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(Remy goes for a jog, but Jack gets all the love.)
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Revision as of 23:01, 9 April 2023

A little run.
Date of Scene: 11 March 2023
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy goes for a jog, but Jack gets all the love.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Stepford Cuckoos, Kit Killovarras

Gambit has posed:\<br\>It's a pleasent mid-afternoon. The air crisp and clear down by the lake, and Remy is frankly just getting a little exercize in. Weairing a pair of jogging pants and a T-shirt that reads, ironically, "If you see me running, kill whatever is chasing me!" And what is chasing him? Possibly the ugliest dog the good lord ever saw to curse the Earth with. One eye, one and a half ears, and a tail twice as long as it should be bounding happily after it's master at full speed.
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:\<br\>Also down by the lake are the Stepfords. All five of them. Like many young women, their faces are all buried in their phones. Unlike other squads, they are utterly and almost inhumanly silent. They're dressed for the outside. Well, if it were like three months from now. They're dressed identically in shorts that are definitely too short for this time of year, plain grey t-shirts, white athletic shoes and high socks. They must be cold.\<br\>\<br\>One of them, it's so hard to tell who it is, looks up and sees the dog. With eerie precision, the other four look up in unison. Their smiles, while creepy in how synchronized they are, seem quite genuine. As Remy gets closer, the girls sidestep a bit to give him running room, and they all crouch, hands out towards the doofy puppy.\<br\>\<br\>Remy's chopped liver for the moment.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>One-eyed Jack knows a potential belly rub when he sees it... And this looks like an attention smorgasbord. Remy immediately becomes chopped liver in the dog's eye as well, running over to the collective and sitting to be petted and fussed over. Remy for his part ran a further thirty paces before noticing his companion had abandoned him... So slows and starts walking back.
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:\<br\>Jack is swarmed by the girls. They finally start talking, since telepathy and dogs don't really mix. "Such a good puppy!" "Look how cute you are!" "Who wants a belly rub!" "Such soft little ears!" "That tail is so cute!"\<br\>\<br\>It kind of stays at that level, the sisters petting and loving on Jack, likely to his immense enjoyment. Sadly, they don't have any snacks with them to ply his affections even further. \<br\>\<br\>This time.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau smirks just a little bit as he walks back towards the small group. He'd planned another 1/8 of a mile to their run, but it appears that his partner has other ideas. Jack for his part seems content to face whoever is talking, though when one of them mentions a belly tub he flops onto has back faster then a professional soccer player. His tongue lolling out of his mouth as he tries to turn his single eye on each of them in turn. The Cajun just chuckles. "Careful girls. 'E's kinda an attention whore.."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>It'd be a fairly common sight in this particular area, to find an aardwolf out here lounging in a tree or enjoying the atmosphere. So when his lanky frame falls out of a tree and lands in fair proximity to the others it's probably not too out of the ordinary. \<br\>\<br\>Dressed in his usual dark attire of baggy jeans and a hoodie, Kit sort of casually tosses something resembling dried meat towards the goofy looking doggo. The gesture seems to have become his customary greeting for canines lately. "So is his owner, under the right circumstances." he muses as he gives Remy a wave as well.
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:\<br\>One of the girls, probably Sophie, glances up at Remy as he approaches. She smirks, and the other four visibly fight back the expression. "We wonder where he gets that from," she says. It's a little snarky, but, well. Clone of Emma Frost.\<br\>\<br\>The other four rub the doggo's belly when he flops over, just giving this weird looking dog the most affection that five barely people clones can. Which, honestly, is a lot. This is likely the most -normal- that Remy, or anyone, has ever seen the Stepfords, devolved into a cooing mess over a one eyed dog.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, as if to acknowledge the point that both Kit and the Cuckoos made. "Ah mean he came from de shelter dat way, so it's not entirely mah fault." He says with mild amusement. The Attention whore in question not going for the jerky yet as he is too taken up by all the humans petting him. "Ah mean to be fair Ah went in dare t'inking ta get a puppy. Maybe a pit or somet'ing... Some'ow ended up saving dis guy from deat' row...
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau adds in a mutter, "And he t'ank me by eating every decent pair of shoes Ah owned..."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>There's a little shrug from Kit at Remy's story about how he wound up with ol' Jack, giving a quiet chuckle as he muses, "Might consider washing your feet better then. Shoe leather isn't usually the tasty part, it's the oils and salts you leave behind."\<br\>\<br\>Then he pulls a small black pouch out of his torso pocket and pours some of it's contents into his palm before adding, "Or he might just be trying to tell you he doesn't like your fashion sense."
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:\<br\>"Dogs do what they want," Sophie says, even as her sisters still pet the dog. One of them, maybe Irma, grabs the jerky that Kit threw earlier and holds it out to Jack while rubbing his one long ear. "It's their best trait. That and the fuzzy ears. I love the ears," she says.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Jack uses his tongue to get the meat treat... in the process throughly slobbering over "Maybe Irma's" hand but otherwise not moving from his position of being the center lof love and affection. Remy for his part just smirks slightly, "Well if any of yah wanna take 'im 'ome and see 'oe long y'alls shoes last, Ah 'appy ta let yah." He says amused. Jack tilting his head into whichever is giving him ear rubs... Life is good...
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>That's when Kit lifts a foot and wiggles his toes a little, giving an amused little chuckle as he points out the obvious, "I don't wear shoes.." with a toothy little grin. "Though I doubt he'd like staying with me anyways. Food might be a little too fresh for his liking." he adds as he laps up some of the crispy little termites he'd poured into his palm earlier.
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:\<br\>The cuckoos are reluctant, but they eventually stop petting the dog, likely to Jack's consternation. They look at each other and nod once. Sophie looks at Remy pointedly. Assertively. "You take good care of this good dog, or We'll take him off your hands. And you won't get a choice."\<br\>\<br\>She didn't have to say the last part outloud!\<br\>\<br\>They give Kit a weird look, probably about his termite snack, and they turn in unison, heading back the way they came in a collective. Same pace, same steps. It's creepy.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>"Is dat a promise?" Remy calls after the Quint's with a slight chuckle and assuages Jack's sudden and abrupt attention deficit by giving the pupper a quick double ear scratch. He chuckles a bit at Kit and nods, "Guess Ah'm stuck wit' 'im den." He says with a chuckle. "Come on yah dumb mutt." He says with nothing but affection before starting to finish his Run, Jack lopeing at his heels.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit gives the sisters a glance and a tilt of his head when they all look at him, offering one of his toothy little grins. When Remy and the canine set off, the aardwolf just shrugs and goes back to his typical routine of gathering up some creepy crawlies to munch on.