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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/04/29 |Location=Gotham City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=207, 30, 104, 11 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:207|David A...")
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Latest revision as of 18:39, 23 October 2017

A Battle with the Joker
Date of Scene: 29 April 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 207, Crusader, Batman, Joker

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Word has come into Gotham PD. Word of a teen who was Traveling through the Gotham China harbor, some witnesses claimed that three Gang members attemped to extort money from him when the young man of asian decent preemptively attacted them. brutalizing one of them. Right wrist broken, two broken ribs on the right side. Right elbow bent backwards, and a right busted kneecap. Reports have it that with a few hand motions he was able to slice through stainless steel street lamp posts leaving behind a mirror finish. Reports have them as being mirror smooth.. A diced Gun, and alunimium baseball bat all sliced firmly. Reports also from the gangsters indicate he had with him one of those ninja swords.

Second report came in from the Spook Unit of GPD two men of asian decent had attempted to attack an Asian teen who fit the discription of the one who trounced the gang member. Currently they are in GPD not saying a word. Silent still refusing to even acknowledge the police.

Currently a young man is slowly slipping out of the back of a business, the young man fits the description of the young man from eariler. Slipping out the back might not be an issue since the two who tried to attack him apparently intended to kill him. But he is slipping out after hours when it's closed with a slightly full backpack. He's looking around up, down, left and right. As he still has a cloth covered object in the shape of a sword on his back as he starts to head out of the alleyway.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader has found himself wandering again into Gotham. Constantly moveing about, the larger than life hero tends to end up most anywhere. If he was lucky, he could perhaps find Batman and see about the whole murder deal...but he didn't have high hopes for fidning him

But something else caught his attention. He happened to be nearby when he caught wind of the report about an asian who could slice and dice through solid steel.... an attempted murder as well... where the victem (or would be victem) was said boy. Intresting to say the least. As such he scouted out around the area to see if anything more would pop up

ANd lord and behold...there a young man fitting the discription, slipping out of a buisness. Crusader dosn't make any immediate approach, but instead observes, being nothing more than a distortion in the enviroment itself.

Batman has posed:
Not far from the alley from which the youth emerges, a dark figure swings along on a taut line, swooping over an empty intersection. As the figure reaches the apex of its 'flight' arc, it retracts the line before firing it again with a soft *paff* sound.

Stretched out behind the figure is a long, multi-pointed cape that resembles nothing so much as a pair of great, leathery, black wings.

Joker has posed:
     Wheels squeak down the way, rusted and in desperate need of a bit of oil to grease the cogs. A small candy striped white and red cart with a matching umbrella comes out from the dark of an alley coming to a stop.

     The squeaking wheels lock into place and a single white gloved hand opens up the boilers placing down hot-dogs for the cooking. Condiments are sat up on the raised bit. The man behind the cart whistles quietly as he gets everything set up for a day of business, dressed in a pair of white slacks and a white apron that says "Kiss the cook." His shirt is a white and red checkered button up, and his face is hidden partially in the shadow created by his boatman hat.

     In an overly thick New York accent he calls out from the shade. "Hotdogs, getcha hotdogs here, grab em while they're hot!" Voice echoing out far and wide. He adds on a quick call almost a shout of. "Fifty cents each! Made with ONE HUNDRED PERCENT actual meat, from at least one animal."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
He's trying to Hustle to get out of the area as quickly as possible heading to an area where he can get down into the subway through an alley way. Allowing those who have the edge up on the buildings, and then as he turns a corner he has come upon five guys who instantly recognize him and then one says, "He's the shit who took down don! Kill'em!"

Without hesitation he thrusts out his right hand and isntantly a shimmer and sheed erupts from his fingers as what looks like Gossamer silk strands lash out wrapping through the air and then wrap up around their throats and instantly he clenches his hands as their hands go for their throats. "You obviously didn't get the memo, I have nothing to loose, turnng you into patches of bloody dogfood won't cost me anything." and he just seems to strangle them bringing them to their knees as his hand clenches tighter, "Fortunately for you... I am not ready to cross the line and kill someone." And instantly the lines vanish. As they cough and breath looking at him as he lifts his fist and then one draws a gun. Instantly a flash the line comes out as the gun is neatly sliced. And the rest high tail it out of the alley as they run scared across the street where everyone can see them in a panic.

Still as he moves through the alley this dirty unkempt kid has exited the alley as he looks around and spots the hotdog vender and he debates but five muscle bound brutes who are known criminals and bullies have just been sent running by this kid. Right now he wants to get off the street into the under ground.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader was about to jump in when it looked like David was on the verge of killing the crooks. Thankfully they are let go and head off running. Well, self defense is not a crime. Still....looks like the kid been through quite a bit!

And than, a glimpse of the Bat. Well the cape anyways, like bat wings of doom! Well he might be able to get a moment with that hero/villian (at the moment) after all. But kid first, at least to make sure he didn't run into TOO much trouble, since it seem he is a magnet for it!

A visible distortion, but otherwise invisible he bounds from roof to roof keeping up with the kid. And...there was a hot dog stand. Oh lord, he could go for a dog! Concentrates Crusader! He shakes off his head and watches

Batman has posed:
As the figure swinging through the air makes a sharp left turn down one street, he spies the fleeing gangbangers. The figure adjusts his trajectory by pulling hard on his line and flexing his body into a straight line, gaining enough altitude to alight on the roof of a nearby building, one recently vacated by the free-running Crusader.

The figure crouches on the edge of that roof, staring down over the running pedestrians below--and looking for whatever it was that set them off. The hot dog vendor in the distance, by comparison, seems entirely unremarkable.

Joker has posed:
     The Vendor calls out again "Hotdogs! Grab em while you can!" Seemingly unphased by the display. A bit of chalk white skin peaks out from behind the gloves his pointed ears stuck up partially outside of the hat.

     Pulling out a hotdog he shoves it on a bun and lathers it up with the works. The water inside of the cart is already murkey. "Come on kid, first Jolly Dog's on the house!" His inhumanly wide smile the first thing visible in the shadow almost as if it were floating in place torn from one ear to the other before his pure white face and head of pine green hair becomes visible. "Bursting with flavor, and guaranteed to shove a smile on that face or your money back! Trust me, they're a gass!"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
The scent of hot dogs is absolutely madness for him and dispite his desire to get into underground as quickly as possible. He is actually Torn and finally with a growling stomach. He hasn't had a hot meal in days. So he will start to slow down and stop off at the vender, Still when you are hungry, your instincts for survival can be over bared. Something out of the corner of his eyes catching his attention as he looks around doing a full three hundred sixty degree turn. and then he turns to the clown. And not having information he says, "Alright Sure. I'll take three more, as he comes up to get hold of the Dog. He has some strong whiskey he can use to clean out any sort of bacteria that gets into his body just needs to get into the subway before he gets a swig and he loads it up to try and start eating.

Unaware of who he is dealing with here.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader hasn't been in Gotham long, sure The Vendor wide smile was...well disturbingly wide for a human. But nothing to be alarmed over. He notes how th kid turned 360 and hmmms a moment. He caught site of the bats behind him but for now stays where he is.

Batman has posed:
Leaping--or, rather, diving--forward off the roof edge, the dark figure spreads his 'wings' out from its sides and glides toward the man at the hot dog cart like a hungry bat on the hunt.

Then, as he nears the ground and the vendor, the Batman bends at the waist, stretching his legs and boot treads out in front of himself. "Not tonight," he growls, his feet lined up to collide with the swordsman's shoulder.

Joker has posed:
     Whistling his own theme song the Joker leans back down and gets ready to prep two more dogs for the boy. He's got that smile ear to ear that doesn't fade even for a moment.

     There's a bit of a glint in his red eye as he hears that telltale swoosh. "My, my batsy! You came!" His hands pushed together held in front of his mouth. "A genuine celebrity right here at my humble shop!" Hands moving to his heart as he steps away just a bit ready for impact. "If I knew it was this easy I'd have opened up shop years ago."A deep maniacal laugh that chills down to the bone.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As he looks at at the Dog and then comes his instinct and instead of wasting time, David Actually dropps the dog when the kick comes, and then he doesn't tence or fighting but rather goes with the flow of the motion as the black clad ninja, or bat keeps him from dinner.

As he rolls across the sidewalk and then Rolls backwards hand reaching for his sword with practiced ease. And like the Martial artist he is he has to do a number of flips and motions to avoid oncoming traffic, but he has his sword out trying to roll over hoods of cars some of the windshields do brack and crack. But still as battered and bruised as the impacts leaving him cut on the forhead as he some how rapidly has ended up on the other side of the street and he doesn't stand his ground he bolts. David yes he bolts running as fast as he can trying to get to the subway!

Crusader has posed:
Villian, or kid...Villian or kid. Villian wins out. It better for the David, the kid in question to get away after all instead of getting hurt. But at the cackling manical laugh, Crusader knew there was trouble. Crusader drops off the edge of a roof and lands...a surprisingly silent manner. When he isn't being flashbanged he can be quite nimble.
    And with that he drops his invisibility comming into full view. No point in hiding now when dealing with crooks. He was just behind Joker and like wise by extension in front of Batman, putting the clown of a villian smack dab in the middle.

Batman has posed:
Following the impact with David, Batman bends his legs, hugs his knees, and somersaults before landing on his feet with a quiet grunt.

As soon as he does, the dark knight retrieves a bolo from his belt and flings it, back-handed, at the retreating man's legs. As his arm follows through on the throw, Batman twirls about, his cape flying up between himself and the Joker.

When he finishes twirling about, Batman reveals another gadget, a batarang, which he tosses toward the Joker's torso. "The kitchen's closed, Joker," he says in a cold tone.

Joker has posed:
     The laughing keeps up as Joker kicks his head back. Red eyes make contact with Bjorn. His face falls completely flat as he looks upside down, speaking in a pure monotone. "Sorry centurion, we don't accept Denarius here, try Little Caesars." The smile cracking as his entire body falls limp.

     He hits the ground in a full on pratfall, allowing just barely milliseconds for Bjorn to react to the oncoming batarang, as he reaches his full arm down into that tiny hat. "Now, now Batsy it's kiss the cook, not kick" A loud click before he throws the hat towards the caped crusader. "But here's a hat-trick for you."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David is running with his sword out he wasn't expecting the Bola, and for that moment he wasn't expecting to suddenly fall flat to his face. Hands out he tries to stop himself from hitting the pavement, but. That brings his sword to his chest. David wasn't carrying the black blade witht he edge out, but edge in so he could use the blunt back against someone without killing them. So when he goes down. He actually screams in pain.

His sword slices through his jacket bitting into his chest and with it he is left with a minor laceration across the chest. One that bleeds.

And with it he turns over as he uses his wires to slice through the Bola and does his best to get back to his feet and scramble on. Holding his shirt and the injuring nice and tightly as blood drips behind him leaving a trail... as he gets into the subway tunnel and under ground.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader is unable to react to the oncomming batarang...as he really wasn't expecting this Joker to just go limp like that. Luckly he didn't need too! The batarange sinks into Crusader armored chest, and wasn't enough to go through
    He dosn't bother pulling it out, instead when the Joker turns around towards Batman, he immeidatly take two quick large steps forward and tries to grapple Joker. He seems rather silent as he works not offering quips or chatter.

Batman has posed:
The Joker's hat spins through the air toward Batman, who ducks close to the ground and attempts to kick the hat up in the air when it comes near. Then, he fires out toward a nearby lamppost with his grappling gun and pulls himself forward, skidding along the ground away from the hat.

"Let him go, Joker," the caped crusader calls. "You don't want to ruin your appetite when I'm right here, do you?"

Joker has posed:
     Soaring gracefully into the air, the hat misses Batman, and is kicked with a great deal of force. As boot meets hat however the hat simply crumples back around Batman's foot. The force of the impact kicking a hole into it. It doesn't take much effort to pull back from the hat which slowly falls to the ground a seemingly perfectly normal hat.

     "You know Pilate, ol monobrow there has a good point." He's wriggling and writhing slipping just out of grasp and leaving behind the entire shirt and apron inside of Bjorns hands.

     Underneath the jacket he has... another jacket, this one a suit jacket in bright purple and lime green. Hitting the floor again. "I'd shock you a good one, but you're just not worth my time big green." Testing the waters with a bit of a jab as he scrambles back to a stand with a laugh running right where the teen had traveled at his full speed, pants falling down around his ankles to reveal another pair of bright purple pants. The old simply left behind.

Crusader has posed:
And the Joker slips from his grasps and is running in the same direction that the kid went. Great, just great! He eyes the hat a moment, but before long gives chase, since it seem the Joker wanted the kid for whatever reason! Hopefully Batman has another of those Bola things...if not well their just going to have to catch up and hope nothing too bad happens

Batman has posed:
Batman releases his grappling line from the lamppost and shoves himself to his feet, taking off in the same direction as ... well, everyone else. He pumps his arms to try and close the distance to Bjorn and the Joker.

He clears the flight of stairs, landing with a soft 'thud' and slowing down just long enough to look around for the Joker's potential location. Batman glances to his left hand, in whose palm he clutches a miniature EMP device, but he merely holds it for the time being.

"I need triangulation on the Joker's possible location. Now," he grumbles quietly, seemingly to himself. "Priority alpha."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
While the trio fight up on the street

Meanwhile underground...

Once David Gets out of sight doing the stupid thing of jump off the side of the platform and racing down the tunnel leaving a Trail of blood behind him. He knows he needs to stem the blood flow so he does what he has to. Finds a cubby hole in the tunnel. Tearing off his shirt and pushes it up against his chest wound but by now he has his shoes soaked and he is still leaving drops of blood behind aas he begins to try and back track the way he came.

Joker has posed:
     Well the laughter certainly helps give away the jokers positioning as he runs his way along. Reaching into his pockets he pulls out banana peels and chattering teeth throwing them behind himself. All the while during his childish antics the laughter echo's cold and unsettling in nature, just drilling into the brain with each syllable.

     He's having a blast as he runs right down the stairs into the subway line, vanishing form direct view for a moment.

Crusader has posed:
Time to get a gooey...so to speak. The bannana peels and chattering teeth did nothing to slow down Crusader in this case. ANything he steps on simply ends up inside of him (perks of being basicly liquid metal) as he goes after the joker. The manic laughing echoing through out made it difficult to pinpoint him.
    Let see if the bats willing to lend a hand in this case. Using his cyberpathy, Crusader /tries/ to access any comm Batman may be using. If successfull he will say "Hey batman, think you can help me pinpoint this man?"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David stems the flow of blood he pushes back as he can hear the mad laughter and now he realizes who he was dealing with. The pain, hunger, the rage finally makes him enraged enough he breaks his disipline and in that David steps out into the middle of the tracks and then holding out his hands he says, "Let's have a puppet show, your the puppet Joker!" and then his wires lash out.

100 monofiliment cables come out lashing out up to fifty feet log over the over hands like wires on a marionette as he says. "Unbreakible, at least 20 tonnes are needed to break them joker" as it is like a massive spider web just lashing out from all directions infront of the joker. Can he avoid them?

Batman has posed:
"Wait..." Batman says, looking back toward the subway entrance. "The hot dog cart. It's another damn joke." He pivots on one heel and begins running back to and up the stairs.

"I need an extraction. I have the feeling ..." Batman grimaces. "Joker's telling me his plans. He's going to trim the fat--like the contents of a hot dog, you see? And he'll relish the joke. Alfred ..." the dark knight continues, hauling himself back up to the street and toward the cart. "He's taunting me. He thinks I'll lose. Because--because he's the /wiener/, you see?"

"So whatever's about to happen, I have to make sure this cart doesn't somehow cause the deaths of everyone in Gotham."

Joker has posed:
     The Joker runs, and runs fast as his legs can carry laughing all the way as he flees from the scene of yet another crime. It's a wonderful thing really.

     At least he thinks so right to the moment he can't move anymore. Scrunched up against the wires. He can't move anymore, the laughter holds for a moment before changing to a bit of a "Oooh, what do we have here my boy?" His smile not even faltering for a moment. "Sprung a little web did we spider-fake? Or is it Fake-man at this point" He pauses for a moment. "Either way another pale imitation of something grander." Words holding more of a punch to them then any dagger chosen in that rather happy but condescending tone.

     "Careful Mr.Geppetto," He pauses for a moment smiling right down towards where David is hiding with those bright red eyes, his pure white smile shining out even through the dark. "there's a whale of an adventure waiting down this road, and you'll be SHOCKED to see how it ends." Before laughing once more a happy little giggle.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David stands there as he has a sadistic smile on his lips. "Even in Japan I have heard of you, you know what the real joke is, I can break your neck, twist your head off, and I would get off scott free! With everyone you ever hurt. I'd be doing the city a favor killing you." AS he then starts to use his wires wrapping them up around the Jokers hands fingers legs and feet tightening them. Making sure the Twisted clown can't reach anything as the wires go around hios head and throat.

David's running on pure anger rage, as he keeps the Joker strung up in the middle of the subway and then pullin his right finger and left finer like playing a keyboard starts to jerk the joker's arms and legs around. "Mere thought I can make them slice through any material. Including flesh and bone."

As he makes the Joker dance he listens behind him as says. "You know I wonder what's stronger my wires or your body. Let's find out, the 12:35 should be coming by in about five minutes. My wires take up to twenty tones to snap... " Right now if Bjorn sees David and hears that, right now, the joker has no idea how much danger he is in, or the Psychologocal pain David is under.

Crusader has posed:
Run clown run, because this one man Crusade is comming for you, you can't run from your crimes! Now on the ground and not in danger of caving in roofs... it was easy to hear Crusader close behind. His pounding footsteps are like thunder going off!

At one point he slides to a stop being moment behind Joker and notices him stop. And...another quip. Good lord this clown knowns how to use his mouth. But...words always mean something. SPider-fake?

Unaware that David was actually in this area, Crusader approahces cautioly to incase there was another baddie down here that wanted Joker dead... or just wanted to get into some trouble. You never quite know these days. But than... he sees David, and hears him.

Great. Psycho kid. That or tempary insanity from anger or a bad day. People trying to kill you does tend to do that. Anyways, seems the Joke of the day...is that he may have to Save the Joker now.

But this was a chance to diffuse thing. Crusader approaches fully "Kid, killing him will not do you any good. Especialy if your killing in anger. Just...knock the man out and put him down" his deep voice definintly held authrotity in it. His eyes never waver as he looks to both The Joker and the Kid

Joker has posed:
     Instead of a look of horror or even realization from it, instead of buckling from what should have been enough to put the fear of god in any mortal man, the joker just lets out a loud. "Oooooooooo" Even as the bindings tighten him and he's puppeted around. His face scrunching up that slight bit to make the o motion with his mouth. "Show me, right here, just cut off a finger, oooh oooh, I know how about a leg! Cut off a leg!"

     He sounds positively giddy at the very idea of it. Then Bjorn has to pipe up and ruin the fun. "Killjoy." He chimes out at the start of Bjorns little speech to turn him around. "Come on kid, don't listen to the little fuddy duddy, go ahead tighten the binds and pop my head off like a lollie." Even as he's made to dance about. "I'd like to see how far it rolls myself, after all they say the chicken can stay alive days with its head cut off."

     "Besides." He adds "Don't you want to know what it feels like?" An almost pleading curiosity. "To just have that candle of a life in the palm of your hand" A heartbeats pause. "To hold it tight" His eyes narrow. "Then snuff it out." another pause. "After all I've read in the papers I already know you and I are so much alike!" He smiles wider still then even before. "So go ahead shortstack, kill me, walk right up to that cliff and jump off the side, trust me murder is like Lays..." He forces himself to lean hard against the bindings just barely able to move them as he struggles against them "Can't have just one." Before laughing hard.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David how ever knows that if he cuts the joker. He's gonna feel every ounce of the pain. But that is only if her breaks the skin. He can break the neck no problem. And right now the voice of Bjorn keeps him from doing exactly that. Still Joker is made to dance around like a puppet in the air as David uses his wires to make him jerk and dance around as if to mock and humiliate the joker.

Indeed if the Bjorn had not come David would have just snapped his neck so easilly and the insanity does fade. David is not a murderer. But as the Joker is danced around he actually makes the Joker punch himself and the sound of the the fist hits HARD, as David says.

"Your right, once you murder someone, where does it stop? I'm not going to let you win Joker. But I still Might Kill you Joker. All I need is an excuse to kill you in self defense, or defense of another. and in that situation.... I Win." and then he will Yank as hard as he can lifting the Joker as hard and as fast as he can to make him impact the Ceiling of the Tunnel as half the Wires come off his body and he allows the Joker to fall and uses his wires that he let go of him from above to ensare the joker nice and tightly.

"I can hold him until Police arrive." David's Blood soaked shirt is held tightely to his chest. as he starts to try and push Joker out of the tunnel. He's not going to murder joker. That's what he wants. He'll still kill him if given the chance to do so without murder....

Crusader has posed:
Yea, far as Crusader is concerned, the kid right now, bloodied up, angry, and having threatend to more or less kill joker with a train is in no position to be holding /anyone/ in his state.
    Crusader dosn't seem to acknowledge those oh so annoying quips. At least not physiacally as his expression is well hidden by his helm. Though a good punch never hurt anyone..... least that what he is mentally thinking

Crusader comes forward approching David "You are in no position to be holding anyone. Between conspiricy to commit murder, being wounded, and apparently people wanting you dead. Not to speak of the fact the police are probably going to hold YOU in custody" he glances to Joker with a dead pan expression "Sides, that man can run, best not give the police two people to chase. One can hold him...and than one can come deal with you"

He looks back to David, judging by everything he has seen, he doubt David is going to willing go to a police station if he can help it.

Joker has posed:
     The Entire time the joker dances he's singing... singing about how he's got no strings to hold him down. Despite what should be immense unbearable pain he just can't help but laugh and smile, enjoying every minute even as he punches himself square in the jaw adding a bit of his own EXTRA force to it in order to help inflict damages. Then he's thrown into the air.

     And there's where the fun comes in... Joker knows how to fall right, how to avoid injuring himself. He knows just the right angle to hit to avoid injury... and the right to inflict injury. As he falls he does so at just the right angle, hitting the ground hard. The force of the wires used to catch him cut his pretty little face, blood spilling down onto the pebbles covering the floor.

     That blood soaks over the wires, and drips its way down, standard issue red blood.

     And it's while he's laying there bleeding that he starts to speak, in german... "Zehn, Neun, ahkt, sieben" Straining hard against the wires as his body is wracked with horrific pain still pattering along in German.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
And then As the Joker is cut. It happens. The Wires come into direct contact with nerves. And in than Bjorn can see it, Lines appear on david's face as he instantly recoils. Cringing as he actually strains as the wires come away fromt hat area of the face and with his nose now bleeding infact David is actually crying blood. His energy is hitting Zero, his reserves were adrenilin. and then he says. "your right, now choose him or me." and he makes sure that Crusader can get to Joker and secure him while he leaves the joker to what ever his fate. The Wires come off, and David starts to bolt down the tunnel seeking to escape Crusader. It wasn't the crazy, it was the pain, he could feel the pain transmitted as it it was his own. Still holding his chest now. His wires don't cut unless he wills it so Joke some how forced an injury on himself. He'll have to recall that and only Grapple his clothes in the future.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader tries to reach out and grab David, his arm enlongating. But David was too fast bolting down the hall. His arm flows back to normal length. The Kid...or the Joker? One a confirmed maniac, the other a kid on the edge

The choice was clear.

Crusader quickly goes over to Joker and hopefully if the Joker is not TOO fast, he will be able to pick up the Joker and... well quite litterly knock his lights out and a few teeth to go along with it.