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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/08 |Location=Wade Shaw's Condo, Claridge's, Midtown Manhattan |Synopsis=Lucifer and Sinister show up at Nick's call for help...picking out a new outfit. Celebrities. |Cast of Characters=9039, 735, 231 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:9039|Nick (9039)}} has posed:'''<br>Sundays had a tendency of being slow days at Shaw Studios which, when Nick isn't booked for a concert or anything else of that nature tends to mean he's got some...")
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Latest revision as of 06:05, 12 January 2024

An Important Consult
Date of Scene: 08 January 2024
Location: Wade Shaw's Condo, Claridge's, Midtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Lucifer and Sinister show up at Nick's call for help...picking out a new outfit. Celebrities.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Lucifer, Sinister

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Sundays had a tendency of being slow days at Shaw Studios which, when Nick isn't booked for a concert or anything else of that nature tends to mean he's got some idle time. And SOMETIMES a certain manager will insist on that idle time be on something other than music.

And so one Nick Drago, who has a knack for overworking has agreed to said demand. Perhaps a bit too easily. SUSPICIOUSLY easy. And well this is what leads to the next part of the story.

Nick is most decidedly not at the Studio. But he's not at his apartment. Instead, the musician is situated at the condo of one Wade Shaw. Studio owner, friend, and manager. Wade is conveniently out for the moment for reasons not stated at this moment. Which leaves Nick the only soul within.

For now.

A request was sent out, seeking help with the condo's address provided. Now all that is left is for the others to answer the call.
Lucifer has posed:
It's in rare form when Nick is the one messaging him and Nathaniel for help with something. However, even in rare instances, there is no shortcoming of the desire Lucifer has to agree to help the man. He has, on so many occassions, helped him and Nathaniel after all. It's just good manners. Plus, he's family. Plus plus...well the list really could go on and on.

The address is helpful, as Lucifer has never been there before so he can't use his special talent of just taking a couple steps and instantly emerging at the location Nick is at. He can, however, drive. Though he doesn't drive any of his fancy cars. He does, however, give Nathaniel a very late Christmas gift in the form of taking the man down to the garage where his cars are and heads for something covered that is not car shaped. At all.

"Figured if we're going to go somewhere new, you can get there in a style you happen to enjoy. I can swallow my pride and learn to enjoy riding on one of these. With you." As he waits for Nathaniel to reveal the Phantom Motorcycle under the tarp. Sleek black. Custom built in some ways, however. The handle bars have been made to look like raven claws and the body has been detailed to appear feathery.
Sinister has posed:
"My word. Hell hath frozen over," Said with a very deliberate tonguing in the cheek and a slanted look sidelong with a half-smile to follow. "Maybe you'll figure out why I enjoy them..."

Because you can look extremely suave and hot as balls when you arrive wearing leathers on a very, very sleek bike, with mirrored visors and leathers and...

Yessir, all of that. And a very, VERY fast journey through new york, because bikes can corner where cars threaten to roll over or crash into the bario on the corner or get caught by the cops...

Like flying a ground-bound bullet.

So, it may be an adrenaline fuelled arrival for the pair, but the style is infinitely sharp in black and red and silver leathers, helmet, gloves, the works. The door bell rings. "I once thought about buying an apartment block overlooking central park, but I would find myself disliking the neighbours far too much. Besides, luxury doesn't breed the same kind of characteristics I like to school, I suppose."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The sounds of the motorcycle arriving are drowned out, mostly by the thick exterior walls. The hallway leading to the room is well kept and it appears that the hallway has been rather recently renovated. There's not a single chip in the paint upon the wall and the smell of old carpet is not at all present. The only odd thing about the hallway would be the spacing of the doors. Most of them are uniform in distance from each other. But where one one expect the condo number texted over, there is nothing but wall. Instead there's need to walk a bit further down the hallway, nearing the emergency exit before finding the elusive number.

Hearing the buzz of the doorbell, Nick makes his way over to the door. Taking a moment to confirm that those on the other side of the door are who he was expecting. Smiling to the confirmation, he sets about undoing each lock, bolt, and chain.

The door opens, granting the pair outside a glimpse of dining area and mostly privacy wall. Light crossing through both sides of the wall the main indication that there is much more beyond the visible dining area. Nick takes note of the leather attire and smiles. "Seems I contacted the right people for the task."

The door opens further, "Welcome guys. Come on in."
Lucifer has posed:
"Oh. He's just excited because of a belated gift I gave him..." Lucifer chimes in with a smirk, giving Nathaniel a side eye before stepping into the condo. "Quite the place... I'm going to go on a limb here and guess this isn't just another apartment you live in hmm?" Nick's always felt like Lucifer has chided him for the place he resides in. It's not quite the case. People live where they want to live, it's not for him to judge. He just thought Nick could afford more, but the more he's learned of Nick's life the more everything really does make sense.

Though if someone had a choice between a studio apartment and a condo, why not just live in the condo?

A thought. He shrugs. And then steps further in to allow room for the three of them to conjure. "You don't normally ask for help. It makes me really wonder what sort of dire emergency has caused you to reach out to us two." A smirk then.
Sinister has posed:
"Well, there was a thing and it was the closest we've come to an argument of any worth over trivial things; motorcycles have their virtues. As do classic cars and delightful little flying machines... Ahhh, a splendid view..." and all the security was noted upon, with that keen eye of the observer. Interesting, as always.

"It is a very shiny present, however... but yes, colour us intrigued." Sin busies himself with pulling off the gloves, tucking them away, undoing the zipper at the front a measure, casting eyes around with nonchalant perceptiveness.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Once the pair are inside, Nick closes the door, securing the locks once more. Does he need to with the group he has right now? Likely not. But good habits are still ones you should exercise. Otherwise you might end up forgetting to do it when you REALLY need for that door to be locked.

"Well, I did live here once. Wade still owns the condo." Nick answers Lucifer as he steps to the gap between wall and kitchen area to walk into the central seating area. As they move further in, the loft bed becomes visible. Still not slept in but the storage area beneath boasts an assortment of music equipment.

He pauses, stepping about halfway between the loft bed's area. "When I lived here, it was a studio that was about here... over to that wall. But, after some events he got a good deal on the neighboring condo and expanded."

As Sinister points out the merits of motorcycles, Nick tilts his head. "Well... I never had reason to get my license but Bucky did give me a ride on his motorcycle a couple times. It wasn't bad."

To the mention of the request for help, Nick smiles, "Uh well. It's not an EMERGENCY so much as, a request for your opinions." Nick moves over to the loft bed to climb up the ladder, pausing halfway to reach for a box, tugging it towards himself.
Lucifer has posed:
"I am sure - had this been an actual emergency - there would have been a bit more to your text then... come over when you can, here's the address.." Lucifer says this with a smirk. "It's a nice place, and an opportunity to expand is always a nice one. He's done good here... but I suspect there might still be a studio portion somewhere around?" Asking this while they walk further in to the seating area and the loft bed aside.

"That or you wouldn't have even texted. I suspect that in real emergencies you would just come to the Penthouse quick as you can. Or perhaps some middle idea between the two." A pause and then he watches as Nick climbs up to grab a box from above the loft bed. "But now color me even more curious... what sort of opinion can we offer you?"
Sinister has posed:
"He might even have just thought 'help' really loudly..." Sinister murmurs, looking at the spot where the dividing line had once stood. He walks that line, looking left and right, examining the walls for the signs of the partition that isn't there any more and it brings a smile to his face. Approval? Probably.

Turning crisp on his heel, he takes to the seating arrangements with the lasse faire attitude of a Great Cat, lingering in the settling and arranging himself just so, creak of leathers a punctuation mark. "I imagine it's either an idea, or a thing he has very little experience with. Either or, perhaps both..." he muses, settling attention on the box drawn forth.

"By the by, did you settle things with Betsy?" is asked, nonchalantly. It was a thing, when Luci was busy doing things Devilish.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Studio layout. Not recording studio." Nick corrects, before pointing to the door that leads to the bedroom. "A sizable portion of the second condo went towards making a bedroom."

He climbs down, holding the box. "Well, speaking of Betsy, she swung by Shaw Studios last night to give me a belated Christmas gift. Seems she just came across this and thought of me. Well... the stage persona me." Popping off the lid, dropping it unceremoniously to the floor, he reaches into the box to pull out something Leathery. The box is dropped in the same manner of the lid, freeing up Nick's hands to unfurl the long, strapped, vintage leather trench coat. "So...now I'm looking for things to pair with this. And, I kind of kept my work things here which is why the invite here."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer tilts his head as Nick explains that this was a gift from Betsy who had dropped by to give it to Nick as a late Christmas thing. As Nick unfurls the jacket, Lucifer looks it over once and then cannot help the words that come out first. "Well, lets hope Johnny C. doesn't catch you wearing that off stage..." Then he chuckles and gives a shrug of his shoulders. "It's definitely got the rock star vibe... though I would more see someone who performs dark rock, or goth rock wearing that... Do you have any outfits you could model it on with for us?" Best way to comment is to look at the ensemble as a whole, right?
Sinister has posed:
Sinister's attention shifts to the item as it's flipped free of the box. The attitude towards the box? Also noted, with a flick of gaze down to the lid and back. Given that the man is often seen in leathers, his appreciation of the coat is a lengthy one.

"Modelled in the german style," he murmurs, chews his cheek but nods his head, also. "Can't really make observation without seeing what you had in mind. I do rather like it though and you can glam and punk yourself up as much as you wish to these days, it doesn't seem to reflect on a crafted image."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Lucifer makes the comment, there's likely a noticable change to the background music going on in Nick's head. Although, not the voice one would expect but no matter who sings it, people recognize the lyrics to 'I Walk The Line'.

To the question, Nick nods. "Yeah, I do. Just make yourself comfortable while I grab some stuff from the closet."

Intention stated, Nick turns, opening the bedroom door. Based from the light coming through, the bedroom has a generous window within but the wall obscures it. Nick makes a left, walking to an aside closet.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer watches as Nick trods off to go make an outfit out of a leather jacket. He then looks around for the nearest place to seat himself and settles here, though he really wishes he had a glass of whiskey in his hand right about now. No one comments after his remark about John Constantine and the jacket that looks like something J.C. would wear. Ah well. There's a glance in Nathaniel's direction and - for the moment it will take Nick to likely change and put together an outfit - he makes a bit of small talk. "So. We like the Phantom of the Raven?" A pause. "It's what I am calling your motorcycle..."
Sinister has posed:
"Ohhh, yes, it is extremely spiffy --" Occasionally the englishisms come out "--Did you enjoy the ride? I've always liked how relatively simple but finely tuned the mechanics of phantoms are, they handle superbly..." pause "...and they look like a dream, too."

Something clicks, likely in the musical afternote he can hear in his mind and he stops speaking, blinks at Lucifer, then looks at the bedroom door, whence the Nick did go.

"Not that Johnny C. The other one... Oh, a lot less grubby and he prefers a khaki number that is in terrible need of being dry cleaned. I sometimes worry he'd be contagious around my samples if I let him anywhere near them. Bloody laughing wizards..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick has moved to the back of the closet where one section has apparently been reserved for his attire. There's a clack of hangars. "Not as familiar with the other one's music though." Nick replies back, raising his voice a little to be heard through the walls as he sets about pulling out a few candidates.
Lucifer has posed:
"The other one doesn't do music. He appears via magic doors, has a severe drinking problem and thinks he's the king of the world." Lucifer says that much with a touch of elevation to his own voice so Nick isn't having to strain to hear him. Though he glances to Sin, gives a smirk and says in his normal tone - "It's probably true..." Another chuckle and a shrug before he's looking around and then sighs. "You think Wade would kill us if we smoked in here? So long as we use our trickery that it doesn't linger and all that?"

While awaiting for an answer from Nick in a few regards, Lucifer does mutter under his breath, wiggle his fingers and then pokes the air as if pressing a button. Two glasses appear, both filled with an amber liquid, and he gives one to Nathaniel while plucking the other for himself. Alcohol is a wonderful thing, wouldn't you agree dear-heart?
Sinister has posed:
Conjoured Alcohol is even better! Even though this is probably not literally conjuration and rather translocation magik, 'tis still a trick to be chuckled over. "Why thank you," reaching for the glass, Sin lifts it in silent appreciation. "And yes, it probably is. Mind, he's another of those individuals that doesn't automatically judge, so I can appreciate his company, addicted and crass as it often is."

Sipping, he glances to the balcony windows, looking out over Central park once more, appreciating the winter landscape no doubt. "I wonder what he's doing with himself. Probably up to his eyeballs in trouble."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing Lucifer's response over the raised voice, Nick chuckles. "I THINK he was in one band once." The musician replies back. "And if you make sure not to leave a trace he won't mind."

Having collected a few things, he carries them out. Not actually putting them on just yet. Some thing scan be ruled out just by looking at them side by side. "Pulled out a few possibilities." Nick leads with, making his trek back with arms loaded. The pants are pretty standard. A solid black denim number for one while the other is, while heavyset, less denim and more woven. Either of a higher standard quality than what Nick wears when off the clock. As for the shirts, there's a variety in sleeve lenghts, collars, pull over, button up, and different colors, most notably black, red, and a deep blue. The fabrics also lean towards the warmer, but breathable materials. "Rather than try on all the possible combinations, seems better to cut some out early on." The pile is set down upon a coffee table.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods his head and then looks to Nathaniel. The both of them surely have ways for the smoking of the cigarettes and not a trace being left behind. The smoke won't travel anywhere, the scent won't linger, and Lucifer can make ash out of the entirety of the cigarettes - butts and all - and then send them to oblivion. So, with all that likely soon put into place, he takes the silver case out of his inner pocket and sets two to his lips. Both of them are lit with a snap of his fingers before one is proffered over to Nathaniel. "Maybe he was in a band once. I don't recall but I am not saying it's not true either. That man is a mystery wrapped in an enigma tethered with a conundrum. Covered in cheese and slathered in bacon to boot." He offers.

When Nick emerges with the clothing, Lucifer looks at the pieces laid out and immediately gets rid of any and all long sleeve options, a few of the slightly off colored short sleeved shirts and several of the collared numbers. "Hmmn..." Some of the pants are lifted to float in the air for a side by side comparison but he does side-eye Nathaniel as in to silently ask his opinion.
Sinister has posed:
Sinister takes to the cigarette like he was born to it, which likely is the case. They were fashionable and promoted as healthy for the longest time, after all, much through his life in all truth. But with the emergence of the clothes pile, he eases back, leaning his arm on the kitchen counter, hand dangling and elbow as prop, staring at all of the items with a critical eye.

There's no argument at all with the disposal of the short sleeves, each pair of pants given a courteous regard with it, but he's looking entirely thoughtful as he does so, almost scheming.

A lean forward and he slings his leather jacket from his shoulders, shakes it out with a flourish of wrist and looks from pants to jacket a few times.

....then comes a rather worrisome turn of pulling the sleeves off of it as if they're nought but tissue paper, but without the sound of rip or tear -- the two sleeves are held up, shaken and grasped in one hand as they... well... metamorphose. What was a pair of coatsleeves becomes moleskin trews, complete with a slightly more charcoal design down the outer hem, of catholic 'travellers' crosses, outlined in a flash of 'molten' silver, as if they've been glued to the material. Then, after a few looks between the newly formed trousers and the Nick, he hands them over with a nod.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Lucifer and Sinister rule out a sizable chunk of the pile of clothing. Nick nods slightly. This did eliminate a LOT of potential outfits to try on. But as Sinister rips off his jacket sleeves, Nick's eyes widen for a moment as he watches them. Lips part, trying to voice a response to what is being done but the words don't come until the pants are held over to him. He does have to admit they look good but-

"It looks very nice Nathaniel, but-" Nick protests a little, looking back to Sinister, "You didn't have to do that to your jacket."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes a drag off his cigarette while watching Nathaniel work, a smirk on his lips and a gleam in his eyes. Though at Nick's comment, there's a chuckle that then comes from him. "Worry not, Nick. He can make jackets plenty...so nothing is truly ruined." Of course, Lucifer will not divulge HOW Nathaniel makes his clothing. Nor that he might be wearing some of Nathaniel right now due to the nature of it all... and then he looks the pairing over.

"I do like that. With the short sleeved red tee shirt. Though I wonder if we should inquire with Betsy if this is truly a normal jacket... or if she bought it somewhere that it might contain some sort of mystical property..." He says this with a grin before settling back in his seat, sipping at his drink and still sorting through shirts. Some are tossed back into the bedroom. Others are set back on the table. Likely a keep and toss situation.
Sinister has posed:
"Oh, think nothing of it. I assure you, that there's a lot more where that came from and it's easier to do it that way than the other. Try them on? They should be rather breatheable." For some reason, that comes with a fatuous grin that plasters itself from ear to ear. NOT looking at Lucifer at all.

"As to the jacket, I suspect that Betsy's good taste, not her mysticism, is coming to the fore. She does have impeccable taste and a good eye for the fundamentals of things..."

His whiskey is sipped and only then does he dare look at Lucifer, a sparkle in his eye.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is quiet for a few moments as the assurances are given. Another glance is given to the pants along with the summary of the other items to pair with the jacket. And he's not going to argue with the red shirt suggestion. Red dress shirts tend to be his usual go to whenever he has to wear a suit to a charity function.

He takes the offered pants. "Alright." Nick accepts, "I'll be right back."

Leaving the couple to the sitting area, Nick heads back to the bedroom.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer watches Nick as he goes back to the bedroom to change into the outfit that they have picked out and made for him. There's a slight nod of his head as if accepting this and then he finishes off his cigarette, crushing the very thing to death in his hand before finishing off the rest of his whiskey. A thought, a tap against the side of the glass, and it is refilled in record timing.

Magic is a beautiful thing.

"Do you think we should be the place he debuts this new look at as well? Or should we let him save it for something a bit bigger and better?"
Sinister has posed:
"That's probably up to him. I'm not sure he doesn't have to go through his image consultant that's /official/ as well as us..." Sin muses, finishing off his own smoke and proffering the butt to be incinerated. He still has whiskey, nursing it gently.

And the pants? They are a perfect fit, and for some reason they breathe /really/ well. Butter soft and strangely... thermodynamic, for reasons best not thought of too strongly.

Meanwhile, the coat has been put back on with a care for the barren sleeves area. With a studious eye, the 'torn off' look is given due consideration, before new arms 'grow' from the garment. Ahem.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Yes. Let us not ponder the implication of creation of clothes by the doctor of varying levels of goodness. Much less the pair of Sinister slacks being slid onto the rocker's body. Tugging off his current shirt, he pulls on the red short sleeve, making the scar on his right visible once more. Albeit for a short time after he switches to some black shoes and then tugs the jacket on over the exposed arms. Because of who this outfit is meant for, Nick reaches back to tug out the ponytail, running a hand to sort of fluff out the hair a bit to give a slight feel for the stage persona. He doesn't go as far to do the stage makeup but, hair length is something that should be considered for an outfit.

There's a pause at the door.

These pants are weirdly comfortable.

Blinking, Nick shakes his head , opens the door, and heads back over. He tilts his head curiously. "Well?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes the cigarette from Nathaniel and dutifully incinerates it to nothing. The effect of keeping things smokeless will remain until they are gone just to make sure they don't accidentally leave even a molecule of cigarette scent. "I suppose you're right... one of these days I might even try to talk him and his manager into letting me join him on stage when he's playing at Lux." There's a smirk then.

Once a Nick emerges, Lucifer shifts his gaze over to the rockstar, looks him down, then up, then down and up again. "Mmn. Needs eyeliner. But otherwise I think that's a pretty killer look." Of course, that's likely because he and Nathaniel painstakingly took ten minutes to put it together, but that is also besides the point. "I like it."
Sinister has posed:
"That I think, would be well worth the patience and anti--" and he looks at the door, expecting the emergence and giving a voiceless chuckle with it. "--pation." And the look, the up the down, the nod slowly given.

"It definitely has some panache. I'm sure there'll be modifications your wardrobe artists insist on, but..." there's a frenetic little trill of applause. "Bravo."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh there will be eyeliner." Nick assures, smiling to the approval to the outfit that they each contributed to. "Thanks guys. It's good to get some outside opinions at times." He runs a finger along one of the silvery crosses. "I wouldn't have thought of using a color switched St. James Cross on the pants but I do like the outcome."