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(Central park zoo holding pens, usually used for angry bears, or the like. Also, black market trade Ankylosaurus. Sinister, Lucifer and Nick had to sedate it and get it out of there, before there were too many questions asked.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 01:37, 10 April 2023

Walking the Wild
Date of Scene: 02 April 2023
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Central park zoo holding pens, usually used for angry bears, or the like. Also, black market trade Ankylosaurus. Sinister, Lucifer and Nick had to sedate it and get it out of there, before there were too many questions asked.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Phantasm (Drago), Lucifer

Sinister has posed:\<br\>Spring time in NYC is a crapshoot as to whether it will be bitterly cold, or mild. \<br\>\<br\>A few days of some true bitterness courtesy of the arctic vortex passed to an extraordinary warm front. It meant days where people could walk around in T-shirts without bundling up! And so, the park got busy, because it always does when the days are fine. School trips to the museum let out at lunch and sit on the great open grassy sogginess (because hey, it was just winter not that long ago) but now, toward the evening and the encroach of night, there's different crowds; people jogging like determined types, people getting their evening vittles before heading downtown and the zoo? \<br\>\<br\>Well, the zoo officially closes its doors at dusk, as the animals require some rest from being oggled -- unless there's a fundraiser that is. Or a very well to do individual rented it privately for the evening, for observational research. So, you see, lights should be off for the animals, but they're on. The zoo is active after dark!
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>With the weather temporarily warmed up, Nick's attire has temporarily switched over to the less heavy set attire. The jacket is gone and with the loss of the knit cap, Nick's hair is now managed by a hairband, pulling the lengthening locks back. The tee he wears does nothing to hide the scar on his lower right forearm. As for everything else it remains the same. He still wears jeans, and he still has a backpack. \<br\>\<br\>The musician's not in the process of patrolling but being the proximity of the park to where he's currently staying, it would make sense he'd cross through at some point. But the lights coming from the zoo gets a bit of a look. Do people do special events for April Fool's day? Curious, the musician adjusts his steps, heading towards the zoo area.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>It's definitely not open exactly, but the lights are on dotted here and there. Nobody seems to be about, except for the evening zoo janiters and staff required to feed and take care of the beasties. The largest amount of lights are around the labs that all zoos, including this one, have. \<br\>\<br\>The voice then, coming out of nowhere from RIGHT behind Nick, might just scare the living daylights out of him. He made zero sound at all. "Evening, Mr Drago," the calm baritone english accent is a dead give away to Doctor Essex.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>As the details start to paint a bit of a picture to what's going on, Nick's steps slow. Ah ok. So it's not an evening party. While no expert to the innerworkings of the zoo, that the lights are gathered around the more 'behind the scenes' building hint to more some post visiting hours work. Hopefully nothing more than some maintenance or a routine checkup for one of the animals. \<br\>\<br\>And then there's a voice coming from where there wasn't anyone before. "JE-" Nick spins around, hands lifting, while not high, more mid chest level but shifted more to the side, seemingly poised to do something. At about the time he's fully turned around does it registered that he does indeed recognize the voice and it belongs to one he would consider somewhat a friendly. \<br\>\<br\>"-su-"\<br\>\<br\>The name being uttered is not finished as the musician takes a deep breath, hands lowering, "Evening, Dr. Essex." He greets, not bothering to explain the jumpy response. He's probably explained enough in the past to where there's no questions left regarding that. "Funny running into you here." He comments. Again. "Out on the town or paying the zoo a visit?"
Sinister has posed:\<br\>One can hope that it's nothing untoward. This is also the birthing season for some animals, although bears have already popped out cubs by now and will be emerging soon. Wolves, of which there is a pack here and occasional great cats, depending on the species... \<br\>\<br\>"Sorry about that," Funnily though, he doesn't /sound/ sorry. Nor does he look it, given that there's a wry grin on his face. Essex looks over the musician with a casual eye, noting the hair is getting on the long side now. "Nice to see your reflexes are sharp, at least. I forget sometimes, to make noise." He glances beyond to the buildings lit up, on the other side of fences and behind locks. He jerks his head that way, a chin lift as indicator. \<br\>\<br\>"Paying a visit. I got a peculiar call, I'm following up on it. After that, who knows? I presume you're heading home, or heading out from it?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>As Sinister gives an apology, Nick tilts his head to the response. The sincerity just isn't in the voice. He nods slightly to the mention of the reflexes. Considering the number of times he's been attacked it's not too surprising he'd respond like that right? Well, except when that thing happens that kind of makes him zone out and he just ends up at places.\<br\>\<br\>ANYWAYS. Back on topic.\<br\>\<br\>The forgetting to make noise comment causes for him to blink. "...You have to consciously make sound too?" Phantasm abilities are weird. No sense of smell, no sense of touch, no sense of taste... Those are the things he warns others about. But, there are the other nuanced things that are lacking. Like the lack of a heartbeat unless you're actually focused on the idea of making the sound of one.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"Indeed, I don't always walk places, remember?" Essex levitates on the spot with his arms loosely folded over his chest. "That and there's conscious will to make the functions of life relate to normality, most of the time, ever since I gained complete control over my metabolism. It's why I only eat if I feel like it... only breathe to speak, though some habitualized practices nevertheless exist." He studies Nick a moment or two. "Are you quite alright?" A pause "You seem a little out of sorts. Also, would you care to join me? I don't know if this is something you'd find interesting or not, really." He nods toward the interior of the zoo as he touches back down on the ground.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Is he alright?\<br\>\<br\>Oh what a loaded question that is.\<br\>\<br\>Not entirely sure how to answer that question, Nick gives a shrug. He's definitely in a better place than he was a couple years ago so he's alright compared to then.\<br\>\<br\>A curious glance is given towards the zoo at the invite. "Sure, I'll join. What type of call is it?"\<br\>\<br\>You know...\<br\>\<br\>Most people would have asked that question before committing.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Most people aren't slightly funked up Phantasms. \<br\>\<br\>And of course Essex listened to the words that were not said, then listened to the afterwords, the foot notes and the subclauses. His eyes therefore shift left and right as he evaluates. You're a strange creature, mister Drago. \<br\>\<br\>"Well, there are some creatures in this world that aren't quite what you'd call normal. Or at least, they're not actively traded on exotic pet markets -- at least not legally. Some idiot got their hands on something they really shouldn't have. I'm going to assess... it. You ever seen a living dinosaur, Nick?"\<br\>\<br\>And can he fly? \<br\>\<br\>"Need a lift?" Asked as he's rising and gracefully... as well as silently flying over the fence.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Nick turns his head, looking to Sinister. Thoughts of fighting the creature that looked spliced together with a lot of various creatures, one of which might or might not have been an electrified T-rex comes to mind.\<br\>\<br\>An answer to a question of this nature should never take this long to form.\<br\>\<br\>"...Outside of dreams? Not in the- traditional sense. I guess."\<br\>\<br\>When Sinister starts to fly up, Nick glances up. Well, best not to tap into the ability unless it's absolutely necessar-\<br\>\<br\>Ok, he's already over the wall. \<br\>\<br\>Giving a shrug, the scar upon his right arm shifts over to his left as he mirrors himself. Shaking his head, He leaps up, descent slowing to control the speed of the landing to when Sinister lands on the ground on the other side.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Sinister's mein is sporting a look of disdain by the time Nick lands, probably chewing on that mental image he saw, perhaps without intent. "Oh, good gracious me, some people need to learn some finesse, I swear... but that would involve teaching them and I am loath to even /begin/ down that road..." he looks about, casting a glance down the walkways and enclosures a moment or two, before silently walking toward the research compounds and clinics. \<br\>\<br\>"H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Buroughs and Jules Verne were extraordinarily prescient creative types. Some of their visions were rather forthright in being flights of fancy, but not all of them. That by the by, is quite extraordinary," he indicates Nick's mirror magic with a gesture and a glance down, then up to eyes. \<br\>\<br\>"Come. I'm hoping that it's just afraid and possibly injured and not sick. That would be worse. Paleo-paracytology and micropathology is not something you mess around with." \<br\>\<br\>There's a dull roar-chitter from within the larger of the clinic labs.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Nick could be surprised that Sinister picked up on the mental image, but he had plenty of time to catch on to that particular quirk of the not entirely good doctor. So he simply nods in agreement. "...It was not a fun outing." He agrees. "...Oddly that happened not too far from here." If under 300 miles is considered 'not too far' that is.\<br\>\<br\> As Sinister glances down Nick feels inclined to look down as well. "Ah. Yeah. Basically like what I did at the penthouse, just a different look." It just happens when Nick sees himself it's usually in the mirror. Pale eyes look back to Sinister as they finish their perusal of the mirror imaging. He nods before following after Dr. Essex to the clinic lab.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Now. To say that the workers that remain in the lab area thusly er.... welcome... the visitors, is a bit of a stretch. A middle aged woman who looks like someone's mother, complete with the sensible shoes and glasses with cute little star-gems at the corners, is the first to greet them and frankly, she looks wrung out and more than a little wide-eyed and unnerved. Terrified is a stretch, when presented with new things in the zoological field, there's rarely a fear response at least. So, there's enthusiasm for their presence "Oh, thank god, you got the message, I cannot believe what I'm looking at Doctor," she sounds like she should have less helium in her diet, to go along with the queens drawl. But that is probably adrenaline talking. "Uh, hello..." this to Nick, it seems like assumptions get made regarding the nature of the musician, except she has that look. The look that says 'don't I know your face from somewhere?' which could produce all kinds of odd questions. \<br\>\<br\>The bellow-chitter emerges, louder this itme as the heavy lab doors opened to the night. \<br\>\<br\>"This is my research assistant. There might be a third gentleman coming by, but please do let him in Debbie. The specimen is...?"\<br\>"In containment habitat one. The reinforced one." There is an almighty 'WHACK' sound then, as of something very heavy hitting concrete very hard.\<br\>"I think we can find our way..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Ah. \<br\>\<br\>That look. Nick is well versed in that one.\<br\>\<br\> With a shift of Nick's expression, he returns one of his own, seemingly saying that yes, she should know him and he's not about to help her out. She can make whatever assumptions she wants beyond that. There's a look to Dr. Essex, letting the doctor provide the musician turned actor the general role he's playing in this scene. Seems plausible. Besides, assistant is a very vague title honestly. \<br\>\<br\>Hearing the whacking sound, Nick turns his head to look in the direction of the sound. He nods to Sinister's comment regarding finding their way. \<br\>\<br\>Upon them leaving Debbie's view, the scar on Nick's arm shifts back to the right.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"That's going to be an interesting conversation with her daughter at some point, I'm fairly sure," Sinister comments as they head in down a corridor that's less than generally clean. They try, but there's only so much you can do when things crap on the ground, or require hosing down with water et al. But he ignores that. A key carded door at the end is labelled 'Pens 1-4' and he simply puts his hand on the card reader -- BEE-BEEp! "Shall we?" He advances first, mostly as he's considerably less squishy. \<br\>\<br\>The smell is remarkable -- a little like lizard, a lot like manure and with earthy, sandy musk. The pen's observation area has been corded off with an entire tractor, laden with what looks as if it's every barrel of gravel that they could find, for extra weight. Sin observes that, then heads for the stairs up to the elevated viewing platform, taking them two at a time, opening the double doors at the end and stepping out...\<br\>\<br\>In the ring/pit, a'la place where paranoid people put angry bears in zoo enclosures... is well... it's a dinosaur alright. An ankylosaurus, by the looks of it and a large one. A very large one. This one has had some time, as the species has, to enlarge AND to get extra bits, in the form of a pair of large bone protrusions on either side of its trade-marked club tail. It's trundling about like a pissed off rhino and it's bigger than one of those. "What the actual heck did that lunatic think, getting an adult in the illegal pet trade?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Nick glances over to Sinister at the comment regarding the woman's daughter. "Oh? Music or dinosaur fan?" That or one of those horror movie fanatics. There's a slight shuffling of Nick's feet to avoid a small hazard in the hallway. \<br\>\<br\>Being that Nick is not familiar with the behind the scenes areas of the zoo, he's more than inclined to let Sinister lead. The steps clunk with the very much present weight of the very much not phantasmed Nick. As they reach the top of the platform, he too looks over to the creature stomping back and forth in its enclosure. \<br\>\<br\>Well, on the bright side, it's not a bastardized version of a T-rex this time.\<br\>\<br\>Sinister's question gets a slight chuckle, "Probably 'It's a plant eater, what harm could it do?'"\<br\>\<br\>A lot.\<br\>\<br\>The answer is a lot.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>He wasn't there. Even Sinister could swear an oath of truth and say - beyond a shadow of doubt - he couldn't even sense the Devil's presence. Yet, upon a second glance, the Devil has appeared. Though he isn't beside the two men staring down at the Ankylosaurus, that wouldn't have been a grand entrance at all. No, the second glance down into the pit will reveal that Lucifer Morningstar is RIDING the dinosaur. Or, correctively speaking, he's at least mounted on the dinosaurs neck, arms crossed upon his tee shirted chest and he's giving a shit-eating grin.\<br\>\<br\>"You know... they really are docile creatures... unless you give them something to not be docile about. This ones big though. I would wager it's a bit bigger than some of the dinos you have galavanting around in Antartica... I forget the name of the place... Forbidden Land? Forgotten Land? Land Before Time?....I think that last one was a movie..." He offers this, his voice carrying enough in the emptiness of the room so he's not quite shouting.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh. Hello Nick! Fancy seeing you here... so... what shall we do with this one then? Cart it off to lands unknown?" That grin doesn't go away either while he contiues to look up at the two in the stands above the pit.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Docile. Yes, they usually are. But they don't do so well with things ON their shoulders. They're hardly bucking broncos and that clubbed tail can go quite high over its back and from side to side, but it can't wallop its own shoulders. So, in favour of thrashing about and shaking its rider where he sits, it does just that with the massive bone club plus spikes. By the by, there's already evidence that it's been doing this a while as the concrete in the pit is cracked and shattered in places from the impact -- you could do about that with a mildly swung wrecking ball! \<br\>\<br\>But it can't shake the devil. It does however, kind of giddyup a bit and goes for a concerted run around its confines, though it's more of a galumph. \<br\>\<br\>"Luci! You probably are not helping its zen, by doing that, it's frustrated and confused and... hungry. Oh dear." Sinister says that last as one of the retaining walls actually caves in completely with a passing thump. \<br\>\<br\>"It /should/ probably be in the Savage lands... but I wanted to check to see if it was healthy before I go and release it with the other herds, it's been out of the isolated environments down there. Unfortunately, that does mean I will have to inspect it."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>In a case of blink and you miss it, Nick blinked and he missed when Lucifer got on the back of the dino. Wa- Nick blinks again. Nope. He's still there. Annd he just turned the recovering dinosaur into a bucking bronco. The musician brings up a hand to cup at his mouth, covering up a mild curse. \<br\>\<br\>As for what they were planning to do with the dinosaur- That's definitely not his call. Nor does he want it to be his. The last time around the group he teamed up with had to take it out. But then again it wasn't quite the real thing, had no real habitat or place it could go, was highly agressive, and at the risk of escaping into whatever city was above that broken lab where it could have had its fill of random civilians. \<br\>\<br\>Yeah. Best he not choose its fate. \<br\>\<br\>"Hey Lucifer." Nick greets the rodeo devil.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer lets the dinosaur buck him around for a little bit before he stands and hops off the beast. Casually, he walks over to the retaining wall that fell and easily lifts it up again to push back into place. He might even use a little something to make it hold better. "Well of course it's angry, I would be too if I were locked in a cage against my will." A pause. "Oh wait..."\<br\>\<br\>Then he takes a step, another, and is standing next to Sinister, looking down at the confused dinosaur. "Well. Looks healthy to me... I don't know how you intend to check it further unless we stick a few dozen powerful tranquil darts into it's ass. Or...wherever we can penetrate that thick skin. Or mayhaps I could come up with a sleep potion to sprinkle over any food we give it." Apparently Lucifer is in high spirits concerning a dinosaur. "I doubt it should serve as any sort of main attraction here. Might draw the wrong crowds, if you catch my drift."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"I think some jewish film maker told a cautionary tale about just such an event," Sinister mutters, looking to the spot where Lucifer manifests a moment before he arrives. Intent, it's a lovely thing. And the full on power of the archangel to lift concrete slabs like they're just garden fences is a phenomenon. "Well, I can have it moved to the lab in antarctica and quarantined, which was my aim. But yes, it's not obviously sick, which is a good thing --" \<br\>\<br\>Here he looks sidelong at Nick, at the ankylosaur, back to Nick and to the beastie again. "Mouth is a weak point. How brave do you feel mister Drago?" But then he winks and gestures to himself and Lucifer. "I can sedate it, with a little help. Luci, if you wouldn't mind taking one side and I'll hold it steady on the other, then we can inject it through the bucal membranes for transport. Just don't get hit with the tail, I -like- that suit on you." \<br\>\<br\>In the meantime, he's taking out a small kit from one pocket that has the mother of hyperdermic syringes in it along with several vials of what looks to be something similar to ketamine. \<br\>\<br\>"I can administer it myself, but I'll be concentrating. If you could inject it in the Anky's mouth, at the base of the tongue, it should hit the sub-lingual artery and take it to happy land quite quickly, Nick."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>When one is talking about subduing a dinosaur and then your name gets brought up in the discussion, it does bring about a sense of alertness to you that wasn't there even when you were already paying attention. "Hmm?"\<br\>\<br\>Nick glances down to the dinosaur again before looking back to Sinister as he explains the general plan. "Okay." The musician agrees, looking to the kit. He holds up his left hand, curling it to where the base of the hand is pointed downwards while the tip of the fingers slightly tilt upwards, the right hand leveling off the bottom. "So if the top hand is representing the tongue are you stating to put the dose here-" He points his finger to the base of his left hand, "Or here?" The finger curls down pointing to the base of the mouth where the stand in 'tongue' had been meeting the stand in bottom of the mouth just earlier. \<br\>\<br\>Well, at least he's making sure he's got the instructions right BEFORE he goes diving in.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Suits can be mended...but I will try my best to not get whacked by the spikey tail." Lucifer says this and then glances down. "I'd just chain it down with hellfire locks, but that would hurt the poor creature and I'm sure we're trying not to do that.." Offering this much more before looking over to Nick and Sin.\<br\>\<br\> "Welp, here goes...tho...how is Nick getting down there?"
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"Levitation," Sin replies, indicating on the Hand--mouth the join area between tongue and floor of mouth. "Right there and you can't really miss. It's a big old artery, but you have to aim into the muscle. It's a very big muscle, even if you miss, you'll get the sedative where it ought to be, it'll just take a little longer." Glancing down at the poor dino and back to Lucifer, he nods and holding the loaded hyperdermic in the air for the phantasm, he hops over the raised wall and floats down gently to the floor of the pit. \<br\>\<br\>Right where there's upset dinosaur lowing its head side to side. "Easy girl," female?? Yep. He is quick when he wants to be, superhumanly so and with an acrobatic flip, lands by the creatures head, taking it across the neck and driving his thumb into the crook of her jawline, to get her to open her mouth or bite her own cheek. \<br\>\<br\>That's when the dance begins, because he has to at the same time, get his feet /and/ anchor himself and five tons of moving animal so that there's not slipslide mayhem. The tail does flail, as he and the beastie take on a rather reddish hue of telekinetic force.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Nick looks over to Lucifer as his arm scar moves over to the left once more.\<br\>\<br\>Feeling brave. Not stupid.\<br\>\<br\>"I'll manage." He assures as he takes the offered needle. When the other two make their way down, Nick soon follows, hopping over the railing, falling down at a rate that seemingly defies physics. As Nick comes closer to the ground, he fades from view. With the power not loaned out to it, the floating needle becomes the only indication of where Nick is presently located.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer jumps down with Sinister and, once Sinister makes his move, Lucifer jumps in to help. Anchoring by the feet, holding the jaw open and moving with the beast as it tries to dance it's way free of the hold on her mouth. The flailing tail is also a thing and Lucifer has half a mind to give the tail something else to focus on. Then he figures that's a bad idea and if Nick is quick enough this will all be over in a moment anyway.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Steady is the name of the game. When the leverage of the Lord of Hell joins the dark geneticist's, the beast can do little but scuffle its feet and lash. It's actually remarkably steady on the head end, though its deep set eyes are wide, trying to figure out its fate. After all, predators don't usually do uh... this. \<br\>\<br\>"Anytime, Nick."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>"Got it." An unanchored voice states above Lucifer and Sinister's head. As the two powerhouses subdue the dinosaur, the needle floats forward, pausing briefly at the mouth being forcefully held open. The needle tilts and goes further in. After a moment, the unseen Nick jabs the needle in at the indicated point, pushing down upon the plunger to administer the dose.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Once it's down, how are we getting it to the Savage Lands? Transport? Teleport? Hope and a wish?" Lucifer asks this while continuing to help hold that mouth open while watching where Nick injects the needle and administers the sleepy time drugs. "Also, did I ask how this got here? Cause I am rather curious how a dinosaur ended up in the zoo..."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"No, you didn't," the red limn intensifies as Sinister concentrates a lot of precision telekinesis to attempting to keep just the head as steady as it can be. Force on the jaw, on the tongue itself, on the skull relative to space, to compensate for the struggles of life itself. The powerhouses might be holding it, but it can still hurt itself -- and then the plunger goes down and the wait of a minute or so happens. \<br\>\<br\>It's fairly obvious when it starts to chill out, the tail stops thrashing. Essex releases the jaw.\<br\>\<br\>"There's people that own tigers who really shouldn't. And when you're rich enough, you can own a dinosaur on the black market trade... then can discover it's a bit more of a handful and abandon it in the wild, on a prayer and a hope. A ranger in the north woods let me know he'd caught it and brought it to the best facility he could think of..." here, cos there's pits. "And the zoo had a fit. I volunteered to ahh... see if it needed to be put down, or just catch and release. Quarantine is on the cards though, or it could bring bird flu to the savage lands or something of that ilk." He looks to the invisible space where Nick is. "Get clear, my friend." and to Luci "On three. One two..."\<br\>\<br\>And he'll hop back with a relinquish of the applicable power with a cheerful "Three."\<br\>\<br\>Dino might go splat on its belly. Mebbe. "I might have to use the teleport ring, through labspace."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Nick is rather quiet as he administers the drug. While it's not apparent due to him being invisible, there was a bit of shifting around to get the needle in since that was the ONE thing not phantasmed in the whole ordeal. He doesn't wish to get distracted and accidentally break the thing while inside the creature. \<br\>\<br\>Once he's sure the task is done, he does loan his power to the handheld item, allowing for him and still visible needle to just drop through the dinosaur and back to the other side of the scientist and angel. \<br\>\<br\>Once the dino is down, Nick pops back into view. "You have a sling ring?" He wonders aloud. He's read about those, not quite in the social circles that call for him to get one of his own but- he's read about them at least.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer jumps back with Sinister at the count and then gives a nod of his head. "Teleporting sounds best. You can get it into quarantine easily and then we can go there to look into things further...well with it or should I teleport us?" Asking this much while seeming to think things through a bit. Then he grins and gives a little motion towards Nick. "And, lastly, do we bring the kid along?"
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"Erm, not exactly Nick. It would be nice if I did. Everything I have, is ahhhhm... borrowed by keen observation and taking things down to their base level to see how they work. Or designing things based on theories I've seen work accurately. Mine is a form of minor worm-hole technology, powered by a massive generator..." Sinister replies, with a consideration of phased human being as a phenomenon to watch in its entirety. "Fascinating," -- and to Luci with a blink, to Nick with another -- "Can you actually handle five tons?" He asks, with a waggle of the hand at Sleepy-by Anky.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>Nick would argue about the kid notion. He might look in his 20s but he's in his 30s. Buuuuut that argument loses its oomph when you're bringing it up against an angel and someone who is...centuries old? \<br\>\<br\>Well, its a moot point as the more interesting delima is being considered. 5 tons of fun to move about. While there's a general weightlessness to things phantasmed, an entire dinosaur is a bit of a tall order. Plus there's the matter of it not being able to WALK with him while drugged so-\<br\>\<br\>Hmm. Probably not a workable solution there.\<br\>\<br\>Nick looks over to Lucifer to see how he answers.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"I am almost certain I can handle five tons of dinosaur, but I will admit, I've never actually tried anything more than a few people. I was more suggesting if you do your tentacle transportation bit to get the dino where you want it, then I could teleport us to the savage lands. Or we could likely all climb on top of mister nighty-night and ride it through your transport method."\<br\>\<br\>Then, as if he senses the scoff and protest from Nick, he looks over. "I was saying it in jest, I know you're not *actually* a kid, you're a very talented young man, but it sounded funny at the time, eh?" He smirks then.\<br\>\<br\>"So. We have possible options. What's the plan?"
Sinister has posed:\<br\>A look to Nick as he goes through those thought processes and there's a soft 'Aah' from Essex. "Very well," NYC has a potent power grid, it has to with all the bright lights. But this causes all of them in the vicinity to dim, in the lab -- Sin takes out his cellphone, taps his wrist at a spot and points the device in seven points of the room, taking camera flash images. He then simply stares up at the roof, as the smell of ozone punctuates the air, followed by circular lightning widening and widening out -- the view through the center is NOT here. \<br\>\<br\>It looks like a very clean lab and there's mechanical tentacles unfurling from holes in the ceiling, reaching down through the... ring of technological teleportation. "This would be so much easier if all I had to do was wiggle my hand and borrow from the energy of whatever it is that they do, with those ring thingies. I'd LOVE to get my hands on one of those..." he mutters, as the mechanical tentacular behemoth of his lab's AI comes to wrap dino up in their metallic grips. "Do you fancy seeing Jurassic park for real, Nick? Or would you like to take your leave here?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:\<br\>As Lucifer explains himself, the musician looks over to the devil. While he doesn't respond with laughter, he does give a half smile to him. While not a shining endorsement, it's likely enough to indicate understanding that it was in jest.\<br\>\<br\>Nick's attention switches to looking to the process of creating the portal, blinking as Sinister comments about the ease that would come with having a Sling Ring available. "Still, it's pretty cool how you got this set up without the use of one." He offers up, watching as the dinosaur gets wrapped up in mechanical tentacles. \<br\>\<br\>One of these days, Nick is going to go see that movie. And perhaps if he had he wouldn't be so inclined to respond as quickly as he does to Sinister's offer. "I doubt I'm going to hear that offer often, if ever so sure. I'm game for tagging along." It would be nice to see some dinosaurs that weren't actively trying to kill him.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer watches the tentacle machineary magic do it's thing and once all of that before he'll make sure he and the other two are in close enough proximity to each other. Once he knows the Dino is where it should be, he'll do his thing and with a burst of smoke and the scent of brimstone, the three of them are teleported out of the NYC Zoo Pit and into Sinister's lab within the Savage Lands.