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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/11/01 |Location=Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls |Synopsis=Harry's birthday turned into quite a birthday. |Cast of Characters=174, 7044, 190, 1127, 39 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:174|Harry Dresden (174)}} has posed:'''<br> Harry is sitting at the desk and is shuffling papers. Willow mentioned she was coming by so he lowers the wards to let her in. Dirty Thomas knows how to enter them so he can deal with his own. <br><br...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:33, 22 November 2023

It's my birthday and I'll scry if I want to...
Date of Scene: 01 November 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Harry's birthday turned into quite a birthday.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith, Willow Rosenberg, Satana, Faith Lehane

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry is sitting at the desk and is shuffling papers. Willow mentioned she was coming by so he lowers the wards to let her in. Dirty Thomas knows how to enter them so he can deal with his own.

Laying on the floor to the hallway is the over grown cat known as Mister. He seems to be surveying his kingdom from this angle for a change. There is no sign of Mouse tonight, so there is no telling where the Fu dog might be.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith arrives carrying a small framed object, wrapped in Harry Potter themed wrapping paper. He grins a bit and gives Mister a light scritch under the chin before calling out "Hey old man, you didn't break a hip or something did you?" Ahh brothers on birthdays..
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Of course Willow was early! ..Sort of. And she held a purple bag with a bow on. "Surprise!" (It wasn't.) "I got some help to pick out your birthday gift. I was going to just bring you some chocolate chip cookies. Someone told me they weren't a real present. So they helped me chose this. Here!"

She thrust it over.

"Happy birthday!"
Satana has posed:
    Excuse me, can you tell me what you've heard about my life?
    Maybe a dirty, little fairytale, a girl of the night
    I heard that I grew up filthy, a trailer park queen
    Drop out, pregnant, statistical teen
    I know you've heard about the bloody knife
    About my daddy's perfect virgin and my mother's wife
    You know I heard, I don't belong in this game
    Still you hold your hands in the air, screaming my name, let's go

The music spills from the earbuds in the tinny, faint way that only earbuds can inflict upon the world, with Satana singing the lyrics herself. Having some woman wearing an outfit that would make a street walker look and say "that's TOO far!" leaning on the edge of a building, one leg up, booted foot against the wall behind her, displaying that leg for maximum impact, doing this probably doesn't call too much attention in this neighbourhood. Satana has placed herself carefully at the edge of where she can feel the uncomfortable prickling of Harry's wards and waits, singing, filing her nails, chewing gum, and blending in like some random hottie waiting for her pimp as she watches.

And then the wards drop and she slips into action.

Willow enters and before the wards can go back up, Satana slips inside their radius, still looking like some strung out woman of negotiable virture, still slinging out lyrics.

    Baby, go ahead
    I'll be your hatred and your pain
    This is killing us all, I don't care if I fall
    We're the dying, we are the damned

"Harry," she purrs, once inside the office (but before changing to her normal form ... let's see how perceptive he really is!), "Nice to see you again. Nice place you've got. And Willow, darling! It's been ages!"

Says the strung out coke whore singing pop metal lyrics and chewing gum. With only one visible sign of who she really is (clothing aside): she's kept her hair red.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Bite me." Harry replies to Thomas, considering the gift in his hand. He shakes his head,"I sure hope that isn't something for Bob drool over." he adds with a shake of his head.

Willow's arrival gets more of a smile as at least her gifts probably won't explode. Probably. He stands as she enters and waves to her. Looking at the purple bag and raises a brow,"It sounds like we're all going to get a buzz on." he suggests,"Let it never be said chocolate chip cookies are not a gift.

The sound of singing gets his attention and the sudden arrival of one more gets a raised brow. He listens to the voice, the inflection...a moment later he taps his forehead and oh look who it is. He smirks just a little and replies,"Satana? I wouldn't pick you for a Halloween partaker." he teases mildly. A moment later the eye closes again.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
For some reason, Satana's greeting brings pink to her cheeks. "It's not like I'm that hard to find. "Though it is Samhain. So.. I can't stay long."

"Hi Thomas. Where's Faith?" She looks around, ending up with Harry. "You are supposed to keep the bag. It's tradition! Oh! I already made the cookies. Do you want them too? These are all sprinkly because it's your birthday. If you have a candle we can use one like a birthday cake. See, the big one at the top."

And, indeed! The biggest was the size of a face. "I would have loved it if it was my birthday."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit, "Not at all. Actually I had to do a bit of digging to get you this, and had to drive to a convention in Minnesota of all places to get it, but I remember you telling me once you were a fan." He says with a grin. Inside the wrapping is a picture of a man in a black leather jacket, setting on the hood of a black Trans Am. The caption reads "To my biggest fan Frank (which is crossed out) Pete (which is crossed out) Tom (again crossed out) Harry. Happy bar mitzvah (Again crossed out) Birthday. David Hasselhoff" He grins a bit adding, "I mean it's no Rock 'em sock 'em robots but...
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane received some weird text from Thomas about someone's birthday falling on Halloween. Which is pretty nuts! but a party meant possible booze and free food so she arrives fashionably late, dressed in a glittery red fairy costume that's exposed at midriff and ridiculously short, with red boots and bright blue fairy wings. her hair is up in high pigtails and dyed deep blue.

For those familiar with the Winx club she is Miss, fairy of music. She's also carrying a bottle of Whiskey and a roughly wrapped package of sorts, wrapped in pumpkins and skulls.

Knocking on the door she peers around impatiently, "Yo, anyone home?"
Satana has posed:
"Oh, Harry, this is my season!" Satana says with a laugh, her body doing a briefly-nauseating morph as she slips out of the coke whore look and into her more ordinary whore look. "Thomas, charming to see you again outside your club" she adds, now that she's in her normal dress, "and Willow, Harry has the right of it: it's me! I missed you. I really should go back to Happy Dale or Sunny Vale or whatever..." Mischief in the eyes suggests she knows full well what the real name is. "...and visit you at the shop. Maybe we can read one of the more daring of the real tomes together."

And it's broad wink time. Apparently Satana likes seeing people turn pink.

Faith's entrance garners an interested look. The outfit a second such look. The body beneath it a third, more ... thorough ... look. Complete with the same sort of spiritual augmentation that Harry used to identify her. Basilisk rages inside her skull and Satana's smile freezes in place.

"Oh. Intriguing," she says. Then a hand juts out Faith's way. "I'm Satana. I'm Harry's friend and Willow's lover. Well, that second part isn't true but I want it to be. She's so adorable!"

More targeted pinkening apparently.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry leans on the desk and studies the gift Thomas brought and shakes his head as he studies it,"Good to see you put some thought into it." he teases his brother,"Thank you."

He smiles to Willow and tells her,"Thank you. For all of it." He gives the red head a quick wink when he sees the pink start to set in."

The arrival of Faith gets his attention and he calls,"Come in." When she enters he offers her a wave,"Good evening Faith. Welcome to the party."

Finally his attention moving to Satana, he really is bad at big gatherings,"It is definately a good season for you." he agrees,"What brings you out this way tonight? I don't think you know my birthday or else you are getting to know me too well." He teases her a little and then leaves her to her flirting and playing.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
*co.. ugh?!?*

Cue the pink.

"Not.. yet." Oh dear! Where did /that/ come from?? "No one is my lover. Not even casual." Which makes Willow stop and think - why was it? And then she remembered: She really didn't have time. At least she told herself that.

"Was this supposed to be a costume party? I could have made something~" And by made something, she really meant could have used a spell. Then again she would have to whip up a potion.

To hide her face she opened the tupperware tub and took out the biggest cookie. "Have you any candles?"
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane strides in without a second pause and grins, setting the bottle and gift down on the table. "Heh, figures your birthday would fall on Halloween while your brother's is on Valentines. Ironic much?"

She snorts before peering around, nodding and grinning to Willow, "Hey Wils long time no see, so are you in an actual costume or just left it at home?"

Spying Thomas she smirks and saunters over to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and winks. "Sorry I'm late lover, hope you dig the costume."

Finally she peers long and hard at Satana, smile fading just a bit. "Ahhh so *you* are the demon chick who claims to be daughter of the devil or something shit..!"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks more amused then anything at Satana, adding to Faith that "And she's something akin to my distant cousin," To willow adding, "Don't worry about it Wills. You can whip something up before coming to the Lady later, we're having a real Halloween party there later tonight." He easily let's his arm go around Faith as she takes his arm, placing his hand...very low on her waist... "Hey for the record, all those scratch outs were the Hoff's idea. He thought you'd get a kick out of it." He says amused. "I was going to get you a Night Rocker LP as well but decided you weren't worth /that/ much money." He adds with a grin.
Satana has posed:
Satana's amber gaze bores holes into Faith's eyes at the 'claims' bit... Deep inside her pupils a spark of Hellfire blossoms, just barely visible. Her mouth opens into a more predatory smile as she slithers her way up to Faith, hips and shoulders operating in counterpoint.

"Oh, darling, there's no 'claim' involved. I'm the daughter of Marduk Kurios, titled 'Satan'. I am quite literally the daughter of Satan. I could prove it if you like. Take you on a little trip to my domain. Let you see my throne and everything! Just ... I'm a bit forgetful sometimes. Some people I take to my domain I forget to bring back with me when I come back to the mortal plane."


Then Satana's infiltrating contralto breaks out into a merry laugh and the pinpricks of flame in her pupils douse as she turns to face the group in general.

"But of course that's a jest. Unlike some here..." The eyes latch back onto Faith momentarily. "...I'm a lover, not a fighter."

The eyes fall on Willow and she mouths ... *and a very good one at that* ... before miming a kiss.

Going past pink to the straight-up red now, it seems.
Harry Dresden has posed:
The Slayer against the daughter of Satan. What could possilby go wrong? Harry watches the two of them thoughtfully. His gaze moves to Thomas and back to the two women again. Is he glad Mouse is gone or wishing he had the potential back up? At any rate, he eases when she eases.

He takes the gift that Faith brought and starts to unwrap it, still curious how that will all play out. Is his insurance paid up? Better look into that one. A smile touches his lips when she tells Faith she is a lover.

He is not looking at the right angle to see what she mouths to Willow, but her response will likely give him a really good idea. What has Faith brought to the party and will it explode?
Willow Rosenberg has posed:

"You know this is my everyday dress, Faith. If I would have realized it.. but I didn't. Some of us have actual jobs and schooling. I don't have time." Not to mention she had the superhero things on the side.

Of course the talking to Faith made Willow miss Satana's mouthing to her.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow at Satana, meeting her challenging gaze with a cool smirk and nods slowly, "No shit. I can sense the evil rolling off you.." quite literally perhaps.

"Gee, as exciting as that sounds I'm gonna have to pass, I'd be way too tempted to slay everything I see!" she grins a cocky grin, although she dies notice her gaze towards Willow and chuckles.

"Lover huh? got a crush on red here do you?" she smirks, "Well ain't that sweet.." to Willow she shrugs, "Well gee ain't you a party pooper. Don't you realize it's Halloween?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit and smirks just a touch, "Becareful Satana. I have an unreasonable protective streak when it comes to our dear Willow here. Everything I said about Harry goes double for her." He smirks just a bit, "Though Willow, as your self appointed big brother type... I will say that every human should try an Incubus or Succubus once in their life, if only to set an impossibly high bar."
Satana has posed:
"What I said to you about Harry applies equally to Willow. I intend nothing to her she would consider ... harm."

Satana smiles sweetly at Thomas before returning her attention to Faith after briefly wetting her lips.

"I don't do crushes, ... Hope," she says, walking to stand next to Willow, wrapping an arm around her poor target's shoulder. "I just enjoy physical pleasures with the pretty and the pleasant." Beat. "And the unpleasant. And those who aren't necessarily conventionally attractive. I guess the summary is that I enjoy physical pleasures..."

The arm slips to Willow's waist.

"Oh, is it your birthday, Harry? Should I have brought a gift?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry finishes unwrapping the present and looks to Faith with a smile,"Thank you." His brow raises as the alpha female contest takes a fast upswing.

He notes Satana getting cozy with Willow and just waits to see where that might lead. A guy can't have a boring day, even on his birthday. He does smirk a little at the mention of physical pleasures and shakes his head.

Satana's question gets a hint of light in his eye and he considers. Finally he shakes his head and tells her,"No. I'd always wonder if it was watching me." he teases her lightly. Mostly teases,"Your presence has been a gift all its own."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I haven't tried them. But I did go out with Moloch for a time. He was going to teach me." Moloch the Corruptor, alias Malcolm Black. "Does that count?"

Yes, Willow had gone 'out' with a demon.

Ah, but there's Satana's arm around her waist.

Quietly, so that just Satana hears, "You wouldn't like me if you pushed too hard." Then louder with a hint of pink in her cheeks, "Can we change the subject? Please."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles and glances at his watch, sighing he shakes his head. "Well I have to get back to the club, Looks to be a busy night and I've got to make sure everyone is ready. You are all invited to stop by later if you like..." He looks directly at Satana adding "As my Guests." and some how the Capital G is actually audible. "Harry, I am sure Didi would love to see you," He adds, mentioning the White Court cigar girl who loves to tewase his brother.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane peers long and hard at Satana, shaking her head. "Geez if I didn't know better I'd say you're a White Courtier from the way you behave."

She shoots Thonas a pointed look before nodding to Harry. "Hope you like the gift...How old did you say you're turning?"
Satana has posed:
As Thomas and Faith leave, Satana calls out, "Don't do anything with her I wouldn't do, Thomas!"

Her grin as she returns her attention to the people still in Harry's office suggests there is nothing she wouldn't do.

"Now Willow, you simply must stop being so down on yourself," she chides the witch. "I'm sure there's literally nothing you'd do that I wouldn't like. And since you have a history of going out with demons, perhaps we can extend it sometime. Dinner, some theatre, dancing into the small hours of the morning maybe?"

She tilts her head and regards Harry. "And what of you, Harry. When do you want your birthday present delivered?"

Her head turns between Willow and Harry a few times. "I have a tremendous idea! Perhaps we could put these together into a single package!"

*sigh* Where's the fire hose when you need it?
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry shakes his head as the two leave together. They are an odd couple. He walks over to the ice box, opening it, and taking three of Mac's home brews from inside. He pops the top off of each one, handing one to each of the women and taking one for himself.

Harry does nod when Satana tells Willow not to be down on herself,"Not all of her advice will be so sound as that much." he tells Willow,"You are an amazing woman and it is high time you realized it." He's not the best at pep talks and such, but he does try.

Glancing towards Satana again he chuckles softly and takes a drink of his brew,"Depends. Is it going to eat me?" he asks. It could sound like a joke, but for the company in question it could be taken quite literally. When she mentions two together in a single package, he chokes on the second drink, coughing a little bit,"That's paints a picture."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow accepts the homebrew from Harry. "You could have had scotch? That's why I brought it over. Unless.." She worries at her lower lip. "You don't like it?" She sniffs the brew, and takes a tiny sip. "Hey, it's not bad!"

But Satana..

The first part was tricky but easier to manage. "My parents were always done on me. The only thing they equated with success was good marks. Sometimes.." All the time. "..I forget that it's not the only way to be noticed. And, well, the older we get - the Scoobies - the less I stand out from them."

"But.." Looking at Harry, noting that there were only the three of them, before turning back to Satana, and continuing, "You're interesting in a kinda weird way, but I can't help but feel it's just to get me in bed. I don't know if that's the way I want to go forward in my life. So.. You know?"
Satana has posed:
"I'm not going to lie," Satana says to Willow. "Lying goes bad places most times so I try to avoid it." Strictly speaking true. The word 'try' is doing some heavy lifting however. "Besides truth causes more suffering than lies most times, so ..." Satana shrugs. "... why waste time inventing lies?"


"Where was I going with that...?"

She shakes her head and continues, "So yes, I am, in fact, a succubus and that means that yes, indeed, I want to bed you. Well, I think the first few times we likely won't make it to the bed. But yes, I want you writhing under my tender ministry in paroxysms of passion."

Harry gets a darted glance. "Same applies to you, incidentally."

Back to Willow, then. "But never, ever say 'just' there. If I *just* wanted to bed you, I could do so a far more direct, far less ... kind ... a way. I thought I just mentioned earlier? I am, in fact, a Hell Lord. There's certain ... truths ... that this implies. But simply bedding people? I do that anytime I like."

Evil lights up her face in a grin.

"Which is most times, to be fair. Hotels generally have to sterilize rooms once I'm through with them."

Back to straight face. "What I want with you, Willow, is to nurture. To explore. And not merely physically though, as mentioned also before, I am a succubus so the physical comes with the territory." Her eyes light up with mischief again. "So do the people I nurture. Over and over again." Back to serious face. "You've power you've not yet tapped, my mortal friend, and I'd see you tap it. Unfurl it. Take your rightful place as a powerhouse of mana manipulation. And if I can have you squealing my name with glee a few times while I help you with that, there will be absolutely no objection from me."

Harry is graced with her attention once more. "And yes, your gift would swallow you if you like. Since I'm offering myself as your gift, Harry. Spit or swallow. Your choice. Or other means of disposal..."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry chuckles softly and tells Willow,"I was going to get some cups first, this is a good way to get the pallat ready for something stronger." He winks and tells her,"Do not tell the man across the road you had it cold, he'd probably kill all of us to get the right culprit.

Satana saying she wasn't going to lie gets a smile, but it's a knowing thing. Nothing sarcastic or anything. When she tells him she is offering herself for a gift he raises his bottle to her and replies,"I will keep that in mind. That is hands down the most impressive and selfless gift I have ever been offered." He steps over to a file cabinet. The top drawer has three glasses, bigger than a shot, but not full sized. He moves to start pouring the stronger liquid for everyone.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Spit.. or swallow? Wouldn't you have to - " Suddenly Willow gets it. But in her defense, does sleep with girls who don't need to spit or swallow. "Oh."

Cheeks pinken again. And she buries her face into the beer, swallowing.

But, Satana used the 'P' word. "You aren't just joking. I mean you would teach me?"
Satana has posed:
"I would, yes, Willow," Satana says, releasing Willow's waist to face the younger woman. "I cannot abide unnurtured talents; cannot stand those who constrain the knack." She darts a glance at Harry, adding for his benefit, "Obviously I don't intend to just unleash havoc like Goethe's most famous poem." Obviously. I mean what demon unleashes havoc for entertainment?! Her eyes turn to Willow again. "But I can teach you things in a careful way; let you spread those wings and learn to truly fly." She starts to circle the girl, focusing her attention fully on her, an intervening chair walking out of her way as she does so.

"Where would you like to start? Astral travel is usually of interest; superior to scrying for many purposes. Scrying, however, is less hazardous. Perhaps there? Demonology is naturally a field in which I excel. Defenses. Attacks. There's many angles we can approach this from."

She pauses behind Willow to lurk behind the woman so closely that their mutual body heat becomes perceptible to both.

"And of course there's my speciality; I can teach you to make yourself irresistible to those you desire. Change shape. Bend wills. Tease and seduce. Though that last one isn't exactly magic..."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry listens to the duo talk for a while. He places two of the glasses of his gift forward for the two of them if they so choose. He raises a brow when the chair gets up and walks away. Shaking his head he leans against a file cabinet.

He takes a drink of the amber liquid and hmms softly as he feels the burn down his throat. From the floor, the massive cat rises and pads down the the hall away from the pesky two legged types.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"All.Of. It." Whispers Willow. Then much louder, "I know scrying. Divination. Warding. Ritual Magic.."

Willow has a peculiar mix and simple spells and unbelievably powerful spells in tandem. The fact is, she doesn't know, or refuses to learn, more powerful magics. Why? To learn means she may be susceptible to evil, and up till now, her psyche was happier to stay very low level, than to possibly be powerful and be tempted by evil.

But.. OH.. those choices!

Even though her brain told her to stay non powerful.. her magic had been wanting new spells! new things to understand! And Willow had been edging towards more powerful spells by telling herself.. just one more.. How could one more spell be that evil??

And because of that way she had been learning - under the covers so to speak - she had not learned the correct way to learn. Which is: All magic can be good or evil, it all depends on your using it.

For Willow? This was a problem.

"So.. You would take me out to places, and for that you would teach me?"
Satana has posed:
Satana's arms wrap around Willow's waist again, from behind, gently pressing herself against the back of the woman. Her voice murmurs into Willow's left ear with hot puffs of breath released along the neck beneath her ear with each plosive and sibilant phone. "We would be ... companions ... while I teach you, yes. Going out. Or going in. Exploring. Learning. In more than the realms of mana."

She lets that heat. That contact. Those words. Lets them all rest a bit against Willow before separating slowly.

She picks up one of Harry's glasses and downs the contents. A moment later she throws back her head and a gout of flame, in a mushroom shape, escapes her mouth, wreathed by black smoke. She coughs, pounding her sternum. "Smooth!" she gasps. Then giggles.

"Oh, sorry, I just couldn't resist that. It really is quite nice."
Harry Dresden has posed:
In days past, Harry might be considering protesting things. Now he tends to let people make their own decisions. Is it a smart choice the two of them? Hard to say. Maybe the temptress will find herself walking a straighter path connected with Willow.

He takes another drink and shakes his head as the fire spout pops out. The cough routine gets a snort and when she admits to the joke he settles on the edge of his desk,"It seems you two have a lot to talk about in the future."
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow laughs nervously. Admittedly the flame is neat.

"Oh! I just got that! Mushroom cloud.. Get it? Boom." Okay. Willow was nervous. Very nervous. But.. learning! Oh.. She was tempted.

In the end though, it was Harry who sealed the deal. Just how bad was Satana that he would let Willow make up her own mind? (Forgetting that she had been stompy about that very thing, saying that she was old enough to make decisions on her own!)

And, while Satana was not quite the kind of girl (demoness? succubus??) she would normally pick to date, she could be that bad to go out with in a pupil-teacher relationship. Good friends?

She picked up her scotch. "To future relationships?"

The fact of the scotch burning down her throat should have been a clue. ..But it wasn't.
Satana has posed:
"To future mutually beneficial and ..." Satana's eyes light up. Literally. With little pinpricks of Hellfire. "... mutually pleasurable relationships."

The bottle floats over to Satana's glass and refills it so she can properly toast and drink with Willow.

This time there's no flame. Outside of Satana's eyes, that is.

"I was thinking, given the hazards of the Astral Realm, that perhaps we should stiffen your defences first," she continues, tapping her teeth, heel of her palm resting under her chin, as she considers. Her eyes slip over to Harry. "What do you think, Shamus?" she asks. "Get her making shields that can withstand something truly harsh before bringing her to the Astral Sphere? Or take her there first and protect her while she learns to cavort in it? Shield are boring, but life-saving. The Astral Realm is loads of fun, but potentially very devastating...."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry takes another drink and watches things as they come to pass. It takes him a minute to answer her, but eventually Harry tells Satana and Willow,"I don't like going anywhere unprepared. It your position, I'd teach her the shields first." Yes he said position. Did he say it innocent or did he throw just a hint of innuendo into the conversation for the sheer fun of it?
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
That makes sense to Willow! She nods. After all, having shields was /always/ a good idea. "I could go for that." Of course, the 'position' was over her head.
Satana has posed:
"Done, then!" Satana brightens up her face, her dark purple barely-there jumpsuit with its skull belt and snow leopard fur trim morphing into a even-more-barely-there crimson jumpsuit with little else to decorate given how little is actually there to hang decoration from. "We are going to have so much *FUN* Willow!" she exults. "When the first round of lessons are done, you'll be shrugging off major attacks launched by surprised with a mere gesture. Then we go into the Astral Realm and I show you how to go anywhere, see anything, watch anybody without being spotted. But also how to defend your silver cord since you have that annoying thing binding you."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Good sense would say go get a book or take a cold shower. Given there is not hot water heater in the place, cold shower is the norm. While the other two might not be able to tell, inside Harry's mind the stowaway writhes int protest seeing Satana's closeness to Willow and the promise of all the corrupt fun that might be had. Poor inner demon invader thing.

Harry smiles. It isn't a creepy leering smile, more a smile of amusement. Nothing they are doing is particularly amusing, but the shrieking fallen angel. Hilarious.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I think.." *blink blink* Willow lost her track of thought. "We should drink to that!"

"I bet no one will be able to pick on me then! Will they?" Since she has finally decided, she suddenly has no more niggles to take off. More to the point, she's ignoring those little niggles.

It's why she is having her third drink in half an hour. But who's counting?"Fun! See? I can be fun!"
Satana has posed:
It's not often that the temptress is tempted and has to resist it. But no, this is too easy. Too quick. Between the alcohol and the heady prospect of power, she could have herself buried in Willow with the latter squirming and squealing with passion right in front of Harry with little to no effort (barring Harry's intervention).

But she wanted Willow's willing, considered, thought-out participation, not drunken loss of control. She would have to bide her time.

Flicking a 'whadyagonnado?' wry glance over Harry's way, and slumping, Satana shakes her head and slithers up alongside Willow, wrapping a friendly (and oddly chaste) arm around Willow's hip.

"There's always someone, somewhere who can pick on you," she says, "but when you've learned enough magic that number shrinks dramatically and quickly. First you stop them from being able to hurt you. Then you make them learn why they don't want to ever try again."

She pushes back a stray stand of Willow's hair. "But patience, my little student. You have to learn to walk before you run. This is not something that happens in a day or even a few weeks. It will take months to get you ready for proper self-study. And even after that you'll find it easier with a mistress to guide you."

The hand at the hip drops and shifts a bit toward the anterior. There's resisting temptation, yes, but there's also ... the succubus queen. There are limits.
Harry Dresden has posed:
The change in the show gets a surprised look from Harry. He shakes his head and takes a drink from his glass. The two of them certainly have his attention despite himself. Seeing the more chaste reacation gets a raised eyebrow and then her hand sliding fixes that thought.

Pouring himself another glass, the normally noble one feels enough of the influence of Lasciel and honestly the heat of the duo to make it difficult to look away.
Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"That's my bum!" Willow gets wise eyes. Trying to decide (unsuccessfully so) if she likes it or not. She does watch Satana's hand go lower still.

"I was supposed to go to a Samhain ritual." Of course the whiskey and beer were warring on her tummy. Some people called it a boilermaker (and, indeed, it was Castiel's favourite drink!), but for Willow she just called it too close to throwing up.

"I think I have to go now." For some reason she looked like a little girl, rather than a 20-something university student on the third most popular drinking festival on the year. only to be beaten by Octoberfest and St. Paddy Day.
Satana has posed:
"It is, yes. And it's such a nice one."

And the predatory temptress returns, briefly, as Satana positions herself behind Willow, sliding that hand around below the hip to the thigh, the other hand slithering over and across Willow's collarbone, hand gently turning the woman's head a little just to the right place for ...

... the kiss to land. Sweet. Gentle. Like the kiss after a first date. Except for that hand on the thigh flirting right at the boundary of 'frontal' and 'inner' thigh distracting Willow's attention. Or the other hand now sliding down to flirt with the line between 'gently resting on the chest' and 'copping a feel'.

But there's no tongue so this is totally chaste. Right? RIGHT!?

Satana withdraws the lips languidly.

"You go celebrate your festival, Willow," she purrs. "And when you're done, we can start our relationship." Beat. "Teacher student, I meant." Beat. "Though lovers too if that ... intrigues. There is power in the carnal as well, after all. Just ask Lilith."

And she withdraws, letting Willow leave if she so chooses.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He really did pour another drink. Not that he's taken a drink of it, nor has he finished half the home brew. Instead, Harry is just a little dumstruck by the way to the two women are behaving.

He shakes his head at the boldness of the nephalim and the level of reaction from Willow. He looks back at his desk,"Why did I quit smoking?" he muses softly to himself.