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(Livewire blasts up Times Square. People are generally mad about it.)
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Revision as of 21:41, 9 April 2023

Date of Scene: 17 March 2023
Location: Times Square, Midtown
Synopsis: Livewire blasts up Times Square. People are generally mad about it.
Cast of Characters: Livewire, Supergirl, Scarlet Witch, Power Girl

Livewire has posed:\<br\>It's a pleasant enough, mid March afternoon in Times Square. It's busy, as always. Food vendors are making a killing, the billboards are lit up, cycling through the advertisements as they do. People walking, cars honking horns. It's the most average, nothing going on day in the city.\<br\>\<br\>Until it isn't.\<br\>\<br\>The billboards start to spaz out, static racing across the massive screens. The horrific sound of electrical buzzing starts to emit from every speaker, every mobile phone in the area. Soon, the screens resolve into multistori images of Livewire. Manic and -furious-.\<br\>\<br\>"LISTEN UP AMERICA! It's Livewire, broadcasting LIVE from Times Square! The powers that be, in service to the SECRET MASTERS, have decided that -I- am too controversial. Too...TOO REAL to be profitable for them. My podcast has been pulled from all platforms! Spotify, LexMusic, Amazon and iTunes! -iTunes-!"\<br\>\<br\>Electricity starts to crackle and thrum through, well, everything conductive. The big board flashes, ripples, then explodes violently in a shower of sparks and a wicked arc of blue lightning. Livewire appears, arcs of electricity dancing across her body, the stench of ozone now everywhere. She appears in front of the Apple Store. "GET WRECKED!"\<br\>\<br\>People, of course, start running like hell.
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>Kara was just trying to relax, on a couch, after a long couple days spent doing the rounds and meeting back up with friends she hasn't seen since leaving for space. A big ol bowl of popcorn, a nice movie on Lifetime where the boy falls in love with the girl, who has a drug problem, but together their love triumphs over the adversities of addiction, and some fuzzy socks. \<br\>\<br\>If this isn't heaven, she doesn't want to be there. \<br\>\<br\>We now interrupt your broadcast with an important announcement \<br\>\<br\>She stares at the grainy camera footage and poor audio of the message Livewire is sending moments before Time Square lights up like a very electric Christmas Tree. Suffice to say... she maybe shouldn't have said she didn't want to go to heaven. \<br\>\<br\>"Of course." She bemoans and then woosh... \<br\>\<br\>Supergirl appears beneath the billboard, her cape fluttering behind her as she grabs hold of the edge just as it was about to hit the people running beneath. She hoists it up over her head and lets it settle gently, rather than destructively, out of the way. The electricity is arcing all around her, jumping from open conduit to metal, and back again... and truthfully, she's not a fan. \<br\>\<br\>"Livewire!" She shouts and would start towards the begrudged podcaster, if not for the taxi about to smash into a couple people on the sidewalk in an attempt to avoid other people running in the road. A blur of motion and she's slapping her palms down on the hood to stop it dead in its tracks before it can connect with anyone. "Livewire, STOP this!"
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda Maximoff has been having a very good day. She saved Coney Island from an invasion of Mindless Ones. She worked with Illyana Rasputina to seal a dimensional rift to _The Dark Dimension_ *wicked guitar riff* and she only kind of _almost_ gave into those whispers in her head urging her to be the unfathomable, conquering empress of realities.\<br\>\<br\>And then she got very drunk. Because that voice would not stop murmuring in her head. Fortunately, she slept that off.\<br\>\<br\>And then she went out for dinner and a show. The dinner was a guilty pleasure, pierogies and far too much sour cream and bacon, with caramelized onions.\<br\>\<br\>The show, it seems, is going to be a light show. She _was_ contemplating a movie, or perhaps something off Broadway, but as she makes her way down the sidewalk, there is buzzing, the screens ahead beginning to glitch and distort... and then there is Leslie Willis! Livewire!\<br\>\<br\>Not that Wanda knows that as she adjusts her long coat against the mild chill. This is, perhaps, one of those... Viral marketings? Yes. Surely.\<br\>\<br\>Although the sparks certainly seem to be quite real as people recoil from them. And then that voice is broadcast along with the images.\<br\>\<br\>And then the lady of the hour herself is simply _there_. In front of the Apple Store! Not that Wanda has any particular affection for the company of course. But she's quite certain there are innocent civilians inside.\<br\>\<br\>And so with a sigh, fingers begin to weave and move, complex incantations softly murmured, and in a wave of scarlet energy, her hair is swept back, tiara materializing on her forehead, jacket and casual attire rippling away from reality to be replaced by a dark red corset and lighter bodystocking. Her fine leather boots remain.\<br\>\<br\>And she rises into the air to begin floating almost leisurely towards the irate podcaster.\<br\>\<br\>She has never listened to a podcast in her life. But she imagines they are much like radio dramas. And this Livewire does seem most dramatic.
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Livewire twists to look back at Supergirl, snarling, her eyes wild and manic. So to say, normal for her. "You! Another of the ALIENS trying to TAKE OVER! Of course you're here to stop the truth from getting out!" She lifts a hand, electricity crackling down her arm to pool in her palm. A wrist thick blast of lightning rockets towards Kara, thunder roaring out in its path, the stench of ozone following.\<br\>\<br\>Wanda, unluckily for Leslie, gets missed in the chaos. She'll pay for this later.\<br\>\<br\>Twisting back to the window, she lifts both hands, fingers splayed wide. Thin arcs of lightning lance into the window, dancing along the glass. For a long moment, there's nothing but the buzz and crackle, until the high pitched roar of glass shattering to slivers echoes through the street. Leslie turns, covering her face with her hands in an old, useless gesture. \<br\>\<br\>As the glass finishes falling, Leslie just strolls into the store, feet crunching on shards of broken window.\<br\>\<br\>"HAHAHAHAHA! That's right. I'm gonna blast your precious profits into the GROUND! Call me unprofitable and a menace..."
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>Kara grits her teeth as the Taxi hoists up on the front wheels beneath her palms pushing into the hood, then settles back down once the driver hits the brakes. She waves for him to run, "Go! Get out of here!" With her attention shifting away from the act of stopping the vehicle to facing Livewire, "I'm not trying to silence you, there's just better ways you could get your point across than hurting ~all these people~.." She motions around at everyone affected by Livewire's anger. \<br\>\<br\>She's about to launch at the woman too. \<br\>\<br\>"You could produce your own podcast, bemoan their attempts to shut you down, but you decide to prove them right about you, attacki-" The wide arc of electricity Leslie fires at her hits Kara right in the stylized S on her chest. It's not the electricity that hurts, but the force of it suddenly colliding with her, that knocks Supergirl back into the very same Taxi she'd just stopped from hitting the sidewalk. \<br\>\<br\>The frame bends and warps around her as she strikes the wheel-well, electricity jumps off of her and connects with a streetlight beside her. The bulb pops and sends sparks raining down around her. Giving an angry, shadowy effect from the damp sidewalk mixed with the billboards flash and flicker, the rain of sparks, and the sudden glow of furious red eyes. \<br\>\<br\>She doesn't fire the heatvision, but she's definitely chargin' her lasers.
Power Girl has posed:\<br\>Power Girl Thankfully Kara is not alone , She's got a friend who's using her super speed to zip around, grabbing all the civilians who haven't run or gotten out of the place .. or even cars and is zipping them out of range of all that glass.. She's going as fast as she can.. but that's ALOT of lightning and thier are ALOT of people .. \<br\>\<br\>     Heck, she doesn't even take a moment to realize who she's grabbing. She's grabbing everybody to zip them behind the police lines and try to get them out of harm's way.. Right now, she's just a white and red blur zipping around!
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda's eyebrows perk as Kara makes her entrance. That was... unexpected. This is not Metropolis. But really, quite welcome. Now attired for Glorious Battle the Transian witch's hands continue to move in intricate patterns and motions, scarlet energy flaring and arcing out to seemingly disappear into the shattered glass, so it does indeed merely fall like a shower of hail, instead of shredding any of the unfortunate souls in the store.\<br\>\<br\>She sweeps in behind Leslie and gestures once more, a crimson portal appearing in the wall behind the counter at the far end of the store to allow the staff to run through to what is... clearly a portal across the street looking at their own store.\<br\>\<br\>It is not an entirely safe location, but it will give them many options for fleeing _to_ a safer space. And it is not terribly taxing on Wanda's powers. Simple. Easy magic.\<br\>\<br\>Not the kind that brings the voice.\<br\>\<br\>Wanda floats into the store, mostly to avoid having to brush her boot soles free of glass later, her accented voice calling out. "I do not think the store makes decisions on their programming! I believe you are looking for the corporate complaints office, Ms... Wire was it?"
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Luckily for Livewire, she truly has no concerns for (most) of the civilians. Many of them fled, and she just let them. The handfuls that were cornered getto flee when Wanda arrives, portalling them out. She doesn't seem too concerned, as she has who appears to be the General Manager cowering before her. The man is in his early thirties, straight hipster look. Not a tall woman, Leslie still looms over him, crackling with power.\<br\>\<br\>"You listen to -me-! I don't care that you're just a cog. Break enough cogs and the whole machine breaks."\<br\>\<br\>Wanda speaks to her, and the living lightning bolt sneers at her too. "To break the pyramid, you start at the bottom, duh!" She peeks outside and catches a glimpse of Power Girl running rescue. Hoo boy, that's a lot of firepower. The absolute confidence flickers for a moment. Can she tangle with Supergirl? Yeah, it might even be fun. Can she say the same for Power Girl? Absolutely. This red chick? She's kinda hot, but she's an X factor. \<br\>\<br\>Leslie ponders a second and looks at the man on the ground. "Tell your masters I'm coming for them! All of them! Get out of here!"\<br\>\<br\>She turns to face Wanda, her sneer back in place. "The name's Livewire. Remember it if you can!" She lifts her hands, draws a needless breath, and starts to draw. Flourescent lights burst in showers of sparks as she pulls directly from the power hookups in the building. Every outlet sizzles, loosing dancing arcs of power that crawl and zip their way over to Leslie. She's juicing up, maybe she should be stopped?
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>Well that's insulting. \<br\>\<br\>Livewire straight turns her back on Kara to face Wanda, which is convenient, and probably smart since she definitely represents the wildcard in this situation. With her magic. It just opens up a lane for Supergirl, who pushes out of the crumpled front end of a taxi and swallows the natural instinct to get angry. Even a Kryptonian can get angry. \<br\>\<br\>She also sees Karen, moving around pulling civilians out of harms way, and her clone sisters presence is soothing. If for no other reason she doesn't want her to her get angry and do something rash. Still, this has to stop. \<br\>\<br\>Kara whistles through the air towards Livewire's back, capitalizing on the sudden distraction Wanda represents, and leans her shoulder as if to check the electric Leslie. She pulls waaaaay back on her strength, though. So even if she DOES hit, it'll be just enough to knock her off her footing. \<br\>\<br\>And get her attention, "You're not changing anything like this. These people are the same ones you want listening to you, now you've sided them AGAINST you. Whatever message you were going to send with this, all that's being heard is that you're dangerous and marginally unstable." She steps forward out of the shadows created by the flickering shadows, "I can't let you keep doing that. Seriously. Stop."
Power Girl has posed:\<br\>Power Girl Beams a super smile speed Thumbs up her Twin as she flashes past, grabbing what's left of people zipping around, of course, livewire would be able to see her moving at super speeds, but what can she do.. She's trying to get everybody out of here. Thankfully live wire isn't one of those really evil villains she's letting her do it, but it's still taking up ALOT of her time. \<br\>\<br\>     she blinked when she saw the portals. She has to admit that stuff is super cool, plus spotting wanda is awsome even if to the to her she's just a blur that seems to be grabbing people and making them disappear! Thankfully it looks like everybody around the block is going to be clear in another moment so she can join in the fight!
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda frowns thoughtfully. This girl of lightning seems... somewhat unhinged.\<br\>\<br\>Boy, if only she knew anything about that. Darn.\<br\>\<br\>But then this... Livewire! Livewire is drawing electricity from the light fixtures.\<br\>\<br\>Wanda inhales, her eyes close, fingers twisting, writhing, scarlet energy coalescing in her palms, faint runes twisting and spiraling outwards, flaring with light.\<br\>\<br\>Wanda does not want to hurt this poor misguided girl. But someone _should_ stop her from presumably powering up.\<br\>\<br\>Which is why Wanda is giving reality a little /nudge/. Just a tiny adjustment of likelihood that breakers will trip with the rampant power surges.\<br\>\<br\>Of course, she's not terribly specific on which breakers. Will it shut down the store's power? Surely.\<br\>\<br\>Will it shut down Times Square? Quite probably.\<br\>\<br\>Manhattan? One would hope not.
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Livewire pulls and pulls, the energy becoming more chaotic and harsh as it goes. Her eyes glow electric blue, lightning dancing across her body as she makes ready to attempt to vaporize wands with an unhinged amount of voltage. \<br\>\<br\>Then she is -thwarted-!\<br\>\<br\>Kara comes blasting in, and blessedly holding back. Still, the impact is enough to send her stumbling, breaking her concentration from drawing on the power. Then Wanda does her thing.\<br\>\<br\>Audibly, the breakers in the store snap closed with unnatural force. Things in the neighborhood, luckily just the block that has largely through the efforts of Power Girl, been cleared start to shut down. The damaged light poles stop sparking, the storefronts go dead as do the remaining video screens. \<br\>\<br\>Leslie flickers her eyes between Wanda and Kara, and they slide out to the impending Power Girl. Whatever words hit her ears, it's hard to say if they reach her. She is, after all, unhinged. She has issues with reality. "If they were truly on my side, they'd have helped me to begin with!" Livewire shouts, even as her eyes start to look for an escape route. Her body starts to ripple and glow impossibly, she's up to something!
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>There is an unnatural silence that comes with the sudden shut down of electricity on the usually very busy Times Square. A deafness of technology that nobody is really aware of that becomes absolutely all consuming when it's gone. Like a buzzing in the ear, constantly, but then it's silenced and all that remains is the screaming of people further down the street running for their lives or the squeal of tires and screach of breaks. \<br\>\<br\>These are all things Kara Danvers heres constantly. \<br\>\<br\>A background noise playing over every conversation that becomes front and center for every person with normal hearing as soon as the lights go dark. Which... it is.. The sheer volume of light produced in Times Square is on the magnitude of an atomic bomb. \<br\>\<br\>Supergirl sees just fine, even in this sudden onset of black that befalls New York. Nor is she very hard to spot with her glowing red eyes casting an ominous light across her face, pulling long shadows from her hair as it flitters across her jaw, or offsetting the usually vibrant blue and red of her suit. She could be a demon for how she looks when she takes one step forward towards Livewire. Who she knows well enough to know she has no intentions of throwing up her hands and going quietly. \<br\>\<br\>She certainly has all the characteristics of a Demonic being. "Whatever you're about to do.. don't." She can see the ripples even before the glow starts and she's sucking in a huge lung full of oxygen, which she blows out in a concentrated burst of frigid cold air aiming right at the ground beneath Livewire's feet. Creating a path of frost and ice as she super cools the water molecules on the pavement. \<br\>\<br\>New York always looks wet, has anyone ever noticed that?
Power Girl has posed:\<br\>Power Girl It really dosn't help when what looks like another girl who is diffrent but similar to kara shows up and Blasts a wave of Cold air of her own.. Another lung full, and Blow adding her own to make sure those feet get nice and super stuck! Though the other girl is floating in the air while she's doing that and in all white! Wanada might recognize her or not, but she's clearly trying to take care of the threat before catching up!
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>As Wanda controls her breathing, feeling that particular, searing heat of mystic energies surging out, that almost ecstatic thrill of magic coursing through her veins, she hears the CLACK of the breakers, the faint THOOMS of the rest of the neighborhood shutting down, and exhales slowly, completely, eyes closed.\<br\>\<br\>That was easy. She didn't slip in control at all. Her eyes open only to find a red glow... oh no... oh no sheeee-iiiiiiit, that's not her. That's Supergirl's eyes. Oh my. Oh no.\<br\>\<br\>But then she's exhaling and bringing on chill instead of incinerating devastation.\<br\>\<br\>And then there's a sudden burst of wind and... _another_ Supergirl? Well, she's more statuesque, certainly and... oh! It's Donut Girl!\<br\>\<br\>Well, that explains how she bought an entire store worth of donuts and still looks that good. Super powers burn calories. Everyone knows that.\<br\>\<br\>For her part, all Wanda can think to do is fling a hexbolt towards the ceiling. She's not sure an electronics store _haS_ traditional sprinklers.\<br\>\<br\>But it's worth a shot!
Livewire has posed:\<br\>Surrounded now. Livewire's body ripples as she begins to shift it into pure electricity. To find a way to escape. This attempt becomes incredibly difficult. Kara freezes her to the ground, the ice building rapidly and holds her there. Karen adds to it, the ice building up to around her waist. Her hands are free, but they do no good. \<br\>\<br\>Then Wanda unleashes her magic upon the sprinklers. The thing is, electronics stores would love to not have to use water. The downside to non-water fire suppressants is the fact that most of them are incredibly toxic, or do worse things like suck all of the oxygen out. Unluckily for Leslie, this means water starts to pour from the cieling.\<br\>\<br\>The poor girl howls, smoking and writhing in her ice cage as sheets of lightning roar off of her, bleeding her powers away bit by bit. It doesn't take too long in the pouring water.\<br\>\<br\>In a few moments, Leslie slumps in her prison, a smoking and steaming mess, bled of most of her power. Now what?
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>Kara could blow all day. \<br\>\<br\>Are we doing phrasing? \<br\>\<br\>As the ice builds up around Livewire and becomes very much like a prison around the unstable electroconductive psychopath, Kara flexes forward to intensify the force. Moving her head in a way that builds off the block created so as to create a prison rather than freeze Livewire herself. She doesn't want to kill her, just stop her. \<br\>\<br\>The sudden poor of water from the sprinklers helps a great deal. \<br\>\<br\>It also creates shits of ice that crash to the ground when it passes through the steady gust of super coled air escaping the Kryptonian's puckered lips. Until, with a crackling pop of bleeding electricity, there is genuine and true silence in the Apple store. Excluding the hiss of the sprinklers which have Kara's blonde hair clinging to her face.. \<br\>\<br\>A good thing because she was getting pretty angry and this is helping to cool her off... She huffs a sigh and looks around, blinking water from her eyelashes as they turn from Karen to Wanda.. and finally fall upon Leslie in her icy prison. \<br\>\<br\>She kneels down and puts her hand against the ice, "We'll get you some help." She wants to be soothing and understanding, but she's realized something in this exchange, which should have been just another incident with a known enemy: Whatever she didn't find in Space has had an unforseen effect on her. She wanted to let loose... she almost took off the shackles and ... \<br\>\<br\>That's a problem.
Power Girl has posed:\<br\>Power Girl \<br\>\<br\>     Beams a huge smile and flys right over " We did it " She giggles and hugs her Sister, all excited and happy " See, I did what Cousin told me I got all the people safe.. and I didn't punch first.. I followed your lead " She's clearly excited about helping out . She looks over to Wanda " Thank you for helping. This girl is super sick and needs lots of help " . She grins. \<br\>\<br\>     She frowns though and rubs kara's shoulder " You okay sis? " She asks softly leaning down to look at her fellow hero even as the both of them are getting very wet at least her white suit isn't that kinda white and seems to be made out of waterproof materials.
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda rather reluctantly steps further into the store... /after/ all the gusting icy wind dies down, and the water runs out, and... well, mostly Leslie stops sparking and jolting out megajoules of energy. Her lips press in a thin line, "I'm sure she's... I'm... sure we can help her."\<br\>\<br\>Because what kind of heroine couldn't help a woman who is tempted to give into the manic thrill of her powers?\<br\>\<br\>"I... don't suppose you two know of a place that could hold her? The Avengers mansion really _is_ just a mansion... full of electronic devices, in fact."