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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/27 |Location=Mutant Town - Lavarre Manor |Synopsis=A masquerade ball turns to disaster as friends turn to enemies. Fortunately heroes come to the rescue. |Cast of Characters=128, 18, 1284, 10042, 1014, 202 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:128|Lorna Dane (128)}} has posed:'''<br>A sudden wintry storm hits mutant turn, causing snow to blow wildly about outside. Imside however, the large and roomy mansion is warm and cozy with a l...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:21, 5 February 2024

Dance of Darkness
Date of Scene: 27 January 2024
Location: Mutant Town - Lavarre Manor
Synopsis: A masquerade ball turns to disaster as friends turn to enemies. Fortunately heroes come to the rescue.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Psylocke, Boom-Boom, Kit Killovarras, Firestar, Wolverine

Polaris has posed:
A sudden wintry storm hits mutant turn, causing snow to blow wildly about outside. Imside however, the large and roomy mansion is warm and cozy with a large fireplace in the main hall, further warmed by the bright amber lights that hang from the large crystal chandelier in the vaulted ceiling.

Beyond the main room, large marble stairs arch around the opposite ends of the hallway, leading to more rooms upstairs and private bedrooms. But most of the activity occurs in the great hall with more spilling into the ballroom in the east arched hallway. The dining room to the west is currently closed as dinner is being prepared, although numerous tables line the wall of the huge main room , decorated in red lace table cloths and baring numerous silver platters full of finger foods and snacks of all , wine, oh and a large bowl of sparkling punch.

As new guests arrive, they are greeted by well dressed servants who politely offer to take their fists and hang them in the coat check room.

The general theme, from the decorated walls to the chandeliers, servant attire and guests themselves is that of Victorian masquerade ball. That is, large extravagant dresses of lace and corsets and tall wigs and ribbons, while the men are largely dressed in fancy suits and lace blouses. All of them wear domino masks of some sort.

Eloquent piano music flows in from the ballroom accompanied by string instruments, adding another layer of Victorian air to the setting.
Psylocke has posed:
Lady Betsy Braddock is wearing a silver Victorian ball gown, with purple lace draped over it, while a matching silver-and-purple mask covers the top portion of her face. The purple precisely matches the color of her hair, which is pinned up on the top of her head with sparkling silver clips. She's carrying a small silver purse and a lace fan; in her heels she's over six foot.

As a model and a born aristocrat, Betsy makes this whole get up look effortless, though it's very far from that. The corset is unnaturally tight; the gown itself hangs wide and catches on everything; the purse is barely big enough to fit her phone. And yet she's had hundreds of hours at making even the most uncomfortable outfits look the opposite, moving with an effortless grace.

The same grace she uses to hurt her enemies.

Not a hair is out of place, despite the storm outside. Impossible, surely. Though not for someone who can put up a telekinetic shield to protect herself. She just normally doesn't use it against the weather. A nod is given by Betsy to the servants. "Where is the Countess? I'd like to pay my respects."
Boom-Boom has posed:
So turns out, Tabitha Smith can actually rock that Victorian Era fancy dress. Might have been helped by an hourglass figure that really takes to tightlacing. A big enough set of hands can probably almost wrap around that waist.

She even went and got that hair done up in curls and ringlets. No wigs for her. Even she knows what they were meant to conceal. It's east to cheat hot curlers when you can channel superheater plasma through metal.

The dress itself is in pink tones, soft pastel which might just be as close to toning things down as Tabitha gets. The darker tones where it ruffles at her shoulders and at her hips. And at any laces.

The domino mas she wears matches the darker reds though for her she strapped it to a pair of glasses sitting on her nose with yellow tinted lenses. It does the job, and beats wearing contacts that irritate her eyes. "Man, Emma would have been right at home in all this." she says softly while looking around to make sure she didn't accidentally end up in the Hellfire Club. Again.

You can take the girl out of the Trailer Park, but you can't take the Trailer Park out of the girl.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Big, frilly wigs? Why DO people assume that a proper Victorian has to make a fool of himself at these sort of things? Apparently that sort of thing isn't for one particular guest, showing up in a vivid blue three-piece suit with a tailored white button-up at it's base. The entire thing brought neatly together with a simple ribbon bow-tie.

The outfit is a stark contrast to the soft tans and dusty browns of the gentleman's... fur? Alright, so maybe a 6'6" aardwolf isn't quite what you might expect when you think of a gentleman either, but here he is! Walking in like he hadn't just gotten back from being AWOL for a few months and apparently, having learned a new trick or two.

The most eye-catching part of his attire is also likely the most telling to some, since the almost ethereal mask that covers the majority of his face seems to simply exist upon his face. No string to keep it on, no clever mechanisms to adjust, nope! Just a vivid illusion that seems to shimmer ever so slightly in the light.
Firestar has posed:
Angelica arrives in a Victorian gown as well. The reds and golds of it setting each other off. Despite the small mask over her eyes, anyone that knows her well is going to recognize that red hair. It stands out and is done up tight to her head in proper style.

Her green eyes look over the place and she smiles as she sees a few she might know. Like Tabitha, she is tied up pretty tight in that dress and is still figuring out the whole breathing aspect of moving in the thing. Heels the same shade as the gold accents of her dress finish out her looks. A little awkward, she couldn't stand out worse if she had a sign that said 'Hey look at me.'. Still, putting the good front up for the moment.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan's outfit is simple. Some people may call him a "Texas Oil Tycoon" because he wears a simple black tux with a white button up shirt. Instead of a tie there's a simple bolo tie, but the charm in the middle is what's different. Due to some restored faith, there's a simple circular charm with an "X" lgo inside of it. If he would be wearing the cowboy hat the crowd would definitely think he's an oilt tycon.

The hair is tied back and he starts to move through the crowd. Ocean blue eyes drinking it in while they search for an actual drink. Suits are comfortable at times, weird during others. Right now, ehs unsure which way it feels.
Polaris has posed:
It seems the party has already started with the soft classical music playing in the background. But as more people start to pile in, that music suddenly switched to something a little more upbeat and fast cb paced.

A set of double doors near the back are opened slowly by servants to reveal a woman of average height, dressed in an extravagant silver gown adorned with a hundred pearls and baby blue embroidery along the edges of both the A-line skirt as well as the corset like bodice, which is hardly modest in the least, showing a fair bit of cleavage. Over her pale shoulders is draped a soft silken baby blue shawl, offering her bare arms and shoulders some decent warmth against what light draft might escape through any open windows.

Curly blonde hair that might be a wig or extensions is wrapped into an impossibly high and extravagant bun, held in place with pearl and silver hair clips in the back and a matching tiara. Blood red lip stick adorns her full lips, and subtle rough lends a touch of blush to her cheeks.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting the esteemed Countess Cerise Lamarre!"

Applause erupts as the Countess nods her head, dark eyes hidden partially beneath a silver pearl edged domino mask. A slight, cool smile touches her lips.

"Friends and honoured guests, welcome to my abode. I am happy to see so many new and wonderful faces. Please make yourselves at home in my adobe and enjoy the food. Dinner shall be served soon. Until then, please enjoy the music and dance to your heart's content..Oh and please do try the punch!"i
Psylocke has posed:
The servants presumably tell Betsy that the Countess will arrive soon, and happy with that, the Lady Braddock moves through the crowd. The definite advantage of being psychic; while everyone is masked, you still know precisely who everyone is. Even with those who have the ability to resist Betsy's skills -- by that very nature she can decide their identity, since few can.

More than one of those present surprises her. She hadn't picked this for being Logan's sort of event, and she hadn't seen Angelica since her untimely departure from the X-Men. It's toward the latter she heads with a smooth grace; Betsy's instantly recognizable just from her height and the color of her hair. "It's been too long. It's very good to see you. I trust all is well with you and yours?"

And then the Countess arrives, in true dramatic fashion. There's no judgement, though: why shouldn't a host arrange things such? That's not to say Betsy doesn't judge at all: the way her violet eyes narrow briefly it's almost certain she's judging the cut and tailoring of that dress in comparison to her own. "Have you had the honor of meeting the Countess before?" she asks Angelica, softly.
Boom-Boom has posed:
It's very likely when dinner is a thing the faux pas with likely increase. Mostly because when you don't know what spoon os for what, you tend to fork up a lot.

As friends get to the greetings, Tabby does at least manage a nice and proper curtsy! "Sup! I'm Tabby, but everyone usually calls me Boom-Boom!" she offers a playful tone to her own introduction.

The party goers all gettibng a look while she idly tries to find a beat she can bounce her hips to. Alas not that kind of soundtrack. Maybe later. If the pianist can do Freebird on the keyboard.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
The opening double doors and elegant entrance do manage to hold the aardwolf's attention for a few moments before his eyes once again begin to wander. After a moment, Kit will fall prey to his usual antics when in crowds and will wander among the guests and servants, never seeming to be 'in the way' of anyone but somehow managing to stay within earshot of... well, just about everyone.
Sort of hard not to with ears like those.

Tabitha's introduction gets a smile and a subtle nod of Kit's head as he gives a simple, "Masa el Khair, Tabby." in greeting.

Then the aardwolf notices Angelica and he pauses momentarily, head tilted to one side as he looks over her dress for a moment, then bows his head in greeting to her. She too, gets a simple, "Masa el Khair, Angelica." with just the faintest hint of a chuckle mixed in.
Firestar has posed:
Glancing towards the approaching Betsy, Angelica smiles as she recognizes the woman. She nods just a little and tells her,"Far too long. All is as well as it can be expected. I wish I'd taken time to call you earlier to see if you had some tips on how to breathe in these ungodly trappings." She looks to the Countess and shakes her head,"I have not." she admits,"I tend to shy away from these things, but decided to take a chance tonight."

Noticing Tabitha, Angelica smiles brightly and waves her direction. Since she is conversing with Betsy, for now it's just a wave. Noting Kit and his greeting, she gives him a big smile and little winks,"Good evening Kit. It's good to see you."

She notices Logan's entramce and her gaze lingers on his a moment. If their eyes meet, she offers him a smile and her chin dips his direction just a little. The three of them are far more interesting to her than the Countess just now. Her expression a little wistful between the three of them.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan will offer his own smile and chin dip toward Angelica. However, he's a little lost? Just because someone is big in mutant town mean she pierces every circle. Logan just sees her as a rich mutant. The reputation somehow is under the radar. He feels that will change, most parties like this tend to do that.

A look goes to Boom Boom and others he notices. A nod. Then he'll give a nod to Kit. After a moment,

"Logan," that's his greeting. To everyone. Man of few words sometimes.
Polaris has posed:
The countess smiles as her dark gaze sweeps the area, making the rounds to get to know her new mutant neighbours. She moves with a sense of purpose, as if she is someone of importance that goes beyond mere wealth. And the way the mutants watch her is with a sense of respect and admiration.

People start to mingle, many taking to the dance floor, many more filling their plates with finger food. Wow, that punch looks pretty popular - and tasty. People seem more relaxed when they drink from it.

The countess continues her rounds, nodding to Betsy, "Hmm, you're that model aren't you? I've seen photos of you." she smiles eloquently. "You are even more beautiful in real life."

Angelica is greeted next, admiring her fiery hair and equally fiery costume. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Angelica. I hope you are enjoying the celebration ."

Kit is next, peering up at him with a thoughtful, fearless smile. "I have met many different kinds of mutates but you are truly impressive, Ser."

Finally she nods to Logan and Tabitha, a thoughtful look in her dark eyes beneath that mask. "A pleasure to meet you both.." her smile is almost...Cool. And then, The countess chuckles. "How nice, if I am not mistaken, I believe some of you are members of the famous Xmen, yes? What an honour to meet you in person.."
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy is the sort of socialite who often has a glass to hand in any given event. Often it's just a prop, but she does imbibe when the wine is of sufficient quality. The idea of punch though? That's far below her usual standards.

It would be hard to miss Tabitha in a room, even if she is being effective at cosplaying along. Betsy smiles toward the other mutant before she settles into her dance routine.

"The tip is, don't eat during the day, and hope you don't faint during the evening." The laughter that Betsy gives in answer to Angelica is both honest and self-deprecating. "I don't recommend it." With a slight hum, she eyes track the Countess again. "I have heard rumors. But those who claim a title yet set up so far from their ancestral lands lends me to dubiousness. There is a responsibility in such things." It's one of the many reasons why her gaze follows the Countess. There are many things that can tell true aristocracy -- it's in the manner of one's bearing; how they hold themselves and how they interact. And Betsy was brought up in that world.

"Good evening, Kit," of course Betsy knows the name of every student in Xavier's. Or she read his mind. Whatever. "You look lovely." Then she leans toward Angelica, murmuring, "Do you think Rogue bribed Logan to be here?" Of course she knows Logan's hearing is sharp enough to hear. That's probably why there's a little twist of her lips, amused. "I forget how nicely he cleans up."

Then she straightens as the Countess nears. The greeting of their host is met with a constrained nod. "Lady Braddock. I've heard rumors of you, also. We should have tea, sometime. Talk about matters." The words are light, polite, and a mask for the light psychic touch she makes towards the Countess' mind.
Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha might not be sure just how secret that team affiliation is mean to be. But likely it's the hairy Canadian standing out with his bolo tie that got them made.

She does nod in agreement with Betsy's advice to Angelica. "It's a lot of work getting used to it. And a good shawl or jacket or something." she adds sagely. "Containment can be tricky, so you might need to cover things while putting them back in place." she says and looks down at the top of her own chest preventing her from seeing her feet. Kit gets a grin. "You might wanna run for cover if that happens."

The blonde speaking with a tone that sounds very experienced.

Back to the Countess she smiles. "Sounds like you've come here pretty well informed. Place is gearing up to be a killer party!"
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit's attention is on the countess when she approaches him and visibly so in the way he holds himself. When she speaks, a subtle smile spreading across his maw and he muses, "You honor me, Countess." as he bows his head to her, even allowing his eyes to close for a moment during the gesture. After all, such fearlessness deserves respect, does it not?

When her attention turns to others, Kit brings a paw up to take hold of a glass that just happens to float into his grasp. "And why would I run?" he asks with a glance to Tabitha, a playful grin dancing across his lips for a moment.

Then he looks to Angelica and muses, "Functionally..?" he lets the paw holding his drink hover around mid-abdomen, where most people typically 'feel' themselves breathing from, "Instead of trying to pull in from here," he says, letting his hand move up to a little below the collarbone, "Breathe from here and let your spine arch a little up close to your ribs." then takes a little sip of his newly acquired drink. How much would you want to guess that the aardwolf's advice comes from experience? Probably because he's far from shy about it these days.

Finally, he takes note of Betsy and bows his head to her in response, "Masaa' el Kher."

Logan's nod in greeting gets a bow in return and a quiet chuckle as another glass comes floating over, hovering near the tiny Canadian bruiser, a simple "You should try the punch." heralding it's approach, a quiet chuckle becoming ever so slightly more prevalent in his words for some reason.
Firestar has posed:
A slow, partial bow to the Countess. She offers the woman a smile and tells her,"The pleasure is mine. Thank you for the invitation, it is fantastic gala thus far."

Hearing Betsy's answer, she grimaces. A shake of her head,"That probably would end bad. My metaolism is a little different for obvious reasons. Not like some, but different."

She looks to Tabitha and smirks, winking playfully,"I'll keep that in mind." Not being able to see feet is catching because she looks down and can't begin to see hers either.

She nods when Kit tells her how to breath different. She experiments a few breath and smiles,"Hey...that does help." she agrees softly. She watch Logan leave and then looks to those gathered again.
Polaris has posed:
The Countess' smile quickly fades at Betsy's challenge. Or maybe it's something else? Whatever it is she just chuckles and shakes her head. "Oh my dear, I am an adventurer at heart, I hope to travel the world, make international investments, keep in touch with as many of my fellow mutants all over the world so that I can better their lives."

She peers towards Logan and Tabitha with a thoughtful smile. "The Xmen at least should understand that. Oh but we talk and we think too much. Please..Drink, be merry!"

A distant bell rings then and she smiles even wider, clapping her hands. "Perfect! Dinner is ready! Please, won't you join me?"
Psylocke has posed:
One could say there are benefits to being able to shield oneself from telepaths. And sure, it means you can't be eavesdropped on. But it also means when one wants to share a message in a subtle way, it's more old school. Betsy merely continues to smile at the Countess, not a single thing changing in her expression. Her gaze skips away, across the room. The Countess isn't the only one she focuses on though; her mind reaches out, across the room. Angelica can probably see the slight sway of the purple-haired telepath a second later -- maybe it's a comment on tight corsets and fainting, though.

It's only when the Countess turns her attention to the next mutant that Betsy tries -- unsuccessfully -- to catch Logan's gaze with a very subtle shake of head. Something's not right. It's a gesture Angelica, standing beside her, is definitely going to get too, and maybe the other mutants if they're looking in the telepath's direction.

Meanwhile, Betsy gives a little /push/ to one of the women near the punch. She really does see something swimming in the punch; Psylocke is very good at illusions. The woman of course freaks out and drops her glass. "There's something in the punch! Ugh!"

Betsy barely blinks an eye, glancing at Firestar. "I wasn't aware of that," she says, of the woman's metabolism. "Perhaps you better not drink the punch. I was hoping for some wine, anyway."

There are many ways other than telepathy to get the idea across. Of course, those that don't automatically resist her abilities get a very clear message. <<She is hiding something. Those who have drunk the punch have been drugged.>>
Boom-Boom has posed:
The bombastic blonde may just grabbed some of that punch mentioned on her travel to sit for dinner. "No one's ever accused me of thinking too much." she says playfully.

It's when the warning from Betsy comes mid sip that she at least tries to not look like she's made. <<Well if I wake up later, tell me what the human traffic was like on my trip?>> how badly she's been drugged is going to be a fun adventure.

Joining the other to sit and eat. <<Wanna take odds the meal is too? Might wanna probe the Help.>> she suggests and looks at said Serving Staff weighing them up in case a fight is about to break out.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
<<You only just noticed?>> A thought just drifts freely from the cloud of chaos and mixed, violent emotions that is the Aardwolf's mind on a GOOD day, <<Why do you think I've only been sipping it?>> so let's find out what he's like on drugs!

"Oh really? Well, you should join me in the library one of these days," Kit muses with a little grin dancing over his lips. "Something tells me I'd have you overthinking everything within an hour."

Angelica gets a little wink and a quiet, "You're welcome." as he walks along, his tail swaying as he lets his long legs carry him to a seat at the table.

He will, of course, remain standing however until each of the ladies in attendance has taken their seats first.
Firestar has posed:
The mention of food makes her grimace a little as Angelica wonders if she'll be able to eat and not split the dress out. It's been touch and go so far, ability to breate again not withstanding.

She glances at the woman going on about the punch and she frowns. Betsy's comment about not drinking the punch gets a nod,"I have a nice vintage at the apartment, we can maybe grab some of the others and open it together. If not, there's always Evan Williams in the cabinet." Now she's on edge, looking around the room a little closer.

One thing about it, the current mutants individual would be dangerous, but together they have the potential of breaking up a party in a most chaotic of ways. A smile for Kit and she makes her way into the next room. Paranoia or personal self defense? Either way, she manages to not act it obviously. She finds a seat on Betsy's left side, assuming that Betsy is right handed.
Polaris has posed:
The countess begins to walk towards the double doors leading them towards the dining room and nods to the guards who open the doors. Once everyone is inside, the doors clatter shut with a resounding thud. Wait, did she just lock them all in?

She sits at the head of the table, and smiles sweetly as the servants begin to bring in very very large platters of food, covered in very large metal lids.

"Oh, don't worry about the punch, just a little relaxing drink to take the edge off. I am much more interested in you. But rather disappointed that Havok is not with you this time.."

She smirks and snaps her fingers for the servants to remove the lids.

"But all the same. My master will be very pleased when I deliver your tasty heads on a platter for him!"

The lids are removed to reveal...Giant robotic dogs (that may seem quite familiar to Logan and Tabitha at least), who leap off. the table, attempting ti attack the heroes!

"Now now, remember my master wants them alive, so he can feast on their delectable blood.." she licks her lips standing up, pulling away her dress in one fell swoop to reveal a certain familiar green haired woman resembling a certain green haired Xmen, except her black and purple attire more closely resembles that of Polaris when she was possessed by Malice.
Psylocke has posed:
The shift of Betsy's gaze towards Tabitha and then Kit is accompanied by a mental sigh. Kids. <<I think you're going to have a lovely nap, unless you've got some way to burn it out of you. Maybe I can keep you both awake, though.>> It might not be pleasant, but she'll certainly try. She'd rather have everyone she knows is capable of fighting awake and prepared.

It just... might be unpleasant. Pain is a good way to make people stay awake. Efficient. Unpleasant. But effective.

Angelica gets an approving, warm smile from Betsy, and it's not just for the offer of the wine. She does so approve of paranoia, especially where it's appropriate. "That would be lovely. I look forward to it." She settles herself as her mind roves. Just a slight tension in her posture when she touches the mind of the servers. Oh. That's not good.

<<The servers are not alive. They have no minds of their own. I think maybe our hostess is controlling them somehow.>>

The moment the platters are revealed and the threat made apparent, she leaps backward. It looks like she's falling back behind Angelica, and why wouldn't she? Firestar is a literal powerhouse, and the dogs would be no match for her. Instead, she turns her gaze -- and her mind -- toward the Countess. Or Polaris? Huh. Her mind wasn't familiar. But never mind. They'll sort out which later; for now, the purple-haired woman uses her considerable psychic ability, focused wholly on their hostess, intended to mentally stun her. Betsy is not a delicate scalpel: she's a psychic hammer, directed solely at one target.
Boom-Boom has posed:
"Ugh, still not seeing what you see in that guy!" Tabby groans once the jig is up and the Lorna knock off reveals herself. "If ya gonna roofie anyone, you can do better than him! Be different! Hell! I'd rock your world better than he would" She's already slurring her speech. And admittedly like the real Lorna, Tabby has no actual compunction about being a flirt.

She's not a lightweight with her drinking but how big a dose was in that punch bowl?

Thankfully Betsy can help with a nudge that might feel like a hit of coffee keeping her awake. And a slap somewhere!

What it does mean though is the big green bad girl is dealing with a pyromaniac in the room. "So you got a name hon? Cause if hitting on ya isn't gonna work, I still what know who the hell I'm hitting!" she didn't catch it last time alas. The robot help getting a grin. "Robots. I love fighting robots!" she adds and starts sending plasma streams.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little wave of the aardwolf's paw and a trail of energy heralds him standing up, the wave blocking any attempt at an ambush strike from the mechanized pooch, but it comes at a cost. There's a sudden ripple of violet energy across the back of the aardwolf's head and his mask vanishes, the energy seeping into his eyes to form a brilliant violet light. "This felt so cleche!" he cackles out as some kind of almost 'liquid' energy begins to drip from his claws.

Mentally? It's almost like a dam just broke, one that's been holding back something horrifically violent and now? Now that it's punched through, it wants to play!!

The aardwolf's paws raise a little as he scribbles something into the air with that violet energy, then scratches downward, leaving deep scratches in the tapestry between dimensions that seem to dance around him for a moment as he looks to the countess. "Something tells me you're going to need more puppies..." he finally says as his lips curl back into an almost vicious grin tugs his lips back, revealing teeth as the dimensional blades suddenly tear off towards multiple of the mechanized canines!
Firestar has posed:
Angelica and Betsy should hang out more. They seem to speak a similar language these days. The whole thing is weird and not getting any better as things start to break down.

She feels Betsy move behind her and she raises her hands, palm out, and releases the power of a nuclear fall out into beams almost as wide are her palms. The ones infront of her get a nasty melty look, securing herself and Betsy.

She eyes the others and backs a step, staying between them and whatever Betsy is doing. She registers the Lorna that isn't Lorna briefly, but her words causes her her to scowl darkly,"They want our blood for something? That's going to cost them to try." she growls softly.

From here, she doesn't have a clean shot at the Countess, but that can change with an elevation rise, but for now she stands as Betsy's cover so she isn't going anywhere.
Polaris has posed:
A snap of her fingers and all hell breaks loose. But it seems that not all servers are robodogs. Some of them are normal unsuspecting humans and they shriek in horror and fear, shrinking against the walls, hoping not to be killed by either side.

Magnetrix, as she is calling herself these days, dies put up a decent psychic resistance against Psylocke's attack, it's enough to protect her from imminent death but not enough to prevent her from flying back, crashing into the wall.

"Well, you sure are fiesty. I just know my master will love enthralling you! Robodogs, attack her!" half a dozen dogs leap towards Betsy even as others fall at others hands. The remaining servers then shed their clothes, revealing themselves to be yet more Robodogs who lunge and snap viciously at the heroes, not afraid to injure or cut them up with powerful jaws and the ability to send electric shocks through powerful jaws.
Psylocke has posed:
There's absolutely a trust there, Betsy relying on Angelica to guard her, because her attention is wholly distracted. She's aware of the uttered threat, aware of movement as several of the threats turn toward her. But for all that Betsy is a nina, used to working in stealth and alone, she's grown increasingly used to working in a team, and she trusts Angelica -- and the other mutants -- to take care of business.

Because things are going to get really painful really quickly if they don't.

Meanwhile, a battle is going on psychically. Her lips quirk upward, purple glimmering over her eyes. Psylocke loves a good battle. The hammer of her psychic power batters on Magnetrix's mental shields, again and again, relentless. It's only a matter of time until she cracks through it.

Enthralling her? "Been there. Done that. Hard pass."
Boom-Boom has posed:
The corsets probably don't help with mobility in a fight. Unless you've actually done it a few times. Tabby had. Which explains why she hasn't popped her piercings out.

As she fights, inebriated as she is she concentrated her plasma streams so they can push through metal mutts and leave slagging holes all through them. And not exploding near innocents human or mutant alike.

It's not often when she can fight and not have to hold back that much. She even finishes her punch. Throwing the small cup at the nearest robodog trying to electrocute and maul her. "Bad dogs. No treats. Bet your mamma gonna get punished hard by her sugar daddy who ever that be?" she yells while adding a large amount of controlled chaos. She can always pass out later. The thrill and the rush of flinging plasma kicking in and helping fight the drugs and booze.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
It's almost like the Aardwolf is conducting some sort of twisted orchestra with how his arms and paws move, tearing blade after blade, four by four at a time and each of them capable of slashing deep grooves into most metals. It may not be a clean cut, more like multiple strikes from an axe, but the way he moves is relentless.

And through the chaos and the metal mutts going clank-clank, boom? The aardwolf is humming what sounds like an old lullaby. It's strange when something so innocent seems to sync up to the sound of screams, but at least he's making certain that the blades don't fly too close to the innocents when they freak out.
Firestar has posed:
Things are breaking down and the odds getting longer. While one hands stay focused on any robot that tries to grab her or Betsy, her other hand rises and aims at the ceiling. A narrow, intensely hot beam carves a large chuck of the ceiling out and lets it fall at the would be Polaris' head. She can't put a straight on shot direct at the touble maker, but a head shot from above would have the same effect.
Polaris has posed:
Magnetrix snarls against the might of Psylocke's mind, but she is no slouch either. Perhaps most minds would have melted to sludge by now but she at least has a high constitution as she telekinetically hurls chairs, robodogs and chandeliers, anything she can get her mind on at both Psylocke and Firestar..And honestly Firestar can't defend herself and Psylocke against so many things at once, at least that's what she's hoping for.

But alas, it seems the Xmen are getting the better of her, and amid the chaos she turns and flees, flying right out a nearby window, leaving whatever remains of her army of robodogs for them to clean up.

At least tonight, she will live another day..But what of the unconscious guests? Can the Xmen rescue them before she takes them with her?
Psylocke has posed:
Betsy feels it. The moment the shield starts to crack. The verge of victory. One more hit, and the faux-Lorna's shield will shatter entirely, revealing herself.

Alas, Magnetrix appears to sense that tipping point also and wisely retreats.

It's with a noise of utter frustration that Betsy loses the psychic hold she has on their foe. Fortunately there's other targets to take out. Purple flares into a sharp knife that is driven into the head of a dog that makes a leap for her, and she kicks it away. "I hate dogs," she growls, at no one in particular. Once they're all down, she beckons, and the unconscious bodies lift up. "Someone call in the Blackbird. Let's get them to the mansion until they recover."
Boom-Boom has posed:
When her last robodog is left a pile of slag Tabby grins, wobbling on her feet and swaying off balance as she heads for the punchbowl to grab herself another drink.

She might have forgotten it was spiked. But it's free it's got kick and she knws she's getting home.

A look down at herself, and a few scorch marks and tears in the dress gets her frowning "BITCH! You own me a dress!" she swears and chugs the contents of her fresh cup. To the others she grins. "Scwew it. Letsh go find a fun party!" that's probably a bad idea.

She'll probably be face down ass up by the time the Blackbird gets there.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
It's one thing to see a damn break, but it's another entirely to see it suddenly mend itself, trapping the sheer force of something wrong back behind the thinnest of walls. When the robo doggo's are no more, the light would leave the aardwolf's eyes. Then, with a little sigh and a subtle smile, he'll adjust his ribbon bow-tie and give a simple, "Well, that was fun.." before glancing down at the thin lines of purple slowly forming in the vivid blue of his suit. "Well, fuck.."
Firestar has posed:
Betsy is in the fight now, not exposed. The worst of the baddies have fled. Angelica leaves the floor, flying out the hole in the roof to try and see where they went, but they are already gone from sight."

She sighs and goes back into the house to float back down.

"I hear a super sonic trail coming. Let's get people loaded and out of here." she suggests. She looks at Kit and shakes her head,"You are incredible my friend." she says with a wink.