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Latest revision as of 12:39, 24 October 2017

My Closest Friend--My Greatest Foe!
Date of Scene: 08 May 2017
Location: Hall of Justice, Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Crusader, Green Lantern (Jordan), Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Power Girl, Flash

Batman has posed:

The call goes out over every emergency-signal frequency used by the League.

Superman's voice and face comes through amid an intense amount of static.

"--reat dang--" KSHHH "--an't hold off mys--" KSHH "--elp!"

Already racing down the highway to Metropolis, Batman fires the Batmobile's thrusters, its tires screaming as he makes it to the Hall. The Batmobile screeches to a halt, sliding nearly 180 degrees as it does so. The top slides open and Batman leaps out to run inside.

Crusader has posed:
It impossible not to hear that call of trouble! There was no time to lose. Crusader takes to the sky and soars right on over. He flies up high as he didn't have the best flight skills yet.

Once near The Hall of Justice he drops down to the ground with an audible bang. The ground beneath cracks slightly but thankfully no major damage. He quickly looks around to see what was going on!

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Flying back from a recent mission to the sewars of New York, Hal Jordan stops in mid air when he receives the message in the Emergency Frequency. Noting that he was still a far distance from the Hall Of Justice, he pushes the limits of his willpower and the rings power in the atmosphere. A loud "CRACK!" sounds through the air as he moves rapidly past the sound barrier. As he approaches the HoJ in the distance, Hal slows down, and ensures he doesn't just droip into something bad without preparation. Landing in the main area, Hal then heads into the HoJ, hoping it was a false alarm!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was in the training area when the call came in, she was in a training session with two of her Amazonian sisters, sword battling the both of them in a very aggressive fasion. Loud metal *clangs* ringing out that almost drowned out the alarm-call from Batman. But, Diana certainly heard it and she called her sisters off and paced to the edge of the training ring.

Once the message was 'sort of' received, Diana and the other two Amazons rushed through the interior of the Hall and were outside the main doorways with their weapons drawn, unsure of precisely what to expect, a sister on either side of Diana... one with bow, the other with javelin and Diana with her gleaming sword.

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman has arrived. Through some means of water that must be nearby enough that he's managed to leap from the depths of the water. He's got those magical leaping skills that aren't really magical because he's just a Super-Atlantean. He leaps up into the air and does a few bounds to make sure that he's making it to the Hall of Justice in time.

Aquaman doesn't particularly need to announce that he got the message. It happens when you're in the Justice League. He keeps the Trident held at the ready and definitely doesn't look as though he's in the mood to be playing with whatever evil has decided to do whatever has been done.

He's rushing into the Hall of Justice. Ready for War. Because, y'know, that's what kings do.

Batman has posed:
"--mimicking the identity of--" KSHH "--don't trust the League!"

Superman's transmission dies off immediately.

Less than a minute later, Batman makes it into the hall. There, he hunches over the League's communication mainframe--empty, with no sign of the Man of Steel.

"Superman! Superman!?" he calls out through the transmitter.

The dark knight desperately punches a number of particular frequencies.

"Where are you?! What's happened?"

He whirls about, looking at the other arrivals. "Who was it? Which one of you is the mimic that took out Superman?!"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader takes the calm approach stepping forward "Batman, you know as well as anyone, a mimic is not just going to reveal themselves." granted Crusader was technically a mimic..something he used often

He touches his head as Batman goes through all those frequency and he grunts "Let see where the transmission came from and get to the bottom of this" he looks to the other more official league members to see what they would say...or do. He had a bad feeling about this.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Arriving right at the time Batman asks about the doppleganger, Hal Jordan says, "It certainly isn't me. Not too many copycats have a power ring like this." Hal holds up his ring hand, and says, "What is going on? I'm a little late to the party."

    Hal Jordan looks left and right, taking in all the arrivals, and wondering... "I'm sure it was none of us, or we wouldn't have come running to your signal. Maybe we should consider who ISN'T here to determine the identity of the mimic."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana, and her entourage of women in fancy armor, followed along and observed as others also arrived. They kept their weapons out, though things were starting to get stranger than any of the women had predicted. After listening to the others, Diana reached down to her hip.

"That is easier than you may think it to be." She said, unclipping the lasso at her side.

"You all just have to... allow me a moment." She said, holding the coiled rope up. "Wear this for a short moment, and respond to my question."

Diana's blue eyes looked around at all the others, wondering if they'd all submit to her test or not.

Aquaman has posed:
"Games. I do not have time for games."

The Arrogance of Aquaman is likely as honest and genuine as it is going to get. Not to mention the completely annoyed face that he's wearing right now as he leans on the Trident that he's brought with him from wherever he jumped out of the water.
"Let us find the source of this trickery and obliterate it with righteous fury. We must show them that the Justice League is not to be trifled with."
There's a look that Arthur gives Diana as she reaches for that coiled rope. It's a look that does not seem to be happy with the prospect of being tied up.

Batman has posed:
The caped crusader tenses in a defensive stance. "Back off, Crusader! For all we know, /you're/ the mimic!"

He quickly glances back and forth among the others assembling in the Hall. "The culprit could have left after incapacitating Superman. It'd be the perfect way to throw suspicion off them. Get us all in the same room and then ... take us down."

When Wonder Woman suggests her lasso, Batman reaches for his belt. "Who knows what sort of weapon that might /actually/ be, wielded by a supposed 'daughter of Hippolyta'?! We know better, don't we?"

He shifts his balance back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Whoever tries to come for me will regret it."

Power Girl has posed:
    right about now, Power Girl lowers herself near Wonder Woman and tilts her head. "A doppleganger, hmm? It's really hard to mimic a Kryptonian. Even more difficult to clone them." She then looks to Aquaman. "this is a game of trust, Aquaman. You will have time for it." She then looks to Wonder Woman....and holds her arm out. "Just the arm, Wonder woman." She then smirks a little at batman.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader grunts "You are right" he states "One could be" and he than glances to Power Girl "....it not that hard to mimic a kryptonian." is all he says when the girl states that

He than looks to Aquaman, Diana and Hal "Sure, it will let us know if were telling the truth if I recall. Seems a super enough solution"

But than Batman....is acting....quite wild. He raises a brow from beneath his helm "Is...he always like this?" he asks "Batman, you are being irational. Unless you have a suggestion to put forth, beyound fight everyone to the finish"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan takes one look at the Amazons, and grins. Moving forward, Hal says, "I will take your test. I want to move forward as quickly as possible. Our comrade needs us, asap!" Hal offers his hand, non ring hand, and says, "What does this entail? As long as it isn't being tied up, I'm okay with it." Golden lasso. Might be an issue, but Jordan has overcome great fear in the past and this was no exception.

    Ignoring Batman for a moment, Hal takes the plunge. Noting that a few others now enter, Hal Jordan hesitates, but realises he has comitted to the action. As Power Girl accepts the test, so does Hal Jordan. Nodding to Bjorn, Hal says, "Exactly." Pausing, slightly, Hal offers his arm. "Let's get this over with." Noting Bjorn's words, he whispers, "Usually."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's two escorts have stepped closer up behind their Princess, they both spoke softly behind her telling her that they would submit to the test as well.

Diana herself looked at each of those who volunteered and then to the two who seemed hesitant. Aquaman... his response seemed rational to Diana, Batman's though...

"Bite your tongue." She said to him in a stern voice, almost offended by what he'd just said to her. "Now step forward to me, extend your arm with your fist unclenched and relaxed," She had chosen Batman to 'volunteer' first as she started to unravel a length of the golden rope while eyeing him closely.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl actually starts to turn her head to the side. She then walks over towards Diana and actually grabs the rope without asking Diana. "Forgive me Wonder Woman." She says before she wraps a short length around her forearm, and begins to whisper to Wonder Woman. "But I needed you to believe me. There's another heartbeat here. There's 7 heartbeats." And there's no doubt she's telling the truth, as she wrapped her arm up with the lasso of truth.

Batman has posed:
"Every single day," Batman growls, "I face down the most dangerous psychopaths in the world. If you think for a second that I'm going to submit to a weapon that might very well have taken out Superman, you're crazier than they are."

He reveals a small batarang in his hand. "Do you really want to face me down? If you really were Diana, you'd know when to put up your dukes and when to back down. So which is it going to be?"

Batman's eyes narrow, and he waits for the moment he'll need to out-draw the Amazon.

Aquaman has posed:
"This is foolish."

Aquaman is a little bit too annoyed to be worried about all of this foolisheness. He really doesn't understand why all this conversation is happening. Not when there's supposedly something, or someone, dangerous in the Hall of Justice.

He takes a moment to give his Trident a bit of a twirl. "Perhaps there is no mimic at all." Aquaman blinks as Batman says 'put up your dukes'. "On second thought..."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader raises an eyebrow when he see the batarang. If he gets bataranged /again/ oh cosmos help him. Eyes on Batman.

"Perhaps batman really is the mimic. And frankly a bit of a psychopath himself, just saying" Crusader states bluntly. But he has seen Batman in action and knew the man could move

As such he watches carefully, incase the bat decides to flee "....how about we all calm down and perhaps investigate where the signal originated from and get some actual answers"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan, close to Power Girl and Wonder Woman already, hears the whisper. 7 heartbeats. Hmmm. Next in line, he takes the lasso of truth, and says, "Well, ladies, I am, indeed Green Lantern and not a mimic or a doppleganger. That is for certain." Hal was telling the truth of course. Which begged the question...if Diana, the Amazons, Power Girl, and, of course, himself were good, who wasn't?

    Batman's words seem a bit more paranoid than normal. Hal turns to Bats after taking the test, and he says while raising his hands defensively, "Whoa, Batman, it is fine. It only takes a second, and you feel obligated to tell the truth. I'll look after you if its a trap. I've got your back! No need to take up weapons against each other." Hal looks over at WW, then at PG, a quick nod to Bjorn, and then at Aquaman, and nods. They were all thinking the same thing. Was it Batman?

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana watched Power Girl take charge and volunteer for the test. The lasso's length shined with a brilliant golden glow as it worked its silent and harmless magic on the other woman. After her, came Hal and he too passed the exam... While Diana was doing this, she eyed Batman and his batarang, which just made her show a smirk and a tilt of her head.

"Don't be ridiculous." She told him, not truly finding him to be of any threat to her it would seem. "If you refuse my test, then I will see to it that everyone in this room brings you down. Why, you ask? Because... as eccentric as you are, even you... are not this absurd."

The golden lasso was pulled off of Hal's arm then and she turned toward Batman. "So this is your last opportunity." And she waited for his next move.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl tilts her head as she looks towards Batman. "Your call, Batman. Put away the Batarang, so we can find this doppleganger." She says stepping to the side, and looking at Diana. "if you want, I can hold the lasso for you, Diana. If it works for me that is." She holds her hand out.

Flash has posed:
Late. The fastest man in the world is always late. It is the great cosmic joke. Nothing signals his arrival, since he is moving faster than the speed of sound. One moment there is nothing, then the next a red and yellow streak blurs in and comes to a halt, energy rippling along his body like lightning strikes around his body in a random pattern.

"Hey guys...gals...others. Sorry I'm late, I was busy staring into a microscope and forgot I had my communicator on vibrate in my jacket."

He looks around the room at everyone, and finally notices the brewing tension in the room. "What's...going...on?" comes questioningly from the Scarlet Speedster's lips.

Batman has posed:
From around a corner, Batman stumbles into view, leaning against the wall with one elbow, hugging his stomach with the other. "Unghhh..." he says. "That's--that's not me."

As Hal talks to the Batman standing near the communication mainframe, that Batman shakes his head and offers a deep laugh. "Fine, fine! This wasn't working as well as I thought it would." The 'dark knight' shimmers, its shape altering to grow taller and larger. The real shape? A man with a lantern jaw and a pitch-black Roman haircut.

"Can't blame a guy for trying, can you?" the Duke of Deception asks with a sheepish grin. He raises his hands before him and sighs. "Diana, you're looking positively ravishing tonight. You too, Power Girl. And the same for you, Arthur. Now," he adds, "which of those statements was a lie?"

The Duke throws his head back and laughs, lazily leaning against the communications interface.

As the Flash zips in, Batman manages a thin smile. "Just in time. My hero."

Crusader has posed:
Welp screw waiting, Crusader takes one might step forward his fist clenching as he tries to give this Duke of Deception one hell of a gut punch! Saying as he does so "Did not know you even had a brain"

Granted he had some questions....like how did this guy get Batmans batarangs....or even into the batmobile? And what the hell happened with superman? Well that can be found out latter!

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Releasing the lasso, Hal moves to stand in the centre of the floor, in front of his team, and ready to bring up the green shields if necessary. His eyes take in all of Batman warily. Hal knows Bats, and knows he is paranoid, but something was wrong. Something was bugging him, like a wasp buzzing at his ears. Something was not right...and that was when the Flash arrives.

    "Something isn't right Bar...Flash." Hal almost called him by his name. Hal didn't know everyone in the room just enough to reveal secret names just yet. His eyes were on Batman though, and hopes that Barry picks it up.

    Then, Batman truly arrives. Broken but not bowed. His instincts were right. Maybe it was the ring, trying to tell him seomething was not right about the whole thing! The Duke of Deception indeed! "I knew it! Hal exclaims, and with a surge of willpower, fires an emerald blast at the intruder in an attempt to lock him in a willpower-powered force field!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana glanced over to Power Girl and she shook her head. "It is fine, for now." She told the other when the offer was placed and when Flash arrived, some of Diana's long black hair was sent wafting about in the breeze of that speedster and his wonderfully off-timing. She glanced in his direction for a moment, but there was a lot going on here today.

Batman's arrival, his actual arrival, warranted a raised eyebrow and she moved toward him while the Duke of Deception made his presence truly known. Diana let the other members of the League sort the Duke out... they were certainly capable off enough...

"Are you injured?" She asked Batman. "What happened?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl's eyes flick towards the other Batman, and she lets out a breath. "well...that explains the other heartbeat." She says as her eyes start to glow red, looking at the Duke. "I would suggest you surrender, Deceiver." She holds her attack as Hal and Crusader take up the fight immediately.

Flash has posed:
One good thing about being the Fastest Man Alive is you can take a second to take things in, and it feels like you have all the time in the world. The Flash takes a moment to survey the situation. He looks at the various heroes gathered and all eyes seem to be on Batman. The Scarlet Speedster turns his attention to Batman, and then there is a second Batman. He looks between the two Batmen just as one reveals himself to be the Duke of Deception.

"We can blame you, sure. I mean, if you wanted to do improv, I could have told you that Bats was probably the worse one you could have chosen. You need to have a personality to be able to mimic, and brooding just doesn't make for good material."

He look between Hal and Karen and then back to the fake Batman, "I'd advise listening to them, it'll likely go much easier for you."

Batman has posed:
Batman pushes off the wall to lean instead on Wonder Woman. "I think so," he says quietly. "I shouldn't have been caught off-guard like that." Batman fumes, shaking his head.

The Duke doubles over as Bjorn punches him in the gut, and before he can rush his opponent in response, the Green Lantern has enveloped him in a prison cell made of hard light. "Oh, come on," he manages to spit out while catching his breath. "Really. This is unnecessary. I'm just doing what I do. /You're/ the ones who resorted to violence."

In response, Batman clears his throat.

"Again, I'm a /deceiver/. You can't trust what I say! And I can't help it!" the Duke laughs, although he winces for a moment as he does so. "So...do I get released thanks to some sort of diplomatic immunity?"

Crusader has posed:
Crusader steps back when the forcefield is up. He raises an eyebrow and looks to Flash, Hal and the others as Wonder Women tends to Batman "Anyone want to fill one in on what the hell a Deceiver is...beyound the obviouse?" the obviouse being deciververs...well decieve!

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Straining his willpower to hold, Hal grinds his teeth and grimaces. Hal waits for Batman's call as to whether or not he releases the villain from his emerald cage. His eyes narrow as he sees that Batman was injured, although it was probably not too severe. Diana would take good care of him.

    "This has been an interesting day so far. What say you team? Should we release him and see what he has to say?" Hal says with his eyes never leaving the captured Duke. He looks first at Batman, then Diana, then Power Girl, and nods. His gaze then finds Bjorn and Barry, and sees their firm, steadfast resolve. "Well, I am sure he will tell us what he is up to, Crusader, right now. He can fill you in on what he is as a side note." Throughout the discussion, Hal never drops the shield, and never loosens his grip on his shield.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl ponders something, and smiles. "Keep a hold of him GL." She says before she floats over to Diana. "Can I borrow your lasso, Wonder Woman?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana catches Bruce easily enough and she walks him over to a seat. "Rest yourself..." @emit She tells him. "I have never seen someone get the better of you like this." She said further in her accented voice, her eyes looking from Batman then over to the others and the captured Deceiver.

"What he done has warranted an extended period of time in a prison cell. There must be known consequences for our actions in this world." Diana said then, turning to face their 'guest' and the others.

"Please, find a proper place for him to spend the next seven days in solitude. Either here in the Hall, or another place of your choosing." She said this to all of them, so they could decide where precisely.

To the Deceiver, Diana then looked. "This was... pathetic... to say the least, sir. You are taking our attention off of the rest of the city and beyond, thus you're endangering civilians and innocents. You need to spend time alone to think on what you've done here today. And how sad it truly was."

Diana would look to Karen then. "I am not sure that the lasso would give this man the regret he should feel for what he's done today. What is your plan, though?" She'd ask of Power Girl.

Flash has posed:
Not having much of anything to do at the moment, since the rest of the team seems to have things well in hand, The Flash zips over to Batman and Diana's side.

"Is he alright, Diana? Do I need to get him to a hospital?"

He looks from Batman to Diana as she speaks to the Deceiver. "I could always just drag him to the Speed Force, but I am not sure that would be such a good idea."

Power Girl has posed:
    "I wish to make a deciever commit his ultimate cardinal sin.....tell the truth." Power Girl then looks to Flash. "No, not a good idea. Who knows what kind of injuries he has. But I'm pretty sure the injured one is the real batman."

Batman has posed:
Batman shakes his head and coughs, clearing his throat. "Hold him? I don't even know if we /can/ hold him for long. Unless the Phantom Zone is an option. And as for my being sucker-punched..." He pauses briefly. "It's been an exhausting couple of weeks."

"I sow /discord/, you morons," the Duke of Deception says in an exasperated tone. "You didn't actually think I was so stupid as to try and fight Superman himself, did you? I just knocked out the first of you to arrive so that the danger seemed palpable with Superman's absence. Clearly, you were eager to turn your attention toward me. So--job done, perhaps?" He grins again, but punches the emerald barrier hard, but futilely, to test its strength.

However, as Power Girl asks about the lasso, the Duke changes his tune a bit. "Hey, hey, now. Let's not get so personal on a first date..."

"Flash," Batman says, gritting his teeth as he talks. "Recon of the Hall. Just in case the Duke here wanted us distracted here and now."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader says with a straight face "Well you were stupid enough to mimic batman, get yourself caught and hardly casued that much discord. Nearly everyone figured out you were not...hi" he states "So good job bud, you failed your job" stone faced. It hard to tell if he is being sarcastic or serious

Crusder steps back for Power Girl to use that lasso on the Deciever. He was interested to see how it goes. He smirks at the Duke a bit when he gets a it nervous. He than looks to Flash and Hal "Dragging by speed force....excellent idea" he still remembers Flashs' Starr Kick....not a bad idea at all

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Green Lantern maintains the shield while listening to everything going on around him. His thoughts move to the reason for the intital call, however, "Guys." A slight pause as he looks at PG and WW. "Um, and girls. What about Superman? Does the Deceiver know anything about that, or was it just the cheese in the trap?" As the Deceiver reveals his plans, Hal nods, and says, "Ah. Makes sense. Superman would have taken him with minimal effort."

    Hal Jordan notes that the attempt to bring down the shield fails. After all, Hal has his full willpower on the shield, with minimal distraction. The Deceiver was not about to bring it down.

    Noting the man's uncomfortable comments, Hal says, "PG. Maybe that is a good idea. I can lower the shield around part of him. You can wrap him in the lasso, and we can find out what is going on. If Diana is okay with it." Nodding at Bjorn to stand by, Hal moves forward, and gets ready to do just what he said.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's blue eyes went to Flash and she shook her head toward him. "We are not the type to torture others, and that would be nothing short of torture..." She told him in a soft and calm voice. At Karen then she looked, listened to the request and then glanced to the Duke.

"Find out what his truths truly are." She said then, detaching the lasso once more from the leather harness that encircled her torso. She handed it over to Power Girl.

Diana would then look toward Bjorn and Hal. "I'm quite eager to watch a man sworn to lies, spill the truth. So yes."

Diana would glance back to Bruce then. "How bad are your injuries, do you need Flash to rush you anywhere?" She asked him.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl nods to Diana, takes the lasso and, once GL lowers the forcefield, except to bind him, and Power Girl makes sure to wrap him in the lasso. "All right. Why are you really here?"

Flash has posed:
Barry looks to Diana, "I don't know if I would call it torture, per say. His 7 days would just seem a little longer in comparison."

Turning his head to Batman, The Flash nods. "On it."

The fastest man alive seems to suddenly blur, as he accesses the speed force and takes off on his reconnaissance of the Hall in a red and yellow streak.

In mere seconds, the blur is back and standing in front of Batman. "So, we have a situation. There are charges set to explode on the Boomtube controls, the anti-matter containment field, and the cold fusion generator. It also appears as though someone has locked in some coordinates that I don't recognize into the Boomtube. Countdown on the explosives is at 3 minutes.....which would be plenty of time if I was in the bomb squad and new anything about disarming explosives. I could grab them all and get them out of here, but I have a feeling that is just too easy. I am sure they are rigged to go off if I move them."

Batman has posed:
Inside his cage, the Duke of Deception offers a faux grimace. "Oooh!" he says with a sneer. "Looks like it's not /my/ hands that are tied after all..."

Batman tries to stand up straight, but he hisses when trying to inhale. "Get Power Girl to one of them; she should be able to contain the blast. Lantern? Crusader? Can each of you take the others? Flash--you're on city evacuation duties if we screw up. Wonder Woman--you and I may need to restrain the Duke."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader nods "On it!" is all he says and the armored figured quietly suddenly morphs into an armored ball. Irony how a ball rolls much faster than a human can typically run!

He's rolling, movining, them bombs are waitin!

Crusader rolls bye the Boomtube and using his cyberpath...undoes the coordinates after making a copy of them within his memories. This might need to be further investiagated after all

Once he reaches his form flows over a bomb next to the boomtube control. He taps into the tech and begins deactivating each one by cutting off the electrical signals that would tell the bombs to explode or alert other bombs or possible deactivation. Just to be extra safe, he seeps into the bombs and begins absorbing primary components to ensure they are disable only taking one moment to give a message over comms "Boomtubes are handled!"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan hovers in the air, and moves forward, watching the villain with eyes like a hawk, and supporting PG and WW with the lasso trick. Hal was ready to use his ring if necessary. However, when Barry mentions the explosives, Hal is distracted for a moment. Now he was supporting Batman and Diana.

    That was when Bats had the strategy down pat. "I can take one Batman. No problem." Hal remains concentrating on his shield, drops it when PG and WW are ready, and then uses his willpower to grab one of the explosives in the form of an emerald bomb disposal technician, suit and all. Taking a moment, and with a flash of willpower, the bomb tech disarms and destroys it. One down.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl, without even a nudge towards which one to take, zips her way in, in the form of non-speed force super speed, and grabs a couple of bombs herself and, as quickly as she can, freezes them with her breath to slow down the bomb countdown and bring them outside.

Once all of the bombs are gathered, and she uses her breath to slow down the countdown, she'll try to get them into space to they can explode 'safely', if GL doesn't disarm them all first.

Batman has posed:
While the others defuse or otherwise get rid of the assorted explosives, Batman and Wonder Woman keep the Duke of Deception pinned with a lasso of truth and the threat of a vicious Amazonian beatdown.

"...and ever since I was younger, I've had a secret love for you..." the Duke rambles on, tears in his eyes. "Please! I don't want to keep divulging the truth..."

The dark knight kneels down next to him. "This isn't the 'Hall of Forgiveness,' Duke. Deal with it."

Flash has posed:
Moving from bomb area to bomb area in the blink of an eye, The Flash watches to make sure that none of the bombs go off.

Thankfully, none of them do so Barry doesn't need to run around evacuating the city.

He is rushing past the Duke when confessions of love emanate from his lips and tears escape his eyes, and that causes the Scarlet Speedster to stop, and just stare at the man. "Some people have a strange way of showing affection."

Crusader has posed:
Even the Crusader had to poke his head out when he heard that from the Duke "......" like how does a person actually take this? He ponders a moment "While were at it, tell us, do you actually LIKE order more than disorder?" he honestly wondered right now. The bombs have been disarmed, but this was too good.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl returns from her flight from space with a bit of soot upon her uniform and chuckles at the Deceiver. "Do not feel bad, Deceiver. I've admired Wonder Woman myself for just about all of my life. She taught me that people can change, and for the better, even after what they had been taught all their lives.....could be wrong." She then smiles to Wonder Woman, then to Batman. "Get better, Bats. Gotham needs the Dark Knight."

Batman has posed:
In response, the Duke of Deception can only grimace, tears trickling down his face. "I dislike everything you just said, but find you really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking," he chokes between heavy sniffs and sobs. "Why do you all have to be so good at what you do?"