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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/02/23 |Location=Club Lux, Melville |Synopsis=Lois, Clark, Nick, and Dr. Essex have a pleasant conversation and some drinks at Club Lux. |Cast of Characters=256, 9039, 15, 231 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:256|Lois Lane (256)}} has posed:'''<br>    Lois has been a busy bee lately. No big stories to break just yet, but a lot of little ones. Perry even gave her a fluff piece about a dog show that she handled wi...")
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Latest revision as of 12:22, 23 February 2024

Make it a double!
Date of Scene: 23 February 2024
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Lois, Clark, Nick, and Dr. Essex have a pleasant conversation and some drinks at Club Lux.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Phantasm (Drago), Superman, Sinister

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois has been a busy bee lately. No big stories to break just yet, but a lot of little ones. Perry even gave her a fluff piece about a dog show that she handled with grace. He seemed shocked, honestly. Granted, Lois just /had/ to find out there was a scandal with a judge and it got way more interesting (plus she got banned for five years along the way).

    Anyhow, it's Thursday night, she wants to relax. There's a text sent to Clark (cause she's a good girl now) explaining her whereabouts, and here she is. The poorest person in the place!

    Regardless, though, Lucifer and Dr. Essex showed her respect, and so she is respected here. Right now she's just heading to the bar. Oh, and she's wearing one of those nice little black dresses that she wears from time to time. Not too fancy, but pretty enough to show she's trying.

    And now... to the bar! For a drink.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Even though Lois has claimed to be the poorest person in the place, she is not the poorest dressed. That honor is currently being fought over by a few people taking up a booth in the far corner of the club but... Nick's sort of trying.

With no multi-million dollar charity thing going on tonight, Nick has traded the dress jacket in for one that's much more suited for the outdoor weather. A decent pair of dress pants and a collared blue shirt finish off the look.

Nick doesn't head to the bar for a drink for he is already there, having a Guinness. "How busy does it normally get for Saint Patrick's around here?" Nick ponders aloud, looking to the grimace from the bartender. "...Well, it still involves drinking."
Superman has posed:
Clark is trying. He knows all about Lucifer's place. Style and him have an odd relationship. Not necessarily enemies, but not cozy or friends either. So, he's going with a simple black suit, matching vest, tie and the glasses. Yes, he slouches a little, looking uncomfortable in the place. However, he is here because of the text message.

People are looking at him oddly with his off the wrack suit made of cheaper threads compared to theirs. He'll give a nod here, a wave there, and smiles to others. Eventually he makes his way to the bar.

A moment later he stops seeing Lois. Breathing out, focusing Clark pushes forward trying to act suave. "What brings a pretty young thing here?" he asks and slides next to her. It's someone that thinks they're doing James Bond well when they're probably insulting Maxwell Smart.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois grins at the sight of Clark, but she turns away, pretending she is completely unaware. Is this.. are they doing some kind of romantic role play? If so, Lois is all for it. She has no idea what she's doing, but she's brave enough to give it a shot!

    When Clark speaks to her, she turns on the barstool to look at him. Eyes from the floor on up to those beautiful eyes of his. "Oh my, well, I wasn't sure, but now I must assume it's you."

    She reaches out to adjust Clark's tie, then ends up pulling him gently close. For a kiss. Nothing too crazy, though! She missed him!

    More seriously, she whispers to him, "Hi handsome! Glad to see you tonight."

    Nick hopefully doesn't groan at the happy couple.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick has managed to bring up saintly holidays as a conversation topic to a demonic bartender, he's not really in a position to criticize a couple's flirting habits. But as he hears Lois's voice, Nick turns his head just in time to see Lois pull in Clark for a kiss.

"So this must be the fiance then?" Nick queries, smiling to the pair. Before lifting up his glass in a mock toast to the pair. "Congrats!"
Superman has posed:
A blush comes to Clark as Lois gets flirty. He doesn't expect it. Oh, he totally should and knows it, but still, Clark's caught offguard. Words start to sputter from his lips as the brain reboots.

"Hey Beautiful," he whispers and then smiles as he looks about. "Nice to be here in happier situations," Clark whispers to Lois. Oh, this is NOT his first time in this place. A story may be there.

Clark points to himself as Nick continues. A brow raises as he isn't sure if they've met before. Oh, they totally have, but Clark didn't look like himself. Probably looked like someone else completely different.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Yes, this is the one, Nick!" Lois turns to gesture to Nick, "Clark, Nick." And then to Clark. "And Nick, Clark. The man of my dreams." She sighs softly. She's not usually so openly emotional, but she's indulging in it for once.

    "It's a great place, isn't it? Lucifer and Dr. Essex has a wonderful establishment here. Classy, pretty safe despite the very interesting patronage, and well, nobody bothers me. It's all good conversation."

    Granted, she was here just onces, but it left one heck of an impression. Especially the people. "How have you been, Nick? Staying busy?"

    She adds quickly, almost bragging. "Clark is a journalist, as well. One of the very best, and we both work at the Daily Planet."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods as Lois confirms. "Glad to be right with that assumption. Otherwise the wedding would probably get a little awkward."

The glass sets back down upon the countertop. "Nice to meet you, Clark."

Nick gives Lois a questioning glance, not sure if Lois's decision on what to do with her auction item was told to Clark yet. Whether or not Lois gets that message is up in the air. The drawbacks of being spoiled by hanging around powerful a.f. telepaths.

"It's been kind of off and on." Nick answers, "When it gets busy... it gets busy."
Superman has posed:
Inwardly Clark is relieved. It's not Clark that has been talking. And those words make him blush. "It...It's opulant," Clark would still feel underdressed if his suit was upgraded to something on par with Bruce Wayne's taste.

"I'm no that great,"he speaks quietly.Those dull blue eyes dart behind his glasses.

"You're the good one between us, Lois."

"Yeah. To ummm say the least," he comments to his wedding and he will extend a hand to Nick, if he'll take it then there will be a handshake.

"Oh. I can imagine. It probably gets a little too wild for my tastes here," Clark can only imagine how parties like St. Paddy's may go. Like actual snakes may be involved.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois is picking up what you're putting down, Nick! Or it's just that she brings it up. "Clark, when I was here last time it was for that auction." Where someone went crazy and bid somewhere in the six+ figures for her to write for them. Dr. Essix is going to get one hell of an article! "And I managed to scare everyone away. I won Nick's services, and I was thinking, well, it'd be great to have music for the wedding." She pauses, "I mean, we don't have a date or anything yet, but we seem to have part of it covered."

    tLois laughs softly, giving Nick an apologetic look. "I'll try to give you advance warning, and you know, if we come up with another idea to hear you perform, that's good too." The last is said when she turns back to look at Clark. See? No pressure.

    "And Clark, the only reason people think I'm better is because you are far too modest." She turns to whisper to Nick, "It's really attractive, honestly."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick smiles to the term Clark uses to describe the club, and gives a nod. "Yeah, Lucifer is a bit of a showman of his own. It shouldn't be too hard to imagine the traits rubbing off on his club as well."

Seeing the offered hand, Nick reaches over to give it a shake. If Clark was a typical person, it might have been considered a good grip. Not purposefully clinging on to make a point but the texture of the hand betrays a lot of usage. The grip of a climber.

"Oh don't forget to get a drink. The first drink here is free with no obligation to purchase one afterwards."

As if summoned, the bartender makes their way over to where the trio are located, giving a slight glance to Nick's glass before looking to the others. "What can I get you?"

As Lois promises to try and give advanced warning Nick nods. "As soon as you have a date, give a call so we can get it blocked off. I would hate for a conflict to lead to another Doom like moment."

Guess enough time has gone by to make a joke about that incident.

Nick looks between the cooing couple complementing their companions, giving a small laugh. "While it's probably not advisable to make a judgement from such a short amount of exposure, you two do seem to pair well together."
Superman has posed:
Clark nods about the story and he isn't surprised it happened here. Well, this seems like the kind of places that would have one.

"I'm nothing special, Miss Lane," and he waves a hand.

There's a pause for a moment. All the talk about drinking, he looks to the tender, "Lois can have my drink. I can be the D.D.," he gives a soft smile.

"Doom?" he asks curiouslyf eeling like there are two friends with an inside joke. Nothing bad about that, he's just trying to catching up really.

"Thank you, he will take the compliment about them being aa good pair together. A soft smile pulls athis lips.
Sinister has posed:
And into this circle of intimacy and aquaintenance, an interloper inserts himself. It isn't all that much of an insertion though, more a footnote in the margin, as the elevator dings quietly in the hub-bub of the club, sliding open to reveal Doctor Essex.

This wouldn't be much of anything, except that the man has taken a slice out of high fashion and is wearing a white steam-punk like suit which absolutely and utterly makes a statement -- ivory accents on white suede, gold-trimmed ankle boots and a truly splendid leather frock coat with buckles and cuff-bindings that goes a long way to showing he's inherently carrot shaped. Gold rimmed lennon glasses in an amber hue today and his black hair long...

And he simply watches for a moment, eyes ticking over the familiar faces. Clark. Lois. Nick. Bartender. A few regulars. He smiles to himself as he begins to head over with a smooth stride, hands in the small of his back.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Agree to disagree, Clark," says Lois. "Oh, and I can have your drink?" she asks, laughing. She turns to the bartender, "Same as last time.. actually, hmm. Virgin strawberry daiquiri, please. I don't think you'll need to worry about me. I'm not drinking." She grins and playfully adds, "Doctor's orders and all that."

    She watches her drink prepared with a smile. "Might as well make it a double. I've got a sweet tooth tonight." Clark knows that's every night, honestly.

    She isn't sure about the doom moment, herself. But maybe she's missing something. "So a..." But her question or statement is cut off. She hops up again to greet the good doctor. "Good evening, Dr. Essex. I was hoping you might spare a moment for me tonight." She wants to know if he's picked the story she'll be writing for him yet.
Superman has posed:
Clark blinks at Doctor's order's part, but his brain kicks in. Yes, he's aware of the sweet tooth and says nothing of it. Then Doctor Essex moives onto the scene.

Clark felt underdressed as it was. So, Essex just reinforces the point.

"Hello," Clark says to Essex in greeting. The man dressed in a simple off the rack black suit with matching tie and vest. It's something that may be considered garish considering the fashion sense of the other patrons.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Lois seems to go into a question, Nick's brow raises curiously. watching her attention shift over, Nick turns his head to see the incoming doctor. "Evening." Nick greets Nathaniel for the first time in this particular time unit. "How're you doing today?"

He takes note of the outfit. "...New outfit or just one I haven't seen yet?"
Sinister has posed:
"New take on an old theme. I had one just like it in brown leather once upon a time. It felt like it was time for a fresh change," Sinister replies with a smile, looking to Clark a moment with a gracious incline of the head. "Mister Kent..." and to Lois, a smile and an upper body bow, inherantly old fashioned. "And miss Lane. I can probably spare you several moments, perhaps even an entire minute or five, once I've settled and picked up something appropriately nostalgic..." he nods to the barkeep. "Mother's ruin, with bitters..."

He settles then, giving a spreadhanded shrug. "It's been a productive day. I found a particularly elusive transcriptase today, which should speed reactivation of cell senesthesia, so I feel rather like I actually got something productive done. I take it you're ironing out nuptial details as the wedding... performer?"

A glance about is given, then the lion's share of attention on the reporter pair, as his drink, with a slip of mint and a lime slice, is set infront of him.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois gets her drink and wastes little time before enjoying it. What can be said? She likes her drinks sweet and fruity. And without a drop of alcohol, it seems.

    "Oh, and yes, certainly, the musical matter has come up, though I think we've got it reasonably well figured out. Though I suppose song selection might come up. Just, nothing too wild. I'm a pretty traditional gal." She looks to Clark, curious. "I haven't really given a lot of thought to these kind of details. I mean the music."

    She resists the urge to talk about the article. It's rude to just bring up after that! "Since we aren't sure of a date just yet, we have a lot of time to figure these details out, though." She sighs, taking a longer draw of that drink. She's happy, relaxed, and Clark is here with her. It's a different kind of mood to those who notice it. The wild Lane, at rest.

    "So what is... Sorry, sensesthesia?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shrugs when it comes to song options and Lois being a traditional sort. "I'm reasonably flexible with song arrangements. It's more a matter of having proper notice beforehand."
Sinister has posed:
"He also does cover work, if there's a desire for it..." Sinister gives a wry little twitch of lips in a be-dimpled smile to Nick, setting lips to his glass to whet his whistle as attention goes back to the couple, particularly as the question is asked.

The swallow comes a little hastily as he rolls the reply around his mouth and likely his mind also. "Laymen's terms, it's the term given for when old cells, in the elderly, sit down with a handbag and all their photographs and refuse point blank to firstly..." he holds a finger up "...work like they're supposed to and secondly..." another finger "...die like they're meant to. They become semi immortal little bastards that sit there and occupy space. It's one of the leading causes of old age degeneration of function, as there's a load of senescent cells just sitting there, talking weird at one another, or humming tunelessly and refusing to vacate."
Lois Lane has posed:
    Did Lois have her notepad out before? She does now. "So you are telling me your work involves mitigating the impacts of aging?" She smiles and asks, far too casually, "How would you say that is going so far?" She's almost 40. If the doc has a pause button on her body going to hell in a handbasket, she's all ears!

    She looks over to Nick, "I'll keep that in mind. All of it. Sometimes I need someone who can blend in. Though I imagine that's expensive." Lane's tendency to wind up in trouble is legend. Her ability get out trumps it. Mostly thanks to her fiance.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods in confirmation to what Sinister says. "I'm very much aware my originals may not suit for weddings."

He turns his head, listening to Sinister's explanation, growing quiet as he tries to piece together what is being said. He thiiiiinks he gets the general idea of what's being said, but he's not certain enough to stake money on it. Glancing back to Lois to see her with a notebook out, he blinks. "...Where were you carrying that?"

These are the important questions.
Superman has posed:
Clark just listens to Sinister. Something about the explanation is a little creepy, but he does not let it show on his face. Like there's a catch. Although, he wants it to be true.

"Would people need constant treatments or would the treatment turn back the click then reset it?" Clark squeaks out a question about the long-term. His dull blue eyes look at Doctor Essex. It's a genuinely curious question. He could see some companies going for the former due to cash flow. However, the latter could be done for top dollar.
Sinister has posed:
With another little sidelong look to Nick, then to the notepad as it's produced, Doctor Essex' lips part, word hovering and never said. Instead, he smiles fully. PR moment? Maybe. He's actually capable of them sometimes.

"I actually do more than just research into old age and cell degeneration treatments. That's just one of my current projects -- quite a long time ago, I became a little obsessed with genetic anomalies, defects and congenital issues and set out to find cures and treatments for them. Less by individual pharmaceutical vectors and more isolating their cause, their effect and their location on the genome. As a result, I've hospitals, clinics, engineering plants, research facilities and pharmaceutical industrial complexes all over the world, Miss Lane. Rather like the military complex, a whole lot of things have rather... evolved out of the more vigorous focus, in the pursuit of my life's work. I've also been researching biological, environmental, chemical and energy carcinogens and mutagens, lately."

He lets her scribble her shorthand, if she's going to and watches with a demeanor of patient interest and mild amusement. Can't take the journalist out of the reporter, can you?

He looks to Clark's inquiry, shrugging slightly. "Currently, it's not even at the stage where I've experimented on tissue samples at all. But I imagine, if the compounds are stable, it would be taken like a supplement. There is no cure for growing old, but there's ways of making it less arduous, I'm certain." And likely a helluvalot of money in it.
Lois Lane has posed:
    "Thigh," says Lois. That was to Nick's question. "I've got another, but only Clark gets to know where that is kept." She's teasing. Right?

    Lois is recording it. She cannot help herself. It's a chore to deal with her at times, and she's aware of it. But change? She can't. And would anyone really want a Lois Lane who isn't always curious and eager to learn?

    "So the idea is to prevent cells from becoming, well, neither here nor there. That's interesting. If they died instead, they could be properly cleaned up, couldn't they?" She is no biologist. She's just doing her best to use the words that she, as a laywoman, knows.

    "I'm curious about your work. If there's anything you'd like to share with the public. And I.." She realizes she is supposed to be relaxing. "Sorry about that." An apology. Now someone should report on /that/. "I should really make an appointment instead of blurting out questions at you, Dr. Essex."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Teasing or not, it's enough to get Nick's brows to raise, looking over to Clark. Is he sure she's the good one?

Either way, the topic amongst them has gone over to Nathaniel's research and to the mention of mutations, aging cells, and how some cells need to die off, he thinks of the only ailment he can that usually comes to be as the result of just living too long.

"...Is this something that could be applied to cancer treatments?"
Superman has posed:
Clark blushes when Lois talks about tattoos. He blushes a bit, "I ummm. No comment," he says to all of that. It's not an admission of anything nor a denial Just something simple to make people wonder. "If she wishes to answer that question,she can," and Clark will just leave it there for Nick.

Sinister talks about how the theory is not even in a place to test yet. That it's still just a theory. And so, Clark nods a few times about the answer. "When do you even project where testing could be done," he asks just trying to think how far in development this is.
Sinister has posed:
"If it was anyone other than myself, I'd say at least a few years off. Then federal approvals, the usual timeline for innovations is about five to ten years. They get fast tracked on occasion when there's a need." Or in this sort of case, a rampant desire for a helluvalot of individuals.

Sinister looks down a little, then up to Lois' face, no wandering eyes to be had here, but he does look eeeeeeeeever so slightly over the top of his shades at her. The mind does find itself beggared, doesn't it?

"You can make an appointment with Janice. She's the middle aged waitress currently helping out bouncing..." he nods toward her. Given Lux's predominantly sexy dancers and youthful wait staff, Janice does stand out as being pretty girl-next-doorish and a little older. Long brown hair is tied up in a ponytail and she looks athletic. And like nobody could pull the wool over her eyes. There's got to be a reason, right?

"Well, one of the main reasons for organ and systemic failures, is the replication process cannot get triggered when there's too many old codger cells sitting around and being redundant. Free radicals help create senescence, which increase with age and exposure to the elements. And certain foods." He shrugs a little. "So, it revitalizes, but it is not what you'd call the fountain of youth. It would however, save a fortune for those that no longer have to worry so much about congestive cardiac failure, kidney failure, general osteoporosis, hip degeneration and the like and is highly probable that it will assist in cognitive function." He pauses, glances at Nick again. "And potentially cancer. It depends on the type." And we're hedging here, as if he's already found something that works there, but just isn't saying.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois, for her part, is so used to being looked at that she doesn't react. Only Clark can make her blush. She looks and sees him blushing. Which in turn makes her blush. Dammit. That always gets her.

    "So yes, I will get something setup, then. And whenever you need me for that auction you won, you can let me know. I am at your disposal!"

    She puts her notebook away. Which involves, well, it happens off camera so it involves nothing that can be seen. Movie rules.

    "Thank you! Hm, but we should.."

    She takes her drink and finishes it in short order. But there is that second, too. Which she starts on as she tries to clear her head.

    "I really need to do something other than work more often. I keep trying to ask questions instead of starting a more normal conversation. Perhaps there is a therapy for it.."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick considers the statement. "...If you were a book author or writing and advice column, I'd suggest a pen name. Get a bit of separation from your work life and your off duty life."
Superman has posed:

Clark listens to everything Doctor Essex says, in theory it makes sense. However, Clark starts to think and wonder. "It sounds like good in theory, but a good five years off. Minimum," he thinks on. Just eveyrthing to make that happen on a permenant basis seems very far off.

"The day you stop doing work, Lane, is when something huge happened to it," Clark speaks honestly on the front. He just doesn't see it happening unless something major happens.

There's a pause from Nick's idea. "Depending on context," he thinks some separation would be good, but other situations Lois may help sell. Case in point, Steven King and Richard Bachman.
Sinister has posed:
"Finding relaxing activities can be more trouble than it's worth," Sinister observes with a chuckle. "Getting far to into one's cups is not something I'd recommend on the social scene though. Been there, done that, got the lapel pin and suchlike." He contemplates a moment, giving Lois a sidelong glance, then nods. "As I said, speak to Janice. What I want you to write about is going to be involved and potentially a little... risky."

Oh dear.

"And just so as you know... I'm rather glad I won that bid. I could have paid five times that amount and never bought you. But this way? I think there'll be something for you to sink your teeth into and a respected name in the field will get just the right amount of attention in just the right places, that things should work out peachy keen, as they say." He inclines his head then, finishes off his Mother's ruin and looks to Nick. "My friend, regarding that text message you sent me the other night, when you were scribbling like a maniac.... I think we should go test it now. It went somewhat sideways with other matters..." and he looks back to the couple with as charming a smile as he can muster.

"Do have a fantastic rest of your night, won't you? I absolutely insist. And I look forward to hearing from you soon, miss Lane. Good evening to you..." he nods to the barman then and makes his way to the elevator again, with a glance back to the rockstar, to check if he's following.
Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois laughs softly, "Yeah, well, hopefully something major does happen at some point. As much as I love this, sometimes I think... well, there is more to me than the pen and the type writer. Or keyboard these days." Or intern who has to do the typing for her.

    "And thank you, Dr. Essex. The pleasure will be mine. Risky, though? Now you have me really interested." Lois is terrible at playing things safely, after all.

    "We should probably get back shortly, too. I am supposed to get good rest. More doctor's orders! If I get any healthier I'll be disgusted with myself."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances over to Sinister ash he's addressed, giving a slight nod to the mention of a text message. But as the added mention of sideways movement gets a bit of a tilt of the head. "...Really now? Okay."

Shifting to his feet, he pauses long enough to take the beer, tilt his head back, and down the remaining contents.

Not as charming. But to some people he's still considered cute so we'll just forgive that, shall we?

The empty glass is set down on the counter. "Good night you two."