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Latest revision as of 13:29, 26 November 2021

A Peaceful Recovery
Date of Scene: 18 November 2021
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A little bit of relaxing in a Wellness Office with three current residents.
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Pixie, Nightingale

Kit Killovarras has posed:
The Wellness Office is a relatively quiet place, especially when there are people within it who really, REALLY should be resting, though in Kit's case he's sitting in his bed, a pen in paw and writing in one of his small notebooks.

It's about mid day and the man is once again, sans most of his clothing, his lower half covered by the sheets of his bed and the majority of what he typically wears folded up on a nearby chair.

There is the ever-so-faint trill of an MP3 player, though the sound is so quiet that most wouldn't be able to hear enough of it to identify the song. To the yeens ears though? It's at the level of a concert, just the way he likes it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn was found and brought to the med lab shortly after events transpired the previous night. She's in rough shape, a bandage around her head and another wrapped around her ankle, both which have been treated with ice and anti-inflammatories. Although Megan generally doesn't respond well to drugs so her head still has a sizeable goose-egg on the back. But at least her amnesia has mostly faded.


She yawns and stretches, tilting her head back but flinches from the pain in her head. "Ooh, where am I? What happened?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"You're in the wellness office," Kit says with a flick of his ears, then he reaches over and taps his MP3 player, causing the music to pause and sets his notebook down, pencil between the pages he was using. Those mismatches eyes of his go to Megan, studying her for a moment before he tilts his head.

There's a little pause as the aardwolfs ears sweep back ever so slightly, though he offers a little smile all the same as he asks, "How much do you remember..?" curiously.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bliiiinks at Kit, some of last night coming back to her. "Ooooh nooooo, I remember now, a bit.." she pouts, "I mistook you for a monster, and you and that other guy were..Fighting? And there was a monkey wearing clothes.." she sighs and rubs her head, "Woah did that really happen?!"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit nods ever so slightly and gives a little chuckle, "Wasn't much of a fight.. I.. may or, may not have been fairly close to dying.." he says as he looks down at his ribs, one of them still slightly swollen as he explains, "I have hairline fractures in three ribs.. I'm fairly certain whoever that was shattered one of them and I somehow healed myself before it could puncture my heart.." The swollen rib IS on the left side and IS fairly close to where his heart would be, so a shattered rib could easily be fatal.

All in all, he just shrugs though and looks back to Megan with that same old smile. "But, yeah.. That really happened. How are you feeling?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Dying? How come...What happened?" she frowns as she notes the swollen ribs, looking concerned, very concerned. "Meep, is that because you used too much magic?" her eyes widen even further, shaking her head, "Awe, I'm so sorry.." with a sigh she rests her head back against the pillow.

Nightingale has posed:
     Healers make the worst patients. It's a universal truth. A third bed is occupied, by one who usually tends to those in them. Shannon's in a simple open-backed blue silk nightgown with a properly modest scoop neckline, her pale gold hair left long and loose. Her laptop is on a rolling over-the-bed table across her lap, as is what looks like a little miniature piano keyboard hooked up to her computer, and some earphones on her head. Her left wing is free and clear, and clearly unharmed.

     Her right wing, however, is bandaged up. Uh-oh.

     Out of habit, she glances up towards the others who share the haven of the Wellness Office this evening and offers them both a wry smile, glancing them over. Good, at least it seemed as if they were doing well enough.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit shakes his head ever so slightly and explains, "The original injuries weren't from using my magic too much.. We got attacked by a Mage Hunter." with a little sigh, "It's alright though, he was disarmed, fairly literally.. So I doubt he'll be back any time soon."

Shannon gets a glance and a tilt of the aardwolfs head as he quirks a brow. "Yeah, by the way.." He'll even make am motion to try to get Shannon to pull her headphones off before he says the next part, "Looks like it was your turn to wind up here, huh? What happened?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Mage hunter? Is that even a thing..?" she frowns, "What about the other guy, the one with a pet monkey, is he ok? I think he was trying to help.." she frowns,not sure if he was the mage hunter. And then there's Shannon. She smiles faintly at her, "Hey Shan, been a long time..How you been?" then she notices the wing and frowns. "Okaaay, what happened this time?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods and slips her headphones off, a wry little half-smile turning the corners of her lips upwards. "Easy, Meg. I haven't been a patient in nearly a year. I don't get the frequent dyer miles like I used to." Gesturing to her bandaged right wing, she wrinkles her nose. "There was a small battle on Coney Island last night, and I got shot in the wing. Poseidon was there, as was Diana, and Agent Barnes. We were just chilling out and got attacked by fish-people coming out of the water. I... took the hit getting Agent Barnes' dog out of harm's way. Bastards took a potshot at the innocent pooch."

     Lifting her chin in an up-nod towards both Megan and Kit, she cracks a small smile. "I'd be up and about tending you two, if I hadn't promised Poseidon a while back to look after myself first, if I got hurt. Plus..." She sighs softly, hanging her head. "Maybe this will let folks see I can and will step back if I have to. Maybe they can start seeing past my mistakes, and very likely misinformation."

     Hearing the part about the mage hunter, she just smiled grimly, flexing her fingers. "Yes, he was dis-armed. By a lucky shot from my bow. Bastard. He won't be coming back anytime soon."

     Then there was something about... a monkey? Her eyebrows loft, and she tilts her head, looking right at Megan. "Would the monkey's name have happened to be Tina? And was the young man with her named... Austin?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit just snerks at the 'frequent dyer miles' crack and shakes his head as he stretches his arms, testing himself a bit. When he finally feels a twinge of pain, he'd stop and yawn. "No idea what their names were.." he muses, but then gives Shannon a glance and a little smirk. "Well, definitely a good reason to risk getting shot." he says with a little chuckle.

Megan gets a glance and a nod when she asks if 'mage hunters' are a thing and Kit explains, "They are mages like me and my family who have, for some reason, come to the conclusion that magi are too dangerous to exist. Thankfully, they're rarer now than they used to be, but they are still a danger to the old bloodlines.."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow, "Ohh, Poseidon, haven't seen him in a while, and James too. How're they doing?" she frowns, "Wait, fish people? But isn't Poseidon king of the fish people or something? That's odd.." However, Shannon is in no shape to heal anyone right now. "No worries, sometimes it's best to let one's own body heal itself. It's slower but makes it stronger in the end, and.."

She frowns a bit and nods, "Oh you know em? Are they okay? I never got to thank them, for finding me.." Kit is given a soft frown and nod. "Well, seems Shannon saved the day twice then, heh.."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon scratches the back of her head, and shrugs. "Poseidon... was not doing well. I'm not quite sure what happened. Diana's got him at the embassy, and as soon as I'm cleared, I plan to go look in on them. Agent Barnes is doing alright... he was kind enough to bring me home after I was shot. Diana was doing well, it was nice to see her about."

     Her smile slips a bit at Megan's question regarding the identity of monkey and handler. "It might be, I'm not entirely sure. I only ever met one person who hung out with a monkey, and that was at a shindig at the Library

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit just sort of nods to Megan as he muses, "More than just twice, but who's counting?" with a toothy little grin. Then he gives a little shrug as he finally kicks the covers off and shifts on his bed, hopping up slowly and starts to get dressed.

Shannon gets a momentary study, particular her wing gets the most attention from the Yeen, then he gives a little chuckle and gives a playful, "Well, looks like we'll need to get you back to your best quick then." before sticking his tongue out at her.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Shannon, "You Sure attract trouble..Still, I should check in with them soon too..What sort of trouble is Poseidon in..?" she seems a bit concerned but yawns sleepily, leaning her head back, "ugh, but that'll have to wait...Head hurts..Need sleep.." it doesn't take long for her to lose consciousness..again..

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well, at least she's getting some rest," Shannon murmurs, sighing lightly and looking over towards Megan's bunk. "She attracts almost more trouble than I do. Honestly, if you had any ide half the shit I've been up to since coming here, you'd wrap me up in bubble wrap and lock me away for my own good." But, she does smile somewhat, letting out a short whuff of laughter. "Still, no real regrets."

     Smiling more widely, she nods towards the desk in the Wellness Office, chortling to herself. "With help from Dr. McCoy, we'll all be back at our best soon enough. Just... yeah, I think Megan's got the right idea on this one. Rest."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit pauses a bit to glance to the sleeping Megan before he pulls his shirt on, giving a quiet chuckle as he murmurs, "Wish I could.. Haven't been able to sleep since I woke up an hour ago." Once he's fully dressed, he starts for the door and gives Shannon a glance and a warm smile, "I'll be back in a bit.." he says quietly, then adds, "And don't worry, I'm not leaving the mansion. Just heading to my room to grab something."