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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/20 |Location=Midtown, Manhattan |Synopsis=The suit is de-faced, but it all ends with a push of a button thanks to Stark Tech! |Cast of Characters=22, 1258, 4, 32 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:22|Tony Stark (22)}} has posed:'''<br><br>Across the Manhattan skyline the city in Spring is resplendent in its casual beauty. The gleam of the light in the windows shine like diamonds and down in the valleys between buildings New York...")
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Latest revision as of 01:37, 21 April 2023

Tony in the city
Date of Scene: 20 April 2023
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: The suit is de-faced, but it all ends with a push of a button thanks to Stark Tech!
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Cannonball, Spider-Man, Power Girl

Iron Man has posed:

Across the Manhattan skyline the city in Spring is resplendent in its casual beauty. The gleam of the light in the windows shine like diamonds and down in the valleys between buildings New York is alive with motion, animation, industry! Central Park has no shortage of tourists young and old enjoying the day, playing sports, rowing on the lakes, all in all the world is what one might consider... picturesque.

In Midtown the sidewalks are busy, people coming and going about their business or off to lunch. There are no shortage of cellphones pressed into the ears of people walking, and above them there is the glow of LCDs and large display screens offering prominent insight into the news and advertisements of the day. Traffic is ubiquitous and the sounds that go with it are prominent along with the general murmur of the crowd as people walk hither and yon.

But then there is a break in that sound of the city. A high-pitched whine of an engine firing from on high, jet thrusters roar abruptly as they kick in to suddenly decelerate the hurtling object that _LANDS_ hard upon the street with a heavy /clang!/ and then the whir of servoes as out of nowhere...

Iron Man has arrived.

Red and gold and prominent in the middle of traffic, people are already pulling cellphones out and taking pictures and video. But New York has no tolerance even for its most famous of citizens, which is when the cabbie sticks his head out the window and yells, "Hey! Shellhead! Get the hell outta the way!"
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is out on the town looking to get his mother a mother's day present. He is hoping for a much simpler time than the time he saved up to buy his mom a hat from bloomingdales. Sam has abit more money these days running the club, so he is walking along planning some shopping this evening.
Spider-Man has posed:
As usual he was watching over the city as he hears a whine pass over head looking up he swings that way, as something going that fast that low ment trouble. Catching up quickly Spidey lands on the top part half of a large building and looks down. That was Iron Man but what was he doing. As others honked Spidey just approached to get closer to make sure he could reach with his webs if Mr. Stark needed his assistance. He was so focused on Iron Man for now he didn't notice Samuel in the crowd.

For now other then approach a bit closer as said earlier. He doesn't do anymore for now, as he is worried whatever it was he might be interupting something so quietly hang from the building though close to the street now.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Is also here shopping but she's in Karen mode right now wearing a Red top that's tied below her breasts and some Tight jeans cut high and the ankle with some nice flats on.. she's checking our various shops and clothes it seems. Just enjoying the hussle and bussle of people

Iron Man has posed:

Meanwhile, in Stark-Fujikawa Tower...

" Sir, I'm receiving multiple media alerts about yourself, apparently. "

There's a faint flicker of sparks and the hiss of metal being raised to exceedingly high temperatures as in the depths of Stark's private bunker, man exerting his will upon his environment. The heavily modded and... _runic_ chestplate he had been working on of late was not doing what he had wanted it to do, which was an annoyance on a level that was... well it was right up there. "Alerts about me, what did I do this time?"

" Apparently you are in front of Stackles and Scott Investment and Diversified Funds, stopping traffic. "

The goggles are pulled down from his face as he blinks, "I'm what now?"

While in front of the building the suit of Iron Man armor raises a gauntlet and without warning a blast /SMASHES!/ into the front of that yellow cab, the front end crunching forward and down while the man behind the wheel widens his eyes with great alarm. The back end of the car thunders down onto the ground and he quickly scrambles for the door and crawls out of it, skittering across the asphalt to get away.

The suit of armor then turns, and _stomps_ across the distance, footsteps heavy as it moves toward the bank of glass windows before it, pedestrians running to push each other out of the way as the red and gold centurion seems to ignore their presence. It raises both hands and there is that abrupt high whine then a /SHOOMPF!/ as both repulsors smash the windows apart, shards slashing inward as people duck down and take cover behind their desks. The first screams are heard then.

Alarms start to go off inside that place of business as a security guard rises up from behind his desk. "Mr. Stark, what the hell!?!" He starts to fumble with his service revolver.
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie frowns at this and might have thought the shooting of the glass was going after a villain, but the cabby, he might be a jerk, most cabbies are, but he is doing his job. Sam frowns and will do the dumb thing and starts heading towards the ruckus. You know maybe he should consider a mask sometime, but hey it is what it is. The young man will move more and as he closes he moves to put himself between Ironman, and his destination "Hey now, hold up there," He says. There is a roar as he starts hovering off the ground, his blast field surrounding him. He might be crazy but he aint dumb.
Spider-Man has posed:
As Iron-man smashes the car even Spider-Man looks surprised as he leaps off the wall up and over him to land next to the smashed car. With a hand he rips the door off, and with his bare hands unfolds it from its smashed position so the person inside can get out. "I don't like New York traffic either Iron Man, but this isn't a way of helping it." As he realises that he has already moved on Spidey sighs.. Shooting two webs to attach to the back of the suit, he tries to yank the suit back out into the open so the people inside are safe. Given how fast the ones run from this crash it is much safter if it was out here especially if it started doing all Mr. Stark could do in that thing. "It is rude to ignore a good joke!"

Spider-man is strong, but not as strong as repulsers going the other way, so hoped to surprise him, but hated doing this as it was attacking Mr. Stark, and he didn't really want to be doing that. He just hopped a little impact might shake lose whatever was wrong, and get him back to normal. Spidey would hope someone would do it for him if he was in such a state so will seek forgiveness, not permission.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Turns and looks shocked for a quick moment and Sighs " Really I can't even go shopping! " She grumbles She spots some other heros helping people and looks like everybody is getting away. She grabs her wrist that is sporting kyrptonian Tech and taps it changing into a quick outfit .. Something easy no cape or boots but it works for now. She laucnhes herself up and moves forward having used the shock and awe to hide her transformation.
Iron Man has posed:

"Quick gimme a check on the armory." Tony says as he slides over one of his workbenches, causing a scattering of tools to fall upon the floor. He gestures with one hand through a holographic field bringing up a floating display that he manipulates with a few flicks of his fingers, causing the imagery to appear. He quickly gestures to the right, causing a video display to reveal a slow panning view of the collected house of armors that are displayed each in their alcove.

" All armors are accounted for, sir. Including the two that are off location. " JARVIS's voice is calm and controlled even as Tony manipulates the view quickly.

"What are you talking about, buddy? Right there." He points at the screen and it very clearly shows... one of the alcoves are empty. "The MK.7 it's not in dock."

" I disagree sir, I'm seeing the MK.7 as linked and the power feed is intact. "

Which causes Tony to lean his head back, he blinks, then slices a few more commands through the system, manipulating it quickly, a display from a different angle, switched, processed, changed to several forms of multiple sensor readings and... the armor is still not there.

"Jarvis, buddy. I need you to shut down. Right now. STARK-Cap-Point-Nat-Thrombosis 14. Acknowledge."
"Acknowledged sir, shutting... down... "

Down on the streets of the city, Cannonball hovers in front of the red and gold armor. It lifts the chin of the helmet, raising it up to 'look' at the young mutant. Then it turns the helmet slightly to the side.

Which is the moment when the webs /thwip!/ onto his shoulders and suddenly the suit is snapped back out into the open fully. It flips through the air, then suddenly the jets fire with a /WHOOSH!/ as repulsors and boot jets ignite to suddenly arrest its flight. On the shoulder a little turret pops out and emits a short /BZZT/ of red laser light that slices the webbing off its back. It hovers there for a moment...

Then a barrage of micro-missiles launch on small smoky contrails, slashing across the distnace toward the heroes.
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie steps up to take as many of the missiles to his blast field as he can. He lets the smoke clear from him, and says "That all ya got?" He figures if he can keep him centered on him, then the others can take the shots.
Spider-Man has posed:
Pulling out the suit works.... kinda as instead of being pulled down Spidey goes on a quick ride "Mary Poppppinnnnns!" as he is whipped around a little before the lines are cut, and he falls cutting him off as hit hits the car of an abandoned car shattering the ront window with an, "Umph!" He sits up, and rubs his back. "Ya know Iron man I had that one coming." he starts to say, but rolls as he feels the rocket shot at him so while he doesn't take the blast he is thrown a bit as he can only get so far away from the car and is thrown.

It is only quiet for a moment before there is a "Whomp.... Whomp." noise in the cloud of dust from where Spidey landed. As Spidey landed he webbed a man-hole cover, and when he stopped he started swinging it around in a circle, and then let it go at Iron Man. "Sorry Ironman, but I have to put you on the cover!" he says to the suit. He grins a bit, and hopes Mr. Stark will be okay from this, but I mean he has seen the suit take worse, it shouldn't be worse then a rib or two, but he shot a rocket at him so he had it coming.
Power Girl has posed:
The Car Didn't get hit it seems, Power girl got in the way but spidey rolled out of the way before she could protect him making her lift an eyebrow at him . but she looks fine the car too other than the spidey impact.

She frowns " Mr Stark this is no okay.. I'm going to have to use some extreme measures ". That's when her eyes Glow and she Fires heat ray right at that launcher to prevent it shooting more missles!
Iron Man has posed:

The suit abruptly spins to the side, as if assuming that the missiles would track and finish Cannonball with their short pop-pop-crack-pops of impact, the small explosions strong enough to damage a sixty ton tank, but against the force field created by the young mutant... he endures.

One arm comes up as the red and gold automaton aims at the spider hero, a portion of the armor snapping down into place under the arm as another wider beam is fired with a short /ZAAANG!/ of sound as it slices across that distance. The beam cuts clean through a bus stop bench, slicing it in twain as it burns a line in the ground as it tracks up toward the leaping form of Spider-Man...

And right along the middle of that manhole cover, sending part of it twisting through the air to embed hard into the hood of a parked car while the other...

/SLAMS!/ hard into the side of the armor, sending it twisting into the air with a loud _CLANG!_ The jets sputter quickly as they fire to attempt to stabilize, but then the suit hits the ground hard, one gauntlet stabilizing it with a blast of repulsor energy.

Then Power Girl makes her appearance, and suddenly there's a return fire of a beam slicing across toward the armor itself! Her eyes flash, the blaze ignites and she blasts the small packs of micro-missiles either straight off the armor or fuses them into place as their housings melt. The suit stumbles back a step, bringing its forearms up in front of itself as two objects drop from its hips and hit the ground with a loud clatter. Those disks abruptly ignite into a brilliant blaze of a flash meant to blind those near with a loud high pitched whien followed by a, 'FWAAASH!'
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does bring his arm up to cover his face at the flash, while he maybe able to not get hurt, tonight he does not even have his goggles on so he grunts and says "Damn it." He just hovers there not moving while his vision is blurry
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey is looking to see if he is on target as again he jumps out of the way as the beam almost as if he knew it was coming, and hops to the side towards the bench using it as a kick off point to flip sideways towards the alley, and the beam getting closer, and closer till it stops as the suit runs into his own issues. Peeking around the corner Spidey adds "Looks like Spider-Season is over!" and grins with a chuckle. He saw the things drop, and throws a spider-tracker. Sure it was way lower tech as he made it in his bedroom not some lab, but sd the flash goes off he has to cover his face, as one of his eye-glass cracked in the explosion earlier so was not working to stop his vission from the bright light.

Of course thankfully he still moved forward, the noise wasn't as bad it hurt, but at least he didn't need to hear. Moving forward he yelled.. "Hey turn down the racket... you Iron hack!" and grins, as while Spidey couldn't see him if the man attacked him he would give himself away, or at least untiil his senses came back.
Power Girl has posed:
Of course that flash went off but for her who can stand infront of a sun or a nuke it's not much makes her blink once .. But she can spot the armored man is gonna try and run.. flash bangs are a givaway! She launches herself forward those well built arms reaching out.. " Oh no you don't not before I punch you! " Super speed is such a cheat

She's infront her hand grabing that Face fingers digging into the face plate like it's made of wet mud.. She yanks Ripping that face plate off " Why are you so silent the Stark I saw on tv would never stop talking " .

Ripping the visor off to see who or what is inside!
Iron Man has posed:
The suit kneels for a half second, planting its gauntlets on the ground as the sound of energy shifting inside it can be heard with a low rumble emanating from the heart of the suit. The panels on the back extend, locking into place. Those booster jets on the leg start to roar and the repulsors power up as it's about to leap upwards...

Which is the moment when suddenly there's a Power Girl all up in its grill. Literally. She closes that distance in a flash and has a hand on the helmet, the armored form starting to blast upwards, engines firing fully as she's able to hold it down somehow because... go to hell physics. Then there's the rending tearing sound of metal being pulled apart as she gets that helmet faceplate pulled free...

Only to reveal that indeed there is nothing within.

Though then there's a roar of engines higher up now, though this time accompanied by an electronically modulated voice, "Careful down there, thing's gone rogue. Try and... "

Which is the moment when he sees the armor faceplate mangled, "Not damage the helmet. But ok good work. Nice job."

The second Iron Man suit lands, though this one is blue and silver with a large heavy block mount on the shoulder. He extends a gauntlet and a length of cable crosses the distance between one set of armor and the other, "Gimme a sec here. Spidey. CB." A beat and then the voice adds, "Supergirl you're all grown up."
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie watches the area as his eyesight comes back. He blinks as there is a second Iron Man, and the first one he sees one without anyone inside it and says "Ok whats going on?"
Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey shakes off the flash-bang, and hops over to land kneeled near the ground close to Power Girl. He hears the transmission from Stark, and replies. "Don't worry I doubt anyone is crazy enough to remove the..." tearing noise in the background as Spidey sighs, "That was the faceplate wasn't it? Look that wasn't me!" he quickly takes a step away from Power girl, as that face plate must of cost a penny, though the systems she would want to stop wouldn't be located in the head of course or else all the bad-guys would go for it.

As he thinks about more quip to toss at Power girl he looks back, at the floating Sammuel, then at the new suit landing. "I don't think the world can handle two of you Mr. Stark." and chuckles a bit. "Is the floating dude with you?" he looks up at Power Girl, "You?" and turns waving akwardly at Samuel. as Spidey right now just doesn't remember him as he meets so many people in a day. He whispers to Power Girl. "He keeps looking over here."
Power Girl has posed:
Has a hand on the shoulder to keep it still kryptonian flight is rather well yeah it dosn't pay attention to alot of things. So she's just holding the suit by the shoulder as she drops the face plate.. she blinked when she saw nobody only to hear the voice " ooops sorry " She says thens he spots the other suit " This one good or bad.. " Her eye's glowing for a moment as if ready to fight the new suit too.

She looks at spidey and blinks " ummm I don't think I met him before.. he seems likea hero though he blocked bunch of the missles " . She wiggles her fingers at sam .

" Do you want me to disable this suit?" She asks to the empty face area .
Iron Man has posed:
"I... "The Blue and Silver armor answers Sam as that cable connecting itself to the red and gold finishes full integration. The eyes of both suits glow for a moment and then the voice continues, "Do not know yet. Though I intend to find out. Appreciate the quick thinking. Quick action. Anyone get hurt? "

Tony's armor turns slightly as he does a quick sweep of the area, his helmet nodding slowly as that larger suit seems to shift its weight from one foot to the other then addresses PG. "No, I got it. Something's going on, and I don't like it one bit."

The cable then detaches and slithers back into its housing as the blue and silver suit steps over to the red and gold suit. "Storage mode."The MK. 7 then snaps in on itself as parts of it begin to fold together, collapsing into roughly a cube-like shape, with the arms pulled back and the legs bent up and in on themselves. He reaches down and grabs the suit by the beck of the neck and slings it over his back.

"Alright guys, gonna get this back to the shop, find out what went wrong, what caused this. Had to take JARVIS down so this may take a bit of time. Spidey, feel free to swing on by. Could use you to do some heavy-lifting."

The bulkier suit then steps back, portions of the thrusters on the back opening up.
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking over towards the others the blast field dropping as he lands "I don't think anyone got hurt, tries to keep it busy on us, since it is what we get the not so big bucks for." He jokes
Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-man stages whispers to Power Girl, "I think this one is more dangerous then that one as it actually has Mr. Stark in it." and grin a bit with a chuckle. Then the offending suit folds up, and Spider-man smiles a bit. "I would be careful Mr. Stark. Could be a trojan to get into your system, I would definetly make a sandbox first to see what it does when you get home." he notes as that is how Spidey would of done it had he been behind this. He sighed a bit though as he was still only good for heavy lifting.

He looks up at Power Girl, and gives her the double thumbs up. "Wow your really strong, you should fight crime here more often.. Though I don't think Rhino would like it much." he grins at her. "Big guy, horn. dresses like a Rhino.. Don't worry you will reconise him." then he stops. "Oh yea.. Hey I better get going. If ya need me just call me!" shooting a web he waves to her Power Girl "Spider-man is all one word!" and yanks on his web to launch off to follow Tony.

As he sails by a signed picture of Spider-man, taken by Peter Parker, lands infront of Samuel as Spidey misunderstood, and thought he was just a fan with powers.
Power Girl has posed:
Look up and smiles " You can use Star Labs if you like Mr stark... we have tech as advanced as yours we could help if your Ai is down " . She says it loud enough he can hear.. before she adresses spider man " I would like that you seem fun to fight crime with " She chuckles and gives him a small wave bai bai as well unless stark stops and takes her up on the offer .

She looks to sam " Thank you for your assistance.. I'm Power-Girl it's a pleasure , I hope we can work together more in the future " she extends her hand " For now lets help with clean up right ? "
Iron Man has posed:
As Spider-Man flits off into the distance, Tony's voice can be heard electronically modulated to say, "Respect the hyphen, got it. "

The helmet swivels toward Samuel, gives him a thumbs up. "Good job big guy. " Then that thumbs up is in turn offered to Power Girl, "Peej. Nice work. No worries, I got this covered. Owe you guys. I mean that. Drop me a line."

And as he says that his knees bend slightly then suddenly the boot jets fire as the suit with its cargo on its shoulder blasts upwards into the sky, the wash from the engines causing dust to be kicked up all around them, only for that blue and silver silhouette to fade into the distance heading off... towards New Jersey of all places. Curiously enough.
Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Cannonball." He shakes the offered hand and picks up the picture one of his kid siblings will love it after all. He nods to PG and moves to help out where he can.