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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/14 |Location=Central Park, Manhattan |Synopsis=Cleanup of the event led to a debate on morality and devolved into a mountain of a man strangling a brash yeen. Never a dull moment in Central Park? |Cast of Characters=10042, 282, 47, 322, 231 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:10042|Kit Killovarras (10042)}} has posed:'''<br>With the event from the night before thoroughly and truly ended, the nearly abandoned amphitheater deep in t...")
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Latest revision as of 14:37, 25 May 2023

Midnight Music Aftermath
Date of Scene: 14 May 2023
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Cleanup of the event led to a debate on morality and devolved into a mountain of a man strangling a brash yeen. Never a dull moment in Central Park?
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Juggernaut, Phoenix, Pink Ranger, Sinister

Kit Killovarras has posed:
With the event from the night before thoroughly and truly ended, the nearly abandoned amphitheater deep in the heart of Central Park seems like a ghost town by comparison, with only two or three people present with garbage bags for various items, from actual garbage to empty soda bottles and disposable cups. The tech used the night before - amplifiers, speakers and instruments - have all been taken away already, likely removed shortly after the scheduled end to the event.

Among the few still left though is one person in particular who stands out. A six-foot-six bipedal hyena who is happily holding a bag as various empty bottles lift from the ground around him seemingly of their own accord and deposit themselves into the bag.
Juggernaut has posed:

The arrival of the red headed behemoth is something like...watching godzilla slowly cresting into view from the surface of an ocean as he rises up the steps of a nearby subway entrance with slow deliberate steps and a lumbering sway to his gargantuan physique that gives the impression of a sequoia leaning from side to side. Needless to say he's something of a visual spectacle, so massive is he and so wide eyed the mildly terrifies crowd of people around him are as they end up scurrying away like skittish sheep and quietly pray that the behemoth doesn't trip or fall as he reaches the surface eventually.

For his part, Cain doesn't seem to perturbed or bothered by the reaction caused by his simple presence. It comes with the territory after all as even at his most restrained, at present, he's still the avatar of a magical whatsit-dimensional-thingie. He'd probably miss these reactions of they weren't around. Thus he's unbothered and very much unhindered when he begins to make his way into the park, intent on crossing it to head to some destination or another. His gaze sweeps over the area as his head turns from side to side like a moving tank turret atop the wide girth of his impossibly thick neck...taking into account the emptiness of the area and feeling the lingering tension from the protest and its aftermath in the postures and movements of the few who remain. It's then that he finally sees the clean up effort. Likely those who are there can see his coming from some distance away and he doesn't seem -particularly- interested at first...until he spots the anthropomorhic hyene levitating trash cheerfully. "..Eh?"
Kit Killovarras has posed:
While the others might have seen the lumbering tower of a man, Kit seems woefully unaware, right up until he hears the voice behind the 'eh?' and glances over, cocking his head a little before he offers a bright smile and a friendly wave, "Hey! Long time no see." he says in greeting to the behemoth.

Unlike the last time they met though, he's not hiding what he is. He's got no shirt on, his tail isn't tucked into his pantleg and he's not lowering himself the way he did before. Something in the hyena has changed since these two met a little over a year ago.
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey had heard rumours of FoH rearing their ugly heads at some public event or other, so naturally it warrants investigating.She are yes dressed in her Green and gold Phoenix garb, ready for trouble! or perhaps ready to stop trouble. Either way it seems she has arrived too late, but perhaps she can still find clues of the evil organization she thought had been stamped out for good by now.

Kit is noticed first and she greets him with a warm and friendly smile, stepping towards him. "Hello Kit! how are you? We're you here when things went down the other day..?"

And then she notices Juggernaut which gives her pause, eyeing him warily but making no offensive or hostile moves towards him. "Hello Cain.."
Juggernaut has posed:
It has indeed been awhile but Cain does remember this hyena...magic-mutant hybrid or however he explained himself to the giant. At the time he didn't necessarily reveal himself as his identity but Kit was aware of that slumbering monstrosity that was within him. That was him.. And yet the two had a cordial conversation and meeting. Cain can be social if he's bothered to be.

"Yeah.." he finally confirms, "I remember you. Kinda hard to forget yeah?"

His attention caught now, he turns and directs his full gait towards the furred mutant..? Mutate?

HIs hands slip into his pockets as he inclines his head and looks Kit over and then the rest of the area. "What happened?"

Then Jean catches his attention and he turns towards her. No doubt that he's conferring casually with one of her own potentially a surprise. He notes her wariness but doesn't seem to openly react to it but the faintest smirk creases his broad features. "Well, well, well.. Red.. You come to lecture me again?"
Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey frowns softly at Cain, shaking her head. "No, I think all that needed to be said was said..I am more interested in...Hmm..?" she narrows her eyes, sensing...Sone sort of psychic disturbance in the air..

"Iam afraid it's not over yet..Excuse me.." and she hovers off into some shady corner of the park, apparently following some psychic trail. It seems perhaps some FoH decided to stick around a while longer..
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little chuckle from Kit as he gives a little nod and a shrug, "Kinda hard to forget you too, so I guess we both sort of stand out there." he muses, then he gives a glance arounda and scratches at the back of his head with a paw as his smile grows to a sheepish grin. "We kinda thrashed the place, so we're cleaning everything up. Kinda one of the requirements in the event permit."

Even before her official arrival, Jean would be able to sense the aardwolf's mind and where it is usually a chaotic swirl of emotions? At the moment it's far more stable and far.... Happier?

When she comes into view and speaks, Kit just tilts his head a bit and explains, "Uh.. I mean, yeah?" he says a little hesitantly, then admits, "I was one of the coordinators. Was a hell of a night, truth be told."
Juggernaut has posed:
"Mm...looks like trouble."

Cain seems..quite familiar with her. He called her 'Red' after all and the two exchanged words that were..will not unpleasent..seems to have had some past tension involved even if Cain himself seems unperturbed by the words or her frown. He watches as she moves off and then he turns back towards Kit.

"Howd you know her?" he asks bluntly and then, "And what happened that got the place thrashed? She aint one to just fly off unless something serious went down."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
When the bag he's working on is full, Kit ties it off and grabs another, continuing in his cleanup as he gives a little shrug, "She's one of the people who took me in when I was living here in the park." he says as he gives a glance to the departing Jean, then looks back to Caine and pauses a moment before he reaches into his pocket and takes out a flier for the prior nights event which reads 'Midnight Theater presents: Friday Night Freak-Fest.' with a simple description of 'Come let your freak flag fly and rock out with local cover artists for an open-mic music extravaganza!'

"I mean, it wasn't a huge event, but it was enough to trash the area at least." he explains with a shrug and a little chuckle. Then he gives another glance after Jean and shrugs, "Some of the protesters might still be in the area?" he says, though by his tone it sounds more like he's guessing. "Dunno why she'd be looking for them though, it's not like they caused much trouble beyond slinging around some insults and slurs."
Juggernaut has posed:
"..Probably because they might be tied to something more dangerous then that."

Cain studies the flier with a neutral expression, not really betraying his thoughts one way or the other on the matter..yet he seems..more then passingly familiar with the potentiality of future trouble.

"This sorta thing can escalate, especially if someone is trying ot make a point. She's psychic. She might have heard something.."

He reaches his hand up and taps the side of his head for emphasis. "You know that if you are livin' out there on Graymalkin' now, yeah? You know all of them I'm sure..."

He slowly hands the flier back to Kit.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly had missed out on any madness or music festivals, the life of a professional gymnast training was one thing, but add on that being a superhero and dealing with alien invaders, street crimes and a very petty space witch? And one just had to take free time whereever she got it!

With her hair tied back and her work wrapped in black yogapants like active wear along with a bright pink sports top, Kimberly was apparently out jogging and enjoying her time during this trip to New York!
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit studies Caine for a moment before he gives a little sigh. "I mean, there's always a danger with groups like that, there are always going to be extremists on both sides of any issue, but last night was harmless and yeah, I know she's psychic.. I also know she's human enough that she's prone to the same mistakes as anyone else." Then he ties off another bag and shrugs, adding, "If you go looking for hate, you'll find it in even the kindest hearts.." almost sounding annoyed about something.

The jogging Kimberly though gets a glance and a friendly wave from the aardwolf as he grabs another bag and starts to fill it, willing the other two he's managed so far to fling themselves into a growing pile. "Hey, Been a while. How ya been?" he calls out to the jogging ranger, "Never thought I'd see you in black though." he adds with a toothy little smile.
Juggernaut has posed:
"That's pretty nice and uh..noble of you, kid, but..uh...I think that Red's judgement is probably pretty solid. She's not just some random passerbyer looking for trouble. She's kinda experienced in this sorta thing. If she picked up on something worth investigating you probably should trust her judgement."

A rare thing. Juggernaut endorsing an X-Man but..things have been complicated latey.

"Your moralizing has its place and all but ...this whole issues complex." He shrugs, rolling his monstrous shoulders but then turns away towards Kimberly as he greets her. He arcs an eyebrow but seems content to remain neutral expression wise aside from some mild curiousity.

"I see you're Mr. Popular.." he asides to Kit.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Someone as massive as Cain or as obviously non-human as Kit was probably going to be hard to miss, but when she's called out to the Ranger incognito does halt her jogging, blinking a little and gesturing to herself. "Tones like black or white accentuate bright colors, otherwise you just look tacky!" she points out almost instinctively, seemingly startled firstly by the comment than the immediate realisation that she was being recognized. She -did- tend to wear a lot of pink after all!

"Oh uh, Hi?" she adds as almost afterthought, turning her gaze between the pair.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit stops for a moment, setting his bag down as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, "Trust me, I know she's no passerby, but she's just as prone to being blinded by hate as anyone else.. I've listened to her demonize a man who I literally owe my life to.." Then he taps in a code and brings up a video before holding the phone up, revealing a video of several young protesters from the night before, hesitantly approaching a line of police and walking past.

"Some people forget that anyone can be blinded by their hatred. But sometimes all it takes is for someone who is willing to look past what most people would see as 'evil'.." The video pans across the crowd that's welcoming anyone and everyone who crosses that line, eventually ending on an image of the hyena shaking hands and talking to people that only moments ago, might have been slinging hatred and slurs at him. "After all. A lot of people still see me as a monster, despite not knowing a thing about me. I've done horrible things in my life, I've hurt people in ways I never thought I'd have to. Do those mistakes make me evil?"

The reaction from Kimberly gets a little chuckle and a glance, the aardwolf studying her attire for a moment before he gives a little nod. "I mean, true enough? Never really been one for bright colors though, so I wouldn't really know much about that one."
Juggernaut has posed:
There is some mild confusion as Cain observes Kimberly's reaction to Kit. He turns his attention back to Kit as he shows the video of the protestors walking through the police line. He doesn't seem particularly moved openly, merely arcing his other eyebrow slightly and then looking away from the video to glance over to Kimberly again. There is a feeling of akwardness in the air before he finally bluntly asks, "Uh..do you two know each other or not?"

He then shakes that off and looks back to Kit, his expression now actually curious as he rumbles,

"Demonizing someone dont' sound like the Jean Grey I've known since she was a kid. Who saved your life?"
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Uh...in passing?"

Nice save Kim! truely masterful.

Besides, as akwardness goes, talking about someone she didn't know who wasn't here? Now -that- was akward.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kimberly gets a glance and a chuckle before the aardwolf explains, "We ran into each other at the park on my last trip through Gotham. She was wearing this neon pink outfit and I made a comment on it in passing." with a little shrug,

There's a pause though when Caine asks who he owes his life to and there's a moment when it doesn't take a telepath to know there's some real pain in what he says next. "Nathaniel Essex. He was the first one to find me after I fled a hospital emergency room with internal injuries that would have killed me otherwise.." Then he slips his phone into his pocket again, picks up the bag and continues cleaning again as he explains, "I got into a fight with another guy around my age named Jack.. I tried to stop him from hurting someone and lost control, next thing I know, they're showing what happened on the news.. So I ran. I didn't know I was slowly dying. Jack wasn't the only one with life threatening injuries.."
Juggernaut has posed:
The giant mans face twists into a contortion of different emotional responses. There's a part of him that wants to bust out laughing. There's another part that holds back on that, noting the pain In Kit's voice. Cain can be cruel ..he is a bully at the best of times but not unnecessarily cruel for its own sake, though he can be blunt and forward without caring about other peoples feelings..

"Sounds rough.." he finally remarks, studying Kit thoughtfully. "And this guy saved your life and Jean demonized him.." he pauses, waiting for further clarificaiton since he's in pretty deep to this conversation.

Kim gets a quick glance and Cain simply shrugs at her and notes:

"Hey, I only met him once in passin' as well. I guess that makes two of us."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
there's a nod from the hyena and he gives a sigh, "He used some kind of nanite tech to stop the internal bleeding and ease the pain from it. Jean and Miss Munroe found me about an hour later.." Then he looks to Caine and tilts his head a little, "And yeah, I've read the files they have on him.. I know why they call him Sinister. But where I'm from? There isn't a line between good and evil.. Self-proclaimed 'heroes' and 'villains' see the world in black and white and judge each other harshly, but all I've ever seen are shades of gray."

There's a little pause and he looks up at Caine, tilting his head as he explains, "I've read the files on you, too. Their computer system classified you as an omega-level threat, but here you are being a genuinely decent person. Haven't felt the need to be any more on guard around you than anyone else.." then he gives a little shrug.

For a teenager, he seems a little too jaded to be real sometimes, but when you've grown up surrounded by magic and demons, maybe you just get a different perspective of the world and it's troubles.
Juggernaut has posed:
"You read the files...." Cain shakes his head and looks away.. "You read the files.." he repeats and then sighs and says, "Man..what's Charles teaching y'all these days.."

What happens next is swift, bizarrely so considering how immense the man is. Suddenly more immense then he was before. And then more immense then that. His garments rip, shred, strain against him as his monstrous hand reaches out, fingers curling around Kit's neck with hs thumb pressing up against his head as if prepared to pop it clean free if he were to wish it. The hyena's feet woudl be lifted clear off the ground as the behemoth swells in size and eyes flash with crackling red energy. He squeezes but it's a warning to him to not move. Do not resist.

"Listen.." he rumbles, voice surprisingly calm despite the situation. Despite the ground shaking and splitting and people running and panicking. "You need to set some boundaries kid...You need to trust the people that are looking out for you. You need to know that reading 'files' isn't the same as a living experience.. That a person that is full o'fury and rage can still be 'nice' but that doesn't make them 'safe' and it sure don't invalidate what others have gone through. You got people in this world that'll kill hundreds and then turn around and write a sob story about why they did it and its people like you that'll give 'em empathy and a pass..if you're not careful. You better know where to draw the line before someone you're mad that somoene they mighta hurt in the past mighta 'demonized'..turns around and uses the pass you give 'em to hurt others. So consider this your 'scared straight' moment..."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's no struggle when the Hyena is lifted, but there's no panic or even fear present in his eyes as he looks at Cain and quirks a brow ever so slightly. "I'm well aware that there is evil in the world.." he says, as calmly as he had before and it might just be that calm in him that makes happens next more terrifying than most would fully comprehend.

There's a moment where the very essence of what the hyena is is laid bare as his fur raises ever so slightly. It's a feeling as if the very barriers that separate one dimension from the next have sprung a leak, threatening to swallow the world around them up in some mad fury and for once, he's not containing it. "And I know, there are those who embrace it. I've had to myself at times. But I don't see villains or heroes.. I see what you are in the moment. I judge everyone, in the moment because I know that even the worst monsters imaginable have the capacity to be better than their nature."

For those with magical inclinations, the flow of energy that becomes slowly visible in waves of crackling violet lightning around the young magi would feel akin to the sudden sickening feeling, the realization of someone staring at the heart of a nuclear reactor the moment before it goes critical. After all, this teenage hyena is a fairly literal dimensional time bomb. "Every being, great or small has to choose when they will be monstrous. So tell me, are we to be monsters in this moment?" There's an underlying anger, but it's not something he's aiming at anyone. It's more like he's angry at the world, at the moment or at the concept of good vs. evil and it can be seen in those mismatched eyes of his, but it never spills into his voice as he asks, "Because you said it yourself. Even someone who is full of fury can be... 'nice'. But the way they talk about good and evil, that gets overlooked. So should I treat you and everyone else the way /they/ see you? Or should I acknowledge that you have it in you to be decent when you want to be? Cause right now the choice is yours, Caine. We can be monsters in this moment and we can endanger the lives of everyone here in some 'glorious' fight, or we can go back to talking, one person to another."

Kit grew up in a place where all anyone ever saw him as was a monster, outside the walls of his family compound they treated him like some sort of dangerous cryptid, so there is no delusion in his mind that people can be evil. But perhaps that's why he's so willing to try to see the 'good' in those who are deemed 'evil'.
Juggernaut has posed:
The behemoth listens.

The behemoth frowns.

"Are you really trying to test me here kid?" warns Cain, eyeing Kit, "I could pop your head off in the twinkle of an eye and walk out of whatever crater you leave behind with just an itch. Knock it off. Now."

Cain remains unmoved, unperturbed in the storm, and just stares Kit down, giving him an opportunity, one way or another, to see if he'll truly try and push The Juggernaut's patience.

"You got five seconds before I do something to you that even Mr. Sinister won't be able to patch up. There's no glory in it for you and there never was going to be."
Sinister has posed:
You can be minding your own business on a Saturday night, reading over the results of the latest and greatest poke around that you've been doing in the laboratories, sipping on a nice glass of whiskey and then, every hair on the back of your neck stands on end. It isn't precognition exactly -- would that he could master such ability.


Nathaniel Essex is currently unaware of his upper speeds when flying. It probably doesn't come close to supersonic, but it doesn't have to be that fast when you generally only live a stone's throw away from the city as the crow flies. The red limne of energy surrounding him as he arrives on high, is only a precautionary measure against the potential of fall out as he descends, 'costume' shimmering and materializing around his person to encase him as he does so. Wouldn't do to show up in a T-shirt and drawstring pants, that would give completely the wrong impression.

He watches, for a moment... then folds his arms over his chest and hovers in his bubble, looking at the tableau with an implacable mask on, emotionless.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a sigh and an all-too-calm, "Do what you have to do.." before that crackling energy suddenly pulses inward and then explodes outward from just beneath the behemoth's grip. The aardwolf knows his own power well enough, he knows the risks and in a moment where he can't be sure if it's a life or death situation? It's a risk he's taking..

In less than the blink of an eye, dozens of cuts open up all across his head and torso, causing a sudden slick of his own blood to suddenly spill forward as some unseen force yanks at his ankles. It's suicidally reckless, but that has always been in the hyena's nature so he's willing to risk his own life if there's no other obvious choice. He'll feel this for weeks and the pain is likely immeasurable, probably why he has to bite back a scream when his body slips free and is suddenly thrown backwards the moment his feet hit the ground.

When he lands, almost a dozen or so feet back from the massive mountain of a man, he's already coated in himself and nearly breathless, he mutters, "One.." before he straitens up a little and growls, "Even demons can show compassion, Caine! I'll stand against those who would embrace their own demons, but /only/ so long as they actively choose so!"

He's already panting, he's already looking exhausted, but he's still willing to fight if he needs to and it shows. "No one should be judged by their demons alone.." he mutters before the ground around him pulses, sending several small stones, branches and whatever else isn't rooted to the earth to levitate and take aim.
Juggernaut has posed:
"Are you kidding me."

Cain's voice is bored and tired sounding, a complete contrast to Kit's dire state and his own current appearence.

He looks his hand over, seeing blood stains from the hyena's desperate escape.

"I woulda let you go if you had of just calmed the light show down." he sneers, "Now look at you. What're you provin' to me with all this moralizing and more naivety? Nothing. I never said that people shouldn't be judged by their actions but you're the type that's gonna make excuses for someone that gives a kid water and then kicks a puppu down the street. You aint got no compass and its making you dismiss other peoples experiences but hey..you know what.."

Cain allows a slight grin now. It's not friendly.

"You got guts enough to stand yer ground. I was going to bust you up just to make sure you understood risks and limits but now that you've hurt yourself so bad..I don't see the point and i'm not in a mood to hear an earful from Red again. So you thank her for me letting this go for now."

He flexes a hand absently, loosening it up before rumbling, "You're going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person again kid..and it won't end so well for you. You better figure out how things work..."
Sinister has posed:
"Evening, Cain," Sinister's voice just drifts down, matter of fact and calm. "I appreciate you not exploding half of downtown, it would be problematic on current projects..."

He descends a little further, a critical eye upon the bloodied youth upon the lawn, his feet never quite landing on the solid ground. Arms remain folded though, studying with his gaze.

"I could add at this juncture, that picking battles is a smart idea. That can sometimes mean nodding, pretending to piss yourself and knowing what you know in your own head. If -you-..." here he indicates Kit with a point of one cloak tendril, point point point "...had lost your grip completely, there wouldn't be much of the great lawn left. THen where would people go to picnic and throw balls for their pet poodles?"

He looks back at Cain. "My friend, you're almost naked."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Two..." It's barely a murmur when it slips out of the aardwolf's maw, but the sticks and stones never fly. Rather, they fall to the ground and a wave of energy suddenly washes over the aardwolf, prompting an almost guttural scream as his new wounds start to seemingly burn closed! It's not an attack, he's healing himself somehow, but it's not something gentle or painless. It's an amplified spell that is meant to fuse things at the molecular level, but at least it stops the bleeding.

After a moment there's a quiet growl and he explains, "Can't turn off the 'light show' if I comprehend a threat, so you really weren't giving me much of a choice." sounding more than a little out of breath. "And for what it's worth, if I saw someone give a kid water and then try and kick a puppy down the road.." he straitens up again, still trying to catch his breath. "I'd commend them for the water, then cut their leg off in the same breath if it's what it took to stop them."

Sinister gets a look and a somewhat raspy chuckle escapes him as he winces, "Kinda hard to act like that when at least one of your 'powers' is involuntary." giving a little shrug. "And trust me, not the first time it's gotten me in a bind either."
Juggernaut has posed:
"Your ears burning?" asks Cain of SInister while raising an eyebrow. He then looks ove rhis shredded garments and muses, "What can I say> I liked the breeze."

There's a flash of crimson energy as the energies of the crimson cosmos washes over him, enlarging him even -bigger- and wrapping him in full in the armored look associated with him. Metal armbands, knuckle dusters, helmet and skullcap all. The ground sinks in under his sudden weight and he turns now, looking down towards Kit.

"You think it might occur to you that a guy willin' to do that might be a -bad guy- and someone who wouldn't be willing to do that might not be? C'mon kid.. You're trying too hard now. Your little plucky teenager bit is getting old. Yeah I get it. Kids be kids but most kids also don't try and square up to the Juggernaut. You coulda just -said- the lightshow was involuntary instead of going thorugh all that. You trying to impress me? Tth."

He waves it all off and rumbles, "Red went off to check on trouble she sensed after the protests and that launched you into moralizing about her and questioning her sense of judgement cause she deomnized this guy who you -know- has a rap sheet based on things you -read- about his dealings with 'em and then lumped me into that assuming you knew my character. If that don't say you need to work on your survival skilsl I Dont' know what does."

He glances to SInister and then says quickly, "..No offense of course." Before turning away from them both, preparing for an exit.
Sinister has posed:
"You and most of the Royal Scots guard. At least you haven't compromised sudden massive decrease in area to volume ratio, by joining the spandex brigade, Cain. I would have lost all respect for you..." watching the channelling of alternate dimension energy, Sinister cocks his head just so at the other comment in that breath. "Should they be?"

And thus, does Kit get the lion's share of attention once again, an eyebrow arched in not-really-very silent inquiry. "What -have- you been saying? Nothing good, I hope." After the screaming that is. It's hard to get a word in edgewise around that. "So lots of people have impulse control problems. But there's no such thing as completely involuntary. That makes me all kinds of curious. And as I am not a cat, I don't think satisfaction will be a party to my investigation..." he speeds up his words then. "Did you /honestly/ try and stand on being the token 'I see grey' hyena in a room full of black and white, Mister Killovarras?" He doesn't really wait for an answer, merely spreads his hand, palm down toward the grass and globlets of blood lift and conglomerate in the middle of the air. "I'm going to be nice and ask for permission to take this. I don't have to. But I'm trying the polite route."
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little pop when Kit tries to roll his shoulder and a bit of a wince as he growls out, "Do you think a 'bad guy' can never change?" to the massive - and now armored - man as he turns to depart. "And for what it's worth, I get why /they/ detest you guys. Does that mean I have to sit and act like it doesn't bother me when they shit-talk someone who saved my life?" He's actually letting some of his anger slip, though it's probably not intentional. In fact, if body language is any indication, he's probably curious about the answer since his ears are perked forward.

Sinister gets a look and the 'token' comment even gets a growl and rolled eyes as he mutters, "Well fuck, apparently I'm just colorblind." with a rather healthy dose of snark to it, but there's a little chuckle in it too. "But if last night was anything, it was proof enough that not everyone wants to just blindly hate." Then he asks about the blood and the hyena grins and shrugs, "Go for it, not like I can really stop you. But I swear to god if you clone me I'm gonna be pissed.." Then there's another little 'crack' from his back somewhere as he tests his current range of motion.
Juggernaut has posed:
The huge man gives Sinister a quick sideways glance. Did he see a little too much? Ah. Best not to ask. Kit does get his attention again.

"Sh--" Juggernaut pauses and then belts out a harsh barking laugh. A loud bass rumble that vibrates through the air as he looks at Kit, "Aw come on now, kid..you can't be -that- niaeve. What is this, high school? Are you -sure- you read the files?"

He glances at Sinister, "I think maybe you aint been misbehaving enough. Looks like your rep's taken abit of a -hit-..."

Juggernaut waves it off now, "C'mon kid. Nobody said eeryone wants to just blindly hate. You give some people a chance they can change, sure. Right. I guess Charles -is- teaching somethin' worthwhile out there. Most people got reasons for the things they do but having a reason don't make it right. But look..this isn't my problem."

He waves a hand absently and starts to leave, "Congratulations, you lived." he says finally before starting to trundle off with earth shaking steps.