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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/13 |Location=The Coffee Bean - Manhattan |Synopsis=After a day of NORMALITY, erstwhile friends hang out. In a coffee shop. And it wasn't a sitcom. |Cast of Characters=231, 9039, 735 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:231|Sinister (231)}} has posed:'''<br>It has been a spectacularly awesome day in NYC. Temperatures were the average of early June, it was sunny, pleasant, little fluffy clouds everywhere and a lot of people, sick wit...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 05:21, 15 April 2023

Anthropomorphization: Why
Date of Scene: 13 April 2023
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: After a day of NORMALITY, erstwhile friends hang out. In a coffee shop. And it wasn't a sitcom.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Phantasm (Drago), Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
It has been a spectacularly awesome day in NYC. Temperatures were the average of early June, it was sunny, pleasant, little fluffy clouds everywhere and a lot of people, sick with winter and just acclimating to spring, might have played hookie today. Certainly, the coffee shop near the empire state building was hopping earlier in the day, but late afternoon, early evening time it's quieter.

With a good view of the street outside and the shop in general, a table has been claimed. The fare is not fancy schmancy here, though it could be; the quality of the coffee, not the frills, is what was craved.

Shopping may have occurred earlier, business sorts of things, looking at finances, latest gadgetry, then lunch, spa treatment, finding of the best cheese cake on the eastern sea-board... that kind of thing. Normal things... if you're rich as solomon that is.

Now, with purchases arrayed on a bench behind the chosen table, Sinister is watching the street, looking young and put together rather than his oft-older self, squinting through rose sunglasses at the comings and goings. "They put dogs in clothes. Pink ballerina clothes. This seems... like cruel and unusual punishment, if you ask me."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the warm temperatures, some people might wonder why get warm drinks at all. Those people do not understand coffee and should not be trusted. Nick however does understand the importance of the beverage and would surely enjoy some of that dark beverage right now.

The tee and ballcap wearing musician walks in with a backpack on. With purpose he moves over to the main counter and puts in his order of hot co-

"Tea please."

...Wait. What? The musician's eyes scan the listing, "Peppermint."
Lucifer has posed:
"One could argue that it is... but then you'd have to prove that dogs have souls and can make conscious decisions about every factor in their life. Including the option to wear or not wear clothing." Lucifer comments back, settling somewhat in the seat across from Sinister. He's manicured his five o'clock shadow for something of a more nefarious look. Shaved down to a goatee and mustache connecting. "Of course, you could argue something akin for children as well. Parents will dress their children up in whatever they think is cute and the child has no say in the matter..." He reaches for his cup of americano and takes a slow sip.

A familiar voice perks his attention as he glances back and over to the front counter. The way Nick is dressed, he has to wonder if the man isn't trying to garner any attention. Still, "If you'd like a seat to enjoy your drink, Mister Drago, you may come join us I'm sure."
Sinister has posed:
"And that too, is a crime against wardrobes. The seventies were an outright beckonning to homicide. I was quite of the opinion that they used up every colour in the palate in the sixties and had to make do for a decade with what was left over -- so absolutely everything was marigold yellow, brown or beige in varying degrees, with some off-white thrown in for good measure. I looked positively antiquated back then..." His is espresso and he's on his second double, the tiny cup awaiting its inevitable consumption. The get-up that Nick's wearing is not unfamiliar to him, he's observed it before.

"Hush, my dear, he's incognito."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The mention of the last name does manage to draw a small amount of attention. A woman's head lifts up from the book before them, curiously looking over to Lucifer, and then in the direction the club owner is looking at. But with the positioning of the man moving over to the side counter, the best view they get is of the man's backside. Ever so curious, the shop goer stares.

Nick turns his head to the familiar voice inviting him over. A smile forms.

There's the snapping of a lid. "Michael?"

Nick turns to the counter to claim his drink.

Not getting the expected answer to the unspoken question, the disappointed shopgoer looks back to her book.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shifts his gaze briefly to the shop-goer that seems to take interest in Nick when they heard that last name. He wasn't intending to bring any attention to Nick, but it doesn't seem to have harmed much and therefore it's let go. Though, when he grabs the drink at the name 'Michael' - a name which would have Lucifer wince any time he hears it, he turns back to Sinister.

"Maybe so... with a pseudo name and everything..." Then onto the before topic. "Fashion comes and goes though, and it'd be a fight not won to make dressing up children or pets declared cruel and unusual... perhaps there just ought to be a better line out there for modernly fashionable clothing for those who cannot choose their own."
Sinister has posed:
"That might be the case," a chair is hooked with a pantomime of foot and a modicum of telekinesis, to make the more subtle offer at the table. "It's his actual name, if I recall. He goes by his middle name, I think. Very old-fashioned, but surprisingly thriving in the united states..." he glances out of the window and scowls. "Oh, come now... a pair of /dungarees/? On a weiner. For the love of pete..."

Forcefully, the man turns his back on the door, shuffling around to hook the back of the chair looking rather more peeved than a dog in clothing ought to make anyone.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Tea acquired, Nick makes his way over to the table Lucifer and Sinister have taken up. He makes note of the sizable amount of purchases resting nearby and the somewhat sullen look upon Sinister's face. The musician's steps slow to a stop at the table. "You okay?" He asks of the doctor, reaching down to tug out the chair that's not currently being occupied as a seat or a means of storing a recent purchase.

He gives a nod to Lucifer in greeting, nodding to the row of bags ad whatnot. "Seems like you two have been busy today."
Lucifer has posed:
"He's literally upset at dogs wearing clothing...it's actually annoying him." Lucifer chimes in about Sinister's sullen look and demeanor. "When needs must." To the part about having a busy day. "It's been normal busy, us actually going out and being all equitable citizens and what not." Instead of going off on this mission or that flight of mystical fancy. Lucifer's had enough of it.

"How goes your day?" Asking this to Nick then. "Sorry if I drew a bit of attention to you. I didn't mean it."
Sinister has posed:
"It's ridiculous is what it is! What's next, seeing them dressed in evening wear?!" Oh, let him never surf the web hunting for such things. But it apparently just got stuck in his head and he glances to his phone, laying a fingertip on the bottom of the screen. "By the brass balls of hanuman, I /swear/... augh!" In tux's. In Milan fashion dresses. In /matching/ dresses and diamond jewelery of the rich and famous. Wearing cute halloween costumes... "I despair, honestly I do. This is what passes for largesse and shallow indulgence these days?"

Rant, rankle mutter, mutter, fume. "I bet half of these bloody idiots have never read a non-fiction book from cover to cover, that wasn't forced on them."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's head cocks to the side to the mention of what Sinister's upset about. "Really? Huh. Like the cutesy outfits or the ones that serve actual function like protective goggles, skin protection, shoes, and armor?"

Why does Nick even kn-

Right. Entertainment industry.

The tea is set down upon the table before Nick sits down, sliding his backpack off. "And you're fine. I chose the wrong profession for avoiding attention."

Nick looks back over to Sinister as he explains his position. "...Ok yes it's ridiculous. But, perhaps step back and view it as them surrendering their excess money for being stupid."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer sighs, reaching over and plucking the phone right out of Nathaniel's hand. "That's enough of that for now. There's no sense in upsetting yourself MORE by actually looking up animals in clothing..." He opts for being the sensible one in the moment and sets the phone down next to his cup of coffee - which is then lifted so he can take a sip. "You really are riled up about this one... and yet I bet you'd be the first to dress up any pet that we may ever own. It will be a Raven and you'll have it somehow looking like a proper gent if you ever got your hands on one."

This causes him to chuckle to himself before he glances back over to Nick. "So, what brings you out and about on this fine afternoon? Weather was at least nice enough to lend itself in favor of a stroll and shopping trip."
Sinister has posed:
THere's a bluster and a flash of indignation at the confiscation of his device, but with a narrowing of the eyes that ends up with them utterly closed, he takes a deep breath. "I never would," he would. He'd have a dicky bow on a raven in record time and its jessies would be bejeweled to a theme. Or he'd find a waistcoat that was simply darling. Sinister leans back in his seat though, contemplating the inner eyeball landscape -- "That, I think, might serve to make me feel disinclined to make a spectacle. I suppose for -some- that's a form of comfort? The childless. Less so the silver spooned..."

Gently, refinedly, he reaches for his coffee and brings it to lips with a flourish of wrist, opening lashes a crack to regard Nick.

"Of course not. A war dog requires kevlar, unless you're me. Stands to reason." But he sniffs, nodding to Luci's inquiry. "Are you between shows?" he adds.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It'd have to be a vest to allow for the wings to move around properly." Nick comments regarding the imaginary raven. After all, if Sinister ends up projecting another outfit onto him, he might as well get some say in the design.

The tea is ignored for a few more moments to let the bag do its job in the hot water. "I've been between shows for awhile." Nick admits. It's hard to maintain a concert tour or have steady gig work when you're having to maintain a low profile. "But somewhat work related." He admits, "Session with a vocal coach."
Lucifer has posed:
"I will prove you wrong. Just to make a point." Lucifer says this, already thinking about the ways he can befriend a raven long enough to tame it. "A vest indeed. And soon after the vest comes a harness so he can parade the raven around - vest and all - in style while we're out on the town. He'll do it to get -looks- and yet still bemoan the person who dresses up their pup." After having said all that, he returns Sinister's device to him as he never intended to take it that long at all.

"Vocal coach? Well that's something. But is a vocal coach going to help with the whole...lyrics becoming something else...sort of problem you have?" Lucifer asks, gentle with his words as he goes.
Sinister has posed:
"Nonsense," keep denying it, mister. You'll only have to eat crow pie later, so to speak. And then he blinks a few times, stares at nothing in particular, only to follow it with a suspicious look at both his conversation partners, then his coffee, which he peers at the residue of. "I swear, I'm imagining things. Either that, or I'm gaslighting myself, I'm sure I only /imagined/..." but you are a telepath. There's another mutter at himself and he sets his empty cup aside. "No more of -that- for me..."

Keenly, he fixes on Nick though, after a weighted look upon Lucifer. The devil would do it, too. There'd be a flock of covids having shinies and treats, just to get the -one- he was aiming for. "Is that partially fueld by intent? I wonder, could you accidentally do it on the set of a show with a script you're particularly passionate about, or must it be your own creation?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head, "No, but that problem only seems to happen with things I write. And I've gotten into the practice of testing out new lyrics when I'm by myself before I even consider it for a set list."

He rests his hand against the cup, "The coach is more for helping me improve my range so I can have more flexibility with what I write."

Nick lifts the cup to his lips, pausing before he actually sips as the heat coming out is still too much. Ok wait a little longer. The cup lowers as he looks over to Sinister. "Well, the ones where it became apparent were part of a series of lyrics I was going to work on. But when I-" His voice lowers a bit more, "Well, when I started glowing on one of them I put a halt on writing the others. One of the songs was left incomplete for a few years until I was given extra incentive to finish it."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just smirks. He's already imagining it and is inwardly excited to actually test this theory. It will be quite the interesting thing to watch unfold. Pictures will be taken. Sent to Nick. It will be a whole thing.

As Nick then explains things and why he has a vocal coach, Lucifer nods. "Well, if you're ever looking to perform again...please let me know. I would love to start having live bands play at Lux again. Maybe draw in particular crowds some nights..."
Sinister has posed:
"It's true he rather enjoys live music. He also enjoys joining in on live music, particularly if it's a tribute night, or some other thing. He has a rather beautiful voice, if you didn't know..." Sinister observes, raising a hand to catch the barista's eye. "Some of those brownies that are more addictive than crack, please." He calls, which is probably impolitic, although it does get a few laughs from younger crowds. "You know, I think I might be giddy..." also observed. "This is the first time I've actually had a day of indulgence since... well..." he doesn't say it, but it sits there. "Maybe I'm a bit overstimulated. That would explain the dogs in clothes reaction..."

And the fact he's a bit 'oooh shiny' in his conversation focus, a fact he seems to realise then. "Oh, I'm sorry. I can only imagine what added incentive is like. Do you take elocution and accent training, too? That's what took me the longest, was learning how to talk the right way."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick cracks a slight smile to the offer. "I am." He replies, "I've missed it. But I also need to try to mend some bridges to get a film project back on track. A lot of people ended up taking a hit when I had to stop touring."

Some producers can be extremely picky about casting. They don't get what they want- *poof* There goes the funding.

Nick looks over to Sinister as he brings up the incentive comment. "It would involve things a mutual acquaintance of ours deals with on her evening walks. Or what you might find if you go to the wrong subway stop." The cup is lifted. "As for that coach, no. But- I have worked on that for certain roles. And I might end up adopting some speech patterns when I'm touring in certain areas for a length of time."
Lucifer has posed:
"Well you have my contact information... just give me a buzz and we can work out details. Of course it'll be a paid gig too, and I won't take no for an answer on that. You playing a show means you getting paid." He says that in a whole, here's my foot being put down, kind of way. This is all done after Sinister has asked for better-than-crack brownies which likely got him a few looks, a few nods of agreement, and then Lucifer just rolling his eyes.

"I don't know how to calm you down from over stimulation. I feel sometimes that I ought carry a cattle prod or something just to poke you in the side when you get this way. But then... I also like this side of you, and .... I'm torn." He finally finishes off his americano then. "Perhaps I could go for a sandwich. Do they sell sandwiches here?"
Sinister has posed:
"Ah, yes, that. The very sunny disposition you have, just goes to amplify that situation," Sinister nods slowly, tilting his ear to the nuance of situations that were created. Interesting. And not a word said about feet being placed where they're in full contact with the ground, either. "I wonder if I would do well in films. What am I saying? Augh! Brain!"

He nods to Lucifer, snorts soft in ... embarassment? More like self-mockery and doffs an imaginary hat. "I'll calm down eventually, I'm sure. Either that, or I'll drive one of us to distraction and cause an incident." He rolls his tongue in his cheek, lashes half lidded an nods. "They do. Only they call them Ciabattas."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick holds up a finger begging for a second before the cup is set down on the table once more. The newly freed hand slides into one of his pockets, pulling out a business card to Shaw Studios. The name on the front is most definitely not his but bears a striking resemblance to the business's name. On the other side of the card is a number written in by hand. He offers the card over. "I'm horrible with scheduling so he does it for me." Nick offers, "And he'll make sure I take the money too. Just use the number written on back."

Nick considers Sinister's idle comment. "Never know unless you try." Hell, he's still trying to figure out how Life Bites! ended up as a cult film.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes the card from Nick and tucks it away. His attention is still on Sinister for the moment and he grins, but he doesn't really say much more to anything the man has commented. Plus, he's still debating corvid coaxing methods in his head. "Well, then I'll grab a ciabatta. You want anything else aside from the crack brownies?" Asking this as he shifts to stand from his seat to walk back to the counter. "Can I get anything for you, Nick?"
Sinister has posed:
"I'm sure I have no idea," there's a consideration for the moment, solemnly held, before the brownies on thier plate are served over. They're small. They're terribly chocolatey and there's a layer of fudge and walnuts on top. Decadent crack brownies, for sure and certain. "You know, I've played so many roles, but I've never had a script. I suspect I'd be terrible with a script. I'd constantly want to rewrite bad lines." Silent films, he would've excelled in, except that he'd always have been the villain. He considers his brownies. "I think if I had anything else, I'd just exaccerbate the situation. Thank you though, Luci."

"Funnily enough, I'm the reverse of that. I've always been punctual, or have arrived /precisely/ when I meant to." He muses. "On the whole though, I would not call myself the artistic type."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head, holding up his still too hot tea. "I'm covered." He responds, giving a shake of the head before looking back to Sinister, "It's more that there was a point when there were more offers than there was time to do them in. He's good at sorting through them and working in time to deal with my uh... quirks."

Workaholics should not be the ones who do their own bookings. They'll forget to sleep. And an exhausted Nick is a very...very...VERY bad thing.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is at the counter making a significant order. Two ciabattas, another round of brownies, and a drink. All of it to go. Maybe they'll fly to the beach or something and just relax. They have at least one house they could actually go and stay at for a time. Right on the water. But he'll be at the counter for a lingering moment.
Sinister has posed:
"Oh, I see. That makes sense, in hindsight..." His coffee is finished, but the brownies have just been set out. He takes two of them and pops one in his mouth, pushes the plate over with a third sitting there all invitingly and rises. "If you want help becoming busier, let me know. It will give me something to distract my mind, whilst I adjust. To things." He nods at the bakery treat, then takes the brownie in hand, to the imp at the kiosk. The morcel is proffered, before he looks back to Nick. "Don't be a stranger, hmm? Making actual friends isn't easy -- we're trying. But one day, it should probably be a planned thing, not a purposeful thing or a chance encounter... it could even be quite rewarding. The brownies are insanely good, so please... don't watch your delicate figure." He smiles in a way that suggests a wink should have arrived, but didn't and glances at the door just as a driver with 'uber' written all over her, arrives to collect half the bags.

He points at them. "Club Lux. They'll know what to do with them." And then to Lucifer. "We are -definitely- flying there." Almost exeunt, stage left!
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick watches as the pair make their leave. Sinister's words ring to him. Purposefully hanging out without it being by pure chance? It's so crazy it just might work.

Despite the recommendation, Nick doesn't look to the brownies. Instead his attention is soon captured by a young woman setting a napkin with something scrawled on it down on the table. But at least he's not minding his OWN delicate figure.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks over at the brownie being offered him, leaning forward to take it within his mouth and chew. "Flying. That's what I figured. Good thing sammiches are easy to carry..." He offers this and then chews a bit more, taking a sip of his delivered to-go hot drink to help get the brownie down.

"Take it easy Nick." Saying this as he takes his and Sin's to-go order and heads out the door.