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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/02/17 |Location=Club Lux, Melville |Synopsis=Lucifer is graced by Nathanielle at the club tonight. Along with a random Leo who comes by to 'check on things'... |Cast of Characters=735, 231, 9039 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:735|Lucifer (735)}} has posed:'''<br>There is a good reason why glitter is not really allowed to be used when Club Lux is doing any sort of holiday celebration slash charity event. Lucifer would be spending...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:34, 23 February 2024

Where the Mad Men Thrive
Date of Scene: 17 February 2024
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer is graced by Nathanielle at the club tonight. Along with a random Leo who comes by to 'check on things'...
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister, Phantasm (Drago)

Lucifer has posed:
There is a good reason why glitter is not really allowed to be used when Club Lux is doing any sort of holiday celebration slash charity event. Lucifer would be spending DAYS getting it out of...everywhere. Edible glitter in drinks - however - seems to be the new theme for the bar which is likely tied to the recently holiday for love and sparkles and happiness.

It's nearing the end of the night, however, and being the middle of the week there aren't a lot of people in the club as it stands. Some dancers on the floor, businessmen entertaining guests with high end drinks and a show. But given the crowds they draw in over the weekend, tonights gathering is about half of, maybe less. Never the less, Lucifer stands at his perch, whiskey in hand, wearing a pitch black three piece suit with his blood red dress shirt and matching handkerchief tucked in his left breast pocket. Hair immaculately styled and blue eyes sharp as sapphires looking over the small crowd.
Sinister has posed:
This evening, the ticket seems to have called for voluminous curls that go all the way down to a pert backside, a little gothique cocktail dress of the kind that is held on by pure willpower, rubies and 'sign of the devil/magic' diamond chokers and earrings. Miss Sinister's make-up is absolutely on point, her eyes all kinds of smokey and clear as glacial ice. She's been schmoozing all evening, mostly not at Lucifer's side, but giving him one hell of a show, as a good many that wouldn't look twice at the tall but mild mannered Doctor, can't stop staring at the hour glass goth.

A few debts, it seems, got collected tonight. She's currently mopping the floor with an onlooker, swaying off with a appletini that she absolutely did NOT pay for.

She makes her way vaguely toward the bar.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Off to the entrance of the club a man enters. Blond hair tamed and swept back, possibly late twenties in appearance and dressed in the club appropriate attire of slacks and a collared shirt, there does not seem much about him. No. Nothing distinguishable at all. Just another of the masses quick to be forgotten in a day as he vanishes into the crowd with little effort.

At least... one would think that if they were judging on appearances alone. But Lux is not such a place.

For those focused upon such things, there is a noticable bit of nothingness around the entrance...moving itself towards the bar before the bubble sets upon a seat and a whiskey is ordered. As the drink is waited upon, the short man, idly glances around. Momentarily looking over to Miss Sinister for a few moments before continuing to look around.
Lucifer has posed:
As the blonde haired man settles at the bar and orders his drink, the bartender nods and quickly goes to fix it. "Don't recognize you, sir, so allow me a moment to give you the run down. Here at Club Lux, the first drink is always free. Regardless if you order another or not. You won't be charged. I can give you a menu if you'd like something made in the kitchen, or you can simply settle down and enjoy the entertainment of the club for the next hour or so while we remain open." All this as the whiskey is selected, poured and served precisely how the man ordered it. As if they are trained to talk and tend at the same time.

Fascinating no?

Oh. Lucifer has not missed a moment of any little show Miss Sinister has been giving him. In this latest conquest, as she walks away with a free appletini, Lucifer actually lifts his whiskey to her in toast and then subtly shifts away from his perch to slowly walk down those spiral stairs. His target in sight as he'll reach the end of those stairs and slither towards Miss Sinister, an arm slipping around her waist and a chaste kiss brushing her cheek. "You're an absolutely sinful delight to watch, my dear."
Sinister has posed:
Miss Sinister, Nathanielle as often she is called, paused on her sashay and sway at the feeling of a hole in her awareness. It's almost as glaring as a mental concert, that absolute quiet. But it gives her only a pause to half-glance over her shoulder, a recognition and perhaps and acknowledgement of Leo's familiar presence, before she's swaying into the fold of hidden wings and raising herself on tip-toes with a 'toe tip' of one strappy black high heel, to lean into the chaste kiss. Fingertips get walked up to the undone button of the crimson shirt and play oh-so-innocently over the stubble of Adam's apple with a serene smile.

"I learn from the very best, my darling, I'm sure..." Also, it's strangely nice to be shorter than the devil, for once. Probably not shorter than their unexpected guest though. The kiss is returned on point, leaving only a tiny hint of the rich red of lipstick on Lucifer's jaw, before she looks over her shoulder in the shadow of his profile, toward where Leo's sat.

"Leo is here. I can feel him like a black hole sun."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the bartender explains the policy of the club, Leo slowly bobs his head in understanding. "Of course he would do that..." The nod turns into a shake of the head as he reaches into his pocket to pull out the equivalent funds for the first drink, setting it down. "Still tipping." He responds before the bartender can say anything about the funds.

He takes the glass and sips the contents.

Getting the sense of being looked at, the blond turns his head, looking at Nathanielle and then her companion. The glass is lifted in a small greeting to the pair before he turns back to the bar.
Lucifer has posed:
"Well... I'm not sure I'm the -best- per se..." Lucifer begins, trying not to tack on too much vanity or pride, but lets face it, he does know that even if not the BEST he is still the creme-de-la-creme of the flirtful world. With that returned kiss, he likely knows that a brief blush of lipstick will be left against his skin but he is absolutely not bothered by this fact. He likely even revels in it. As well as that gentle play of fingertips against his skin beneath the single button undone of his shirt and the stubble above it.

"I felt him when he walked in. He has a certain air about him...but I figured if he's going to come here then he likely knows better than to start something.." Lucifer whispers these words back to Nathanielle before shifting his gaze towards the upstairs bar where the blonde man sits. A brow lofts but he also toasts with his own whiskey greeting before Leo turns back to the bar proper. "Shall we let him be, or go pay him a visit?"

The bartender looks to Leo and nods his head. "It's appreciated sir. Enjoy your evening. Let us know if we can get anything else for you." The Demon Bartender of Hellmouth says before moving along to serve another person a few stools down.
Sinister has posed:
Well, it does get them out of hell, doesn't it? And living in such close proximity TO the hellmouth, it helps to have some added wallop if locals get roudy.

"It is quite the phenomenon," manicured nails smooth down the shirt, play 'mother' a little bit with the way impeccable lines sit, perhaps just in appreciation. Sin looks up, meets Lucifer's gaze a moment, then over to the bar.

"We probably ought to see what he wants. I can't imagine that he'd show up for the sheer pleasure if it all. He doesn't seem to be the type. I could be wrong, though..." and it's said in a tone that perhaps will be delighted in being proved either way. She tucks her hands in the crook of the devil's arm, smiles and will accompany him with a half-smile and sloe'd eyes.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"You as well." Leo responds, returning the formality. Eyes glance down, the glass goes up, and he takes in a sip. While his back may be to the club, he's pretty much still able to see what is going on. Nightclubs are chock full of shiny things, most of which providing ample reflection.

Case in point, one club patron, who has dressed pretty well to fit their form is making his way out, crossing the line of vision Leo was utilizing. But as for what thoughts he may be thinking, they are lost to those looking. But, if one were to use the reflection against him, they could probably guess.

Once the visual has gone out the door, Leo's eyes drift back to indirectly people watching.
Lucifer has posed:
The fluidity of motion between Lucifer and Nathanielle is like water, absolute water. Seamless and as if it was always a motion meant to be. He shifts as she tucks her hands in the crook of his arm, to walk them both up the spiral stairs and then towards the guest of honor. Lucifer's eyes move to the bartender who served Leo and he gives a little nod of his head. Subtle language between Master and Demon that none but they are fluent in.

The club has lost about another half or so of the crowd it sported a bit ago. As it comes upon the hour of midnight - the time of closing during the week - many a regular know to pay their tabs and get home before the hour strikes. Husbands home to families, partners home to their others - it's all a dance done every night.

Lucifer finally stops when steps away from Leo, a tilt of his head given. "Good evening, sir. I hope your trip here was a pleasurable one."
Sinister has posed:
Hand in glove. Whip and manicles, they go together very well, indeed.

Maybe there are a thousand reflections in a club, but when you're not entirely on your game, an Old Man can occasionally get surprised by how quickly they arrived. Sin gives the barman a little trail of digits on the bicep, smiles at him and folds herself in an exceptionally graceful and demure way, upon the stool at the very end of the bar, resting one elbow and her assets forward, chin on her palm and gaze... intent and warm, despite the icy hue of her gaze. "Mrrrrrrrrrowr," is her greeting to Leo, along with a little increase of the impishness of smile.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing Lucifer's voice from behind him, Leo glances up, looking to the devil and sin first through the reflection. He soon turns, looking to the club owner. "About as pleasurable as international flights can be.In kind, I hope my coming late has minimized the amount of disruption my presence may have to monitoring your-"

Another glance is given to Sin who is quite helpfully displaying her...assets. A moment ticks by before settling back on Lucifer."-operation."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer places the placeholder in place for promising poses in place of placeholder.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer lofts a brow upwards in response to Leo's statement. "I don't think it would have been a disruption at all. At least to my operation. It may have even taken us a bit more time to realize you were here if you had surrounded yourself with more...." He pauses, then never really finishes the statement and just gives a little shrug. His arm, still around the waist of Nathanielle, shifts just enough so he can play the tips of his fingers against her back in random little patterns just because he can. All while trying to think of ways to entertain this sudden, unexpected, guest.

"And having come and seeing the basis of my operation at the floor level... what do you think? Of course, we both know this is just a sort of cover for all the things I do in the dark... but also... it's entertaining and fulfilling at the same time." Since Lucifer practically feeds off all the sins that are rife in the building when it's open for business. "I'm also of a mind to think coming and seeing the club isn't the only reason why you're here. It's not really worth the international flight, in my honest opinion."
Sinister has posed:
"It's probably fair to say this is a side gig," Sinister adjusts her lean, but the assets never quite end up being... lewd. Abundant and extremely cunningly confined, but not lewd. There were ladies in London town that would've given quite a bit, to figure that secret out, once upon a time. She half-lids her eyes at the random play of fingers and leans her posture just enough that she's leaning into the devil a trace, catlike in lazy intent.

A hand reaches up to play with a nearby lapel, a cigarette produced by the barkeep and lit without her asking, which receives a rich smile. Leo though has the lions share of seemingly nonchalant attention.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It is not a bad setup." Leo admits, glancing to the club, "Mind, while I had friends and worked with others who ran clubs, The furthest I ever went in that direction where bars and pubs. I focused more on housing." He pauses, looking back over to the couple. "Side gigs are rather necessary when one has been around for a long while. Breaks the monotony. And you are right. Business brought me in to New York. This is more of a '...While you're here, you might as well.' impulse."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods at Nathanielle's comment and gives a little smirk as she adjusts, and then shifts, and then leans just so. Always in a way that her assets are never in a lewd position, but able to be admired for their worth none the less. As the bartender hands her cigarette, he gives a soft chuckle and side eyes the demon in human form. "Cheeky taking away my job..." Though he just winks and then is set up with a cigarette himself.

"Ah yes. I find that to be true myself. I am glad you stopped by to take a peak and that you seem to enjoy what I have on offer. I do keep certain special liquors on reserve, so if you ever fancy something specific when you're visiting - should you come again - do let the bartenders know. If I don't have it." Which is a rarity but he won't boast that much. "I can very likely procure it for a future enjoyment." A smirk. "Now, all that said, may I ask what business you have here in New York or is that top secret?"

The bar is down to it's last few lingering patrons who never seem to wish to leave.
Sinister has posed:
When the pseudoreality of a life they're showing in the bar, is infinitely better than the actual one they face, these are what you call... regulars. Nathanielle plays idly with a loose curl, twirling it around her finger as she watches Leo and by turns, those that remain. She did give the barman a wink though, but also the devil a bump with her bum, which is only /perched/ and well... that was totally an adjustment of posture, yes it was. Ash is flicked, nicotine is inhaled.

"I imagine getting old-home Potcheen is tricky -- but then irish moonshine was always the strongest at least. Doubles as paint stripper and rust remover..." the quip is purred, but there's actual merit in that.

"Real estate, eh? Competition then. Mind, I keep so very much in trust."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I have the general sense that the particular markets we focus on are different." Leo comments, looking to Nathanielle, before looking back to the couple as a whole, "This trip was more...making sure those put in charge of maintaining my interests were doing so. Properties were in order. So...I thought I would have more of a look around here."

Leo pauses to take a sip of his drink, "I've noticed Michael has been spending a bit more time here than the other locations. I take it he has found a place here?"
Lucifer has posed:
"So a little light business that afforded you some pleasures as well. All in all, not a bad thing indeed." Lucifer comments towards Leo, and actually seems to be more relaxed around the man compared to their first meeting. When it was all grr argh about the fact that the man put his lover in a rather uncomfortable position. Seems all that rests in the past now. A good thing indeed.

He does offer a little smirk in return to that bum bump and then takes a nice inhale of nicotine before blowing that towards the ceiling. When Leo asks about 'Michael', it takes Lucifer a moment to figure out who the man means. "Ah. Yes. Nick has surely found a place here. In more ways than one. He spends a bit of time with us in the Penthouse as friendly company, I've given him a permanent hotel room to rest in should he not want to make the trip to any of his other homes. But he is a dear friend and partner. I'm glad to consider him one of a very small circle of people I keep close and protect with all I am."
Sinister has posed:
"I am intimately familiar with such trips. Occasionally, there's firings and hirings when I do them." Sin muses on that, comfortable in her leaning as she shaves the tip of her cigarette to a cone, a habit that never drifts no matter which face she's wearing it seems.

Sidelong, there's a regard for the inquiry, glancing up over her shoulder to Lucifer's profile as she guages reaction to it and finds it to be suck-on-the-cheeks worthy, her tongue darting between dark red lips in a flicker of pale. "Relatives are rarely the kind you want to entertain, you see. Mostly they're the ones you want to smile at and hope that nobody starts anything. It makes a whale of a difference when they're actually amicable." Which is a round about way of saying a few things she's disinclined to say in Leo's company at least.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh those situations are aggravating." Leo comments, "Although I generally plan some extra time into the travel to accommodate for the potential." The glass sets down upon the counter as he listens to Lucifer's explanation. There's a slight uptilt of the side his lip to the mention of protection. "...very well." Leo comments, "I had assumed he would have moved back in with Wade by now, but I assumed wrong..."

The blond looks over to Sinister, listening to her added statement, causing for him to give pause. "...Shared relatives, or his own?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks. Then goes to say something but stops, blinking again. Ah, a part of that is likely not meant for him to comment on. Still, he does give his own little hip bump to Nathanielle, almost as if silently asking her to be nice. At least for now. "Well he has his own apartment as well. I believe he does stay at Wade's place on occassion, and then he has here where he is welcomed at any time." He smiles.

Then there's another thought, perhaps in the spirit of Lucifer getting his own olive branch from his brother, he's willing to pass it on to another. "You're welcome to a room here yourself if you haven't already acquired other accomodations. And I would be more than willing to give you the room at a very fair discount if not entirely free...." Considering, family, and all that.
Sinister has posed:
Sinister again, looks over her shoulder at Lucifer, when her hip is bumped. She jostled him backwards, he gave her enough to have a slightly interesting FORWARD lunge. Hello. Adjusting the straps of her sinfully skintight dress, only to have one side spill off shoulder again, she sniffs and silently listens to the offer, her demeanor not telling anything as to her mood or thoughts regarding it.

Instead, she replies to Leo. "Well, considering I'm not related to anyone in that particular argument at all, his own goes without saying. But by relative-adjacent..." she nods to Lucifer "...his. And therefore also Nick's."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the shuffle match carries on before Leo, the elder Phantasm is left to watch silently. As for what's going on behind that head of his, it's still a mystery. With the history of the three, one could probably guess.

With the clarification made, Leo gives a slight nod, still looking to Sinister as Lucifer offers him a discounted place to stay. "The offer is appreciated. But I had already made arrangements for the night."

Leo picks up the glass once more, finishing off the drink. "Although...fair bit of warning. Should he ever progress in abilities, you might be getting a lot more of this -" He pauses to gesture to the area around him, "- general feeling about here. And I won't be the source of it. He'll need it. Will you be able to tolerate it?"
Lucifer has posed:
"I've tolerated a lot more than whatever this is. Which really only seems to hint at your presence. If Nick becomes the source of it due to his abilities progressing we'll handle it when the time comes. And he will never not be welcomed here." Lucifer says this much to Leo, hoping that it comes with a bit of reassurance. He finishes off his cigarette, crushing it within his hand until it becomes nothing but ash smoke that seems to dissipate into nothing.

"I'm glad to hear you've made arrangements. The offer stands for any future endeavors that bring you to New York." Saying that simply and then looks over to Nathanielle, offering out his hand in anticipation of her own finished cigarette to do with it as he did with his own.

They are - finally perhaps - the only three left in the club aside from staffing.
Sinister has posed:
"I'm rather hoping when the time comes, I can help him make his own rather less glaringly obvious. Mind, it's probably invisible to your average psychic fellow," Sin muses that as she indeed finishes off the cone-cherried cigarette and dutifully surrenders it to the devil. She smiles to him and eases back in such a manner that she uses his personage and a kind of undulation to upright... to aquire verticality.

No comment!

Reaching up behind herself, she tiptoes fingertips up to Lucifer's stubble, smiles to herself oh-so-slightly and 'mwahs' silently over to Leo. "Indeed, if you're ever around," and don't have your own place sorted "...the hotel is there. Now though, it's been a treat. But I need my beauty treatments and some rest and relaxation, boys. /Do/ behave, won't you?" Smiling she gives Luci a come-hither look beneath lashes and a fingerwiggle to the irishman before she sways herself toward the elevator.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Lucifer confirms he can, Leo nods, seemingly approving of what is said. But his glance is more focused to Sinister as he awaits a her response. upon the mention of making his own shields, Leo cracks a slight smile, "You are welcome to try. But what you may see as 'glaringly obvious' could well be more of a professional courtesy."

Leo slides out of his seat, glancing up to the couple. "Lovely club. I might come by later."

Not tied to the confines to having to pay for a drink, Leo nods to the pair before he makes his leave.