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(Lucifer, Sinister, and Nick run into each other at the park. A lot of questions are raised, some are answered and the resulting vacuum effect draws even more questions out.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 20:38, 29 January 2023

Just a walk in the park?
Date of Scene: 24 January 2022
Location: Central Park, Manhattan, 5A 51st Floor, Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Lucifer, Sinister, and Nick run into each other at the park. A lot of questions are raised, some are answered and the resulting vacuum effect draws even more questions out.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Lucifer, Sinister

Nick Drago has posed:
As far as January afternoons go, it is a lovely day. The sun is out allowing for a hint of heat to hit the city, bringing the temps up to a passable 40. The gentle breeze that crosses the park makes it chillier making a little less so. Either way it is time to wear a jacket and those traversing the paths and wandering the grass of the great lawn are doing just that. But most do not linger and merely use the location as a means to get to their destination a bit quicker. It's still freaking cold after all.

Most people.

Wearing a jacket and having his hair tucked into a knit cap, Nick is definitely not finding it warm outside. Despite this, his path through the park is not direct. Instead it appears more that he has taken to using one of the lengthier walkways, but where the path ends, he turns to cross to another one. No rush, it seems. Perhaps he has nowhere to be. But with him wearing a loaded down backpack, one would think he'd have picked another time to go for a walk.

Musicians are odd people.

As his turn to the new path brings back the view of the trail he just left, there's a slight glance to it before he continues his chosen direction.

Lucifer has posed:
When business needs must, then Lucifer is out during the day despite the cold that cuts through the air. Of all the seasons on the mortal coil, Winter is his bane, and he hates it with a passion. Even the heat he naturally carries doesn't quite cut it when traversing through the cold. He's also, likely, one of the more best dressed people walking through central park. Not that he's in suit and tie but slacks and a turtleneck, gloves and a long coat.

As Devils do, he's walking a longer path, perhaps just idly passing through between this and that meeting. Or, perchance he's done with his business and now is just idly walking. One would think he'd be trying to get home as quick as possible but...home is empty when Nathaniel is off working. Ears perk and eyes shift as he feels a somewhat familiar presence but keeps walking. Not really in the mood to scope out anything. If he meets anyone he knows so be it, otherwise he'll keep to himself mostly.

Nick Drago has posed:
Despite the leisurely pace, Nick does not feel leisurely. While his path may conveniently lead to Lucifer, his attention seems more upon the one he just left, in particular the portion that runs parallel to his current one. Despite the cold there is a trio of persons heading in the opposite direction, seemingly taking the same route Nick had. Bundled up in dark clothing, and not a sound coming from the group. Perhaps it is the cold weather that has their tongue frozen within the confines of their mouths but their presence is very much being registered.

When the trio move out of any type of view where Nick could feasbily look without turning around, the musician's jaw tightens, eyes looking forward as a gloved hand rests upon the strap of his backpack.

Lucifer has posed:
The ever-observant Devil spies the face that has brought the familiar sense and he smiles slightly. It only takes a slight shift of his step so he's walking more towards Nick, but a brow raises as he notices a keen twitch here and ther. Looking past Nick to the trio walking behind him he raises a brow and pays them mind until they veer off and out of sight.

Finally upon the man he smiles gently. "Well hello there, Nick. Good to see you out and about." Then, a bit softer, he asks, "How's the back treating you?"

Nick Drago has posed:
The trio takes their time down the path and upon reaching the end of it, the sullen group does what Nick did not. They continue forward, leaving the park to start walking upon the sidewalk.

Nick, who is not privy to the information still has the less than enthused look about him.

But seeing Lucifer on the path looking past him does give the musician pause. His steps slow, and when the devilish club owner turns his attention to him, Nick's slowed stops progress to a full out stop upon reaching the other. "Hello Lucifer." Nick greets back, giving a small smile before answering the question. "It's doing very well. Thank you for the help. How are you and Nathaniel doing?"

Lucifer has posed:
"We're fine. The flight we took the other night was quite satisfying." Among with a few other things that Lucifer won't indulge upon of course. "I didn't really take you for a daylight person..." Saying this as he looks the man over, taking note of the backpack he's carrying. "..are you going somewhere? You seem to be packed to the brim..." Offering this much before giving a little smirk and then he looks up and behind Nick for a moment, perhaps even looking around for that trio he had just seen. "Were you concerned about those who had been behind you? Pardon my intrusiveness, but it seemed as though you were...trying to keep your eye on them as best you could."

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick tilts his head, almost reminiscent of a more avian form Lucifer once encountered. "I don't quite work an 8 to 5 but- sometimes what you need to do is in the daytime." He lifts a shoulder, tilting his head the other way this time in indication of the backpack Lucifer asked about. "Like shopping for supplies. If the stores are close to each other, I try and get it all in one trip if I can."

Lucifer's usage of the past tense regarding where the trio had been been causes for Nick to glance behind him, confirming them not to be there, his posture seems to relax. "...I was probably overreacting. It's been a year."

The musician glances back towards Lucifer, "You know that feeling you get when you pick up on someone having been behind you for a lot longer than is normal? So you, take the equivalent of a circular path just to be sure rather than head directly home?"

Nick shrugs, "Figures they'd go left on the final right."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh I know all too well that feeling... and for me it's an ever present thing. You know. Angel and all. My siblings...and our Father...always tend to keep an eye on me. Like they're trying to ascertain where I might just fuck up next." Lucifer scoffs then. "As if I would." Before he nods. "I can understand doing the errands during the day thing. There's a reason why I'm out now as well. Had some day time business to attend to and Nathaniel is off settling his own things..." He flicks a hand around, "Somewhere." A pause then. "Where are you off to now or are you done for the day?"

Nick Drago has posed:
"Well, that's the feeling I had." Nick confirms, "...I don't know my father. But that kind of describes my aunt. Maybe a bit of Wade, but his is more of a protective nature."

Lucifer's question about what to do net gets a bit of consideration, "The day's still somewhat early. So, after I unload this at the apartment, I thought I might pop over to Salem Center to go pick up a few items there. There's a bar in that area that doesn't seem like much but the food and drink offered suits. I also don't have a reputation for going there so it should be fine enough for a stop on the way back."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods to the first bit. "What I wouldn't give to not know mine... or at the very least to actually be out of his sight." Offering this before he tilts his head one way. "Wade? Hopefully not the same Wade that I'm of a certain priviledge to know..."

As Nick then delves out the rest of his plans, Lucifer gestures. "Would you mind some company? It'd be a bit lonely back home and...well...I've gotten to a point where socializing is actually a need. Not that I want to impose on you. I could also be an extra set of eyes if you'd like...since it seems like you're a bit concerned of the company that might come after you."

Nick Drago has posed:
To the mention of another Wade, there is a pause. There's the sound of a long drawn out sigh. "...If the one you're thinking of is the one I'm thinking of NOW. No. Not THAT Wade." He shakes his head, "The one I was referring to would be Wade Shaw. He was bassist for Silver Round and now owns Shaw Studios. He's also my music manager and con-" He pauses, "We used to share a condo."

When Lucifer asks if he can tag along the musician gives a curious look but the explanation gets a nod. "Ah. I get that. I tend to do better with company too." He tilts his head in indication of the path behind Lucifer, leading. "Sure. You're welcome to come along. The place I'm staying at now is that way."

Being that he knows the way, Nick starts to walk in that direction, glancing back to Lucifer. "I wouldn't worry too much. Was probably overreacting. Habits."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer holds his hands up in a sort of surrendering fashion. "Sorry. Sorry. I just can't help but think of that gun and sword toting psychopath when someone mentions the name." Listening further to the actual description of Wade Shaw but at that hesitation and quick switch of a final descriptor, an eyebrow lifts.

Lucifer will tuck that away for later.

"I get into less trouble when I'm with people it seems. On my own can be...dangerous." He chuckles then before shifting to follow along as Nick begins to walk in a direction that - Lucifer assumes - will lead to the man's apartment. "Habits are a hard thing to break, even when they're not needed. Perhaps especially so. You know... I have a few questions I'd like to ask you...when we're not out in public. Just some...oddities of curiousness I've developed while being in your presence."

Sinister has posed:
Now what -has- Sinister being doing, whilst attending to things that might be exclusively sinister? Well, that is a question. However, there's little mind to be had for that, when the man's actual presence can be seen.

Central park in broad daylight, in January, can be a bit gloomy. Luckily, it's not all that cold this year, despite atmospheric woes... else there'd be a grumpy Lucifer, it ought be noted. It isn't usually overshadowed by a growing patch of dark however, which it currently is and getting darker and larger. There's a yell or two from a jogger on a different trail, a flurry of activity from people reaching for thier camera phones from higher vantage points, as what looks like the queen alien mixed with a rhinocerus angles toward the grassy lawn, backwards and trailing black shadow ichor, limbs a'flailing.

Above, black cloak holding a manner of gadgets and devices in its tendrils, hands a'glow in a limn of red... Mister Sinister. Not Nathaniel, not Doctor Essex, but the individual sometimes snapped by brave photographers for the glad rags and the muck-rakers alike. With slow gestures of his hands, he appears to be controlling the descent of the still-writhing... entity.

Nick Drago has posed:
"Also knife throwing." Nick throws in as an aside, not really providing context for the add on. With Deadpool, is there really need to explain his actions. "I've had the fortune to be around the other one to where he's my first thought when the name's brought up though."

There's a bit of a slight smirk to the mention of Lucifer tending to become dangerous when on his own but he doesn't tag on to the statement. The hint to questions gets another nod. "Well, you can probably ask them in the apartment. I might not have the answer but we'll see."

Supposing they get there that is. When the odd shadow is cast and shouts are heard, Nick spins round to see what the commotion is. Brows raised, he looks to Mister Sinister and his newly found...


What an odd sight.

"Well at least it's not a dragon this time." Nick murmurs, still trying to figure out what's going on.

Lucifer has posed:
"Dragon. Nautical creature from the depths of the ocean. Parasites from a nuclear reactor. ...among other things on the list." Lucifer comments as he turns and looks up at the sky, actually giving a sigh when he sees the spectacle that Sinister is...holding? Guiding? Whatever.

"Do pardon me a moment..." Is offered before a sudden flare of wings with a flap or two sends Lucifer into the sky, heading straight for Sinister and his care package. It likely doesn't take him too long to actually reach and hover-glide along with Sinister.

"You really do know how to go all out with delivering...things..." He offers this as a side to Sinister. "Though really. Where *will* we manage to put it?" A laugh as he shifts to catch a tailwind and come back to where he was. "Need a little help, darling?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's eyes are a'glowing too, but they usually do when he's not wearing a human face. The glow IS particularly fierce at the moment though, evidence of concentrated telekinesis, no doubt. A sweeping glance is sent down to the lawns and ridges around the park, where the glint of cellphone screens and camera lenses catch what light there is, then down at the thing and beyond. At Nick. There's a sigh of his own, a cluck of the tongue and a gritting of jaw. "Oh, no you don't... slippery little guttersnipe," a subtle gesture and he inverts the creature, making all the ichor rush downward with it, over its head. "I need a sample, then an absolute disintegration. I'm rather certain that the pools in tartarus should do the trick. I don't know how far she spread herself before I caught her..."

Samples it seems, involve a scissor motion of one of the gadgets held by his cloak and a chittering squeal from the entity, as one of its forelimbs is severed at the wrist and immediately contained in a bubble of red energy.

"And I would be sorry, but I needed a nice open space where I could be quite certain there wouldn't be many people. If you would my dear, a conflagration one-way trip to hell would be appreciated. And then I suspect a bit of damage control." With another glance about the park and back. Again, to Nick.

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick blinks as an item on Lucifer's listing seems out of place. "...What about a nuclear reactor?" The musician is left to wonder as he watch Lucifer fly off to go talk to the Sinister one flying with the...alien? His feet most pointedly stay upon the ground. Away from the view of the stray cellphone cameras picking up the air born p-


Wait, did Lucifer call that guy 'darling'?

Lucifer has posed:
"Damage control is going to be a bitch...I'll send the city my bill..." Lucifer offers this before he flaps his wings and dives down to the ground. He'll be feet away from Nick and in a sudden flare of hellfire and brimstone the man changes from ... well man ... to the visage of Devil. Satan. Lucifer's true Hell form. Whatever one wants to call it. His skin looks as though it's all burnt to a crisp and yet also pulses with a glow of lava. Eyes are blood-red with black centers and he looks up, watching.


When his wings return they are pitch black and leathery. Like a bat or a dragon. He closes his eyes and begins to lowly chant in a tongue so ancient there's not even a word for it. The ground begins to rumble lightly and then a crack appears at Lucifer's feet. It grows in length and width before Lucifer's eyes open wide. "Move Sinister!" Is yelled out in a reverberated, demonic voice of a thousand tones before he begins to chant in that ancient language again and something roars from the underground. "To the depths with you, foul creature! Lay not a speck of yourself upon this world again!"

Sinister has posed:
"Not secure enough," is not yelled, but nevertheless is proof positive that Sinister heard the suggestion from Nick. The spectacle, for indeed that is what being a Witness is, when Lucifer shows his Other Face <tm> -- it is watched with concentration until the moment to get clear is nigh. Straight up at considerable speed, at least the equal of a jet, even if not supersonic... and the entity is thrust down into the chasm that formed beneath it, with a flash of red light and a lot of the smell of sulphur.

The silence afterwards is rather deafening, which might mask the quiet at which the man known as Sinister descends to land light as a feather beside Nick. The cloak tidies itself up, still holding gadgets and waving sensors at the bubble of forelimb that was severed and Essex tucks his hands in the small of his back, awaiting a return to devilish normality, a mild smile on his face. "Imagine what that would've been like if he'd been angry," offered with a slight stage-lean in Nick's direction, eyes on his Celestial cohort. "Also, I do feel mildly chagrined at the entrance, but trust me, it's a good thing that I dealt with that. The Brood are perniciously tenacious."

Nick Drago has posed:
As the winged club owner comes down quick to come in for a landing, Nick ends up backing up to put a few more feet between him and Lucifer. Initially it was due to the wingspan and the speed of return that made him want to give space but as the heat of hellfire errupts from the figure- Well, it's probably a bit more comfortable to take a step back.

Without switching forms, Nick ends up drifting to what phantasms do best.

He observes.

A puzzled expression forms on his face as the alien kind of... seems familiar but the only ones he really could recall were all the way at-

Well, come to think of it, he kind of slept for most of the trip over. He's not quite sure where they were. Some place with Kreel? Kreek? Eh. Tony might know.

Either way he's very much glad he's not on the receiving end of Lucifer's wrath. Hell of a form shift there too.

As Sinister lands beside Nick, he turns his head, looking over to the man shifting back to the form of Essex. Well, that explains the 'Darling' at least.

When Essex mentions the creature. Nick blinks as he looks right back to Lucifer's target.

Brood! Ah! That was it! "...There weren't any others where you found that one, was there?"

Lucifer has posed:
Just as soon as the Devil had shifted and opened a portal to hell to send the Brood Queen there... the portal closes, the ground returns to normal and Lucifer folds his wings back in and manifests himself back to his human form. "Sinister. Follow Nick to his apartment. I'll do a mass you-didnt-see-anything once you're gone and then be right on your trail." He says this while approaching the two and then leans in and - in front of God and everyone - offers Sinister a hello kiss. "You're a pain in my ass. I love it. And you."

Sinister has posed:
Well, at least there doesn't have to be a lengthy explanation of /some/ things. "I could only sense a couple and they were much easier to deal with. Convertion of indigenous life forms usually end up as drones. But this one was quite a clever minx, she's been busy. Hence the sample," Sinister gestures at the bubble o' limb. "I need to analyze and then do a mass cross-reference to see who has been infected. I'm hoping that she hadn't had much time to get started..." There's a pause, a protracted stare across the bridge of his nose and a sniff. "And there's going to have to be a few answers, mister Drago..."

But at that point, Lucifer is returning to the lovable tall dark and handsome that he normally is and turning back, the collision into full on kiss is perfectly timed to be accidentally on purpose. "My dear, you wouldn't have it any other way. At least it's never monotonous..." A glance is sent to the park and he is pulling out his own cellphone, which looks rather more high-tech than anyone else's. For one thing, the data seems to almost project out of its surface as visible energy -- "Lead on, McDuff. High Dunsinane is not going to advance on us just yet, but we might want to be elsewhere." All he's doing is gazing at the screen, but strings of code have begun to arrive and multiply expotentially from the device.

Nick Drago has posed:
To the hint that there might be the possibility of some infection, Nick frowns.

Well shit.

Sinister's statement regarding the need for answers, he blinks. Quite the inquisitive couple they are. "Uh yeah sure. Lucifer was hinting to questions too. So Q&A in the apartment." That place should be secure enough now.

As Lucifer turns back to the form Nick's more familiar with, the musician looks over to him approaching Essex. Alright so Lucifer's just going to follow after? How is-

Seriously, you're asking?


With a sigh, Nick gives a nod to Lucifer, "Alright. See you later." Giving a turn, he starts to lead Sinister down the path that leads in the direction of Four Freedoms Plaza.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is going to hand wave all the miraculous stuff he can do to erase the minds of an entire park's worth of people. Big shadowy thing in the sky? Poppycock. Storm clouds. Then a team of super heroes, the favorite of New York, came and disposed of the storm. Otherwise it'd of been a very dreary and wet day for those who would rather enjoy something a bit more peaceful.

Clever Lucifer. Quite clever. If one says so.

Then he's a step, two, and he'll simply appear right by Sinister's side - as if he never left. A little grin twitching the edges of his lips as he side eyes the man. "You owe me for that one, darling." Then further. "You feeling alright, Nick? Do I need to mind wipe you too?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's attention on the phone in his hand drifts only momentarily to check where he's going with a physical sense, before resuming whatever he's doing with the technology in hand. With a little flick of his wrist, the phone camera flashes and there's ... well, nothing much else that's obvious to be said. "He has a knack of knowing where I am at all times. If I think hard, I can practically make him materialize right on top of me..." the question wasn't asked, but that doesn't preclude the answer. Another half-smile is proffered, glancing up at the storm-free sky above, then to his attire. You still look like yourself, Sinister.

A wrist flick and the tight organic steel and form-fitting plates of black and red melt like butter, reforming into jeans, a black leather frock coat and DM's. A small gesture at the cuffs and silver studs form a cufflink out of nothingness and a hand is run through long hair until it is sitting precisely as he means it to. It's wonderful when you can carry your wardrobe inside you. "

And then there's Luci once again. "Do I? I shall have to work out how to repay in kind, or in trade, now won't I?" The bubble of brood bounces along like a very macabre dog as he listens for Nick's answer.

Nick Drago has posed:
And like that Lucifer pops into existence next to Sinister, getting caught in the side of Nick's vision. In one of its better displays of speed, the brain manages to stop the mouth from uttering the sound of surprise that typically would come with such a startle.

Which is likely good. Not sure how the devil would like being greeted to someone shouting 'JESUS!' in reaction.

Instead Nick gives Lucifer a look. "...I thought we'd at least get into the building before you were done with that." Nick admits, "...And I'd prefer if you didn't mess with my head."

The bouncing brood bubble gets a look. "...Are you guys planning to do the jedi mind trick on everyone we pass?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Was I done too soon? I think Nick is saying I was done too soon. I could go back and come in again. Kinda like Jesus only with less death." Lucifer says that with a bit more enthusiasm than even he likely intended. "Oh I won't mess with your head. You get it. They didn't. There's a difference you see?" He side eyes Sinister who now looks less like Sinister and more like Nathaniel.

"You bloody well will, yes. That takes power, man. Power that I now have to spend hours recuperating. Do you know what I could be doing in that time?" But he grins all the same and then gets a confused look on his face.

"What the fuck is a Jedi Mind Trick?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister continues to follow, using his feet and not for instance... floating, but feet are on automatic and know what they're doing. And so, he looks back at the bubble as it's mentioned, back the way they came, and then to the path ahead. "You know, I thought I'd just pretend like it wasn't there, but now that you mention it, I probably should do absolutely nothing at all untoward. You /do/ realize I'm just walking my dog, right?" -- and if Nick glances, that's exactly what it looks like. A loveable irish setter, panting like its going out of style and looking fetchingly idiotic. Until he blinks of course and then it's a bubble of severed arm. "Static illusions are the easiest; nobody expects to see that, so it's very easy to persuade them that that is exactly what they're /not/ seeing. There's always an odd exception to the rule, but by and large more people have seen dogs for a walk than floating dismemberment."

A sidelong glance is given to the devil and his grin, a hooded look with a sniff and the hint of a grin. "Oh, I am aware. We might have to go through all the seven deadliest to recharge those woefully depleted batteries. /Such/ a chore."

Nick Drago has posed:
Did he just indirectly criticize the devil?

Ok not the intent. "No, you're fine. I just wasn't really factoring in the level of speed an angel works at."

When Lucifer asks what a Jedi Mind Trick is, Nick give a very large grin. "That's what I asked!" He admits, probably with a bit too much enthusiasm, "But when I did my suitemate at the time sat me down and made me watch the whole movie it was in. I'm going to save you the time. It's a phrase from a movie that basically described what you just did."

When Sinister mentions walking a dog, Nick looks over to the arm, brow raising to the sight. Ok that's pretty convincing loo-And there's the arm again. Fortunately the building seems to be pet friendly. Although it might be awkward if someone wants to come pet the setter. Thoughts of a pair of service German Shepherd Dogs comes to mind, causing for a bit of a wistful smile. He should probably make some phone calls tonight to see how some friends are doing.

But back to the task at hand. The trek is quick and soon the trio are making their way into the plaza, passing a variety of shops before reaching the bank of elevators that leads to the units above.

Well, save for the sizable multistory 'penthouse' at the top.

Lucifer has posed:
"Ah. Well then. No. We're not doing that to everyone. Just those who needed it..." Lucifer offers and then looks himself over. He's sort of at a loss for anything he might want to say or do in the moment. Sinister's remark gains a chuckle, however, and an eyeroll. "Might just have to pull a double shift at the club so I can drink in all I'm able...but that only takes care of lust and gluttony...maybe a bit of greed too..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks as if he might make a comment somewhere along the line there, the look is writ upon his face. But something or other makes him simply smile like sunshine and hold his tongue, gaze travelling elsewhere from the here and now, to the shops and the overall architecture; the glass, concrete and steel, wiring, lights, all the wonders people take for granted. He gives an oddly proud little sniff, winks at Lucifer and seems to be making his way toward the correct elevator lobby without being told.

"German shepherds?" Just casually noted.

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick nods as Lucifer mentions refraining from doing a mental whammy on everyone in their path. All the other things being mentioned, he opts not to comment or react to. The innuendo being given off by the others are earmarked for each other, so there's no need to be focusing on those.

As the trio, or quartet if the fake dog is to be counted, enters the elevators, Nick shifts over to the corner of the elevator that has the buttons, pressing the number 51. They're pretty fortunate in getting the car to themselves.

Nick glances over to Sinister to the inquiry to the breed he had been thinking of. Bit of a mindreader, that one. He gives a nod, glancing to the rapidly changing numbers on the digital display. "Not mine though."

As quickly as the group go into the elevator, the exit is just as speedy, leading to a walk down a brightly lit, and fire code appropriate wide hallway.

And in this structure of fast elevators and impressive construction, one of the more low tech of items gets fished out of Nick's pocket. An apartment key. They don't make it towards the end of the hallway where promises of corner windows are. Instead they stop halfway down where the spacing between entryways is not promising for the footage behind.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just stays a bit quiet for the moment. Perhaps because he's still dealing with one or two more complicated minds. Perhaps because it's a new place and he's wondering if he's going to run into anyone he knows. There's never any way to tell who'll be around the next corner after all. When they don't move to a corner spot and they are certainly not in the penthouse, he has to smirk a little and eyes Nick a moment. "Small quiet place just for you then?" Looking at the door that Nick stops at for a moment. Keys. Who uses keys these days?

Sinister has posed:
"I'm going to go with heroics aren't always terrifically lucrative," Sinister replies, looking up and down the door, then at the spacing. "Also," he gestures to the fire escapes equally spaced, with a flip-flop of finger "...that is telling. You really do live in most interesting times, don't you Nick?"

That said, he glances up at the ceiling, head tilted, then down at the floor in a slow turning sweep of gaze and back at the portal to the bachelor pad.

"I'm happy to say that our puppy doesn't need to be refrigerated. I doubt you'd have the room."

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick's eyes follow the directions Sinister points out, taking note of the exit signs. Equal distance to the potential escape routes. Ok, perhaps that could mean something in theory. But it also means being positioned the furthest point away from ANY escape route. He frowns, turning to the door to set the key in to open the door and push it open. He looks to the couple, giving a small smile. "After you."

Well, the apartment is indeed a studio. But if one were to judge just from the door placement alone they may be a little off guard. The width was not much but the length and height more than made up for it, making for some hidden square footage that a Gallifreyan could be proud of- Or anyone who has any understanding of what the real estate market in Midtown Manhattan is like.

The layout is simple enough. Kitchen to the right of the entry way. Table right front with some folding chairs, a desk, dresser, and bed. The furnishings appear to have come with the apartment. The TV set upon the dresser to where it can be seen from most anywhere in the studio? That looks brand new and likely rarely used. Along the rest of the dresser space are several bags. On the floor beside the dresser are several boxes. Resting on the desktop are several sketchbooks and notepads. Each closed but visibly worn.

Once everyone is inside, Nick closes the door, causing for one of the chains on the door to rattle. "For reference, a conservative price for a condo of this size in this part of the city runs for around 900 thousand." Nick volunteers, "That is, if you can find someone willing to sell. It's more difficult when looking on short notice."

Nick he slides off his backpack, setting it on the kitchen table. "Bed's the most comfortable, Desk chair's second. Take your pick." The bookbag lets out a whrrr as the zipper is tugged open.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer steps inside just so and then with one look at the apartment, his jaw drops a bit. "We...need to get you better living arrangements. How...do you survive here?" Asking this even as he moves in further, taking in the fact that there are no walls. Very little seating area. Barely any moving area. How does one even breathe in here?!

Then there's the drop of how much a place like this costs. "Well...it is New York...I suppose..." The place is at least as well kept as it can seem to be. Lucifer is drawn to the books on the desk itself, reaching to touch one. Just touch it. Perhaps to see if it affects him in anyway. One never knows when they might stumble across a beauty.

"I keep Hope in a box and even their place is bigger than this. What's the drawing point to...live here?" Asking blatantly because the Devil has never had a filter.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's steps are precise, following in last of all and following further in to be closed in within the chamber. The sound of the rattle has him turning his head an infinitessimally small amount, but that ear seems almost to have twitched. The movement so slight, reverses as he takes silent steps across the room to look out over the skyline from a different viewpoint. "My love, sometimes, it is about what you can see beyond..." hands tucking into the small of his back, he stands at a mild parade rest infront of the glass, gazing out at the lights, the world above the world that Nick no doubt came from. His face in the reflection of the glass seems pensive, eyes slightly narrowed.

"You are definitely quite a curiosity, mister Drago. One that knows about the brood. That automatically makes you remarkable. And you know about Lucifer and seem to actually have taken that in and run with it. I don't know if you know about me or not. I could find out, but I feel disinclined. I'd rather you simply told me."

He looks back, over his shoulder at the man, then the archangel. "I do agree though, you can't even swing a kitten in here, let alone a cat."

Nick Drago has posed:
As Lucifer touches one of the sketchbook he soon finds himself encountering...a book cover. Spiral bound and made to be flipped and rest open to the chosen page for drawing. There might even be the coarse feel of some stray charcoal or graphite but as far as a foreboding sense to it. There's nothing.

Nick glances over to the judgemental devil. "It's not meant for entertaining." He answers, tugging out a white paper bag resting at the top of the open bag. "It's meant for rest." Turning around he walks over to one of the kitchen cabinets, shoving the bag in without bothering to remove the bottle inside of it. It'll keep for now. The idea is to unpack quickly after all. He turns back to the bag, grabbing out the respective grocery items. Tossing what needs to stored at room temperature onto the counter and what needs to be refrigerated into the fridge.

He pauses as Lucifer asks for the drawing point for this particular residence considering the size. "Well, to risk sounding like a real estate agent...the location's everything. And, my lifestyle doesn't really make room for pets, so no worries about cat or dog space. The view is nice though."

Nick heads back over to the bag, zipping it up as he glances over to the other two, catching Sinister's eyes in the reflection of one of the windows. Ah. The promised time of questions.

"Hmm. What I know about you." The musician pauses, going through the things he's observed in the interactions past. "I know you're a doctor of some nature. Surgeon or Psychologist-", he looks to the arm, "-researcher. Shapeshifter. Mind reader. So I have no doubt you could find out what I know if inclined to but yes, it's quicker to just ask. You have military exposure, clinic connections in the mutant town area, and you have a vested interest in genetics. We are also both aware of the Slayer and have worked with her in the past."

Nick tilts his head curiously, "Is that enough?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer side eyes the quickly unpacking Nick for a moment while he casually touches the top journal of the stack. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. But there is something giving off a magical tinge in the area, he's not going to go snooping around right in front of the guy. Besides, there's already been notes given that Nick has some strange magic that comes out of the music he plays. Or is it the lyrics he sings?

Maybe it's both.

"This isn't a test or anything, Nick. We just like to make sure we keep what needs to remain hidden...hidden. And let out what's known..because it's known." Secrets are a terrible thing to let out after all.

"I mean personally I don't give a shit. I'll tell everyone I'm Lucifer, because that's my name. They ask if I'm named after THE Lucifer and I'll counter with I *am* THE Lucifer....they either believe me or they dont. A certain detective took a while to come to terms with that... mostly because every time something happened to me while she was around...I didn't react the way I normally do. Like getting shot actually hurt a couple times. It was very annoying..." And now the Devil is rambling so he shuts up and goes poking at journals again.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister takes a look over his shoulder as the devil's tongue goes a'wandering away from him. The smile shot that way is faint but terribly fond. He drops his gaze to the floor, then looks back to the window, this time slightly down his nose, viewing the world in an nigh haughty manner -- it looks eaglish, that look. "It's a start, and I dare say it's a good one. You're observant and you retain what you've picked up. A lot of people don't. Miss Summers is a peculiar fascination; all in a name. And connections. Honestly, I happened upon that purely because of a determination that I was missing a good deal of the knowledge I could be absorbing, because of a pedantic view that I had to be right all the time. I often am, but there's a lot more to the forces of nature that I was woefully ignorant of and I frankly can't abide being ignorant. It isn't an excuse for anything, after all."

He looks in reflection at the other bags that needed emptying and casually, they levitate, moving to helpful handy reach for putting away.

"I am going to observe now, that you don't appear to have pre-conceived ideas, or at least if you do have them, you don't place all weight upon them as being the full Truth of a situation. For what it's worth, telepath, telekinetic, cellular control on a molecular level, physical prime and I am a technomancer and a genius."

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick looks to Lucifer. "Well, He wanted to know what I knew about him so it seemed that was the quickest way to do it."

As Lucifer continues poking at more of the books, he eventually gets a light sense of something different about two of them. One a notebook, and the other a sketchpad. Figures they'd be the ones on the bottom of the stack.

To the mention of the good start, Nick is momentarily surprised. He gets the general sense that coming from the doctor, that is a compliment. Then again, most of his time traversing dreams is just spent observing.

He listens, taking in the added information offered to him. Filing it away before considering Sinister's own observations about Nick.

The musician gives a small smile, "I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to my general idea to how things are. I know the benefits of giving people a chance when others won't, and I'm aware that I can be extremely wrong about things." He pauses, "So, I need to be able to change my mind." He pauses, "Um. I think what I turn into is called phantasm. Dream form, Dream travel...probably chalk up the rest as side effects. Accidentally wrote some spells, can imbue banishment magic of a type into an object, and I think I stopped aging."

He pauses, "It sounds weird but I think the lack of mental shielding might have been by design."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is taking advantage of the fact that Nick seems mostly distracted by both putting things away and talking to Sinister. Seems like a good a time as ever for him to actually take the notebook from the stack that's giving off magical vibes and he begins to flip through it. The songs seem interesting enough, but it's not until he gets closer to the ones that likely caused accidental magic that he stops to read them over.

The lyrics seem innocent enough and while the other two are happily in a conversation, the Devil holds the notebook in one hand and then begins to recite part of the song he's been looking over. "What is that, that fills you with fright. An unknown terror, that hides in the night... How can you fight back, when you can't see the threat? Oh it seems hopeless, but don't dare give up yet..." A glance to the other two, perhaps to see if his recital causes any reaction.

Even as he does, something seems to be...happening...Lucifer doesn't quite notice yet but others might actually notice the beginnings of a golden hue outlining Lucifer's form.

Sinister has posed:
Oh, Nick wouldn't be far off with his estimation tthere.

"Well, from what I've been studying of late, Dreams are one of the most potent forces of energy and sympathetic power that there is and they're unequivocably tied to creation and anabolic reaction, so to create something potent from the stuff of dreams itself isn't a far stretch." Sinister observes, words forming to continue when the glow begins. Words die upon his lips, mouth slowly closing and a flutter of surprised blinks following. He straightens. He cocks his head to one side, then the other. Then he points at Lucifer, whilst spocking a single eyebrow in Nick's direction.

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick nods to Sinister's assessment. His words exactly? Hell no. But he can turn his whole body into a dream form. By the general terminology being used here, he basically becomes dream energy that is shaped by his subconscious and sometimes conscious thoughts. Repurposing energy isn't a foreign concept.

"Another reason to keep an open mind to what is." That and rest. Tired minds make for REALLY weird and sometimes upsetting outcomes.

The faint glow draws Nick's attention over towards Lucifer and upon seeing the notebook in hand, a brow raises, mouth opening. But he doesn't make an effort to stop Lucifer. Considering the pacing of the angel, the chorus was going to be uttered before he even had a chance to stop him. Nor will he have time to use his own abilities... So he does the next best thing.

Nick looks over to Sinister who appears to be looking to Nick while indicating Lucifer. "Behind the kitchen wall if you're borderline demonic."

He doesn't think Sinister is, but best get the advice out just in case he is wrong. Instructions first. Reason second.

Lucifer has posed:
Something about the moment compels him to continue. Even if he could be stopped it'd likely take someone tackling him so his eyes avert from the page. He doesn't notice - still - so much as feel the glow that begins to surround him and even still, he begins the chorus. "Don't let the dark have final say...Lucia's Light...show me the way..."

And as far as accidental magic goes, plus the one reciting the 'spell' of sorts is the Devil himself. That glow becomes more, intensifying and Lucifer barely has enough time to set the notebook down and - potentially - out of harms way. In a flash of golden light and a soft cry from the Angel, he's suddenly no longer Lucifer the Owner of Lux with black hair and a demonic demeanor. But Samael the Light. With golden hair, ice blue eyes and a white suit to fit, he also still glows, brilliantly as Angels do, but subtly in a way that one doesn't have to avert their eyes entirely. He looks himself over after a moment.

"In the wrong hands, that could be quite dangerous..."

Sinister has posed:
The fact that Sinister doesn't actually move at all, is probably telling. Though he does brace a little in place, as if expecting something that might be rather more dramatic than what actually happens. A hand is raised to shield his eyes as the light intensifies though, lowered a moment later when his eyes are shielded by nictating membranes.

Intellectual pursuits of the moment fall by the wayside though, when the light grows so bright as to almost be blinding, then to have a rather specfic effect on the invoker who invoked... himself? That which he truly is? Sin's arms relax, as does his jaw a little, lips parted and staring, then once again, at Nick. With the second eyebrow joining the first in elevation. Words form, shape his lips, are discarded as he picks a better one, consternation replacing surprise; add a dash of confusion, a smidge of admiration, shake liberally with an inner argument and a flinging up of hands and a gesture of both emphatically in Lucifer's direction. "Now look what you've done!" A splutter, then a snort and a subsequent laugh, short, sharp but meaningful. "I think that might have caused a trigger in Lucifer's resonant frequency. You smacked yourself like a tuning fork, my love."

Nick Drago has posed:
Leaving Sinister to make his own decision about the advice given, Nick ends up looking back over to Lucifer. With the added oomph behind the one doing the reciting, Nick finds himself squinting for part of the transformation. When the light dulls slightly, Nick's eyes open a bit more, granting him a view of just another look of Lucifer's.

The observation from Samael gets a slight smile. "Yes, well. In the wrong hands, a spoon could be dangerous."

Or a floor lamp, but that's a less dramatic example.

"But is it really the lyrics that caused that, or the one using them as a focus?"

Walking closer to the angel, Nick moves to the desk to pick up the discarded notebook. Closing it properly, he moves back towards the bookbag. "When I use it I just glow in a way that's extremely uncomfortable for vampires who might be trying to kill me."

Giving a chuckle, he opens the bookbag to drop it inside. Keeping the remaining lyrics out of the reach of a certain red button pushing angel. "Funny enough, that was the song for St. Lucia he was reading."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks himself over for a moment and then over to Sinister. "Well... I'm not entirely sure...I can take on this form on my own when I want to. But wanting to is a very rare occurrence considering..." The Angel speaks and then looks himself over a bit more. "Also, I am glowing a bit more than usual, and I'm pretty sure if I actually went from human form to Angel form that burst of light wouldn't feel nice to the average vampire. Or many other unholy creatures..."

He watches as Nick puts the notebook away in his bag and then folds his wings back so they disappear. It was an interesting experiment but the fun is over now right? Right. So he simply shifts back to his normal human visage and all is well.

Except. Well. He really doesn't. He tries tho. "...Uhm...what?"

Sinister has posed:
The removal of temptation just makes it all the more alluring you know. Looking at where the notebook ended up and back at the Archangel Samael as he stands in all his glory, the explanation lands on fertile ground. "Oh, well that would make sense. In a manner, you evoked yourself, my dear." Critical analysis of the spectrum of light might well be going on in that mind of his, but he makes no comment regarding it, seemingly quite relaxed until the 'uhm...what?' is voiced. "Something wrong?" -- sometimes the words come out before the thought reaches forth and he blinks once or twice more. "Well, -that- is interesting. Thoughts, anyone?"

He approaches without fear, of course and does half a walk around to Lucifer's back, eyes the entire time on that celestial head, probing no doubt.

Nick Drago has posed:
"Remember That question I asked earlier about if Lucia was like a variation of Lucifer?" Nick looks over to Lucifer, "I think we got our answer."

When Lucifer appears to be having difficulty with the appearance, the musician considers the sitatuion. "It wears off when I've used it." Nick offers, "You probably had more energy to put into it than me so you might have more of a charge behind it."

The bag is zipped back up. "...If he's invoking himself, would that be like a magical case of recursion?"

Lucifer has posed:
"I think Nick explained it best. Cause I don't feel any more or less different, but I think there's just layers that need to shed before I can actually change back." Lucifer offers and then he glances to the circling Sinister, giving a chuckle. "Magic is weird, and often follows rules of it's own accord...I wouldn't try looking into it so hard."

He thinks on it then. "I don't know if I want to be seen out in public like this tho..."

Sinister has posed:
"Something of a feedback loop, yes." Sinister muses on that, expression going distant for a few moments. Brought back to the now by a shake of the head, he looks beyond the archangel to the windows overlooking New York, skyscrapers and the lights of Manhattan dulled for the daytime. "This would be so much worse if this was night, there would be a lot of questions that I'm not altogether sure we'd be able to obfuscate all of. Mind, it's probably a good thing you have that Celestial teleportation thing going for you, Luci."

He rubs at his temple with one fingertip. "I think we might have to bid our leave a while, Nick. We might have to expunge Lucifer's Lucifering somehow. /Do/ have a good day, hmm?" As the bubble of arm floats closer and settles beside him on the floor. It's a good thing that thing doesn't drip. That would be messy.