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Latest revision as of 16:20, 24 October 2017

Exclusive Interview: Superwoman
Date of Scene: 15 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Supergirl, Superwoman, Power Girl

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane was once again contacted by Supergirl for an interview. Instead of the continuation of their own cut-off meeting, this particular interview was for another. And no, it wasn't for Superman. Instead for superwoman, with a capital S.

Disbelief and irony definitely tinged the reporter's voice when she spoke to the Maid of Might, but Lois accepted the chance for another exclusive readily enough.

Even if she does have to sit upon the story for an unknown length of time. Which is grating, but for now, she'll ignore it because (again) exclusive.

As with Supergirl's meeting, Lois Lane is once more atop The Daily Planet, upon the rooftop, near that lazily circling globe. Several wooden chairs sit a few feet away from the reporter's position and near the chairs is an equally small wooden table. Atop the table sits a small notepad with pen.

Her smartphone, which will play its part as recorder for this interview, is currently glued to Lois' ear. She's speaking hurriedly into it, even as her blue-eyes scan the horizon looking for her guests; though who's to say she'll see them or not. Last time she definitely didn't.

"Listen, I already got the run around by your other rep, now if you don't get me a number of someone who can really answer my questions I'm going to run with the story -" And for a second Lois falls silent as the person sputters on the other line, but like any good reporter she easily cuts them off, "- I really don't care, get me a number or an e-mail address and your problems will be solved, if you don't -"

Well, she'll just run with the story is the silently implied threat.

Supergirl has posed:
Above the skies of Metropolis, Supergirl is flying towards the Dialy Planet. Normally, flying is her favorite activity in the world. But at the moment, her thoughts are too pensive to enjoy the feel of the wind rushing around her. As the iconic building comes into view, Supergirl turns towards her flying companion, smiling to try and feel confident. "Remember," she speaks to Faora in Kryptonian. "Be honest. Lois Lane is a friend of Kal-El's and can be trusted. My appearance was problematic enough after Kal-El told the world he was the last survivor. There is a greater possibility of fear and mistrust with the story you have to tell. The humans do need to know about the potential threat, but I'm not sure if we are able to judge when they should know. Lois is." Kara smiles at Faora again. "It will all work out. She is a good an honorable woman."

Once Kara and Faora reach the roof of the Planet, Kara lands behind Lois again. "Ms. Lane," she starts as she walks a little closer towards the reporter. "Lois. We're here." Kara's normally cheerful expression is gone, replaced by one of humility and sorrow. "Let me introduce you to Superwoman. And....let me also apologize to you. I told you the truth in our interview. But...not the whole truth. I hope that you can forgive me and understand my reasons for omitting certain information or answering some questions with a great deal of precision."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora Hu-Ul has taken up the mantle of Superwoman, and for a few weeks a streak of black, silver, and white has been defending Metropolis. Pictures abound- a tall woman with black hair, fierce blue eyes. The videos of her show a startling level of gracefulness in a fight. She has accurate in her attacks, graceful in her movements. She moves like a master of fighting styles- unlike any other Kryptonian known to date. This one knows how to fight. And she knows how to fight extremely well.

    "I see." Faora replies to Kara. "I am not sure how much I trust your judgement in this." All in Kryptonian, "Is this a good idea, Kara? TO share my history? To share my past with these people? How will they ever trust me if I do... how will they trust me if I don't?" she says then, putting the logic through her mind.

    And then they are before Lois Lane. Faora stands tall and proud in her new uniform. Black, primarily, the highlights are in silver and white. On her chest, a shield almost exactly like that of the House of El- apart from the glyph on her chest- the sign of her own house, Hu Ul. She stands with pride, and strength, and confidence that comes from a knowledge of her abilities. "I am not a point of pride for Supergirl." she states plainly.

Lois Lane has posed:
The man on the phone chatters on in a nervous stream, a lot of no's, that's not needed, not necessary, one second, here I have a number for you -

- And then he's rattling off the eight digit phone number. Like a shot, Lois quickly turns and trots towards the table. Sure, she should have already had the notebook and pen in hand, but she didn't. The call took far longer than she anticipated it really would; which puts her reporter instincts on high alert. There's a story here, she knows it, now she just has to find it. Snatching paper and pen off the table, Lois will hurriedly jot the number down that was just hurriedly said. "Thanks." She'll say, only a tinge of the triumph she's feeling heard in her voice, "Good-bye." And just like that, Lois is pulling the phone away from her ear and thumbing the connection closed. It's as her thumb hits the glass screen that Supergirl will announce her, or rather, their arrival. While she doesn't necessarily startle this time, she will turn a vaguely amused look towards Supergirl and Superwoman. "Bells. You should definitely invest in some."

Then, Lois' attention is fully devoted to assessing the new Kryptonian, Superwoman. She'll take in the costume, the different shield upon her chest, and the confidence within the woman's stance. And when Faora speaks her words earn an eyebrow arch from Lois. Clearly Lois wasn't expecting the first words to be spoken by Superwoman to be so blunt, or to offer her such a good opening either.

"And why is that? Black sheep of the family?" Asks the reporter, even as she gestures towards the chairs, inviting the two towards them. "And if Supergirl hasn't warned you I will be recording this." To show what she means Lois will turn the face of her phone to both women as thumbs the recording to 'on'. Once it starts the reporter will set the phone upon the tabletop between the trio.

Once everything is settled Lois will finally address Supergirl's apology, "And yes, I can understand not coming clean with the whole truth, but why now? Why so soon? Guilty conscious?" Lois asks, a hint of wry humor and sarcasm in that last question of hers. That sarcasm only increases slightly when she adds, "And I can see why you didn't take the name 'Superwoman'."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl's confident smile falters at Faora's words. And Lois unintentionally rubs a bit of salt into the wound. "I am not ashamed or upset with you, Faora," Kara replies in English. She's looking down at the roof, trying to avoid everyone's gaze. "The shame I feel is all of my own making." SHe sighs, managing to finally look up. "Superwoman is not of the House of El, the family Superman and I belong to," she says. Then, Kara adds quietly, "So, what I said was the truth. But not the entire truth."

She sighs, feeling a crushing weight upon her. "There are things about the last days of Krypton that I do not think you know of; things that not even Kal was aware of until my arrival." She looks at Lois, eyes pleading for forgiveness and understanding. "We want to be completely honest, but there are so mnay factors that you are not aware of, Lois. Not just of Krypton, but even here on Earth. And so, that's why I wanted to come here. To lay the entire truth out to you. The good and the bad of what has remained unknown up to this point. And we are trusting you to not publish this story until we are all in agreement, Superman included, that the story will not cause more harm than good." And....there is genuine fear in the voice of the Girl of Steel. Something has her very scared, that much is obivious.

Power Girl has posed:
    And....that is when Power Girl shows up at the interview, lowering herself to the roof of the Daily Planet. "Looks like your friend came prepared, Supergirl." She says as she lands rather gently upon the roof, and looks to Lois. "Lois Lane. I didn't realize you were so popular with Kryptonians...." She looks over to Faora and tilts her head, but not saying a word.

Superwoman has posed:
    "I am not related to any other of my kind on this planet." Faora replies, first. "I know the way interviews go, Ms. Lane. IT is not the first time I have been the subject of a reporter's curiosity. On Krypton, I was the focus of many such investigations. It may surprise you that Kryptonian news agencies were not particularly unlike those of Earth. Sensationalism was not out of the question, or out of the norm." Faora says, "It is that very news coverage, and my actions which caused it that Supergirl finds distasteful. To be truthful, she has every right for her feelings." She looks quietly to Supergirl. "She is being kind for me."

    Faora's language carries an accent- an accent not of this Earth. Some quirk, perhaps, of her differences to the House of El. It sounds vaguely European, but anyone with the knowledge would see that those lips are not shaped by any human language. Faora looks quietly over to Power Girl, but then back to Lois. Lois, particularly, might be able to see the discipline in how Faora stands- hands at her back. Its a military pose.

    "Ms. Lane, my name is Faora Hu-Ul. I was once a high ranking member of the Kryptonian Defense Forces." She pauses, "I was also found guilty of high crimes against the Kryptonian people, including treason, multiple murders, being a member of a terrorist organization, and complicity in a plot to overthrow the government." And now, Faora just lets that information fall and rest. There is a quiver to her voice. Something- a wound- in that well disciplined mien.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Hey, I said I understood and I do, but that doesn't mean I won't ask about it." Lois says and when Supergirl looks up with that hangdog expression, Lois will relent just a little. "No one understands better than I about splitting-hairs. It's okay, really."

But, like any reporter worth their salt, the real story is with Faora and not those apologies that are so glumly offered.

Look from Supergirl to Faora, Lois will add, "I gave my word I'd sit on it and I will." And then, just like that, Power Girl arrives. Surprise will briefly wash across Lois' expression, but that surprise is quite short lived, as recognition hits on who's joined the trio. With an expression that now holds a frosty note, The Daily Planet's Ace reporter will say, "Power Girl." The name is said polite enough, but to those that know Lois an edge might be heard -

- And while she had a witty response for Power Girl's arrival, that response dies upon her lips when Faora speaks.

The mention of Kryptonian news agencies being similar to Earth brings a corner of Lois' mouth upward, as she interjects quickly, "Good to know it's not just an Earth thing.", then with that added, Lois falls silent again. She's already decided Faora is career military; having lived the life of an army brat, Lois is fairly good at picking out those who served, even upon other planets, it seems. It's only when Faora reveals just who she is, will Lois allow her eyebrows to rise upward again. That's all she'll allow herself for surprise, as she dives right into Superwoman's life.

"That's a long list of crimes." Begins the reporter, as she takes a second to gather her thoughts, "Tell me why Superman and Supergirl have allowed you to come to Earth?" Her head will cant slightly to the side as she looks between the three other women. "Is this a story of redemption?" She hazards a guess, even as her eyes find their way back to Faora.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl looks over at the arrival of Power Girl. And somehow, she feels confident again. She stands straighter, knowing that the things she is about to divulge will be backed-up. Kara takes a deep breath, smiles to both Power Girl and Supergirl, then turns back to Lois. "The truth..." she starts.

"The truth, Lois, is that while Krypton was highly advanced, compared to Earth, there were still flaws. The decision of the Krypton Science Council to ignore the warning of m father and my uncle proved disasterous in more ways than one. Stability. Order. That was what the Council tried to preserve. What allowed them to fool themselves in regards to Jor-El's predictions of Krypton's demise. But, there were those that listened."

Kara takes another breath before continuing. "The head of the Kryptonian Secruity Forces, General Dru-Zod, planned a military coup. To overthrow the Council. That action diverted resources away from maintaining publi order and safety. Pulled resources away from trying to find a way to save out people. The Council saw the coup as proof that Jor-El's predictions needed to be suppressed. Faora was a part of that coup, participated in...horrible actions. But, she was actually an infiltrator, working with Superman's father Jor-El, to bring down the coup from within. I knew nothing about this, Kal-El was an infant. All I understood was that in the last days of Krypton, Zod's coup was broken, and the leaders were sentenced to exile. Krypton didn't believe in execution. Instead, the worst of our criminals, mostly the mentally damaged whome science could not save or cure...they were exiled to a dimension where time did not exist. Inescapable. We called it the Phantom Zone. We used it for millenia as the ultimate punishment: eternal exile with no hope of escape, no repreive." Kara sighs and closes her eyes. "Perhaps, we fooled ourselves into thinking that was somehow more merciful than execution. I don't know." Kara sounds lost, questioning the was of her people.

"Faora did escape," Kara continues. "And found herself on Earth. She spoke with SUperman, told him the truth. That the Council sentenced her to Exile in the Phantom Zone along with Zod and the others in order to preserve order and stability. And public confidence in the COuncil. Superman was suspicious at first, but he consulted holographic crystals the my rocket and his had brought to Earth from Kryptons. The record of Faora's collaboration with Jor-El to stop the coup from inside was colaborated. I an show you those crystals, if you'd like. And so, Superman decided that Faora was earnest in her desire to prove her desire to aid Superman and myself in our fight to defend Earth. And I stand with Superman on that choice." Kara looks over to Faora, smiling and nodding at her. "What I said to you earlier, about SUperman and I being committed to defending Earth against any threat, even a Kryptonian with dreams of conquest...Faora also believes in that. But....I'll let her tell you her story. And...hopefully, you will understand the position I found myself in after Power Girl shares her story."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl stands there, with her arms crossed and listens. "At least Faora had a bit of a noble cause for her to work with Zod, it sounds. become his trusted confidant, then bring the kingdom crashing around his ears. The kingdom seemed to come crashing down before Faora had a chance to do it herself." She then looks to Lois. "Miss Lane. I have an explaination for you as well. it's why I'm here. but, Faora was here first."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Supergirl has an incorrect understanding of the situation. I was no infiltrator. I was second in command of that coup and Zod's direct subordinate." Faora states. "I am also the reason that the coup was discovered. I... relented. Remembered what was being given up and what was a stake. Again, Supergirl was but a child when everything happened, and now she is... defending herself, I think. Defending me, even. Its not something I expected, to be honest." Faora looks over to Supergirl, smiling quietly- she speaks gently in Kryptonian, <"You need not defend me, Kara. I am capable of this, but... thank you. Thank you more than anything. This is the greatest kindness I have yet felt on this planet.">

    Faora returns her eyes to Lois- back to the task at hand. "It was Jor-El that I gave the information to. He and Zod were once the very best of friends, extremely close. The Council choose not to relay that information to the public. My sentence was reduced, unlike my comrades, I was not meant to spend forever in the Phantom Zone. I was meant to be released, after a time, for parole. That day never came. Krypton was destroyed while I was in the Phantom Zone- a destruction I never came to know." Again, she pauses, looking to Kara. "While I was in the Phantom Zone, I tried to convince Zod and the others of our crimes. Slowly. We had time. It didn't go particularly well, but Zod never questioned my loyalty."

Lois Lane has posed:
Supergirl's explanation is extensive and it's enough to cause Lois to jot several notes down upon her notepad. It's in a shorthand, with a lot of abbreviations, abbreviations that are more Lois-centric versus actual shorthand. A few things will be circled, before the reporter says, "When we have a chance let's circle back about this Phantom Zone -" Obviously she doesn't know /everything/ that Superman knows, "- And yes, I'd also like to see those crystals." Is said to Kara, when the young woman offers for Lois to view them.

Then it's back to Power Girl when she offers her own interjection within the conversation. "I can't wait to hear your explanation." Is Lois' response, her words perhaps thawing a tinge. "I'm imagining it has something to do with mind-control." A slant of a eyebrow can be seen and beneath her words is a thread of humor. Sarcastic humor, but humor none-the-less.

Now it's back to Faora as Lois turns her attention fully upon the ex-military woman. She watches the byplay between Supergirl and Faora and only after Faora has finished speaking will Lois say. "I'd imagine if he did question your loyalty it would have been extremely bad." And while she could leave it like that, she doesn't. Her next question will be said on the heels of her previous statement. "So, you escaped the prison?" It's again a guess, "Or were you set free in some other way? And the others that you were incarcerated with where are they now?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nods to Lois. "I thought that you might," she says and reaches into a hidden belt pouch. Two silvery cristals, each the size of a finger, are produced and handed over to Lois. "Kryptonian holocrystals," she explains. "I will need them back before I leave, though. But I'll stay until you're done with them." Faora's explination get a nods from Kara and a smile to the warrior woman. "It was chaos," Kara syas to Lois. "And I was not present when Superman met with Faora, so that meeting is slightly secondhand knowledge on my part. I appologize for any innacuracies. But, the sad truth of the legacy of Krytpon is that all we are left with is fragmented histories. I and Faora are witnesses, but with different vantage points. I don't have the same knowledge she does, nor does she possess the knowledge I do. I can try to provide context from a civilian's point of view. Maybe as someone who witness the scramble of Jor-El and Zor-El to complete the rockets that would bring myself and Kal-El here to Earth. But certainly not anything as high level as Jor-El's conversations with the Councils. Even that is second hand knowledge to me."

The move towards Power Girl by Lois is acknowledged by Supergirl. "Power Girl's story is far more...disturbing. Than mere mind control," Kara says. And there's that sound of fear in her voice again.

Superwoman has posed:
    "He would have killed me without a second thought. Zod is a psychopath." Faora replies simply. "I was set free by accident. A quirk of fate." Faora states then. "During our time in the Phantom Zone we had time to explore. During that time, we discovered some weapoms. One Kryptonian, and one from another alien race. One that also had discovered the Phantom Zone. They used it as a place to mothball weapons, it seems. The weapon in question had full abilities to enter and exit the Phantom Zone via a projector." Another long pause.

    A long moment of quiet. "Zod decided that he would use the weapon, known as Warworld, to conquer Krypton. He would release the weapon known as Doomsday- a weapon of Kryptonian design- on Krypton. It would cause deaths, perhaps in the hundreds of thousands. He would swoop in with Warworld, the savior of Krypton."

    "I set on a single woman operation to destroy the projector as my main mission parameter. To destroy the weapon if possible." Faora states then. "I killed two dozen men, and injured Zod. I managed to destroy the projector. The explosion caused massive injury to me- but I knew the risk. There was only a non-zero chance of survival."

Power Girl has posed:
    "Much more disturbing I fear. You remember a couple of months ago, I beat the snot out of Superman....and that's all you know, Miss Lane." Power Girl sighs then. "What set in motion was about a couple of months prior to that. Apparently Superman was protective of kara when she was hurt, or something, and one of the scientists in Star Labs was scared enough to join a small, and unheard of, little anti-terrorist group called ARGUS."

She looks to Faora. "I apologize for interrupting Faora. You're not the only one with a redeption story to tell though."

She then looks back to Lois. "ARGUS, happened to get a bit of DNA, and inside of a month....I was made." She then sighs. "I'm a clone.....of Supergirl." she says pointing to Supergirl. "Advanced my age to be over 21, when in fact, I'm only......and I'm guessing....about 4 months old. My goal, grilled into me from my moment of sentience, was to take on alien threats to earth. And the primary threat ARGUS thought of....was Superman."

Lois Lane has posed:
The crystals are accepted by Lois and she'll gently place them beneath her pad of paper. She could set them upon the table, yes, but Lois would rather keep them where she can see or in this case feel them.

"Mothballed alien weapons?" Lois asks rather rhetorically, "I'm going to likely use some judicious editing on my part and leave that fact out of the article. I'd rather not have the world worrying about alien weapons possibly appearing." Then Lois falls silent as Faora speaks up once again, finishing the story that both she and Supergirl have taken turns in telling.

"An amazing story." Begins the reporter, even as she tucks her pen behind an ear. It's a thoughtful gesture upon her part, as Lois considers all that has been said. "I can see why they've decided to trust you." Lois says directly to Faora now, "To take up arms against your fellow soldiers and a commanding officer too - that takes guts. Especially knowing the mission was suicidal at best; not that you had much choice. You were the only one there to stop them."

In essence it was Faora's duty to try and stop them.

More should be said about Faora and her adventure to get here to Earth, but soon enough Power GIrl is offering her own story to Lois. That causes the reporter to turn her attention to the other Kryptonian woman. With the revelation of ARGUS and Power Girl's status as a clone, Lois can't help but look between the three. A slant of her mouth shows a wealth of self-deprecating humor, as the black-haired woman says, "I see this is try and shock and awe Lois Lane day." And while her head is spinning somewhat, Lois doesn't allow any of that to show in her expression. Instead her gaze will turn back to Power Girl, as she asks, "ARGUS? Like in A-R-G-I-S?" And as she asks for that confirmation, Lois is already jotting those incorrectly spelled initials down upon her notepad. "And a four month old clone ... Gotta say, that's a new one in my book." While that was more a mutter to herself, it's likely all the Kryptonian's heard that. Still, there's more to be said as Lois considers the mention of Superman, "Mental conditioning then?" Hazards the reporter as her eyes narrow slightly in thought, "Which activated when you saw Superman?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara listens to both Faora and Karen, nodding along. "I wasn't injured," Kara says after things have been revealed and recorded. "Superman placed me with a human couple that he knew, trusted, and had worked with before. Once I was in control of my strength and other abilities, that is. A while after I moved in with them, I noticed that my hairbrush was missing. I didn't much of it at the time, but..." She looks over at Karen. "After you told me your story...that had to be where they got my DNA. From the hairs in the brush. I wasn't injured when I arrived, not have I bled anywhere." Kara sighs and looks back at Lois. "Now you know why I tried to keep things circumspect. This ARGUS knows of the humans that I am staying with. There's no connection between them and Superman's secret identity. But the fact that a government agency knows of their connection to me and were able to enter their house and take items with my DNA on them...." Kara hugs herself, feeling extremely cold. "I can't risk their safety. I can't...out them in more danger than they already are in by exposing this group."

Supergirl looks at each of the other women in turn, a serious expression. "There is one final thing that I have not disclosed, but now is the time for honesty, I think." She takes a breath, steeling herself. "All of this, aside from whatever secret identities you might have, Faora and POwer Girl...I have told my teammates in the Titans. And, through my teammate, Robin, the crimefighter named Batman is aware. And thus, the Justice League. As I said, they do not know identities. But, they are aware of the dangers that are involved. That there is a government agency named ARGUS that has cloned me and developed a living weapon. That the Phantom Zone can be breached, and that there are violent Kryptonians with access to powerful weapons that might emerge on Earth and pose a danger." She sighs, hoping everyone understands. "Earth's defenders are not unprepared. That was my intention."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods quietly as Lois decides not to add that bit of information. "Probably for the best, Ms. Lane. The capabilities of both weapons are far beyond the combined armies of this entire planet. Doomsday itself may have the abilities to kill any Kryptonian on this planet, even fully powered. Warworld manufactures war- armies, weapons, terror." She is not joking- one gets the sense that Faora is deathly serious.

    "The things I did on Krypton are unforgiveable, Ms. Lane. I betrayed everything my family stands for, everything that sustained House Hu-Ul. Honor, Loyalty, Duty. Where as Superman's house- The House of El were scientists who sought and gave Hope to the people, it was *my* duty to defend the common good, serve, protect, and act with honor and duty towards the people of Krypton. I failed them. I failed them miserably. I.. will never outlive the guilt. I can't make amends to the people of Krypton, Ms. Lane. I can never find forgiveness from a mostly dead people."

    "Superman forgives me, but he is of Earth. This is his home, more so than Krypton. Supergirl.." Faora pauses. "I think she will forgive me with time, despite whatever she might say how she feels now. I do not believe she has, truly, forgiven me. She is right, however, to reserve that forgiveness. I haven't earned it."

    Fora falls quiet as Karen begins to tell her tale. Just eyeing the clone with a curious gaze- looking back to Supergirl. Then back to Karen. An elegant eyebrow arches, and she crosses her arms across the glyph on her chest- the glyph of Superwoman. She's quiet now as she judges this clone. Startling blue eyes sliding over to look at Supergirl. "You do as you must, Supergirl." she states simply, "I am the best weapon Earth has against Zod. I know him better than anyone else living or dead. And, between you and me..." Faora gives a cocked smile- a barely there thing, "I'm a better fighter than he is."

Power Girl has posed:
    "More like misinformation. If someone came to you, Miss Lane, and said Superman was a former dictator of Krypton, was cruel to everyone he came across, and more, your attitude would be a little differnt at your first meeting. That's.....what happened with me. I was trained to be a defender of earth, and earthlings. Rather than control me, which my body kept rejecting their devices, they gave me misinformation. Showed me clips of when Superman attacked enemies, but clipped to show he was attacking innocent civilians. Using his heat vision to cut cars in half with people in them, when there was actually nothing there. They were the only people I knew, so I belived them. At first."

In time I started to look over the pictures they showed me, and I could see where they have changed the pictures, even digitally. So....rather than take them of their word, since it was obvious they were lying, I wanted to take my own measure of Superman. When it was time to fight him.....I did. the entire fight, I was ordered, again, and again, to finish Superman....when he was vulnerable. The problem was...when he was vulnerable...he was saving people. I finally said I wouldn't if he was saving people, especially innocents. my 'controller' said they were 'acceptable losses'. That's when I crushed my commlink. That's when I left the fight. I was taught to be a 'weapon'....not a hero."

It was only a couple of days later, I talked to Superman on the roof of a building. Superman gave me a new identity, a new life, and even a job. So I owe a lot to Superman. Which is why I'm coming forward and telling you. Supergirl met me before, and I explained it all to her."

Lois Lane has posed:
The three of them are really stretching Lois' multi-tasking abilities; so much information, so many stories.

If she had a moment to think she'd break this meeting up and do individual sit-downs. Perhaps she'll just have to do that anyway.

Thank god she has her recorder. She'll have to obsessively listen to it after this is all said and done.

When Faora speaks again, Lois' blue eyes will trip back to the militaristic woman for a moment, as she says, "No, you will never find forgiveness from the people of Krypton, at least, not the ones that you want forgiveness from." Blunt and honest truth from Lois and while those words are harsh they're still said. Then she'll continue with a much softer approach. "But you can make amends even here on Earth. You may not have been born here, but it's your home now. Take your House's code of ethics and live by them here and maybe you'll find forgiveness for yourself. That's all you can ask of yourself, or anyone can ask of you."

Her gaze will now turn back to Supergirl and Power Girl again, as Lois frowns at what both women say. First to Supergirl, she'll say, "That's dangerous that they know you're secret identity." Then to Power Girl, Lois will say with a frown, "Acceptable losses? Do you know who the backers for this company are?" Asks Lois, even as the wheels begin to turn within her head, "And where were you born? I'm going to assume it was some type of facility? Is there an off chance the building still exists? That we could find some evidence of what they're doing, what's going on ... We can't allow them to continue cloning Kryptonians, or for that matter other super-powered individuals. That would be chaos!"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara listens to the other stories, nodding along. Faora's mentioning of a quest for forgiveness, gets a sympathetic look, and Supergirl walks over to put a hand on Faora's shoulder to offer comfort and support. "Kal-El and I accept you, Faora. We will help you in your quest for honor, and will bear witness for those the did not survive Krypton." A smile, an offer of a tenetive freindship and acceptance. At least Kara is trying to move beyond what is in the past, billions of light years away.

Kara turns to Lois, sighing. "So. Those are the stories, Lois. And now, I hope you can understand why I was...evasive. In our interview. But, if there is any lesson to be learned from Krypton, I believe that it is obfuscasion, even when it is in the public's best interest at the time, makes things worse in the long term. With secretive agencies cloning me, I don't know what the right thing to do is. Or who to trust. But I do trust you, Lois. I trust that all this can help increase the public's trust in Kryptonians, once you show the truth."

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman's head cocks to the side. She looks towards Supergirl, then. She speaks quickly in Kryptonian, <"Trouble."> A single word, as she looks back towards Lois. "You must excuse me, Ms. Lane. I'm afraid that duty calls."

    Superwoman is off like a shot, a blur of silvers, blacks, and whites- rocketing towards whatever danger and problem she's heard of- not waiting for any other Kryptonian. She's got work to do. A very important job to do. She can't ignore her duty- it is all that will keep her going, now.

Lois Lane has posed:
At Supergirl's words, Lois will offer an understanding smile. Before she can say anything, however, Faora is dashing away. There will be a simple head-shake from Lois as she mutters, "Never going to get used to that." Though she should with how many people she surrounds herself that can do that.

Then it's back to the others, "I'm going to assume the rest of you will be likely leaving soon. Why don't we call it a night and we can reconvene later." And with that, Lois Lane will reach for her phone and shut the recording off.

And later will definitely happen.