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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/19 |Location=Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville |Synopsis=Drunk Lucifer makes for interesting times -- and planning for the Valentine's day event at Lux. |Cast of Characters=231, 9039, 735 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:231|Sinister (231)}} has posed:'''<br>It's been a few days, since the raid on Lux, a necessity for heads to cool off and tempers to be shoved back into their boxes. Projects have occupied time. Likely, so have reco...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:33, 5 February 2024

Appeal to the Court
Date of Scene: 19 January 2024
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Drunk Lucifer makes for interesting times -- and planning for the Valentine's day event at Lux.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Phantasm (Drago), Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
It's been a few days, since the raid on Lux, a necessity for heads to cool off and tempers to be shoved back into their boxes. Projects have occupied time. Likely, so have recording sessions.

Either way, after a particularly gruelling day of Weather <tm> which seemed to come in sideways, go up under anything people happened to be wearing and got everywhere, as winter in NYC sometimes is prone to doing... it's the evening.

Early evening, at that.

The penthouse has a few interesting new additions at the moment, in that there's an array of more unusual musical instruments on stands and the glass of the windows is completely transparent, NOT filled with stars.

Cordial invites to an evening were sent out. No rush. No emergency. Just an invite to drinks or maybe to cards later, if inclinations arrise to try getting drunk, when the Devil shows up again... he left earlier and Sin at least has no idea where he went, but trust is a fine thing. He is gazing out of the balcony window at the moment, dressed in a light long-coat and charcoal polo-neck, smoking a roll-up as he watches the dark world outside and the accumulation of sideways snow, on the roof-top patio.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Invites were sent out and one was answered as evidenced by the elevator doors parting open to allow one Nick Drago access to the penthouse. With the cool weather, Nick has shifted over to the warmer attire. The henley and pants seem to be of his nicer casual attire but not part of the stage persona selection.

While likely, the performer did not come from a recording session. Instead, judging from the still fresh scent of shampoo and soap, he likely has cleaned up after another activity. One could only gu-

Exercising. He was at the gym earlier.

"Evening." Nick greets, seeing Sinister first. He pauses as he looks around for the other. But upon not finding him, he looks to Sinister curiously, and then to the instruments on display. "...New purchases."
Lucifer has posed:
Was that a Send All message so even Lucifer got an inkling that something was happening at home? If so, it would mean that his current event is cut a little short - even if it wasn't meant to last long - but he says his goodbyes and then begins making his way home. Flying through the sideways snow is a challenge, but perhaps with the bodily heat index he has gives him a slight advantage.

It really is hard to tell.

None the less, shortly after Nick arrives, Samael lands on the balcony and steps through the one window-door entry which places him right next to where Nathaniel is standing. Long blonde hair cascades like a natural wave of light to just below his shoulders, his impressive six-wing span is what carried him home, he wears white. Yes. WHITE. A silken shirt with a low cut V-neck, white pants and a white overcoat adorned with random gold leaflets in decoration. "Do forgive me. I hope I am not too terribly late..."
Sinister has posed:
It was a Send-all message, because if there's going to be drinks and the potential of drunkness, Archangels do have to decide if they -want- to, after all. And that can be slightly more than spur of the moment thought process... sometimes. Maybe. Potentially. On other Angels maybe.

"New? No, not exactly. I did a scorched earth kind of reset when I left my old life behind, but some of the things my family acquired over the years were in storage, or in museums and collections, loaned out. These... I suppose part of me never wanted to just set fire to object d'art and slices of culture. I had them moved over here... figured well... you could have a look at them, see if anything leapt out at you and likewise with his Lordship. He's doing something, not sure what, but he should be..."

Light? Is that the falling of a star? Well, not really falling, he's doing a fair job of keeping aloft as he comes in for a landing. The attire, the face, the entire Seraphim Truth, has the scientist discombobulated though.

Whatever he was GOING to say, appears to have hung on his lips, which are parted and in need of rebooting.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the explanation to the instruments, Nick nods. "Oh okay." Nick responds, moving over towards them to get a better look. "On display here rather than gathering dust in storage I can appreciate." He pauses looking to one piece. "Which reminds me, I should probably set aside some time to fiddle around with a Hurdy-Gurdy I was gifted."

The flash of white upon white draws Nick's attention over to Lucifer's entrance.



What? Yes Nick knows he can go blond but its still a rare enough occurrence to give pause. Also the hair seems a bit different from the last time around.

"Family gathering?" Nick ends up inquiring.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer reaches over to gently push a finger against the bottom of Nathaniel's lips so they close. "You are not a codfish, my love." Saying this and then he steps a bit further in. "Ah, yes, you could say that. Had a little chat with Uriel and company, he was wondering how things were going with our little machine..." He pulls a silver case from an inner pocket and alights himself his own cigarette before glancing around.

He infers a bit from what Nick has said and then tilts his head. "A hurdy gurdy sounds familiar but I haven't a clue what it looks or sounds like. Just that it exists. You should bring it by and let us all experience it. Anyway..." Turning back towards Nathaniel then. "I assume you just want a quiet night of drinks and maybe cards?"
Sinister has posed:
Sinister's mouth clicks shut. Well, not so much click, but he isn't fishmouthing much any more, just gazing and trailing movements with that gaze. There's a clearing of the throat, a slow blink as if to perhaps reset his mind and he turns from this to actually finishing his roll-up and pinching it out.

"Did any of them have anything to add to the brainstorm?" This is asked, a hand is reached and the lines of that coat and the brief brush of six wings is given in a downward stroke. Appreciate when you can, right? He slips his hand into the pocket of his jacket afterwards, perhaps to stop temptation.

"A hurdy gurdy is a hand-held crank organ, which begs the question why on -earth- would anyone gift one to you? Though I suppose it's novelty. Ahhh..." he gestures with his other hand furthest from Lucifer, toward the instruments. "Do feel free to coopt any, tell me what can go back into circuit and what you want to keep and contemplate, both of you?"

There's a pause on consideration of the inquiry. "Yes, a quiet night. Drinks, cards, discussion, whatever pops up, including fiddling with these instruments. I wager some of these are probably the spoils of the empire, but..." he shrugs faintly, mostly likely of the opinion that some antiquity probably wouldn't BE here, if not for people making off with it. "Sometimes, there is no justice. There's only us, after all. Accounting can be complicated. I also wanted to know if you were ok, Nick. I know sometimes you can get a little put out, by... well..." them being who they are.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's a string instrument that uses a -." Nick pauses as Sinister is a bit more to the point with the explanation. He nods in agreement to the response to the question to WHY he was given one. "It's somewhat of an odd story to why but at the end of it I befriended an antiques dealer and he had one. He knew I was a musician and he thought it would be nice if someone played it instead of letting it continue to collect dust."

Nick pauses to look to a violin.

The inquiry to how he's doing causes for him to look over to the doctor again. He cracks a small smile, "...By my standards I am."

Another glance is given to the violin before he steps away to look to another instrument, "But I tend to grade on a severe curve. I can understand why you did what you did."
Lucifer has posed:
"He did jokingly say he could steal Haephestus' hammer for you to borrow and whack against the machine a few times to see if that would get it to submit." Lucifer offers while feeling that single brush against his wings. This has him pausing his walking and giving Nathaniel a side-eye. His wings flutter a bit. Almost as if they're asking for more. After all, it's not too much to simply stroke someone's wing feathers, right? Like stroking their back really.


...Don't talk about Wings Club.

"There's a lot that I can look past. But the core of me is one of Judgment. After all, the Sinners are sent to me and I weigh them against their crimes on Earth. There are special places in Hell for certain types of people...and that group deserve some of the more rare offerings I have." He shimmers with a golden hue for a moment that then dims as he clears his throat. "Mmmn... I think I want to get drunk. Yes. Can we make this happen?"
Sinister has posed:
Do not give into temptation. At least not yet. NOT YET.

"I think that one is a romanian fiddle, if I recollect correctly. From when my father did manoevers in the black Sea..." then the answer to his question causes a bark of laughter and a similar side-eye to Lucifer. "I don't think I want it reforged, do I? Or smote. Does that thing smite? I imagine it must, it was used to forge thunderbolts..." and might be conflated sometimes in the retelling, with Mjolnir. Who knows? Greeks. Vikings. Gods. All of it is just a little out-there at times.

A smile is given. Maybe a promise in a gesture, as it's a little sly. Then with a return of the sombre expression, he looks back to Nick, though he gestures a twirl of fingers at the lab access, where a few muted fwooshes, clicks and hums can then be heard.

"That's good to know, at least as long as the curve isn't so severe it's vertical. There's what Lucifer said, but there's also this: for some of us, there's no court that could handle us. No jury of our peers that could hold us to account. Sometimes, there's only one another and the psychic equivalent of community service."

The lab fwooshes again, then there's a chime, like an egg timer going off. He looks to Lucifer. "We will be right back. Please excuse us for a minute..." he gestures to the lab as the door unlocks, then heads inside and out of sight.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods to the comment about the curve being vertical being a bad thing. "It's still a curve. And still consciously maintained. But, I have my limits." Even a long fuse is finite.

The smile fades, "You won't have to ask me to know when they've been reached."

Looking to the lab, the indication to Lucifer and the mention of drinking earlier, Nick nods. "New Years Eve, take two?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer gives a grin and a flutter of wings. "Something like that. Good thing the room is sound proof." He jokes. Or does he? There is a shift, of course, for him to follow Nathaniel. Though he pauses to explain. "Nathaniel can sort of turn his tolerance for alcohol off and on. I cannot. Angels cannot get drunk. So...we've found a way to compromise." He won't go into further detail than that.

"Won't be but a few minutes I think..." And then he's off into the lab, leaving Nick to his own vices in the Penthouse.
Sinister has posed:
"A very good thing to know, Nick."

What the eye doesn't see, the brain can imagine.

"Yes, new year's eve, take two...."

A look is shared with the Archangel of the light right as the lab door shuts on the two of them, but it really won't take all that long. Maybe a minute or two. Certain things have to be very securely protected and encased and INACCESSABLE to just about everyone except a very select group of precisely two.

But the door does open again, disgorging the scientist with a pleased and notoriously crooked grin on his face, glancing over his shoulder back the way he came, then to the room at large. "Now we're cooking with charcoal, I think!" terribly chipper in tone.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
While the pair disappear to ...slip into something more comfortable of sorts, Nick turns to look back to the instruments. Another thing about fuses. When they're not actively being lit, it's a bit easier to replace the damaged ones with a fresh one. Is that how real explosives work? Nick wouldn't know. But the visual still works for this case. A glance is given to the violin once more before he shifts over to what looks to be a different type of stringed instrument.

When the door opens again, Nick looks over, curious to see what the compromise is.
Lucifer has posed:
The compromise is that the man who walks out that is Lucifer, is Lucifer's mortal form. Black hair, blue eyes, jeans and a tee shirt because this is casual non-angel Lucifer. For those who might have a sense to feel power around them...this form has none. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Yet he is smiling and looking himself over just a bit before heading towards the living area. "Whiskey or cognac, love?"
Sinister has posed:
"Almagnac, as a compromise of neither..." Sinister grins, the door to the lab closing behind with a click and a thunk of maglocks and deadbolts. One cannot be too careful, the occupancy in there is precious. There's literally only one of it in creation, no replicas at all. Archangels would be such an endangered species in the wild, that human goverments would be inclined to consider them functionally extinct!

"So, shall I order delivery? Votes for gambling snacks?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick takes in the visual for a moment, looking for something different for how he normally sees Lucifer. As far as 'feeling power', that seems to be a failing of the Phantasm. Or possibly a strength. It would likely be problematic if they reeled in response to every wall of implied power they come across. It'd definitely be annoying if one was trying to have a civil conversation.

Bits of the New Years conversation comes to mind. "I'd probably lean towards the whiskey." He admits, though the question wasn't initially addressed to him before looking over to Sinister, "As for food, simple fare, pizza maybe?"
Lucifer has posed:
"Pizza. Yes. And cheesey bread. And wings..." If it were really up to Lucifer he'd likely order the entire menu of whatever pizza place they choose to get food from. He's already made his way to the bar that's mostly full of whiskey but has some of Nathaniel's favored other drinks. Three glasses, two whiskies and one almagnac. He cannot float them over. "Alright. Nathaniel, can you grab your drink?" Cause the man who can usually float things doesn't really know how to balance things other wise.

He does pick up the whiskies and walks back over towards Nick to pass along the glass. "This is going to get very interesting I think. Since I don't do this often, I don't think there's a high tolerance for alcohol..."
Sinister has posed:
"Game night combination it is..." Yes, Lucifer. Humans do this regularly, only it's over that whole '100 lbs of protective gear, just to play rugby' sport, to quote Giles. Or occasionally baseball. Either way! "Right..." variety of dipping sauces, both for wings and for pizza slices, Sinister saunters over to his cognac as he stares silently at his phone, struck by an indecision, mostly on what should be on the pizza. Simple? "Mushroom and pepperoni, work? Or would we like deluxe, so that those that care feel as if there's some vegetable content?"

He picks UP the cognac in hand, occuping the telekinesis with the gathering of playing table and floating over of cards, poker chips and remote control for the audio system, which hovers somewhere between the other two men. Who will make the choice for tunage?
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
To the agreement on pizza, Nick smiles. One would think that would be a commonly ordered out food but- Well. Ok yes. Pizza's a given but things like the breadsticks, wings, sandwiches, and lava cakes. Those tend to get skipped.

Hearing Lucifer's request of Sinister, Nick's already starting to turn in order to claim his own drink, only to find it still being carried over. He slows to a stop, taking the offered drink. "Thanks." He responds, glancing to Lucifer's drink as he mentions the tolerance quite possibly lacking. "...Well, unless you're wanting the EXPERIENCE of a hangover, I'd suggest some water in between the drinks.

The suggestion of added vegetables for the FEELING of being healthy gets a laugh. "It's Pizza. We're not fooling ourselves into thinking it's healthy by any stretch of the imagination."
Lucifer has posed:
"We eat healthy enough otherwise when we don't have to eat at all...and I can always take this form for a workout if I have to.." Lucifer says this and then considers his whiskey. "Water between drinks, eh? I won't be in this body long enough to experience a hang over, but I suppose I can oblige....mostly to that." He chuckles and then takes a slow sip of his whiskey - perhaps because a part of him knows he is going to experience it differently in this form than in his angelic one.

As Nathaniel floats over all the things needed for gambling and listening to tunes, he reaches to grab the audio controller and turns on some classic rock. Sounds like Pink Floyd is first on the playlist with their song 'High Hopes'.
Sinister has posed:
"Well, psychology is a /fun/ thing, isn't it Nick?" Essex replies with one of his crooked smiles, chairs the last to be drawn up to the table as the order is placed. "Which applies to getting pissed as a newt, too." With a glance to Lucifer and a broadening of the grin, he settles to seating, floating refills of the bottles to sit on a side-table as he opens the cards, riffles them like a professional and then shuffles them like an old soul accustomed to shady games in shadier pubs, in a life gone past.

"I'm going to deal classic texas hold'em for now, we can pick some other nonsense later, if we feel inclined. I'd say 'cribbage' but I don't know that that's particularly a getting plastered game. Nor for that matter is bridge." A chuckle as he cocks an ear to the music. "Good choice... If any band in the history of creation had a deal with you on the side, I'd be surprised if Pink Floyd wasn't one of them."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I'd be more amused if it was Deep Purple. Ian Gillan in particular." Nick quips, taking his seat. A glance is given to the cards as they're shuffled. A nod is given for the suggestion of Texas hold'em. Easy game to manage cards with. Dealt cards don't really need to be held in hand for that variation. "I'm also not familiar with the other two games." Nick admits, "At least with Texas Hold'em there was that period where they were doing celebrity poker so you kind of had reason to be brushed up on it."

He looks to the deck. "It's two for each person and the rest face up for this one, right?"

He's kidding.


Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods and grins. "Texas Hold'Em is a good game to start with..." Saying this as he takes his own seat and watches as Nathaniel shuffles the cards. There's a glance to Nick as the man asks about how the card game works and he gives a smirk. "You got it in one. And you make a hand out of your two cards and three more on the table. Or one and four on the table. It's very bad luck to try and pray that the hand on the table will help you win." Saying this much as he sits back to wait for cards to be dealt to him as he sips a bit more of his whiskey and then....goes to find his smokes but is lacking.

"Nathaniel, did you happen to grab my cigarette case or do I need to go retrieve it?"
Sinister has posed:
Sinister deals the two to each, the three face up and moves neat stacks of chips to everyone, even if they're just play -- they're an important part of this and represent, well... who knows in this regard. That done, his own jacket pocket is reached for and his tin and lighter are set on the table. They fill from the same box after all, unless Sin's having a roll-up day.

"I think poker was definitely a thing I learned when I came to the Americas. It wasn't exactly the game of choice back in the old country..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Surely the details of the chip representation was ironed out beforehand. Possibly during the talk of having a second New Years. Either way there are no concerns of what the buy in is, or what the chips stand for now.

I didn't play card games much." Nick admits, "...Well, maybe solitaire." Don't need friends for that one.

Nick lifts up his glass to take a sip, not yet looking to the face down cards in front of him yet.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks at the cards dealt to him. Or at least, he looks at them while they're still face down and gives his head a little tilt. If Nathaniel dealt then that would make Nick the big blind and him the small? Then would that mean the dealer will rotate each hand as well? Looking over to his chips, he picks up a couple blues and tosses them into the middle before taking another drink of his whiskey. "Sometimes I think I give a little too much credit to the mortals out there..." He begins to say. Unprompted. "Their bodies are so....fragile...and yet they do so many things to fuck themselves up...and for what? A ten minute joy ride?" There's a scoff. "It's ridiculous..."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister's gaze lifts to the devil at the comment made offhand. He eases back into his seat, having dealt as he did, to sip on the almagnac. His gaze is steady over the brim of it as he lifts, lowers, taking his sweet time on a mouthful.

"The mortal condition suffers quite often from sun-fading. It starts out fresh, novel, interesting, bewildering and bewondering and the longer it stays in the sun, the more washed out it gets. A lot of the time, the foolery, is to chase a feeling that no longer seems to come around, now that adulting has arrived." He observes this, takes a cigarette and doctors the base, hung and lit with his zippo.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is not thinking of blinds both big and small. But as Lucifer makes a comment regarding the fragility of mortals, he looks over to Lucifer. Sinister's comments cause for him to look over to the doctor.

The performer is quiet as he picks up his drink once more. "Perhaps to that particular example, ten minutes of bliss is worth much more than a lifetime of not living at all."

He takes a sip. Still yet to look at his cards.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer suddenly remembers cigarettes exist, and so he grabs one from the case and goes through the motions of light--oh. He's not himself. So he looks to Nathaniel and confiscates the Zippo when the doctor is done using it so he can light his own. "Mmn...then maybe I don't give them enough credit. Or maybe it depends on the person..." He thinks aloud before glancing down at his cards still sitting there on the table.

After a moment a glance is given to Nick. "How do you experience bliss in such a regard? You don't live the typical rock star lifestyle as far as I can tell... unless there's parts of it we're not privy to but I do often wonder. Or is it something you can't really experience because of what you are?" Especially now that it's been determined the man has - however diluted - angelic blood in his veins. Could be it takes more than the average human to experience the same affects. He then looks at his cards.
Sinister has posed:
"And then you get into all kinds of debate as to what is technically living, as opposed to existing in a state of not being dead... I've listened to those debates amongst men into their cups. Women, also..." lighter surrendered, he lightly bends the cards upward to peek at his own, returning attention to the team of two before him. His expression is studiously blank.

"Personally, I think you give us just about the right amount of credit. Or debit, where it's due. We're a terrible lot and much of that is simply genetics."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's a by the person thing, I would think." Nick allows, looking over to Sinister. He pauses, considering the words. "I'll allow that everyone at some point has done something that would be considered regrettable when presented with just the right situation."

Nick runs a thumb along the corner of the two cards, taking a look to the corner markings before he sets it back down. Comments about not partaking in the rock star lifestyle "...Just because I don't now doesn't mean I didn't when starting out. Even before joining Silver Round I had my share of underage drinking. But, things changed. And I'm different than I was then. But...music helps my mood. So does helping others."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer downs the rest of his whiskey and goes to refill the glass. He does not drink water between these drinks. There's a glance to Nick and he nods. "Ah, that makes sense. But you have found your path and that is the important part..." There's a bit of sway in his body as he takes a nice gulp of the refilled glass. "Alright, we need cards on the table so we can continue!" A little laugh escaping him after he says this and then he looks to Nathaniel. "You know I don't really count you among the mortals... I don't really count Nick with them either. I'm talking about your average Dick Joe who wakes up in the morning, goes through his mundane existence day after day until he inevitable flaced with Death's Scythe..."

He smirks, leaning back in his chair some as he takes a drag off his cigarette. "Did food get ordered?"
Sinister has posed:
Did he just say 'Flaced'? Sinister glances at Lucifer, the bottle of whiskey and its level of fullness, back to the table and deals the requisite five, face up. Eyes side to Nick, then back to the dealt cards.

"Part of everyone's youth. I took laudinum a time or two when young, alcohol proliferately when older and some moments of cocaine. It was part of the nature of the beast then...."

He levels attention up to the devil and back to the cards. "I guess we've passed the mere mortal stage... which I suspect just leaves room for some spectacular blunders."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances over to Lucifer. "Most of the stuff I was referencing happened before I woke up with powers." He clarifies. "So I guess that still counts under the mortal stuff." Although, he never really considered him not mortal. Just...not aging until the ability goes away. If it goes away.

He nods as Sinister volunteers other items taken. Nick doesn't take the unspoken invite to expand on the listing of potential controlled substances he may or may have partaken in. "Mortal or not, stupid things will occur." He looks to the cards as they're turned up.

There's a clink of chips as a small stack is divided. A portion of the split stack slides forward.
Lucifer has posed:
"I mean, yes. That all makes sense. Complete sense. I was just making commentary based on things in my head that are swirling about a bit." Lucifer says this and then nods his head, sips more whiskey and finishes off his cigarette. In the same way he forgot that he could not light his cigarette with a snap of his fingers, he forgets that he also cannot crush it without pain and then incinerate it into oblivion and ash. So he closes his fist around the cigarette.

Then be blinks.

Then he yelps, drops the cigarette to the ground and begins to shake the now burned hand with a quickness. "Oh. Oh that hurts. That stings. What the fuck... Owww... make it stop. Make it stop!"
Sinister has posed:
"Some of mine happened after. I was relatively breakable when I first began not being strictly human..." paying attention to the betting, Sinister looks up sharply at the yelps of pain and the quite considerable intolerance for it. What the heck... oh... that happened.

"Ssssssh, no pain. No pain...." is murmured in a sweeting, then a first aid kit floats from the kitchen cabinets, of the pristine kind of quality that suggests it was only bought for a sense of necessity to code, or some such. The contents though, are anything but normal.

What passes for a plaster is a thin, transparent gel layer in a little sachet, unzipped from its containment and flattened out with the mind.

"Luci, hold your hand up," the instruction with a nod.

It's not his betting, as the dealer.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's a thing about watching something about to end badly. The visual sometimes just slow down. Enough for you to process what's going on but not enough to get a sufficient warning out. "Lucifer N-"

Nick halts his wording as Lucifer's yelp signifies the warning to be a bit late. Drink setting down, he slides back in his chair and stands up, reaching over for Lucifer's wrist, ready to tug the club owner over to the bar sink to rinse the burn area with cool water.

Once again the task is aborted as the DOCTOR steps in.

Nick grabs the ash tray and crouches down, fishing up the bits he can before the flooring can get damaged. "...Mortals don't do well with fire."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is crying! Well, not like sobbing crying, but there are a few tears rolling down those pristine cheeks. He's being handled by Nick a moment before Nathaniel is giving him other instructions. Though what Nick says at the end has him chuckling through the moment. "Yes. I can see that now... it was more instinctual motion then I wonder what this will do. I promise." Cause he's been known to literally ask what's the worse that could happen. He KNEW - in some sense - it was a bad idea.

His hand is held up as instructed by Nathaniel and then looks to the table and back to him. "Sorry for disrupting the game. Though I think this will be a quick fix and we can get back to business...or losing money...or... something..."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister casts Nick a mildly apologetic look, with a nod of gratitude to accompany it, because instinctual care and first aid is an admirable trait, even if it has sometimes landed good samaritan first responders in hot water once or twice.

Doctoring just comes instinctually at this point, despite general malice of forethought ascribed without undue reason. The gel seems to act like both an anaesthetic and a layer of skin, rapidly hardening to a flexible top layer and getting to work. The minor burn, with whatever is in that treatment, will heal rapidly.

"You know, you never can tell with you, Lucifer..." he teases quietly, glancing at the injury until he's certain it's on the rapid mend, settling back into the dealer's seat afterwards. "We never did set the stakes, did we?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Prospect of remnants damaging the floor taken care of, Nick gets off of the floor. There's a thunk of the ashtray upon the table in the process. Once the musician is fully standing, he looks to the ashtray before sliding it a bit closer to Lucifer as more of a visual reminder.

Nick looks to the patch that was applied to Lucifer's burn. "...That's not a typical moist burn pad, is it?"

Surely the musician will remember the game soon enough, right?
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes a slow breath and then smiles. "That feels immenesely better already. Thank you, love." Then he glances to a Nick who cleaned up the physical mess and then sets the ashtray on the table. "Ah. Right. We do have one of those, don't we? I shall use it while in this form." He nods and then sips whiskey. Closing his injured hand into a fist a few times just to prove that the gel pad affixed is mallable enough for movement and still protects him, a nod is given and then he turns to face the table a bit more.

"Remember. I am a conspiracy wrapped in an enigma and chained to a tree. No one expects the Lucifer Inquisition..."
Sinister has posed:
"Indeed, it isn't..." -- keeping an eye on the devil, Sin steers his words to Nick, sliding eyes that way too after a moment. He opens his mouth, forms shapes that might be words, but doesn't actually say them, letting his breath out -- "Suffice to say, clever plasters, particuarly good for burns, chemical or heat induced. Also good for loss of skin. My own invention and... actually not from the more dubious side of my past."

He then looks querulously at Lucifer, one brow arching in amusement. "But not covered in chocolate and slathered in bacon, right?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods as Lucifer acknowledges the ash tray's existence. "Yes. Definitely a better option than the previous way." Excitement dying down, Nick slides back into his seat. He gets the sense that Sinister's speaking but when he looks up to see the doctor doing more fish impressions, he tilts his head curiously. When the explanation is voiced, Nick gives a nod. Ah. He was working on simplifying the explanation...got it.

And then there's a talk of chocolate and bacon.


Maybe he was thinking of something else...

Nick tilts his head forward, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer downs the rest of the whiskey in his glass and proceeds to pour himself another. "Nope. Overrated anyway..." That's all he says, and it's likely only Nathaniel who knows to what he's replying to. "Right then..." Leaning forward, he looks at his cards again and then matches Nick's stack of chips with his own, not even bothering to look at the cards on the table to even see if he has a hand at all. No matter the stakes, he can cover it if he loses...and won't feel displeasure either way.

"Alright. Now what..." Another drink of his whiskey taken, likely already flying high on some drunken spree.
Sinister has posed:
Actually, that had nothing to do with -that-. The general pause was exactly for the reason believed. But sass is inevitable when Lucifer's being saucy, THAT was inevitable.

Nick gets a similarly arched brow, the elevation barely going down before it goes right back up again. "Something wrong?" it's asked with genuine innocence, only to catch sight of the drinking like a fish. "Oh dear, this is probably... right, I need to teach about pacing."

He gestures between the two of them. "I dealt. You're betting on the hands, raising the stakes or calling."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's head remains tilted forward as Sinister asks his question. "...just need a moment."

And so a moment is taken.

The hand upon the bridge of nose rotates, thumb tucking in as pointer extends, gesturing to the small stack slid out before him. Lips part, mimicking Sin's motions earlier as his finger then tracks over to Lucifer's stack an-

Oh, when did he add in?

The stack's looked at before Nick moves his hands back to his own collection, sliding out another stack, raising it slightly.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks, looks between the stacks, and blinks again. He then pushes all of his chips forward. "I'm all in..." This with a chuckle and a sip more of whiskey before he looks over to Nick. "Sure you're okay? I didn't say anything wrong did I? I mean I know I did stupid things because I'm so used to being able to do most anything I set my mind to and then I forgot that I was in a different body and therefore could not do the thing I thought about doing, but did it anyway because I had forgotten the key ingredient to the thing being done was entirely missing..." He stops. Chuckles. And then motions.
Sinister has posed:
"Alright then," to Nick's moment needed and taken, Sin once again looks over at the whiskey bottle, doing the mental calculations of just how much the lightweight has consumed rapidly. A third of the bottle and that's being generous with a conservative estimate.

Lucifer's given an appraising look, then filtered water in a jug is poured into a glass at the sink with a glance, floated over to judiciously hang about and look inviting. It settles beside the devil.

"Before you ask, playing poker with a telepath isn't fair. Thus..." he shrugs lightly, smiles winningly, sits with ease and poise. "...even when I'm not trying, it happens. Vegas is interesting, when you're me."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods to the added question. "I'm fine..." He replies, pale eyes assessing Lucifer's next drink. They're not even done with the first hand-

Now here's the real query. If the game were to end prematurely, would Lucifer play even more games than if this one were to take longer? How many drinks would he consume in either case?

As the water is brought over next to Lucifer, Nick looks over to Sinister in a general bit of agreement before he glances to his face down cards.

Probably better to let this particular game last longer.

Nick sighs, picking up his cards and shoving them in further to indicate him folding.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer giggles and rakes in the chips towards himself after moving his own cards to the middle. He sees the glass of water and raises a brow, but then remembers something Nick said about drinking water between alcoholic drinks and he certainly has not been doing that. So he pushes his half-glass of whiskey to the side a bit and then takes the water and guzzles down the lot. "Oh. That's interesting..." Water usually doesn't taste of anything but this water tastes like water. "It tastes like water." He repeats his thought. "But like, not the usual taste water doesn't have but a taste that water should have but usually doesn't. It's weird."

He sorts his chips back into stacks of colors and then looks to Nathaniel's lighter fare. "You need more chips..."
Sinister has posed:
"Any chips would be a starter..." Nathaniel replies, with a chuckle. "Telepath. Not fair on the betting. I have a truly excellent poker face and I'm fairly certain I'd get banned from places if they were aware." He inclines his head, listening with a sidelong look to the description of the water, gives Nick a sidelong look also, at the folding and glances at the cards, still face down. His head is tilted the one way, then the other and another look shot between the two of them, before there's a light shake of the head and he deals the next round.

This time, the big and small are swapped and the five cards are played to the middle.

"It's just charcoal filtered water. Tastes clean, I suspect." The jug is floated over and the glass refilled, the pitcher then lifted up and out of harms way. "I should probably zest that with a slice of lime."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head to Lucifer's comments, cracking a slight smile to the dialogue. "Filtered maybe?" He suggests regarding the watery tasting water.

With Nick folding, he still has chips to play the next hand. Once things are set up, he peeks at the cards and sets them back down. Seems like he'll have to play conservatively if he's going to stretch this game out.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer throws in his bet of a couple blue chips and then looks at his cards. He tilts his head one way and then the other before giving a nod and setting them down again. "Well. The water tastes good..." And his head is swimming with whiskey, so he drinks a bit more of the water and lets the half glass of whiskey he has just sit on the edge of the table. "Should we go anything special at the club for Valentine's Day? I could talk to Wade and see if you're free, Nick, unless you'd rather a night off and just come hang out here...or wherever else you might wish to be that night... but we could do something in the club I think..."
Sinister has posed:
"Something for Valentine's? Well, I suppose I could give you a bloody heart," Sinister murmurs, rolling his tongue in his cheek with it and flicking ash from his smoke. It whifts toward the ashtray as he keeps a weather eye on his partner. "I... oh, wait, you meant a club event."

There is no disappointed look, just a mildly flatter tone of realization.

"I suppose a lover's auction might be worthwhile. Femmes and hommes, donating a date, or a kiss, or a dance? For prizes or charity."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Unless there's someone with a really extravagant proposal in mind and their girlfriend or boyfriend's a Drago or Dominic fan, my Valentine's days tend to stay free of bookings." Nick replies, putting out a few more chips in response before picking up what remains of his drink. "Your odds of securing a booking should be pretty good."

Sinister's suggestion of an auction for charity causes for a brow raise. The fingers on the glass shift, freeing up the pointer finger to gesture in the direction of the Doctor. "That is a great idea. Do you have a particular one in mind?"
Lucifer has posed:
"I am open to suggestions if you have one, Nick. I think the last thing we held was that adoption and fundraiser for animals. I'd rather not do that for this holiday. So if you have a charity that's near and dear to your heart, let us know it. I'd be happy to run a charity event like that." Lucifer says, his words a bit slow and slurred. Letting his mortal body process the alcohol he's already drank which means it's slowly beginning to affect him more and more.

Cards on the table right? Right. He looks at his own cards again and then glances over to Nick not realizing if the man has made a bet or not. "I will talk to Wade. We could even tie it together with a nice little bow."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister open palm gestures toward Lucifer as the devil puts voice to the thought he was having. "Given the holiday, I am at least going to match whatever gets raised for the Heart and Stroke foundation," he informs, smiling at Nick.

"You know, I think it would be more keen if you had a support band and you just -enjoyed- the night for once."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick considers the offer to pick and hearing Sinister's comments he nods. "Well, he was a physician so that would fit well. I was leaning towards St. Jude's or Heart Association. So similar thought process as far as this goes."

As Sinister suggests a support band He smiles. "Well. Shaw Studios does have the talent list. So long as you know what you want, he can probably find the right fit."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods. "That's what we'll do then... and I'll talk to Wade about...." He pauses, sways, and likely goes a bit greeny pale. It's a moment and then he blows out a breath and nods. "Sounds good anyway. Alright... let's..." He motions towards the table. "Work on winning and losing more chips..." A smile, then he downs a little more water. Queasy stomach doesn't feel good. He likely needs food to offset the alcohol.

Should be coming soon.

And then that's the lot. Three friends on a random night having drinks and playing cards - and Nick was able to experience a drunken Lucifer. Not a bad night all around, eh?