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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/03 |Location=Club Lux, Melville |Synopsis=New drinks with old friends. Nick gets drunk due to a Devilish mistake. Then everyone is sent to bed. |Cast of Characters=9039, 231, 18, 735 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:9039|Nick Drago (9039)}} has posed:'''<br>It is late into the evening and activity at Club Lux is starting to wind down.<br><br>...Slightly.<br><br>While the next day is technically a work day, those who are of a mo...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:31, 22 November 2023

New Drink Mayhem
Date of Scene: 03 November 2023
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: New drinks with old friends. Nick gets drunk due to a Devilish mistake. Then everyone is sent to bed.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Sinister, Psylocke, Lucifer

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is late into the evening and activity at Club Lux is starting to wind down.


While the next day is technically a work day, those who are of a more college age who were very effective with their course scheduling to wrangle a three day weekend are still hanging on to the evening.

It is well past the point where the 'first drinks' have been served. A lot of tabs have been closed out but there are a few persons somewhat wrapped around the bar, enjoying 'just one more'.

Nick is not one of these people. Instead he's just entering the club. Attire presentable. Club worthy. But not chosen to make him stand out from the rest of the crowd. Moving to the side of the entry way, he does a quick glance around to see where Sinister and Lucifer are situated.

Probably the bar.

Buuuuut maybe the stairs.

Or perhaps-

Yeah just better looking around first.
Sinister has posed:
Sinister is residing at the bar, at the far end, conducting a visual accounting of why young people with too much of daddy's money, shouldn't take bets with shots. It's probably Darwinism in action, but occasionally, it's impossible to look away from a train wreck. Mind, at least nobody is trying to do anything that's not permitted at the bar, which is quite a bit, but not anything non-consensual. That tends to get the big men mad.

Maybe as a throw-off from Halloween, but he's gothically attired, hunching like a vulture on propped elbows, shoulders highly pronounced in his lean forth, watching with kohl-painted eyes. An absent comment: "I suppose viewed in a very askew manner, I am the queen of Hell. This certainly feels like it. Why do I do this to myself?"
Psylocke has posed:
Late into the evening is the best time to arrive, when you're someone and you want to be seen. It's a lesson that Betsy, as a former model, used to live by. Those days are well behind her now, but some of that thinking lives on.

After all, who shows up for first drinks?

Having arrived from a charity event she attended earlier in the evening, the Lady is dressed in a glimmering silver gown that clings close to her curves, most of her violet hair bound up into a delicate and complex web of pins and silver chains that would undoubtedly take as much time to unwind as it took to craft. She glides effortlessly on two inch silver heels, giving the bouncer a bright, unthinking smile as she steps inside. Of course, a drink is first on her mind, though her pace is slow as she crosses the floor toward the bar, on the lookout for the host or his companion.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is in the club. Somewhere. Though where that is happens to not be any of the places he normally perches. His gone from his stoop at the top of the stairs, he's not behind either of the bars serving drinks, and he can't be seen mingling with the crowd like he sometimes does. But those who know him, know his scent, know his mind...they can FEEL that the Devil is present somewhere within these four walls. Not above. Not below. In the club. Somewhere....

....and then piano music starts to play. The DJ for the night having just ended his last song. Lucifer wasn't there a moment ago but now he is playing the very cliche song that is both about and not about people being at a place - like a bar - at closing time. Because it's not JUST about the bar...but it is about the bar...and the person who's being invited for a chance to get lucky. Either way...

He plays 'Closing Time', the intro in the moment, but he's very likely about to begin singing the lyrics and people are going to begin being told to close up their tabs and leave for the night. All but the two who just entered and Nathaniel sitting at the bar. They can stay. They're special.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, with Nick scanning the club he does eventually find the two he's looking for. But being that Lucifer appears to be approaching the piano, he has sense enough not to interrupt another's pending performance. So he turns to head towards the bar. His timing is fortunate in a way. A lovely figure is heading that very way which allows him for a ni-


Looking away from the gown wearing club goer, Nick heads straight towards Sinister.

His approach is hindered slightly by some of the more balance challenged club goers converging upon the bar to close out their tabs. But weave through the crowds he does.
Sinister has posed:
Oggling the Ninja is entirely expected, but potentially hazardous to the health. It is a VERY pleasant view after all, carriage, comportment, the whole nine yards.

If only Sin was less grouchy about the frivolity of wasted youth at the moment! Nevertheless, he drags himself out of it to catch sight of a vision of silver that is subsequently obscured by parental mastercard bought style and attire, some of it such new money that they have to leave the price tags on to show off, metaphorically speaking. He sighs, leans back from his seat and takes steps away from the bar to avoid the crowd.

His height gives him the advantage there, gaze settled on Psylocke for an incline of the head, black-nailed hands sliding into his jeans pockets to hang arms loosely akimbo.

He even spots Nick, buried behind the bodies and doing the weave.

And the song? That brings a smile. Perhaps a relieved one -- just because you CAN work a crowd, doesn't mean you necessarily enjoy it much. His social quota must be full for the nonce, at least with non-entities.
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy is careful, here. While the extent of her reaching out with her mind is often reflexive, should that feather-light touch brush either the mind of one Mister Sinister or Lucifer Morningstar, there's an immediate retreat. Sure, she's prone to ignoring danger, but she knows when she's well outclassed and likely to drown. There are certain minds even she is unable to withstand in full.

She spots familiar figures. Her smile is effortless as she takes in Sinister's Halloween-inspired outfit with an admiring gaze, the approaching Nick's determined path, and her own shifts to vector on their location. She gets most of the way there.

It's those notes: like everyone else, they draw the woman's violet gaze, and Betsy's smile becomes beautific. Hearing Lucifer play is a delight, a snare just as ready as the lure of a drink is. It slows her steps across the floor. For most everyone else it is a a sign to leave. For her, it is a sign to linger and absorb the notes, to brace in anticipation of his voice.
Lucifer has posed:
The process of people leaving is sped up, to the point that the four of them are quickly by themselves. So the song soon ends and then Lucifer shifts to stand up from the piano and then takes one step, another, before he disappears from beside the piano to behind the bar and looking everyone over. Though he does appear closer to Nathaniel and reaches over to stroke fingers against his hair. "You feeling alright, darling?" Asking that before he glances to the other two.

"Betsy. Nick. It's good to see you both. It will also be nice to have not-so-biased people testing out drinks that I'm trying to add to the bar's menu..." He grins and then looks behind the bar, taking a moment to pull out the bottles he's going to need to make said concoctions. "How are you both tonight?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With Sinister moving away from the bar, Nick's path adjusts ever so slightly to also not be against the chosen destination of a club's worth of people. It is a little helpful as it gives Nick an extra direction to move when one club goer still carrying a drink shambles over.

Well, it was a drink before it sloshed out, landing where Nick had been standing a few seconds ago.


Nick gives a nod to the guy, finishing the last few steps to get near Sin.

The rest of the exodus was uneventful and soon chairs were to be had at the bar once again. And breathing room. Breathing room is a good thing.

"Doing alright." He answers, "Got some sound work done. Potential commission work maybe later. All in all, a good week." Nick cracks a smile, looking to the trio. "And good seeing you guys as well. Thanks for the invite. Interesting to see what's in the works this time."
Sinister has posed:
"Oh, I'm fine. Apparently, my tolerance for generalized alcohol induced idiocracy is at an all time low though. I might be having a mood, I usually get amused by idiots and ethanol. I'll stop being a cranky pants imminently, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to what you've designed this time."

Leaning in, there's a peck to the cheek, ever so chastely given and a batter of eyelashes in a fervently effete manner, before he's back to his overt masculinity and ascerbic tongue, old-world charm and colgate smile.

"Betsy, my daaaaaaaaahling, it is as always a fantasy to see you. And so -fetching- in moonlight. I approve, although I think that dress is one that might just possibly be illegal." This time, he kisses the end of his fingers and blows a kiss at her, with a wiggle of digits to accompany.

"Speaking of commission work, whilst the Devil gets into the details... I would be quite happy to invest in a private recording of nineteen twenties tunes. Just, you know, leaving it out there."
Psylocke has posed:
Unmoving, Betsy presents a gleaming pillar the crowd melts around as they head for the exit. The woman herself remains still. It's almost like a trance she has to rouse herself from. While the song winds its way to an end, the violet-haired telepath takes a few seconds to gather her composure as she completes her interrupted path to the bar.

"Lucifer, your playing is magical. If you were to serenade me such every night, it would take but a single night to win my heart, truly." Lucifer is who he is, after all, and that lure is impossible to ignore. Betsy admits it with an open, bright smile. "...but I will settle for the promise of an intriguing new drink, in lieu of such, since clearly yours is already well-claimed." Her eyes turn to Sinister, knowingly, returning a blown kiss his way. "I would offer to share who my designer is, but I think you can make something ten times more with a single thought illegal, Nathaniel."

"You're staying in the city then, Nick? Not traveling for work?" Betsy asks, as she claims a seat next to him.
Lucifer has posed:
"A commission? That's interesting...is it anything decent at least?" Cause sometimes those can just be a dime a dozen, but if it's something that Nick is actually interested in working on, that might already be saying something. This is asked while he begins to pour together liquors. Gin based, bit of vodka, sweet vermouth, grenadine, blue curacao, orange and pineapple juice, a splash of sweet and sour all shaken together and poured into a tall hurricane glass presented with two straws.

"I present to you both, the Purple Orchid."

He then glances to Betsy and gives a grin. "If my heart weren't taken I might have taken you up on such an offer...but if you are ever here and wishing to listen to my fingers tickle ivories when they aren't making drinks...your request is my pleasure." He winks at her and then motions. "Please. Enjoy."

Sin is served a hurricane glass of something pink and fruity complete with a little umbrella. Just because.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I won't know until a sit down to discuss matters. I'd need to talk with them more than while waiting for an order. They might not even follow through or change their mind later. But from what I gleaned, if it does get off the ground, I imagine it will involve a bit of percussion to it." Which would be nice, Percussion was how Rod got him into music after all.

Nick glances back over to Sinister as he directs the conversation to the commission work. The topic matter gets a brow lift in turn. "...That does sound like it'd be an interesting side project." He admits, "And before the more recent problems popped up I did occasionally sub for a player over at the Blue Lady. Do you have particular songs in mind? Some Jazz pieces perhaps?"

It has been awhile. He should probably stop by there to say hi to the band at least. Thomas he saw more recently over at the pub. Although, they did get a little side tracked from the catching up when Doctor Nelson showed up.

Betsy's question about where he was staying has him glance over to the purple one. "Technically I live in the New York area...So I'm traveling now." Nick gives a bit of an impish smirk, "But- Internationally, it's calmed down. Principal shots are in. I probably have a few weeks before any reshoot requests come in."

Although is that REALLY a bad thing? Come back to Ireland. Come back to England. We need to redo a shot? As far as destinations are concerned, those aren't bad options.

As the drink is presented, Nick pauses, looking to the cooly colored drink. "Good look to it." He comments. "Might get a few people ordering it based off looks alone."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister is a great appreciator of the girly fruity drinks, with their accessories. He smiles richly as it's presented and lifts it in silent toast to Lucifer. "Now, now, Betsy, you have your own angel on the hook..." he winks at her though, the smile still present if dimmed a little.

To Nick, he nods. "That and the popular tunage from the lounge and cruise ship both. I'm not particularly picky, the era itself is what calls to me." -- as eyes slide to the drinks that were proffered the two of them -- "I rather liked that one. But in all honesty, all the creations have their own unique kick to them. We got bored and thought about themes for Halloween."

He glances to the piano, as if he's having an inclination, then shakes his head and looks up at the heavens and down to the depths with a chuckle. "I should not give into that temptation, I will embarass myself."
Psylocke has posed:
"If you ever want to cheat I'm more than happy to come along as your assistant," Betsy offers to Nick, with a knowing smile. Sure, it's cheating. But that's never been a moral quandary for Psylocke. "Just to get you a feel for what they're thinking. I won't push." A beat. "Unless you ask." She could be joking? Nick probably doesn't know the woman well enough yet to tell, her mood too light-hearted too accurately determine.

She's watching -- mostly out of the corner of her gaze -- what magic Lucifer is stirring behind the bar. The name, when it's presented, makes her laugh. "I love it already," Betsy declares, her smile warming -- if possible -- at Lucifer's offer. "I'll take you up on that," she says, with a tone to suggest he might regret it. Then she brings it to her mouth to sip. She had plenty of experience trying different combinations of drinks, and her gaze looks thoughtful. "I thought it would be too strong, but the juices blend it out perfectly. The vermouth is a nice touch. This one is a keeper, Lucifer."

Sinister's comment earns a fainter smile in turn from the woman. "Mm, well. Things got awkward after that little round of truth we all played," or she skipped, more accurately, "The other evening. So, not so much. He wants a future. I'm focused on us just surviving long enough to /have/ a future, right now."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smiles at Nick as the man explains the commission, his current work, and interest in putting something together for Nathaniel at the man's request. At the comment on the drink presented, he grins. "I figured they'd order it for the color and keep ordering it for the flavor. It's not too terribly strong, just enough to keep the buzz going. Now if you had tried it the first night I made it..." He glances to Nathaniel as the man explains that they were putting together a theme of sorts for Halloween. "It might have knocked you on your ass. This is the third time I've put it together..."

So when Betsy tries it and comments on the flavor and how it doesn't seem as strong as it looks, he grins. "Ah. Yes. That's what I was hoping for...nice flavour, not seemingly very strong..." Okay so it -might- still kick some people in the ass...that's his job as a mixologist!

His attention goes to Nathaniel for a moment while he mixes up the next drink. Nothing is said, but he does watch the man lovingly as he sips on his fruity cocktail. Meanwhile he's mixing fireball, sprite, and lemon/lime juice into a shaker, shaking and then pours into a shot glass. The top is dusted with cayenne. Both shots are presented to Betsy and Nick. "This is Lucifer's Liberation...But I might also call it Cinful Devil."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, I have a friend who does have a 1920s style nightclub. The house band is very good. Maybe when Lux is closed for the day you two could try that place out."

The glance to the piano is caught. When the comment is added to it, Nick looks to Sinister and then to the piano that had been eyed before. "Go for it." He encourages, "You're amongst friends."

The hinted offer for help from Betsy merits a look. A pause, and then a general debate to what exactly is being offered. "...Thank you but no. Part of the process is the conversation. And it might not even happen. It could have just been an impulsive thing said at the time."

Nick sets a fingertip upon the opening of the straw that wasn't used, lifting it out of the drink before releasing the contents trapped inside into his awaiting mouth. Mouth closing he considers the taste of the Purple Orchid. He smiles. "Winning combination." He agrees to Lucifer's assessment of the purple drink.

Straw lowering, Nick looks to the separate shot being offered. The straw lowers as he reaches the other hand to take the glass meant for him. "Thank you." Bringing the glass closer, he takes a moment to look to the contents. Picking up a bit of something from the cayenne just resting to the top. Combined with the name, it is quite telling.

"Something with a bit of fire to it." He comments. "Good name." The glass is lifted up in a toasting manner before he downs it. As the throat burns a little, he sets the now empty glass down before him. If this was a cartoon, there'd probably be a bit of flame shooting out of the mouth. But instead, what they get is him clearing is throat for a moment. "...Something to order on a cold night for a quick heat up."
Sinister has posed:
"Speaking of that, I've made progress with the interface and we have a fail safe, in a manner of speakig. We're not sure if it would work quite as accurately as we'd want it to, but..." Sin nods toward Nick at that, pauses on the man as he's encouraged and looks back at the piano. There's a glance at all three which says 'you asked for it' as he rises from the barstool, leans around to give Lucifer a kiss right by his ear and with a hop and a skip, or rather several bounding strides, he makes it to the piano stool, sliding onto it with a bit of panache.

The knuckle crack and raise of hands, just seemed to be entirely appropos to the wiggle of fingers. And...

Cbopsticks. Followed by a rather halting rendition of take five. There is not the style, or the flare that Lucifer has and there's not a hint of a singing voice being added to this. Nope.
Psylocke has posed:
The easy smile Betsy gives Nick is not at all upset at the refusal. "Of course. If you change your mind..." apparently it's an open offer.

If anything, she seems amused by the fact that Lucifer's proffering up a second drink. "I think volunteering to be one of your test subjects is a dangerous thing, Lucifer. But like everything with you, highly irresistable." She takes a second, savoring sip of the first drink, before she glances to Sinister. "Promise to get me a safe ride home? Some of us are only human." Mostly, anyway.

Either way, she's all in. When Lucifer serves up the second drink, it pushes her to finish the first. She hates to waste an excellent drink and besides, it's /her/ color. "Definitely call it the latter. I would order it just for the name alone." She gives a little toast to Nick, drinking the same time as he does. It takes her a moment afterwards, and her voice is a little throaty from the alcohol. "Oh," she breathes out, sharply. "This is... yes. It leaves a burn on the tongue. Perfect."

"What precisely does that mean -- a failsafe in a manner of speaking? That doesn't precisely ring with confidence." Sinister's playing of the piano, meanwhile, is absolutely not what she expects. She's never seen Nathaniel anything less than highly competent at any given thing -- unsurprising given his age -- so the halting rendition catches her off guard with a parting of her lips.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is really just letting conversations happen while he makes drinks for people. He also neither encourages or discourages Nathaniel to play the piano. He has heard Nathaniel play the piano. The man isn't -bad- at the instrument...but he's not good either. When one has a brain that is designed around precise calculations and putting all the pieces together, something like piano playing just isn't quite right. The playing becomes too mechanical.

Queue Nathaniel's rendition of Chopsticks.

He's trying to do too many things at once, and is currently mixing up another drink. The first one is handed to Nick. It's black in color and served in a Highball glass. "The Black Dahlia." He announces and then proceeds to make another drink for Betsy. This one is a dark purple, with a vodka base instead of gin and dry vermouth instead of sweet. Lime squeezed on the top and sweet and sour as a mixer. "And you...can name this drink if you want. Cause I don't know what to call it."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick takes note of the glance his way to the mention of the failsafe. Considering the very question asked after the talisman was retrieved, this is a math equation even the musician can do.

Watching the doctor as he moves over to give a very... precise. performance. The musician gives a slight nod. Hmm. Technically good.

It's kind of like a polar opposite to his problem when he first started with music. But maybe with the application of more alcohol- or moving over to march type pieces full of staccato usages.

But as for Psylocke's question. "It's been tested on something of a similar nature. But not the exact thing." Nick provides a bit more carefully.

After all, once you destroy something it's hard to just take it back.

Nick turns his head, looking to the dark drink. The title of the drink gets a thoughtful glance. "...Very Halloween-like. Both in color and naming scheme."

Using the straw technique, Nick does a taste of the beverage. The thoughtful look halts, as he looks back to the beverage, setting the straw in to sip some more. "This is VERY good."


"Oh this is a keeper. How DID you make this drink?"

As he waits for the explanation, Nick continues sipping the beverage. The straw speeds up the consumption.




How on earth did Lucifer create this?

Sinister has posed:
Sin really probably would do a fantastic job of military tattoos. But yes, there's precision involved in his playing which isn't really emotive much at all. He'd probably EXCEL at the harpsichord because of that, there's very little inflection, just perfection of striking the keys.

He does do an amazing mathematically calculated improv though, when he can program and not play.

A glance over his shoulder to see the guage of the reception, he almost self-consciously looks away again, the ivories silencing with fingers resting lightly on the keys. He shuts the lid then and starts playing a piece on the lid of the piano, rather than on the keys itself.

He plays a mean silent piano. Oh yes. The fingers fly in a tappitty tap.

"Just so as you know, I felt that instruments of a musical nature were frivolous endeavors for the longest while, but I've come to realize that some of them actually free the mind to be more creative. So this is a work in progress, but I do not think it is my forte in the slightest. And again, do not ask about the bagpipes."
Psylocke has posed:
"Hm." Betsy pauses at Nick's answer... or non-answer, as the case may be. She does, by and large, try not to snoop, but the subject in question and the vagueness of the answer makes her want to push in on that thought, follow the rollercoaster twist of Nick's mind to see exactly what he means. Granted, she's two drinks down -- if one doesn't count whatever she imbibed at the charity event she was at earlier -- but her mind is as sharp as ever. She doesn't even need to look his way to do it.

Betsy takes the offered drink from Lucifer with a visible inspection, before she sips. The vodka is well hidden by the additions that come after it. "Oh, this one is definitely the sort of slow creeping poison you don't notice coming up on you. I think you should call this Wolf's Bane," after the flower, presumably, since they're on a theme.

The look Betsy gives Sinister is thoughtful. "Perhaps, Nathaniel, you need to invent an instrument that can be played directly with the mind." She's not being facetious at all. If anyone could invent such a thing she's absolutely certain he could.
Lucifer has posed:
"We just need to expand your knowledge from something other than chopsticks. Perhaps we could even practice a few songs that take two people to play...you mimic quite well... and that's not me trying to slight you. Just a fact." Lucifer says this much and then he glances towards Nick as the man asks questions. A brow raises as the man continues to drink..and drink...just raving about the drink itself. He looks down at the lower bar counter. And skims...

...and then blinks. "Oh...oh no..." But then he just laughs and shakes his head. "Uhm...you should probably...not...drink any more tonight Nick..." He offers this and then tries to quit laughing. "I ah... I apparently put some of the ambrosia stock I had left into your drink." A pause. "...more than some actually..."

Then there's a glance over towards Betsy and he considers. "Oooh... Wolf's Bane is a nice name... I like that.." He smiles and then looks back at Nick again. Humored. But also slightly worried.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"And Just so YOU know. You did great!" Nick replies back to Sinister's pre-emptive defense of his playing. "Technical's usually the hard part." Maybe Luci can make you one of these..." He gestures to the Black Dahlia. "Very good... Better than the tea."

Nick takes another generous sip of the drink, the very taste of it seeming to wipe away the general understanding that this IS an alcoholic beverage. Imbibe slowly.

\<span style="color:xterm201"\>As Betsy starts to buckle in to the roller coaster car the ride ends up twisting into something a bit different. It starts off innoculous enough but once the pushing starts. The Coaster climbs to the top of a hill and-Things take a turn.

The downward plunge of pushing becomes less of a roller coaster of random thoughts. As it crashes through an unseen wall, the occupant is hit with a barrage of flashing lights and color. A flurry of notes start playing with a siren starting to wail. Before the rhythmic tones of singing and a rampant bass line brings about a change.\</span\>

\<span style="color:xterm222"\>I've been chewed up and spat out
I've been laughed at and booed
Baby's been put in the corner
It's time the corner was moved
You see I don't need no army
Because this fight is my own
But either, stand up and join me
Or surrender the throne\</span\>

\<span style="color:xterm201"\>For Psylocke there's no longer a roller coaster but a crowded theater, and wave for the back lighting of the stage displaying the sihouettes of the performers and lighting up the faces of the audience members behind her.\</span\>

Nick continues sipping on the drink as Lucifer informs him not to drink any more tonight.

Okay, so this drink is really strong. Fair eno-

And then there is the mention of the ambrosia.

Nick pauses. Well THAT does explains the taste.

\<span style="color:xterm222"\>This time I'm set and I'm coming for you
Won't take "No" for an answer
Nothing you can do
You can seal off the entrance
Block off the road
I won't stop till it's mine or I feel my heart explode\</span\>

\<span style="color:xterm201"\>The lights shift providing a glimpse of the intensely playing musicians along with a flash of the yellow event staff and security jackets looming nearby. One of which is apparrently heading towards Betsy.

A concert goer bumps into Betsy. Spinning around, the half faced woman looks apologetically to Betsy. "Oh excuse me!"\</span\>

\<span style="color:xterm222"\>Now is the time
I'm taking back what is mine
You can try shut the door
But you know I'll just tear down the walls
(Feel my heart explode) Remember me as I go down in history
So don't stand in my way, if I have to then I'll take it all
Feel my heart explode\</span\>

Nick looks to the half drunk beverage and sighs. Hand resting upon the base he slides it towards Lucifer in case he wants to finish it up. From what he understands, that is a hard to come by drink and if it was given on accident...

The sigh is short lived as he gives an incredibly relaxed smile as he leans against the bar.

Yes, probably better not to try anything else tonight. Nothing's going to compare to what he just had. Oh well. Guess it'll be nothing but Guinness for a bit. How embarassing...Look he's even blushing a little.

...Oh nevermind. That's a light glow.

Maaaaybe don't sell that ambrosia to the regular club goers.
Sinister has posed:
"A psionic instrument?" -- glancing toward Psylocke, there's a narrowing of the eyes from Sinister and a look beyond her at the wall, contemplating that very thing, no doubt. He looks then to his side, extracting his phone at the same time as subtley lifting the half-finished drink that Nick pushed aside and drawing it toward himself with an outstretched hand.

His phone is placed on the lid of the piano and a glance then shot to the speakers, the lighting and the security cameras. One finger moves to the screen, lays there and he serenely listens to the names suggested for the last of the drinks, fingers curling about the stolen glass of Dahlia.

"Well named, I think. I agree, wolf's bane is a good name --" the lights flicker a little strobe and he shifts his head, a tilt upward. "You know, there's an argument to be made that the entire Universe is musical, obeying a rhythm, a pattern that's recognizable in some ways - the mathematics of the sinewave is quite something, the power of sound itself may arguably be what they were trying to describe for the voice of god. I'll have to think about this..."

The lights strobe again, then start to pulse to a rhythm. If it happens to coincide with Nick's inner concert, well, that's surely a coincidence.
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy does seem to genuinely enjoy the drink. Another sip, and she pauses, the straw pinched between her fingers as she freezes, eyes going distant...

She's heard Nick's thoughts before. He practically spills them out into the room like little gems. But this is different. This is a ride, the kind of ride you can't get off, told in speed and flash cuts, in intensity and the boom of the music, the feel of the crowd, and all the while, all the while that song.

Psylocke has seen grievous injuries before; it's not the gruesomeness that shocks her. It's the awareness, the /knowing/ of Betsy's presence and greeting her so casually, like this is perfectly normal.

The telepath sways. Someone wants off this ride. She has the look of someone who's just experienced an acute migraine, exhaling sharply. The strobing of the lights in time with the mental images doesn't help that sense of unreality. Her fingers tighten against the straw.

"...Nick," Betsy finally says, "You should definitely stop drinking that now."
Lucifer has posed:
"Actually, we're just going to..." Lucifer says this and then gently pulls the drink away from Nick. Prying it away if he has to, but there is no amount of drunk strength that will outmatch the Devil. The drink will be absconded. "I don't think I've ever actually cut off a person from drinking, myself, in a very long time but you my friend are officially cut off..." He says this and then sets the drink under the bar (but doesn't pour it out) and makes a Shirley Temple for the rock star - complete with a tiny umbrella and topped with a couple of marashino cherries.

"I need to label some things better it seems... though that's the last container of it I have. It'll go upstairs with me.." For safe keeping. Of course.

Everything else is happening in a way that Lucifer cannot view it, so he takes the moment to clean up behind the bar a bit - since he'll likely be sending people to the hotel to sleep off the drinking done.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
\<span style="color:xterm201"\>As Betsy backs up, the half faced woman tilts the side of her head in a manner reminiscent of the mind's owner. But she stays back. However, one of the yellow jackets continues moves forward.

Did that jacket have a hood before? Either way it does now, obscuring the face. As the lights shift in the room, the amount of shadow collecting upon the security jacket builds, The banana yellow ripening to the point of charcoal black. The light tones from under the hood have faded away as well, leaving nothing but shadow and two red, glowing eyes.\</span\>

\<span style="color:xterm222"\>Remember, once it's been said
That it can't be unspoken
So let the next words you say
Be ones that won't leave you broken
The time to join me is ticking away with each passing second
This is your final warning, consider yourself as threatened...\</span\>

\<span style="color:xterm201"\>Prior to Betsy leaving she is treated to the glimpse of jagged yellow teeth forming in the inky black of the hood. All while the other concert goers seem to not notice or care at all.\</span\>

"I already did." Nick replies, once Betsy speaks up to tell him to stop drinking.

His hand doesn't resist the taking of the drink. But the Shirley Temple ends up being ignored for a little bit as he insteadd watches Lucifer put the drink under the bar. To the side of his vision he could swear that he sees the glass floating from that spot over to the piano instead.

Nick starts laughing.

As the lights seemed to be intune with the mental concert, they soon die down, going back to the soft hurm of empty nightclub lights.

Nick looks over to Betsy. "...Are you okay, Betsy? You look like you got a bit of a headache.."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister raises the drink once it's arrived, a toast made silently to the origins of the Ambrosia. He 'mwahs' the air toward Lucifer though, before taking a sip and another of the exceptionally special concoction. It would be a shame for it to go to waste after all.

"Why was that flask even down here, anyway?" he calls over to the bartender and Host. "I thought we'd put it upstairs for safekeeping and to admire it from time to time."

Another sip. Ohh, but it spoils all other flavours for such a long time. But this? It's enhanced the flavours of everything, no wonder it would be a killer cocktail if it wasn't a rare one-off.

His gaze settles on Psylocke a while, a visual examination that is perhaps reading the subtleties of disturbia. Sip.

"So. My final announcement for the night. We should do a simple test run of the prototype infinite improbability drive. I've been constructing the main containment chamber in a secret location, but I've also been setting up teleportation hubs in secure spots around the globe, that will transport to the drive chambers. I'll share the list of locations of course. Those will be genelocked." A pause.

"Also..." he looks over at one of the cameras, then along the wall and back to Psylocke. Holographically, a news report fixes in three dimensional space, where she and perhaps Nick also, can read it. It's a report of a tragic lab accident in Russia, somewhere in Siberia. Containment failure. All scientists were unfortunately poisoned by their own bio-engineering experiments.
Psylocke has posed:
Somewhere in Nick's mind, Psylocke recognizes the threat being offered, the warning displayed in the presence of the teeth, the eyes, the creature of shadow -- and instinctively meets it in kind. Purple gleams around her, a brilliant flare of light to counter the shadow -- and then she's gone from Nick's mind, her shields slammed up.

Outwardly, Betsy touches painted nails to her forehead, a tick of discomfort evident in her expression. "I think I... drank too much. I should probably go lie down."

She stands, the lights pulse and die, and she says a little before she grips the edge of the bar. It's the news Sinister delivers that stills the purple-haired telepath. "Nathaniel, that's-" terrifying. Absurdly, breathtakingly terrifying. But necessary. "-amazing. You are brilliant, as always."

Betsy's mouth parts, some question in her gaze dying as her eyes fix on that holographic display. Her brow creases. Quietly, as her gaze shifts to Sinister, "An other you?"
Lucifer has posed:
"Betsy... I have rooms in the back of the club. There's a girl running the counter, her name is Harriet. Just tell her to give you the Lucifer Discount and she'll give you a room key. If you need to call anyone to let them know you're safe, there's a phone inside the room if you do not have a cell." But who doesn't have a cellphone these days? Those lines are more for people who have lost their phones in a drunken moment and find them later in the lost and found.

"You should likely stay here in your room tonight too, Nick. I don't want anyone out on the streets and in any danger..." He pauses. "If you insist on leaving, I'll have my driver take you where you need to go." Even if anyone had teleportation powers, Lucifer wouldn't trust their usage while inebriated.

He then glances beyond, to the piano where Nathaniel still sits. That news report plays and he tilts his head. He's already seen this one so he just goes back to cleaning up the bar area, putting bottles away, wiping down everything, etc.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns to the response. "You and me both apparently. Although. I'm feeling pretty good right now. So I guess I lucked out..."

He's just going to be disappointed by everything that touches his lips for awhile until he can forget the taste of that ambrosia.

The news of testing the device isn't surprising but- "I'm assuming not tonight." He comments. He's no scientist but doing that after drinking some strong drinks is probably against some type of procedure.

The lit up musician has no idea what the Russian lab story is about and ends up leaving Betsy to ask the questions that may help provide context. But as Lucifer brings up the prospect of them not driving, or teleporting he's reminded of the kindness given on a previous visit. It's been less than a year but in a way it feels like he's been with Lucifer and Sinister for longer. And in that time he's gained more of a feeling of having a fuller family. Having more answers. Granted more questions as well but-

As Lucifer's cleaning brings him in front of Nick, the musician's shifts up. Wrapping his arms around Lucifer in a drunkenly familiarly affectionate hug. Along with the surprise movement, the devil's treated with a rather chipper voice in his ear.

"Thank you. For everything..."

Awkward position in mind, it doesn't take much to determine that Nick can't stay in this position for long so he lets go, falling back into the bar stool, contentedly smiling.

And yes. Positively glowing.
Sinister has posed:
"A few, but yes. One by one. Nobody, not even I, can outsmart myself twice in the same way. I'm a patient man," Sinister inclines his head and finishes the Dahlia with a graceful flick of the wrist and toss of the head. The smack of lips and sigh is completed with a kiss to fingertips to be released dramatically to the air.

"But to the device, not tonight, tonight..." he's going to get to witness a random and spontaneous hug "..." which makes him grin ridiculously and bite on his thumb nail "...I think I am going to retire upstairs. Half of an Ambrosia-laced cocktail is enough to want to unwind further in private." There is a wink to Lucifer though and a wiggle of fingers over his shoulder as he makes it to the elevator, only leaning against the wall when inside!
Psylocke has posed:
"Not tonight," Betsy agrees, of testing the new machine. "/Some/ of us are more mortal than others, and I'd like all my wits about me." For a beat, when she looks at Sinister, there's a quiet satisfaction in her gaze. "Good," she says.

The look that Betsy gives Lucifer at his offer of hospitality is momentarily surprised. And then she smiles -- familiar, warm, genuine. Betsy at her default, and almost relaxed despite the pinch at her forehead. "That's very kind, Lucifer. I do believe I'll take you up on that."

Her hand drops to her silver dress, curling into the material, the gesture of every woman everywhere with a too-long dress as she turns. Her other hand is used to blow a kiss. "Handsome and generous, as always, Lucifer. Thank you. Nathaniel." Her smile doesn't change, but the look she gives Nick is way more veiled, though the sight of him hugging Lucifer seems to please her. "Nick."

And then she's going, crossing the floor with the easy sway of someone with decades of practice in heels, to find Harriet and a safe place to sleep for the night.
Lucifer has posed:
And thus the night comes to a close. Lucifer ensures that everyone gets to where he wants them to safely be and then he, himself, walks from behind the bar. A quick move to the front door to ensure it's locked, then he shuts down most the lights until there is only a gentle glow to be used for making sure one doesn't run into anything on the way to the elevator.

He'll find his lover there, leaning against the wall of the elevator. He'll take the elevator up and everything else is a matter of privacy behind closed doors and above the bar suites.