posed:
"Tlk." That's the sound of John Constantine clicing his tongue. "Let's go then. What kind of, you know, friend I'd be if I let you go alone?" Whose friend of whom he should be remains unclear for his eyes are kind of follwing the rocking endowement, not directly but the motion of them. He flicks a cigarette butt into the dark. "Hey, maybe I'm the claws of magic, hon. Ever thought of that? Or maybe you believe in free will? Whoa." That's the dome hitting John's butt.

"You fancy egg won't prevent the worst. Keep it up, though." John is walking at the same pace as Sinister, watching her every move. No need to get tripped again. "Say, Your Highness," he asks Lucifer, "why the family feud? Anything to do with the hellmouth under New Jersey?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer doesn't need the force field to move him in any direction. He said he was going and so he walks by Sinister's side as she moves. Did he get distracted by the bosom she so rampantly showed? Perhaps. It's hard to tell, really, since Lucifer is being sort of off about a few things. Not on purpose. He's in a lot of pain, and he's super pissed off. So this is a distraction he welcomes.

Then Constantine asks him a question. And he cannot lie. "Because Nathanielle is pregnant. And the babe is ours. I'm reproducing and the highers don't seem to like it. Something about some edict or prophecy about my child being born blah blah." He shrugs then before watching the lock on the door shatter, so he opens the door for her - and in respect - John.

Sinister has posed:
Yes, the pale bombshell in sexy lingerie that can seriously do a number on a lot of things, is carrying the antichrist, if you believe the buzzcocks. Distracting from pain though, is definitely something she seems down for. "I intend to. Also, at least I'm unlikely to let anything get the drop on us, unless it literally comes out of nowhere from another dimension. Which I suppose is another possibility, but if it comes -through- a rift, I would know it was coming. Small mercies, right? I am, so I am told, quite formidable in my own right. We'll be -fine-..." She assures John as the inner stairwell of the lighthouse, covered in dust and bits of debris, is revealed. She doesn't seem to have any difficulty seeing, but that's not to say others don't, advancing through the door and into the main room, up which the spiral stair ascends to the housing above.

"Just to note, I've never been pregnant before, either. First time for everything. I was ambushed by three Watcher angels in Highgate cemetery not that long ago. The aftermath was quite magnificent... Oh, hello."

This to the fact that there are toadstools growing on the stairs, some of them luridly coloured and all of them glowing oh-so-slightly. "I think this might be a rift to the fae realm."

Constantine has posed:
"Hell. Congratulations." Not many times John Constantine gave up on a fight but that piece of news just floors him. He forgets to keep up just for a second and a half, lost in consternation, and that's enough for the bubble to push him off his feet. He stumbles and flops on his arse without grace. Not that he protests either. Instead he picks himself up right away as Sinister finishes her monologue. "Free will my ass," he mutters.

He follows inside, finding the hint of ozone and the faerie ring. "That'd be it. Now, remember it's best to progress slowly..." As John fails to finish his sentence everything flashes green but... the green keeps happening. It's a sickly yellowish green too. It narrows into a line, a strip. The strip lands against the black, splits sideways to form a horizon. The horizon approaches. All around, the shape of ethereal mushrooms growing to infinity can be made, subtle but their volume in space impossible to ignore. Synesthesia of the unknown.

The strip is now a yellow brick road meeting another one at an impossible perfect 90 degress. A silouhette arises, purple, terrible. Seven heads under once cloak. The head on the top left has the left ear, the next has one eye and half a nose and so one. All together they form one visage, the three bottom heads sharing one mouth. "By order of the Dragon Kings a toll must be paid..." they say, seven voices made one, all male and female at the same time.

"Shit. I knew they'd show up," John says. "You just go, I'll... no time to explain. Just... go. Doxa. Widdershins. VAMANOS!" With his raised hand, the magician summons a powerfull wind that pushes the starcrossed couple away. No, it is pushing the crossing away from Lucifer and Sinister? No, it's pushing reality into another plane, somewhere between the roads. John and the cursed apparition are long gone, shrunk in the distance, lost past sanity or reason.

Lucifer has posed:
"The fae realm? That will be an interesting place to explore..." Lucifer offers as they continue. Seeing the toadstool sprouts within their lucid patches and glowing affects. About to take a step further when there's that green line appears. The infinate patch of toadstools as the rift separates mortal from fae.

The line turns into a yellow brick road, but Lucifer is pretty sure it's not the lustrious Emerald City that lies ahead. What DOES appear actually has the Devil stopping in his tracks. The seven headed beast, calling itself the Dragon Kings, or maybe just representing such, demands answers. How they speak is something to take to heart too and Lucifer is well aware of just what this Beast could represent. No one is suddenly sprouting 666 on their persons, are they?

Even more so, before he can react, John is taking point. Not only that, he does the stupid that Constantine is often known for and takes matters into his own hands. "That's suicide even for yo--" But he doesn't get to finish the comment before John and Beast are far beyond where they stand, leaving himself and Sinister among the toadstools within the rift. "Well then..."

Sinister has posed:
Maybe Sinister picks up on the consternation in mind, for she begins to turn toward Constantine, when everything goes wibbly and disturbing green. Frozen, she reaches for Lucifer's hand, entwining fingers with his own as everything goes into the synthethesia of the surreal -- a flash in the pan, magic words spoken, the beast that came from the rift beside (or within) the sea, representing the kings (and presumably their horns and crowns) and then silence as it all somewhat implodes to a great distance of reality segregating from itself.

In the silence his "Well then..." is met with a sudden and violent bout of full body shivers and a disgusted "ble-ehhhegh..." as she shakes the feeling of revulsion from herself.

Also though the mushrooms remain, the general feeling is profoundly normal once again, just an abandoned lighthouse by the ocean that's gotten strange fungus. "Erm."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer sighs and shakes his head. "He'll deal with it like he does and probably door himself back to somewhere on this plane of existence eventually." Lucifer offers before fully turning towards Sinister. A hand on her back to rub gently. "You alright dear?" For the Devil, realm shifting is nothing. He does it when he moves between Hell and Earth because they are technically two different realms of existence. Someone not quite used to just walking through a door - well.

A glance around and he sighs. "So much for that I guess. Shame. Could have been fun to go toe to toe with a beast. Or what even seemed to be THE Beast...which doesn't make much sense." He doesn't seem remotely phased, and gives a roll of his shoulders with a grunt of discomfort. Wings beginning to grow back can look fairly sickly at first. Like bones protruding from the body.

Sinister has posed:
"Just feel a little queasy is all, that was a strange sensation," Sinister looks up at the ceiling, tilting her head as she just 'listens' with her sixth sense. "There's nothing else here, but little lives. Whatever it is is gone now," there's a sigh and a small pout, frowning with it as she looks back down, catches the shoulder roll and leaaaans to look at his back. She winces a little at what she sees and in a similar way to the way he'd provided comfort to her other face when wings had grown, she places her palm there where they're painful, discontent and itchy.

Eyes close, a deep breath is taken and she who is often cruel to the mind, is kind instead, a wash of anodyne sensation sliding like the nervous equivalent of calomine solution settles like a balm. She gives each nascently growing wing patch a gentled caress with it. "That was surreally coincidental, wasn't it? I've read the revelations according to John the ecclesiast. THeological studies were a requisite for clinical studies when I learned at Oxford. I always thought it read as if the man was a lunatic who'd gotten very high on some psychoactive ingredients in a desert. But I suppose if you have no way of making heads or tails of what you're seeing, describing..." she gestures at the wall where the Beast no longer is "...that, comes out whackdoodle. I wonder if he was just seeing future events of normality and interpreting them as he had absolutely no frame of reference."

Lucifer has posed:
There's a moment taken to take it all in, what had been there and isn't now. Add in what happened to him immediately preceding current events and he gives a guilty look in Sinister's direction. "I'm sorry the evening did not turn out as planned or hoped..." Then he offers a small smile. "Should we still see if we can listen to some fish?" Perhaps all is not lost!

Then he feels that palm where his wings are healing, that soothing sensation gliding over the area of where his wings heal. "Mmn, thank you love. That feels a lot better." Lucifer would never complain of the area hurting, and really has never had anyone around when they were healing to complain to. He's always just dealt with it. When the topic changes to the beast, and of John the Ecclesiast, he chuckles. "Could have been a combination of many things. All we have to go by is what's written and that's not really heads or tails of what he saw when or where. I always concluded it was just a tale to keep the Christians in line..." A pause. "Not that it really works in any way.." A face then. "Whackadoodle indeed. That's a good word. I like that word."

Sinister has posed:
"When you're us, nothing ever goes /completely/ to plan. You are here. You might be sore and you might have made me get all angry on your behalf, but you're not stuck recombining yourself in Hell or anything, so I'll count that as a tick in the box..." Sinister simply inclines her head to the gratitude, giving a small smile with it, then a sharp intake of breath that comes hand in hand with a 'busy body' sort of look, clapping her hands together. "Yes, salvage a bit of that. Fish tend to flock to odd events, so we may get lucky there. Come on..."

So saying, she steps outside of the lighthouse, heading around the side of it on a ricketty and slippery path to the sheer drop of rocks and ocean spray. She leans over, peering into the dark waters, then steps out onto the air, turning around to wait for him, both hands held out, palms down and fingers a'wiggling to him.

Lucifer has posed:
"Well, this is true. And no, I am not recouping in Hell so that is definitely a thing." Lucifer offers this in agreement and then when it seems Sinister is on board with salvaging a bit of the night he smiles. Following her down that rickety path from lighthouse to the sheer drop of rocks he'll let her lead.

As she continues to walk out onto the air he smirks and does the same. Reaching out to place his hands within hers as she seems to beckon him to do so. A glance down to look at the depth of the sea which is hard to in such darkness. Gaze shifting back to her as he sort of waits for things to happen.

Sinister has posed:
And happen they do. Looking into his eyes, the bubble that had been whiplashed into being when he had crashed into the dark waters re-appears around them both with a smile. If the camera pans around, that red bubble descends down into the water, its illumination the only light to be found, except for the ambience of this being the Lightbringer. His bulb isn't switched on though, so it's pretty damn dark.

As eyes aclimatize to that dull red, the rock face around them can be made out, with the aquatic life within it some of it asleep, some of it not, going about its existence. THere are a LOT Of fish, of note -- she was right about that, odd energies do seem to attract them, partly because of the way they navigate their existence, like as not. Down and down and down, until they float surrounded by silvery bodies and silence.

Sinister's eyes glow brighter and it comes... inch by inch into Lucifer's awareness, that there is music. A strange, harmonious music, expressionist, impressionist at the same time, of hundreds of minds that cannot hear, seeing their communication in movement, in mind and in electrical signal that comes across as /sound/ to the perceiving mind. The song of the sea.

Lucifer has posed:
Nothing in the first few moments surprise him, and then the bubble descends into the ocean. There is something about looking at the sea through such a thing as the bubble's edge that brings a magnificent aura to the surroundings. It's dark, but his eyes can adjust so he can see despite it being so dark under the water.

It's slow to come to pass, but that doesn't bother him in the least. He's enjoying his company, and this extremely rare view, so things taking time is fine for him. Also, they're still descending, which makes him wonder just how far down they're going to go. Until they stop, surrounded by schools of silvery fish. Fish that swim this way and that, going with the current, away from it, dodging things but in a sort of synchronization that could only come after years of evolution.

Finally, he hears it. That music of the sea. How it's harmonious when it probably shouldn't be given how it mixes types, but none the less. "It's almost like listening to tesla coils.."

Sinister has posed:
"Isn't it?" SHe's very hushed, barely a whisper to him as the song goes up and down the register as a bit of panic occurs, with a predator coming nearby. Silver thoughts whistle disparately, then harmonize again as the slow bass 'purpose' passes. She squeezes his hands, then floats closer in their bubble, putting her arms around him and leaning in sidelong, resting her head sidelong against his shoulder. A slow breath is taken, then the bubble starts rocketting along the coastline -- she gazes off into the black distance, listening to the song nearby to navigate with; the fish twitter closer to the shoreline, allowing them to avoid big rocks, which would be jarring to collide with.

Back west along the shore, toward NYC and Long island, the song gets quieter, as their's active shipping lanes above: there, a tanker travelling overhead is a behemoth in the night, obliterating the reflection of city lights on the water. Past Bridgeport, faster than any speedboat or car with the engines revving, her eyes glow the entire time, sometimes brighter when the telekinetic bubble requires more concentration for integrity.

And then, he might be able to hear the thrum of subsonic and power oooooh so faint through the water-transfer to air within the bubble. Rather, it's a matter of feeling it, as the vibration comes through like a JCV passing nearby through concrete, deep and almost missable. They drift closer to the rocky wall then up. THeir cottage on its little rocky outcrop... and back underneath... and into a little sub-aquatic tunnel borred into the igneus bedrock and to a little platform, upon which they settle as lights go 'on', with motion sensors. "I made us a bolt hole. There's an access through the lab in the basement and it's powered, like the cottage is, with geothermal energy. We're off the grid. I set up a few capacitors too, which feed the old infrastructure in the township nearby. They're going to find their electricity costs going down."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer holds her close as the fish harmonize a song to them. To them? For them? Do they even know they're being listened to? A small thing as they bob along, listening as the song stops while fish panic over a nearing predator that then passes them by. Further still, along the shoreline but missing any jetison of rock that could - quite literally - burst their bubble. As the song continues, ebbs and flows, he begins to sway with her a bit. Just a bit. A slow back and forth sway to 'dance' along with the fish around them.

Ships that are getting ready to enter one channel or another then shadow the lights they would have had that flood from New York and Jersey. It's an interesting thing, how far that light actually travels. Then he reconizes some things as they continue. How they begin to come upon the shoreline where their cottage is. That sub-aquatic tunnel that they begin to drift towards and as she explains he listens and smiles. "Likely a good idea. And I'm impressed you already have it set up on geothermal energy. Does that not take long to set up?" A raised brow as he questions and then nods. "I'm sure they'll wonder why depending on how much their costs lessen."

Sinister has posed:
Oh, swaying is enjoyable, a little wiggle-waltz beneath the waves, as they settle on the jetty in the cave beneath their cottage, the bubble bursts, leaving Sinister leaning a little more against him than usual, a tattle tale that that took a fair bit out of her. "It normally takes six months to a year and a lot of planning to do it the conventional way, yes. You have to do it by layers and there's the piping through the techtonic plates. I cheat though. Sometimes, it's good to be me. I've had a long time to collect useful things from useful people -- and as I'm the true Me, the other mes have to do as I tell them. It's compulsory." She laughs at that, eyes closing a moment. Just a moment. Resting eyelids and all.

Her legs give out just a little bit, until she forces them straight again.

Lucifer has posed:
"Ah. Nice to know. Figured there was a bit of YOU in getting it done so quickly.." Lucifer offers, giving her a smile. He doesn't miss the fact that she's having a slight rest - almost against her own will - as eyes close and she takes a moment. It's when her legs give out, even as she forces them straight, he takes lead and shifts to lift her threshold style (aka honeymoon style). Cradling her in his arms as he then teleports them from their little cave to a room in the cottage itself. "Hmm. I might need a moment to get this ready for us..." A chair appears, and he sets her down gently upon it. "You alright for the moment? Do I need to get you anything?"

Sinister has posed:
"Oh no, I'm f'...oopsie. Well, who am I to argue?" Arms about his neck, she fleetingly opened her eyes, then closed them again, just resting on him until settled into the chair, glancing around at the mostly still very empty walls of their cottage. "Erm. I don't think so? My brain is just blaaah, it'll recover shortly. But I wanted to make that memorable."

Sure, that's the excuse is it? Even if it's a valid one.

Lucifer has posed:
"It certainly was that, my dear. Absolutely memorable." Lucifer offers. Simply that. He knows Sinister will only push herself as far as she is able, unless there are desperate measures at stake. So when she's settled in the chair, he turns to the otherwise empty room and tilts his head. "Hmm.." Then he decides to bring things together - where he pulls items from is anyones guess - but the bedroom turns into a bit of a gothic's dream room with a flair of modern as well.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister turns fingers to her temples, stirring circles there for a few minutes as Lucifer contemplates the grandiose design he has in mind, or as it happens to be, the picture of simplicity in Antiquity as provided by memoires of a Castle Somewhere in Europe. Pick a place, anywhere but france and you've probably got this kind of feel.

He's quite right though, she isn't taxed too much, simply blegh in the head, which is quickly recovering. It's like driving too long at night, you end up with fatigue. Navigating a bubble underwater at speed, whilst opening two minds to the songs of fish did take a bit of a toll.

She sits up though, looking at the furnishings with a keen eye. "I like that. It has... germanic Schloss meets modern convenience written all over it."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer finishes and gives a nod, at her compliment he turns to her and smiles wide. "I'm glad you like it. We can always change it depending on how the full style of the cottage plays out but for now.." He offers this and then extends a hand to her. "We've had a pretty full evening. Hows about you and I just spend some hours relaxing in bed together, hmm?" This and wiggles fingers expectantly, but there's also becoming a weariness to him, oddly enough. In so far as he actually *looks* absolutely knackered.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister fixes on the look in his eyes and the weariness that he wears with a smile. It's all the invite she actually required, to push herself to her feet and pad the distance over to him, hand outstretched to lace fingers with his own. "Who was it that attacked you? You said the other archs, but well... Constantine didn't need to know it all, I'm sure." She settles on the side of the bed, drawing him down with her, reaching her free hand to his temple to brush back hair behind his ear, in a fondness.

A glance has the bedsheets turning down, the pillows (european squares!) fluffing. She then strokes his back a couple of times as she waits.

Lucifer has posed:
"Uriel. He's always been a menace, even upstairs. There's not a lot of people who like him, or even respect him. I suppose he was trying to earn a favor or something." Lucifer offers. "It didn't work. But he had me fairly decently...which is why I lost the wings. The reason why I know they burned is because I set them aflame while they were still attached." He explains all this while shifting to settle on the bed next to her, leaning over and into the tending she's giving him. "More fuel to the fire of me going and having a whatfor, now sooner than later I suspect...no one will take this away from us. I swear."

Sinister has posed:
"Uriel," Sinister repeats, frowning a little as she continues to stroke, swinging her legs up onto the bed beside him as he settles down. She waves a hand at her feet, undoing the laces of her boots and flicking them off to settle at the foot of the bed. Her sweater is similarly shrugged out of, before she turns to nod toward her back. "Unlace me?" of her basque, it seems reabsorption is either beyond her tonight, or she simply doesn't want to take away the opportunity, as she sweeps her hair aside. "Isn't he the Archangel of prophecy and foresight?" Irregardless, she presses her lips faintly, half-watching him out of the corner of her eye as her back is presented. "Please don't do anything impulsive without back-up, love... or cunning, failing that. Are there any that still consider you a friend?"

Lucifer has posed:
So, too, does Lucifer begin to shed himself of clothing. Shoes, socks, shirt, they all get pulled off one way or another and set aside. When she asks for him to unlace her, he smiles and does just that. "To an extent. Wisdom also. Which is hilarious considering..." Since he fell giving Wisdom to mortals. Leaning in then he nuzzles her neck a moment. "Mmn, that's a hard thing to ask of me, but I shall try." Then he considers her last question. "There might be some... I shall have to truly look into that. I haven't seen Castiel lately...but perhaps I can start with him since he seems to tolerate my presence."

Sinister has posed:
Interestingly, this is all PG-13. Sillhouette of a boob under the auspices of a sheet as she draws it up. Why the heck she's being bodyshy, well, perhaps it's simply the moment, as she drops her basque and lays down, pillows sucking in around the halo of hair. Rolling onto her back, she flings an arm out to the side, then pats her shoulder. C'mon you. Head resting here, pronto!

"You might have to outsource. There's a few individuals that are connected more firmly to your sphere of influence than others. I wish I could help, but I don't know how to fight on your plane of existence," she points upward. "Otherwise I would. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't expect that. It would be like throwing hummus at them as a defense, they'd /never/ expect me."

Lucifer has posed:
Don't let this scene fool anyone. Lucifer is not the type to take orders from just anyone. Obviously. But when it's the love of his life asking him to bask in the comfort and care she wishes to apply to him. Well. He's soon under the covers and tucked against her, head on her shoulder as requested.

"Likely. I wonder if Constantine will give me a hand. I'll have to ask, and yet I'm not sure if I should. I can't remember who owes whom a favor at this point." He offers and then chuckles. "I'll make a moment out of it, my love. If I go on my own, that would just be dumb. Going with a force to reckon with, then they might just have to reconsider what they're trying to do." He breathes, settles. "For now, I think we should rest. As we both have things to recover from, even if small..."

Sinister has posed:
Well, it wasn't so much an order as a very strong suggestion of using her bosom for a pillow. C'mon, EVERYONE needs a bosom for a pillow every once in a while. Once settled, she curls her hand up, so she can stroke his hair where he rests, fingernails on scalp in a familiar attention, face turned to rest on his crown. "Honey, I ask you this: Is this important enough that you might call in favours, to make a point? If the answer is yes, then you should ask anywhere, anyhow. It matters, it is worth playing the cards you've held. And frankly, I suspect this is a once in your entire existence moment, which probably does mean calling in the debts that are owed, even though I /know/ you don't usually do that."

She tangles legs beneath the sheets, staring up at the ceiling a moment, with her cheek rested on the darkness of his hair. "The sad thing is, I know I don't have many favours to call. I am not -well- liked. But I suspect I might be able to talk Giles into helping me. And maybe the Blue lanterns, too. Hope springs eternal. Even for us."

Lucifer has posed:
Those fingernails soothe the Devil and bring him into a lull. Listening to her offered points on how since he does believe this is important enough and he should call in favors. He will, but there's only certain people who he can call on for a fight like this. Just means he needs to work out the fine details. He'll do that later. For now, he simply wants to rest.

"Most of my favors aren't owed because people like me, darling." He offers in a slow voice while nuzzling against her. Eyes closed, voice soft and dark, he's likely going to contemplate the inside of his eyelids a lot very soon. Content to do so in her arms, at her side, together. As it should be and is.

Sinister has posed:
"I don't know. I like you plenty," She giggles at that, closing her eyes against the glare of non-existent lights. The only real source is the shipping lanes outside and the distance of streetlights, it really doesn't impact the room in the cottage all that much at all. Her cheek finds the skin of his forehead and a kiss is half-felt by the fact it mostly impacts air, but there's the hint, enough of it to land on the sense.

Out of nowhere: "Can I call you pookie?"

Lucifer has posed:
"You also don't owe me any favors." Lucifer quips. "Don't try to wiggle logic into this one, it's not going to work." A grin as they lie there together in the mostly dark room. He listens and then decides to amplify certain sounds. Mostly the gentle crash of ocean waves on the rocks and shoreline. The faint hum of a ship's horn. It fills the room a bit, along with a breeze of salty sea air every so often.

Odd question time. "Like... privately?"

Sinister has posed:
His reward for that little trickery is a squeeze, a pleased response that is not imagination, but nevertheless is rooted in the imagining of perhaps a simpler time. Can he feel her smiling? Hopefully so, as she turns her face further against his forehead and scalp. An arm joins the simplicity of a cuddle, holding him against herself, against bosom and flank. The touch of a toe-curl against calf compliments that moment. "I don't?" she responds innocently, then laughs a darkling chuckle.

Pause, beat. "No, infront of the entire world, vain-glorious and dandyish." Another pause "...yes, in private. I know there is image to maintain, before the unwashed masses. I just... thought I'd ask."

Lucifer has posed:
"No. You don't. Anything I do for you is done of my own will and out of my eternal love for you. So they don't need favors. Ergo, you don't owe me one. Vis a vis, your argument is invalid and I win." He offers all of this, smiles both inwards and outwards, then nuzzles against her. The cuddle curl toe that is their moment together is enjoyed immensely.

"You can call me whatever you want in private.. and I won't mind a time or two out in the open to be honest. To hell with my reputation. I love my boogie bear and I'm prooud to be her pookie."

Sinister has posed:
Oh, that giggle is genunine and rolls down an arpeggio of amusement, rich and full. "Fair enough, tit for tat is a valid working relationship for pet names..." Sinister agrees, inhales and sighs the whole lot out with the smile in mind, felt as much there as physically. "My Samael. My guardian Angel." Another chuckle, but softer. And this time, a genuine turn of head and full on kiss to skin, lingering and heartfelt, she leaves her face turned there, against him in the dark.

"Yes, alright, you win. And if commedians across the world are to be believed, that makes me a terrible woman. I lost the argument. I'm content with that though. I would do anything for you... my love." a little chuckle, slightly giddy sounding. "Oh, gosh but that still sounds surreal! Love! Lovelovelovelove! Thank you. For agreeing to a walk on the boardwalk."

Lucifer has posed:
Admittedly it was both pleasing and weird to use some sort of pet name for her. Yet there it is, and he can't take it back. More importantly, he won't take it back. "Mmn. My Sinister. My genious geneticist." He feels that kiss against his skin proper and another sound of pleasured contentment escapes him. There's a nuzzle once more, bodies closing in on each other in the dark.

"Of course I win. And I would do anything for you as well, my heart." He smiles and enjoys the sounds of her giggles. "You're welcome. Thank you for offering me the walk. It surely changed us for the better, and I will be forever thankful for it." A shift, it's subtle, but it's also settling. Arms embrace, legs entangle a bit, and the cover pulls up around them both. Here, there is rest, and likely not much else this night. A simple moment of togetherness to enjoy until the new day comes.